Unit 3 My school calendar 测试卷 (含听力原文及答案 无听力音频)

Unit 3 测试卷 B
时间:60分钟 满分:100分
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 总分
一、听录音,给下列单词按A,B,C排序。 (10分)
1. sheep( ) shorts( ) shirt( )
2. teacher( ) watch ( ) kitchen( )
3. party ( ) park( ) part ( )
4. will ( ) well ( ) which ( )
5. trip ( ) tree ( ) tea( )
( )1. A. Tree Planting Day is in March.
B. Tree Planting Day is on March 12.
( )2. A. We can eat zongzi on Dragon Boat Day.
B. We can eat dumplings on Spring Festival.
( )3. A. When is the school trip this week
B. When is the school trip this year
( )4. A. We have a few fun things in autumn.
B. We have a lot of fun things in autumn.
( )5. A. Please tell me something about your May Day.
B. Please tell me something about your birthday.
( )1. A. Sorry, I don't know.B. No, I don't. C. Good idea.
( )2. A. Of course, I will. B. Yes, I am. C. Sorry, I don't.
( )3. A. In March. B. In May. C. In June.
( )4. A. I will watch the dragon boat race.
B. I will eat a birthday cake.
C. I will give my dad a present.
( )5. A. I can do lots of fun things.
B. Because I can do lots of fun things.
C. So I can do lots of fun things.
( )1. A. vacation B. month C. year
( )2. A. giving B. party C. running
( )3. A. December B. February C. Wednesday
( )4. A. share B. here C. there
( )5. A. kind B. friend C. fun
( )1. A. make a cake B. make a card
( )2. A. in February B. in October
( )3. A. a shirt B. a skirt
( )4. A. eat dinner B. cook dinner
( )5. A. visit grandparents B. visit friends
( )1. You have a great plan, it's too late.
A. but B. and C. so
( )2. We will have English party in February.
A. a B. an C. the
( )3.—Will you come to my birthday party —
A. Yes, I can. B. Great, I do. C. Sure, I will.
( )4. There a school trip next Friday.
A. is B. will be C. be
( )5.— is China's National Day — It's in October.
A. When B. Where C. What
( )1. David has a cold, so he run very fast.
( )2. What you do on Father's Day
( )3.—Will you go to the cinema tomorrow
—No, we . Because we will visit my uncle.
( )4. you pass me the knife
( )5. What you like to eat
1. Please (make) a wish for the poor girl.
2. Who's (you) best friend
3. We will see many (sheep) on the hill.
4. (woman) Day is in March.
5. (not shout) in the bedroom because the baby is sleeping.
例:—What will you do on Mother's Day ——I will make a card for my mum.
—I .
—I .
—My father .
— My aunt .
—Sam and Andy .
It's May now. Children's Day is still one month away. But Zoom is making a Ch-ildren's Day plan. In the morning he will go to the supermarket with his parents. They will buy some delicious food, such as some cakes, chocolate and sweets. Then they will go home and have lunch with Zoom's grandparents. In the afternoon Zoom's parents will take him to the zoo and see many animals. In the evening, his family will eat dinner at a restaurant. After dinner they'll go to the cinema to see a cartoon. It will be lots of fun.
( )1. Children's Day is still away.
A. one week B. one hour C. one month
( )2. will go to the supermarket in the morning on Children's Day.
A. Zoom and his parents B. Zoom and his grandparents
C. Zoom's parents and grandparents
( )3. They will buy at the supermarket.
A. some cakes and chocolate B. some chocolate and sweets
C. both A and B
( )4. Zoom will go to with his parents in the afternoon.
A. the zoo B. the park C. the cinema
( )5. The family will eat dinner .
A. at home B. at a restaurant C. at a dining hall
Unit 3 测试卷 B(参考答案)
一、1. shorts sheep shirt
2. teacher kitchen watch
3. part park party 4. will which well
5. tea trip tree
二、1. sports meet 2. an English teacher
3. the Great Wall 4. write a letter
5. eat mooncakes
三、1. Tree Planting Day is in March.
2. We can eat zongzi on Dragon Boat Day.
3. When is the school trip this year
4. We have a few fun things in autumn.
5. Please tell me something about your birthday.
四、1. Let's go to the cinema.
2. Will you do some kung fu at the party
3. When is Mother's Day
4. What will you do on Dragon Boat Day
5. Why do you like Children's Day best
五、Mum:Hello, children. Tomorrow we will visit your grandparents. And we'll have a Mid-Autumn dinner together. You need to help Mum and Dad.
Taotao:Great. I will clean the room and tell a joke at the dinner.
Mum:Oh, Taotao, you're a good boy. What about you, Meimei
Meimei: I will make a card for Grandpa and Grandma, and I will do the dishes after the dinner. What will Dad do
Mum:He will go to the supermarket and buy some food for us.
Taotao:Don't forget to buy some mooncakes.
Dad:OK. I'll buy some presents for your grandparents.
一、1. BAC 2. ACB 3. CBA 4. ACB 5. BCA
二、1—5TFTFF 三、1—5 AABAB
四、1—5 CABAB
Taotao:A Meimei:CE Dad:BD
六、1—5 ABCAB
七、1—5 AABBA
八、1—5 ABCBA
九、1—5 EBDCA
十、1. make 2. your 3. sheep 4. Women's
5. Don't shout
十一、1.—What will you do on Mother's Day
—I will clean the room.
2.—What will you do on Mother's Day
—I will draw a picture.
3.—What will your father do on Mother's Day
—My father will cook dinner.
4.—What will your aunt do on Mother's Day
—My aunt will play the pipa.
5.—What will Sam and Andy do on Mother'sDay
—Sam and Andy will sing a song.
十二、1—5 CACAB




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