
Cashier: 1
Keke: I want a hamburger, please.
Lili: 2
Leilei: I want a bottle of juice.
Cashier: That’s a hamburger, a cola and a bottle of juice.
Keke: 3
Cashier: It’s twenty-five yuan.
Keke: 4
Cashier: Thank you. Enjoy your meal!
Leilei: Let’s take them.
Cashier: 5
A.I want a cola.
B.How much is it
C.Be careful!
D.Here you are.
E.Can I help you
Cashier: 6
Li Lei: I want a hamburger, please.
Cashier: 7
Li Lei: A cola, please.
Cashier: That’s a hamburger and a cola.
Li Lei: 8
Cashier: It’s three dollars and twenty-five cents.
Li Lei: 9
Cashier: Thank you. 10
A.Can I help you
B.How much is it
C.Enjoy your meal!
D.Here you are.
E.What do you want to drink
Cashier: 11
Binbin: I want three hamburgers.
Tom: 12
Cashier: And to drink
Binbin: 13
Tom: A cola for me too.
Binbin: 14
Cashier: It’s sixty-eight yuan.
Binbin: Here you are.
Cashier: Thank you. 15
A.I want a cola.
B.How much is it
C.And I want a hot dog.
D.Enjoy your meal!
E.Can I help you
Sam: 16
Mum: It’s half past six. What are you
going to do today
Sam: 17
Mum: Where are you going
Sam: 18
Mum: When are you going to start
Sam: 19
Mum: But it’s going to rain today.
Sam: 20
A.I don’t think so.
B.At eight o’clock in the morning.
C.We’re going to the park.
D.I am going to have a picnic with my friends.
E.What time is it now
Mr Wang: Hello, everybody! It will be cold in Harbin. 21
He Ping: It will be windy in Beijing. 22
Mr Wang: Sounds great! How about the weather in Shanghai, Chen Jing
Chen Jing: 23 I’m going to the zoo with my grandma.
Mr Wang: And you, Wang Kai
Wang Kai: 24 I’m going to swim with my father.
Mr Wang: That’s cool! I like swimming. 25 It’s too cold here.
A.It will be sunny and warm in Shanghai.
B.But I can’t swim in Harbin now.
C.What will the weather be like in your city tomorrow
D.I’m going to fly kites with my friends.
E.And I can swim in Harbin now.
F.It will be hot in Guangzhou.
A: I’m hungry. 26
B: At half past twelve.
A: 27
B: It’s only half past eleven. One hour to go. Look, there are some ducks on the pond.
A: 28
B: Hey, there are some dark clouds in the sky. 29
A: I don’t think so. 30
A.They’re lovely.
B.It’s a beautiful day.
C.When are we going to eat
D.It’s going to rain soon.
E.What time is it now
A: Hello, Jim. 31
B: Let me see. Oh, it’s a picture of me.
A: Can I have a look
B: 32
A: Thank you. Oh, some ducks are in the river. 33 Is this you
B: No, it isn’t me. 34
A: 35
B: Look! I’m swimming in the river. And the ducks are catching up with (追赶)me.
A: How beautiful the picture is!
A.And a boy is watching them.
B.What’s this in your desk
C.Where are you
D.It’s my brother.
E.Here you are.
Mary: Hello, Jill. 36
Jill: Hello, Mary! I’m on the train. 37
Mary: What can you see
Jill: I can see some children. 38
Mary: I’m helping my mum.
Jill: You’re a nice girl.
Mary: 39
Jill: Some girls are under the tree. Some boys are jumping in the water.
Mary: That’s interesting. 40 I will chat(聊天) with you next time. Goodbye.
Jill: Bye-bye.
A.What are you doing
B.My mum is calling me.
C.What are the children doing
D.I’m looking out of the window.
E.Where are you
A: 41
B: He’s in the classroom.
A: What is he doing
B: 42
A: Is Zhang Peng drawing a picture too
B: 43
A: 44
B: He is playing chess with Zhang Peng.
A: Tell them we are leaving. Oh, where is Lily Is she writing a report
B: 45 Look! She is coming.
A.He is drawing a picture.
B.What about Wu Yifan
C.No, she isn’t.
D.Where’s John, Sarah
E.No, he is playing chess.
Mum: 46
Julia: She’s at the supermarket. She’s buying things for Mother’s Day.
Mum: 47
Julia: Yes, you are.
Kelen: 48 They’re too heavy.
Julia & Mum: We can help you.
Kelen: Thank you! Oh! 49
Julia: But look at the card. It says, “ 50 ”
A.Who can help me
B.Where’s Kelen
C.Happy Mother’s Day!
D.Am I going to have a home party
E.The card is falling.
A: 51
B: She is buying things at the supermarket.
A: Are you going to have a birthday party
B: 52 My mother is buying things for me.
A: What do you want
B: 53
A: Can she carry everything
B: 54 Let’s go and help her.
A: OK. Take your bag with you.
B: 55
A.No, she can’t.
B.Where is your mother
C.Thank you.
D.Yes, I am.
E.I want a big birthday cake and some balloons.
Dingding: It’s raining. But I can’t find my umbrella. 56
Mum: Sorry, I can’t. 57
Dingding: Can you help me, Dad
Dad: 58 I’m watering the flowers.
Dingding: 59
Grandma: I can help you. Look, Dingding. It’s under the desk.
Dingding: 60
Grandma: It’s my pleasure.
A.Sorry, I can’t.
B.Thank you, Grandma.
C.Can you help me, Mum
D.Who can help me
E.I’m cleaning the room.
Mum: 61
Sam: She’s at the supermarket. She’s buying things for Mother’s Day.
Mum: 62
Sam: Yes, you are.
Amy: 63 They’re too heavy.
Sam and Mum: We can help you.
Amy: Thank you! Oh! 64
Sam: But look at the card. It says, “ 65 ”
A.Am I going to have a home party
B.Where’s Amy
C.Happy Mother’s Day.
D.The card is falling.
E.Who can help me
Simon: 66
Simon’s grandma: She is at the supermarket.
Simon: Am I going to a birthday party
Simon’s grandma: Yes, you are!
Simon’s mum: 67 I can’t carry everything.
Simon: Sorry, I can’t. I’m on the phone.
Daming: I can help you. I can carry this box.
Simon’s mum: 68 , Daming.
Simon’s grandma: 69
Simon’s mum: I bought a cake, some balloons and some apples. 70 , Daming. That’s the cake.
A.Be careful
B.Thank you
C.Who can help me
D.Where is my mother
E.What did you buy
Xinxin: It's raining. But I can't find my umbrella. 71
Mum: Sorry, I can't. 72
Xinxin: Can you help me, Dad
Dad: 73 I am washing my car.
Xinxin: 74
Grandma: I can help you. Look, it's under the desk.
Xinxin: 75
Grandma: You're welcome.
A.Sorry, I can't.
B.Thank you.
C.Can you help me, Mum
D.Who can help me
E.I am cleaning the room.
A: Do you want to see my photos
B: 76
A: Look at this one.
B: 77 .
A: We are having a birthday party. It was my birthday last Sunday.
B: I like this one. 78
A: Yes, I like playing the suona very much. It’s my hobby.
B: 79
A: Of course.
B: 80
A: Really
B: Yes.
A.You are playing the suona.
B.Can you play the suona for me now
C.What are you doing
D.You play very well.
E.Yes, I’d love to.
Daming: 81
Mike: Yes, I do.
Daming: Please look at this one.
Mike: What are you doing
Daming: 82 It was my birthday last Saturday.
Mike: I like this photo. 83
Daming: Yes, I like playing the suona very much. 84
Mike: Can you play the suona for me now
Daming: Of course.
Mike: You play very well.
Daming: 85
A.Playing the suona is my hobby.
B.You are playing the suona.
C.Do you want to see my photos
D.Thank you.
E.We are having a birthday party.
A: Do you want to look at my photos
B: 86
A: Look at this one.
B: 87
A: We are having a birthday party. It was my birthday last Sunday.
B: I like this one. 88
A: Yes, I like playing the suona very much. It’s my hobby.
B: 89
A: Yes, I can.
B: 90
A: Really
B: Yes.
A.You’re playing the suona.
B.Can you play the suona for me now
C.What are you doing
D.You play very well.
E.Yes, I do.
Xixi: Lily, look! It’s a lovely cat.
Lily: 91
Xixi: It is eating fish.
Lily: 92
Xixi: It is eating under the chair. Look, there are some birds on the grass.
Lily: 93
Xixi: They are jumping on the grass. I can see Tutu.
Lily: 94
Xixi: He is riding a bike around the lake.
Lily: Look! There are many ducks on the lake. What are they doing
Xixi: 95
A.What is he doing
B.They are swimming.
C.What are they doing
D.What is it doing
E.Where is it eating
Jim: Hello, Linda.
Linda: Hello, Jim.
Jim: 96
Linda: I’m making a birthday cake for Lucy. Tomorrow is her birthday.
Jim: She’s going to have a birthday party. Let’s go to her party.
Linda: OK. 97
Jim: I’m going to buy a doll for her 98
Linda: At nine o’clock tomorrow.
Jim: 99
Linda: Yes, I am.
Jim: 100
Linda: Yes, I think so. We hope Lucy will have a great birthday.
A.What are you going to buy for her
B.Is Lucy going to dance
C.When is the party going to start
D.Are you going to play the suona
E.What are you doing
A: Hello, this is Daming. 101
B: This is John. 102
A: Yes, I am.
B: 103
A: I’m cleaning my room.
B: 104
A: Yes, I do. 105
B: We are going to play in the park at 3:00 pm.
A: OK. Two hours to go. I can clean my room and go there by bike.
B: See you then!
A: See you.
A.What are you doing
B.When are we going to play
C.Are you in the park
D.Who is that
E.Do you want to play football
F.Are you at home
Ms Li: Hello, my name is Li Fang. I'm your English teacher. 106
Lingling: My name is Wang Lingling.
Ms Li: Nice to meet you, Lingling. 107
Lingling: I'm from Beijing.
Ms Li: 108
Lingling: I'm thirteen years old.
Ms Li: 109
Daming: My name is Daming and I'm from Beijing too.
Ms Li: Nice to meet you.
Daming: 110
Ms Li: Welcome to Class 4 Grade 7!
A.Where are you from
B.What about you
C.What's your name
D.Nice to meet you too.
E.How old are you

1.E 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C
6.A 7.E 8.B 9.D 10.C
11.E 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D
16.E 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.A
21.C 22.D 23.A 24.F 25.B
26.C 27.E 28.A 29.D 30.B
31.B 32.E 33.A 34.D 35.C
36.E 37.D 38.A 39.C 40.B
41.D 42.A 43.E 44.B 45.C
46.B 47.D 48.A 49.E 50.C
51.B 52.D 53.E 54.A 55.C
56.C 57.E 58.A 59.D 60.B
61.B 62.A 63.E 64.D 65.C
66.D 67.C 68.B 69.E 70.A
71.C 72.E 73.A 74.D 75.B
76.E 77.C 78.A 79.B 80.D
81.C 82.E 83.B 84.A 85.D
86.E 87.C 88.A 89.B 90.D
91.D 92.E 93.C 94.A 95.B
96.E 97.A 98.C 99.D 100.B
101.D 102.F 103.A 104.E 105.B
106.C 107.A 108.E 109.B 110.D



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