
(满分:100分 时间:60分钟)
( ) 1.Over there, in the tree.
A.在那儿上面 B.在那儿 C.在这儿
( ) 2.Camels live in the desert
A.在沙漠 B.在草原 C.在森林
( ) 3.I live on the earth.
A.地球 B.世界 C.泥土
( ) 4.It’s getting warm.
A.变得寒冷 B.变得暖和 C.变得炎热
( ) 5.Tree-planting Day is a holiday.
A.儿童节 B.植树节 C.母亲节
( )6. A.skirt B.shirt C.monkey
( )7. A.lake B giraffe C.fish
( )8. A.Beijing B.France C.Shanghai
( )9. A.June B.summer C.winter
( )10.A.plant B.jump C.orange
( )11.野餐 A.swim B.have a picnic C.have breakfast
( )12.桌子 A.rock B. table C.house
( )13.擦窗户 A.wash vegetables B.sing C.clean the windows
( )14.森林 A.mountain B.river C.forest
( )15.毛衣 A. dress B.coat C. sweater
( )16.西瓜 A.watermelon B.flowers C.grassland
( )17.松鼠 A.squirrel B.birds C.mouse
( )18.看一眼 A.have a look B.go ahead C.look at
( )19.牛仔裤 A.jeans B.shoes C.cap
( )20.在…前面 A.behind B.between C.in front of
( )21.Look ___ this picture.
A.at B.in C.on
( )22.--What season is it now
--It’s ______.
A.sweet B.round C.spring
( )23.Look !There is _____ big squirrel.
A.a B. somme C.an
( )24,I'm reading a book _____ animals.
A.to B.of C.about
( )25.They are going to plant ____ .
A.trees B.tree C.the tree
( )26. There ____ two baby squirrels.
A.are B.is C.am
( )27.He is going to ____ vegetables.
A.wash B.washes C.washing
( )28.Giraffes live the grassland.
A.on B.in C. at
( )29.--What does she wear
--She a skirt.
A.wear B.wears C.has
( )30.May ___ have a look
A.me B.you C.I
( )31.Do you like squirrles ,peter A.No ,there aren’t.
( )32.What do you wear B.We are going to fly kites.
( )33.Why do you like football C.I wear a dress. ( )34.What are you going to do? D.Because it's very
interesting. ( )35.Are there any birds in the tree E.Yes,I do.
( )36.Where does she live F.She lives in Japan.
( )37.你想问别人住在什么地方,应该说:
A.What are you doing
B.Where are you live
C.Where do you live
( )38.你想表达,我将要去做我的家庭作业,应该说:
A.I’m going to do some washing .
B.I’m going to sweep the floor.
C.I’m going to do my homework .
( )39.你想问别人,你为什么喜欢松鼠,应该说:
A.What animal do you like
B.Why do you like squirrels ?
C.Why do you love sharks
( )40.你想表达我叔叔住在北京,应该说:
A.My aunt lives in Beijing .
B.My uncle lives in Beijing .
C.My father lives in Shanghai .
( )41.你想问:鱼儿生活在哪里,应该说:
A.Where do fish live
B.Where do they live
C.Where does he live
Tree﹣planting Day is a holiday.On that day all people are encouraged and happy to plant trees.
In China,Tree﹣planting Day is on March 12th.In France,people celebrate Tree﹣planting Day on March 31st every year. Tree﹣planting Day in Japan is on April 3 rd ,but it is on the first Wednesday in August in New Zealand. The first Friday in May is Tree﹣planting Day in Australia.
( ) 42.Tree﹣planting Day is a holiday.
( ) 43.People are happy to plant trees.
( ) 44.Tree﹣planting Day is on March 13th in China.
( ) 45.There is no Tree﹣planting Day in New Zealand.
( )46.Tree﹣planting Day in Australia is the first Friday in May.
( ) 47.People are encouraged to play games on Tree-planting Day.
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