【期中专题复习】06 情景题--2024小学英语译林版三年级下册(含答案)

期中专项复习 06 情景题 (含答案)
( )1.今天风很大,天气比较冷,爸爸会对你说:
A. Close the window, please. B. Open the window, please. C. Don't close the door, please.
( )2. 你想让别人帮你开一下门,你可以说:
A. Open the door, please. B. Close the door, please. C. Open the window, please.
( )3.刘涛上课迟到了,他应该对老师说:
A. See you, Mrs Smith. B. Yes, Mr Green. C. I'm sorry, Miss Li.
( )4.老师允许你进教室时会对你说:
A. Stand up, please. B. Come in, please. C. Listen to me, please.
( )5.课上,老师想让同学们看黑板,他/她会说:
A. Look at your books, please. B. Look! I'm here. C. Look at the blackboard, please.
( )6.你想告诉别人那不是你的橡皮,你可以说:
A. That is my rubber. B. This isn't my rubber. C. That isn't my rubber.
( )7. 老师让你们翻开书,他/她会说:
A. Close your books. B. Look at your books. C. Open your books.
( )8.你想告诉别人彼得有一个大的黄色机器人,你可以说:
A. Peter has a big yellow robot. B. Peter is a big yellow robot.
C. Peter has a big orange robot.
( )9.公共汽车上,你看见一位老奶奶上来了,你应该站起来对她说:
A. Sit down, please. B. Stand here, please. C. Don't sit here, please.
( )10.王兵正在家里看电视,你想邀请他出去玩,你可以对他说:
A. Turn on(打开) the TV and off we go. B. Close the door and off we go.
C. Open the window and off we go.
( )11. 你想告诉别人这是你的热狗,你可以说:
A. This is my dog. B. Your dog is hot. C. This is my hot dog.
( )12.你想知道这个球是不是对方的,你可以问:
A. Is that your ball B. Is this your ball C. It's your ball.
( )13.你问对方想不想喝一些可乐,你可以说:
A. Would you like some cola B. Do you have any cola C. Here's some cola for you.
( )14.你看到同桌在课堂上睡觉,你应该叫醒他/她并说:
A. Don't shout in class. B. Don't eat in class. C. Don't sleep in class.
( )15.你想告诉老师你的朋友在图书馆里,你可以说:
A. Your friend is in the library. B. My friend is in the library.
C. My teacher is in the library.
( )16.你想告诉别人这不是你的书,你可以说:
A. That isn't my book. B. This is your book. C. This isn't my book.
( )17.你想知道那是不是对方的钢笔,你可以问:
A. Is this your pen B. Is that your pencil C. Is that your pen
( )18. 你想知道你的橡皮在哪里,你可以问:
A. Where's my robot B. Where's my rubber C. Where's my ruler
( )19.你将某件东西给对方时会说:
A. This is for you. B. Thank you. C. Is this for you
( )20.别人问你小汽车在哪里,你可以这样回应:
A. Where's my car B. It's over there. C. That is your car.
( )21. 你的朋友想知道这是不是你的尺,他/她可以问:
A. Is this your ruler B. Is that your ruler C. I s this your rubber
( )22. 老师告诉你你的钢笔在那里,他/她会说:
A. My pen is over there. B. Your pen is here. C. Your pen is over there.
( )23.你想告诉别人那不是你的光盘,你可以说:
A. This is my CD. B. This isn't my CD. C. That isn't my CD.
( )24. 你想告诉别人这是你的妈妈,你可以说:
A. This is my mother. B. This is my father. C. This is my brother.
( )25.你找不到你的铅笔盒了,你可以这样问别人:
A. Where's my pencil case B. Is that your pencil case C. Is it a pencil case
( )26. 你看见一只漂亮的鸟,你可以夸赞说:
A. Look at the bird. B. How beautiful! C. What a nice girl!
( )27. 你想告诉别人尺在书下面,你可以说:
A. The ruler is under the book. B. The ruler is on the book.
C. The ruler is behind the book.
( )28. 你想知道海伦在哪里,你可以问:
A. Where's she, Helen B. Who's Helen C. Where's Helen
( )29. 你找不到你的蜡笔了,你可以这样问同学:
A. Where's your crayon B. Where's my crayon C. What colour is my crayon
( )30. 你发现球不在这里,你可以说:
A. The doll is not here. B. The ball is not here. C. The ball is not over there.
( )31. 天气很热,妈妈打开空调时会对迈克说:
A. Close the door. B. Open the door. C. Open the window.
( )32. 上课铃响了,同学们起立后,老师会说:
A. Stand up, please. B. Sit down, please. C. Thank you.
( )33. 李老师让同学们一起背诵课文,她会说:
A. Open your books, please. B. Close your books, please.
C. Let's read our books.
( )34. 刘涛上学迟到了,他应该对老师说:
A. Come in, please. B. I'm sorry, Mr Green. C. Don't be late again(不要再迟到了).
( )1. 对方问这是不是你的蜡笔,如果是,你会说:
( )2. 想告诉王兵那不是你的尺子,你会说:
( )3. 想问苏海在哪里,你会说:
( )4. 想知道这是不是对方的妹妹,你会说:
( )5. 对方问 这是什么, 如果 是 你的 铅 笔盒,你会说:
( )1. Please close the door, dear. A. Yes, Mr Green.
( )2. Look at the new word(单词). B. It's a parrot.
( )3. I'm sorry, Mr Green. C. OK, Mum.
( )4. What's that D. Thank you, Miss Li.
( )5. Sit down, please. E. Don't be late again, Jim.
( )1. What's this A. I'm sorry.
( )2. Is this your jacket B. No. It's my sister's.
( )3. Would you like an ice cream C. It's my robot.
( )4. Don't shout or run here. D. It's over there.
( )5. Where's my juice(果汁) E. No, thank you.
( )1. Don't drink in the bookshop(书店). A. It's on the desk.
( )2. Where's my pencil B. No, it isn't.
( )3. Is this your coat(外套) C. Thank you, Dad.
( )4. Look at the food(食物) in the lunch box. D. What nice food!
( )5. The new schoolbag is for you, dear. E. I'm so sorry.
从Ⅱ栏中选出与Ⅰ 栏句子相对应的答句。
( )1. Is your cake on the desk A. It's in the tree.
( )2. Where's Helen B. No. It's in the box.
( )3. Here's a toy bird for you. C. She's over there.
( )4. Look at my coat. D. How beautiful!
( )5. Where's the parrot E. Thank you.
一、1. A 2 . A 3 . C 4 . B 5 . C
6. C 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. B
11. C 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. B
16. C 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. B
21. A 22. C 23. C 24. A 25. A
26. B 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. B
31. A 32. B 33. B 34. B
二、1. C 2. E 3. A 4. B 5. D
三、1. C 2 . A 3 . E 4 . B 5. D
四、1. C 2. B 3. E 4. A 5. D
五、1. E 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C
六、1. B 2. C 3. E 4. D 5. A
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