【期中专题复习】10 阅读判断--2024小学英语译林版三年级下册(含答案)

期中专项复习 10 阅读判断 (含答案)
Tim: Good morning.
Bob: Good morning.
Tim: Look at the desk.
Bob: What's this on the desk Is it a robot
Tim: No, it isn't. It's a pencil(铅笔) box.
Bob: Oh, yes. It's a yellow pencil box. Is this your pencil box
Tim: No. My pencil box is black. It's my brother's.
Bob: Can I have a look
Tim: Sure. Here you are.
( )1. It is in the afternoon.
( )2. The pencil box is in the desk.
( )3. There isn't a robot on the desk.
( )4. The yellow pencil box is Tim's brother's.
( )5. Tim's pencil box is brown.
Miss Li: Good morning, boys and girls.
Students: Good morning, Miss Li.
Miss Li: It's cold(寒冷的). Don't open the window, Wang Bing.
Wang Bing: OK, Miss Li.
Miss Li: Don't drink milk in class, Liu Tao.
Liu Tao: I'm sorry.
Yang Ling: May I come in, Miss Li
Miss Li: Come in, please. Don't be late again.
Yang Ling: Yes, Miss Li.
Miss Li: Now open your books, boys and girls.
( )1. Miss Li and the students are in the playground(操场).
( )2. Liu Tao is late again.
( )3. Miss Li asks(要求) Wang Bing not to open the window.
( )4. Yang Ling drinks milk in class.
( )5. The students close the books now.
Liu Tao: Good morning, Yang Ling.
Yang Ling: Good morning, Liu Tao.
Liu Tao: Look! There is a schoolbag over there.
Yang Ling: Is that your schoolbag
Liu Tao: No. My schoolbag is in the classroom.
Yang Ling: Let me have a look(看一看). Oh, it's Su Hai's.
Liu Tao: Su Hai is in the library now. Let's take it to her.
Yang Ling: OK. Let's go.
( )1. It's in the morning.
( )2. There is a school over there.
( )3. The schoolbag is Liu Tao's.
( )4. Liu Tao's schoolbag is in the library.
( )5. Yang Ling and Liu Tao will take the schoolbag to Su Hai.
Kitty: Good afternoon, Mary.
Mary: Good afternoon, Kitty. Where's my ruler
Kitty: What colour is your ruler
Mary: It's blue.
Kitty: This blue ruler is on the desk. Is it your ruler
Mary: No, it isn't. It's Sam's.
Kitty: Look at the ruler under the chair. Is it your ruler
Mary: Yes, it is. Thank you.
Kitty: Not at all(不用谢).
( )1. It's in the afternoon now.
( )2. Mary's ruler is blue.
( )3. The ruler on the desk is Kitty’s.
( )4. Mary's ruler is under the chair.
( )5. Sam’s ruler is blue too.
Mrs Black: Amy, please close the door.
Amy: Yes, Mrs Black.
(Later the door is open again.)
Mrs Black: Sam, please close the door.
Sam: Yes, Mrs Black.
(Now the window is open.)
Mrs Black: Don't open the door or the window again.
Class: Not us!
(Mrs Black and the class look at the window. Later a white cat comes. It jumps to the window and opens the window.)
Mrs Black: It's a cat. Let's make a house(房子) for it!
Class: Yes, Mrs Black.
( )1. Mrs Black is in class.
( )2. Amy and Sam open the door.
( )3. The cat closes the window and the door.
( )4. The cat is white.
( )5. Mrs Black and the class make a house for the cat.
Miss Black: Let's clean(打扫) the classroom, class. Ben, you're tall. Please clean the two doors.
Ben: Yes, Miss Black.
Miss Black: Who can clean the teacher's desk and the blackboard
Lucy: Let me clean them, Miss Black.
Jill: Can I clean the windows
Miss Black: Sure. Alice, please clean the wall with me.
Alice: Yes, Miss Black.
( )1. The students will clean the classroom.
( )2. Ben will clean the doors because(因为) he's tall.
( )3. Lucy will clean the fans and the blackboard.
( )4. Miss Black and Jill will clean the wall.
Mike: Let's go to the cinema. Be quick!
(It's three o’clock. They are in the cinema.)
Helen: Don't run in the cinema.
Mike: I'm sorry.

Mike: Ha! Ha! How interesting(有趣的)!
Helen: Shh! Don't shout. Be quiet.
Mike: All right.
( )1. Mike and Helen are in the cinema at three o’clock.
( )2. Helen runs in the cinema.
( )3. Mike can't sleep in the cinema.
( )4. Mike asks Helen to be quiet.
( )5. Mike and Helen can't run or shout in the cinema.
( )1. Yang Ling is eating a pie.
( )2. Liu Tao is touching(触摸) the toy.
( )3. means“Don't talk.”
( )4. They are in the library.
( )5. Don't eat or drink here.
( )1. Sally's ca p is orange.
( )2. Sally’s cap is in her desk.
( )3. The word“find”means“丢失”in Chinese.
( )4. Sally's cap is on Jack's head.
( )5. Sally and Jack are in the library.
( )1. Linda and Kate are in the library.
( )2. Kate wants to pick the flowers.
( )3. The sign means they should not pick flowers.
( )4. Kate's crayon isn't in the pencil case.
( )5. Kate's crayon is on the grass(草坪).
( )1. The girl is in the library.
( )2. The clock(钟) is on the wall.
( )3. The books are under the desk.
( )4. The girl is behind the door.
( )5. The ball is on the chair.
一、1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F
二、1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F
三、1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T
四、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T
五、1. T 解析·由“Mrs Black and the class look at the window.”可知, Mrs Black 是和同学们在一起上课,表述正确,故填 T。
2. F 解析·由“Amy, please close the door.”和“Sam, please close the door.”可知, Amy 和 Sam 都关门了,而不是开门,表述有误,故填 F。
3. F 解析·由“Don’t open the door or the window again.”和“Later a white cat comes ... opens the window.”可知,猫开门又开窗,而不是关门又关窗,表述有误,故填 F。
4. T 解析·由“Later a white cat comes.”可知,这只猫是白色的,表述正确,故填 T。
5. T 解析·由“Let’s make a house for it!”可知, Mrs Black 和同学们为猫做一间房子,表述正确,故填T。
六、1. T 解析·由“Let’s clean the classroom,class.”可知,学生们将会打扫教室,表述正确,故填 T。
2. T 解析·由“Ben, you’re tall. Please clean the two doors.”可知, Ben 将擦门,因为他个子高,表述正确,故填T。
3. F 解析·由“ Who can clean the teacher's desk and the blackboard ”和Lucy 说“Let me clean them, Miss Black.”可知, Lucy 将要擦讲桌和黑板,表述有误,故填 F。
4. F 解析·由Miss B lack说 “A lice,please clean the wall with me.”可知, Miss Black 将和 Alice一起擦墙,而不是和 Jill,表述有误,故填 F。
七、1. T 解析·由“It's three o’clock. They are in the cinema.”可 知, Mike 和Helen 三点钟在电影院里,表述正确,故填 T。
2. F 解析· 由 Helen 说“Don’t run in the cinema.”可知, 是 Mike 在电影院里奔跑,表述有误,故填F。
3. F 解析· 由 Helen 说“Don’t run in the cinema.”和“Don't shout.”可知, Mike 不可以在电影院奔跑或大喊大叫,表述有误,故填 F。
4. F 解析· 由 Helen 说“Don't shout. Be quiet.”可知, Helen 要求 Mike 在电影院里保持安静,表述有误,故填F。
5. T 解析·通读全篇对话可知, Mike 和Helen 不可以在电影院里奔跑或大喊大叫,表述正确,故填 T。
八、1. F 解析·由图可知, Yang Ling 正在吃一个热狗,表述有误,故填 F。
2. T 解析·由图可知, Liu Tao 正在摸玩具,表述正确,故填 T。
3. F 解析·由墙上标识图可知,不能在玩具店跑,表述有误,故填 F。
4. F 解析·由图可知,他们在玩具店,而不是在图书馆,表述有误,故填F。
5. T 解析·由墙上标识图可知,禁止在玩具店里吃喝,表述正确,故填 T。
九、1. T 解析·由“I can’t find my orange cap!”可知, Sally 的帽子是橙色的,表述正确,故填 T。
2. 上 解析·由“Is it in your desk ”和“No, it isn't.”可知, Sally 的帽子不在课桌里,表述有误,故填F。
3. F 解析·由上下文可知, find 的意思是“找到”,表述有误,故填 F。
4. F 解析·由“Your cap is on your head, Sally.”可知, Sally 的帽子在 Sally 自己的头上,表述有误,故填F。
5. F 解析·由图可知, Sally 和 Jack 在教室里,而不是在图书馆,表述有误,故填F。
十、1. F 解析·由图可知, Linda 和 Kate 在公园里,不是在图书馆,表述有误,故填F。
2. F 解析·由“No, Linda! Look at the sign. Don't pick the flowers.”可知,是Linda想要摘花,表述有误,故填 F。
3. T 解析 由“Look at the sign. Don't pick the flowers.”可知,这个标识的意思是她们不应该摘花,表述正确,故填 T。
4. T 解析·田 IS it in your pencil case 和“No, it isn't.”可知, Kate 的蜡笔不在铅笔盒里,表述正确,故填T。
5. F 解析·由“It's not my crayon.”可知, 草坪上的不是 Kate 的蜡笔,表述有误,故填 F。
十一、1. F 解析·由图可知,女孩在家,而不是在图书馆,表述有误,故填F。
2. T 解析·由图可知,钟在墙上,表述正确,故填 T。
3. F 解析·由图可知,书在书桌上,而不是在书桌下,表述有误,故填 F。
4. F 解析·由图可知,女孩在床旁边,而不是在门后,表述有误,故填F。
5. F 解析·由图可知,球在门后,而不是在椅子上,表述有误,故填 F。
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