
1. 本试卷共两部分,共39题,满分60分,考试时间90分钟。
2. 在试卷和草稿纸上准确填写姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号。
3. 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。
4. 在答题卡上、选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字签字笔作答。
5. 考试结束,请将本试卷、答题卡和草稿纸一并交回。
1.The lovely boy is my brother. ________ name is Jason.
A.My B.Your C.His D.Her
2.Tony has two English lessons ________ Saturday morning.
A.in B.from C.at D.on
3.Speak louder, __________ everyone can understand you.
A.so B.or C.for D.but
4.The flowers ________ very sweet. Let’s go for a walk in the garden.
A.look B.smell C.feel D.taste
5.—________ have you studied English
—Since 2008.
A.How far B.How long C.How often D.How old
6.Hobbies can make you ________ as a person.
A.growing B.to grow C.grow D.grown
7.Jack spends a lot of his free time________his mother with the housework.
A.help B.helps C.helping D.to help
8.—Where is Tony
—On the playground. He ________ basketball with his friends.
A.plays B.played C.will play D.is playing
9.Tintin ________ in China in the 1980s and has been popular ever since then.
A.appeared B.appears C.will appear D.has appeared
10.Miss Green isn’t in the office. She ________ to the library.
A.goes B.went C.has gone D.has been
11.—Why do you know America so well
—Because I ________ there many times so far.
A.have gone B.have been C.went D.go
12.—Have you ever been to Hong Kong
—Yes, I ________ there every year.
A.have gone B.am going C.go D.went
Friends Helping Friends
Jason put on his schoolbag and walked out of school. His schoolbag weighed (重) him down with all the things he needed to finish his science project this weekend.
“Hey, Jason!” Ken came over. “I need to clean up the park this weekend. Can you help out ”
“Um...” Jason knew he didn’t have 13 to help. “I guess I can.” Jason was going to have to stay up late tonight to work on his 14 so he could help Ken in the morning.
“Jason,” Tracy ran up to him. “I have to walk Mrs. King’s dogs this weekend. Could you help me ”
“Um...” Jason knew Tracy walked the dogs three times a day. How could he find time “I guess I can.”
Jason’s schoolbag felt even 15 as he walked into the house. “Hard day ” his mother asked.
“More like hard weekend. I have to finish my science project, help Ken with the park clean-up, and help Tracy walk Mrs. King’s dogs.”
“Sounds like you 16 to do too many things,” his mother said.
“I know, but they are my good friends. I didn’t want to make them 17 ,” Jason said.
“I’m glad you want to help your friends, but you need to have time for your own things, too.”
Jason knew she was right. “Maybe I can tell Ken I can only help for two hours in the morning. And I can probably help Tracy walk the dogs early in the morning but not at lunchtime or in the evening,” Jason said. “Mom, do you think they will get mad ”
“They’re your friends. Tell them you need time to finish your science project. They’ll 18 ”
Jason nodded and got the phone. He told Ken and Tracy the 19 . As soon as he hung up, he turned to his mom. “They’re fine with it, and they both 20 to help with my project, too.”
“Friends always help each other out.” Mom said.
13.A.money B.time C.advice D.reason
14.A.hobby B.message C.project D.game
15.A.larger B.softer C.newer D.heavier
16.A.learned B.asked C.agreed D.forgot
17.A.humorous B.sick C.sleepy D.sad
18.A.understand B.wait C.mix D.invite
19.A.answer B.truth C.lesson D.mark
20.A.offered B.missed C.invented D.remembered
三、 阅读理解(共26分, 每小题2分)
信息匹配。下面的材料分别介绍了四个夏令营活动,请根据各小题中所描述的Lucy、Mike和Celia三人各自的需求,选择一个最适合他们参与的夏令营,并将答题卡上所对应的 A、B、C、D选项涂黑。
21 Lucy is a music fan. She plans to learn to play an instrument this summer vacation.
22 Mike is interested in sports, especially basketball. He wants to improve his basketball skills.
23 Celia is an American girl. She’d like to learn a foreign language and experience different cultures.
A.Berklee Summer Camp
Berklee Summer Camp is the perfect choice for young students who are eager to begin their musical journey. During this two-week camp, every student will experience hands-on instruction in the instrument and practice performance technique (技巧) in a band setting.
B.Complete Skills Camp
Complete Skills Camp is designed to help teenage students improve their game and basketball skills. Each player will be challenged to get better through repetition of basic skills. Players will also be able to test their skills each day through different competitions.
C.Scikidz Day Camp
Scikidz Day Camp is designed to offer children a choice of many different science themes, such as experiments and projects in Video Game Creation, Engineering, and much more. The camp provides an opportunity to see how science works in the real world.
D.Edu-Inter’s French Camp
At Edu-Inter’s French camp, campers get French language classes in the morning, then cultural activities, social events in the afternoon. Young learners will get the opportunity to speak the language not only with teachers and other campers, but also in real-life settings outside the classroom.
(二)信息选择。阅读下面的三篇短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。
Many people like collecting things. Here are some examples.
Mike from Germany has collected more than 290,000 pens from 140 countries. He has collected pens for more than 10 years. The most expensive pen in his collection is made of gold! He also started a pen collecting club.
Jenny from the UK has collected Barbie dolls since she was a child. She has collected 1,125 dolls. She changes the dolls’ clothes once a month and often brushes their hair! She also collects dolls of Barbie’s boyfriend.
Max from the US likes collecting key rings. He has collected twenty-four thousand key rings since he was young. His key rings are all different—that means no two key rings are the same! He has been a world record holder for 13 years.
Li Hua from China has collected erasers for 20 years. At the age of 11, she visited Shenzhen with her parents. For the first time Li Hua was fascinated (使着迷) by erasers after she saw them in a shop. Ever since then, she has collected every new kind of erasers. Now she has collected 10,000 erasers.
24.What is Mike’s most expensive pen made of
A.Gold. B.Paper. C.Wood. D.Glass.
25.What does Jenny collect
A.Clothes. B.Dolls. C.Pens. D.Erasers.
26.How long has Max been a world record holder
A.For 10 years. B.For 11 years. C.For 13 years. D.For 20 years.
Do Encyclopedias Know Everything
Long before Wikipedia (维基百科) or Encyclopedia Britannica (《大英百科全书》), there was Pliny the Elder. He was a first-century Roman researcher. His assistants read to him while he ate dinner and while he bathed. Pliny took notes. He even thought walking is a waste of time. His assistants carried him around Rome in a chair while he read.
All of this was done in preparation for his Historia Naturalis (《博物志》). The book came out in A.D.77. It is the oldest surviving (现存的) encyclopedia on Earth. There are 2,500 chapters. They cover everything from mice to Mars.
“No Roman writer has completed such a project,” Pliny proudly declared. Unluckily, two years after having published (出版) the encyclopedia, he died in a natural disaster.
Accidents can hardly be avoided. However, they can be recorded (记录). Editors (编辑), like Pliny, organize the knowledge of our world. Like a valuable gift, the books are passed down through the ages. They begin their lives as a tool and end them as a historical record.
Therefore, in my opinion, an encyclopedia is not just a record of what its editors know, it’s also a record of what they don’t know.
Pliny was wrong when he said there were seven planets, including the Sun and the Moon. He was wrong, too, when he said Africans were black from being burnt by the sun. After all, Historia Naturalis is a book edited by a Roman thousands of years ago. It recorded all of the things he truly knew at the time.
Similarly, I believe both Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britannica have some inaccurate (不准确的) information. Even the biggest encyclopedias only show what their editors know.
“The task of editing an encyclopedia can never be completed,” said Roger Lewinter, an American researcher. Encyclopedias can’t record all of human knowledge but just some of it. They are always waiting for someone—you, perhaps—to improve them.
27.Before Pliny completed Historia Naturalis, ________ according to the passage.
A.nobody knew what Mars was B.there was no encyclopedia on Earth
C.nobody had considered walking a waste of time D.no Roman writer had completed an encyclopedia
28.The underlined word “declared” (in Paragraph 3) means “________”.
A.made B.said C.created D.laughed
29.The writer expects his readers to ________.
A.improve an encyclopedia
B.find all the mistakes in Historia Naturalis
C.complete the task of editing an encyclopedia
D.take a look at the world’s biggest encyclopedia
David Strayer never texts or talks on a phone when he is driving. Strayer is a famous psychologist at the University of Utah. His research (研究) shows that, when driving using a phone can be as dangerous as drinking alcohol.
Strayer and other scientists warn against multitasking (多任务处理). When we do many things at the same time, Strayer says our brain becomes tired easily. So we may make mistakes and lose focus (专注). Dr. Gloria Mark, a digital media researcher, a teenager spends between 7 and 11 hours a day in front of a screen—doing homework, texting, watching videos—often all at the same time. However, when we spend hours on digital devices, our overall productivity decreases (下降).
Many digital activities require high levels of concentration (专注力). When we text or email someone, for example, we need to use even more energy. Too much multitasking reduces our ability to think clearly and creatively. This can result in stress.
What is the best way to help us lower too much stress David Strayer says the answer is simple: Spend some time in nature.
Strayer and other scientists are studying nature’s effect (影响) on our brains and bodies. When we are in natural environment, the brain’s control center relaxes. Studies show that when people can see trees and grass, they do better on different tasks.
Other psychologists are also studying “nature therapy (疗法)”. In a study at Chiba University in Japan, a researcher named Yoshifumi Miyazaki found that forests walkers did better than the city walkers. He has an explanation for these results. “Our bodies relax in the natural environment,” he says, “Humans evolved (进化) in that environment, not in places with tall buildings and lots of traffic. This allows our brains to rest and recover from the stresses of city life. Imagine a therapy that could improve your cognitive ability at zero cost. Why not try it at once ”
30.What can we learn from the passage
A.Research shows that spending time in nature can reduce stress.
B.Long working hours is the main reason to rising levels of stress.
C.More people today are improving their natural environment.
D.For a better life, people should move away from cities.
31.An example of multitasking is ________.
A.watching a movie with a group of friends B.taking a lot of photos during a visit to a park
C.visiting a number of cities during a road trip D.making a phone call while typing an email
32.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A.Why people often play games to reduce stress. B.Why certain activities require a lot of focus.
C.How multitasking causes pressure. D.What multitasking means.
33.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage
A.A Way to Avoid Multitasking B.A Natural Therapy
C.The Effects of Multitasking D.The Importance of Concentration
本部分共5题, 共20分。根据题目要求, 完成相应任务。
四、 阅读表达(共10分, 第1-3题每小题2分, 第4小题4分)
The world is developing fast because of technology and its uses in our lives. This means that the jobs we have now are changing, and that there will be new jobs in the future. What’s more, you won’t be in the same job your whole working life. It’ll be more likely that you will change jobs every few years—especially when you’re early in your job.
There are ways to be prepared for the future jobs by building different job skills. It’s a good idea to start developing these skills early, so you will be ready to jump into these future jobs as they appear.
Understanding Digital (数字的) Information
Everything is becoming more digital, which means understanding digital information will be important to success in the future jobs. You need to know how to understand and use digital technologies—both software, and hardware—as well as knowing how to read and understand a lot of online information.
If you can understand and use digital information, you will be able to learn it quickly and use it to solve problems and make decisions.
Being Creative (独创的)
No technology can match the creativity of the human mind, and many future jobs will need people to come up with new ideas and put these ideas into real use. This means it is very important to think creatively about problems. If you can imagine ways to solve problems and make new products, you are more likely to be successful in the future jobs.
Keeping Learning
As new technologies and new jobs appear, it will be more important than ever to be willing to learn new things. Those who can’t or won’t adapt (适应) to these changes will simply get left behind.
The workplace is changing fast, and will continue to change. New digital technologies will change nearly every job. So, you should take every chance to learn new skills and technologies, take training classes, and spend time researching and studying up on things that interest you or will be useful for your future jobs.
34.What are the changes in jobs with the development of technology
35.How can people be prepared for future jobs according to the passage
36.What is the possible result of not adapting to the changes in future jobs
37.How will you get ready for the future job Why
从下面两个题目中任选一题, 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
提示词语:afraid, encouragement, prepare, practice, confident
1.What have you ever tried doing
2.What did you do
3.What have you learned from the experience
There are many chances for us to try new things in our life.
1. What volunteer activity did you take part in
2. What did you do in this activity
3. How do you feel about being a volunteer
考查介词辨析。in后加某年某月某季节;from从;at后加具体的时刻;on后加具体的某一天或某一天的早中晚。根据“Saturday morning.”可知是具体到了星期六上午,应用on。故选D。
考查动词辨析。look看起来;smell闻起来;feel感觉;taste尝起来。根据“The flowers...very sweet. Let’s go for a walk in the garden.”可知,花闻起来很香,故选B。
考查特殊疑问句。How far多远;How long多久;How often多久一次;How old几岁。根据答语“Since 2008.”可知,对时长提问,故选B。
考查使役动词make用法。make在本句中为使役动词,结构为make sb do sth“让某人做某事”,省略to的不定式作宾补。故选C。
考查非谓语动词。spend time (in) doing sth.表示“花费时间做某事”。故选C。
考查动词时态。根据“Where is Tony ”及语境可知,此处是介绍托尼此时此刻在操场上正在做的事情,所以用现在进行时(be doing),故选D。
考查一般过去时。根据“in the 1980s”可知,是一般过去时,故选A。
考查动词时态。goes去,一般现在时;went去,一般过去时;has gone去了未归;has been to去了已回。根据“Miss Green isn’t in the office”可知,格林小姐去了图书馆,还没有回来,应用has gone to,故选C。
考查现在完成时。have gone (to)已经去了,表示在去的路上或已经到达目的地;have been (to)曾去过,现在已经不在那个地方;went去,过去式;go去,动词原形。根据“so far”可知,句子为完成时,故排除选项C和D。结合语境和“there many times so far”可知,是曾去过很多次,现在并不在那里。故选B。
考查时态。根据“every year”可知时态为一般现在时,主语为“I”,谓语动词用原形。故选C。
13.B 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.A
money金钱;time时间;advice建议;reason理由。根据“His schoolbag weighed (重) him down with all the things he needed to finish his science project this weekend.”可知,Jason这周末要完成这个项目,所以没有时间去清理公园,故选B。
hobby爱好;message信息;project项目;game游戏。根据上文“his science project”可知,是熬夜完成科学项目,故选C。
understand理解;wait等待;mix混合;invite邀请。根据“They’re your friends”可知,妈妈认为朋友之间如果说清楚,他们会理解的,故选A。
answer回答;truth真相;lesson课;mark标志。根据上文“They’re your friends. Tell them you need time to finish your science project.”可知,Jason听了妈妈的话,觉得很有道理,所以决定告诉这两个朋友实际的情况,也就是真相,故选B。
offered提供;missed错过;invented发明;remembered记得。根据“Friends always help each other out”可知,这两个朋友也主动提出帮助Jason完成项目,故选A。
21.A 22.B 23.D
21.根据“Lucy is a music fan. She plans to learn to play an instrument this summer vacation.”可知,Lucy是个音乐迷,她计划这个暑假学习一种乐器。选项A“伯克利夏令营是渴望开始音乐之旅的年轻学生的完美选择。在为期两周的夏令营中,每个学生都将体验乐器的实践指导和表演技巧的练习。”与之对应。故选A。
22.根据“Mike is interested in sports, especially basketball. He wants to improve his basketball skills.”可知,Mike对体育感兴趣,尤其篮球,他想提高自己的篮球技术。选项B“完整技能训练营旨在帮助青少年学生提高比赛和篮球技能。每个玩家都将受到挑战,通过重复基本技能来变得更好。”与之对应。故选B。
23.根据“Celia is an American girl. She’d like to learn a foreign language and experience different cultures.”可知,Celia是美国女孩,她想学习一门外语并体验不同的文化。选项D“在Edu Inter的法语营地,露营者早上上法语课,下午参加文化活动和社交活动。年轻的学习者不仅有机会与老师和其他露营者一起说这种语言,还可以在课堂外的现实生活中说。”与之对应。故选D。
24.A 25.B 26.C
24.细节理解题。根据第二段“The most expensive pen in his collection is made of gold!”可知,Mike最昂贵的笔是由金子制成的。故选A。
25.细节理解题。根据第三段“Jenny from the UK has collected Barbie dolls since she was a child.”可知,Jenny收集娃娃。故选B。
26.细节理解题。根据第四段“He has been a world record holder for 13 years.”可知,Max做了13年的世界纪录保持者。故选C。
27.D 28.B 29.A
27.细节理解题。根据第三段中“No Roman writer has completed such a project”可知,之前没有罗马作者完成过百科全书。故选D。
28.词义猜测题。根据“No Roman writer has completed such a project”可知,这是Pliny说出来的话,由此推测declared与said意思相近。故选B。
29.推理判断题。根据“Encyclopedias can’t record all of human knowledge but just some of it. They are always waiting for someone—you, perhaps—to improve them.”可判断,作者希望有读者能够来完善这些百科全书。故选A。
30.A 31.D 32.C 33.B
30.细节理解题。根据“What is the best way to help us lower too much stress David Strayer says the answer is simple: Spend some time in nature.”可知,我们能从文章中学到花时间在大自然中可以减轻压力。故选A。
31.推理判断题。根据“Strayer and other scientists warn against multitasking (多任务处理). When we do many things at the same time, Strayer says, our brain becomes tired easily.可知,多任务处理是指同时做多件事情,故D项“一边打电话一边发邮件”是多任务处理的一个例子。故选D。
34.There will be new jobs and you won’t be in the same job your whole working life./There will be new jobs./You won’t be in the same job your whole working life./It’ll be more likely that you will change jobs every few years. 35.By building different job skills./People need understand digital information, be creative and keep learning./Understand digital information/be creative/keep learning. 36.
Getting left behind./People/They will get left behind.
37.I will keep learning new skills and technologies to get ready for the future job, because new jobs will appear in the future. If I don’t keep up with the new skills and technologies, I will fall behind.
34.根据“This means that the jobs we have now are changing, and that there will be new jobs in the future. What’s more, you won’t be in the same job your whole working life. It’ll be more likely that you will change jobs every few years—especially when you’re early in your job.”可知未来会有新工作,也不会一辈子只做同一个工作,也有可能每几年就换一次工作,故填There will be new jobs and you won’t be in the same job your whole working life./There will be new jobs./You won’t be in the same job your whole working life./It’ll be more likely that you will change jobs every few years.
35.根据“There are ways to be prepared for the future jobs by building different job skills.”、“Understanding Digital (数字的) Information”、“Being Creative (独创的)”和“Keeping Learning”可知人们可以掌握不同工作的技能、理解数字信息、拥有创造力和持续学习来为未来的工作做准备,故填By building different job skills./People need understand digital information, be creative and keep learning./Understand digital information/be creative/keep learning.
36.根据“Those who can’t or won’t adapt (适应) to these changes will simply get left behind.”可知不能适应未来变化的人会落后于人,故填Getting left behind./People/They will get left behind.
37.开放性题型,答案合理即可。故填I will keep learning new skills and technologies to get ready for the future job, because new jobs will appear in the future. If I don’t keep up with the new skills and technologies, I will fall behind.
There are many chances for us to try new things in our life.
Last term, there was a speech competition in our school. I never entered a speech competition because I was afraid to speak in public. With encouragement from my parents, I decided to give it a try. To prepare for the competition, I studied some speech videos carefully. Then I wrote my speech, and practiced delivering it again and again. Finally, I gave an excellent performance and won the third place. From this experience, I’ve learned that it’s meaningful to try something new. It can help us find and develop our hidden talents and become more confident as well.
① 题材:本文是一篇材料作文;
② 时态:时态以“一般过去时”为主;
③ 提示:根据所给提示完成写作,注意标点符号及大小写等问题,不要犯语法错误。注意上下文之间的逻辑关系,语意连贯。
① be afraid to do害怕做
② decide to do决定做
③ as well也
I never entered a speech competition because I was afraid to speak in public.(原因状语从句)
Last Saturday, I took part in the volunteer activity organized by Saving the Environment Club. In this activity I did many things, such as putting up posters, giving out advertisements and sweeping the streets. In addition, I also helped clean up the city parks. When I finished all the work, I was tired but very happy. I think it’s fantastic and meaningful to be a volunteer.
①take part in参加
②such as比如
③in addition此外
①When I finished all the work, I was tired but very happy.(when引导的时间状语从句)
②I think it’s fantastic and meaningful to be a volunteer.(省略that的宾语从句)



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