2024年甘肃省天水市秦安县九年级下学期毕业与升学适应性检测 英语试卷(含答案及听力音频)




密 封 线 内 不 准 答 卷
) (
) (

/区________ 学校_____________ 班级_____________ 姓名_____________ 考场________ 考号__________
密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题
I Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ 总分
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
)IV. 阅读理解:( 每题2分,共30分)
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
66_________ 67_________ 68________ 69________ 70_________
71 ________ 72 ________ 73________ 74________ 75__________
VI. 任务型阅读理解(每题2分,共10分))
) VII.口语交际(每题2分,共10分)
)81.______ 82. ______ 83.______ 84. ______ 85. _______
VIII. 词汇考查(每题1分,共10分)
)86__________ 87__________ 88__________ 89__________ 90__________ 91__________ 92__________ 93__________ 94__________ 95__________
96_________ ________97_________ _________98________ ________
)99__________ ________100__________ __________
X. 书面表达(共15分)英语答案
1-5 BEADC 6-10 BABCA 11-15 ABBAC 16-20 ACCAB
21-25 CBDAC 26-30 CBDDB 31-35 BACBC 36-40 ADCCB
41-45 ADBDC 46-50 ABCBD
51-55 ABBAB 56-60 CDBDB 61-65 BAACD
66.farmer 67.however 68.wonderful 69.invited 70.never 71.eggs 72.their 73.neighbor’s 74.including 75. about
To develop students’ basic life skills and good working habits.
have found fun in doing chores and become more independent.
81-85 E D F G B
86.Think 87.ninth 88. noisier 89.made 90. yourselves 91.bought 92.heavily 93.finishes 94.to learn 95.watering
made progress 97. in danger e true 99. our surprise 100.has gone



密 封 线 内 不 准 答 卷
) (
1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________
( )6.A. Yes, it is. B.Yes, she does. C. No, it is mine.
( )7.A. My cousin. B.She's twelve. C. In the park.
( )8. A. No, thanks. B. Here you are. C. You'd better not.
( )9.A.By plane. B.A week. C. Yes, we've decided to visit Sanya.
( )10. A. Oh, I won't. B. I'm sure I will. C. It doesn't matter.
( )11. Where are the speakers probably
A. In the shop. B. At the police station. C. In the hospital.
( )12. Why is the man So late
Because the traffic was too heavy.
Because he got up late.
Because his car broke down on the way.
( )13. When is the girl going to celebrate her birthday
A.On May 10th. B. On May 13th. C. On May 16th.
( )14. What does the man dislike about the coat
A. The price. B.The style. C.The color.
( )15. What does Cindy advise the boy to do this Sunday
To go swimming. B. To go skiing. C. To go camping.
( )16. Who will pick up the visitors at 8:00 a.m.
A.The guide. B.The boss. C. The manager.
( )17. What is the Mutianyu Great Wall like
A. It's the safest one. B. It's the most beautiful one.
C. It's one of the best- protected parts.
( ) 18. What can the visitors see on the Mutianyu Great Wall
A. Some lifts. B. Some bridges. C. Some watchtowers,
( )19. How will the visitors go to the National Stadium
A.By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot,
( )20. How much is the tour for two visitors
A.60 dollars. B.100 dollars. C.120 dollars.
( )21. This is ________ story of friendship. Let's read ________ story together.
A. a; / B. an; a C. a;the D.the; a
( )22. Would you send me some ________ of yours I miss you very much!
A. magazines B. photos C. money D. advice
( )23. —How do you like You Only Live Once (《热辣滚烫》)?
—I think it is one of ____ movies I have ever seen in my life.
A. wonderful B. much wonderful C. more wonderful D. the most wonderful
( )24. Which is TRUE about the picture of the classroom on the right
A. The bookcase lies beside the blackboard. B. The clock is hung on top of the window.
C. There are three chairs in the classroom. D. There are two tables in the classroom.
( )25. You should ________your shoes before you enter the dancing room.
A. get off B. put off C. take off D. fall off
( )26.—Sally, I have ________ exciting to tell you. We will go back to school soon.
A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing
( )27. —Which do you prefer, tea or coffee
—Either. ________ tea ________ coffee are my favorite.
A. Not only; but also B. Both; and C. Neither; nor D. Either; or
( )28. We haven’t decided _____.
A. that we will repair our house B. when did we go to the party
C. where we went on vacation D. whether we will keep a pet
( )29.During our holidays, we should avoid ________ up at night and oversleeping in the morning.
A. stay B. to stay C. stayed D. staying
( )30. Don't you know students ________ bring the Mobile phone to school
A. needn't B. mustn't C. wouldn't D. couldn't
( )31.The young man cut his finger so ______ that he was sent to the hospital at once.
A. simply B. badly C. politely D. wisely
( )32.I broke my mother’s favorite cup, but my mother didn’t ____ me.
A. punish B. doubt C. admire D.treat
( )33. —China is a great country with a history of about five ________years.
—Yes. And ________ of foreigners come to visit it every year.
A. thousand; thousand B. thousands; thousands
C. thousand; thousands D. thousands; thousand
( )34. —________ will we know the results I’m a little worried.
—In two weeks,don’t worry .
A. How often. B. How soon. C. How long. D. How much.
( )35.In that bookstore, there _____ a number of books on science and the number of them____ growing.
A. are; are B. is; is C. are; is D. is; are
( )36. —Our class won the first prize in today's basketball match.
— ________ exciting news it is! We're all glad about it.
A. What B. What an C. How D. How an
( )37.I think this book is well worth _____.
to look B. looking C. to read D. reading
( )38. Every year thousands of tourists ________ the mountain area to relax themselves.
A. visited B. were visiting C. visit D. have visited
( )39. —Could you please do the dishes
—________. I cut my finger and I’m trying not to get it wet.
A. Yes, sure B. No problem C. Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t D. That would be fine
( )40. Which of the following signs is most likely to be seen in the forest
Du Dejian is a rural (农村的) teacher who is in his sixties. Over the past 40 years, Du has received lots of visitors at the library he built.
Du noticed that his neighbors had difficulties as a result of limited (有限的) knowledge in 1980.41_____he made up his mind to set up a library in the village.
With 42____from his family, Du bought books, newspapers and magazines, mainly about agriculture. Then, on January 1, 1981, he opened his door to the 43____ villagers to use the library for free. There weren't as many visitors as he 44_____ at the beginning.
At that time,people would 45_____ their own experience rather than books," he said. "To attract (吸引) them, I began to send newspapers to their homes and explained the great 46_____of technology."
To enrich his collection, Du traveled to different cities--Beijing, Taiyuan, Xi’an and Zhengzhou-to buy books. So far, he has47____ more than 80, 000 books and around 1, 300 kinds of newspapers and magazines.
48______ , more people became loyal (忠实的) readers in Du's library.Since the library was open, he has offered more than 700 agricultural technology training courses.
"In recent years, with the development of the 49_____, the library has seen fewer readers," he said, "I began to try new methods to 50_____ knowledge."
He set up an online group and sent agricultural information to the villagers, helping them farm more scientifically.
)( )41. A.So B. But C. Because D.Though




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)( )42.A.fight B. energy C.attention D. support
( )43. A. public B. local C. private D. foreign
( )44. A. welcomed B. suggested C. discovered D. supposed
( )45. A. write B. show off C. believe in D. give up
( )46. A. power B.task C. market D. agreement
( )47. A. sold B. collected C.refused D.received
( )48. A. Completely B. Generally C. Gradually D.Especially
( )49. A. transportation B. Internet C. electricity D. communication
( )50. A. exchange B. reflect C. improve D. spread
Ⅳ. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共30分)
Tuesday 23rd May Hi Silvia, We’re having a great time in Scotland.The people are very friendly,but they speak with a strange accent.I can’t always understand what they say! We left Edinburgh yesterday and are now heading north.Tomorrow we are going to look for the Loch Ness Monster.Have you heard of it Say hello to everyone at school.See you on the 29th! Hans Ms.Silvia Toti 32 King’s Road BRIGHTON Sussex BR24 7PQ
( )51.Hans has difficulty in communicating with the people in Scotland.
( )52.Loch Ness is in the north of Edinburgh.
( )53.Silvia will meet Hans the next Wednesday.
( )54.Silvia’s address is on the right side of the postcard.
( )55.Hans writes to invite Silvia to see the Loch Ness Monster.
Turkey was proud of his looks. Every time he walked past the other animals, he would show off his feathers(羽毛) and say,“I am so beautiful. Move out of my way!”
The other animals thought Turkey was too proud. They decided to give him a lesson, so Fox wrote a note to invite Turkey to a dance party. Turkey was so pleased. When the sun went down, he got to Fox's home. Seeing Turkey, all the animals bowed and cheered.
Just at that time, a beautiful peacock(孔雀) showed up. When Turkey saw the beautiful feathers of the peacock, he became speechless. The other animals began to laugh.“I look like a fool.” thought Turkey. He ran out of the house as quickly as he could.
And then, no one saw Turkey for several days. Everyone began to feel bad about what they did. They looked for Turkey everywhere. They just wanted to teach him to be humble. They didn't want to hurt his feelings. Finally, they found Turkey in an old tree. He looked quite sad.
Peacock flew to Turkey and said, “Your friends are worried about you. They feel sorry for you.”
“We are sorry for the joke we played on you, Turkey.” the animals said.
“I am sorry I was so proud.” replied Turkey.
“I think we should have another dance party!” said Fox, so they went towards Fox's home together.
( )56. Why did the animals invite Turkey to the dance party
A.Because they liked him.
B.Because they thought his feathers were beautiful.
C.Because they decided to give him a lesson.
D.Because they were proud of him.
( )57. Where did they have the dance party
At Turkey's home. B. In an old tree.
C. At Peacock's home. D. At Fox's home.
( )58. Turkey left the dance party because he ________.
A. was tired B. was fooled C. had a fever D. had to go home
( )59. What does the underlined word “humble” mean in Chinese
A. 善良的 B. 温和的 C. 随意的 D. 谦逊的
( )60. Which is the best title for the passage
What a party! B. The proud Turkey.
C. Turkey's bad luck. D. Who is more beautiful
Are you good with money Do you get pocket money from your parents or do you work to make money Read on to find out about British teenagers and their money!
Pocket money
Most teenagers in Britain receive pocket money from their parents. They might have to do some housework to get pocket money, including cleaning, cooking, washing dishes and so on.
Part-time work
A part-time job is a choice for teenagers who don’t have pocket money or who want to get extra(额外的) money. Only children over the age of 13 can work. Popular part-time jobs for teens include babysitting, delivering (递送) newspapers, restaurant work and shop work. Children in Britain can work two hours a day at the most on a school day but not during school hours. During weekends and school holidays, they can work longer hours.
Bank accounts (账户)
Some children and teenagers have a bank account. There is no age limit(限制) at which you can open a bank account, but a bank manager can decide whether to open an account for a child or a young person. Parents can put pocket money directly into their child’s bank account. Most banks have a prepaid bank card designed for young people.
So, many teenagers are getting experience working part-time, dealing with banks and deciding whether to save or spend their money. These are all steps towards becoming a financially independent (经济独立的) person and making and looking after your own money.
( )61.How can British teenagers get their pocket money
A.By asking their parents for some. B.By doing housework.
C.By opening accounts. D.By looking for a part-time job.
( )62.To get extra money, British teenagers over 13 can ________.
A.work in shops two hours a day during weekends
B.help to take care of babies during school hours
C.deliver newspapers for three hours on school days
D.work in restaurants every day as long as they wish
( )63.Who can make a decision to open an account for a child
A.A bank manager. B.The child’s parent.
C.The child himself. D.The child’s teacher.
( )64.How many part-time jobs for teens are mentioned in the passage
2 B. 3 C. 4 D. We don’t know
( )65.What is the passage mainly about
A.How to get along well with the bank managers.
B.How to deal with bank accounts and mobile apps.
C.How British teenagers work part-time to make money.
D.How British teenagers make and manage their money.
wonder, they, invite, about,egg, include, however,farm, neighbor, never
Last weekend,my mom took my brother and me to visit my uncle Pete. Pete was a 66.______. We helped him with the farm work. It was sunny and a little hot. 67. _______, we spent a 68. ________ time there. At first,Pete 69. _______ us to milk the cows. But we had 70. _______done that so it was a little difficult for us. He encouraged us to try and taught us carefully. Finally we did it. Later,we began to pick 71. ______. They were hard to find because the hens hid them everywhere. Suddenly,something unexpected happened. The sheep got out of 72. _______ pen(羊圈)and ran to a 73. _______ garden. They ate many vegetables. We had to catch the sheep. Pete was angry because many things were broken by the sheep 74. _______ the garden’s gate.
When we left the farm,I thanked Pete. He taught me lots of knowledge and skills75. _______ farm work. I was tired but happy.
Ⅵ.任务型阅读理解 (每小题2分,共10分)
Sun Jiarui, a ten-year-old girl from Wuxi, Jiangsu Province,became famous online for her cooking skills.Sun has learned to cook from her father and now she can cook more than 50 dishes. Can you cook If so.what dishes are you good at
For middle and primary school students, being able to cook will become a must. Starting from the 2022 fall term, students are required to take courses on labor (劳动) skills. These include different labor tasks, The first is daily housework. The next is productive labor,such as making traditional handicrafts (手工艺品), and using new technologies like 3D printing. One more type is community work.
Labor education aims to develop students' basic life skills and good working habits. School education didn't value it in the past.According to a report,it takes Chinese kids only 12 minutes a (




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)day to do housework,compared with 72 minutes for American students each day and 30 minutes for French students.
Liu Fang, a mother of 6- year -old twins in Beijing,is a strong supporter of labor education. In the past years,
she has trained her daughters to do house hold chores and make simple dishes for the family.
" By doing housework, their skills can be trained and it's also good to help them relax.",said Liu.Through such education, her daughters have found fun in doing chores and become more independent.
76. How many kinds of labor tasks are mentioned in the second paragraph
77.What's the purpose of labor education
79. Through labor education, Liu Fang's daughters______________________________________
Name: Sun Jiarui
Age: 10
From: Jiangsu Province
Skill: 80.______________
Ⅶ. 口语交际 (每小题2分,共10分)
A:Hey,Daming! How was your weekend
B:81.________ I went to Tianshui.
A:82. ________  
B:Well,it’s in the southeast of Gansu.It is a small city,but today it’s a very famous for its Spicy Hot Pot.
A:Yes , I also heard of it. 83.________
B:Yes,it tastes very unique and delicious.
A:You are lucky. 84. ________ 
B:It’s nearly 3 million, I think.It is the second biggest city in Gansu.Its streets are wide and clean.
A:I’d like to go there next week.
B:85.________ It’s very famous.
A.When did you go there B.Remember to visit the Fuxi Temple. C.Welcome back to school! D.Where’s Tianshui E.Pretty good! F.Have you enjoyed Spicy Hot Pot G.What’s the population of Tianshui
86. ________(think) it over, and you will be able to work out the problem.
87. Who was the ________(nine) to run past the finishing line.
88. This street is ______ (noisy) than that one.
89. These gifts were________ ( make )by children in their last summer holidays..
90. Mrs.White said,“Just help _______ (you) to some cakes, boys and girls”.
91. I ________ (buy) this bike three years ago. I like it so much.
92. Kelly, don't go out, please. It's raining ________(heavy).
93. She will fly to Lanzhou as soon as she ________ (finish) the task.
94.It is necessary ________( learn) to manage time and make good use of every minute.
95.My mother spends an hour _______ (water) flowers in the garden every day.
This new smartphone has ______ great ______ in technology.
Tigers are ______ _______ .
98. 我们将一起努力实现梦想。
We’ll work together to make our dreams ______ ______ .
99. 令我们惊讶的是,杰克在跑步比赛中赢得了第一名。
To________ _______,Jack won first place in the running race.
My father _______ ________ to Tianshui, and he will come back next week.
近期秦安正在举办“人人为秦安尽力,个个为秦安争光”的活动,号召大家从小事做起,让家乡变得更美。作为中学生,你会怎么做呢 请以“Start out small”为题,根据所给思维导图的提示,用英语写一篇短文,呼吁大家参与这次活动。
Start out small
Hello,everyone.We should try our best to make our hometown more beautiful and more comfortable.What can we do for our hometown (



密 封 线 内 不 准 答 卷
) (
1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________
( )6.A. Yes, it is. B.Yes, she does. C. No, it is mine.
( )7.A. My cousin. B.She's twelve. C. In the park.
( )8. A. No, thanks. B. Here you are. C. You'd better not.
( )9.A.By plane. B.A week. C. Yes, we've decided to visit Sanya.
( )10. A. Oh, I won't. B. I'm sure I will. C. It doesn't matter.
( )11. Where are the speakers probably
A. In the shop. B. At the police station. C. In the hospital.
( )12. Why is the man So late
Because the traffic was too heavy.
Because he got up late.
Because his car broke down on the way.
( )13. When is the girl going to celebrate her birthday
A.On May 10th. B. On May 13th. C. On May 16th.
( )14. What does the man dislike about the coat
A. The price. B.The style. C.The color.
( )15. What does Cindy advise the boy to do this Sunday
To go swimming. B. To go skiing. C. To go camping.
( )16. Who will pick up the visitors at 8:00 a.m.
A.The guide. B.The boss. C. The manager.
( )17. What is the Mutianyu Great Wall like
A. It's the safest one. B. It's the most beautiful one.
C. It's one of the best- protected parts.
( ) 18. What can the visitors see on the Mutianyu Great Wall
A. Some lifts. B. Some bridges. C. Some watchtowers,
( )19. How will the visitors go to the National Stadium
A.By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot,
( )20. How much is the tour for two visitors
A.60 dollars. B.100 dollars. C.120 dollars.
( )21. This is ________ story of friendship. Let's read ________ story together.
A. a; / B. an; a C. a;the D.the; a
( )22. Would you send me some ________ of yours I miss you very much!
A. magazines B. photos C. money D. advice
( )23. —How do you like You Only Live Once (《热辣滚烫》)?
—I think it is one of ____ movies I have ever seen in my life.
A. wonderful B. much wonderful C. more wonderful D. the most wonderful
( )24. Which is TRUE about the picture of the classroom on the right
A. The bookcase lies beside the blackboard. B. The clock is hung on top of the window.
C. There are three chairs in the classroom. D. There are two tables in the classroom.
( )25. You should ________your shoes before you enter the dancing room.
A. get off B. put off C. take off D. fall off
( )26.—Sally, I have ________ exciting to tell you. We will go back to school soon.
A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing
( )27. —Which do you prefer, tea or coffee
—Either. ________ tea ________ coffee are my favorite.
A. Not only; but also B. Both; and C. Neither; nor D. Either; or
( )28. We haven’t decided _____.
A. that we will repair our house B. when did we go to the party
C. where we went on vacation D. whether we will keep a pet
( )29.During our holidays, we should avoid ________ up at night and oversleeping in the morning.
A. stay B. to stay C. stayed D. staying
( )30. Don't you know students ________ bring the Mobile phone to school
A. needn't B. mustn't C. wouldn't D. couldn't
( )31.The young man cut his finger so ______ that he was sent to the hospital at once.
A. simply B. badly C. politely D. wisely
( )32.I broke my mother’s favorite cup, but my mother didn’t ____ me.
A. punish B. doubt C. admire D.treat
( )33. —China is a great country with a history of about five ________years.
—Yes. And ________ of foreigners come to visit it every year.
A. thousand; thousand B. thousands; thousands
C. thousand; thousands D. thousands; thousand
( )34. —________ will we know the results I’m a little worried.
—In two weeks,don’t worry .
A. How often. B. How soon. C. How long. D. How much.
( )35.In that bookstore, there _____ a number of books on science and the number of them____ growing.
A. are; are B. is; is C. are; is D. is; are
( )36. —Our class won the first prize in today's basketball match.
— ________ exciting news it is! We're all glad about it.
A. What B. What an C. How D. How an
( )37.I think this book is well worth _____.
to look B. looking C. to read D. reading
( )38. Every year thousands of tourists ________ the mountain area to relax themselves.
A. visited B. were visiting C. visit D. have visited
( )39. —Could you please do the dishes
—________. I cut my finger and I’m trying not to get it wet.
A. Yes, sure B. No problem C. Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t D. That would be fine
( )40. Which of the following signs is most likely to be seen in the forest
Du Dejian is a rural (农村的) teacher who is in his sixties. Over the past 40 years, Du has received lots of visitors at the library he built.
Du noticed that his neighbors had difficulties as a result of limited (有限的) knowledge in 1980.41_____he made up his mind to set up a library in the village.
With 42____from his family, Du bought books, newspapers and magazines, mainly about agriculture. Then, on January 1, 1981, he opened his door to the 43____ villagers to use the library for free. There weren't as many visitors as he 44_____ at the beginning.
At that time,people would 45_____ their own experience rather than books," he said. "To attract (吸引) them, I began to send newspapers to their homes and explained the great 46_____of technology."
To enrich his collection, Du traveled to different cities--Beijing, Taiyuan, Xi’an and Zhengzhou-to buy books. So far, he has47____ more than 80, 000 books and around 1, 300 kinds of newspapers and magazines.
48______ , more people became loyal (忠实的) readers in Du's library.Since the library was open, he has offered more than 700 agricultural technology training courses.
"In recent years, with the development of the 49_____, the library has seen fewer readers," he said, "I began to try new methods to 50_____ knowledge."
)He set up an online group and sent agricultural information to the villagers, helping them farm more scientifically.
( )41. A.So B. But C. Because D.Though
( )42.A.fight B. energy C.attention D. support
( )43. A. public B. local C. private D. foreign
( )44. A. welcomed B. suggested C. discovered D. supposed
( )45. A. write B. show off C. believe in D. give up
( )46. A. power B.task C. market D. agreement
( )47. A. sold B. collected C.refused D.received
( )48. A. Completely B. Generally C. Gradually D.Especially
( )49. A. transportation B. Internet C. electricity D. communication
( )50. A. exchange B. reflect C. improve D. spread
Ⅳ. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共30分)
Tuesday 23rd May Hi Silvia, We’re having a great time in Scotland.The people are very friendly,but they speak with a strange accent.I can’t always understand what they say! We left Edinburgh yesterday and are now heading north.Tomorrow we are going to look for the Loch Ness Monster.Have you heard of it Say hello to everyone at school.See you on the 29th! Hans Ms.Silvia Toti 32 King’s Road BRIGHTON Sussex BR24 7PQ
( )51.Hans has difficulty in communicating with the people in Scotland.
( )52.Loch Ness is in the north of Edinburgh.
( )53.Silvia will meet Hans the next Wednesday.
( )54.Silvia’s address is on the right side of the postcard.
( )55.Hans writes to invite Silvia to see the Loch Ness Monster.
Turkey was proud of his looks. Every time he walked past the other animals, he would show off his feathers(羽毛) and say,“I am so beautiful. Move out of my way!”
The other animals thought Turkey was too proud. They decided to give him a lesson, so Fox wrote a note to invite Turkey to a dance party. Turkey was so pleased. When the sun went down, he got to Fox's home. Seeing Turkey, all the animals bowed and cheered.
Just at that time, a beautiful peacock(孔雀) showed up. When Turkey saw the beautiful feathers of the peacock, he became speechless. The other animals began to laugh.“I look like a fool.” thought Turkey. He ran out of the house as quickly as he could.
And then, no one saw Turkey for several days. Everyone began to feel bad about what they did. They looked for Turkey everywhere. They just wanted to teach him to be humble. They didn't want to hurt his feelings. Finally, they found Turkey in an old tree. He looked quite sad.
Peacock flew to Turkey and said, “Your friends are worried about you. They feel sorry for (




线 内 不 准 答 卷
“We are sorry for the joke we played on you, Turkey.” the animals said.
“I am sorry I was so proud.” replied Turkey.
“I think we should have another dance party!” said Fox, so they went towards Fox's home together.
( )56. Why did the animals invite Turkey to the dance party
A.Because they liked him.
B.Because they thought his feathers were beautiful.
C.Because they decided to give him a lesson.
D.Because they were proud of him.
( )57. Where did they have the dance party
At Turkey's home. B. In an old tree.
C. At Peacock's home. D. At Fox's home.
( )58. Turkey left the dance party because he ________.
A. was tired B. was fooled C. had a fever D. had to go home
( )59. What does the underlined word “humble” mean in Chinese
A. 善良的 B. 温和的 C. 随意的 D. 谦逊的
( )60. Which is the best title for the passage
What a party! B. The proud Turkey.
C. Turkey's bad luck. D. Who is more beautiful
Are you good with money Do you get pocket money from your parents or do you work to make money Read on to find out about British teenagers and their money!
Pocket money
Most teenagers in Britain receive pocket money from their parents. They might have to do some housework to get pocket money, including cleaning, cooking, washing dishes and so on.
Part-time work
A part-time job is a choice for teenagers who don’t have pocket money or who want to get extra(额外的) money. Only children over the age of 13 can work. Popular part-time jobs for teens include babysitting, delivering (递送) newspapers, restaurant work and shop work. Children in Britain can work two hours a day at the most on a school day but not during school hours. During weekends and school holidays, they can work longer hours.
Bank accounts (账户)
Some children and teenagers have a bank account. There is no age limit(限制) at which you can open a bank account, but a bank manager can decide whether to open an account for a child or a young person. Parents can put pocket money directly into their child’s bank account. Most banks have a prepaid bank card designed for young people.
So, many teenagers are getting experience working part-time, dealing with banks and deciding whether to save or spend their money. These are all steps towards becoming a financially independent (经济独立的) person and making and looking after your own money.
( )61.How can British teenagers get their pocket money
A.By asking their parents for some. B.By doing housework.
C.By opening accounts. D.By looking for a part-time job.
( )62.To get extra money, British teenagers over 13 can ________.
A.work in shops two hours a day during weekends
B.help to take care of babies during school hours
C.deliver newspapers for three hours on school days
D.work in restaurants every day as long as they wish
( )63.Who can make a decision to open an account for a child
A.A bank manager. B.The child’s parent.
C.The child himself. D.The child’s teacher.
( )64.How many part-time jobs for teens are mentioned in the passage
2 B. 3 C. 4 D. We don’t know
( )65.What is the passage mainly about
A.How to get along well with the bank managers.
B.How to deal with bank accounts and mobile apps.
C.How British teenagers work part-time to make money.
D.How British teenagers make and manage their money.
wonder, they, invite, about,egg, include, however,farm, neighbor, never
Last weekend,my mom took my brother and me to visit my uncle Pete. Pete was a 66.______. We helped him with the farm work. It was sunny and a little hot. 67. _______, we spent a 68. ________ time there. At first,Pete 69. _______ us to milk the cows. But we had 70. _______done that so it was a little difficult for us. He encouraged us to try and taught us carefully. Finally we did it. Later,we began to pick 71. ______. They were hard to find because the hens hid them everywhere. Suddenly,something unexpected happened. The sheep got out of 72. _______ pen(羊圈)and ran to a 73. _______ garden. They ate many vegetables. We had to catch the sheep. Pete was angry because many things were broken by the sheep 74. _______ the garden’s gate.
When we left the farm,I thanked Pete. He taught me lots of knowledge and skills75. _______ farm work. I was tired but happy.
Ⅵ.任务型阅读理解 (每小题2分,共10分)
Sun Jiarui, a ten-year-old girl from Wuxi, Jiangsu Province,became famous online for her cooking skills.Sun has learned to cook from her father and now she can cook more than 50 dishes. Can you cook If so.what dishes are you good at
For middle and primary school students, being able to cook will become a must. Starting from the 2022 fall term, students are required to take courses on labor (劳动) skills. These include different labor tasks, The first is daily housework. The next is productive labor,such as making traditional handicrafts (手工艺品), and using new technologies like 3D printing. One more type is community work.
Labor education aims to develop students' basic life skills and good working habits. School education didn't value it in the past.According to a report,it takes Chinese kids only 12 minutes a day to do housework,compared with 72 minutes for American students each day and 30 minutes for French students.
Liu Fang, a mother of 6- year -old twins in Beijing,is a strong supporter of labor education. In the past years,
she has trained her daughters to do house hold chores and make simple dishes for the family.
" By doing housework, their skills can be trained and it's also good to help them relax.",said Liu.Through such education, her daughters have found fun in doing chores and become more independent.
76. How many kinds of labor tasks are mentioned in the second paragraph
77.What's the purpose of labor education
79. Through labor education, Liu Fang's daughters______________________________________
Name: Sun Jiarui
Age: 10
From: Jiangsu Province
Skill: 80.______________
Ⅶ. 口语交际 (每小题2分,共10分)
A:Hey,Daming! How was your weekend
B:81.________ I went to Tianshui.
A:82. ________  
B:Well,it’s in the southeast of Gansu.It is a small city,but today it’s a very famous for its Spicy Hot Pot.
A:Yes , I also heard of it. 83.________
B:Yes,it tastes very unique and delicious.
A:You are lucky. 84. ________ 
B:It’s nearly 3 million, I think.It is the second biggest city in Gansu.Its streets are wide and clean.
A:I’d like to go there next week.
B:85.________ It’s very famous.
A.When did you go there B.Remember to visit the Fuxi Temple. C.Welcome back to school! D.Where’s Tianshui E.Pretty good! F.Have you enjoyed Spicy Hot Pot G.What’s the population of Tianshui
86. ________(think) it over, and you will be able to work out the problem.
87. Who was the ________(nine) to run past the finishing line.
88. This street is ______ (noisy) than that one.
89. These gifts were________ ( make )by children in their last summer holidays..
90. Mrs.White said,“Just help _______ (you) to some cakes, boys and girls”.
91. I ________ (buy) this bike three years ago. I like it so much.
92. Kelly, don't go out, please. It's raining ________(heavy).
93. She will fly to Lanzhou as soon as she ________ (finish) the task.
94.It is necessary ________( learn) to manage time and make good use of every minute.
95.My mother spends an hour _______ (water) flowers in the garden every day.
This new smartphone has ______ great ______ in technology.
Tigers are ______ _______ .
98. 我们将一起努力实现梦想。
We’ll work together to make our dreams ______ ______ .
99. 令我们惊讶的是,杰克在跑步比赛中赢得了第一名。
To________ _______,Jack won first place in the running race.
My father _______ ________ to Tianshui, and he will come back next week.
近期秦安正在举办“人人为秦安尽力,个个为秦安争光”的活动,号召大家从小事做起,让家乡变得更美。作为中学生,你会怎么做呢 请以“Start out small”为题,根据所给思维导图的提示,用英语写一篇短文,呼吁大家参与这次活动。
Start out small
Hello,everyone.We should try our best to make our hometown more beautiful and more comfortable.What can we do for our hometown




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