Unit1 Tidy up单元测试题(无答案)

深圳沪教版五年级下册unit1 Tidy up测试卷
( )(1)A. book B. school C. good
( )(2)A. car B. Mark C. park
( )(3)A. stick B. tidy C. mine
( )(4)A. sock B. those C. drop
( )(5)A. cap B. thank C. happy
1.( )Look at your bedroom ______ All your toys are on the floor.
A.How nice! B.It's so beautiful! C.What a mess!
2.( )This is ______ bedroom. It is big and tidy.
A.Jill's and Mary B.Jill's and Mary's C.Jill and Mary's
3.( )—Thank you for your help, Ben.
A.I can help you. B.You're welcome. C.Thank you.
4.( )—______ shoes are these
— They are mine.
A.What B.Whose C.Who
5.( )----Here's a cap.____________---It's Peter's
A. Whose caps are they B.Whose cap is it C.Is it Peter's
6.( )---Your bedroom is untidy, Ken. Let's tidy it up. 一 _____________________.
A. It’s fun. B. Sure, Mum. C.I love it.
7.( )---Are these shorts Joe's -- ____________________His shorts are blue.
A. Yes, they are. B. No, they don't. C.Yes, there are.
8.( )----Whose T-shirt is this _______________________----Yes, it's hers.
A. Is it Ann's B. Are they Ann's C.Is it yours
9. ( )My schoolbag is very heavy. It's_________________books.
A. a few B.afraid of C. full of
10. ( )It is raining outside. You need to take a (an) ____with you.
A. cap B. umbrella C.book
1.I have a white dog.   name is Cindy. These toys are   . ( it )
2.   is my brother,   name is Tony.
3.Look! Those model planes are   . ( he )
(1) _______________________
(2) _______________________
(3) _______________________
(4) _______________________
(5) _______________________
五. 情景交际
A. Sure. B. It's Jimmy's. C. It's on the chair. D. No, they aren't. E. Peter.
—Where is my bag
(2)—Whose T-shirt is this
(3)—Who is tidying up the classroom
(4)—Can you put it in the box
(5)—Are they your umbrellas
1.socks, can, put, you, these, the, on, bed ( )
puts, stone, near, nails, the, Jimmy, the (. )
now, is, and, clean, the, tidy, room (. )
the; your ; is ; bed; on ; cap (. )
5.umbrella; red; is; the; yours ( )
Mr. Brown's family is on a trip. Now they are waiting for their baggage at the airport. They find Sally's bag first. It's small. It's pink. Then Mrs. Brown finds Peter and Paul's bag. It's not small. It's blue. Peter and Paul put their clothes and some favourite toys in it. So it's a little heavy. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have a big suitcase. They bring some clothes, a few books and some food. All of these are in the big suitcase. It's heavy. It's grey. Oh, it's over there.
20.( )The pink bag is Sally's.
21.( )Peter and Paul's bag is a little heavy.
22.( )There are some toys in the purple bag.
23.( )Mr. and Mrs. Brown put their shoes in the big suitcase.
24.( )Mr. and Mrs. Brown like reading.
Tidy up the room!
It is Saturday today. Mr and Mrs Zheng go shopping in the morning. Mark and Sandy are at home. They are in the(1) l______ ______. Look at the living room. What a (2)m______! Mark and Sandy want to (3)t_____ _____ the room.
Look at the ball. It is on the floor. It is (4)__________(Tim). Mark puts it into(5) _______(he) box. There(6) ________(be) two T-shirts on the sofa. This one is Mark’s. “Don’t put it on the sofa. Put it in (7)_________(you) bedroom,” Sandy says. “That T-shirt is not (8)_______(you). It’s(9) ________(Dad). Please put it in Mum and Dad’s bedroom.”
Now the living room is clean ________tidy.
参考句型:There is/are (有)…. It’s/They’re …. (谁的 ) We can put it/them…



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