

1.I don’t want to ___(浪费)my time talking with her.It’s like playing the lute to a cow.
2.Would you mind ______ (借) me your eraser I can’t find mine.
3.It‘s________ (不公平的) for the workers to get so little money for so much work.
4.The temperature a lot last night.(下降)
5.________(既然)the rain has stopped, let's go for a walk.
6.As a mountain climber, Tom is used to taking (风险).
7 Now some wild animals are in a very dangerous (情况).
8 There are some (岩石) on the road. I can’t drive across it.
9. You should put a bandage so that you won’t lose too much (血).
10. Do you know the (重要性) of protecting the animals
11.The______(问题,苦恼) is that he doesn’t have enough time to relax.
12.Smoking can increase the_____ (危险) of getting a heart problem.
13.I am not feeling well. I have a ____________(头痛).
14.I think you should think twice before you make ___________(决定).
15.A seat belt can help protect passengers in many car ___________(事故).
16.—Where is Sam now —I ______ (猜测) he is in the school library, but I’m not sure.
17.Mr. Miller is a _________ (典型的) good teacher. He loves us very much.
18.Tony and Sam are _________ (成员) of the school basketball team.
19.Could you tell me the _________ (关系)between you and the writer
20.We should have a ___ (恰当的) discussion about the problem before meeting.
21.I was cutting my hair when the _________(奇怪的) man passed the door.
22.Ben’s mom was putting some candles and __________(火柴) on the table.
23.We were having fun in the _____________(操场) when the school bell rang.
24.Robert and his friends were _____________(完全)surprised to hear the news.
25.The news on TV _____________(报道) that there was a rainstorm in the area.
26.Many _________(志愿者)often come to the countryside to help the poor.
27.The old man lives __________ (独自地), but he doesn’t feel lonely.
28.It’s so hot here.Would you mind_________(打开) the windows for me
29.Can you __________ (想象) what you will be like in ten years
30.Alan becomes very_______(强壮的) after exercising for two years.
31. These days, the students have too much ___ (精神压力)from the parents and teachers.
32. My parents think studying in group is a ______(浪费)of time.
33. The school can _______ (提供) the students with the food and school things.
34. Our city is ________ (发展) quickly and getting more and more beautiful.
35. The teacher wants to know the ______ (结果) of this survey
36. Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a child's __________(发展).
37. Speak loudly, or they can’t hear     (清楚地).
38. Mr Wu used several teaching     (技巧) in this lesson.
39. She looked up for a moment, and then      (继续) _______drawing.
40. Jack is even     (疯狂的) about music than Mike.
41.The machine is hard to _________(控制). There must be something wrong with it.
42.Don’ t worry! We are old enough to look after ____ (我们自己) .
43.The teacher asked him several questions but he didn’t_____ (回答) a word.
44.John will have to run fast to____(打破) the school 100﹣metre race record .
45.We can see clearly that Mongolia ____ (位于) between China and Russia on the map.
46.___ (既然) they live in one house with their parents, they should keep it clean and tidy.
47.These __________(学生) all come from the USA.
48.—What was the __________(日期) yesterday —It was November 19th.
49.—You’re standing on my foot.—Sorry, I didn’t __________(意识到).
50.There are no differences between the two __________(塔).
51. I'm sorry. I ____________(完全地)forgot that it was your birthday yesterday.
52. At last that young man     (认识到) he was wrong.
53. Suddenly it     (开始) to rain and many people got wet.
54. There are all kinds of     (闹钟) in that store.
55. Some     (学生) in my class are from the United States.
56.Tom r____________(修理)old bikes and gives them away.
57.You can’t_________(想象) how I missed you all.
58.I received a_________(信) from my brother.
59.—How many ________ (章节) are there in the text —Ten. I need to read two of them.
60.Mrs. Smith lives next to me, so she is my ________ (邻居).
61.The young man gave ________(血) to save a middle school student.
62.Be careful about these ________(刀), Lisa.
63.Those great mountain ________(攀登者) come from America.
64.Where can we go for vacation I can’t make the ________(决定).
65.He is sad because his grandfather is in danger of ________(死亡).
66.There are so many white _______ (衬衫) in the shop. I don’t know which one to buy.
67.Tom ________ (递) me the book on the desk. And then I began to read it.
68.There are five ________ (手指) on each hand.
69.After he ________ (扫) the leaves up into a pile, Jack went to school with his sister.
70.Every morning, Jimmy ________ (折叠) his quilt carefully after he gets up.
71.Being blind and deaf, the poor boy can’t i_________ what his future will be like.
72.Liu Wei is a ____________(有残疾的)boy. But he learned the piano by himself.
73.Seeing these old ladies get on the bus, _________(几个)students offered them their seats.
74.To our _________(愉快), the actress will come to Xingyi next Sunday.
75.We need your help to _________(筹集)money for those homeless children.
76.Do you know who broke the ________ (窗户)
77.There’s a ________(奇怪的)thing in front of me in the dark. I don’t know what it is.
78.We need to put some more ________(木头)on the fire.
79.I ________ (突然) remembered I left my keys in the office.
80.________(最近)I read some magazines about the news around the world.
81.Do you often help your mother ______ (打扫) the floor .
82.What a ____(杂乱) in your room! You must keep it clean and tidy..
83.The place ________ (发展) from a small village to a big city several years ago.
84.Was it really ________ (公平的) to him to ask him to do all the housework
85.Look! My mother is _______ (折叠) clothes in the bedroom.
86.The fans are _________ (疯狂的) about the soccer games.
87.After having a rest, Mrs. Jones ________ (继续) working.
88.Our teacher said the question was small but ________ (典型的).
89.Please don’t always ________ (比较) me with other children.
90.Something is ________ (错误的) with the car. It doesn’t work.
91.He would like to o________(提供) us some help
92.Many doctors were under ________ (精神压力) in the face of the serious epidemic.
93.The place ________ (发展) from a small village to a big city several years ago.
94.Was it really ________ (公平的) to him to ask him to do all the housework
95.I didn’t see you . Where were you —I was _____ (不舒服) and went to see a doctor.
96.It’s clear that you are wrong, but you can ________ (解释) it to him.
97.The apples are beginning to ________ (落下) from the trees.
98. The baby is playing with her pet dog on the ____ (地板)
99. It’s dangerous to _____ (扔) rubbish from the tall building.
2.Volunteers can even go on working for 12 hours with an empty . (胃)
1.waste 2.lending 3.unfair 4.dropped 5.Since
6.risks 7.situation 8.rocks 9.blood 10.importance
11.problem 12.danger 13.headache 14.decisions 15.accidents
16.guess 17.typical l8.members 19.relation 20.proper
21.strange 22.matches 23.playground pletely 25.reported
26.volunteers 27.alone 28.opening 29.imagine 30.strong
31.stress 32.waste 33.provide 34.developing 35.result
36.development 37.clearly 38.skills 39.continued 40.crazier
41. control 42. ourselves 43. answer 44. break 45. lies/is
46.Since 47.pupils 48.date 49.realize 50.towers
51.completely 52. realized 53. began 54. alarms 55. pupils
56.repairs 57.imagine 58.letter 59.passages 60.neighbor
61.blood 62.knives 63.climbers 64.decision 65.death
66.shirts 67.passed 68.fingers 69.swept 70.folds
71.imagine 72.disabled 73.several 74.joy 75.raise
76.window 77.strange 78.wood 79.suddenly 80.Recently
81. sweep 82.mess 83.developed 84.fair 85.folding
86.crazy 87.continues 88.typical pare 90.wrong
91.offer 92.pressure 93.developed 94.fair 95.ill/sick
96.explain 97.drop 98.floor 99.throw 100 .stomach
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