
A: Good morning! 1
B: I need a shirt for the school festival.
A: What do you think of this pink shirt
B: It looks beautiful. 2
A: 100 yuan.
B: I like it, but it’s too expensive.
A: Then how about this yellow one 3
B: Well, it seems too big for me. 4
A: Sorry, we don’t. But we have one in blue.
B: 5
A: Of course.
B: I like it. I’ll take it.
A.May I try it on
B.Do you have a smaller size
C.What can I do for you
D.It looks nice on you.
E.It’s on sale.
F.It’s on show.
G.How much does it cost
Susan: Good evening, Anita.
Anita: Good evening, Susan. How was the party last night 6
Susan: Yes. There was lots of fun.
Anita: What about Alice 7
Susan: Yes. She enjoyed it a lot, too. By the way, I didn’t see you. Where were you last night
Anita: Me 8
Susan: Why
Anita: There was a baseball match between Class 5 and Class 12. I really prefer watching a match to going to a party.
Susan: What do you think of the match
Anita: It is a very exciting one. 9
Susan: What was the result
Anita: 10 The score is 86 to 82.
Susan: Oh! What a pity to Class 12!
A.Was she there
B.Where were you
C.Class 5 won the match.
D.And it is a very close match.
E.I went to the school gym.
F.When did the match begin
G.Did you have a good time
A: Hello! Keli Restaurant.
B: Hello! This is Mr. Wang. Could I order a meal by phone
A: Sure. 11 .
B: I’d like Mapo Tofu, Beijing Roast Duck and fried rice.
A: 12
B: Yes, two bottles of juice. That’s all. 13
A: 85 yuan. 14
B: My home is at No.183 on Ganghua Road. How soon can I get them
A: 15 . See you soon!
B: Thanks a lot. See you!
A.What would you like
B.Thanks for your order.
C.In 20 minutes.
D.How much should I pay
E.Anything else
F.May I take your order
G.What’s your address
A: Hi, Jessica. Long time no see. Did you have a nice trip during your vacation
B: Sure. 16
A: Did you go to Gulangyu Island in Xiamen as you had planned
B: Yes. 17
A: Is there anything special there
B: Well, we visited a piano museum which was really impressive.
A: 18
B: Sorry, taking photos isn’t allowed there.
A: What a pity!
B: There is the oldest piano in the world. 19
A: What about the food
B: It was delicious but not expensive. I enjoyed myself eating a lot of seafood and snacks.
A: Sounds great. 20
A.We went to Sanya.
B.We stayed there for a week.
C.That’s an unforgettable experience.
D.I can’t wait to take a visit myself.
E.The guide told us a lot about the history of the pianos.
F.Hope you’ll have a good time.
G.Can I have a look at the photos
A: Hi, Tom. How was your school trip last Saturday
B: It was great. I went to a farm.
A: 21
B: I went there with my friends.
A: 22
B: We went there by bus. It’s very far from here.
A: 23
B: It took us half an hour to get there.
A: 24
B: We went for a walk, rode horses and took many photos there. We really enjoyed ourselves.
A: Oh, it sounds good. I’d like to visit the farm, too.
B: Yeah, I’m sure you will have a good time there.
A: Thank you very much.
B: 25
A.How did you get there
B.How far is it far from there to school
C.What did you do here
D.Who did you go there with
E.How long did you take to get there
F.Not at all.
G.Did you go there with anyone else
A: Hi, Mike. 26
B: Not yet. Maybe I’ll just stay at home and listen to music for a good rest.
A: 27
B: I like pop music. I can sing plenty of popular songs.
A: Why do you like pop music
B: Well, for many reasons. 28 Second, it has helped me make many friends who have the same love for pop music.
A: 29
B: Yeah, when we have time, we’ll meet and have some fun singing together.
A: That’s great.
B: There will be a live pop concert on Sunday. 30
A: Sure. I won’t miss it.
A.Have a good weekend.
B.Do you often sing together
C.First, it’s a good way to reduce stress.
D.Would you like to go with me
E.I like music that has beautiful words.
F.What kind of music do you like best
G.Have you got any plans for the coming weekend
A: Kim, supper is ready. Ask your friend to dinner, please.
B: OK, Mun. 31 What delicious food! Are they all for us
A: Of course! 32
B: Thank you. Mum. Sue, they are all your favorite. Would you like to taste them
C: Thank you, Kim. 33
B: What about something to drink, Sue
C: No, thanks. I’m full now. It’s very kind of you. 34
B: 35
A.It’s a pleasure.
B.I’d like some chicken.
C.We are coming.
D.The food agrees with me very much.
E.It doesn’t matter.
F.Help yourselves!
G.Thank you for your dinner.
A: Hi, Zhang Ming, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Did you go travelling
B: No, I had no time to travel. 36 .
A: What did you do there
B: 37 .
A: Sounds exciting! How did you perform
B: I won the first prize.
A: 38 .
B: Thank you .
A: Whose poems did you choose
B: I chose Du Fu’s.
A: 39 .
B: Fantastic. You know, our Chinese ancient poems are really great. We can learn more from them.
A: 40 .
B: That’s right.
A.Where have you been
B.Congratulations! You’re always the best.
C.I went to Chengdu last week.
D.Why not ask me to go with you
E.And what do you think of the competition
F.I agree with you. It’s our duty to keep and spread our traditional cultures.
G.I took part in the Chinese Ancient Poem Reading Competition there.
1.C 2.G 3.E 4.B 5.A
1.根据“I need a shirt for the school festival.”可知此处是店员询问有什么可帮忙的,选项C“我能为你做些什么”符合语境。故选C。
2.根据“100 yuan.”可知此处询问价格,选项G“它多少钱”符合语境。故选G。
3.根据“ but it’s too expensive”可知此处拿了一个便宜点的,选项E“它在打折”符合语境。故选E。
4.根据“it seems too big for me”可知这个太大了,要一个小一点的,选项B“你有一个小一点的吗”符合语境。故选B。
5.根据“But we have one in blue.”以及“Of course”可知此处询问能不能试穿,选项A“我可以试穿吗”符合语境。故选A。
6.G 7.A 8.E 9.D 10.C
6.根据答语“Yes. There was lots of fun.”可推断出问句为一般疑问句,询问派对的事,选项G“在派对上过的是否开心?”符合语境。故选G。
7.根据答语“Yes. She enjoyed it a lot, too.”可知,问句是询问上文中提到的Alice是否也在派对上,选项A“她在那吗?”符合语境。故选A。
8.根据上文的问句“Where were you last night ”可知,询问昨晚你在什么地方,选项E“我去了学校的体育馆。”符合语境。故选E。
9.根据下文“The score is 86 to 82.”可知,比赛结果非常接近,选项D“这是一场势均力敌的比赛。”符合语境。故选D。
10.根据问句“What was the result ”及下文“Oh! What a pity to Class 12!”可知, 12班输了,选项C“5班赢了比赛。”符合语境。故选C。
11.A 12.E 13.D 14.G 15.C
11.根据“I’d like Mapo Tofu, Beijing Roast Duck and fried rice.”可知,空处应是问想点些什么,A项“你想要什么”符合语境,故选A。
12.根据“Yes, two bottles of juice.”可知,这里是又点了一些东西,所以空处应是一般疑问句,且还是询问点餐的情况,E项“还要别的吗”符合语境,故选E。
13.根据“85 yuan”可知,空处应是问多少钱,D项“我应该付多少钱”符合语境,故选D。
14.根据“ My home is at No.183 on Ganghua Road”可知,空处是询问地址,G项“你的地址是什么”符合语境,故选G。
15.根据“How soon can I get them ”可知,空处应是“In+时间段”的回答,C项“20分钟后”符合语境,故选C。
16.C 17.B 18.G 19.E 20.D
16.根据“Did you have a nice trip during your vacation”和“Sure.”可知,询问假期旅行是否愉快,对旅行进行评价,选项C“那是一次难忘的经历。”符合语境,故选C。
17.根据“Did you go to Gulangyu Island in Xiamen as you had planned”和“Yes.”可知,介绍自己按计划在厦门鼓浪屿旅行,选项B“我们在那里待了一个星期。”符合语境,故选B。
18.根据“Sorry, taking photos isn’t allowed there”可知,此处提到照片,选项G“我能看一下照片吗?”符合语境,故选G。
19.根据“There is the oldest piano in the world”可知,此处介绍钢琴的相关内容,选项E“导游给我们讲了很多关于钢琴的历史。”符合语境,故选E。
20.根据“It was delicious but not expensive. I enjoyed myself eating a lot of seafood and snacks”和“Sounds great.”可知,对厦门很期待,选项D“我都等不及要亲自去看看了。”符合语境,故选D。
21.D 22.A 23.E 24.C 25.F
21. 根据答语“I went there with my friends.”可知,问的应是:和谁去的。选项D“你和谁一起去的?”符合情景,故选D。
22.根据答语“We went there by bus.”可知,问的应是:怎样去的那。选项A“你们怎么去的那里?”符合情景,故选A。
23.根据答语“It took us half an hour to get there.”可知,问的应是:去那花费了多长时间。选项E“你们花了多长时间到那里?”符合情景,故选E。
24.根据答语“We went for a walk, rode horses and took many photos there.”可知,问的应是:做了什么。选项C“你们在这里做了什么?”符合情景,故选C。
25.根据上文“Thank you very much.”可知,空处应是回答感谢的答语。选项F“不客气。”符合情景,故选F。
26.G 27.F 28.C 29.B 30.D
26.根据“Not yet. Maybe I’ll just stay at home and listen to music for a good rest.”可推知,上文询问是否有周末计划。选项G“这个周末你有什么计划吗?”符合情景。故选G。
27.根据“I like pop music.”可知,此处询问喜欢什么种类的音乐。选项F“你最喜欢哪种音乐?”符合情景。故选F。
28.根据“Second, it has helped me make many friends who have the same love for pop music.”可知,此处介绍喜欢流行音乐的原因,后面是第二,上一句应该是第一。选项C“首先,它是一种好的减压方式。”符合情景。故选C。
29.根据“Yeah, when we have time, we’ll meet and have some fun singing together.”可知,此处是询问对方是否经常一起唱歌。选项B“你们经常一起唱歌吗?”符合情景。故选B。
30.根据“There will be a live pop concert on Sunday.”和“Sure, I won’t miss it.”可知,此处是邀请对方一起去现场流行音乐会。选项D“你愿意和我一起去吗?”符合情景。故选D。
31.C 32.F 33.D 34.G 35.A
31.根据上文“Kim, supper is ready. Ask your friend to have dinner, please!”和“OK, Mom!”可知,晚饭已准备好了,Kim的妈妈让Kim叫他的朋友来吃饭,Kim回应了妈妈说“好的”,所以此空应是选项C“我们来了。” 说明Kim在回应妈妈后马上就和朋友一起去吃饭了,符合情景。故选C。
32.根据上文“Are they all for us ”和下文“Thank you, Mom.”可知,那些美食都是做给Kim和他的朋友的,妈妈身为女主人应是表示让他们尽情吃,此空应是选项F“随便吃/请自便。” 符合情景。故选F。
33.根据下文“Sue, they are all your favorite.”以及“Thank you, Kim.”可知,此处为Kim的朋友对Kim表示感谢,饭菜很合口味。选项D“食物非常适合我。”符合题意,故选D。
34.根据前文“No, thanks. It’s very kind of you.”可知,朋友吃饱了,也对Kim说道“你真是太好了”,此空应是选项G“谢谢你的晚餐。” 衔接前文,且符合情景。故选G。
35.根据上文“No, thanks. I’m full now. It’s very kind of you...”可知,朋友对Kim说“你真是太好了”,朋友也应会对Kim表示感谢,所以此空应是选项A“不用谢/不客气。” 用于回应朋友的感谢,符合情景。故选A。
36.C 37.G 38.B 39.E 40.F
36.根据“No, I had no time to travel.”和“What did you do there ”可知,没有时间去旅游,因为去了某个地方,C项“上周我去成都了”符合语境,故选C。
37.根据“What did you do there ”可知,此处应是介绍在那里做的事情,G项“我参加了中国古诗朗读比赛”符合语境,故选G。
38.根据“I won the first prize.”可知,得知张明获得了一等奖,应该表示祝贺,B项“祝贺你!你永远是最棒的”符合语境,故选B。
39.根据“Fantastic. You know, our Chinese ancient poems are really great.”可知,此处应是询问对某样事物的评价,E项“你认为这个古诗比赛怎么样”符合语境,故选E。
40.根据“That’s right.”可知,此处应是表达了某种看法,所以对方才表示赞同,F项“我同意你的看法。保留和传播我们的传统文化是我们的责任”符合语境,故选F。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



