Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 基础知识检测卷(含答案)

人教版八年级下册Unit 5 基础知识检测卷
I put an a on the desk in order to get up early in the morning.
- He didn't r that he lost his keys until he got to his house.- He is so careless.
Read the p as quickly as you can and answer the three questions.
Our teacher always b his lesson with an interesting story.
The l in the room is too weak. I can't see it clearly.
Don't look out of the (窗户).Listen to me carefully.
There's a (奇怪的)thing in front of me in the dark. I don't know what it is.
We need to put some more (木头)on the fire.
I walked to school this morning. (突然),I saw a big dog following me.
(最近)I read some magazines about the news around the world.
My mother passed some (match) to me in the dark.
The road is (ice) because of the heavy snow, so we have to drive carefully.
- The radio says it will be (wind)this evening.- Remember to close the window.
The little girl fell (sleep) in her mother's arms.
You should believe in yourself. Nobody else can (beat) you.
- It is raining outside.-We can't go out at this time.
Her dream is to be a when she grows up.
There is a tree on the street. We should move it away.
The girl didn't want to tell her mother the that she didn't do well in the test.
He must be. I don't believe what he said.
( )1.-You look tired!- My husband football matches all night. That was too noisy!
A. watches B. has watched C. was watching D. will watch
( )2. I got up so late this morning because my clock didn't .
A. go on B.go out C. go up D. go off
( )3. Paul went home his parents silence,
A.with; in B.in; with C. at; at D. at;in
( )4. We need to guard any possible danger around us.
A.for B. over C.with D. against
( )5. I didn't it rained until I got out of the classroom.
A. like B. realize C. hope D. hate
昨夜暴风雨渐渐停息了。The rainstorm last night.
请看一看这封信。Please this letter.
那时他正在等他爸爸。He was his father at that time.
尽管有很多车辆,我们仍前往动物园。Though there was much traffic, we still the zoo.
起先他们玩得很开心。- they lots of .
It was a very foggy(有雾的)day in London. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot. Buses, cars and taxis were not able to run and 1.______by the side of the road. People tried to find the way but 2. their way in the fog. Mr. Smith was standing by the road, full of anxiety. He had a very 3. meeting at the Houses of Parliament that is four kilometers away from here and he had to get there on time, but no one could take him.
What he could do was to try 4. there at once. When he walked down the Bridge Street for 15 minutes, he found he was lost. Suddenly, he knocked into a stranger-a young man.
To his 5. , the young man asked where he wanted to go and if he needed his help. Mr. Smith said he wanted to get to the Houses of Parliament. The young man told him that he would take him there.
Mr. Smith was surprised but he thanked him immediately and they 6. to walk there side by side. The fog was getting thicker every minute but the young man seemed to have no 7. in finding the way. He walked fast,turning corners and crossing roads in different places for twenty-five minutes.Mr. Smith 8. the young man would perhaps show him a wrong way, but he said nothing. Then after about another five minutes' walk along one street, they arrived at the destination.
“How amazing! I'm deeply grateful to you! I won't be able to arrive here 9._____ you guide me," he said. “10. , I wonder how you found the way in such a foggy day."
“It is no trouble at all to me. I know London well, and walking in all kinds of weather is the same to me,” said the young man. “I am blind. ”
A man was hurt at around 10 o'clock last night. Here are some 1. (people) statements(陈述)about what they were doing at that time.
Mr. Green was 2. (watch) TV with his wife and children at 10 o'clock last night. Then he went to bed.
Mrs. Brown was a nurse. She was taking care of a patient in the hospital at10 o'clock last night. She 3. (get) home at around 12 o'clock.
Mr. Black was reading a newspaper 4. home yesterday evening, but he was too tired and 5. (fall) asleep.
Mrs. Green's family 6. (be) watching TV at 10 o'clock last night, and they went to bed at about 10:30.
Jack was Mrs.Brown's patient. Mrs.Brown was 7. nice that she looked after him late into the night until 11:30.
Mrs. Black said her husband went out 8. supper. She went to bed at9:50,9. he didn't come back at that time. She didn't know when he got home.
Miss Black was watching TV last night. She went to bed at 10:05. Her mother was 10. (sleep) alone in her bedroom. She didn't see her father last night.Unit
人教版八年级下册Unit 5 基础知识检测卷参考答案
一.1. alarm 2. realize 3.passage 4.begins5. light 6. window(s) 7. strange 8.wood9. Suddenly 10.Recently
1.matches 2. icy 3.windy 4.asleep 5. beat
三、1. heavily 2. reporter 3.fallen 4.truth 5. kidding
五、1.died down 2. have a look at 3.waiting for 4. made our way to 5. At first; had; fun
六、1.were standing 2. lost 3. important4. to walk 5. surprise
6. started 7. difficulty 8. worried 9. unless 10.However
七、1. people's 2. watching 3. got 4.at 5. fell
6. were 7. so 8. after 9. but 10. sleeping
fall kid report true heavy
lose kid important good walk surprised difficult unless however worry start stand
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