
(2024高三下·云南模拟) 阅读理解2024 Travel Planner: The Best Things to See in the UK
Icons of British Fashion, Oxfordshire
A fashion exhibition will open at Blenheim Palace in March. Icons of British Fashion is the largest event in the palace's 300-year history and will showcase some of Britain's most famous designers. Clothing, drawings, photographs and patterns will be on display. 23 March to 30 June. Palace entry tickets are valid for a year and cost 38 for adults, 22 for under-16s.
Toulouse-Lautrec in Bath
A new exhibition, Toulouse-Lautrec and the Masters of Montmartre, opens at Victoria Art Gallery in Bath in April. More than 30 pieces from the artist's colourful career will be shown alongside works by other artists of the day. This is the only chance to see Lautrec's complete collection of posters in the UK before it moves to a permanent home at the Musée d'Ixelles in Belgium. 26 April to 29 September, adults 10, children 3.50.
Back in Time at Beamish
A truly recreated 1950s picture house at Beamish will offer visitors a chance to recall the golden age of movie-going. The cinema will be the latest addition to a "1950s Town" opened last summer at the living history museum. Adults 24.95, children 15.45, a family of four 63.50, valid for a year.
National Gallery goes on tour
The National Gallery celebrates its 200th anniversary on 10 May. To mark the occasion, the gallery is lending 12 of its most iconic paintings to 12 venues across the UK. Paintings will travel to centres from Brighton to Edinburgh, and will all go on display on 10 May. Each of the 12 venues will run exhibitions and digital interventions to showcase its particular painting.
1.How much should a couple with a 5-year-old pay for Blenheim's exhibition
A. 23.50. B. 60.00. C. 63.50. D. 98.00.
2.What do Toulouse-Lautrec and National Gallery have in common
A.Recalling the artist's career.
B.Offering chances to make posters.
C.Employing digital interventions.
D.Enabling visitors to enjoy arts.
3.Which of the following is a year-round event
A.Icons of British Fashion.
B.Toulouse-Lautrec and the Masters of Montmartre.
C.1950s Picture House Visit.
D.National Gallery Painting Show.
1.考查细节理解。根据Icons of British Fashion, Oxfordshire部分中的"Palace entry tickets are valid for a year and cost 38 for adults, 22 for under-16s."白金汉宫门票有效期为一年,成人票价38英镑,16岁以下票价22英镑。可知,一对夫妻和一个5岁的小孩参观Blenheim的展览花费38ⅹ2+22=98英镑。故选D。
2.考查细节理解。根据Toulouse-Lautrec in Bath部分中的"A new exhibition, Toulouse-Lautrec and the Masters of Montmartre, opens at Victoria Art Gallery in Bath in April. More than 30 pieces from the artist's colourful career will be shown alongside works by other artists of the day."今年4月,一场名为《图卢兹-罗特列克与蒙马特大师》的新展览将在巴斯的维多利亚美术馆开幕。这位艺术家丰富多彩的职业生涯中的30多件作品将与当时其他艺术家的作品一起展出;以及National Gallery goes on tour部分中的"The National Gallery celebrates its 200th anniversary on 10 May. To mark the occasion, the gallery is lending 12 of its most iconic paintings to 12 venues across the UK."国家美术馆将于5月10日庆祝其成立200周年。为了纪念这一时刻,该画廊将向英国12个场馆出借12幅最具代表性的画作。可知,这两个地方的共同之处在于他们都让游客享受艺术。故选D。
3.考查细节理解。根据Back in Time at Beamish部分中的"A truly recreated 1950s picture house at Beamish will offer visitors a chance to recall the golden age of movie-going. The cinema will be the latest addition to a ‘1950s Town' opened last summer at the living history museum.Adults 24.95, children 15.45, a family of four 63.50, valid for a year." 在比米什,一座真正重现了20世纪50年代的电影院将为游客提供一个回忆电影黄金时代的机会。这家电影院将是去年夏天在活历史博物馆开放的"20世纪50年代小镇"的最新成员。成人24.95英镑,儿童15.45英镑,四口之家63.50英镑,有效期一年。可知,1950年代的Picture House参观是一个全年的活动。故选C。
(2024高三下·云南模拟)阅读理解The memory of one particular summer evening is still burned in my brain as if it were yesterday. There was nothing but wide-open fields for miles and miles around our rural Minnesota home. We never saw strangers not ever and here on this hot evening was a real live one walking up our driveway.
A young man, a slightly-built hitchhiker (搭便车的人) approached our door. He knew there was a storm coming, and he desperately needed shelter. Not wanting to intrude on our home and family, he asked my dad if he could sleep in our basement for the night for protection from the rain. Instead of saying yes, my dad loaded us all up in the 1959 Chevrolet: five kids, my mum, and the man.
Our family consisted of three older children whose father had died young and three more children from the union of my mother and father. Our older brother Jerry was in the Navy, on a ship somewhere overseas. Our mum and dad worried about him.
We drove him 10 miles to the next town, where Dad bought the man a room for the night along with a hot evening meal. In the car after we dropped off the stranger, I heard my dad say to my mum, "I just hope that if Jerry ever needs anything, this kindness will be returned to him."
Weeks later, Dad told my uncle about the young man. My uncle suggested that perhaps my dad shouldn't have taken the risk of having a stranger in our car. My dad replied, "You are absolutely right. I should have invited him into our home."
4.What does the underlined phrase "intrude on" in paragraph 2 mean
A.Disturb. B.Scare. C.Embarrass. D.Upset.
5.How did the author's father help the stranger
A.By providing a bed for him in the basement.
B.By letting him stay for the night in the car.
C.By taking him to a hotel in another town.
D.By cooking a hot evening meal for him.
6.What do we know about the author's family
A.The family had five children in total.
B.Jerry was serving in the army in the USA.
C.They had no spare room for the hitchhiker.
D.Dad wished his elder son to be treated kindly.
7.What did the author's uncle think of his father's deed
A.Worthwhile. B.Inappropriate. C.Inspiring. D.Unbelievable.
4.考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的" he asked my dad if he could sleep in our basement for the night for protection from the rain. "他问我爸爸是否可以在我们家的地下室过夜,以防下雨。可知,这个陌生人应该是不想打扰作者的家人,询问是否可以住在地下室。可推知,划线词intrude on 的意思是"打扰"。故选A。
5.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"We drove him 10 miles to the next town, where Dad bought the man a room for the night along with a hot evening meal. "我们开车带他到10英里外的下一个城镇,在那里爸爸给他买了一个房间过夜,还给他买了一顿热腾腾的晚餐。可知,作者的父亲通过带这个陌生人去了另一个城镇的旅馆来帮助他。故选C。
6.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"In the car after we dropped off the stranger, I heard my dad say to my mum, ‘I just hope that if Jerry ever needs anything, this kindness will be returned to him.'"我们把那个陌生人送上车后,我听到爸爸对妈妈说:"我只希望,如果杰里有什么需要,这份善意能回到他那里(即他能得到帮助)。"可知,爸爸希望他的大儿子受到善待。故选D。
7.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中"Weeks later, Dad told my uncle about the young man. My uncle suggested that perhaps my dad shouldn't have taken the risk of having a stranger in our car. "几周后,爸爸把那个年轻人的事告诉了叔叔。我叔叔建议说,也许我父亲不应该冒险让一个陌生人坐在我们的车里。可知,作者的叔叔认为他父亲的行为是不合适的。故选B。
(2024高三下·云南模拟)阅读理解Almost all new parents struggle to get enough sleep while caring for their newborns. For some penguin (企鹅) parents, though, periods of sleep are especially short.
Researchers recently found that Chinstrap penguins only sleep for about four seconds at a time in order to protect their eggs and newborn chicks. They do this thousands of times throughout the day. The short "microsleeps" total around 11 hours each day. The microsleeps appear to be enough to keep the parents going for many weeks.
Niels Rattenborg, a sleep researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence in Germany, said, "What's surprising is that the penguins are able to function okay and successfully raise their young."
Chinstrap penguins usually lay their eggs in November in nests made up of small rocks. Mated (交配的) pairs share parenting responsibilities. One parent usually watches the eggs and chicks alone while the other goes off fishing for family meals. Adult penguins don't face many natural enemies in the mating season. But large birds called brown skuas eat the penguin eggs and small chicks. Other adult penguins may also try to steal the small rocks from the nests, so penguin parents must always be on guard.
For the first time, scientists followed the sleeping behavior of Chinstrap penguins. They did this by attaching devices that measure brain waves. They collected data on 14 adults over 11 days on King George Island off the coast of Antarctica.
Won Young Lee, a biologist at the Korean Polar Research Institute, thought of the idea for the study when he saw mating penguins often blinking (眨) their eyes and possibly sleeping. But the team needed to record brain waves to confirm the animals were sleeping. "For these penguins, microsleeps have some restorative functions," he said. He added that they would not survive without it.
The researchers didn't collect sleep data outside the mating season. But they suspect that the penguins may sleep for longer periods at other times of the year.
8.What have researchers found about Chinstrap penguins
A.They take turns to take care of the young.
B.They sleep for several seconds at a time.
C.They rest for 11 hours in a row every day.
D.They behave poorly due to lack of sleep.
9.What is paragraph 4 mainly about
A.The habitats of the penguins.
B.The living habits of the penguins.
C.The mating seasons of the penguins.
D.The natural enemies of the penguins.
10.Which of the following might Won Young Lee agree with
A.Microsleeps of the penguins matter in their survival.
B.It's difficult to record brain waves of the penguins.
C.The penguins may sleep longer than people believe.
D.More funds are needed to further study the penguins.
11.Where is the text most probably taken from
A.A book review. B.A travel brochure.
C.A science journal. D.A chemistry textbook.
8.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"Researchers recently found that Chinstrap penguins only sleep for about four seconds at a time in order to protect their eggs and newborn chicks. They do this thousands of times throughout the day. The short ‘microsleeps' total around 11 hours each day."研究人员最近发现,为了保护它们的蛋和刚出生的小企鹅,Chintstrap企鹅一次只睡大约4秒钟。他们一天中这样做数千次。短暂的"微睡眠"每天总计约11小时。可知,研究发现,企鹅为了保护它们的蛋和刚出生的企鹅,它们一次只睡大约几秒钟。故选B。
9.考查段落大意。根据第四段中的"Chinstrap penguins usually lay their eggs in November in nests made up of small rocks. Mated (交配的) pairs share parenting responsibilities. One parent usually watches the eggs and chicks alone while the other goes off fishing for family meals. Adult penguins don't face many natural enemies in the mating season."颈带企鹅通常在11月在由小岩石组成的巢穴中产卵。配对的人分担养育子女的责任。父母中的一方通常独自照看鸡蛋和小企鹅,而另一方则外出捕鱼与家人团聚。成年企鹅在交配季节不会遇到很多天敌;以及全段可知,本段主要介绍了企鹅的生活习惯,包括产卵的的时间,如何养育小企鹅等。故选B。
10.考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的"‘For these penguins, microsleeps have some restorative functions,' he said. He added that they would not survive without it."他说:"对于这些企鹅来说,微睡眠具有一些恢复功能。"。他补充说,没有它,他们将无法生存。可推知,Won Young Lee认为睡眠对于企鹅的生存至关重要。故选A。
11.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"Researchers recently found that Chinstrap penguins only sleep for about four seconds at a time in order to protect their eggs and newborn chicks."研究人员最近发现,为了保护它们的蛋和刚出生的小企鹅,Chintstrap企鹅一次只睡大约4秒钟。"可知,本文主要讲述研究人员最近发现,帽带企鹅每次只睡大约四秒钟,以保护它们的蛋和新生的小企鹅。他们一天要这样做几千次。所以本篇文章最有可能出自科学杂志。故选C。
(2024高三下·云南模拟)阅读理解When people think of word innovators throughout history, male writers likely come to mind. Shakespeare is credited with inventing more than 1,700 words, including "bedroom", "courtship" and "swagger". Charles Dickens is said to have first used the words "butterfingers" and "doormat", and Dr. Seuss reportedly came up with "nerd".
But despite contributions from famous writers, historians say another group has an even greater impact on the development of language: teenage girls. Women lead up to 90 percent of linguistic (语言的) changes, as sociolinguist William Labov observed in the early 2000s. In fact, he wrote, women are often linguistically ahead of men "by a full generation".
Now women are leading the charge online. Though Oxford University Press'2023 word of the year, "rizz", meaning charm, was coined by a man, several runners-up, including "situationship" and "swiftie" were inspired or first used by women. The term "goblin mode", which refers to lazy behavior, was Oxford's 2022 word of the year and appears to have been first used by a woman on Twitter in 2009.
It's often impossible to tell who first used new words. But whether or not young girls invent new phrases, they are more likely to be early adopters of the latest lingo (术语), says University of Toronto linguist Sali Tagliamonte, "They're pushing changes forward."
There are a handful of possible reasons why girls lead lexical (词汇的) innovation. According to Gretchen McCulloch, author of Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language, women tend to be more socially aware. They have larger social circles and may be exposed to more language diversity. And because women tend to be caregivers, boys usually learn language from their mothers, whereas women and girls learn words from other women.
12.Why does the author mention some words coined by male writers
A.To compare male and female writers.
B.To introduce some well-known writers.
C.To lead in the topic to be talked about.
D.To put forward a point to be proved.
13.Which of the following words was invented by a male
A.Rizz. B.Situationship. C.Swiftie. D.Goblin mode.
14.Who thinks women's social awareness contributes to lexical innovation
A.Dr. Seuss. B.William Labov.
C.Sali Tagliamonte. D.Gretchen McCulloch.
15.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.New Words Are Added to English Dictionaries
B.Female Teens Take a Lead in Linguistic Changes
C.Women Are More Sensitive to Language Diversity
D.New Terms Make Communication More Colorful
12.考查推理判断。根据第二段"But despite contributions from famous writers, historians say another group has an even greater impact on the development of language: teenage girls. Women lead up to 90 percent of linguistic (语言的) changes, as sociolinguist William Labov observed in the early 2000s. In fact, he wrote, women are often linguistically ahead of men ‘by a full generation'."但是,历史学家说,除了著名作家的贡献外,另一个群体对语言的发展产生了更大的影响:少女。正如社会语言学家威廉·拉博夫在21世纪初观察到的那样,女性主导了90%的语言变化。事实上,他写道,女性在语言上往往比男性领先"整整一代"可推知,作者提到一些男性作家创造的词是为了引出要谈论的话题,即女性群体对语言的发展产生的影响。故选C。
13.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"Though Oxford University Press'2023 word of the year, ‘rizz', meaning charm, was coined by a man, several runners-up, including ‘situationship' and ‘swiftie' were inspired or first used by women. "牛津大学出版社评选的2023年度词汇中,意为"魅力"的"rizz"是由一位男性创造的,但包括"situation"和"swiftie"在内的几个亚军都是由女性启发或首次使用的。可知,"rizz"是由一位男性创造的。故选A。
14.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"According to Gretchen McCulloch, author of Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language, women tend to be more socially aware."《因为互联网:理解语言的新规则》一书的作者格雷琴·麦卡洛克认为,女性往往更有社会意识。可知,格雷琴·麦卡洛克认为女性的社会意识有助于词汇创新。故选D。
15.考查标题归纳。根据第二段中的"But despite contributions from famous writers, historians say another group has an even greater impact on the development of language: teenage girls."但是,历史学家说,除了著名作家的贡献外,另一个群体对语言的发展产生了更大的影响:少女。可知,文章主要介绍了女性青少年对语言的发展产生的影响。"女性青少年在语言变化中起主导作用"适合作本文标题。故选B。
(2024高三下·云南模拟) 任务型阅读How to Deal with Awkward Silences
We all know what it's like when a conversation dies off and you're left to sit in silence.  16.   Thankfully, filling these silences isn't as difficult as it may seem. Read on to learn how to initiate small talk and deal with awkward silences.
Think of topics ahead of time.
Before attending a social event, think of a few "go-to" topics to jumpstart a dead conversation. This will help you to fill the silences instead of struggling for words in the moment. Recent news, local events, popular books and television shows are all good fallback options.  17.  
Ask open-ended questions.
Ask questions that have more than one possible answer.  18.   They help avoid resulting in short response. For example, instead of asking, "Did you like your high school ", you could ask, "What did you like about your high school "
As with any good conversation, the biggest key is to listen. If they respond to your question with a short statement such as "Yes"or "No", that might indicate that they aren't comfortable talking about a particular subject. Instead, talk about something that you know they're interested in. For example, "I heard you won your football game the other night. I'd love to hear about it."
Give a compliment (表扬).
 20.   For example, you could say, "I really like your shirt. Where did you get it " This could move the conversation in another direction while making the other person feel good. Stick to saying nice things if you're trying to make small talk.
A.Keep the conversation flowing.
B.It also allows you to spend more time together.
C.Listen carefully and respond to their reactions.
D.There's only one word to describe it: awkward.
E.This is always a safe bet, as long as it's appropriate.
F.Such questions are likely to get the person talking more.
G.However, avoid some subjects that may cause arguments.
16.根据空前"We all know what it's like when a conversation dies off and you're left to sit in silence. "我们都知道当一次谈话结束,你只能静静地坐着时是什么感觉。说明谈话结束无话可说的局面非常令人尴尬。空处顺接前文,说明无话可说的感觉非常的尴尬。D.There's only one word to describe it: awkward. "只有一个词可以形容它:尴尬。"符合语境,故选D。
17.根据空前"Recent news, local events, popular books and television shows are all good fallback options."最近的新闻、当地的活动、受欢迎的书籍和电视节目都是不错的后备选择。说明最近的新闻,活动,受欢迎的书籍和电视节目都是可以提前选择的话题。空处和前文形成转折关系,说明选择话题时需要注意的问题。G.However, avoid some subjects that may cause arguments. "但是,要避免一些可能引起争论的话题。"符合语境。故选G。
18.根据空前"Ask questions that have more than one possible answer. "提出有多个可能答案的问题。说明想要打破沉默,可以提出有多个答案的问题。空处承上启下,说明这样做的好处。F.Such questions are likely to get the person talking more. "这样的问题可能会让对方多说话。"符合语境,故选F。
19.根据空后"As with any good conversation, the biggest key is to listen. If they respond to your question with a short statement such as ‘Yes'or ‘No', that might indicate that they aren't comfortable talking about a particular subject."与任何好的谈话一样,最大的关键是倾听。如果他们用"是"或"否"等简短的回答来回答你的问题,这可能表明他们对谈论某个特定的话题感到不舒服。说明本段所给建议为先要认真倾听,在根据听到了的信息做出回应。C.Listen carefully and respond to their reactions. "仔细倾听并回应他们的反应。"适合做本段的主旨句,统领全段。故选C。
20.根据空后"For example, you could say, ‘I really like your shirt. Where did you get it ' This could move the conversation in another direction while making the other person feel good." 例如,你可以说:"我真的很喜欢你的衬衫。你从哪里买的?"这可以把谈话推向另一个方向,同时让对方感觉良好;以及本段的主旨句说明需要赞扬对方,这样会让对方感觉良好。空处为下文中举例所列举的事实。E.This is always a safe bet, as long as it's appropriate. "只要合适,赞美总是一个安全的选择。"符合语境。故选E。
(2024高三下·云南模拟) 完形填空Growing up on a farm, Tori James spent much of her early years outdoors, building shelters and playing in muddy streams. She 21. herself as an ambitious and adventurous child and owes the Duke of Edinburgh Award to her love for 22. . James says she could never have 23. that one day she might be the youngest British woman to 24. the peak of Mount Everest.
Today, James is a(n) 25. adventurer. Alongside her successful climb of the world's 26. peak in 2007, she was a member of the first all-female team to 27. a tiring 650-kilometre ski race to the Magnetic North Pole in 2005, and in 2014 she set the 28. for the longest non-stop open-sea kayak crossing in UK waters.
Yet ahead of her first exploration at the age of 18, James had 29. her ability to last a month out in the cold without the comfort of a hot bath. "It's only by 30. our comfort zone that we understand our true potential," she explains, "That's when the 31. happens."
James encourages would-be adventurers not to be 32. by the conventional image of the rugged (粗犷的), hardy explorer. "I am such a believer that, with the right support and skills, everyone can bring 33. to an exploration," she adds, "Sometimes, it's only out in the field that someone's 34. talents emerge, 35. in the process of exploration."
21.A.describes B.admits C.imagines D.praises
22.A.wildlife B.science C.exploration D.competition
23.A.explained B.understood C.declared D.predicted
24.A.measure B.approach C.admire D.reach
25.A.patient B.ordinary C.professional D.honest
26.A.coldest B.highest C.prettiest D.straightest
27.A.complete B.coach C.judge D.cancel
28.A.record B.date C.goal D.standard
29.A.lost B.doubted C.limited D.developed
30.A.entering B.restoring C.leaving D.expanding
31.A.emergency B.accident C.event D.magic
32.A.pushed ahead B.kept apart C.cheered up D.put off
33.A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything
34.A.academic B.creative C.hidden D.artistic
35.A.eventually B.particularly C.generally D.obviously
21.句意:她把自己描述成一个雄心勃勃、爱冒险的孩子,并将爱丁堡公爵奖归功于她对探索的热爱。A. describes"描述";B. admits"承认";C. imagines"想象";D. praises"赞扬"。根据空后"herself as an ambitious and adventurous child"可知,这是托里·詹姆斯自己对自己的描述。故选A。
22.句意:她把自己描述一个雄心勃勃、爱冒险的孩子,并将爱丁堡公爵奖归功于她对探索的热爱。A. wildlife"野生动物";B. science"科学";C. exploration"探索";D. competition"竞争"。根据上文"Tori James spent much of her early years outdoors, building shelters and playing in muddy streams."可知,托里·詹姆斯热爱探索。故选C。
23.句意:詹姆斯说,她从来没有预料到有一天她可能会成为到达珠穆朗玛峰最年轻的英国女性。A. explained"解释";B. understood"理解";C. declared"声明";D. predicted"预料"。根据空后"that one day she might be the youngest British woman to 4 the peak of Mount Everest"可知,她会成为登上珠穆朗玛峰最年轻的英国女性,这样的成就是她以前没有预料到的。故选D。
24.句意:詹姆斯说,她从来没有预料到有一天她可能会成为到达珠穆朗玛峰最年轻的英国女性。A. measure"测量";B. approach"接近";C. admire"钦佩";D. reach"到达"。根据空后"the peak of Mount Everest."可知,她到达珠穆朗玛峰。故选D。
25.句意:如今,詹姆斯是一名职业冒险家。A. patient"有耐心的";B. ordinary"普通的";C. professional"专业的";D. honest"诚实的"。根据下文"Alongside her successful climb of the world's 6 peak in 2007, she was a member of the first all-female team to 7 a tiring 650-kilometre ski race to the Magnetic North Pole in 2005, and in 2014 she set the 8 for the longest non-stop open-sea kayak crossing in UK waters."可知,詹姆斯是一名职业冒险家。故选C。
26.句意:她在2007年成功攀登了世界最高峰,2005年,她是第一支全女子团队的成员,完成了650公里的滑雪比赛,到达磁北极。A. coldest"最冷的";B. highest"最高的";C. prettiest"最漂亮的";D. straightest"最直的"。根据上文"the youngest British woman to 4 the peak of Mount Everest."可知,她攀登的是珠穆朗玛峰,是世界最高峰。故选B。
27.句意:她在2007年成功攀登了世界最高峰,2005年,她是第一支全女子团队的成员,完成了650公里的滑雪比赛,到达磁北极。A. complete"完成";B. coach"训练";C. judge"判断";D. cancel"取消"。根据空前"Alongside her successful climb of the world's 6 peak in 2007";以及空后"a tiring 650-kilometre ski race to the Magnetic North Pole in 2005"可知,詹姆斯不但成功攀登了世界最高峰,也完成了650公里的滑雪比赛。故选A。
28.句意:2014年,她创造了英国水域最长的不间断公海皮划艇穿越纪录。A. record"记录";B. date "日期";C. goal"目标";D. standard"标准"。根据空后"for the longest non-stop open-sea kayak crossing in UK waters"可知,她创造了英国水域最长的不间断公海皮划艇穿越纪录。故选A。
29.句意:然而,在她18岁的第一次探险之前,詹姆斯怀疑自己是否能在没有热水澡舒适的情况下在寒冷中坚持一个月。A. lost"丢失";B. doubted"怀疑";C. limited"限制";D. developed"发展"。根据空前"ahead of her first exploration at the age of 18"可推知,在第一次探险之前詹姆斯对自己的能力充满怀疑。故选B。
30.句意:"只有离开舒适区,我们才能了解自己真正的潜力,"她解释说,"那就是奇迹发生的时候。"A. entering"进入";B. restoring"恢复";C. leaving"离开";D. expanding"扩大"。根据空后"our comfort zone that we understand our true potential"可知,要离开舒适区,才能了解自己真正的潜力。故选C。
31.句意:"只有离开舒适区,我们才能了解自己真正的潜力,"她解释说,"那就是奇迹发生的时候。"A. emergency"紧急情况";B. accident"事故";C. event"事件";D. magic"奇迹,魔术"。根据空前"It's only by 10 our comfort zone that we understand our true potential"可知,只有离开舒适区,我们才能了解自己真正的潜力,才会像她一样突破自己,奇迹才会发生。故选D。
32.句意:詹姆斯鼓励想要成为冒险者的人不要被传统的粗犷、顽强的探险家形象使得失去兴趣。A. pushed ahead"向前推进";B. kept apart"分开";C. cheered up"欢呼";D. put off"使失去兴趣,推迟"。根据空后"by the conventional image of the rugged (粗犷的), hardy explorer"可知,传统的粗犷、顽强的探险家形象很有可能会使想要成为冒险者的人失去兴趣。故选D。
33.句意:她补充道:"我坚信,只要得到适当的支持和技能,每个人都能在探索中有所作为。有时候,只有在这个领域,人们隐藏的才能才能显现出来,尤其是在探索的过程中。"A. something"某事";B. nothing"没有什么";C. anything"任何事";D. everything"每件事"。根据上文"I am such a believer that, with the right support and skills, everyone can bring..."可推知,只要得到适当的支持和技能,每个人都能在探索中有所作为。故选A。
34.句意:她补充道:"我坚信,只要得到适当的支持和技能,每个人都能在探索中有所作为。有时候,只有在这个领域,人们隐藏的才能才能显现出来,尤其是在探索的过程中。"A. academic"学术的";B. creative"创造性的";C. hidden"隐藏的";D. artistic"艺术的"。根据空后"talents emerge"可知,隐藏的才能显现出来。故选C。
35.句意:她补充道:"我坚信,只要得到适当的支持和技能,每个人都能在探索中有所作为。有时候,只有在这个领域,人们隐藏的才能才能显现出来,尤其是在探索的过程中。"A. eventually"最终";B. particularly"特别";C. generally"一般" ;D. obviously"显然"。根据空前"Sometimes, it's only out in the field that someone's 14 talents emerge";以及空后"in the process of exploration."可知,尤其是在探索的过程中,才能激发人们的潜力,人们隐藏的才能才能显现出来。故选B。
A composting (堆肥) program at The Wesley School in Los Angeles is helping students get hands-on experience and ways  36.   (handle) human-driven climate change. For the past year, all the leftover food waste from the school has gone into composting containers rather than a landfill  37.   it would be buried and would produce planet-warming gases.
The school's composting program  38.   (come) into being in 2022, and this year, the school held a  39.  (celebrate) to reveal what happened inside a series of five-foot-tall containers. Steven Wynbrandt, a local farmer  40.   composting consultant who has helped the school with its program, broke the ties that held the container closed. Rich black compost spilled out from the container.
The school will use the compost on plants around campus. Some will  41.   (offer) to families that want to use it at home, and whatever is left will be donated.
It takes two hours for the container to be emptied and prepared to receive  42.   next day's lunch leftovers. The other containers remain full of food waste that is in the process of  43.   (break) down. Decorated  44.   (poster) on the outside of each container indicate when they can be opened so that the next generation of plants on campus can benefit  45.   the rich soil.
【答案】36.to handle;37.where;38.came;39.celebration;40.and;41.be offered;42.the;43.breaking;44.posters;45.from
36.句意:洛杉矶韦斯利学校的一个堆肥项目正在帮助学生获得实践经验,并找到应对人为气候变化的方法。ways to do sth.固定短语,"做某事的方法",此处不定式作定语。故填to handle。
37.句意:在过去的一年里,学校所有剩下的食物垃圾都被放进了堆肥容器,而不是填埋,填埋会产生导致地球变暖的气体。 it would be buried and would produce planet-warming gases. 是限制性定语从句,先行词是landfill,指物,关系词代替先行词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导。故填where。
38.句意:这所学校的堆肥项目于2022年开始,今年,学校举行了一场庆祝活动,展示了一系列5英尺高的集装箱里发生的事情。此处是谓语动词,根据in 2022可知,应用一般过去时,故填came。
40.句意:当地农民兼堆肥顾问史蒂文·温布兰特帮助学校开展了这个项目,他打破了固定集装箱的纽带。空格前面是local farmer"当地农民"和后面的composting consultant"堆肥顾问"是并列的,都是前面这个人的身份,表示他是一个当地农民和堆肥顾问,用连词and连接。故填and。
41.句意:一些将提供给那些想在家里使用它的家庭,剩下的将被捐赠。主语Some指的是前句的the compost中的一些,与offer"提供"是被动关系,句子是被动语态,用be offered,结合空前的will可知,句子用一般将来时的被动语态。故填be offered。
43.句意:其他容器仍然装满了正在分解的食物垃圾。in the process of "在……的过程中",介词of后接宾语,应用动名词,故填breaking。
44.句意:每个容器外面都有装饰海报,标明何时可以打开,这样校园里的下一代植物就能从肥沃的土壤中受益。此处名词作主语。poster"海报",可数名词,此处表示泛指,应用复数。故填 posters。
45.句意:每个容器外面都有装饰海报,标明何时可以打开,这样校园里的下一代植物就能从肥沃的土壤中受益。benefit from 固定短语,"从……受益",此处表示:校园里植物的后代能从富饶的土壤中受益。故填from。
46.(2024高三下·云南模拟)假如你是李华,你市电视台正面向留学生开展主题为"Feel of China"的短视频(short video)征集活动。请给你的留学生朋友Chris写一封邮件,鼓励他参加,内容包括:
Dear Chris,
How are you doing
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Chris,
How are you doing To help foreign students embrace culture, our city TV station is organizing a short video solicitation activity themed "Feel of China". I think you should sign up for it.
All foreign students are welcome to share the unexpected adventures or amazing moments documented in China through the lens within 5 minutes. It set no limits on topics or styles, allowing participants to have free access to whatever they find fascinating and impressive about China. The deadline for the submission is March 24th, 2024.
Looking forward to seeing your video on TV.
Li Hua
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文信件,要求考生以李华的身份你的留学生朋友Chris写一封邮件,鼓励他参加你市电视台正面向留学生开展的主题为"Feel of China"的短视频(short video)征集活动。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1.活动介绍;2.内容要求。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:To help foreign students embrace culture, our city TV station is organizing a short video solicitation activity themed "Feel of China". 运用了不定式作目的状语,省略to的不定式作宾补;I think you should sign up for it.运用了宾语从句; It set no limits on topics or styles, allowing participants to have free access to whatever they find fascinating and impressive about China. 运用了现在分词作状语,宾语从句。
It was July 2019 and my mum Rebecca was taking me on a 120km walking holiday from Portugal to Spain as a special treat for my 10th birthday. One day, while walking along the coastal path staring out at the Atlantic ocean, I chatted away to Mum. "When Lexi turns.10, are you going to take her on a trip like this " I asked, referring to my seven-year-old sister. Mum said Lexi had already asked to go to Svalbard in the north of Norway because she was crazy about polar bears.
Although I was still on my first special trip, I'd been learning about ancient civilizations at school and knew I'd love to see some relics in the flesh. So I continued saying, "Why don't I go to Egypt while you're in Svalbard with Lexi ", adding that my dad, Olaf, could take me there. "Great, but I'm not paying for it." Muim replied, chuckling. "That's fine. I'll pay," I said, "I'll save up my pocket money and get a job."
So that's exactly what I did. Though I was too young to do any other paid work, I had my own solution. I started saving my $10-a-week pocket money. Also, I washed my parents'car or mowed the lawn for extra cash.
In 2020, we moved to Perth. One day, I saw a pamphlet(小册子) in the letter box advertising a job delivering catalogues. When I told Mum I wanted to do it, she tried to put me off the idea, reminding me that the work was tiring and time-consuming. But when seeing the determination in my eyes, she agreed to call them. Thankfully, my young age didn't bother them-I got the job. On a Monday, a mountain of catalogues were dropped off at our house, which shocked me a lot. I told myself to calm down and dedicated to work. It took me nine hours to sort through them. At first, I used my bike and carried the catalogues in my backpack to deliver them to 430 houses in my area.
After several deliveries, I found it wasn't very efficient.
Three and a half years later, I saved a massive $6,500, and Dad and I flew to Cairo, Egypt.
【答案】After several deliveries, I found it wasn't very efficient. Strained by the weight of the catalogues and limited by the bike's capacity, I was compelled to seek a better method. Collaborating with Dad, we devised a solution: constructing a small cart for towing behind my bike, a move that drastically expanded my delivery capabilities. This innovation cut my delivery time in half and made the job less physically demanding. Witnessing my savings account grow, bolstered by determination and familial support, transformed the catalogues from mere paper into tickets to my dream.
Three and a half years later, I saved a massive $6,500, and Dad and I flew to Cairo, Egypt. Upon arrival, the realization of my dream was overwhelming. Confronted with the majestic pyramids, symbols of the ancient civilization I yearned to explore, the experience was surreal. As Dad and I wandered through the bustling streets of Cairo, the sights, sounds, and smells of the city were a stark contrast to where my journey began. This adventure, the fruit of long-lasting saving meticulous planning, and relentless dreaming, stood as proof that perseverance and creativity can turn the loftiest dreams into reality.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:Strained by the weight of the catalogues and limited by the bike's capacity, I was compelled to seek a better method. 运用了过去分词作状语;Collaborating with Dad, we devised a solution: constructing a small cart for towing behind my bike, a move that drastically expanded my delivery capabilities. 运用了现在分词作状语,限制性定语从句; Witnessing my savings account grow, bolstered by determination and familial support, transformed the catalogues from mere paper into tickets to my dream.运用了省略to的不定式作宾补;Confronted with the majestic pyramids, symbols of the ancient civilization I yearned to explore, the experience was surreal.运用了限制性定语从句; As Dad and I wandered through the bustling streets of Cairo, the sights, sounds, and smells of the city were a stark contrast to where my journey began. 运用了时间状语从句;This adventure, the fruit of long-lasting saving meticulous planning, and relentless dreaming, stood as proof that perseverance and creativity can turn the loftiest dreams into reality.运用了同位语从句。
(2024高三下·云南模拟) 阅读理解2024 Travel Planner: The Best Things to See in the UK
Icons of British Fashion, Oxfordshire
A fashion exhibition will open at Blenheim Palace in March. Icons of British Fashion is the largest event in the palace's 300-year history and will showcase some of Britain's most famous designers. Clothing, drawings, photographs and patterns will be on display. 23 March to 30 June. Palace entry tickets are valid for a year and cost 38 for adults, 22 for under-16s.
Toulouse-Lautrec in Bath
A new exhibition, Toulouse-Lautrec and the Masters of Montmartre, opens at Victoria Art Gallery in Bath in April. More than 30 pieces from the artist's colourful career will be shown alongside works by other artists of the day. This is the only chance to see Lautrec's complete collection of posters in the UK before it moves to a permanent home at the Musée d'Ixelles in Belgium. 26 April to 29 September, adults 10, children 3.50.
Back in Time at Beamish
A truly recreated 1950s picture house at Beamish will offer visitors a chance to recall the golden age of movie-going. The cinema will be the latest addition to a "1950s Town" opened last summer at the living history museum. Adults 24.95, children 15.45, a family of four 63.50, valid for a year.
National Gallery goes on tour
The National Gallery celebrates its 200th anniversary on 10 May. To mark the occasion, the gallery is lending 12 of its most iconic paintings to 12 venues across the UK. Paintings will travel to centres from Brighton to Edinburgh, and will all go on display on 10 May. Each of the 12 venues will run exhibitions and digital interventions to showcase its particular painting.
1.How much should a couple with a 5-year-old pay for Blenheim's exhibition
A. 23.50. B. 60.00. C. 63.50. D. 98.00.
2.What do Toulouse-Lautrec and National Gallery have in common
A.Recalling the artist's career.
B.Offering chances to make posters.
C.Employing digital interventions.
D.Enabling visitors to enjoy arts.
3.Which of the following is a year-round event
A.Icons of British Fashion.
B.Toulouse-Lautrec and the Masters of Montmartre.
C.1950s Picture House Visit.
D.National Gallery Painting Show.
(2024高三下·云南模拟)阅读理解The memory of one particular summer evening is still burned in my brain as if it were yesterday. There was nothing but wide-open fields for miles and miles around our rural Minnesota home. We never saw strangers not ever and here on this hot evening was a real live one walking up our driveway.
A young man, a slightly-built hitchhiker (搭便车的人) approached our door. He knew there was a storm coming, and he desperately needed shelter. Not wanting to intrude on our home and family, he asked my dad if he could sleep in our basement for the night for protection from the rain. Instead of saying yes, my dad loaded us all up in the 1959 Chevrolet: five kids, my mum, and the man.
Our family consisted of three older children whose father had died young and three more children from the union of my mother and father. Our older brother Jerry was in the Navy, on a ship somewhere overseas. Our mum and dad worried about him.
We drove him 10 miles to the next town, where Dad bought the man a room for the night along with a hot evening meal. In the car after we dropped off the stranger, I heard my dad say to my mum, "I just hope that if Jerry ever needs anything, this kindness will be returned to him."
Weeks later, Dad told my uncle about the young man. My uncle suggested that perhaps my dad shouldn't have taken the risk of having a stranger in our car. My dad replied, "You are absolutely right. I should have invited him into our home."
4.What does the underlined phrase "intrude on" in paragraph 2 mean
A.Disturb. B.Scare. C.Embarrass. D.Upset.
5.How did the author's father help the stranger
A.By providing a bed for him in the basement.
B.By letting him stay for the night in the car.
C.By taking him to a hotel in another town.
D.By cooking a hot evening meal for him.
6.What do we know about the author's family
A.The family had five children in total.
B.Jerry was serving in the army in the USA.
C.They had no spare room for the hitchhiker.
D.Dad wished his elder son to be treated kindly.
7.What did the author's uncle think of his father's deed
A.Worthwhile. B.Inappropriate. C.Inspiring. D.Unbelievable.
(2024高三下·云南模拟)阅读理解Almost all new parents struggle to get enough sleep while caring for their newborns. For some penguin (企鹅) parents, though, periods of sleep are especially short.
Researchers recently found that Chinstrap penguins only sleep for about four seconds at a time in order to protect their eggs and newborn chicks. They do this thousands of times throughout the day. The short "microsleeps" total around 11 hours each day. The microsleeps appear to be enough to keep the parents going for many weeks.
Niels Rattenborg, a sleep researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence in Germany, said, "What's surprising is that the penguins are able to function okay and successfully raise their young."
Chinstrap penguins usually lay their eggs in November in nests made up of small rocks. Mated (交配的) pairs share parenting responsibilities. One parent usually watches the eggs and chicks alone while the other goes off fishing for family meals. Adult penguins don't face many natural enemies in the mating season. But large birds called brown skuas eat the penguin eggs and small chicks. Other adult penguins may also try to steal the small rocks from the nests, so penguin parents must always be on guard.
For the first time, scientists followed the sleeping behavior of Chinstrap penguins. They did this by attaching devices that measure brain waves. They collected data on 14 adults over 11 days on King George Island off the coast of Antarctica.
Won Young Lee, a biologist at the Korean Polar Research Institute, thought of the idea for the study when he saw mating penguins often blinking (眨) their eyes and possibly sleeping. But the team needed to record brain waves to confirm the animals were sleeping. "For these penguins, microsleeps have some restorative functions," he said. He added that they would not survive without it.
The researchers didn't collect sleep data outside the mating season. But they suspect that the penguins may sleep for longer periods at other times of the year.
8.What have researchers found about Chinstrap penguins
A.They take turns to take care of the young.
B.They sleep for several seconds at a time.
C.They rest for 11 hours in a row every day.
D.They behave poorly due to lack of sleep.
9.What is paragraph 4 mainly about
A.The habitats of the penguins.
B.The living habits of the penguins.
C.The mating seasons of the penguins.
D.The natural enemies of the penguins.
10.Which of the following might Won Young Lee agree with
A.Microsleeps of the penguins matter in their survival.
B.It's difficult to record brain waves of the penguins.
C.The penguins may sleep longer than people believe.
D.More funds are needed to further study the penguins.
11.Where is the text most probably taken from
A.A book review. B.A travel brochure.
C.A science journal. D.A chemistry textbook.
(2024高三下·云南模拟)阅读理解When people think of word innovators throughout history, male writers likely come to mind. Shakespeare is credited with inventing more than 1,700 words, including "bedroom", "courtship" and "swagger". Charles Dickens is said to have first used the words "butterfingers" and "doormat", and Dr. Seuss reportedly came up with "nerd".
But despite contributions from famous writers, historians say another group has an even greater impact on the development of language: teenage girls. Women lead up to 90 percent of linguistic (语言的) changes, as sociolinguist William Labov observed in the early 2000s. In fact, he wrote, women are often linguistically ahead of men "by a full generation".
Now women are leading the charge online. Though Oxford University Press'2023 word of the year, "rizz", meaning charm, was coined by a man, several runners-up, including "situationship" and "swiftie" were inspired or first used by women. The term "goblin mode", which refers to lazy behavior, was Oxford's 2022 word of the year and appears to have been first used by a woman on Twitter in 2009.
It's often impossible to tell who first used new words. But whether or not young girls invent new phrases, they are more likely to be early adopters of the latest lingo (术语), says University of Toronto linguist Sali Tagliamonte, "They're pushing changes forward."
There are a handful of possible reasons why girls lead lexical (词汇的) innovation. According to Gretchen McCulloch, author of Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language, women tend to be more socially aware. They have larger social circles and may be exposed to more language diversity. And because women tend to be caregivers, boys usually learn language from their mothers, whereas women and girls learn words from other women.
12.Why does the author mention some words coined by male writers
A.To compare male and female writers.
B.To introduce some well-known writers.
C.To lead in the topic to be talked about.
D.To put forward a point to be proved.
13.Which of the following words was invented by a male
A.Rizz. B.Situationship. C.Swiftie. D.Goblin mode.
14.Who thinks women's social awareness contributes to lexical innovation
A.Dr. Seuss. B.William Labov.
C.Sali Tagliamonte. D.Gretchen McCulloch.
15.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.New Words Are Added to English Dictionaries
B.Female Teens Take a Lead in Linguistic Changes
C.Women Are More Sensitive to Language Diversity
D.New Terms Make Communication More Colorful
(2024高三下·云南模拟) 任务型阅读How to Deal with Awkward Silences
We all know what it's like when a conversation dies off and you're left to sit in silence.  16.   Thankfully, filling these silences isn't as difficult as it may seem. Read on to learn how to initiate small talk and deal with awkward silences.
Think of topics ahead of time.
Before attending a social event, think of a few "go-to" topics to jumpstart a dead conversation. This will help you to fill the silences instead of struggling for words in the moment. Recent news, local events, popular books and television shows are all good fallback options.  17.  
Ask open-ended questions.
Ask questions that have more than one possible answer.  18.   They help avoid resulting in short response. For example, instead of asking, "Did you like your high school ", you could ask, "What did you like about your high school "
As with any good conversation, the biggest key is to listen. If they respond to your question with a short statement such as "Yes"or "No", that might indicate that they aren't comfortable talking about a particular subject. Instead, talk about something that you know they're interested in. For example, "I heard you won your football game the other night. I'd love to hear about it."
Give a compliment (表扬).
 20.   For example, you could say, "I really like your shirt. Where did you get it " This could move the conversation in another direction while making the other person feel good. Stick to saying nice things if you're trying to make small talk.
A.Keep the conversation flowing.
B.It also allows you to spend more time together.
C.Listen carefully and respond to their reactions.
D.There's only one word to describe it: awkward.
E.This is always a safe bet, as long as it's appropriate.
F.Such questions are likely to get the person talking more.
G.However, avoid some subjects that may cause arguments.
(2024高三下·云南模拟) 完形填空Growing up on a farm, Tori James spent much of her early years outdoors, building shelters and playing in muddy streams. She 21. herself as an ambitious and adventurous child and owes the Duke of Edinburgh Award to her love for 22. . James says she could never have 23. that one day she might be the youngest British woman to 24. the peak of Mount Everest.
Today, James is a(n) 25. adventurer. Alongside her successful climb of the world's 26. peak in 2007, she was a member of the first all-female team to 27. a tiring 650-kilometre ski race to the Magnetic North Pole in 2005, and in 2014 she set the 28. for the longest non-stop open-sea kayak crossing in UK waters.
Yet ahead of her first exploration at the age of 18, James had 29. her ability to last a month out in the cold without the comfort of a hot bath. "It's only by 30. our comfort zone that we understand our true potential," she explains, "That's when the 31. happens."
James encourages would-be adventurers not to be 32. by the conventional image of the rugged (粗犷的), hardy explorer. "I am such a believer that, with the right support and skills, everyone can bring 33. to an exploration," she adds, "Sometimes, it's only out in the field that someone's 34. talents emerge, 35. in the process of exploration."
21.A.describes B.admits C.imagines D.praises
22.A.wildlife B.science C.exploration D.competition
23.A.explained B.understood C.declared D.predicted
24.A.measure B.approach C.admire D.reach
25.A.patient B.ordinary C.professional D.honest
26.A.coldest B.highest C.prettiest D.straightest
27.A.complete B.coach C.judge D.cancel
28.A.record B.date C.goal D.standard
29.A.lost B.doubted C.limited D.developed
30.A.entering B.restoring C.leaving D.expanding
31.A.emergency B.accident C.event D.magic
32.A.pushed ahead B.kept apart C.cheered up D.put off
33.A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything
34.A.academic B.creative C.hidden D.artistic
35.A.eventually B.particularly C.generally D.obviously
A composting (堆肥) program at The Wesley School in Los Angeles is helping students get hands-on experience and ways  36.   (handle) human-driven climate change. For the past year, all the leftover food waste from the school has gone into composting containers rather than a landfill  37.   it would be buried and would produce planet-warming gases.
The school's composting program  38.   (come) into being in 2022, and this year, the school held a  39.  (celebrate) to reveal what happened inside a series of five-foot-tall containers. Steven Wynbrandt, a local farmer  40.   composting consultant who has helped the school with its program, broke the ties that held the container closed. Rich black compost spilled out from the container.
The school will use the compost on plants around campus. Some will  41.   (offer) to families that want to use it at home, and whatever is left will be donated.
It takes two hours for the container to be emptied and prepared to receive  42.   next day's lunch leftovers. The other containers remain full of food waste that is in the process of  43.   (break) down. Decorated  44.   (poster) on the outside of each container indicate when they can be opened so that the next generation of plants on campus can benefit  45.   the rich soil.
46.(2024高三下·云南模拟)假如你是李华,你市电视台正面向留学生开展主题为"Feel of China"的短视频(short video)征集活动。请给你的留学生朋友Chris写一封邮件,鼓励他参加,内容包括:
Dear Chris,
How are you doing
Li Hua
It was July 2019 and my mum Rebecca was taking me on a 120km walking holiday from Portugal to Spain as a special treat for my 10th birthday. One day, while walking along the coastal path staring out at the Atlantic ocean, I chatted away to Mum. "When Lexi turns.10, are you going to take her on a trip like this " I asked, referring to my seven-year-old sister. Mum said Lexi had already asked to go to Svalbard in the north of Norway because she was crazy about polar bears.
Although I was still on my first special trip, I'd been learning about ancient civilizations at school and knew I'd love to see some relics in the flesh. So I continued saying, "Why don't I go to Egypt while you're in Svalbard with Lexi ", adding that my dad, Olaf, could take me there. "Great, but I'm not paying for it." Muim replied, chuckling. "That's fine. I'll pay," I said, "I'll save up my pocket money and get a job."
So that's exactly what I did. Though I was too young to do any other paid work, I had my own solution. I started saving my $10-a-week pocket money. Also, I washed my parents'car or mowed the lawn for extra cash.
In 2020, we moved to Perth. One day, I saw a pamphlet(小册子) in the letter box advertising a job delivering catalogues. When I told Mum I wanted to do it, she tried to put me off the idea, reminding me that the work was tiring and time-consuming. But when seeing the determination in my eyes, she agreed to call them. Thankfully, my young age didn't bother them-I got the job. On a Monday, a mountain of catalogues were dropped off at our house, which shocked me a lot. I told myself to calm down and dedicated to work. It took me nine hours to sort through them. At first, I used my bike and carried the catalogues in my backpack to deliver them to 430 houses in my area.
After several deliveries, I found it wasn't very efficient.
Three and a half years later, I saved a massive $6,500, and Dad and I flew to Cairo, Egypt.
1.考查细节理解。根据Icons of British Fashion, Oxfordshire部分中的"Palace entry tickets are valid for a year and cost 38 for adults, 22 for under-16s."白金汉宫门票有效期为一年,成人票价38英镑,16岁以下票价22英镑。可知,一对夫妻和一个5岁的小孩参观Blenheim的展览花费38ⅹ2+22=98英镑。故选D。
2.考查细节理解。根据Toulouse-Lautrec in Bath部分中的"A new exhibition, Toulouse-Lautrec and the Masters of Montmartre, opens at Victoria Art Gallery in Bath in April. More than 30 pieces from the artist's colourful career will be shown alongside works by other artists of the day."今年4月,一场名为《图卢兹-罗特列克与蒙马特大师》的新展览将在巴斯的维多利亚美术馆开幕。这位艺术家丰富多彩的职业生涯中的30多件作品将与当时其他艺术家的作品一起展出;以及National Gallery goes on tour部分中的"The National Gallery celebrates its 200th anniversary on 10 May. To mark the occasion, the gallery is lending 12 of its most iconic paintings to 12 venues across the UK."国家美术馆将于5月10日庆祝其成立200周年。为了纪念这一时刻,该画廊将向英国12个场馆出借12幅最具代表性的画作。可知,这两个地方的共同之处在于他们都让游客享受艺术。故选D。
3.考查细节理解。根据Back in Time at Beamish部分中的"A truly recreated 1950s picture house at Beamish will offer visitors a chance to recall the golden age of movie-going. The cinema will be the latest addition to a ‘1950s Town' opened last summer at the living history museum.Adults 24.95, children 15.45, a family of four 63.50, valid for a year." 在比米什,一座真正重现了20世纪50年代的电影院将为游客提供一个回忆电影黄金时代的机会。这家电影院将是去年夏天在活历史博物馆开放的"20世纪50年代小镇"的最新成员。成人24.95英镑,儿童15.45英镑,四口之家63.50英镑,有效期一年。可知,1950年代的Picture House参观是一个全年的活动。故选C。
4.考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的" he asked my dad if he could sleep in our basement for the night for protection from the rain. "他问我爸爸是否可以在我们家的地下室过夜,以防下雨。可知,这个陌生人应该是不想打扰作者的家人,询问是否可以住在地下室。可推知,划线词intrude on 的意思是"打扰"。故选A。
5.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"We drove him 10 miles to the next town, where Dad bought the man a room for the night along with a hot evening meal. "我们开车带他到10英里外的下一个城镇,在那里爸爸给他买了一个房间过夜,还给他买了一顿热腾腾的晚餐。可知,作者的父亲通过带这个陌生人去了另一个城镇的旅馆来帮助他。故选C。
6.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"In the car after we dropped off the stranger, I heard my dad say to my mum, ‘I just hope that if Jerry ever needs anything, this kindness will be returned to him.'"我们把那个陌生人送上车后,我听到爸爸对妈妈说:"我只希望,如果杰里有什么需要,这份善意能回到他那里(即他能得到帮助)。"可知,爸爸希望他的大儿子受到善待。故选D。
7.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中"Weeks later, Dad told my uncle about the young man. My uncle suggested that perhaps my dad shouldn't have taken the risk of having a stranger in our car. "几周后,爸爸把那个年轻人的事告诉了叔叔。我叔叔建议说,也许我父亲不应该冒险让一个陌生人坐在我们的车里。可知,作者的叔叔认为他父亲的行为是不合适的。故选B。
8.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"Researchers recently found that Chinstrap penguins only sleep for about four seconds at a time in order to protect their eggs and newborn chicks. They do this thousands of times throughout the day. The short ‘microsleeps' total around 11 hours each day."研究人员最近发现,为了保护它们的蛋和刚出生的小企鹅,Chintstrap企鹅一次只睡大约4秒钟。他们一天中这样做数千次。短暂的"微睡眠"每天总计约11小时。可知,研究发现,企鹅为了保护它们的蛋和刚出生的企鹅,它们一次只睡大约几秒钟。故选B。
9.考查段落大意。根据第四段中的"Chinstrap penguins usually lay their eggs in November in nests made up of small rocks. Mated (交配的) pairs share parenting responsibilities. One parent usually watches the eggs and chicks alone while the other goes off fishing for family meals. Adult penguins don't face many natural enemies in the mating season."颈带企鹅通常在11月在由小岩石组成的巢穴中产卵。配对的人分担养育子女的责任。父母中的一方通常独自照看鸡蛋和小企鹅,而另一方则外出捕鱼与家人团聚。成年企鹅在交配季节不会遇到很多天敌;以及全段可知,本段主要介绍了企鹅的生活习惯,包括产卵的的时间,如何养育小企鹅等。故选B。
10.考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的"‘For these penguins, microsleeps have some restorative functions,' he said. He added that they would not survive without it."他说:"对于这些企鹅来说,微睡眠具有一些恢复功能。"。他补充说,没有它,他们将无法生存。可推知,Won Young Lee认为睡眠对于企鹅的生存至关重要。故选A。
11.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"Researchers recently found that Chinstrap penguins only sleep for about four seconds at a time in order to protect their eggs and newborn chicks."研究人员最近发现,为了保护它们的蛋和刚出生的小企鹅,Chintstrap企鹅一次只睡大约4秒钟。"可知,本文主要讲述研究人员最近发现,帽带企鹅每次只睡大约四秒钟,以保护它们的蛋和新生的小企鹅。他们一天要这样做几千次。所以本篇文章最有可能出自科学杂志。故选C。
12.考查推理判断。根据第二段"But despite contributions from famous writers, historians say another group has an even greater impact on the development of language: teenage girls. Women lead up to 90 percent of linguistic (语言的) changes, as sociolinguist William Labov observed in the early 2000s. In fact, he wrote, women are often linguistically ahead of men ‘by a full generation'."但是,历史学家说,除了著名作家的贡献外,另一个群体对语言的发展产生了更大的影响:少女。正如社会语言学家威廉·拉博夫在21世纪初观察到的那样,女性主导了90%的语言变化。事实上,他写道,女性在语言上往往比男性领先"整整一代"可推知,作者提到一些男性作家创造的词是为了引出要谈论的话题,即女性群体对语言的发展产生的影响。故选C。
13.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"Though Oxford University Press'2023 word of the year, ‘rizz', meaning charm, was coined by a man, several runners-up, including ‘situationship' and ‘swiftie' were inspired or first used by women. "牛津大学出版社评选的2023年度词汇中,意为"魅力"的"rizz"是由一位男性创造的,但包括"situation"和"swiftie"在内的几个亚军都是由女性启发或首次使用的。可知,"rizz"是由一位男性创造的。故选A。
14.考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的"According to Gretchen McCulloch, author of Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language, women tend to be more socially aware."《因为互联网:理解语言的新规则》一书的作者格雷琴·麦卡洛克认为,女性往往更有社会意识。可知,格雷琴·麦卡洛克认为女性的社会意识有助于词汇创新。故选D。
15.考查标题归纳。根据第二段中的"But despite contributions from famous writers, historians say another group has an even greater impact on the development of language: teenage girls."但是,历史学家说,除了著名作家的贡献外,另一个群体对语言的发展产生了更大的影响:少女。可知,文章主要介绍了女性青少年对语言的发展产生的影响。"女性青少年在语言变化中起主导作用"适合作本文标题。故选B。
16.根据空前"We all know what it's like when a conversation dies off and you're left to sit in silence. "我们都知道当一次谈话结束,你只能静静地坐着时是什么感觉。说明谈话结束无话可说的局面非常令人尴尬。空处顺接前文,说明无话可说的感觉非常的尴尬。D.There's only one word to describe it: awkward. "只有一个词可以形容它:尴尬。"符合语境,故选D。
17.根据空前"Recent news, local events, popular books and television shows are all good fallback options."最近的新闻、当地的活动、受欢迎的书籍和电视节目都是不错的后备选择。说明最近的新闻,活动,受欢迎的书籍和电视节目都是可以提前选择的话题。空处和前文形成转折关系,说明选择话题时需要注意的问题。G.However, avoid some subjects that may cause arguments. "但是,要避免一些可能引起争论的话题。"符合语境。故选G。
18.根据空前"Ask questions that have more than one possible answer. "提出有多个可能答案的问题。说明想要打破沉默,可以提出有多个答案的问题。空处承上启下,说明这样做的好处。F.Such questions are likely to get the person talking more. "这样的问题可能会让对方多说话。"符合语境,故选F。
19.根据空后"As with any good conversation, the biggest key is to listen. If they respond to your question with a short statement such as ‘Yes'or ‘No', that might indicate that they aren't comfortable talking about a particular subject."与任何好的谈话一样,最大的关键是倾听。如果他们用"是"或"否"等简短的回答来回答你的问题,这可能表明他们对谈论某个特定的话题感到不舒服。说明本段所给建议为先要认真倾听,在根据听到了的信息做出回应。C.Listen carefully and respond to their reactions. "仔细倾听并回应他们的反应。"适合做本段的主旨句,统领全段。故选C。
20.根据空后"For example, you could say, ‘I really like your shirt. Where did you get it ' This could move the conversation in another direction while making the other person feel good." 例如,你可以说:"我真的很喜欢你的衬衫。你从哪里买的?"这可以把谈话推向另一个方向,同时让对方感觉良好;以及本段的主旨句说明需要赞扬对方,这样会让对方感觉良好。空处为下文中举例所列举的事实。E.This is always a safe bet, as long as it's appropriate. "只要合适,赞美总是一个安全的选择。"符合语境。故选E。
21.句意:她把自己描述成一个雄心勃勃、爱冒险的孩子,并将爱丁堡公爵奖归功于她对探索的热爱。A. describes"描述";B. admits"承认";C. imagines"想象";D. praises"赞扬"。根据空后"herself as an ambitious and adventurous child"可知,这是托里·詹姆斯自己对自己的描述。故选A。
22.句意:她把自己描述一个雄心勃勃、爱冒险的孩子,并将爱丁堡公爵奖归功于她对探索的热爱。A. wildlife"野生动物";B. science"科学";C. exploration"探索";D. competition"竞争"。根据上文"Tori James spent much of her early years outdoors, building shelters and playing in muddy streams."可知,托里·詹姆斯热爱探索。故选C。
23.句意:詹姆斯说,她从来没有预料到有一天她可能会成为到达珠穆朗玛峰最年轻的英国女性。A. explained"解释";B. understood"理解";C. declared"声明";D. predicted"预料"。根据空后"that one day she might be the youngest British woman to 4 the peak of Mount Everest"可知,她会成为登上珠穆朗玛峰最年轻的英国女性,这样的成就是她以前没有预料到的。故选D。
24.句意:詹姆斯说,她从来没有预料到有一天她可能会成为到达珠穆朗玛峰最年轻的英国女性。A. measure"测量";B. approach"接近";C. admire"钦佩";D. reach"到达"。根据空后"the peak of Mount Everest."可知,她到达珠穆朗玛峰。故选D。
25.句意:如今,詹姆斯是一名职业冒险家。A. patient"有耐心的";B. ordinary"普通的";C. professional"专业的";D. honest"诚实的"。根据下文"Alongside her successful climb of the world's 6 peak in 2007, she was a member of the first all-female team to 7 a tiring 650-kilometre ski race to the Magnetic North Pole in 2005, and in 2014 she set the 8 for the longest non-stop open-sea kayak crossing in UK waters."可知,詹姆斯是一名职业冒险家。故选C。
26.句意:她在2007年成功攀登了世界最高峰,2005年,她是第一支全女子团队的成员,完成了650公里的滑雪比赛,到达磁北极。A. coldest"最冷的";B. highest"最高的";C. prettiest"最漂亮的";D. straightest"最直的"。根据上文"the youngest British woman to 4 the peak of Mount Everest."可知,她攀登的是珠穆朗玛峰,是世界最高峰。故选B。
27.句意:她在2007年成功攀登了世界最高峰,2005年,她是第一支全女子团队的成员,完成了650公里的滑雪比赛,到达磁北极。A. complete"完成";B. coach"训练";C. judge"判断";D. cancel"取消"。根据空前"Alongside her successful climb of the world's 6 peak in 2007";以及空后"a tiring 650-kilometre ski race to the Magnetic North Pole in 2005"可知,詹姆斯不但成功攀登了世界最高峰,也完成了650公里的滑雪比赛。故选A。
28.句意:2014年,她创造了英国水域最长的不间断公海皮划艇穿越纪录。A. record"记录";B. date "日期";C. goal"目标";D. standard"标准"。根据空后"for the longest non-stop open-sea kayak crossing in UK waters"可知,她创造了英国水域最长的不间断公海皮划艇穿越纪录。故选A。
29.句意:然而,在她18岁的第一次探险之前,詹姆斯怀疑自己是否能在没有热水澡舒适的情况下在寒冷中坚持一个月。A. lost"丢失";B. doubted"怀疑";C. limited"限制";D. developed"发展"。根据空前"ahead of her first exploration at the age of 18"可推知,在第一次探险之前詹姆斯对自己的能力充满怀疑。故选B。
30.句意:"只有离开舒适区,我们才能了解自己真正的潜力,"她解释说,"那就是奇迹发生的时候。"A. entering"进入";B. restoring"恢复";C. leaving"离开";D. expanding"扩大"。根据空后"our comfort zone that we understand our true potential"可知,要离开舒适区,才能了解自己真正的潜力。故选C。
31.句意:"只有离开舒适区,我们才能了解自己真正的潜力,"她解释说,"那就是奇迹发生的时候。"A. emergency"紧急情况";B. accident"事故";C. event"事件";D. magic"奇迹,魔术"。根据空前"It's only by 10 our comfort zone that we understand our true potential"可知,只有离开舒适区,我们才能了解自己真正的潜力,才会像她一样突破自己,奇迹才会发生。故选D。
32.句意:詹姆斯鼓励想要成为冒险者的人不要被传统的粗犷、顽强的探险家形象使得失去兴趣。A. pushed ahead"向前推进";B. kept apart"分开";C. cheered up"欢呼";D. put off"使失去兴趣,推迟"。根据空后"by the conventional image of the rugged (粗犷的), hardy explorer"可知,传统的粗犷、顽强的探险家形象很有可能会使想要成为冒险者的人失去兴趣。故选D。
33.句意:她补充道:"我坚信,只要得到适当的支持和技能,每个人都能在探索中有所作为。有时候,只有在这个领域,人们隐藏的才能才能显现出来,尤其是在探索的过程中。"A. something"某事";B. nothing"没有什么";C. anything"任何事";D. everything"每件事"。根据上文"I am such a believer that, with the right support and skills, everyone can bring..."可推知,只要得到适当的支持和技能,每个人都能在探索中有所作为。故选A。
34.句意:她补充道:"我坚信,只要得到适当的支持和技能,每个人都能在探索中有所作为。有时候,只有在这个领域,人们隐藏的才能才能显现出来,尤其是在探索的过程中。"A. academic"学术的";B. creative"创造性的";C. hidden"隐藏的";D. artistic"艺术的"。根据空后"talents emerge"可知,隐藏的才能显现出来。故选C。
35.句意:她补充道:"我坚信,只要得到适当的支持和技能,每个人都能在探索中有所作为。有时候,只有在这个领域,人们隐藏的才能才能显现出来,尤其是在探索的过程中。"A. eventually"最终";B. particularly"特别";C. generally"一般" ;D. obviously"显然"。根据空前"Sometimes, it's only out in the field that someone's 14 talents emerge";以及空后"in the process of exploration."可知,尤其是在探索的过程中,才能激发人们的潜力,人们隐藏的才能才能显现出来。故选B。
【答案】36.to handle;37.where;38.came;39.celebration;40.and;41.be offered;42.the;43.breaking;44.posters;45.from
36.句意:洛杉矶韦斯利学校的一个堆肥项目正在帮助学生获得实践经验,并找到应对人为气候变化的方法。ways to do sth.固定短语,"做某事的方法",此处不定式作定语。故填to handle。
37.句意:在过去的一年里,学校所有剩下的食物垃圾都被放进了堆肥容器,而不是填埋,填埋会产生导致地球变暖的气体。 it would be buried and would produce planet-warming gases. 是限制性定语从句,先行词是landfill,指物,关系词代替先行词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导。故填where。
38.句意:这所学校的堆肥项目于2022年开始,今年,学校举行了一场庆祝活动,展示了一系列5英尺高的集装箱里发生的事情。此处是谓语动词,根据in 2022可知,应用一般过去时,故填came。
40.句意:当地农民兼堆肥顾问史蒂文·温布兰特帮助学校开展了这个项目,他打破了固定集装箱的纽带。空格前面是local farmer"当地农民"和后面的composting consultant"堆肥顾问"是并列的,都是前面这个人的身份,表示他是一个当地农民和堆肥顾问,用连词and连接。故填and。
41.句意:一些将提供给那些想在家里使用它的家庭,剩下的将被捐赠。主语Some指的是前句的the compost中的一些,与offer"提供"是被动关系,句子是被动语态,用be offered,结合空前的will可知,句子用一般将来时的被动语态。故填be offered。
43.句意:其他容器仍然装满了正在分解的食物垃圾。in the process of "在……的过程中",介词of后接宾语,应用动名词,故填breaking。
44.句意:每个容器外面都有装饰海报,标明何时可以打开,这样校园里的下一代植物就能从肥沃的土壤中受益。此处名词作主语。poster"海报",可数名词,此处表示泛指,应用复数。故填 posters。
45.句意:每个容器外面都有装饰海报,标明何时可以打开,这样校园里的下一代植物就能从肥沃的土壤中受益。benefit from 固定短语,"从……受益",此处表示:校园里植物的后代能从富饶的土壤中受益。故填from。
46.【答案】Dear Chris,
How are you doing To help foreign students embrace culture, our city TV station is organizing a short video solicitation activity themed "Feel of China". I think you should sign up for it.
All foreign students are welcome to share the unexpected adventures or amazing moments documented in China through the lens within 5 minutes. It set no limits on topics or styles, allowing participants to have free access to whatever they find fascinating and impressive about China. The deadline for the submission is March 24th, 2024.
Looking forward to seeing your video on TV.
Li Hua
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇英文信件,要求考生以李华的身份你的留学生朋友Chris写一封邮件,鼓励他参加你市电视台正面向留学生开展的主题为"Feel of China"的短视频(short video)征集活动。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1.活动介绍;2.内容要求。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:To help foreign students embrace culture, our city TV station is organizing a short video solicitation activity themed "Feel of China". 运用了不定式作目的状语,省略to的不定式作宾补;I think you should sign up for it.运用了宾语从句; It set no limits on topics or styles, allowing participants to have free access to whatever they find fascinating and impressive about China. 运用了现在分词作状语,宾语从句。
47.【答案】After several deliveries, I found it wasn't very efficient. Strained by the weight of the catalogues and limited by the bike's capacity, I was compelled to seek a better method. Collaborating with Dad, we devised a solution: constructing a small cart for towing behind my bike, a move that drastically expanded my delivery capabilities. This innovation cut my delivery time in half and made the job less physically demanding. Witnessing my savings account grow, bolstered by determination and familial support, transformed the catalogues from mere paper into tickets to my dream.
Three and a half years later, I saved a massive $6,500, and Dad and I flew to Cairo, Egypt. Upon arrival, the realization of my dream was overwhelming. Confronted with the majestic pyramids, symbols of the ancient civilization I yearned to explore, the experience was surreal. As Dad and I wandered through the bustling streets of Cairo, the sights, sounds, and smells of the city were a stark contrast to where my journey began. This adventure, the fruit of long-lasting saving meticulous planning, and relentless dreaming, stood as proof that perseverance and creativity can turn the loftiest dreams into reality.
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:Strained by the weight of the catalogues and limited by the bike's capacity, I was compelled to seek a better method. 运用了过去分词作状语;Collaborating with Dad, we devised a solution: constructing a small cart for towing behind my bike, a move that drastically expanded my delivery capabilities. 运用了现在分词作状语,限制性定语从句; Witnessing my savings account grow, bolstered by determination and familial support, transformed the catalogues from mere paper into tickets to my dream.运用了省略to的不定式作宾补;Confronted with the majestic pyramids, symbols of the ancient civilization I yearned to explore, the experience was surreal.运用了限制性定语从句; As Dad and I wandered through the bustling streets of Cairo, the sights, sounds, and smells of the city were a stark contrast to where my journey began. 运用了时间状语从句;This adventure, the fruit of long-lasting saving meticulous planning, and relentless dreaming, stood as proof that perseverance and creativity can turn the loftiest dreams into reality.运用了同位语从句。



上一篇:人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage Life Discovering Useful Structures 同步练习(含答案)
