
(考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:120分)
1.What is Jack’s sister’s job
A.A nurse. B.A student. C.A teacher.
【原文】W: Jack, what does your sister do Is she a nurse
M: No, she works in a middle school. She likes her students.
2.How does Jack go to school
A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By bike.
【原文】W: It usually takes me twenty minutes to get to school buy bus. How about you Jack.
M: I walk to school. It takes five minutes less.
3.Where is the man going
A.To the bank. B.To the hospital. C.To the museum.
【原文】M: Excuse me, could you please tell me if there is a hospital near here
W: Yes. Walk along this road, and it’s next to the bank on the right.
4.When will Mike meet Jenny
A.At 6:00 B.At 6:30 C.At 7:30
【原文】M: Jenny, there will be a pop music concert at 7:30 tonight. Would you like to go with me W: Yes, I’d love to ,Mike. Let’s meet at the bus stop at 6:00.
5.How long has Mike had his guitar
A.For seven years. B.For eight years. C.For ten years.
【原文】W: How long have you had the guitar, Mike
M: Oh, I am now fifteen years old. And when I was seven years old, my father bought the guitar for me on my birthday.
W: I thought you got it on your tenth birthday. I made a mistake.
6.Where will the woman probably go for dinner
A.To Marko’s Diner on Main Street.
B.To Marko’s Diner on 21st Street.
C.To Marko’s Diner on Center Street.
7.How much does the man get
A.$40. B.$50. C.$90.
【答案】6.C 7.B
【原文】M: Good afternoon. Where are you heading
W: To the Hutton Hotel.
M: The one on 21st Street or the one on Main Street
W: The one on 21st Street.
M: Are you here for a holiday
W: Yes. Is there any food worth trying here
M: My favorite is Marko’s Diner on Center Street. They have the best cheese burgers.
W: Sounds delicious. I’ll give it a try.
M: Here we are, the Hutton Hotel.
W: It looks really nice. Thanks for the ride. How much should I pay
M: That will be 40 dollars.
W: Here is 50 dollars. Keep the change.
M: Thank you.
8.Which part of the museum was Robin interested in most
A.History. B.Science. C.Art.
9.How long did Robin stay in the museum
A.One hour. B.Several hours. C.A whole day.
10.Who found Robin when he was lost
A.His brother. B.His friend. C.A guard.
【答案】8.A 9.C 10.C
【详解】M: Hello Suzanne, how are you
W: I’m good. What about you, Robin
M: I’m great! My weekend was pretty exciting. I went to the museum with my brother and his friend.
W: I love that place! Which part is your favourite
M: I like the history section best, but I also like the science and art parts. Those are always educational.
W: Were you there for the whole day
M: Yeah, I was not on purpose, I actually was lost for hours. I didn’t realise how big that place was. My brother was waiting for me when I finally found my way outside.
W: Really! I bet you learnt a lot while you were lost.
M: Yeah I guess. Every time I thought I was back to the start, I found another section so I kept looking. A guard in the museum found me in the end and he told me that the museum was ready to close, so he took me back to the start to meet my brother.
11.What is “Touching Moment”
A.A TV show. B.A radio program. C.An online course.
12.When did the speaker meet the old man
A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.In the evening.
13.What was the old man going to do
A.See his wife. B.Get his driving license. C.Buy some flowers.
14.How does the old man usually go to the nursing home
A.On foot. B.By car. C.By bus.
15.What kind of person is the speaker
A.Intelligent. B.Kind. C.Hard-working.
【答案】11.B 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B
Good evening, everyone, welcome to Touching Moment and listen to today’s story. In our program, I’d like to share a touching moment with you. Yesterday afternoon when I was going to have a dinner after work, the rain was pouring down. Suddenly I saw an old man walking slowly to the bus station. He had no umbrella so I gave him a lift. we had a talk on the way and I learned some of his history. He was eighty-seven and was going to the nursing home he had just put his wife in last week. He was going to see her since his driving license was taking away last year so he had to take the bus everyday. A tear fell down from his face as he told me about his wife. I felt sad as well when I dropped him off at the nursing home. I gave him the flowers I had in the car. I was very glad to be able to help him in some way.
Someone says, “Happiness is a day at the beach!” I completely 16 . In fact, my favorite vacation is a beach vacation. I 17 swimming in clear blue water and walking on white sand beaches.
As I walk, I search for treasures. I don’t search for gold or jewels. Instead, I 18 seashells (贝壳). It’s a fun hobby, and people of any 19 can do it. You never know what kinds of treasures the sea will offer. There’s even an official name for people who 20 and study seashells—conchologist.
There are some rules for collecting seashells. Seashells keep creatures (生物) safe from danger. They 21 housing and protection for sea creatures. That brings the first rule of searching for seashells: 22 take a shell that still has a living creature inside.
Where should you search Seashells appear on beaches all over the world. Sanibel Island in Florida is very 23 , which is called “The Seashell Capital of the World”. The ocean leaves millions of seashells behind. If you don’t search 24 through the brown sea grass, you will never know what might be 25 there.
It’s not enough to know where to search. Knowing 26 to search is more important. Search from one and half an hour before low tide (退潮) to one and half an hour after low tide. Surprisingly, the very best time to find seashells is after a hurricane (飓风), 27 storms often carry a large number of seashells.
When you look for seashells, take along something to dig with. And remember to take a cloth bag to put your 28 in. If you don’t take the seashells you find, 29 . This allows you to build up a great collection of photos and enjoy the beauty.
On your next beach trip, why not spend some time searching for treasures from the 30 Every seashell has a story.
16.A.require B.forget C.agree D.expect
17.A.enjoy B.imagine C.achieve D.regret
18.A.look for B.look after C.look out D.look through
19.A.wing B.wealth C.role D.age
20.A.touch B.collect C.fear D.throw
21.A.paint B.provide C.produce D.intend
22.A.Never B.Often C.Usually D.Always
23.A.similar B.smooth C.famous D.ancient
24.A.fairly B.rapidly C.easily D.carefully
25.A.sold B.hidden C.doubled D.served
26.A.how B.what C.when D.where
27.A.though B.so C.before D.because
28.A.inventions B.candles C.wings D.discoveries
29.A.take trips B.take pictures C.take risks D.take steps
30.A.sea B.pool C.sky D.mountain
16.C 17.A 18.A 19.D 20.B 21.B 22.A 23.C 24.D 25.B 26.C 27.D 28.D 29.B 30.A
require要求;forget忘记;agree同意;expect期待。根据“In fact, my favorite vacation is a beach vacation.”可知,作者完全赞同那句话。故选C。
enjoy喜欢;imagine想象;achieve获得;regret后悔。根据“In fact, my favorite vacation is a beach vacation.”可知,作者非常喜欢在海滩度假。故选A。
look for寻找;look after照顾;look out朝外看;look through浏览。根据“I don’t search for gold or jewels.”可知,作者寻找的是贝壳。故选A。
wing翅膀;wealth财富;role角色;age年龄。根据“It’s a fun hobby, and people of any...can do it. You never know what kinds of treasures the sea will offer.”可知,任何年龄的人都可以把寻找贝壳当成一种爱好。故选D。
touch触摸;collect收集;fear恐惧;throw扔掉。根据“There are some rules for collecting seashells.”可知,是收集贝壳。故选B。
paint绘画;provide提供;produce生产;intend打算。根据“Seashells keeps creatures safe from danger.”和“housing and protection for sea creature”可知,贝壳为海洋生物提供住所和保护,应用动词短语provide sth for sb表示“为某人提供某物”。故选B。
Never从不;Often经常;Usually通常;Always总是。根据“Seashells keeps creatures safe from danger. They…housing and protection for sea creatures.”可知,不能拿里面有生物的贝壳。故选A。
similar相似的;smooth光滑的;famous著名的;ancient古老的。根据“The Seashell Capital of the World”可知,萨尼贝尔岛因其海滩贝壳而有名。故选C。
fairly公平地;rapidly快速地;easily容易地;carefully仔细地。根据“The ocean leaves millions of seashells behind.”和“you will never know what might be…there”可知,只有仔细地寻找才能找到自己想要的。故选D。
sold卖;hidden隐藏;doubled加倍;served提供。根据“The ocean leaves millions of seashells behind.”可知,此处指海草中藏着的东西。故选B。
how如何;what什么;when何时;where何地。根据“Search from one and half an hour before low tide to one and half an hour after low tide. Surprisingly, the very best time to find seashells is after a hurricane...”可知,此处指搜寻的世界。故选C。
though尽管;so所以;before在……之前;because因为。根据“storms often carry a large number of seashells”可知,此处说的是飓风过后是寻找贝壳的最佳时间的原因。故选D。
inventions发明;candles蜡烛;wings翅膀;discoveries发现。根据“When you look for seashells, take along something to dig with.”可知,当你准备去搜索贝壳时,记得拿一个布袋把发现的贝壳放进去。故选D。
take trips旅行;take pictures拍照;take risks冒险;take steps采取措施。根据“This allows you to build up a great collection of photos and enjoy the beauty.”可知,此处指拍照。故选B。
sea大海;pool池塘;sky天空;mountain山。根据“Happiness is a day at the beach!”可知,此处说的是海边。故选A。
Volunteers Are Needed
Clean People’s Park! We need five people who are strong and can help clean up People’s Park. We need help to collect rubbish. If you are free for four hours this weekend, come and join us! Tel: 0398-8651518 Email: park699@
Teach Music! We need three volunteers to work as music teachers in SOS Children’s Villages. You need to be good at singing and dancing. You also need to be glad to accept different opinions. That is to say, you need to be open-minded with a loving heart. If you are free for two hours every weekend, join us! Tel: 0398-8858518 Email:1ovekids@
Help Old People! We need four volunteers to help at Xinxin Nursing Home. You need to be good with older people. Your job is to wash clothes for them. If you can spare three hours on May 6, come and join us! Tel: 0398-8656869 Email: homelove@
31.Volunteers help to ________ in People’s Park.
A.teach music B.learn music C.collect rubbish D.wash clothes
32. volunteers are needed in total according to the passage.
A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Twelve
33.Where can we probably read the passage
A.In a textbook. B.In a storybook. C.On the Internet. D.In a science report.
【答案】31.C 32.D 33.C
31.细节理解题。根据第一栏中“We need five people who are strong and can help clean up People’s Park. We need help to collect rubbish.”可知,志愿者在人民公园帮助收集垃圾,故选C。
32.细节理解题。根据“We need five people who are strong and can help clean up People’s Park.”、“We need three volunteers to work as music teachers in SOS Children’s Villages.”和“We need four volunteers to help at Xinxin Nursing Home.”可知,文中总共招募12名志愿者,故选D。
33.推理判断题。根据“Volunteers Are Needed”可知,本文主要是志愿者招募信息,所以我们可能会在网上读到这篇文章,故选C。
Once upon a time the colors of the world quarreled. All thought that they were the best and most beautiful.
Green said, “Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I’m the color of grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die.”
Blue interrupted, “Don’t just think about the earth. What is the color of the sky and the sea Is not water the most important thing for life ”
Yellow laughed and said, “You are all so serious. I bring laughter, happiness and warmth into the world. Every time people look at a yellow sunflower, they start to smile, Without me, there would be no fun.”
Orange said at the top of his voice, “I am the color of health and strength. I carry the most important vitamins (维生素). Think of carrots, pumpkins and oranges. When I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, everyone is shocked at my beauty and nobody gives another thought to any of you.”
Red could stand it no longer, so he shouted, “I am the color of danger and bravery. I am willing to fight for a cause.”
And so the colors went on quarreling. Their voices became louder and louder. The thunder (雷) got angry and the rain started to pour. When the colors began to cool, the rain said, “Your foolish colors. Don’t you know that each of you is unique Join hands and follow me.”
They did what they were told and together made the most beautiful thing in the world—the rainbow.
34.Which color stands for life and hope
A.Green. B.Blue. C.Yellow D.White.
35.What can orange bring us
A.Laughter and smiles. B.Happiness and warmth.
C.Health and strength. D.Danger and bravery.
36.What does the story teach us
A.Be unique and have a specialty. B.Be united and make the best of things.
C.Truth comes from quarreling. D.Don’t be too proud of yourself.
37.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “unique” in English
A.only B.specially C.special D.especially
【答案】34.A 35.C 36.B 37.C
34. 细节理解题。根据“Green said...I am the sign of life and hope”可知绿色是生命和希望的象征。故选A。
35.细节理解题。根据“I am the color of health and strength”可知橙色可以带来健康和力量。故选C。
37.词义猜测题。根据“Don’t you know that each of you is unique Join hands and follow me”可知每个人都是独一无二的,此处是形容词,划线部分和special意义相近。故选C。
Known as “soft gold”, Gambiered Canton gauze (香云纱) is the only silk fabric (织物) that’s still hand-dyed (手染的) using natural plants in the world today.
The skill has a history of more than 500 years. In 2008, it was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage (国家非物质文化遗产). Ouyang Yongze is an inheritor of the dyeing skills from Guangdong. The man started learning the skills in 2017.
The dyeing process includes 30 steps. It can take up to six months and is done by hand with materials from nature. “The plant shuliang (薯莨), river mud, sunshine, and grass are all important in dyeing,” Ouyang told China Daily.
To dye the fabric, workers put it in shuliang juice and let it dry on the grass. They repeat this many times until it turns brownish yellow. Then, they put river mud on it to help shuliang react fully. After washing and drying it again, the fabric turns black!
Mastering the skills is difficult, according to Ouyang, who put full effort into controlling the density (浓度) of shuliang juice. “Too much may cause color loss, and too little may nor lead to a dark enough fabric,” he said. “Better control of the density comes after many failures.”
Also, the job can be really tiring as workers have to be at work in the sun for 8 hours each day. Only a few people work in the industry, and skilled masters are getting older as fewer young people take part.
Considering this, Ouyang works harder to develop the traditional craft. He has got together other dyeing skills such as tie-dyeing (扎染法) and batik (蜡染) and has worked with famous fashion designers. They turn the silk into both traditional and fashionable clothes that are popular worldwide. He thinks this can help make the craft stay alive and drew people to the industry.
38.Which of the following is the right order of dyeing Gambiered Canton gauze
① Repeat many times until the fabric turns brownish-yellow.
② Dry the fabric on the grass.
③ Put the fabric in Shuliang juice.
④ Put river mud on the fabric to help shuliang react fully.
A.④②①③ B.①④③② C.②④③① D.③②①④
39.Which sentence can the underlined word “inheritor” in Paragraph 2 be put in
A.That company offers good value and service to every ________.
B.Every teenager should be a(n) ________ of our Chinese culture to pass it down.
C.Finally, Maria became the ________ of the singing competition.
D.Bell, the ________ of the telephone, made the first call.
40.What does paragraph 6 mainly talk about
A.The job is difficult but popular. B.Some artists are coming to help the workers.
C.Passing down the skills is challenging. D.The job seems to become easier than before.
41.What can we infer from the passage
A.Water is important in the color during dyeing.
B.Ouyang only fails a few times before he controls the density better.
C.There are no people taking part in this industry.
D.The dyeing process needs great patience, excellent skills and hard work.
【答案】38.D 39.B 40.C 41.D
38.细节理解题。根据“To dye the fabric, workers put it in shuliang juice and let it dry on the grass. They repeat this many times until it turns brownish yellow. Then, they put river mud on it to help shuliang react fully. After washing and drying it again, the fabric turns black!”可知,工人们把它放在薯莨汁里,让它在草地上晾干,重复这个过程很多次,直到它变成棕黄色,然后把河泥放在上面,以帮助薯莨充分反应。再次洗涤和干燥后,织物变黑了,D选项的顺序符合,故选D。
39.词义猜测题。根据“Ouyang Yongze is an inheritor of the dyeing skills from Guangdong.”可知,欧阳永泽是广东染法的传承人,所以inheritor表示“传承人”,这个单词在B选项的意思也是相同的。故选B。
40.段落大意题。根据“Only a few people work in the industry, and skilled masters are getting older as fewer young people take part.”可知,只有少数人在这个行业工作,随着年轻人的减少,熟练的大师正在变老,也就是说将这种技能传递下去是一种挑战。故选C。
41.推理判断题。根据“The dyeing process includes 30 steps.…Mastering the skills is difficult…Also, the job can be really tiring as workers have to be at work in the sun for 8 hours each day”可知,染色过程包括30个步骤,掌握这项技能很困难,这项工作也很无聊,由此可推断,染色过程需要极大的耐心、高超的技艺和辛勤的劳动。故选D。
Get ready for an out-of-this-world intergalactic (星际的) experience! Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, the United States, announced the opening of the Space 220 Restaurant and the new Star Wars hotel.
Offering a special dining experience, the Space 220 Restaurant will make visitors feel like they’re sitting at a restaurant in space. The experience begins at the Future World. There visitors wait for a space lift to send them to the Space Station. Surprisingly, this Space Station looks like the real one in space. Of course, the lift is not real but a feature of illusion (幻觉) designed by engineers.
When taking the lift, the visitors will see the things on the ground getting smaller and smaller. During the process, the space-station scene comes into your eyes. And then the visitors will move into a space station-themed dining area, where they’ll enjoy their meals surrounded (环绕) by panoramic (全景的) views of Earth. On the video, some astronauts will appear every so often, working on the space station or maybe just playing around.
Actually, before announcing Space 220 Restaurant, Disney announced another intergalactic experience: the new Star Wars hotel. If you stay in the hotel, you can watch movies in its special theater, enjoy its themed environment and delicious food, and play a real-life role-playing game.
When you travel in Florida, the USA, don’t miss the Space 220 Restaurant and the new Star Wars hotel!
42.The picture in the passage is helpful because it shows ______.
A.what the Space 220 Restaurant looks like
B.why the Space 220 Restaurant is popular
C.how the Space 220 Restaurant was built
D.when the Space 220 Restaurant was opened
43.Which picture shows the structure of the passage (① = Paragraph 1, ...)
A. B. C. D.
44.Paragraph 4 mainly wants to tell us ________.
A.the new Star Wars hotel offers people a special theater to watch films
B.people can play a new role-playing game in the Space 220 Restaurant
C.the new Star Wars hotel was announced after the Space 220 Restaurant
D.people can enjoy the nice natural environment in the new Star Wars hotel
45.Which part of a magazine may this passage be taken from
A.Fashion. B.Sports. C.Culture. D.Travel.
【答案】42.A 43.B 44.A 45.D
44.细节理解题。根据“If you stay in the hotel, you can watch movies in its special theater”可知,新的星球大战酒店为人们提供了一个特殊的电影院看电影。故选A。
45.推理判断题。根据“When you travel in Florida, the USA, don’t miss the Space 220 Restaurant and the new Star Wars hotel!”及全文可知,本文主要介绍了美国佛罗里达州华特迪士尼世界度假区新开发的游乐项目,属于旅游类文章。故选D。
Which is better for learning, hands-on projects or tests 动手操作的项目或测试 A.Learning, not memorizing B.Studying gets boring C. Less stress with tests D.Better job preparation E. Better by the book F. Creative learning
46.Matt I think kids learn better by studying for tests. If you sit and study what you should learn, you’ll remember it. Hands-on projects might end up making kids feel stressed if they are trying to finish on time, and if you are stressed, you might not learn as much.
47.Katie When people study, they remember what is in the book. If they know they are going to have a test, they will be more likely to take notes of all the important information to help them with the test. They will learn better in this way.
48.Alyssa With a hands-on project, you can be creative when you learn. It’s also a lot more fun than sitting at a desk with flashcards. Plus, with a hands-on project, you can learn more than you expected. It’s more satisfying to learn on your own without someone explaining it to you.
49.Wendy Hands-on projects are better. When you are studying for a test, it can get boring and then you can get distracted (注意力分散的). You learn better by doing projects because it is not boring and you can experience new things.
50.Haley I think kids should learn hands-on projects because they have to consider the topic, instead of just memorizing information that they’ll forget about after the test. Also, completing a project is good for spending time with your friends or family.
【答案】46.C 47.E 48.F 49.B 50.A
46.根据“Hands-on projects might end up making kids feel stressed if they are trying to finish on time, and if you are stressed, you might not learn as much.”可知,如果他们想要及时完成的话,动手操作项目可能会让孩子感觉到压力,并且如果有压力,就不会学到很多东西。Matt认为测试相对而言没有那么大的压力。选项C“测试更少压力”与之对应。故选C。
47.根据“When people study, they remember what is in the book.”和“They will learn better in this way.”可知,学习时候,记住书里的内容,这种方式学得更好。选项E“用书更好”与之对应。故选E。
48.根据“With a hands-on project, you can be creative when you learn.”可知,有动手操作的项目,学习时候会更有创意。选项F“创意学习”与之对应。故选F。
49.根据“When you are studying for a test, it can get boring and then you can get distracted (注意力分散的).”可知,为测试学习时,很容易会变得无聊然后就会注意力分散,Wendy认为动手操作项目更好。选项B“学习变得无聊”与之对应。故选B。
50.根据“ I think kids should learn hands-on projects because they have to consider the topic, instead of just memorizing information that they’ll forget about after the test.”可知,学习动手项目能够让孩子考虑话题,而不仅仅是记忆信息,并且这信息在考试后是会忘记的。选项A“学习,而不是记忆”与之对应。故选A。
第四部分 词汇运用(共两节,满分15分)
wise polite novel translate my
51.Peter is a good friend of . We often hang out in our free time.
52.A Christmas Carol is one of famous written by Charles Dickens.
53.In China, it’s to stick your chopsticks into the food.
54.Seven writers have this book into different languages.
55.Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and changes you, so let’s learn .
【答案】51.mine 52.novels 53.impolite 54.translated 55.wisely
52.句意:《圣诞颂歌》是查尔斯·狄更斯的一部著名小说。根据“written by Charles Dickens.”可知,这是一部由查尔斯·狄更斯写的小说,novel“小说”,one of+复数名词,表示“……之一”,故填novels。
53.句意:在中国,把筷子插进食物里是不礼貌的。is后接形容词作表语,根据“stick your chopsticks into the food.”可知,把筷子插进食物里是不礼貌的,故填impolite。
54.句意:7位作家已将这本书翻译成不同的语言。根据“this book into different languages”可知,此处指把书翻译成不同的语言,translate“翻译”,have与过去分词构成现在完成时结构,故填translated。
Trees play an important role in our environment. For a start, they make air 56 (更干净的) for us to breathe. The older a tree is, the more important it is to us. Why not look at ancient trees 57 (仔细地) around you and find out more
For the past 58 (十五) years, a charity called the Woodland Trust has been recording ancient trees in the country. It has created a database (数据库) about these trees.
Since the database was set up, the Woodland Trust has 59 (添加) over 180,000 trees, but it believes there are many more to be found. It’s hoped that all 60 (成员) of the public will help to locate them—including you.
You can take an 61 (积极的) part in the Woodland Trust’s project. Perhaps when you next go for a walk with your family, you can examine the trees you pass to see 62 (它的) age. If you find one that you think could be very old, record 63 (确切地) where it is using an online map. If you want to record the tree, you should take a photo. Don’t 64 (忘记) to make sure you are allowed to examine it closely if the tree isn’t on public land.
“Ancient trees are as much a part of our heritage (遗产) as works of 65 (艺术)”, explains Jeremy Evans of the Woodland Trust. “But they don’t get the same protection. The good news is, you don’t have to be a tree expert to take part.”
56.cleaner 57.carefully 58.fifteen 59.added 60.members 61.active 62.its 63.exactly 64.forget 65.art
第五部分 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
Life as Chopsticks
Right now, more and more people are digging into their food with two sticks which 66 (call) chopsticks. Even people eating with knives and forks begin to love them. What’s so special about them Because they have deep influence on many 67 (people) ways of life.
Simplicity. There’s hardly anything simpler than chopsticks. With new technology developing every day, there is still something 68 has just one use—simply to eat. Also the chopsticks don’t spend much. In real life, we don’t need to keep 69 (improve) things all the time.
Aim. When using chopsticks, you cannot pick up everything 70 one go. Know what you want and just do it. Sometimes, a little bit of focus makes the difference between failure and 71 (succeed).
Practice. Using chopsticks doesn’t come 72 (natural). You have to learn to use them and practice it. Most would agree that there’s no 73 (good) way than to practice. In real life, you may have many things you want to do, but it will just be 74 dream if you don’t try doing it.
Slowing down. A healthy way to eat is to eat with chopsticks. It slows you down and it allows your stomach to tell your brain you are full before you overeat. In our life, we sometimes need to slow down to have time to think, to realize that we’re actually full and don’t have to rush full speed through life. And also we don’t need to push 75 (we) so hard all the time.
66.are called 67.people’s 68.that 69.improving 70.in 71.success 72.naturally 73.better 74.a 75.ourselves
66.句意::目前,越来越多的人用两根叫做筷子的棍子夹取食物。本句是定语从句,关系代词是which,先行词two sticks是复数名词 ,与从句的动词call是被动关系,用are called表示“被称为”。故填are called。
67.句意:因为它们对人们生活方式有影响。根据“ways of life”可知,此处指“人们的生活方式”,应用名词所有格。故填people’s。
68.句意:随着新技术的不断发展,仍然有一些东西只有一个用途——仅用来吃东西。根据“With new technology developing every day, there is still something...has just one use—simply to eat.”可知,此处为定语从句,先行词为不定代词something,关系词要用that。故填that。
69.句意:在现实生活中,我们不需要一直不断改进。此处考查keep doing sth“不停做某事”。故填improving。
70.句意:使用筷子时,你不能一次夹起所有的东西。此处考查固定搭配in one go“一次性完成”。故填in。
71.句意:有时候,一点点的专注就能决定成功与失败。根据“between failure and...”可知,此处应用succeed的名词形式,表示“成功”。故填success。
74.句意:在现实生活中,你可能有很多你想做的事情,但如果你不去尝试,那将只是一个梦想。根据“but it will just be...dream if you don’t try doing it.”可知,此处泛指一个梦想,dream一辅音音素开头,应用不定冠词a。故填a。
75.句意:我们也不需要一直把自己逼得那么紧。根据“And also we don’t need to push...so hard all the time.”可知,此处指“把自己逼得太紧”,应用we的反身代词形式。故填ourselves。
第六部分 书面表达(共1小题,满分20分)
To: LiHua@
From: Cindy
Subject: Activities for Chinese Music Club
Dear Li Hua, I set up a Chinese music club in my school and these are next week’s activities: ●Listen to traditional and modern Chinese music. ●Share stories of Chinese singers. What do you think of the two activities And what other activities do you suggest Thank you and hope to hear from you soon. Cindy
Dear Cindy,
It’s great to know you’ve got a Chinese music club in your school.
Hope you’ll enjoy Chinese music and have fun.
Li Hua
Dear Cindy,
It’s great to know you’ve got a Chinese music club in your school.
Listening to traditional and modern Chinese music is a good way for the club members to know more about Chinese music, because they can experience the beauty of Chinese music personally. Sharing stories of Chinese singers can help them better understand the background of the songs, so it’s surely a meaningful activity.
Besides, you can introduce Chinese instruments to the club members in different ways. There are many traditional musical instruments in China different from those in western countries. They can learn about Chinese culture through these instruments.
Hope you’ll enjoy Chinese music and have fun.
Li Hua
①know more about sth更多的了解某物
②introduce sth to sb向某人介绍某物
③in different ways用不同方式
④learn about了解
①Listening to traditional and modern Chinese music is a good way for the club members to know more about Chinese music, because they can experience the beauty of Chinese music personally.(because引导的原因状语从句)
②There are many traditional musical instruments in China different from those in western countries. (there be句型)
(考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:120分)
1.What is Jack’s sister’s job
A.A nurse. B.A student. C.A teacher.
2.How does Jack go to school
A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By bike.
3.Where is the man going
A.To the bank. B.To the hospital. C.To the museum.
4.When will Mike meet Jenny
A.At 6:00 B.At 6:30 C.At 7:30
5.How long has Mike had his guitar
A.For seven years. B.For eight years. C.For ten years.
6.Where will the woman probably go for dinner
A.To Marko’s Diner on Main Street.
B.To Marko’s Diner on 21st Street.
C.To Marko’s Diner on Center Street.
7.How much does the man get
A.$40. B.$50. C.$90.
8.Which part of the museum was Robin interested in most
A.History. B.Science. C.Art.
9.How long did Robin stay in the museum
A.One hour. B.Several hours. C.A whole day.
10.Who found Robin when he was lost
A.His brother. B.His friend. C.A guard.
11.What is “Touching Moment”
A.A TV show. B.A radio program. C.An online course.
12.When did the speaker meet the old man
A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.In the evening.
13.What was the old man going to do
A.See his wife. B.Get his driving license. C.Buy some flowers.
14.How does the old man usually go to the nursing home
A.On foot. B.By car. C.By bus.
15.What kind of person is the speaker
A.Intelligent. B.Kind. C.Hard-working.
Someone says, “Happiness is a day at the beach!” I completely 16 . In fact, my favorite vacation is a beach vacation. I 17 swimming in clear blue water and walking on white sand beaches.
As I walk, I search for treasures. I don’t search for gold or jewels. Instead, I 18 seashells (贝壳). It’s a fun hobby, and people of any 19 can do it. You never know what kinds of treasures the sea will offer. There’s even an official name for people who 20 and study seashells—conchologist.
There are some rules for collecting seashells. Seashells keep creatures (生物) safe from danger. They 21 housing and protection for sea creatures. That brings the first rule of searching for seashells: 22 take a shell that still has a living creature inside.
Where should you search Seashells appear on beaches all over the world. Sanibel Island in Florida is very 23 , which is called “The Seashell Capital of the World”. The ocean leaves millions of seashells behind. If you don’t search 24 through the brown sea grass, you will never know what might be 25 there.
It’s not enough to know where to search. Knowing 26 to search is more important. Search from one and half an hour before low tide (退潮) to one and half an hour after low tide. Surprisingly, the very best time to find seashells is after a hurricane (飓风), 27 storms often carry a large number of seashells.
When you look for seashells, take along something to dig with. And remember to take a cloth bag to put your 28 in. If you don’t take the seashells you find, 29 . This allows you to build up a great collection of photos and enjoy the beauty.
On your next beach trip, why not spend some time searching for treasures from the 30 Every seashell has a story.
16.A.require B.forget C.agree D.expect
17.A.enjoy B.imagine C.achieve D.regret
18.A.look for B.look after C.look out D.look through
19.A.wing B.wealth C.role D.age
20.A.touch B.collect C.fear D.throw
21.A.paint B.provide C.produce D.intend
22.A.Never B.Often C.Usually D.Always
23.A.similar B.smooth C.famous D.ancient
24.A.fairly B.rapidly C.easily D.carefully
25.A.sold B.hidden C.doubled D.served
26.A.how B.what C.when D.where
27.A.though B.so C.before D.because
28.A.inventions B.candles C.wings D.discoveries
29.A.take trips B.take pictures C.take risks D.take steps
30.A.sea B.pool C.sky D.mountain
Volunteers Are Needed
Clean People’s Park! We need five people who are strong and can help clean up People’s Park. We need help to collect rubbish. If you are free for four hours this weekend, come and join us! Tel: 0398-8651518 Email: park699@
Teach Music! We need three volunteers to work as music teachers in SOS Children’s Villages. You need to be good at singing and dancing. You also need to be glad to accept different opinions. That is to say, you need to be open-minded with a loving heart. If you are free for two hours every weekend, join us! Tel: 0398-8858518 Email:1ovekids@
Help Old People! We need four volunteers to help at Xinxin Nursing Home. You need to be good with older people. Your job is to wash clothes for them. If you can spare three hours on May 6, come and join us! Tel: 0398-8656869 Email: homelove@
31.Volunteers help to ________ in People’s Park.
A.teach music B.learn music C.collect rubbish D.wash clothes
32. volunteers are needed in total according to the passage.
A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Twelve
33.Where can we probably read the passage
A.In a textbook. B.In a storybook. C.On the Internet. D.In a science report.
Once upon a time the colors of the world quarreled. All thought that they were the best and most beautiful.
Green said, “Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I’m the color of grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die.”
Blue interrupted, “Don’t just think about the earth. What is the color of the sky and the sea Is not water the most important thing for life ”
Yellow laughed and said, “You are all so serious. I bring laughter, happiness and warmth into the world. Every time people look at a yellow sunflower, they start to smile, Without me, there would be no fun.”
Orange said at the top of his voice, “I am the color of health and strength. I carry the most important vitamins (维生素). Think of carrots, pumpkins and oranges. When I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, everyone is shocked at my beauty and nobody gives another thought to any of you.”
Red could stand it no longer, so he shouted, “I am the color of danger and bravery. I am willing to fight for a cause.”
And so the colors went on quarreling. Their voices became louder and louder. The thunder (雷) got angry and the rain started to pour. When the colors began to cool, the rain said, “Your foolish colors. Don’t you know that each of you is unique Join hands and follow me.”
They did what they were told and together made the most beautiful thing in the world—the rainbow.
34.Which color stands for life and hope
A.Green. B.Blue. C.Yellow D.White.
35.What can orange bring us
A.Laughter and smiles. B.Happiness and warmth.
C.Health and strength. D.Danger and bravery.
36.What does the story teach us
A.Be unique and have a specialty. B.Be united and make the best of things.
C.Truth comes from quarreling. D.Don’t be too proud of yourself.
37.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “unique” in English
A.only B.specially C.special D.especially
Known as “soft gold”, Gambiered Canton gauze (香云纱) is the only silk fabric (织物) that’s still hand-dyed (手染的) using natural plants in the world today.
The skill has a history of more than 500 years. In 2008, it was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage (国家非物质文化遗产). Ouyang Yongze is an inheritor of the dyeing skills from Guangdong. The man started learning the skills in 2017.
The dyeing process includes 30 steps. It can take up to six months and is done by hand with materials from nature. “The plant shuliang (薯莨), river mud, sunshine, and grass are all important in dyeing,” Ouyang told China Daily.
To dye the fabric, workers put it in shuliang juice and let it dry on the grass. They repeat this many times until it turns brownish yellow. Then, they put river mud on it to help shuliang react fully. After washing and drying it again, the fabric turns black!
Mastering the skills is difficult, according to Ouyang, who put full effort into controlling the density (浓度) of shuliang juice. “Too much may cause color loss, and too little may nor lead to a dark enough fabric,” he said. “Better control of the density comes after many failures.”
Also, the job can be really tiring as workers have to be at work in the sun for 8 hours each day. Only a few people work in the industry, and skilled masters are getting older as fewer young people take part.
Considering this, Ouyang works harder to develop the traditional craft. He has got together other dyeing skills such as tie-dyeing (扎染法) and batik (蜡染) and has worked with famous fashion designers. They turn the silk into both traditional and fashionable clothes that are popular worldwide. He thinks this can help make the craft stay alive and drew people to the industry.
38.Which of the following is the right order of dyeing Gambiered Canton gauze
① Repeat many times until the fabric turns brownish-yellow.
② Dry the fabric on the grass.
③ Put the fabric in Shuliang juice.
④ Put river mud on the fabric to help shuliang react fully.
A.④②①③ B.①④③② C.②④③① D.③②①④
39.Which sentence can the underlined word “inheritor” in Paragraph 2 be put in
A.That company offers good value and service to every ________.
B.Every teenager should be a(n) ________ of our Chinese culture to pass it down.
C.Finally, Maria became the ________ of the singing competition.
D.Bell, the ________ of the telephone, made the first call.
40.What does paragraph 6 mainly talk about
A.The job is difficult but popular.
B.Some artists are coming to help the workers.
C.Passing down the skills is challenging.
D.The job seems to become easier than before.
41.What can we infer from the passage
A.Water is important in the color during dyeing.
B.Ouyang only fails a few times before he controls the density better.
C.There are no people taking part in this industry.
D.The dyeing process needs great patience, excellent skills and hard work.
Get ready for an out-of-this-world intergalactic (星际的) experience! Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, the United States, announced the opening of the Space 220 Restaurant and the new Star Wars hotel.
Offering a special dining experience, the Space 220 Restaurant will make visitors feel like they’re sitting at a restaurant in space. The experience begins at the Future World. There visitors wait for a space lift to send them to the Space Station. Surprisingly, this Space Station looks like the real one in space. Of course, the lift is not real but a feature of illusion (幻觉) designed by engineers.
When taking the lift, the visitors will see the things on the ground getting smaller and smaller. During the process, the space-station scene comes into your eyes. And then the visitors will move into a space station-themed dining area, where they’ll enjoy their meals surrounded (环绕) by panoramic (全景的) views of Earth. On the video, some astronauts will appear every so often, working on the space station or maybe just playing around.
Actually, before announcing Space 220 Restaurant, Disney announced another intergalactic experience: the new Star Wars hotel. If you stay in the hotel, you can watch movies in its special theater, enjoy its themed environment and delicious food, and play a real-life role-playing game.
When you travel in Florida, the USA, don’t miss the Space 220 Restaurant and the new Star Wars hotel!
42.The picture in the passage is helpful because it shows ______.
A.what the Space 220 Restaurant looks like
B.why the Space 220 Restaurant is popular
C.how the Space 220 Restaurant was built
D.when the Space 220 Restaurant was opened
43.Which picture shows the structure of the passage (① = Paragraph 1, ...)
A. B. C. D.
44.Paragraph 4 mainly wants to tell us ________.
A.the new Star Wars hotel offers people a special theater to watch films
B.people can play a new role-playing game in the Space 220 Restaurant
C.the new Star Wars hotel was announced after the Space 220 Restaurant
D.people can enjoy the nice natural environment in the new Star Wars hotel
45.Which part of a magazine may this passage be taken from
A.Fashion. B.Sports. C.Culture. D.Travel.
Which is better for learning, hands-on projects or tests 动手操作的项目或测试 A.Learning, not memorizing B.Studying gets boring C. Less stress with tests D.Better job preparation E. Better by the book F. Creative learning
46.Matt I think kids learn better by studying for tests. If you sit and study what you should learn, you’ll remember it. Hands-on projects might end up making kids feel stressed if they are trying to finish on time, and if you are stressed, you might not learn as much.
47.Katie When people study, they remember what is in the book. If they know they are going to have a test, they will be more likely to take notes of all the important information to help them with the test. They will learn better in this way.
48.Alyssa With a hands-on project, you can be creative when you learn. It’s also a lot more fun than sitting at a desk with flashcards. Plus, with a hands-on project, you can learn more than you expected. It’s more satisfying to learn on your own without someone explaining it to you.
49.Wendy Hands-on projects are better. When you are studying for a test, it can get boring and then you can get distracted (注意力分散的). You learn better by doing projects because it is not boring and you can experience new things.
50.Haley I think kids should learn hands-on projects because they have to consider the topic, instead of just memorizing information that they’ll forget about after the test. Also, completing a project is good for spending time with your friends or family.
第四部分 词汇运用(共两节,满分15分)
wise polite novel translate my
51.Peter is a good friend of . We often hang out in our free time.
52.A Christmas Carol is one of famous written by Charles Dickens.
53.In China, it’s to stick your chopsticks into the food.
54.Seven writers have this book into different languages.
55.Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and changes you, so let’s learn .
Trees play an important role in our environment. For a start, they make air 56 (更干净的) for us to breathe. The older a tree is, the more important it is to us. Why not look at ancient trees 57 (仔细地) around you and find out more
For the past 58 (十五) years, a charity called the Woodland Trust has been recording ancient trees in the country. It has created a database (数据库) about these trees.
Since the database was set up, the Woodland Trust has 59 (添加) over 180,000 trees, but it believes there are many more to be found. It’s hoped that all 60 (成员) of the public will help to locate them—including you.
You can take an 61 (积极的) part in the Woodland Trust’s project. Perhaps when you next go for a walk with your family, you can examine the trees you pass to see 62 (它的) age. If you find one that you think could be very old, record 63 (确切地) where it is using an online map. If you want to record the tree, you should take a photo. Don’t 64 (忘记) to make sure you are allowed to examine it closely if the tree isn’t on public land.
“Ancient trees are as much a part of our heritage (遗产) as works of 65 (艺术)”, explains Jeremy Evans of the Woodland Trust. “But they don’t get the same protection. The good news is, you don’t have to be a tree expert to take part.”
第五部分 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
Life as Chopsticks
Right now, more and more people are digging into their food with two sticks which 66 (call) chopsticks. Even people eating with knives and forks begin to love them. What’s so special about them Because they have deep influence on many 67 (people) ways of life.
Simplicity. There’s hardly anything simpler than chopsticks. With new technology developing every day, there is still something 68 has just one use—simply to eat. Also the chopsticks don’t spend much. In real life, we don’t need to keep 69 (improve) things all the time.
Aim. When using chopsticks, you cannot pick up everything 70 one go. Know what you want and just do it. Sometimes, a little bit of focus makes the difference between failure and 71 (succeed).
Practice. Using chopsticks doesn’t come 72 (natural). You have to learn to use them and practice it. Most would agree that there’s no 73 (good) way than to practice. In real life, you may have many things you want to do, but it will just be 74 dream if you don’t try doing it.
Slowing down. A healthy way to eat is to eat with chopsticks. It slows you down and it allows your stomach to tell your brain you are full before you overeat. In our life, we sometimes need to slow down to have time to think, to realize that we’re actually full and don’t have to rush full speed through life. And also we don’t need to push 75 (we) so hard all the time.
第六部分 书面表达(共1小题,满分20分)
To: LiHua@
From: Cindy
Subject: Activities for Chinese Music Club
Dear Li Hua, I set up a Chinese music club in my school and these are next week’s activities: ●Listen to traditional and modern Chinese music. ●Share stories of Chinese singers. What do you think of the two activities And what other activities do you suggest Thank you and hope to hear from you soon. Cindy
Dear Cindy,
It’s great to know you’ve got a Chinese music club in your school.
Hope you’ll enjoy Chinese music and have fun.
Li Hua



上一篇:第二单元 比和比例 单元测试题 北京版六年级数学下册(含解析)
