湖北省武汉市2024年中考英语模拟训练卷 (含听力音频+原卷版+解析版)

(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:120分)
1.A.At school. B.I think so. C.I missed the last bus home.
【原文】What happened to you last night
2.A.This way, please. B.I am so sorry. C.Good idea.
【原文】Why don’t you visit the zoo with us
3.A.All right. B.I hope not. C.I’d love to.
【原文】Hurry up, or we’ll be late for school.
4.A.Enjoy yourself. B.It’s in Guizhou. C.It’s amazing.
【原文】How do you feel about your day trip to the Huangguoshu Waterfall
5.How did Tom go to school this morning
A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By bike.
W: Tom, where’s your bike
M: It’s broken. And this morning I walked to school.
6.Who likes playing the piano
A.Susan. B.Bob. C.Jessica.
M: Hi, Susan. Do you like playing the piano
W: Oh, Bob. That’s my sister Jessica’s hobby.
7.What’s the time now
A.At 7:00. B.At 7:10. C.At 7:30.
W: Hurry up, Mike! The movie will begin in ten minutes.
M: Take it easy. It starts at 7:30. There is still thirty minutes left.
W: Ooh, I got the time wrong.
8.What will the weather be like this Sunday
A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Cloudy.
W: Bob, shall we go climbing this Sunday
M: But the radio says it will be rainy this weekend.
W: Yes, it will rain on Saturday, but fine on Sunday.
9.Whose car is this
A.Tim’s. B.Lisa’s. C.Paul’s.
W: Hi, Tim, look at my car!
M: Wow, a sports car. So cool! When did you buy it, Lisa
W: It’s not mine. It belongs to my brother, Paul.
10.Why isn’t Betty allowed to drive his father’s car
A.Because she has to study for a text.
B.Because it is not safe to drive at night.
C.Because she is not old enough.
W: Dad, can I use your car on Friday evening I’d like to go shopping with my friends.
M: Sorry, Betty, you can’t. I don’t think fifteen-year-olds are old enough to drive a car.
11.How often does Peter go swimming
A.Every day. B.Twice a week. C.Never.
W: Peter, you look energetic and healthy. Do you often do sports
M: Yes. I play basketball every day. And I go swimming on Friday and Sunday.
12.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Patient and doctor. B.Brother and sister. C.Mother and son.
M: Alice, where is my bag I can’t find it on the table.
W: You always put your things everywhere. Is it on the sofa
M: No, it isn’t. Oh, I see it. It’s in our parents’ bedroom.
13.When is Sally always free
A.On Friday night. B.On Saturday afternoon. C.On Sunday morning.
14.What are they going to play at last
A.Volleyball. B.Ping-pong. C.Tennis.
15.Who did the man train hard with
A.His father. B.His friend. C.His coach.
【答案】13.B 14.C 15.C
M: Hi, Sally. Are you free this afternoon
W: Sure. I’m always free on Saturday afternoon.
M: Let’s watch sports on TV.
W: That sounds boring. Let’s play volleyball. Do you have a volleyball
M: No, I don’t.
W: Never mind. Are you good at playing ping-pong
M: No, I’m not.
W: Oh, what a pity! Tennis is exciting. Let’s play tennis.
M: Good idea. I trained hard with the help of my coach. I’m confident of beating you.
W: Well, we will see about that. Let’s do some warm-up exercise first.
16.What did Tina save on her way to school
A.A cat. B.A dog. C.A rabbit.
17.What happened to the boy
A.He hurt his arm. B.He lost his game. C.He fell over a ball.
18.Where are they now
A.On the street. B.In the hospital. C.At school.
【答案】16.A 17.C 18.B
M: Hi, Tina, what’s the matter
W: Oh, Mike. I’ve hurt my arm.
M: How come
W: Well, I saw a cat running out of a car while I was going to school. I wanted to save it, but I fell over the cat.
M: That’s awful. Are you all right
W: Not so bad. The doctor says I have to rest for several days.
M: Lucky you. How did you get here What about the cat
W: The woman in the car brought me here. The cat was OK. Don’t worry. So why are you here
M: I had a silly accident when playing football. I tried to score a goal but I fell over the ball.
W: That’s funny except your leg looks terrible. How does it feel
M: Not too good. I think I have to stay at the hospital for a week.
W: Poor you.
19.Who are the two speakers
A.An interviewer and a sleeper.
B.A reporter and a businessman.
C.A hotel manager and a tourist.
20.What does Mike usually do for his job
A.Travel and shop. B.Experience and write. C.Talk and sell
21.Who want Mike's good reviews most
A.Hotel managers. B.Businessmen. C.Tour guides.
22.What do we know about Mike
A.He gets paid well. B.He only works at night. C.He enjoys his work.
【答案】19.A 20.B 21.A 22.C
W: Hi, Mike. Welcome to Hi Weekend! Thanks for talking to us. Was your job like
M: Hi, Bell. I’m a professional sleeper. It sounds a little strange. But I love it. I go to bed at ten p.m. in the different hotel room every night.
W: Wow, thats cool. So who pays you to do that
M: I work for a travel website. They pay me to stay in different hotels and write about them. People read my reviews and go to the hotels.
W: And what do you do in the daytime
M: Every afternoon, from 2 pm to 4 pm, I write about each room. I talk about the bed, the lights, the noise and so on.
W: Who reads the reviews
M: Lots of different people read them. Business people, tourists, travel agencies, people who want to knwo about hotels. Really.
W: What do you do in the evening
M: At 7 pm, I talk to the hotel manager, then I go to my new room and go to bed.
W: Do you like sleeping
M: Yes, I do. I’m very good at it.
23.What did Toby do when Debbie felt hard to breathe
A.He coughed badly. B.He pushed her down. C.He ate an apple.
24.How did Winnie save the Smith family
A.She woke up Cathy. B.She jumped up and down. C.She called 911.
25.What lesson can we get from the passage
A.Things will work out. B.East or west, home is best. C.Your kindness will pay off.
【答案】23.B 24.A 25.C
This story is about two amazing pets, one dog and one cat. Both are heroes. Toby, a four-year-old dog, saved Debbie’s life. Debbie was eating an apple when she started to cough badly and felt hard to breath. Toby pushed her down to the floor, he jumped up and down on her chest until the apple came out of her throat. Debbie knows that Toby saved her life. She says, “ I keep looking at him and saying, you’re amazing.”
Winnie, a fourteen-year-old cat, saved her family from a dangerous fire. While Kathy and her husband Peter Smith were sleeping, Winnie came to their bed. Winnie meowed loudly and pushed her nose into Kathy’s ear until she woke up. Then Kathy tried to tell her husband and son to leave the house. But they wouldn’t wake up. Kathy called 911 for help. They are OK today because Winnie saved their lives.
Both owners saved Toby and Winnie when they were very young. Years later, both Toby and Winnie saved Dibbie and the Smith family. That’s really unbelievable.
26.—Excuse me, can I take the seat
—________ It’s for the elderly only.
A.Why not B.Of course.
C.You’d better not. D.Never mind.
考查情景交际。Why not 为什么不;Of course当然;You’d better not你最好不要;Never mind没关系。根据“It’s for the elderly only.”可知,此处表示建议对方不要坐。故选A。
27.—Oh, what a bad memory I have! I forgot to bring your umbrella.
—________. It is sunny. I don’t need it today.
A.Never mind B.All right C.No problem D.You’re welcome
考查情景交际。Never mind没关系;All right好的;No problem没问题;You’re welcome不客气。根据“It is sunny. I don’t need it today”可知对方说忘了带伞,此处是安慰对方,今天天气晴朗,不需要雨伞。故选A。
28.—I am not going to study abroad after graduation.
—________. It sounds exciting, but it will also be challenging.
A.Good idea B.I think so C.Me neither D.You can’t be serious
考查情景交际。Good idea好主意;I think so我认为如此;Me neither我也不;You can’t be serious你不是认真的吧。根据“It sounds exciting, but it will also be challenging.”可知认为出国留学充满挑战,也没有这个打算。故选C。
29.The _________ that there is life on other planets has always encouraged scientists to explore the outer space.
A.ability B.quality C.activity D.possibility
考查名词辨析。ability能力;quality质量;activity活动;possibility可能性。根据“The…that there is life on other planets has always encouraged scientists to explore the outer space.”可知,鼓励科学家探索外太空的是其他星球上存在生命的可能性。故选D。
30.—To go abroad or not to go there after graduation, it’s a question to me.
—You may take ________ of the roads. But being home in the end matters.
A.neither B.both C.either D.none
考查代词辨析。neither(两者)都不;both(两者)都;either(两者)之一;none(三者或三者以上)都不。根据“To go abroad or not to go there after graduation, it’s a question to me.”和“But being home in the end matters”可知,表示可以出国,也可以不出国,两者择一用either。故选C。
31.—I don’t want to remember English words any more because I often forget them.
—It’s ________ to forget English words. Keep reviewing them and you’ll succeed.
A.surprising B.useful C.perfect D.natural
考查形容词辨析。surprising令人惊讶的;useful有用的;perfect完美的;natural自然的。根据“to forget English words.”以及常识可知,人都会忘记东西,是很自然的事情,故选D。
32.— Jack, tell me how to _______ this information.
— All right, Grandma. You can type it on this keyboard.
A.cancel B.collect C.enter D.receive
考查动词辨析。cancel取消;collect收集;enter输入;receive收到。根据“You can type it on this keyboard.”可知,此处是问如何输入信息。故选C。
33.—I found the midterm exam easier __________ to the last one.
—I thought it was more difficult than what I expected. I guess I need to study more for the final.
A.connected B.compared C.contacted D.completed
34.—Many people are used to parking their e-bikes inside the building.
—That’s very dangerous. The government has ________ some policies (政策) to stop this.
A.taken on B.taken out C.handed out D.carried out
考查动词短语辨析。taken on呈现;taken out拿出来;handed out分发;carried out执行,实施。根据“some policies (政策) to stop this.”可知,应是执行政策来阻止这种危险行为。故选D。
35.—Why is there so much noise in the classroom
—The students are discussing ________ a camping trip to South Hill next weekend.
A.how they will take B.when will they take
C.where they would take D.what would they take
考查宾语从句。根据“The students are discussing”可知,该句是宾语从句,使用陈述语气,排除B、D两个选项;结合“a camping trip to South Hill next weekend.”可知,从句是一般将来时,因此是讨论如何去南山露营。故选A。
Born in a small village of Yizhang County, Chenzhou City, Jiang Mengnan is a 30-year-old woman. She 36 the 2021 Touching China Award. The award ceremony was broadcast live on CCTV on the evening of March 3, 2022.
She lost all her hearing due to nerve (神经) deafness caused by drugs when she was six months old. Since then, she’s been living in a(n) 37 world. She can only communicate with others by looking at their 38 and reading their lips.
When she 39 learned to read lips, Jiang touched her parents’ throats to feel the vibration (振动). And then she tried so hard to copy 40 lip movements in front of mirrors when her parents spoke. Her parents needed to 41 a syllable (音节) for many times before she could learn it.
By doing so, Jiang finally was 42 to “listen” and “speak” in her own way. Jiang’s parents, who are both teachers, 43 reading books and newspapers. It is because of their 44 to encourage her to learn lip reading that Jiang could go further in her pursuit of study.
Her perseverance (毅力) 45 earned her the admission to Jilin University, where she got a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree.
Jiang said that she chose to study in Jilin University 46 her role model Zhang Haidi, an outstanding woman with disability, studied and graduated from the university. 47 , she had a hero dream of being a doctor to save lives.
In September 2018, Jiang entered the School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, 48 a doctoral candidate (博士研究生).
Through hard work, Jiang Mengnan proved that physical disabilities do not 49 — you can do almost anything if you never give up.
Though she is 50 , she has done what common people can’t do. Her story makes us believe the saying “Where there is a will, there is a way.”
36.A.refused B.presented C.received D.wanted
37.A.silent B.colourful C.wonderful D.dark
38.A.eyes B.noses C.ears D.mouths
39.A.ever B.first C.once D.last
40.A.his B.her C.their D.our
41.A.remember B.record C.review D.repeat
42.A.willing B.able C.ready D.lucky
43.A.avoid B.suggest C.hate D.love
44.A.importance B.topic C.secret D.decision
45.A.later B.now C.then D.today
46.A.but B.although C.or D.because
47.A.Otherwise B.Instead C.Moreover D.However
48.A.like B.as C.for D.by
49.A.matter B.trouble C.work D.care
50.A.disabled B.hard-working C.clever D.friendly
C 37.A 38.D 39.B 40.C 41.D 42.B 43.D 44.D 45.A
46.D 47.C 48.B 49.A 50.A
refused拒绝;presented呈现;received获得;wanted想要。根据“the 2021 Touching China Award”可知是获奖了。故选C。
silent沉默的;colourful彩色的;wonderful精彩的;dark黑暗的。根据“She lost all her hearing due to nerve (神经) deafness caused by drugs when she was six months old.”可知听不到,活在沉默的世界里。故选A。
eyes眼睛;noses鼻子;ears耳朵;mouths嘴巴。根据“reading their lips”可知读唇语要看嘴巴。故选D。
ever曾经;first第一次;once一次;last最后的。根据“Jiang touched her parents’ throats to feel the vibration (振动)”可知这是第一次学唇语的情况。故选B。
his他的;her她的;their他们的;our我们的。根据“Jiang touched her parents’ throats to feel the vibration”可知模仿父母的嘴唇动作,用their。故选C。
remember记住;record记录;review复习;repeat重复。根据“...a syllable (音节) for many times”可知要重复音节。故选D。
willing愿意的;able能够的;ready准备好的;lucky幸运的。根据“By doing so, Jiang finally was ... to ‘listen’ and ‘speak’ in her own way.”可知能够用自己的方式“听”和“说”。故选B。
avoid避免;suggest建议;hate讨厌;love爱。根据“Jiang’s parents, who are both teachers, ... reading books and newspapers.”可知是老师,喜欢读书看报。故选D。
importance重要;topic主题;secret秘密;decision决定。根据“to encourage her to learn lip reading”可知是决定鼓励江学习唇读。故选D。
later后来;now现在;then然后;today今天。根据“earned her the admission to Jilin University”可知这是她的毅力带来的结果,使她后来被吉林大学录取。故选A。
like像;as作为;for为了;by通过。根据“a doctoral candidate”可知作为一名博士研究生进入清华大学。故选B。
matter要紧;trouble麻烦;work工作;care关心。根据“you can do almost anything if you never give up”可知身体的残疾不要紧。故选A。
disabled有残疾的;hard-working努力的;clever聪明的;friendly友好的。根据“physical disabilities”可知她有残疾。故选A。
Global News
● Man-Made Forest in Singapore
The “forest” is made from steel and concrete (混凝土) covered in local flowers and plants. At night, 18 solar-powered tree-like towers which get their energy from the sun often light up the city. Its designer said the idea was to create “a city in a garden”. Clearly, the special way makes the pubic care about environment.
By decorating the buildings from top to bottom with more than 20,000 trees and plants, Italian architect (建筑师) Stefano Boeri said he’d want to make trees part of the buildings and create something that could help to reduce pollution. Which types of trees are planted and where the trees are planted depend on the trees’ likes for sunlight.
● Green Corridors (长廊) in Medellin
Medellin has won high praise for its green corridors. Now the 30 corridors full of trees and flowers connect green spaces such as parks and gardens in Medellin. The green corridors have reduced the temperature by two degrees and helped make the air clean. Bees and birds have returned. Now people there live more actively.
51.The tree-like towers in Singapore can ________.
A.create a city in a garden B.get energy from plants
C.make the city bright at night D.be covered in local flowers and plants
52.What might be the best title for the second piece of news
A.20, 000 Trees and Plants B.Italian Architect Stefano Boeri
C.Trees’ likes for Sunlight D.Buildings Covered with Plants and Trees
53.What’s Stefano Boeri’s purpose
A.To plant more trees. B.To decorate the buildings.
C.To help cut down the pollution. D.To find trees’ likes for sunlight.
54.Why do people in Medellin live more actively than before
A.Because the environment becomes better and better.
B.Because all the bees and birds have returned.
C.Because the temperature is becoming lower and lower.
D.Because the 30 corridors connect all the green spaces.
55.In which section of the newspaper can we read the news
A.International Charities. B.Green Life. C.Art World. D.Great People.
51.C 52.D 53.C 54.A 55.B
51.细节理解题。根据“At night, 18 solar-powered tree-like towers which get their energy from the sun often light up the city”可知,太阳能树状塔在晚上能够照亮城市。故选C。
52.最佳标题题。根据第一句“By decorating the buildings... that could help to reduce pollution.”可知,建筑师想通过设计一款被植物覆盖的建筑物来改善环境问题,这是在介绍“被植物覆盖建筑物”所带来的益处。故选D。
53.细节理解题。根据“ Italian architect (建筑师) Stefano Boeri said he’d want to make trees part of the buildings and create something that could help to reduce pollution”可知, 建筑师Stefano Boeri想让树木成为建筑的一部分,并且创造一些有助于减少污染的东西。故选C。
54.推理判断题。根据“ The green corridors have reduced the temperature by two degrees and helped make the air clean. Bees and birds have returned”可知,绿色长廊温度下降了,空气变清新了,蜜蜂和鸟都回来了,因此是环境越来越好了。故选A。
55.推理判断题。 作者所介绍的三条新闻都与环境保护,绿色生活有关。因此能在报纸的“绿色生活”部分读到这三条新闻。故选B。
On April 30, 2022, Zhang Shuo was honored with the title of “the most beautiful worker”. And he became this year’s May 1 Labor Medal winner, too.
After graduating from Jiamusi Vocational College in 2015, Zhang got a job designing advertisements in Harbin. Two years later, he decided to return to his hometown, Dongsheng Village in Hegang, to help his aging parents with their rice farm.
Zhang Shuo started his job as a food deliveryman in 2018. “I just wanted to use the farm’s off season to earn some money, and I didn’t plan on it becoming a permanent (长久的) job,” he says. “I found the huge development space. So I decided to stay on and do better.”
Zhang is always improving his service quality. A snowstorm in late December 2018 forced deliverymen to take food to customers on foot. To prevent the food from getting cold, Zhang put the food into his coat. Around two hours later, the customer received his food and it was still warm.
Every time when Zhang finished an order, he would take away the rubbish outside his customer’s door, which brought him lots of good reviews.
In June 2019, Zhang became the manager of an online services platform. Since then, he began to find more ways to help young villagers get out of poverty (贫穷) and increase their income.
“I hope to recruit (招募) more excellent young people and double the size of my team in the future,” Zhang says. “I hope to bring them good luck. We will continue to provide good services for both the shopkeepers and their customers. Moreover, I hope to lead more local people to a better life.”
56.What is Zhang’s purpose of starting his job as a food deliveryman at first
A.To make it as a hobby. B.To win May 1 Labor Medal.
C.To help poor families in Hegang. D.To take his free time to make money.
57.Which is the right order of the following events about Zhang Shuo
a. He was titled “the most beautiful worker”. b. He worked as an advertising designer in Harbin.
c. He went to college in Jiamusi. d. He delivered food in Hegang.
A.b-d-a-c B.d-a-c-b C.c-b-d-a D.a-b-c-d
58.In what way does the writer tell us how Zhang improves his service quality
A.By comparing Zhang with others. B.By giving an example.
C.By following the order of time. D.By providing causes.
59.What brings Zhang good reviews of his work
A.He pays attention to small things. B.He works very hard.
C.He asks his staff members to work better. D.He tries to finish an order quickly.
60.The last paragraph mainly tells us about ________.
A.Zhang’s dream to make more money B.Zhang’s praise for the deliverymen
C.Zhang’s hope of living a better life D.Zhang’s plans for the future
56.D 57.C 58.B 59.A 60.D
56.细节理解题。根据“I just wanted to use the farm’s off season to earn some money”可知刚开始他只是想利用农闲时节挣点钱。故选D。
57.细节理解题。根据第二段“After graduating from Jiamusi Vocational College in 2015, Zhang got a job designing advertisements in Harbin”可知,应是先他在佳木斯上大学,然后他在哈尔滨设计广告;根据第三段“Zhang Shuo started his job as a food deliveryman in 2018”“可知,他后来在鹤岗当送餐员;又根据第一段“On April 30, 2022, Zhang Shuo was honored with the title of ‘the most beautiful worker’. And he became this year’s May 1 Labor Medal winner, too.”可知,最后他被授予“最美劳动者”称号。故正确的顺序应是:c-b-d-a。故选C。
58.细节理解题。根据“A snowstorm in late December 2018 forced deliverymen to take food to customers on foot. To prevent the food from getting cold, Zhang put the food into his coat. Around two hours later, the customer received his food and it was still warm.”可知是通过举例说明告诉我们张是如何提高服务质量的。故选B。
59.推理判断题。根据“Every time when Zhang finished an order, he would take away the rubbish outside his customer’s door, which brought him lots of good reviews.”可知每次张完成订单,他都会把顾客门外的垃圾拿走,这给他带来了很多好评,所以他是通过注意一些小事获得了好评。故选A。
60.主旨大意题。根据“I hope to recruit (招募) more excellent young people and double the size of my team in the future”可知最后一段介绍了他对未来的计划。故选D。
There are millions of people throughout the world who are either born blind or have become blind over the course of their lifetime. It is unfair to take away the visual (视觉的) beauty of the world from these people. Doctor Humayun has created the world’s first bionic (仿生学的) eye that could change the life of every blind person in the world.
Doctor Mark Humayun is a well-respected professor at the Doheny Eye Institute California. He has been working for years on creating a bionic eye that would allow blind people to see images just like a normal person does. The bionic eye is actually an eye that has been built in a small video camera.
The test results show that the bionic eye has given blind patients the amazing ability to see the scientists doing the tests. But the images are still blurry and we need much work before the eye actually becomes a regular implant (植入物) into blind people. Humayun believes that he can go into production with the bionic eye over the next three to five years.
A closer look at the bionic eye is amazing. The patient wears a special set of eyeglasses. All the signals are passed to the implanted eye. It’s done by wireless technology. Humayun has created an invention that could change the lives of millions of blind people. Imagine a world in which someone would no longer have to the fear about being blind. This could be considered as a technological achievement.
61.Doctor Mark Humayun is well-respected because ________.
A.he has been working on a small video camera
B.he is a professor of a famous university
C.he invented a video camera for the blind
D.he devoted himself to making the blind see again
62.What does the underlined word “blurry” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese
A.清晰的 B.模糊的 C.具体的 D.抽象的
63.The bionic eye created by Mark Humayun at present ________.
A.can help the blind to see the scientists doing the tests
B.has been a total success during the use
C.can be implanted into the blind people’s eyes
D.looks much like the normal people’s eye
64.It will take Doctor Mark Humayun ________to produce the bionic eye in large numbers.
A.more than eight years B.more than five years
C.three to five years D.less than three years
65.This passage mainly tells us ________.
A.the life of blind people has changed B.Mark Humayun becomes famous
C.there will be no blind people in the future D.a technological study for the blind
61.D 62.B 63.A 64.C 65.D
61.细节理解题。根据“Doctor Mark Humayun is a well-respected professor at the Doheny Eye Institute California. He has been working for years on creating a bionic eye that would allow blind people to see images just like a normal person does.”可知,Mark博士是一个受人尊敬的教授是因为:他多年来一直致力于让盲人看见。故选D。
62.词句猜测题。根据“But the images are still blurry and we need much work before the eye actually becomes a regular implant into blind people.”可知,在眼睛真正成为盲人的常规植入物之前,我们需要做很多工作。由此说明目前看到的图像仍然是模糊的,划线词的意思是“模糊的”。故选B。
63.细节理解题。根据“The test results show that the bionic eye has given blind patients the amazing ability to see the scientists doing the tests.”可知,测试结果表明,仿生眼让盲人患者有了惊人的能力,可以看到科学家们在做测试。故选A。
64.细节理解题。根据“Humayun believes that he can go into production with the bionic eye over the next three to five years.”可知,Humayun相信,他可以在未来三到五年内将仿生眼投入生产。故选C。
65. 主旨大意题。根据“Doctor Humayun has created the world’s first bionic eye that could change the life of every blind person in the world.”可知,本文介绍了仿生眼研究的情况和其发展前景,这一切都是为了使盲人能够重新看到世界。故选D。
第II卷 (非选择题 共35分)
but true shut lost tired of spare made jokes about
This spring, the most eye-catching movie might be YOLO (《热辣滚烫》). By Feb 26, it had made over 3.3 billion yuan at the box office,
Directed by 41-year-old Jia Ling, the movie tells the story of a woman 66 the world, finding herself and learning to love life through boxing. The name YOLO is short for the movie’s main idea—you only live once.
Before making YOLO, Jia was often seen as an overweight comedian. She often 67 herself to make people laugh. For this movie, Jia 68 50kg and looked very different. Some people online said even her voice became softer, and they call this a “rebirth” for Jia.
In Jia’s eyes, her change in identity and looks is her way of staying 69 to herself. “It’s hard to predict one’s life. I’m just following my heart 70 not looking for changes on purpose. Movies are now the best way to show myself, so I put all my energy into them,” Jia said.
66.tired of 67.made jokes about 68.lost 69.true 70.but
66.句意:由41岁贾玲导演,电影讲述了一个厌倦世界的女人,通过拳击发现并学习对生活的热爱。根据后文“finding herself and learning to love life through boxing”可知,此处是说厌倦世界的女人,tired of厌倦……。故填tired of。
67.句意:她经常自嘲让人们笑。根据后文“make people laugh”可知,此处是说贾玲经常自嘲,made jokes about开……玩笑。故填made jokes about。
68.句意:为了这部电影,贾玲减重了100斤,看起来非常不一样。根据后文“Some people online said even her voice became softer”可知,此处是说贾玲减肥,lost减掉。故填lost。
69.句意:在贾玲看来,她在身份和外形上的改变是她保持真我的一种方式。stay true to herself保持真我。故填true。
Which do you love to use when you’re studying, ipads or books Here is a survey about it.
Some students think that iPads are 71 (good). They can search for information in 72 iPad easily. Also, they can keep all their work in a small machine instead 73 carrying many heavy books. It’s very convenient. But some students think that books are of greater 74 (important) to learning. First, books can help them think harder and deeper, because they may ask 75 (they) some questions when they read books. 76 (two), reading books won’t hurt their eyes. Third, some students even spend their precious time 77 (play) games on iPads at school, and it’s not good for their study. So they like to use books better. In my opinion, if iPads 78 (use) in a proper way, they will improve our study. Students will not forget homework 79 teachers send all the homework to their iPads. We can download lots of learning materials. It’s helpful to our study, 80 (especial) to our English learning.
In a word, they both have advantages and disadvantages. We should use them wisely.
better 72.an 73.of 74.importance 75.themselves
76.Second 77.playing 78.are used 79.if/because 80.especially
71.句意:一些学生认为iPad更好。根据“Which do you love to use when you’re studying, ipads or books ”可知,将iPad与书籍相比较,所以此处应填比较级,故填better。
73.句意:此外,他们可以把所有的工作都放在一个小机器里,而不是携带许多沉重的书。instead of“代替”,固定搭配,故填of。
74.句意:但是一些学生认为书本对学习更重要。be of importance to“对……重要”,固定搭配,故填importance。
75.句意:因为当他们看书时,他们可能会问自己一些问题。根据“they may ask… some questions”可知,当宾语与主语为同一人称时,宾语用反身代词,故填themselves。
77.句意:第三,一些学生甚至在学校把宝贵的时间花在iPad上玩游戏,这对他们的学习不利。spend time doing sth“花费时间做某事”,此空应填动名词,故填playing。
78.句意:在我看来,如果iPad使用得当,它们会提高我们的学习。if引导的条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时,主语iPads与动词use之间是被动关系,所以应用一般现在时被动语态,主语是复数形式,be用are,故填are used。
79.句意:如果老师把所有的作业都发到他们的iPad上,学生就不会忘记作业了。/学生不会忘记作业,因为老师会把所有的作业都发到他们的iPad上。“teachers send all the homework to their iPads”与“Students will not forget homework”是因果关系,也可以是条件关系,故填if/because。
学校校刊拟制作一期关于学生生活经历的专刊,征集关于个人生活体验相关的稿件。请你以“An Experience in My Life”为题,根据以下内容提示用英文写一篇短文投稿。
What was the experience
When did it happen
What does it mean to you
Something more about it.
An Experience in My Life
An Experience in My Life
In my memory, there are full of successful experiences. The most unforgettable one happened last term.
I was not good at subjects at school and I couldn’t get good marks in exams. I felt worried about my study so I decided to work much harder. I listened to the teachers more carefully in class and did more exercises after class. What’s more, I often asked my teachers for help. Although I met a lot of difficulties, I didn’t give up. Now I have done better in my study. I believe that nothing is too difficult if I put my heart into it. If I meet with difficulties in my life, I should try my best to overcome them.
In a word, only the person who overcomes difficulties will be successful.
①be full of 充满
②be good at 擅长
③ask sb for help 向某人求助
④try one’s best to do sth尽全力做某事
⑤in a word 总之
①Although I met a lot of difficulties, I didn’t give up.(although引导的让步状语从句)
②I believe that nothing is too difficult if I put my heart into it.(if引导的条件状语从句)
③In a word, only the person who overcomes difficulties will be successful.(who引导的定语从句)
(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:120分)
1.A.At school. B.I think so. C.I missed the last bus home.
2.A.This way, please. B.I am so sorry. C.Good idea.
3.A.All right. B.I hope not. C.I’d love to.
4.A.Enjoy yourself. B.It’s in Guizhou. C.It’s amazing.
5.How did Tom go to school this morning
A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By bike.
6.Who likes playing the piano
A.Susan. B.Bob. C.Jessica.
7.What’s the time now
A.At 7:00. B.At 7:10. C.At 7:30.
8.What will the weather be like this Sunday
A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Cloudy.
9.Whose car is this
A.Tim’s. B.Lisa’s. C.Paul’s.
10.Why isn’t Betty allowed to drive his father’s car
A.Because she has to study for a text.
B.Because it is not safe to drive at night.
C.Because she is not old enough.
11.How often does Peter go swimming
A.Every day. B.Twice a week. C.Never.
12.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Patient and doctor. B.Brother and sister. C.Mother and son.
13.When is Sally always free
A.On Friday night. B.On Saturday afternoon. C.On Sunday morning.
14.What are they going to play at last
A.Volleyball. B.Ping-pong. C.Tennis.
15.Who did the man train hard with
A.His father. B.His friend. C.His coach.
16.What did Tina save on her way to school
A.A cat. B.A dog. C.A rabbit.
17.What happened to the boy
A.He hurt his arm. B.He lost his game. C.He fell over a ball.
18.Where are they now
A.On the street. B.In the hospital. C.At school.
19.Who are the two speakers
A.An interviewer and a sleeper.
B.A reporter and a businessman.
C.A hotel manager and a tourist.
20.What does Mike usually do for his job
A.Travel and shop. B.Experience and write. C.Talk and sell
21.Who want Mike's good reviews most
A.Hotel managers. B.Businessmen. C.Tour guides.
22.What do we know about Mike
A.He gets paid well. B.He only works at night. C.He enjoys his work.
23.What did Toby do when Debbie felt hard to breathe
A.He coughed badly. B.He pushed her down. C.He ate an apple.
24.How did Winnie save the Smith family
A.She woke up Cathy. B.She jumped up and down. C.She called 911.
25.What lesson can we get from the passage
A.Things will work out. B.East or west, home is best. C.Your kindness will pay off.
26.—Excuse me, can I take the seat
—________ It’s for the elderly only.
A.Why not B.Of course.
C.You’d better not. D.Never mind.
27.—Oh, what a bad memory I have! I forgot to bring your umbrella.
—________. It is sunny. I don’t need it today.
A.Never mind B.All right C.No problem D.You’re welcome
28.—I am not going to study abroad after graduation.
—________. It sounds exciting, but it will also be challenging.
A.Good idea B.I think so C.Me neither D.You can’t be serious
29.The _________ that there is life on other planets has always encouraged scientists to explore the outer space.
A.ability B.quality C.activity D.possibility
30.—To go abroad or not to go there after graduation, it’s a question to me.
—You may take ________ of the roads. But being home in the end matters.
A.neither B.both C.either D.none
31.—I don’t want to remember English words any more because I often forget them.
—It’s ________ to forget English words. Keep reviewing them and you’ll succeed.
A.surprising B.useful C.perfect D.natural
32.— Jack, tell me how to _______ this information.
— All right, Grandma. You can type it on this keyboard.
A.cancel B.collect C.enter D.receive
33.—I found the midterm exam easier __________ to the last one.
—I thought it was more difficult than what I expected. I guess I need to study more for the final.
A.connected B.compared C.contacted D.completed
34.—Many people are used to parking their e-bikes inside the building.
—That’s very dangerous. The government has ________ some policies (政策) to stop this.
A.taken on B.taken out C.handed out D.carried out
35.—Why is there so much noise in the classroom
—The students are discussing ________ a camping trip to South Hill next weekend.
A.how they will take B.when will they take
C.where they would take D.what would they take
Born in a small village of Yizhang County, Chenzhou City, Jiang Mengnan is a 30-year-old woman. She 36 the 2021 Touching China Award. The award ceremony was broadcast live on CCTV on the evening of March 3, 2022.
She lost all her hearing due to nerve (神经) deafness caused by drugs when she was six months old. Since then, she’s been living in a(n) 37 world. She can only communicate with others by looking at their 38 and reading their lips.
When she 39 learned to read lips, Jiang touched her parents’ throats to feel the vibration (振动). And then she tried so hard to copy 40 lip movements in front of mirrors when her parents spoke. Her parents needed to 41 a syllable (音节) for many times before she could learn it.
By doing so, Jiang finally was 42 to “listen” and “speak” in her own way. Jiang’s parents, who are both teachers, 43 reading books and newspapers. It is because of their 44 to encourage her to learn lip reading that Jiang could go further in her pursuit of study.
Her perseverance (毅力) 45 earned her the admission to Jilin University, where she got a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree.
Jiang said that she chose to study in Jilin University 46 her role model Zhang Haidi, an outstanding woman with disability, studied and graduated from the university. 47 , she had a hero dream of being a doctor to save lives.
In September 2018, Jiang entered the School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, 48 a doctoral candidate (博士研究生).
Through hard work, Jiang Mengnan proved that physical disabilities do not 49 — you can do almost anything if you never give up.
Though she is 50 , she has done what common people can’t do. Her story makes us believe the saying “Where there is a will, there is a way.”
36.A.refused B.presented C.received D.wanted
37.A.silent B.colourful C.wonderful D.dark
38.A.eyes B.noses C.ears D.mouths
39.A.ever B.first C.once D.last
40.A.his B.her C.their D.our
41.A.remember B.record C.review D.repeat
42.A.willing B.able C.ready D.lucky
43.A.avoid B.suggest C.hate D.love
44.A.importance B.topic C.secret D.decision
45.A.later B.now C.then D.today
46.A.but B.although C.or D.because
47.A.Otherwise B.Instead C.Moreover D.However
48.A.like B.as C.for D.by
49.A.matter B.trouble C.work D.care
50.A.disabled B.hard-working C.clever D.friendly
Global News
● Man-Made Forest in Singapore
The “forest” is made from steel and concrete (混凝土) covered in local flowers and plants. At night, 18 solar-powered tree-like towers which get their energy from the sun often light up the city. Its designer said the idea was to create “a city in a garden”. Clearly, the special way makes the pubic care about environment.
By decorating the buildings from top to bottom with more than 20,000 trees and plants, Italian architect (建筑师) Stefano Boeri said he’d want to make trees part of the buildings and create something that could help to reduce pollution. Which types of trees are planted and where the trees are planted depend on the trees’ likes for sunlight.
● Green Corridors (长廊) in Medellin
Medellin has won high praise for its green corridors. Now the 30 corridors full of trees and flowers connect green spaces such as parks and gardens in Medellin. The green corridors have reduced the temperature by two degrees and helped make the air clean. Bees and birds have returned. Now people there live more actively.
51.The tree-like towers in Singapore can ________.
A.create a city in a garden B.get energy from plants
C.make the city bright at night D.be covered in local flowers and plants
52.What might be the best title for the second piece of news
A.20, 000 Trees and Plants B.Italian Architect Stefano Boeri
C.Trees’ likes for Sunlight D.Buildings Covered with Plants and Trees
53.What’s Stefano Boeri’s purpose
A.To plant more trees. B.To decorate the buildings.
C.To help cut down the pollution. D.To find trees’ likes for sunlight.
54.Why do people in Medellin live more actively than before
A.Because the environment becomes better and better.
B.Because all the bees and birds have returned.
C.Because the temperature is becoming lower and lower.
D.Because the 30 corridors connect all the green spaces.
55.In which section of the newspaper can we read the news
A.International Charities. B.Green Life. C.Art World. D.Great People.
On April 30, 2022, Zhang Shuo was honored with the title of “the most beautiful worker”. And he became this year’s May 1 Labor Medal winner, too.
After graduating from Jiamusi Vocational College in 2015, Zhang got a job designing advertisements in Harbin. Two years later, he decided to return to his hometown, Dongsheng Village in Hegang, to help his aging parents with their rice farm.
Zhang Shuo started his job as a food deliveryman in 2018. “I just wanted to use the farm’s off season to earn some money, and I didn’t plan on it becoming a permanent (长久的) job,” he says. “I found the huge development space. So I decided to stay on and do better.”
Zhang is always improving his service quality. A snowstorm in late December 2018 forced deliverymen to take food to customers on foot. To prevent the food from getting cold, Zhang put the food into his coat. Around two hours later, the customer received his food and it was still warm.
Every time when Zhang finished an order, he would take away the rubbish outside his customer’s door, which brought him lots of good reviews.
In June 2019, Zhang became the manager of an online services platform. Since then, he began to find more ways to help young villagers get out of poverty (贫穷) and increase their income.
“I hope to recruit (招募) more excellent young people and double the size of my team in the future,” Zhang says. “I hope to bring them good luck. We will continue to provide good services for both the shopkeepers and their customers. Moreover, I hope to lead more local people to a better life.”
56.What is Zhang’s purpose of starting his job as a food deliveryman at first
A.To make it as a hobby. B.To win May 1 Labor Medal.
C.To help poor families in Hegang. D.To take his free time to make money.
57.Which is the right order of the following events about Zhang Shuo
a. He was titled “the most beautiful worker”. b. He worked as an advertising designer in Harbin.
c. He went to college in Jiamusi. d. He delivered food in Hegang.
A.b-d-a-c B.d-a-c-b C.c-b-d-a D.a-b-c-d
58.In what way does the writer tell us how Zhang improves his service quality
A.By comparing Zhang with others. B.By giving an example.
C.By following the order of time. D.By providing causes.
59.What brings Zhang good reviews of his work
A.He pays attention to small things. B.He works very hard.
C.He asks his staff members to work better. D.He tries to finish an order quickly.
60.The last paragraph mainly tells us about ________.
A.Zhang’s dream to make more money B.Zhang’s praise for the deliverymen
C.Zhang’s hope of living a better life D.Zhang’s plans for the future
There are millions of people throughout the world who are either born blind or have become blind over the course of their lifetime. It is unfair to take away the visual (视觉的) beauty of the world from these people. Doctor Humayun has created the world’s first bionic (仿生学的) eye that could change the life of every blind person in the world.
Doctor Mark Humayun is a well-respected professor at the Doheny Eye Institute California. He has been working for years on creating a bionic eye that would allow blind people to see images just like a normal person does. The bionic eye is actually an eye that has been built in a small video camera.
The test results show that the bionic eye has given blind patients the amazing ability to see the scientists doing the tests. But the images are still blurry and we need much work before the eye actually becomes a regular implant (植入物) into blind people. Humayun believes that he can go into production with the bionic eye over the next three to five years.
A closer look at the bionic eye is amazing. The patient wears a special set of eyeglasses. All the signals are passed to the implanted eye. It’s done by wireless technology. Humayun has created an invention that could change the lives of millions of blind people. Imagine a world in which someone would no longer have to the fear about being blind. This could be considered as a technological achievement.
61.Doctor Mark Humayun is well-respected because ________.
A.he has been working on a small video camera
B.he is a professor of a famous university
C.he invented a video camera for the blind
D.he devoted himself to making the blind see again
62.What does the underlined word “blurry” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese
A.清晰的 B.模糊的 C.具体的 D.抽象的
63.The bionic eye created by Mark Humayun at present ________.
A.can help the blind to see the scientists doing the tests
B.has been a total success during the use
C.can be implanted into the blind people’s eyes
D.looks much like the normal people’s eye
64.It will take Doctor Mark Humayun ________to produce the bionic eye in large numbers.
A.more than eight years B.more than five years
C.three to five years D.less than three years
65.This passage mainly tells us ________.
A.the life of blind people has changed B.Mark Humayun becomes famous
C.there will be no blind people in the future D.a technological study for the blind
第II卷 (非选择题 共35分)
but true shut lost tired of spare made jokes about
This spring, the most eye-catching movie might be YOLO (《热辣滚烫》). By Feb 26, it had made over 3.3 billion yuan at the box office,
Directed by 41-year-old Jia Ling, the movie tells the story of a woman 66 the world, finding herself and learning to love life through boxing. The name YOLO is short for the movie’s main idea—you only live once.
Before making YOLO, Jia was often seen as an overweight comedian. She often 67 herself to make people laugh. For this movie, Jia 68 50kg and looked very different. Some people online said even her voice became softer, and they call this a “rebirth” for Jia.
In Jia’s eyes, her change in identity and looks is her way of staying 69 to herself. “It’s hard to predict one’s life. I’m just following my heart 70 not looking for changes on purpose. Movies are now the best way to show myself, so I put all my energy into them,” Jia said.
Which do you love to use when you’re studying, ipads or books Here is a survey about it.
Some students think that iPads are 71 (good). They can search for information in 72 iPad easily. Also, they can keep all their work in a small machine instead 73 carrying many heavy books. It’s very convenient. But some students think that books are of greater 74 (important) to learning. First, books can help them think harder and deeper, because they may ask 75 (they) some questions when they read books. 76 (two), reading books won’t hurt their eyes. Third, some students even spend their precious time 77 (play) games on iPads at school, and it’s not good for their study. So they like to use books better. In my opinion, if iPads 78 (use) in a proper way, they will improve our study. Students will not forget homework 79 teachers send all the homework to their iPads. We can download lots of learning materials. It’s helpful to our study, 80 (especial) to our English learning.
In a word, they both have advantages and disadvantages. We should use them wisely.
学校校刊拟制作一期关于学生生活经历的专刊,征集关于个人生活体验相关的稿件。请你以“An Experience in My Life”为题,根据以下内容提示用英文写一篇短文投稿。
What was the experience
When did it happen
What does it mean to you
Something more about it.
An Experience in My Life



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