
1. 本试卷共四大题,满分90分,考试时间100分钟。
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Xinghai was a very famous musician in China. He wrote one of the greatest
pieces of music of the 20th century. In his short life he wrote (1) 300
songs and an opera.
Xian was
born in Panyu, Guangzhou, China in 1905. Because his father died before he was
born, Xian moved from place to place with (2) mother. He began learning
to play (3) violin when he was 20 years old. In the
beginning, his violin was (4) cheap and badly made that he (5) not
play it well. His friends laughed at him. Xian did not stop (6) and
soon showed his talent. In 1934, he was one of the first Chinese students (7) studied
in a special music school in Paris. Before he (8) ,
Xian became the school's best student (9) won several prizes for
his talents.
In 1935,
he returned to China and helped fight against the Japanese army. Later, he came
to Yan' an (10) music at a collage. (11) there
were no pianos in Yan' an at that time, Xian still wrote (12) of
his most important music there, including The Yellow River, his most famous
In May
1940, Xian (13) to the Soviet Union by the Chinese
Communist Party to write music for movies. In the Soviet Union, life was very (14) .
Xian got sick and later died of a lung illness (15) October
30,1945, aged only 40. Xian's music, however, lives on in people's hearts.
(1)A.near B.nearly C.nearby D.nearer
(2)A.he B.him C.his D.he's
(3)A.a B.an C.the D.this
(4)A.so B.such C.very D.much
(5)A.need B.may C.should D.could
(6)A.practise B.practising C.to practise D.practised
(7)A.what B.which C.whom D.who
(8)A.leave B.leaves C.left D.was leaving
(9)A.and B.but C.as D.or
(10)A.teach B.taught C.teaching D.to teach
(11)A.If B.Although C.When D.Because
(12)A.any B.little C.few D.some
(13)A.sent B.was sent C.has sent D.was sending
(14)A.hard B.harder C.hardest D.the hardest
(15)A.at B.in C.on D.by
An educated old man was unhappy when he discovered his shoes were torn beyond repair and needed a new pair. He had to find the best-fit shoes to support and 16. his feet.
The old man followed the book's instructions to make a measuring 17. . He went to the shop when he was 18. in his knowledge to find the best fit for his feet. On arriving at the shop, he found a beautiful pair of shoes that fit his 19. in aesthetics (美学). When he was going to measure the shoes, he 20. realized that he had left his measuring stick at home. He had to return home.
The following day the man went to the same shop. But to his 21. , he couldn't find the shoes he liked in the shop. The shopkeeper told him the shoes he had chosen the other day were 22. . Looking at the old man's sadness, the shopkeeper asked him why he didn't get his favorite 23. the other day if he had liked them so much. He told the shopkeeper what had happened and said he couldn't 24. measurement without the stick.
Knowledge often come in handy but we should not get into the trap of overthinking. Sometimes, the 25. can be solved with simple reasoning skills and common sense.
16.A.encourage B.hold C.cover D.protect
17.A.mistake B.stick C.post D.kite
18.A.confident B.interested C.lost D.different
19.A.sound B.appearance C.taste D.smell
20.A.nervously B.probably C.suddenly D.negatively
21.A.anger B.disappointment C.joy D.excitement
22.A.sold out B.kicked out C.taken out D.picked out
23.A.size B.shop C.pair D.shape
24.A.miss B.get C.buy D.lose
25.A.matter B.event C.question D.problem
"Poor little Snowhopper!" said Heidi. She drew the little goat softly to her. "Don't be sad anymore. See, I am coming up with you every day now. If there is anything the matter, you can come to me."
Snowhopper put her head on Heidi's shoulder and stopped bleating.
Suddenly, Peter jumped up and ran after the goats. Heidi knew there was something wrong, so she followed him. She saw him running to a dangerous cliff. Peter had seen Thistlefinch go nearer and nearer to the dangerous place. Peter arrived just in time to stop the goat from falling down the cliff. However, Peter fell down and was only able to catch the goat by one leg. Thistlefinch bleated angrily. Peter wasn't able to get up, so he called for help loudly. Heidi quickly picked some grass and held it under the animal's nose. She said, "Come, come, Thistlefinch. You might fall down there and break your leg. That would hurt you."
The goat followed her and ate the grass. When Peter stood up and the goat was safe, he began to beat it. The goat moved back. Heidi cried loudly, "Peter, do not beat him!"
"Well. he deserves it," said Peter angrily, ready to beat him again. But Heidi stopped him and shouted, "You mustn't hurt him! Let him go!"
When he saw Heidi's eyes, he stopped. "I'll let him go, if you give me a piece of your cheese again tomorrow," he said.
"You can have it all tomorrow and every day. I don't need it," Heidi said to him. "I will also give you a big piece of bread, if you don't beat any of the goats again."
"I don't care," said Peter, and in that way he gave his promise not to beat the goats.
31.What was Heidi like when she drew Snowhopper softly to her
A.A little girl full of love. B.A lady lack of confidence.
C.A person with cold heart. D.A student without curiosity.
32.How did the writer catch the readers' attention about Peter's saving action
A.By explaining Peter's emotion. B.By telling the environment of it.
C.By writing the goat's naughty. D.By describing Peter's movement.
33.How was Thistlefinch saved after Peter only caught its one leg
A.Peter beat Thistlefinch and it jumped up.
B.Heidi and Peter cried to Thistlefinch.
C.Heidi helped comfort it with some grass.
D.Thistlefinch kicked angrily to climb up.
34.What did Peter mean by saying "Well, he deserves it."
A.Thistlefinch was not cute at all.
B.Thistlefinch should be punished.
C.Thistlefinch should not kick me.
D.Thistlefinch was lucky to be saved.
35.What can we infer from Peter's requirement
A.Peter was always hungry and couldn't have enough to eat.
B.Peter was greedy and always wanted to have one cheese.
C.Peter thought Heidi was a little silly and wanted to lie to her.
D.Peter was afraid of Heidi and spoke highly of her kindness.
Shawn Moore, a musician from the United States, has given a lot of his time and effort to his various jobs in Beijing for years. He is an admissions officer for his Alma Mater Bard College, the music director for the Yale Club in Beijing, and a solo (独奏) artist whose first solo album is going to come out.
"What kept me here (in Beijing) for eight years is the unusual people you can meet here," said Moore. He has worked together with many famous artists including Chinese composer and conductor Tan Dun and Chinese dancer Yang Liping. "It's a very international city in that way," he said.
Moore has worked closely with David Qu, a pianist and composer, for many years. They co-work on music, combining classical pieces like Mozart and Beethoven and modern jazz pieces on stage. "I think it's something really special," he said, something that the audience will hear for the first and maybe only time.
The American musician said he loves Chinese folk music, which is a great source of inspiration for him, and is preparing another album connecting Chinese musical elements with Western ones.
Having received his master's degree from Yale, Moore arranged a concert for the Yale Club in Beijing in September, which he considers one of the most memorable concerts he has ever done in China.
36.Who is Shawn Moore
A.A solo artist from China.
B.An admissions officer for the Yale Club.
C.A musician from Beijing.
D.An American musician working in Beijing.
37.Why can Shawn Moore stay in Beijing for ages
A.He can be kept in Beijing to meet unusual people every Sunday.
B.He can work with many famous artists in this international city.
C.He likes to be a music director for the Yale Club in Beijing.
D.He is waiting here in Beijing for his solo album to come out.
38.What's special in Moore's eyes when co-working with David Qu
A.He can work closely with David Qu, a pianist.
B.They combine classic and modern jazz on stage.
C.They can play Mozart and Beethoven together.
D.The audience will always hear them for once.
39.What does Moore think of Chinese folk music
A.He loves it because it causes him to have exciting new ideas in music.
B.It's great and he will arrange a concert containing Chinese element.
C.He admires it because it helps him to receive a master's degree.
D.It's a great source of all his solo albums and memorable concerts.
40.Which part of the newspaper does the article belong to
A.Opinion. B.Life. C.Artist. D.Health.
Why do we like drinking water from plastic bottles Some people think it is healthy and clean. Others drink bottled water because it's easy--you can carry it around with you. In hot countries, like Greece, we often buy bottles of cold water in the summer.
However, making lots of plastic is not a good idea for many reasons. First of all, we need a lot of oil for plastic products. We usually use oil as a resource of energy. If we reduced the number of bottles we made, we wouldn't need so much oil. Plastic bottles also pollute the environment. If we recycled all our plastic bottles, we wouldn't need so much space for rubbish dumps. But in Greece, we don't recycle much of the plastic we use. In 2006, Greeks recycled only about 10% of plastic waste. The rest became rubbish on land and in rivers and seas.
So next time you want to throw away a plastic bottle in the litter bin, stop and think. If you recycled it, you would help the environment. But what can you do when there isn't a recycling bin near you Well, there are lots of useful ways that you can use your bottles again. For example, an empty bottle makes a great piggy bank for your pocket money, and if you cut in half, you will have a plant pot. Go green! You can make a difference.
41.What is not mentioned about bottled water in this passage
A.It's healthy. B.It's clean.
C.It's easy. D.It's expensive.
42.Plastic products are made from .
A.energy B.oil C.rubbish D.plants
43. of plastic waste became rubbish in Greece in 2006.
A.10%o B.50% C.80% D.90%
44.Which is the best way to deal with used plastic bottles
A.To recycle them. B.To make a piggy bank.
C.To make a plant pot. D.To drop them into the river.
45.The underlined part in this passage tells us " ".
A.To make a different life, you'd better go outside
B.To look different, you'd better wear green clothes
C.To Protect the environment, you can do something
D.To go green, you should use plastic products
Have you ever imagined that your simple T-shirt could cool you down by up to 5℃ on these hot summer days Thanks to a recent discovery, the possibility is getting closer. An amazing invention can help those who want to feel comfortable and fresh in the outdoors on extremely hot days.
Its inventors, engineers Ma Yaoguang and Tao Guangming, made a great discovery. They designed a special textile (纺织物) that can absorb body heat and send out its energy into space as MIR (中红外辐射). This textile cools both the objects and their surroundings. This means that you are actually wearing a shirt that works like a mirror.
Scientists at Stanford University in 2017 had already managed to cool the wearer by 3℃, but this was not enough. So researchers still need to test the new textile to see how effectively it works while the wearers are taking outdoor activities. They also need to examine how well it works when T-shirts are not in close contact with the skin.
Ma and Tao are now looking for producers that are interested in using their textile. They believe that the new material will increase costs by just 10 percent. "We can make it with mass production (大批量生产), which means everybody can get a T-shirt and the cost is basically the same as their old ones," Ma said.
So if you are an athlete or simply someone that has to deal with the extremely high temperatures, be patient because your days of feeling hot may come to an end soon!
46.What is the purpose of the new invention
A.To cool people off in hot weather.
B.To absorb heat from the surroundings.
C.To help people's temperature drop by 5℃.
D.To make people feel comfortable in winter.
47.How does the special textile work
A.By producing energy.
B.By using cooling machines.
C.By sending out absorbed heat.
D.By adding tiny mirrors to a T-shirt.
48.What's the main idea of paragraph 3
A.The new textile needs further testing.
B.People can successfully use the textile now.
C.The new textile works well in all situations.
D.Scientists in Stanford University improved the new textile.
49.What can we know about the T-shirts made of new textile
A.Mass production can decrease the costs.
B.The new material can decrease the costs by 10%.
C.Ma and Tao are trying to create their own brand.
D.Many producers are interested in the new T-shirts.
50.Who might find this article helpful
A.A coach who trains his athletes.
B.A designer who tries to find new materials.
C.A researcher who wants to buy new clothes.
D.A student who does a research on the environment.
Many teens know how to use a phone to text and make calls. 51 To make sure they are successful in life, it is important to teach teens phone etiquette 礼仪).
Teach your teens to be respectful (恭敬的) 52 .They should always use lanquage that does not make the other speaker angry, and wait their turn to talk. These are all important habits of developing good communication on the phone as well as off .
53 If the teens are trying to call a business, or get information from an official (官方的) organization, they should use a more formal language. In this way, they could be taken seriously by people.
54 Show them that they can say, "Hello, this is .., May l please speak to .., " lf the person is unavailable, they should ask 55 " or "When would be a good time to reach him/her " Tell them to always state their name, numberuld always ask,"and reason for calling when leaving a formal m 56 . Also, teach your teens to thank the person they speak to before ending calls.
A. Encourage them to speak loudly
B. Remind your teens to be polite.
C.Can l leave a message
D. How to make a formal (正式的) call
E.However, they might not know proper phone etiguette.
F.Offer simple examples the teens could use.
第一节 语篇填词(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
The life people live today is quite different from that in the past. There is no d 57.   that the modern car has changed people's life a great deal. Before the invention of the car, people had to travel by rail, on horseback or by horse-drawn carriage, or on foot. Using horses for traveling was slow and certainly, walking was even slower. Cars allow people to spend l 58.   time travelling long distances. Cars also s 59.   an enormous (巨大的) problem caused by using horses for transport in cities: manure (粪)! There were so many horses in large cities that it was almost impossible to get rid of the manure. This could easily drive people m 60.  . In most people's m 61.  , cars cause pollution, but the first cars actually made cities cleaner!
The composition is good       a few
spelling mistakes.
They      too much space.
He is       good student that many
teachers like him.
His voyages       the New World—America.
His task was to develop relations and       trade routes with foreign countries.
visited Beijing University last year, he       to study hard.
They visited some factories, hospitals
         the school.
68.“民以食为天”,饮食的安全和健康受到越来越多的关注和重视。请你以“Say no to junk food”为题,根据以下要点写一篇英语短文。
写作要点:1. 垃圾食品尽管美味,但对健康无益,而且其过多的包装会产生更
多的垃圾;2. 远离垃圾食品,还应选择正确的生活方式,如:①三餐要有规律,少吃零食、快餐;②多吃蔬菜、水果等健康食物,以获取身体必需的营养;③多参加户外活动……
写作要求:1. 词数:80左右,开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2. 内容必须包括上述所有要点,可适当进行发挥;
参考词汇:过多包装over packaging;有规律地regularly;营养nutrition
no to junk food
more and more attention has been paid to food safety and health. As far as I am
concerned, we should say no to junk food.
In a word,
a healthy diet with less junk food can help make us stronger and stronger.
(3)句意:当他20岁的时候,他开始学弹小提琴琴。根据语法知识可知乐器类前面要用定冠词the , play the violin弹小提琴,故答案为C。
(4)句意:起初,他的小提琴是那么便宜,制作的那么糟糕以致于他弹不好。so…that :如此……以致于,引导结果状语从句,so修饰形容词或副词;such…that如此……以至于,such后跟名词;空后的词是cheap,形容词,用so,故答案A。
(5)句意:起初,他的小提琴是那么便宜,制作的那么糟糕以致于他弹不好。need需要;may能够,可能;should应该;could能够;根据语境可知时态是一 般过去时,表示“能,用could,故答案为D。
(6)句意:冼星海没有停止练习,不久就表现出了他的天赋。stop doing sth.停止做某事;stop to do sth停下来去做某事,根据句意可知这里是没有停止练习,用动名词,故答案为B。
(7)句意:在1934年,他成为了第一批在巴黎的一所特殊音乐学校上学的中国学生之一 。根据句子结构可知这里是定语从句,先行词是the first Chinese students,是人, 从句缺少主语,用who,故答案为D。
(8)句意:在他离开之前,他变成了那所学校最好的学生,并且因为他的天赋赢得了几个奖。leave离开,动词原形;leaves动词第三人称单数;left动词过去式;was leaving过去进行时;根据上文可知这里是一般过去时,用动词过去式。故答案为C。
(9)句意:在他离开之前,他变成了那所学校最好的学生,并且因为他的天赋赢得了几个奖。and和,表示并列关系, but但是,表示转折关系; as因为,表示原因;和……一样,;or或者,表示选择关系;根据语境可知成为最好的学生和赢得几个奖是并列关系,故答案为A。
(10)句意:后来 ,他回到延安 ,目的是在一 所大学教音乐。 teach教,动词原形;taught动词过去式;teaching动名词,现在分词;to teach动词不定式;根据句意和语境可知这里是回延安的目的是在大学教书,动词不定式表示目的,故答案为D。
(11)句意:尽管当时延安没有钢琴 ,冼星海仍然在那写出一 些他最重要的音乐作品,包括黄河 ,他最著名的作品。if如果,是否;although尽管;when当……时候;because因为;根据语境可知两句是让步关系,用although,故答案为B。
(13)句意:在1940年5月,冼星海被中国共产党派去苏联写电影音乐。sent发送,过去式,过去分词;was sent一般过去时的被动语态;has sent现在完成时;was sending过去进行时;根据主语和动词的关系可知主语是动词的承受者,要用被动语态,故答案为B。
(14)句意:在苏联,生活非常艰难。 hard形容词,艰难的,牢固的,也可做副词,努力地,猛烈地;harder比较级;hardest最高级;the hardest最高级;根据下文Xian got sick and later died of a lung ilness_October30, 1945, aged only 40.冼星海生病了,后来在1945年10月30日死于肺病,年仅40岁。 可知苏联的生活非常艰难,very后跟原级,故答案为A。
(15)句意:冼星海生病了,后来在1945年10月30日死于肺病,年仅40岁。根据空后的October 30,1945, 可知是具体的一天,用介词on,故答案为C。
1.句意:他必须找到最合适的鞋子来支撑和保护他的脚。A:encourage,鼓励。B:hold,抓住。C:cover,覆盖。D:protect,保护。根据best-fit shoes可知,鞋子是保护脚的,故选D。
2.句意:老人按照书上的指示做了一根测量尺。A:mistake,错误。B:stick,条状物。C:post,邮递。D:kite,风筝。根据the best fit可知,想要合适的尺寸,所以要做测量尺,故选B。
3.句意:当他对自己的知识充满信心,找到最适合自己的脚时,他去了商店。A:confident,自信的。B:interested,感兴趣的。C:lost,丢失的。D:different,不同的。be confident in sth,对某事有信心,固定搭配。故选A。
4.句意:一到商店,他就发现了一双漂亮的鞋子,很符合他的审美品味。A:sound,声音。B:appearance,外表。C:taste,感受。D:smell,味道。根据he found a beautiful pair of shoes可知,找到一双漂亮的鞋子,所以会是符合审美品味的,故选C。
5.句意:当他准备量鞋子的时候,他突然意识到自己把量尺忘在家里了。A:nervously,不安地。B:probably,可能地。C:suddenly,突然地。D:negatively,悲观地。根据When he was going to measure the shoes可知,准备量鞋子,所以尺子忘在家里是突然意识到的,故选C。
6.句意:但令他失望的是,他在商店里找不到他喜欢的鞋子。A:anger,生气。B:disappointment,失望。C:joy,乐趣。D:excitement,兴奋。根据he couldn't find the shoes he liked in the shop可知,他在商店里找不到他喜欢的鞋子,所以是失望的,故选B。
7.句意:店主告诉他,他前几天选的鞋子已经卖完了。A:sold out,卖完。B:kicked out,赶走。C:taken out,拿出。D:picked out,辨认出。根据the shoes可知,鞋子应该是卖完,故选A。
10.句意:有时,问题可以通过简单的推理技巧和常识来解决。A:matter,事情。B:event,事件。C:question,问题。D:problem,问题。根据be solved可知,解决的是问题,故选D。
1.根据"Poor little Snowhopper!" said Heidi. She drew the little goat softly to her. "Don't be sad anymore. See, I am coming up with you every day now.可知,女孩对山羊说不要难过,所以女孩应该是充满爱的,故选A。
2.根据Suddenly, Peter jumped up and ran after the goats. Heidi knew there was something wrong, so she followed him. She saw him running to a dangerous cliff. Peter had seen Thistlefinch go nearer and nearer to the dangerous place. Peter arrived just in time to stop the goat from falling down the cliff. However, Peter fell down and was only able to catch the goat by one leg. Thistlefinch bleated angrily. Peter wasn't able to get up, so he called for help loudly. Heidi quickly picked some grass and held it under the animal's nose. She said, "Come, come, Thistlefinch. You might fall down there and break your leg. That would hurt you.突然,彼得跳起来追赶山羊。海蒂知道有什么不对劲,所以她跟着他。她看到他跑向一个危险的悬崖。彼得看到金翅雀离危险的地方越来越近。彼得及时赶到,阻止了山羊从悬崖上掉下来。然而,彼得摔倒了,只能用一条腿抓住山羊。Thistlefinch愤怒地呜咽着。彼得站不起来,所以大声呼救。海蒂迅速摘下一些草,把它夹在动物的鼻子下面。她说:“来吧,来吧,Thistlefinch。你可能会摔倒在那里,摔断你的腿。那会伤到你的。”可知,这都是Peter的行为动作,所以是描述Peter的动作来吸引读者注意的,故选D。
3.根据Heidi quickly picked some grass and held it under the animal's nose. She said, "Come, come, Thistlefinch.可知,用草来安慰山羊来拯救山羊,故选C。
4.根据"Well. he deserves it," said Peter angrily, ready to beat him again.可知,“好吧,这是他应得的,”彼得愤怒地说,准备再次殴打他。所以是觉得山羊应该被惩罚,故选B。
5.根据I'll let him go, if you give me a piece of your cheese again tomorrow可知,如果你明天再给我一块奶酪,我会让他走的,所以推测Peter总是饥饿和吃不饱,故选A。
1.根据Shawn Moore, a musician from the United States, has given a lot of his time and effort to his various jobs in Beijing for years. 可知,肖恩·摩尔是一位来自美国的音乐家,多年来,他在北京的各种工作中投入了大量的时间和精力。所以他是一名来自美国的音乐家,并在北京工作,故选D。
2.根据"What kept me here (in Beijing) for eight years is the unusual people you can meet here," said Moore. He has worked together with many famous artists 可知,在这里(北京)呆了八年的是你在这里能遇到的不同寻常的人,所以A选项表述有问题,不是每周天都遇见不同寻常的人,所以B选项说能和著名的艺术家一起工作是符合作者留在北京的目的的,故选B。
3.根据They co-work on music, combining classical pieces like Mozart and Beethoven and modern jazz pieces on stage. 和I think it's something really special可知,他们共同创作音乐,将莫扎特和贝多芬等古典作品与舞台上的现代爵士乐作品相结合。所以他认为这真的很特别,故选B。
4.根据The American musician said he loves Chinese folk music, which is a great source of inspiration for him可知,中国民间音乐对他来说是一个巨大的灵感来源,故选A。
1.D 细节理解题。题干意思为 "下面关于瓶装水哪个没有提到?"healthy意为"健康的",clean意为"干净的", easy意为"容易的".expensive意为"昂贵的"。根据文章第一段可知答案选D。
2.B 细节理解题。题干意思为:塑料产品是由制成的。energy意为"能源",oil意为"石油",rubbish意为"垃圾",plants意为"植物"。由第二段第二句we need a lot of oil for plastic products.可知塑料是由石油生产的。故选B。
3.D细节理解题。题干意思为: 在2006年,希腊的塑料废品成为垃圾。由第二段最后In 2006, Greeks recycled only about 10%of plastic waste. The rest became rubbish on land and inrivers and seas.可知答案选 D。
4.A 推理判断题。题干意思为:哪一种是处理使用过的塑料瓶的最佳方式?A项意为"回收再利用",B项意为"制作存钱罐",C项意为"制作一个植物盆",D项意为"把它们丢弃到河里"。从环保角度来看,可排除D项;B,C两项都隶属于A,故选A。
5.C 推理判断题。题干意思为: 画线部分告诉我们。A项意为"为了使生活不同,你最好出去";B项意为"为了看起来不同,你最好穿绿色的衣服";C项意为"为了保护环境,你可以做一些事情";D项意为"为了提倡绿色,你应该使用塑料产品"。纵观全文,主要讲述的是环境问题,保护环境是我们每个人义不容辞的责任和义务。故选C。
1.推理判断题。根据第一段中的An amazing invention can help those who want to feel comfortable and fresh in the outdoors on extremely hot days.一项惊人的发明可以帮助那些想在极端炎热的天气里在户外感到舒适和清新。可知,这项新发明的目的是在炎热的天气里给人们降温。故答案为A。
2.细节理解题。根据第二段中的 They designed a special textile (纺织物) that can absorb body heat and send out its energy into space as MIR (中红外辐射). 他们设计了一种特殊的纺织品,可以吸收人体热量,并将其能量发射到太空中,称为MIR。可知这种特殊纺织品的工作原理是通过释放吸收的热量来工作。故答案为C。
3.段落大意题。根据第三段Scientists at Stanford University in 2017 had already managed to cool the wearer by 3℃, but this was not enough. So researchers still need to test the new textile to see how effectively it works while the wearers are taking outdoor activities. They also need to examine how well it works when T-shirts are not in close contact with the skin.2017年,斯坦福大学的科学家们已经成功地将佩戴者的体温降低了3摄氏度,但这还不够。因此,研究人员仍然需要测试这种新型纺织品,看看它在穿着者进行户外活动时的效果如何。他们还需要检查当t恤不与皮肤紧密接触时,它的效果如何。可知,第三段的主旨是这种新纺织品需要进一步测试。故答案为A。
4.細节理解题。根据We can make it with mass production (大批量生产), which means everybody can get a T-shirt and the cost is basically the same as their old ones," Ma said. 我们可以大批量生产,这意味着每个人都可以得到一件t恤,而且成本基本上和他们的旧t恤一样。”可知我们对新纺织品制成的T恤了解到大批量生产可以降低成本。故答案为A。
5 .推理判断题。根据最后一段 So if you are an athlete or simply someone that has to deal with the extremely high temperatures, be patient because your days of feeling hot may come to an end soon!所以,如果你是一名运动员,或者只是一个不得不应对高温的人,请耐心,因为你感觉炎热的日子可能很快就要结束了!可知训练运动员的教练会觉得这篇文章有用。故答案为A。
第一节【答案】1.(d)oubt;2.(l)ess;3.(s)olve;4.(m)ad;5.(m)ind 6.message
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照可知此句缺少成分“除了”,根据题干中的a few spelling mistakes可知要用短语except for,其后跟短语,故答案为except for。
【点评】考查汉译英。注意短语except for的基本用法。
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照可知此句缺少成分“占据”,take up。结合汉语提示此句要用一般现在时,主语they,谓语动词要用原形,故答案为take up。
【点评】考查汉译英。注意固定短语take up的基本含义。
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知此句缺少成分“如此一个”,如此,so/such,根据题干中的good student可知此句需要形容词such,student是可数名词的单数形式,such的后面要加上a。故答案为such a。
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知此句缺少成分“开辟”,用open up,固定结构。结合题干中的the New World—America可知,发现新大陆是发生在以前的事情,此句要用一般过去时,故答案为opened up。
【点评】考查汉译英。注意固定短语open up的含义。
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照可知此句缺少成分“建立”,set up,固定结构。由语句中的was可知此句要用一般过去时,set是不规则动词,其过去式是set,故答案为set up。
【点评】考查汉译英。注意固定短语set up的含义。
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照可知缺少部分为“还”。as well as也,以及;固定搭配,符合题意,故答案为as well as。
【点评】考查汉译英。注意识记固定搭配as well as的用法。
第三节.【答案】Say no to junk food
Nowadays, more and more attention has been paid to food safety and health. As far as I am concerned, we should say no to junk food.
There is no doubt that junk food is delicious and attractive, but it surely does harm to our body. Meanwhile, the over packaging necessarily leads to much more rubbish.
To get away from the junk food, we should focus on how to keep a healthy lifestyle. There are many tips to follow. First, eat regularly-three meals a day on time. Try as few snacks and fast food as possible. Second, eat more fruit and vegetables which can provide the nutrition we need. What's more, do more outdoor activities. If you are busy with something interesting, you will get away from junk food.
In a word, a healthy diet with less junk food can help make us stronger and stronger.
【解析】【分析】这是一篇命题作文。要求根据所给的两个要点以“Say no to junk food”为题,写一篇英语作文。文章中要包含两个方面的内容,垃圾食品的危害以及选择正确的生活方式。根据所给材料可知本文主要用一般现在时,人称主要是第三人称单数和第一人称复数。动笔前应先认真阅读材料,围绕所给材料组织内容,确定主要短语,句式等问题。注意不要遗漏要点,句子要通顺连贯,没有语法错误。
【点评】这篇短文以语句As far as I am concerned, we should say no to junk food.开篇点题,介绍了我们应该向垃圾食品说“不”。紧接着用以but it surely does harm to our body. Meanwhile, the over packaging necessarily leads to much more rubbish.介绍了垃圾食品的危害,并介绍了正确的生活方式,最后用 In a word, a healthy diet with less junk food can help make us stronger and stronger.总结全文。意思连贯,表达清楚、完整。是一篇不错的习作。
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