
专题10 书面表达
Name: Tai Lihua Country: China Born: 1976 As a child, she became deaf and dump (哑的). couldn’t hear or speak worked hard danced well a famous dancer a role model
cities Tianjin Guangzhou Beijing Harbin
Weather (天气)
Activities (活动) (人物) Daming and Sam Tom Lili Laura
3.我现在正在火车上。我和我的家人将要去济南旅行。我的妈妈将去大明湖(Daming Lake)划船。我的爸爸将去参观山东历史博物馆(Shandong History Museum)。我们也会去超然楼(Transcendent building)拍照。但是我最想去济南野生动物园(Jinan Wildlife Park)。在那里我们将会度过愉快的一天。
I’m on the train now. ____________________________________________
We’ll have a good day there.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Activities play football
Li Hua
13 years old
You brought us lots of joy. _______________________________________
6.同学们,五一假期快到了,你有什么计划呢,请以”My holiday plan”为题写一篇短文。要求语句通顺,不少于5句话,请注意语言表达的准确性、连贯性和丰富性。
8.请根据图片场景,写一篇短文,介绍大明过生日的场景。要求:语句通顺,思路清晰,3. 不少于五句话
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
windy rainy sunny hot cloudy
fly a kite watch TV play football swim sing
10.请用英文来介绍一下你自己, 可以从年龄、外貌、性格、最喜欢的课程和食物以及会做的事情, 把你的情况写下来向同学们秀一下吧!
要求, 1.条理清晰,语句通顺。
3.字数不少于 40 词。
She is Tai Lihua. She is from China. She was born in 1976. As a child, she became deaf and dump. She couldn’t hear or speak. She worked hard. She danced well. She is a famous dancer. She is a role model for deaf and dump people, and also for you and me.
参考单词:worked hard工作努力,danced well跳得很好,a famous dancer一名著名的舞蹈演员,a role model榜样
参考句型:She is …;She was born …;She …
Tomorrow is Sunday. It will be sunny in Tianjin. My friends Daming and Sam are going to play football together. It will be rainy in Guangzhou. My friend Tom will stay at home and watch TV. The weather in Beijing will be windy. My friend Lili will fly the kite in the park. The weather in Harbin will be snowy. It will be cold, so my friend Laura will read books at home.
参考词汇:sunny晴朗的,rainy下雨的,windy刮风的,snowy下雪的,play football踢足球,watch TV看电视,fly kites放风筝,read books读书,in Tianjin在天津,stay at home待在家里,in the park在公园里
参考句型:Tomorrow is … ;It will be … in … ;… is / are going to …;
I’m on the train now. I’m going to travel to Jinan with my family. My mum will go boating on Daming Lake. My father will visit Shandong History Museum. We will also go to Transcendent building to take photos. But I want to go to Jinan Wildlife Park best. We’ll have a good day there.
参考单词:travel旅行,go boating去划船,visit参观,take photos拍照,have a good day度过愉快的一天
参考句型:I’m going to … with …;My mum will …;I want to … best;We will …
I have lots of things to do next week. It’s going to be sunny on Monday. l am going to play football. It’s going to be cloudy on Tuesday. I am going to sing. It’s going to be rainy on Wednesday. I am going to watch TV. It’s going to be windy on Thursday. I am going to fly a kite. It’s going to be hot on Friday. I am going to swim.
参考词汇和短语:sunny晴朗的;play football踢足球;sing唱歌;watch TV看电视;fly a kite放风筝。
参考句型:I have...;I am going to...;It’s going to...;
You brought us lots of joy. You are lovely. You are my best friend. I remember you gave me a wonderful present last Children’s Day. You played the erhu well. You helped me with English. And you studied very hard. I wish we can still be my best friend in the middle school.
Li Hua.
参考词汇:lovely可爱的,best friend好朋友,studied very hard努力学习,played the erhu拉二胡,helped me in English用英语帮助我
参考句型:You are…;I remember…;I wish…
My holiday plan
International Workers’ Day is coming. I am going to Shanghai with my family. We are going there by plane. On the first day, I will visit the Bund. It is beautiful. Then we will go to the Shanghai Museum. There are many interesting things. On the second day, we will play in the Disneyland. We will come back to Beijing on the third day. We will have a good time.
参考单词:International Workers’ Day五一国际劳动节,Bund外滩,beautiful漂亮的,Disneyland迪士尼乐园,
参考句型:I am going to...;We will visit...;There are...;We will play...;We will have...
Today is Sunday. The sun is shinning. It’s nine o’clock. Tom is riding a bike. Simon is watching TV. Amy is flying a kite. Jack is reading a book. They have a good time.
参考词汇:Sunday星期天,sun太阳,shinning耀眼的,ride a bike骑自行车,watch TV看电视,fly a kite放风筝,read a book看书
参考句型:Today is...;Tom is...;Simon is...;Amy is...;Jack is...;They...
Daming is having a birthday party. Mary is singing a song. Lily is blowing balloons. Kate is cutting the cake. Daming is playing the suona. Jack is watching TV.
参考单词:have a birthday party举办生日派对,sing a song唱歌,blow吹,balloon气球,cute the cake切蛋糕,play the suona吹唢呐,watch TV看电视
参考句型:Daming is …; Mary is ...;Lily is ...;Kate is ...;Jack is ...;
It will be windy on Monday, and we can fly a kite in the park. It will be rainy on Tuesday, and we can watch TV at home. It will be sunny on Wednesday, and we can play football. It will be hot on Thursday, and we can swim. It will be cloudy on Friday and we can sing songs at home.
参考句型:It will be…;We can…
Hello, My name is Anna. I am thirteen years old. I am short. I am quiet. I like English best. I want to be an English teacher in the future. My favourite sport is table tennis. I often play table tennis after school. I like hamburgers.
参考单词:thirteen十三,English英语,in the future将来,favourite最喜欢的,table tennis乒乓球,hamburger汉堡包
参考句型:My name is...;I like...;My favourite...;I often…



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