

1.—Can you ________ it in English —I’m sorry. I can only ________ a little English.
A.speak; say B.speak; tell C.say; speak D.say; talk
2.—________ I swim here —I’m sorry. Children ______ swim alone here. It’s very dangerous.
A.Must; can’t B.May; have not
C.Can; mustn’t D.Can; needn’t
3.—Would you like to come to my birthday party this Saturday
—I’d love to ________ I have to look after my brother.
A.and B.or C.with D.but
4.Mr. Clark is good _______ music, and he is good _______ kids in the music club.
A.at; with B.for; at C.with; at D.at; for
5.With the help of the new technology , you ________ e-mail your friends by mobile phone.
A.can B.must C.need D.shall
6.I can play the piano very ________, but my sister isn’t ________ at it at all.
A.well; good B.well; well C.good; well D.good; good
7.My brother practices ________ pictures in the art room after school every day.
A.draw B.to draw C.drawing D.draws
8.My sister is ______ art teacher and she teaches me how to play ______ piano.
A.a; the B.an; / C.an; the D.a; /
9.—Sally is a model student in our class.
—Yeah. And she reaches the top not by luck ________ by hard work.
A.and B.also C.because D.but
10.Miss Wang _________ us English very well. We all like her.
A.drives B.teaches C.cooks D.washes
11.The forest is _________ to many animals so it must be protected well.
A.club B.office C.home D.school
12.Helen wants to join the club because she can well.
A.dancer; dance B.dancing; dances C.dancer; dances D.dancing; dance
13.—What can you do, Liz —________.
A.I like sports B.I am in the art club
C.I can do Chinese kung fu D.I want to join the dance club
14.We want students ___________ the school show. Please talk to Mr. Zhang after school.
A.for B.with C.at D.in
15.—What can Jack do —He can . He wants to join the art club.
A.swim B.write C.sing D.draw
16.—Can Linda sing — . But she can dance well.
A.Yes, she does B.Yes, she can C.No, she can’t D.No, she doesn’t
17.My mother ________ sing, but she can dance.
A.doesn’t B.don’t C.isn’t D.can’t
18.The teacher told Jack off the light when he left the classroom.
A.turn B.turning C.to turn D.not to turn
19.I have many ping-pong balls, ________ I don’t like ping-pong games.
A.then B.so C.or D.but
20.— Can you find Black Hill on the map, Cindy — ________. It’s here!
A.Yes, I must B.Yes, I can C.No, I needn’t D.No, I don’t
21.As a family member, we should learn to do ___ such as washing the dishes and making the bed.
A.housework B.homework C.subjects D.classes
22.I have a lot of ________ to do.
A.job B.dream C.advice D.work
23.Shenzhou 13 came back to Earth safely ________ April 16th, 2022.
A.at B.on C.in D./
24.—When do you eat lunch —_______
A.In the morning. B.Twelve o’clock. C.At twelve. D.In twelve.
25.Usually my classmates ________ the classroom after school every day.
A.clean B.are cleaning C.will clean D.cleaned
26.Joe doesn’t like green tea. Cathy doesn’t like it, ________.
A.too B.also C.either D.neither
27.Linda doesn’t like black, so she ________ wears black clothes.
A.never B.usually C.sometimes D.always
28.He up seven in the morning.
A.gets; at B.gets; on C.get; at D.get; on
29.Mary ________ wears black clothes. She doesn’t like black.
A.usually B.often C.sometimes D.never
30.—Do you go to school on foot —No, I ________ to school every day.
A.by bus B.take a bus C.walk D.ride a bus
31.—Which shirt do you like better, the blue one or the white one
—I’ll take ____________. They are expensive and out of fashion.
A.neither B.either C.none D.both
32.—When you see a bank, you need to ________ the bus and then you can just walk there.
A.get off B.get on C.get down D.get up
33.—That clothes store is ________ on weekdays.—I see. I will go there next Monday.
A.open B.clean C.tidy D.closed
34.My parents don’t like this new movie. They think it is _______.
A.interesting B.funny C.boring D.relaxing
35.It is dangerous for children to walk on the street ______. Their parents must take care of them.
A.alone B.lonely C.quick D.quickly
36.Julia often goes shopping ____ her mother ____ weekends. They always have a good time together.
A.with; on B.for; in C.for; on D.with; in
37.—How about this pink coat —I’ll _______ it.
A.get up B.think about C.look forward to D.look at
38.My sister likes playing the piano, but she can’t play it ________.
A.good B.well C.nice D.best
39.—Could you help me ________ my English —Sure.
A.with B.up C.on D.in
40.—How often do you have Art at school —________, usually on Monday and Friday.
A.In a week B.For a week C.Twice a week D.A week ago
41.Anna is going on a tour of Xi’an, and she wants to _________ Chinese history.
A.think of B.learn about C.look through D.pass on
42.During the day, Danny can see many stars in the sky _________ the telescope.
A.at B.like C.through D.for
43.They arrived at the _________ too late, so they missed the bus.
A.room B.bank C.stop D.shop
44.—_________ is it from your home to school —It’s about three kilometers.
A.How soon B.How many C.How much D.How far
45.We can protect the environment _________ putting the waste to good use.
A.of B.by C.for D.at
46.—More than ________ students in the No. 1 Middle School will leave school in July.
—Believe that they will remember their happy life in the school.
A.nine hundred of B.nine hundred C.nine hundreds of D.nine hundreds
47.— is it from your school to the library —About one kilometer.
A.How far B.How many C.How long D.How much
48.Cathy often talks ________ her school life with pen pal ________ sending e-mail.
A.to; with B.with; by C.about; by D.with; with
49.Our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful. ________ visitors come here on holidays.
A.Hundred B.Hundreds of C.Hundreds D.Hundred of
50.— Do you know this year’s Spring Festival falls _________ January 22, 2023
— Yes, of course. My family all had a good time that day.
A.in B.on C.at D.by
51.— How many students are there in the hall — ____. Twenty-two boys and thirty-eight girls.
A.Forty B.Fifty C.Sixty D.Seventy
52.Please ________ the empty cup away and bring me a cup of tea. I’m so thirsty after walking a whole day.
A.fetch B.bring C.carry D.take
53.—Are these books on the desk Tina’s —_________. Tina’s books are in her bag.
A.Yes, it is B.No, it isn’t C.Yes, they are D.No, they aren’t
54.She always exercises and she _________ books every day.
A.reads B.has C.buys D.gives
55.We waited a long time for the train and we were wet and cold because we forgot to _________ an umbrella.
A.have B.bring C.hold D.leave
56.I’m going to be a basketball player and I will _________ it every day.
A.touch B.reach C.practice D.keep
57.I want you to _________ the names of all the planets in order of the size.
A.forget B.leave C.remember D.meet
58.There are lots of people in the supermarket. Please ________ your things.
A.be careful with B.look at C.take photos of D.get on
59.If you’re interested in our business plan, ______ this number and ask for Ms. Lee. She’ll answer your questions.
A.calling B.call C.and call D.to call
60.—I’m sorry. I left my exercise book at home this morning.
—It doesn’t matter. Don’t forget ________ it here this afternoon.
A.to take B.bringing C.take D.to bring
61.Her mother arrived ________ Hainan ________ the first day of her school.
A.in; in B.on; on C.at; on D.in; on
62.Tom, please remember ________ the light when you leave.
A.turn off B.turning off C.to turn off D.turns off
63.—How do you like art
—It’s as ________ as other subjects. It can help us develop a sense of beauty.
A.boring B.important C.difficult D.funny
64.Please _______ your dictionary here tomorrow. I want to use it.
A.take B.give C.bring D.make
65.They have _____ rules at home. And they have ___________ housework to do every day.
A.too many; too much B.too much; many too
C.too many; much too D.much too; many too
66.Practice more, ________ you will learn English well.
A.or B.and C.but D.because
67.—Can I watch TV, Mom — . You must do your homework first.
A.Yes, I do B.Yes, you can
C.No, I can’t D.No, you can’t
68.—________Tom draw pictures well —Yes, he can. He likes it.
A.Can B.MayC.Must D.Need
69.—What do you think of Mr. Chen —He ________ us and always helps us with our schoolwork.
A.is good for B.is friendly to
C.is good at D.is strict with
70.—________ talk in the hallways. —________, Mrs. Zhou.
A.Don’t; Thank you B.Can’t; Thank you C.No; Sorry D.Don’t; Sorry
71.________ eat or drink in class! Every one of us ________ follow it.
A.Don’t, has to B.Not, has to C.Don’t, have to
72.________, Anna. The baby is sleeping.
A.Be quiet B.Quiet C.To be quiet D.Being quiet
73.—Could you please tell me how I can ________ the nearest bookstore
—Sorry, I am also a stranger here.
A.arrive B.get C.reach at D.get to
74.—Can I go dancing this evening —______ your homework first, and then we’ll talk about it.
A.Do B.Doing C.To do D.Does
75.I enjoy ________ music, so my mother bought me an MP3 for my birthday.
A.listen B.to listen to C.listening D.listening to
76.________ late for school again.
A.Don’t B.Not be C.Don’t be D. Be
77.—It’s 17:00. Please ________ our food for dinner.—OK. I want some rice and fruit.
A.think about B.play with C.go out D.come on
78.Let’s ________ home and ________ my mother with dinner.
A.go; helps B.going; helping C.to go; to help D.go; help
79.Be careful, or you’ll fall _________ from the bike.
A.down B.into C.behind D.before
80.—What do you think of tigers, Tony
—I think they’re very _________. So I’m afraid of them.
A.cute B.smart C.scary D.beautiful
81.Daming often ________ his homework at home when he goes to school in a hurry.
A.leaves B.forgets C.forget D.leave
82.—What animals have long legs and long necks —______.
A.Pandas B.Cats C.Lions D.Giraffes
83.—Lions are very _______, but many children like them.—But I don’t like them at all.
A.friendly B.scary C.cute D.smart
84.—Don’t be _____, Sally. You need to clean your room now.—Sorry, Mom. I’ll do it right now.
A.late B.shy C.lazy D.clever
85.I must find places ________ food and water. This helps me _________ in the journey.
A.with; live B.of; to live C.with; living D.of; live
86.—_______ sport do you like —Ping pong.
A.What kind B.What kinds C.What kind of D.What kinds of
87.—________ Leo like to go in his free time
—Library. He always reads books there.
A.Where do B.What do C.Where does D.What does
88.—Why do you play the piano so well —________ I practice it every day.
A.And B.But C.Because D.When
89.—________ do you like monkeys —Because they’re clever and funny.
A.What B.Why C.When D.Where
90.I don’t like lions, because they are ________ scary.
A.a kind B.kind of C.kinds of D.a kind of
91.People always ________ many trees to make desk, chairs, chopsticks and so on.
A.play with B.think of C.cut down
92.—There are so many scarves. Which one do you want to _________ —I like the red one.
A.make B.choose C.share D.save
93.You’d better not sit there ___ playing on the phone. Your mother is looking __ at you now.
A.lazy; angry B.lazily; angry C.lazy; angrily D.lazily; angrily
94.—What is your favorite ________ —Panda.
A.food B.color C.animal D.day
95.He is always ________ to others. We all like him.
A.friend B.friendly C.strict D.interesting
96.Tom always has many new ideas. He is a ________ boy.
A.friendly B.funny C.creative D.kind
97.—Do you know the ________ of the test —Yes, I got a “B”.
A.result B.place C.time D.rule
98.My scarf is different ________ yours. It is made ________ silk.
A.from; of B.of; of C.of; from D.from; from
99.You’re ________ enough to wait so long.
A.cheerful B.patient C.hard-working D.smart
100.The station is not far. It’s only about five ________ walk.
A.minute’s B.minute C.minutes’ D.minutes
1-5CCDAA 6-10ACCDB 11-15CDCAD 16-20 CDCDB
21-25ADBCA 26-30CAADB 31-35AAACA 36-40ABBAC
41-45BCCDB 46-50BACBB 51-55CDDAB 56-60CCABD
61-65DCBCA 66-70BDABD 71-75AADAD 76-80CADAC
81-85ADBCA 86-90CCCBB 91-95CBDCB 96-100CAABC
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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下一篇:Unit 1 What's the matter? 标准检测卷 (含听力音频+解析)