
( )1.A.brave B.waste C.habit
( )2.A.poster B.project C.mobile
( )3.A.winter B.write C.wing
( )4.A.Earth B.tooth C.other
( )5.A.know B.flower C.clown
( )1.— you going to Shanghai by train
—Yes, I am.
A.Will B.Do C.Are
( )2.He’s his bike, but he can’t it.
A.looking for; find B.finding; look for C.looking at; look
( )3.John is a good boy. He goes to bed early and is late for school.
A.always; never B.usually; often C.never; sometimes
( )4.—Dinner is ready. Where’s your dad now, Tim
—He in the bedroom. I’ll go and call him.
A.reads books B.is sleeping C.watched TV
( )5. Liu Tao the mountain with his classmates last weekend
A.Will; climb B.Did; climb C.Is; going to
( )6.—Is this a nice dress
— .
A.Yes, this is B.I think so C.You are wrong
( )7.In the UK, people drive on the side of the road.
A.left B.right C.middle
( )8.There any oranges the tree two years ago.
A.weren’t; on B.aren’t; in C.weren’t; in
( )9.Sam looks , because he has a new watch.
A.happy B.happily C.sad
( )10.Please don’t speak and keep quiet in the library.
A.quietly B.quiet C.loudly
1.The party was great and a clown (出现)at the party.
2.Helen (需要)a few eggs for breakfast every day.
3.The party will begin at 8:00 a.m. and (结束)at 11:00 a.m.
4.My father is a writer. He is good at w stories about animals.
5.F the school rules and be a good student.
6.There is m food in the fridge. We needn’t buy any.
1.How about (watch) the running race in the playground
2.Look! It heavily. I don’t like (rain) days.
3.Listen! Mrs Qin (make) a telephone call to her friend.
4.Mike and I have the same (hobby). We both like (travel).
5.Tina, you are good at . Would you like (dance) for us
6.My mother’s birthday is on (three) of July.
A.Can you tell me the story B.Do you like animal fables C.What did they do then D.What happened E.Which story do you like best F.The moon was still high up in the sky.
A: Hello, Yang Ling. 1.
B: Yes, I do. They’re very interesting.
A: 2.
B: I like the story The monkeys and the moon best.
A: 3.
B: Yes. One day, the monkeys found the moon was in the well.
A: 4.
B: They held onto their feet one by one to catch the moon.
A: Did they catch the moon at last
B: No. 5.
A: Ha! Ha! What lovely monkeys!
Linda: Look at this photo. It’s my daughter.
Cathy: Oh, she looks pretty and strong.
Linda: Yes, but she w weak two years ago. She didn’t l eating rice or vegetables. She only had a l fruit.
Cathy: What did you do to m her become strong
Linda: We made a plan.
Cathy: What was your plan
Linda: My daughter had a health lesson and learnt how to k healthy. She started to do some s . She had some rice, meat, vegetables and fruit every day t .
Cathy: Now she’s strong. What will she do next
Linda: She’ll go on doing sport every day and have a healthy d . She wants to be a p and help keep people safe.
Cathy: That’s a good d .
We see many animals in our life, such as rabbits, bees, birds and sheep. Do you know 1 these animals “talk” to their friends Let’s take the rabbit for 2 . When a rabbit sees some dangerous things, it runs 3 at once. When it runs, its tail moves up and down. When other rabbits see this, they run away 4 . Many other animals “talk” in this way.
5 a bee finds some food, it will tell other bees where the food is. It 6 to its home first. Then, it tells other 7 where the food is by dancing. Some animals “ 8 ” by making sounds. For example, a dog barks(吠)when a stranger(陌生人)comes 9 . Some birds can make several different 10 . Each sound has a meaning.
See Every animal has its own language(语言).
( )1.A.how B.when C.why
( )2.A.safety B.talk C.example
( )3.A.around B.away C.up
( )4.A.also B.again C.too
( )5.A.What B.How C.When
( )6.A.walks B.flies C.runs
( )7.A.bees B.rabbits C.sheep
( )8.A.shout B.talk C.tell
( )9.A.far B.near C.next
( )10.A.music B.noise C.sounds
Welcome to a metro station in Nanjing. A team of artists paint in the wall of the metro station with imaginative animals. The paintings are full of energy and make the station look bright and colourful. When people pass by, they feel as if(好像)the animals are looking at and saying hello to them. Some people slow down. Some stop and take photos with those animals. “We want those paintings to warm the hearts(心)of busy people,” the team says.
( )1.You can find these paintings in the metros in Nanjing.
( )2.There are colourful animals in these paintings.
( )3.Some people would like to pass by the animals slowly.
( )4.Some people may feel busy to see these animals.
( )5.The artists want to care about the busy people in the station.
Long long ago, there was a farmer. He wanted to eat nice food every day, but he did not like working.
One day, the farmer slept under a tree near his farm. Suddenly, a rabbit ran into the tree and died. The farmer woke up and saw the dead rabbit beside him. He was very excited. He took the rabbit home and had a big dinner that evening.
The next day, the farmer did not go to work on his farm. He sat under the same tree and waited for more rabbits. He waited and waited, but no rabbit came.
The farmer waited there day after day. In the end, he got nothing.
( )1.The farmer did not like working. He was .
A.clever B.lazy C.happy
( )2.One day, the farmer had a rest .
A.on his farm B.at home C.under a tree
( )3.The farmer was about the dead rabbit.
A.excited B.sad C.hungry
( )4.The next day, the farmer waited under the tree for .
A.his friends B.another farmer C.more rabbits
( )5.The Chinese name of this story is “ ”.
A.守株待兔 B.未雨绸缪 C.揠苗助长
Most people in the US like having a surprise party. They think it’s very exciting for their friends and family. They often have a surprise party for someone’s birthday. Last Saturday, Sam’s friends prepared a surprise party for his birthday. Last Saturday night, Sam’s mother asked him to go to the kitchen and bring her a glass of water. Sam walked to the kitchen. He opened the door and saw a “bear” standing in front of him! Sam was very scared and wanted to run away. Then the “bear” took off his clothes. It was Sam’s friend John! When he turned back, he saw some other people standing behind him. All of them said, “Surprise! Happy Birthday, Sam!”
Would you like to hold a party like this for your friends
( )1.Americans like having a surprise party because .
A.it’s very exciting for their friends and family
B.they like parties
C.people must have a surprise party on their birthdays
( )2.When was Sam’s birthday
A.Last Saturday. B.Last Sunday. C.Last Friday.
( )3.The underlined word “scared” means “ ” in Chinese.
A.伤心的 B.惊喜的 C.害怕的
( )4.Who stood in front of Sam when he opened the door of the kitchen that night
A.A real bear. B.His mother. C.His friend.
( )5.What does the passage talk about
A.A story about Sam and a bear.
B.A surprise party in the US.
C.John’s birthday party.
下个星期六将是你爸爸的生日,你和妈妈准备给他举办一个生日聚会。请以“A birthday party for my father”为题写一篇英语短文,向大家介绍一个你们的计划吧。
A birthday party for my father
二、1-5CAAAB 6-10BAAAC
三、A.1.appeared 2.needs 3.end 4.writing 5.Follow 6.much B.1.watching 2.is raining; rainy 3.is making 4.hobbies; travelling 5.dancing; to dance 6.the third
五、was; like; little; make; keep; sport; too; diet; policeman; dream
六、1-5ACBCC 6-10BAABC
A birthday party for my father
My father’s birthday is coming. It is this Friday. Here is my plan for his birthday.
First, I plan to help my father do some housework, then he can have a good rest. My father loves reading books, so my mother will buy a book for him. Also, I’m going to make a card in the shape of heart. I’m sure my father will be happy when he opens the card. Last, there will be an evening birthday party at home. We’ll sing the Happy Birthday song, eat a birthday cake and have a talk with each other. I’m sure we’ll have a good time.
That’s my plan. I think that would be a wonderful day for my father.



