
1.— I hear that you went to see ______ film called Article 20 (《第二十条》), isn't that boring
—______. It's one of the most exciting films.
A. the; Yes, it's interesting. B. a; Yes, it's boring.
C. the; Not at all. D. a; Of course.
2.—______ is the population of India
—It is ______ than ______ of China.
A. How large; fewer; it B. What; smaller; that
C. How much; less; that D. What; smaller; it
3.Mary's brother ______ the navy in 2019 and ______ the navy since then.
A. joined; has been in B. joined in; has joined in
C. joined in; has been in D. joined; has joined
4.—I think the washing machine is a wonderful ______.
—I can't agree more. It sets many housewives free.
A. introduction B. instruction C. invitation D. invention
5.We all know some of the police's duties are to keep order and ______ the law.
A. give out B. find out C. come out D. carry out
6.________ people have gone to Sanya for winter, and the number of the visitors ________ growing rapidly these days.
A. A great deal of; is B. A great deal of; are
C. A great number of; is D. A great number of; are
7.— Listen! The headmaster is making a speech!
— Really Would you please ______ the main points for me I'm busy now.
A. record B. receive C. reach D. realize
8.— Have you seen the CCTV news on TV
— Yes, ______ children had a good festival on the ______ Children's Day.
A. billions of; sixty-one B. ten billions, sixtieth-one
C. billions of; sixty-first D. ten billion, sixtieth-first
9.—Excuse me, I wonder ________ . —Yes, and the nearest one is to the west of the mall.
A. what the bus station is
B. when the bus station is open
C. how I can get to the bus station
D. if there is a bus station near here
10.—How about going shopping together at one o'clock this afternoon
—______. Will three o'clock be OK
A. Certainly, no problem B. Sorry, I can't make it
C. Sure, it depends on you D. Sorry, I'm not free today
It is very common to see frogs in our daily life. Have you heard about stories of frogs I am sure you will (11) think of "the frog prince". (12) , it is not the story (13) the princess and the frog. It is about a frog (14) wants to be unusual.
Paca is a frog (青蛙). Her life changed when she saw a singer's long hair on TV for the first time. It made the singer look so different from others. She (15) the long hair.
"Oh! I want something like that. Something that makes me (16) , "Paca said to herself. Paca didn't know that frogs don't have (17) . She thought that maybe she could (18) her own hair by singing. She began to sing everywhere she went. She went to towns and cities, to the sea and mountains (19) one day she sang in a barbershop (理发店).
While Paca was singing, the hairdresser was cutting someone's hair. Some hair (20) Paca's head. After seeing her new hair, Paca thought that her dream was going to (21) .
In her excitement, she sang so (22) that she woke up the hairdresser's cat.
The cat thought Paca was a (23) and caught her. But after touching Paca's cold and slippery skin (湿滑的皮肤), the cat found that Paca was not a mouse and let her (24) . At that moment, Paca learned that she should just try to be herself.
See, my dear friend, just be (25) . That's your best choice.
11.A. maybe B. certainly C. hardly D. rarely
12.A. However B. But C. While D. Moreover
13.A. on B. between C. from D. for
14.A. who B. what C. where D. whose
15.A. hated B. missed C. cared D. loved
16.A. human B. special C. large D. common
17.A. feathers B. voice C. hair D. skin
18.A. grow B. make C. cut D. take
19.A. when B. because C. or D. until
20.A. fell off B. fell on C. turned to D. got up
21.A. come off B. come right C. come true D. come out
22.A. sadly B. beautifully C. slowly D. loudly
23.A. frog B. guest C. mouse D. cat
24.A. die B. go C. sing D. jump
25.A. ourselves B. myself C. themselves D. yourself
What makes smartphones fun and useful to use Amazing apps are! Try them out!
This app Chordana Composer offers an easy way to create your own original(原创的) music. You just need to enter a two-bar melody using a virtual keyboard or sing it into your phone's microphone. This app creates a whole song right away. You can choose the style of the song, such as pop, rock, classical and more. You can share your songs with friends.
A few minutes of meditation a day can help you live a happy and healthy life. The Headspace app offers short meditation exercises for daily use. Meditation is like exercise for your brain, and this app is like a gym for your mind. The app also has a few videos that can teach you about meditation. There are even courses that specially designed for you to use when you are riding in a car, cooking, or taking a flight.
SpinMe is special because you can't turn its alarm off just by pressing a button. The only way to turn it off is to stand up and spin around while holding your phone in your hands. And no, spinning the phone while lying down on your bed won't work.
The Flick Champions Winter Sports offers eight events. You use your fingers to control the moves on the app. You also learn the rules and necessary skills for playing winter sports. When playing, you pick a country to represent and lead to the championship. You have the chance to win the gold in 18 challenging cup events. How exciting would it be to win glory(荣誉) for your national team
26.If a melody(旋律) comes to your mind all of a sudden, you'll choose .
A. Chordana Composer B. Headspace
C. SpinMe D. Flick Champions Winter Sports
27.What does the underlined word "Meditation" mean
A. 睡觉 B. 开小差 C. 冥想 D. 猜测
28.How can we turn off the SpinMe when it works
A. By pressing a button.
B. By spinning the phone
C. By lying in bed and spinning
D. By standing up and spinning around.
29.What should you do first if you play the Flick Champions Winter Sports for the first time
A. Lead to the championship.
B. Pick a country to represent.
C. Learn the rules and necessary skills.
D. Win glory for your national team.
30.Where can we probably find the passage
A. In a novel. B. In a health report.
C. In a travel guide. D. In a newspaper.
● The kangaroo mouse (更格卢鼠) never needs to drink water.
The kangaroo mouse is named after an Australian animal. It lives in the Nevada desert and doesn't need to drink water. It has been used to the dry environment by getting all the water it needs from the seeds (种子) it eats.
● Clams (蛤蜊) have feet.
It seems clams have a big tongue (舌头) that sometimes reaches out from their shell (壳) to search around the ocean floor, but in fact what you're seeing is a foot. This foot, longer than the clam's shell, helps them dig in the sand on the ocean floor.
● Stars don't really twinkle.
"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" makes us think the stars are sparkling (闪烁的), but it's actually a "space mirage (幻景)". The light from stars is steady, but Earth's atmosphere (大气层) makes them seem to twinkle.
On top of sleeping, eating and pooping, babies spend plenty of their time crying. However, they don't produce tears right away. That ability takes a while to develop, which is why parents won't start to see actual teardrops form until their baby is between two weeks and three months old.
31.How do kangaroo mice take in water
A. They don’t need water. B. They eat seeds.
C. They bath in water. D. They breathe wet air.
32.What do we know about the clam
A. Iis foot is longer than its shell. B. Its tongue helps it dig sand.
C. It has a big tongue. D. It doesn't often show its foot.
33.What's the meaning of the underlined word "steady"
A. 强烈的 B. 不真实的 C. 不变的 D. 闪烁的
34.Which of the following is suitable for the missing title on the line
A. Babies are born with natural skills.
B. Not all babies are born crying.
C. Newborn babies like to cry.
D. Newborn babies don't cry tears.
35.What do babies spend the most time doing after they are born
A. Sleeping. B. Pooping C. Eating. D. Crying.
Mark Hoffman and his wife own a bed-and-breakfast guesthouse in rural Kempton, Illinois. They often serve their guests fresh products from the garden.
The Hoffmans have been growing food and flowers for twenty-five years. For almost ten of those years, Mr. Hoffman has been experimenting(做实验) and working with shade plantings. He says, "The bottom line here is that most plants will produce more in full sun. But if you do not have full sun, there are other choices."
For example, he grows tomatoes near oak trees. Oak trees(橡树) can produce a lot of shade. But Mr. Hoffman says his tomato plants grow as long as they get five hours' direct sunshine a day, especially morning sun. Not only does this go against the traditional advice that tomatoes need six, eight, even twelve hours' full sun a day, it also shows how plants and tree roots(树根) can share nutrients(养分) and water. Mr. Hoffman also planted asparagus(芦笋) around a tree. When it rains, all the rain from the leaves of the tree drops down right on the asparagus.
Mr. Hoffman says plants with wider leaves seem to do better in shady environments. He also found that his potatoes did better partly in shade than in full sun.
Moving them out of the sun helped control an insect problem with leaf hoppers. Mr. Hoffman does not use pesticide(杀虫剂). Instead, he planted the potatoes in the shade, especially on the east side of the tree. The potatoes get morning sun, but they are shaded during the hottest part of the day. Leaf hoppers dislike shade, and the hottest part day is when they do the worst of their damage(破坏).
Time of day, brightness of the sun, shadows from trees, walls and buildings all influence how much sunlight falls or does not fall on plants. People who are interested in shade planting should also consider different conditions which planting vegetables in the shade.
36.What can we infer from the second paragraph
A. Food and flowers produce more in the shade.
B. Food and flowers can’t grow without full sun.
C. Planting food in the shade is the best choice.
D. Sun can influence the production of some plant.
37.By using asparagus as an example, the writer wants to explain that ________.
A. how plants and trees share water
B. vegetables grow better in the shade
C. how leaves get sunshine under the tree
D. asparagus prefers to grow in the shade
38.The underlined words "leaf hoppers" in Paragraph 5 may be a kind of ______.
A. plants B. insects C. pesticides D. potatoes
39.What's the writer's purpose of writing the passage
A. To introduce Mark Hoffman and his family.
B. To recommend a method of managing a website.
C. To show vegetables can be planted in the shade.
D. To show vegetable must be planted in the shade.
40.We may read the passage on a website in the section of ________.
A. Environment B. Travelling C. Agriculture D. Lifestyle
Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa. It is also the second largest lake in the world. It is an important lake because it is one of the sources for the longest river in the world, the Nile River. Lake Victoria provides a source of water, food, and power for several African countries. Lake Victoria is a big part of African life.
Unfortunately, Lake Victoria has a problem. It is shrinking. There are several power stations at Lake Victoria in Uganda. These are on the Nile River, and besides producing power, they keep the water of the lake at a certain level. For the past forty years, that level has been 11.9 meters. Over the last several years, the water level has dropped by about 2.5 meters. There seem to be several reasons for this drop.
One possible reason is drought(干旱). Drought has been very bad in the area since 2000. Lake Victoria gets all of its water from rain, so the drought means less water in the lake.
However, some environmentalists believe that the real problem is the power plants(factories) on Lake Victoria. Uganda depends on those power plants for most of its power, and they made the power plants larger in 2000. Many people believe the power plants have been taking too much water off Lake Victoria. As a result, they have been asked to use less water until Lake Victoria goes back to its old level.
Whether the low water level is caused by drought or power plants, the result is the same. This is already a poor area of Africa, where many people live a really hard life. People, animals and plants around Lake Victoria will suffer even more from low water levels on the lake. Many people need Lake Victoria for fishing or growing food. Fish need the water to live, and animals need it for water.
41.Lake Victoria is _________.
A. an important lake in Africa
B. the largest lake in the world
C. the source of water, food and power for America
D. the only source for the Nile River
42.What does the underlined sentence "It is shrinking" most probably mean
A. It is becoming larger. B. It is becoming more beautiful.
C. It is becoming smaller. D. It is becoming more useful.
43.The water level of Lake Victoria is now ________.
A. 2.5 meters B. 11.9 meters C. 14.4 meters D. 9.4 meters
44.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A. Rain water is the only source for the lake.
B. There has been little rain in the lake area since 2000.
C. The power plants in Uganda provide water for the lake.
D. The power plants in Uganda were made larger in 2000.
45.According to the passage, how can we solve the problems around Lake Victoria
A. People must build more power plants.
B. More sources of water must be found.
C. Every country should offer some money to Africa.
D. All the people living in the area should move to another place.
46. The Zisha teapots made in Yixing city in east China's Jiangsu Province are considered to be the best tool for making tea. It was created during Song Dynasty in the l0th century. According to literature, the first Zisha was made several hundred years ago.
Different types of clay (黏土) used for making Yixing teapots, mainly purple clay, red clay, green clay and mixed clay, are totally called Yixing clay. Yixing clay stands for "zisha" in Chinese because purple clay is most commonly used. To make a Zisha teapot, the material should be carefully selected and processed before it can be used. The most important step to make Yixing teapots is to keep pounding (拍打) the clay with a special wooden stick. They are produced in factories, not by machine but by hand.
The Zisha teapot is considered as the best teapot and the tea made in it tastes especially nice. And the tea can be stored overnight in it without going bad in spring, autumn, winter and even in summer. The clay is highly porous (多孔的), but water cannot go out from it. This is the most special about Zisha clay.
Another famous Characteristic of Yixing teapots is that they can absorb (吸收) tea flavours (茶香). Over time, Yixing teapots can smell good even there is no tea in it.
The production skills of Yixing China's Zisha teapots was listed among Intangible Cultural Heritages (非物质文化遗产) in 2006. Many people collect Zisha teapots, since it is not only a daily necessity, but has become a work of art.
When was it created People (1) it during the Song Dynasty in the 10th century. According to literature, the first Zisha was made several hundred year ago.
What material is used Different types of clay used to (2) Yixing teapots, mainly purple Clay, red clay, grecn clay and mixed clay, are totally called Yixing clay.
Why is Yixin clay used commonly It is common to use Yixin clay so Yixing clay (3) "zisha".
What is the most important step The most important step to make Yixing teapots is to keep pounding (拍打) the clay with a special stick made of (4)
How is it made It is made of Yixing clay which (5) different types. Zisha teapots are produced by hand (6) of by machine.
What is (7) about it The tea can be stored overnight in it without going bad all (8) around. Water cannot leak (渗漏) from it, (9) the clay is highly porous (多孔的). Over time, Yixing teapots can smell good even (10) tea in it.

(1) ________
(2) ________
(3) ________
(4) ________
(5) ________
(6) ________
(7) ________
(8) ________
(9) ________
(10) ________
47. "We thank you for your visits to Heilongjiang. This winter, you brought joy and life to this land. It's so great to have you here." (1) the last day of 2023, the Heilongjiang Provincial Tourism Ofice announced a thank-you letter (2) (excited). The letter (3) (publish) by several local newspapers.
At Harbin Ice and Snow World, (4) ice-and-snow theme park in Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, tourists gathered (5) (count) down toward 2024, with more than 1, 000 ice and snow sculptures around.
Besides the ice-and-snow sculptures, a lot of winter activities were there for visitors to enjoy. Skiing was one of (6) (popular) activities. Many people would wait for two to three hours (7) these activities.
What's more, bicycles on ice and hot air balloons allowed visitors to enjoy the magic world from above. When the night (8) (fall), the ice sculptures looked bright in different colors, and live music and DJs added more to the colorful ice and snow world, where (9) (thousand) of visitors danced to the music together.
During this tourism boom, many visitors felt the (10) (warm) of local people. Local government provided hot tea for free to keep visitors warm. Many drivers also volunteered to drive around the city to pick up tourists and give them free rides.
"Whether it is Zibo Barbecue or Harbin Ice and Snow Tourism, they have given full play to their own characteristics and advantages." said Zhang Yiwu, a Chinese language and literature professor at Peking University.
(1) ________
(2) ________
(3) ________
(4) ________
(5) ________
(6) ________
(7) ________
(8) ________
(9) ________
(10) ________
48.新的一年,新的希望,新的开始。学校英语广播站正在以“I look forward to ________ in 2024”为题向同学们征稿,请根据以下征稿内容,用英语向校英语广播站投稿,和大家分享你对新的一年的期待、思考以及如何付诸行动。
I look forward to ________________ in 2024
The new year has come. I'd like to share my expectation of the new year with everyone. I look forward to _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
考查冠词和情景交际。the那个,表示特指;a一个,修饰辅音音素开头的单数可数名词;第一空根据“...film called Article 20”可知,特指名叫《第二十条》的电影,因此用定冠词the修饰。Yes, it’s interesting是的,很有趣;Yes, it’s boring是的,很无聊;Not at all一点也不;Of course当然。根据“It’s one of the most exciting films.”可知,它是最激动人心的电影之一,因此不是无聊的,故选C。
考查特殊疑问句、代词辨析以及比较级。根据“the population of India”可知询问人口的多少,疑问词用what;修饰人口的多少用large或者small;第三空指代前文提到的population,用that代替。故选B。
考查动词时态及词义辨析。join指加入某个组织或团体;join in指参加某个活动。由“the navy”可知,此处表示加入海军,用join。由“in 2019”可知,空一时态用一般过去时,因此用joined,排除BC选项;由“since then”可知,空二用现在完成时,且动词须用延续性动词,join为短暂性动词,对应的延续性动词为be in。故选A。
考查名词辨析。introduction介绍;instruction指导,说明;invitation邀请;invention发明。根据“the washing machine is a wonderful”和“It sets many housewives free”可知,洗衣机是一项很棒的发明。故选D。
【解析】句意“我们都知道,一些警察的作用是维持秩序并执法”。A.发出;分发;B.查明;C.出版;D.执行。carry out the law执法。根据句意,故选D。
考查形容词短语辨析及主谓一致。a great deal of许多,后接不可数名词;a great number of大量的,后接可数名词复数。people是可数名词,故第一空排除A、B。第二空“the number of……的数量”作主语时,谓语动词为单数,所以第二空用is,故选C。
考查动词辨析。record记录;receive接收;reach到达;realize意识到;根据“Listen! The headmaster is making a speech!”可知,此处问的是“可不可以记录要点”。故选A。
考查数词和序数词用法。billions of数以亿计的;sixty-one六十一;ten billions错误表达;sixtieth-one错误表达; sixty-first第六十一;ten billion一百亿;sixtieth-first错误表达。根据“...children had a good festival”可知,过儿童节的孩子应该是很多的,是不确定的数目,所以此处应用约数,其用法是数量单位要用复数形式,且必须和介词of连用,即billions of,意为“数以亿计的”,可排除B、D选项;再根据“ on the...Children’s Day.”可知,此处是指第六十一个儿童节,此处需用序数词,sixty-first“第六十一”。故选C。
考查宾语从句。根据Yes及and the nearest one is to the west of the mall.回答可知上文是if引导的宾语从句,此处是问“这附近是否有汽车站”,宾语从句用陈述语序,故选D。
考查情景交际。Certainly, no problem当然,没问题;Sorry, I can’t make it抱歉,我去不了;Sure, it depends on you当然,取决于你;Sorry, I’m not free today抱歉,我今天没有空。根据“Will three o’clock be OK”可知,一点去不了,所以建议别的时间,故选B。
maybe也许;certainly当然;hardly几乎不;rarely很少。根据上文“Have you heard about stories of frogs ”和常识可知,说到青蛙的故事,我们当然会想到青蛙王子的故事。故选B。
who谁,关系代词;what什么;where哪里,关系副词;whose谁的。根据“It is about a frog...wants to be unusual.”和分析句子结构可知,此处为定语从句,缺少关系词,先行词为人,用关系代词who。故选A。
hated讨厌;missed思念;cared关心;loved喜欢。根据下文“Oh! I want something like that.”可知,此处指她喜欢这长发。故选D。
human人类的;special特别的;large大的;common普遍的。根据上文“It made the singer look so different from others. She...the long hair.”和“Oh! I want something like that.”可知,此处是指特别的东西。故选B。
grow生长;make制作;cut剪;take拿走。根据“She thought that maybe she could...her own hair by singing.”可知,此处是指长出头发。故选A。
grow生长;make制作;cut剪;take拿走。根据“She thought that maybe she could...her own hair by singing.”可知,此处是指长出头发。故选A。
when当……时候;because因为;or或者;until直到。根据“She went to towns and cities, to the sea and mountains...one day she sang in a barbershop (理发店).”可知,此处表示直到有一天。故选D。
fell off摔下来;fell on落在;turned to转向;got up起床。根据“While Paca was singing, the hairdresser was cutting someone’s hair. Some hair...Paca’s head”可知,此处指头发落在头上。故选B。
come off脱落;come right结束得好,来吧;come true实现;come out出来。根据“After seeing her new hair, Paca thought that her dream was going to...”可知,此处指梦想实现。故选C。
sadly悲伤地;beautifully美丽地;slowly缓慢地;loudly大声地。根据“In her excitement, she sang so...that she woke up the hairdresser’s cat.”可知,此处是指唱得大声,把猫吵醒了。故选D。
frog青蛙;guest客人;mouse老鼠;cat猫。根据下文“But after touching Paca’s cold and slippery skin(湿滑的皮肤), the cat found that Paca was not a mouse and let her...”可知,此处是指认为她是老鼠。故选C。
die死亡;go走;sing唱;jump跳。根据“But after touching Paca’s cold and slippery skin(湿滑的皮肤), the cat found that Paca was not a mouse and let her...”可知,此处是指放她走。故选B。
ourselves我们自己;myself我自己;themselves他们自己;yourself你自己。通读全文和根据“See, my dear friend, just be...”可知,此处是指做你自己。故选D。
【解析】【文章大意】本文主要介绍的是智能手机的四款非常有用的应用程序:Chordana Composer ,Headspace,SpinMe,Flick Champions Winter Sports。
1. 句意:如果一段旋律突然出现在你的脑海里,你会选择Chordana Composer。细节理解题。四个选项分别是文中介绍的四款应用程序,根据This app Chordana Composer offers an easy way to create your own original(原创的) music可知,与音乐有关的应是Chordana Composer。故选A。
2. 句意:划线单词“Meditation”是什么意思?猜词题。根据A few minutes of meditation a day及 Meditation is like exercise for your brain, and this app is like a gym for your mind可知其时间不长,且是大脑的一种有益锻炼,能符合此特点的只有冥想。故选C。
3. 句意:当应用程序SpinMe 工作时,如何关掉它。细节理解题。根据原文提到The only way to turn it off is to stand up and spin around while holding your phone in your hands可知,关掉它的唯一方式是stand up and spin around。故选D。
4. 句意:如果你第一次玩the Flick Champions Winter Sport,你该怎么做?细节理解题。A. Lead to the championship带来冠军地位B. Pick a country to represent选一个国家做代表C. Learn the rules and necessary skills.了解规则及必要的技能D. Win glory for your national team为你的国家队赢得荣誉。根据You use your fingers to control the moves on the app.You also learn the rules and necessary skills for playing winter sports可知,你得运用你的手指控制此app的移动,并了解玩冬季运动的规则和必要的技能。故选C。
5. 句意:我们很可能在哪儿发现这篇文章?推理判断题。A. In a novel小说B. In a health report健康报告中C. In a travel guide旅游向导中D. In a newspaper报纸上。本文主要介绍的是智能手机的四款非常有用的应用程序的介绍及推荐,很可能出现在报纸上,其余不符合生活常识。故选D。
1. 细节理解题。根据第一段“It has been used to the dry environment by getting all the water it needs from the seeds (种子) it eats.”可知更格鼠从它们吃的种子里获取水。故选B。
2. 细节理解题。根据第二段“...but in fact what you’re seeing is a foot. This foot, longer than the clam’s shell...”可知蛤蜊的脚比它的壳长。故选A。
3. 词义猜测题。根据“The light from stars is steady, but Earth’s atmosphere (大气层) makes them seem to twinkle.”可知星星闪光是因为地球大气层导致的,但星星本身的光是不变的。故选C。
4. 主旨大意题。根据最后一段“They don’t produce tears right away. That ability takes a while to develop, which is why parents won’t start to see actual teardrops...”可知新生儿哭的时候是没有眼泪的,要在两周到三个月大的时候才会具备这个能力。选项D符合段落大意。故选D。
5. 细节理解题。根据最后一段“On top of sleeping, eating and pooping, babies spend plenty of their time crying. ”可知婴儿大部分时间都在哭。故选D。
【解析】【文章大意】本文介绍了Mark Hoffman做实验来证明一些蔬菜可以种在阴凉处。
1. 推理判断题。根据“The bottom line here is that most plants will produce more in full sun.”,可知阳光会影响植物的产量。故选D。
2. 细节理解题。根据“it also shows how plants and tree roots(树根) can share nutrients(养分) and water.”,可知作者以芦笋为例,解释了植物和树木如何共享水分。故选A。
3. 词义猜测题。根据“Mr. Hoffman does not use pesticide(杀虫剂).”,可知这是一种昆虫。故选B。
4. 主旨大意题。文章通过Mark Hoffman的实验验证了一些可以种植在阴凉处的蔬菜。故选C。
5. 推理判断题。文章表明有些蔬菜可以种植在阴凉处,和农业相关。故选C。
1. 细节理解题。根据“Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa. It is also the second largest lake in the world. It is an important lake because it is one of the sources for the longest river in the world, the Nile River”,可知维多利亚湖是非洲的一个重要湖泊。故选A。
2. 词句猜测题。根据“For the past forty years, that level has been 11.9 meters. Over the last several years, the water level has dropped by about 2.5 meters.”,可知维多利亚湖的水位在下降。故选C。
3. 根据“For the past forty years, that level has been 11.9 meters. Over the last several years, the water level has dropped by about 2.5 meters.”,可知过去40年水位是11.9米,最近几年下降2.5米,现在维多利亚湖的水位是9.4米。故选D。
4. 细节理解题。根据“Uganda depends on those power plants for most of its power, and they made the power plants larger in 2000.”,可知乌干达的电力依赖发电厂,发电厂需要水。故选C。
5. 推理判断题。根据“People, animals and plants around Lake Victoria will suffer even more from low water levels on the lake. Many people need Lake Victoria for fishing or growing food. Fish need the water to live, and animals need it for water.”,可知解决维多利亚湖的问题要寻找更多的水源。故选B。
根据“It was created during Song Dynasty in the l0th century”可知人们在十世纪的宋朝期间创造了紫砂壶,发生在过去,此处应用动词的过去式,故填created。
2. 根据“Different types of clay used for making Yixing teapots”可知不同类型的黏土用来制作宜兴茶壶,to为动词不定式符号,故填make。
3. 根据“Yixing clay stands for “zisha” in Chinese because purple clay is most commonly used.”可知在中国紫色黏土被使用的最普遍,所以宜兴黏土代表紫砂,由“It is common to use Yixin clay”可知句子时态为一般现在时,主语Yixing clay 为第三人称单数,故填represents。
4. 根据“The most important step to make Yixing teapots is to keep pounding the clay with a special wooden stick.”可知制作紫砂壶最重要的步骤是用一个木制的棍子保持拍打黏土,故填wood。
5. 根据“Different types of clay used for making Yixing teapots”可知不同类型的黏土用来制作宜兴茶壶,即黏土包括不同的类型,此处为定语从句的谓语动词,先行词clay为不可数名词,此处应用动词的第三人称单数形式,故填includes。
6. 根据“They are produced in factories, not by machine but by hand”可知在工厂茶壶不是被机器制作,而是由手工制作,即手工代替机制,故填instead。
7. 根据“...This is the most special about Zisha clay.”及表格中其后面的内容可知此处应是归纳关于紫砂壶什么是特别的,此处填形容词,构成主系表结构,故填special。
8. 根据“And the tea can be stored overnight in it without going bad in spring, autumn, winter and even in summer.”可知用紫砂壶储存茶一年四季都可以隔夜不坏,即全年可过夜储存,故填year。
9. 根据“The clay is highly porous, but water cannot go out from it”可知尽管黏土是多孔的,但是水不能从它流出去,故填though/although。
10. 根据“Over time, Yixing teapots can smell good even there is no tea in it.”可知很长一段时间,宜兴茶壶能闻起来很香甚至没有茶在里面,故填without。
was published
to count
the most popular
【解析】1. 句意:在2023年的最后一天,黑龙江省文旅局激动地宣布了一封感谢信。根据“the last day of 2023”为具体的一天可知此处应填介词on,位于句首首字母需要大写,故填On。
2. 句意:在2023年的最后一天,黑龙江省文旅局激动地宣布了一封感谢信。此处应填副词修饰动词announced“宣布”,故填excitedly。
3. 句意:这封信被几家本地报纸出版。主语the letter和谓语publish为逻辑上的动宾关系,应用被动语态,由“the Heilongjiang Provincial Tourism Ofice announced”可知句子时态为一般过去时,一般过去时的被动语态的谓语结构为“was/were+done”,主语the letter为第三人称单数,be动词应用was,故填was published。
4. 句意:在冰雪大世界,一(这)个中国东北黑龙江省的冰雪主题公园,周围有1000多个冰雪雕塑,游客汇集于此倒计时2024年。此处应填冠词,不定冠词,泛指冰雪主题公园中的一个,而ice-and-snow为元音音素开头,而the特指哈尔滨冰雪大世界,故填an/the。
5. 句意:在冰雪大世界,一(这)个中国东北黑龙江省的冰雪主题公园,周围有1000多个冰雪雕塑,游客汇集于此倒计时2024年。此处表目的,应用其不定式形式,故填to count。
6. 句意:滑雪是最受欢迎的活动之一。根据“one of”可知此处应填形容词最高级形式,其前必须加定冠词the,故填the most popular。
7. 句意:许多人会等待这些活动两三个小时。wait“等待”为不及物动词,其后加宾语时需要加介词for,故填for。
8. 句意:当夜晚降临时,冰雕看起来闪耀着不同的颜色,并且现场音乐和DJ为冰雪世界更增添了色彩,在那儿,成千上万的游客随着音乐一起跳舞。根据“the ice sculptures looked bright in different colors”可知此处时态为一般过去时,故填fell。
9. 句意:当夜晚降临时,冰雕看起来闪耀着不同的颜色,并且现场音乐和DJ为冰雪世界更增添了色彩,在那儿,成千上万的游客随着音乐一起跳舞。thousand“千”,其前没有具体数字,所以此处应用其复数形式,故填thousands。
10. 句意:在这次旅游热潮中,许多游客感受到了本地人的温暖。根据“the...of...”可知此处应填名词,故填warmth。
48.【答案】I look forward to making great progress in 2024 The new year has come. I'd like to share my expectation of the new year with everyone. I look forward to making great progress in my study in 2024.
Last year, I did not do very well in my study. I spent a lot of time playing computer games. My teacher and my parents were worried about my study. Therefore, I want to make progress in the new year.
In order to reach my goal, I have to develop a good habit. First, I will spend more time studying hard instead of playing games. Second, I want to do some more readings. Books are the best resources to get knowledge. So I will make good use of books to improve my knowledge. Finally, do exercise regularly. A healthy body is the basic of other things. I must take part in exercise to keep healthy and energetic.
I hope all my plans can be true in the new year.
①make great progress取得巨大进步
②do well in擅长
③be worried about担忧
①I must take part in exercise to keep healthy and energetic.(动词不定式作目的状语)
②I hope all my plans can be true in the new year.(宾语从句)




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