
1 科技对文化遗产保护的作用
2 微软正在将类似chatGPT的技术应用于其搜索引擎必应,将一项远远落后于谷歌的互联网服务转变为一种与人工智能交流的新方式
3 作者通过实验认识到科学教给我们环境中的多米诺效应,并决定成为科学家
4 现代科技的发展及其重要性,以及现代技术可以满足人类生产生活中的许多需求
5 疯狂的课外科学课程
6 历史上美索不达米亚人的科技成就及其影响来启示当今的科技发展及影响
7 一家加拿大初创公司Oneka采用新技术利用海浪的力量来淡化海水
8 你设计的一款老人智能陪护机器人荣获一等奖。请以 "My Intelligent
Robot for the Elderly"为题写一篇英语课堂前的一分钟汇报
(2022·南宁模拟)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Wherever we go, we are surrounded by history. Across the globe, cultural heritage (遗产)is passed down through the generations. Yet we fight a never ending and very expensive war to preserve it for the future. And today, it is under attack as never before. Technology is often seen as something that destroys the past.  1.  .
Creating copies via 2D images is extremely laborious and time-consuming. AI technologies are being used to do all the required sourcing, allowing lots of images to be cross-referenced and stored in a matter of hours.
 2.   . Al will also make restoration and preservation of existing cultural heritage far easier and vastly superior to previous methods.
Airborne technology (机载技术) is being increasingly used in the fight to preserve our cultural heritage.  3.  . LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) has already been used to reveal over 60, 000 Mayan structures that were lying undiscovered in the jungles of Guatamala, without needing a single boot on the ground. Drones( 无人机)are also being used to excellent effect, documenting and monitoring huge areas and removing the need for all that costly manpower.
Human interaction with the most important sites and architecture is doing a great deal of harm. Virtual reality (VR) technology will play a leading role in preserving our cultural heritage in the coming years.  4.  , VR technology will gradually become the way that people experience them We'll all eventually be able to walk through places, look at (and touch!) artifacts and works of art without ever seeing them with our own eyes.
 5.  . Efforts in research, data sharing and project work will need to be pooled internationally. Using the technical expertness of specialist organizations will become ever more important to sustainably promote and preserve the cultural heritage of countries all across the world.
A. It is being used to save and find it B. Technology has shaped conflict in several ways C. But it is now the most essential weapon in the battle D. Our cultural heritage will be protected via technology E. This will enable even more accurate and better copies to be created F. As more cultural heritage sites and objects are digitally mapped and recorded G. When it measures distances by hitting a target and analyzing the reflected light
(2024高三上·重庆市模拟) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Microsoft bakes ChatGPT-like tech into search engine Bing
Microsoft is baking ChatGPT-like technology into its search engine Bing,  6.   (transform) an Internet service that lags far behind Google into a new way of communicating with AI.
Though the new version is now limited to desktops and has no interface for smartphones,  7.   most people now access the Internet, Mehdi, a Microsoft executive, has said that the technology will scale to millions of users in coming weeks and come to the smartphone apps.
The improvement may give the software giant a cutting edge  8.   other tech companies in capitalizing on the worldwide excitement surrounding ChatGPT, a tool that  9.   (awaken) millions of people to the possibilities of the newest AI technology in the past few weeks.
Aside from it, Microsoft is also integrating the chatbot technology into its Edge browser. "Think of it as faster, more accurate, more powerful technology  10.   (tune) for search queries", said Mehdi.
The shift to making search engines more conversational — able to confidently answer questions  11.   offer links to other websites — could change the advertising-fueled search business, but also poses risks if the AI systems don't get their facts right. Their opaqueness (不透明性) also makes it hard to source back to the original human-made images and texts,  12.   the new Bing includes notes that reference the source data.
"Bing is powered by AI, so surprises and mistakes are possible. Make sure to check the facts." is a message that appears at the bottom of the preview version of Bing's new homepage. As an example of how it works, Mehdi  13.   (quiz) it on 1990s-era rap, showing its ability to distinguish between the song "Jump" and "Jump Around". He also used it to show how it could plan a vacation or help with shopping.
Google has been cautious about such moves. But in response to pressure due to ChatGPT's popularity, Google announced on Monday a new conversational service named Bard that will be available to a group of "trusted testers" before  14.   (release) globally this year.
Chinese tech giant Baidu also announced a similar search chatbot coming later this year. Other tech rivals such as Meta and Amazon have been researching similar technology, but Microsoft's latest moves aim to position  15.   at the center of the ChatGPT zeitgeist (时代潮流).
(2023高三上·渝北模拟)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
When I studied in my high school, I did an experiment about how the temperature affected the growth of a plant. That experiment made me 16. that science teaches us the domino effect (多米诺效应) in the environment. It teaches people our 17. so we know where we are from. That day I 18. decided to be a scientist and that will be my greatest ambition in life. Ever since that day I have studied harder 19. in all my science-related subjects. After school I do much research on how I can become a 20. scientist in the future.
One of my 21. in becoming a scientist is Barbara McClintock. She has been awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. At 25 she already had her PhD in botany and after that she started her 22. as the leader in the development of maize cytogenetics (玉米细胞遗传学) and she was 23. to that research for the rest of her life.
If I am lucky and given the 24. to achieve my ambition as a scientist, I want to be like Doctor McClintock. She 25. something that helped the other scientists 26. the thing about genetics that did not just help her generation but also the future generation.
I know I will be able to achieve my 27. as long as I put my heart and perseverance into it. If I am lucky enough to achieve my goal, I will share my 28. with all the kids who also love science and want to become scientists. My future will be as 29. as the stars in the night sky. My future is still far but I will make the most of all in the 30. to achieve my greatest ambition of becoming a scientist.
16.A. doubt B. realize C. wonder D. value
17.A. school B. origin C. growth D. study
18.A. easily B. hardly C. partly D. firmly
19.A. especially B. possibly C. properly D. separately
20.A. happy B. popular C. careful D. real
21.A. experiences B. persuasions C. inspirations D. generations
22.A. career B. attempt C. praise D. science
23.A. devoted B. invited C. linked D. attached
24.A. reason B. freedom C. right D. opportunity
25.A. heard B. expected C. discovered D. awarded
26.A. set out B. figure out C. stick out D. take out
27.A. fame B. reward C. dream D. stage
28.A. information B. decision C. light D. fortune
29.A. bright B. capable C. proud D. brave
30.A. lesson B. mind C. present D. heart
What exactly is technology There aren't any easy answers. Despite the fact that technology has re-mained one of the most controversial areas of modern science, especially when linked to human life or so-cial morals, much progress has been made in recent years, which has made the experts and common peo-ple think again.
Technology is the application of knowledge to production. Thanks to modern technology, we have been able to increase greatly the efficiency of our work force. New machines and new methods have helped cut down time and expense while increasing overall output. This has meant more production and a higher standard of living. For most of the ordinary people, modern technology is thought of as the reason why we can have cars, television sets, cell phones, robots and so on. However, technology has also increased the a-mount of food available to us, by means of modern farming machinery and animal breeding techniques, and has extended our life span through medical technology.
Will mankind continue to live longer and have a higher quality of life In large measure the answer depends on technology and our ability to use it widely. If we keep making progress as we have over the past fifty years, the answer may be yes. The advancement of technology depends upon research and devel-opment, and the latest statistics show that developed countries are continuing to pump billions of dollars every year into such efforts. So while we are running out of some scarce(稀少的)resources we may well find technological substitutes for many of them through our research programs.
Therefore, in the final analysis the three major factors of production(land, labor and capital)are all influenced by technology. When we need new skills or techniques in medicine, people will start developing new technology to meet those needs. As equipment proves to be slow or inefficient, new machines will be invented. Technology responds to our needs in helping us maintain our standard of living.
31.Which of the following statements best summarizes the author's main points
A.Science is the most important part of modern technology.
B.Technology has nothing to do with the major factors of production.
C.Modern technology is the key to the improvement of standard of living.
D.Technology leads to more needs in production and human life.
32.What's the author's attitude toward modern technology
A.Favorable. B.Indifferent. C.Negative. D.Doubtful.
33.What could be inferred from Paragraph 3
A.Technology has increased the amount of food.
B.Technology can definitely make people live long.
C.Technology can soon create non-renewable resources.
D.Technology progress depends on more expenses and efforts.
34.Where is this article probably from
A.A report to the government. B.A school textbook.
C.Latest news in a newspaper. D.A scientific magazine.
Mad Science After-School
Learning doesn't have to stop
after the bell rings! Mad Science after-school pro-grams are both educational
and fun. Our hands-on science programs are themed around a particular area of
science and include such topics as electricity, magnet-ism, optics, biology, and
many more. The following are just a few of the many pro-grams that we offer:
Theme Description
Space Explorers Children in this program will go on a voyage of
discovery with unique hands-on activities, and amazing demonstrations(演示).that
explore the sun and stars ,space technology, rocket science,
the atmosphere, planets and moons, and more!
Chemworks Welcome to the world of chemistry! Children make
experiment with different reactions and learn to use the tools that chemists
use. Polymers(聚合物) and catalysts are only two of the fascinating concepts young
scientists explore in this thrilling trip through the chemistry lab!
Science What makes your hair stand up Is it a magnet or
magic And just what are carbs(汽化器), anyway Kids explore a variety of introductory topics about the
wonders of both the life and physical sciences.
STEM-tastic Ever wonder how bridges stand up over water Or
how gravity works Kids explore a variety of introductory topics in
engineering and physics,as they learn how science can impact our everyday lives.
Additional information:
Ages: Designed for kids ages5-12
Time: One 1-hour class per week, 8 weeks
Instructors: Well-trained instructors for
science explanations and classroom management.
Ready to sign your child up for
an after-school program Please contact us at(413)854-7243!
35.Which of the following is for children who are interested in astronomy
A.Future Space Explorers. B.Crazy Chemworks.
C.Super Science. D.STEM-tastic.
36.What can we know about Mad Science after-school programs
A.There are four programs in all.
B.They can be registered via e-mail.
C.There are eight classes in each program
D.They are for kids below 12 years old
37.Who is the text mainly intended for
A.Teenagers. B.Teachers. C.Parents. D.Scientists.
Adapting to technological advances is a defining part of the 21s-century life. Just two months after being launched in November 2022, OpenAI's ChatGPT has already reached an audience of over 100 million people. While ChatGPT threatens to change writing and writing-related work, the Mesopotamians, who lived 4,000 years ago in a geographical area centered in modern-day Iraq, went through this kind of far-reaching change before us.
Ancient Mesopotamia was home to many of civilization's early developments. Its people were world leaders in adapting to technological and cultural changes. They invented the wheel and agriculture, and pioneered advances in mathematics and urbanization. These breakthroughs are reflected in cuneiform(楔形文字) literature, one of the oldest known forms of writing.
In its literature, Mesopotamians don't present cultural and technological advances as consistently beneficial. They often represent new technologies being controlled in the service of human conflict and mostly serving the interests of those with high social positions. In some ways, the representation of new technologies in its literature echoes(映现) contemporary concerns about AI: fears of increasing social inequalities and its potential use in information war.
In recent years, AI — the newest form of writing — has been used to decipher(破译) the oldest: cuneiform literature. In broader fields, the boundaries of how AI may be used haven't been clearly explained. In January, for example, a top international AI conference banned the use of AI tools for writing scientific papers.
Humans have been struggling to invent, use and adapt to technology since our earliest civilizations. But the technology and resulting knowledge are not always evenly distributed. Knowing how we adapted to changing technology in the past helps us more fully understand the human condition and may even help us prepare for the future.
38.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about concerning Mesopotamians
A.Their adaptation to threats. B.Their influences on writing.
C.Their contribution to literature. D.Their achievements in civilization.
39.What can be inferred about technological advances from paragraph 3
A.They prevent human conflict. B.They bring about hidden dangers.
C.They take away people's concerns. D.They lower people's social status.
40.What is the current situation of AI according to Paragraph 4
A.Its use in literature is popular.
B.It is not allowed to finish papers.
C.Its range of application is undefined.
D.It is not accepted in broader fields.
41.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A.How People Can Use the Latest Technology
B.How ChatGPT Will Threaten Writing and Work
C.What AI Will Do by Learning Cuneiform Literature
D.What History Can Teach Us About New Tech's Impact
(2024高三下·凉山模拟) 阅读理解
There are a lot of potential sources of clean energy out there: solar energy, wind energy, hydrogen-based energy, and more. One of the less-known sources of clean energy is wave energy. Now Oneka, a Canadian startup that uses the power of waves to desalinate (脱盐) water, is turning seawater into drinking water.
More than half the world's inhabitants struggle to find drinking water at least one month a year. And with climate change bringing with it extreme weather and heat, that figure will likely rise. That is why it is estimated that the desalination sector will rise by nine percent by 2030.
In general, there are two kinds of desalination technology. The first is thermal (热能) . The second technology is membrane (薄膜) based. Whichever technology is used, however, most desalination plants run on non-renewable energy. And there is also the issue of the salt itself. The high salinity (盐分) of the water and salt that flows back into the ocean often create dead zones. The water in these zones is so salty that marine life dies off in those areas.
"Desalination facilities are conventionally powered by fossil fuels, " Hunt said. "But the world has certainly reached a pivot point. We want to move away from fossil fuel powered desalination. " This is where Oneka's unique desalination technology comes in. In fact, the city of Fort Bragg, California, has decided to use state funds to begin a new kind of desalination technology in partnership with the Canadian startup.
Oneka uses floating desalination machines, attached to buoys (浮标) . The buoys then absorb energy from the ocean waves, and convert it into mechanical forces, pumping the water through the membrane system. The fresh water is then pumped to land, also using the power of the waves.
The water that streams back into the ocean only contains a 30 percent increase in salinity, and is quickly dispersed (分散) by the waves, leaving no dead zones. This innovative technology shows is that sometimes the solutions to complicated problems don't have to be complicated at all. Sometimes all you need are the ocean waves.
42.Why will the desalination sector be expected to increase by 2030
A.Because desalination sector will increase by nine percent.
B.Because half people in the world can't find drinking water.
C.Because the situation of lacking water worsens with climate change.
D.Because people are short of drinking water as a result of climate change.
43.What does the underlined word "pivot" mean in Paragraph 4
A.Cautious. B.Crucial. C.Troublesome. D.Painful.
44.What does Paragraph 5 mainly tell us about desalination technology
A.Its production process. B.Its possible benefit.
C.Its potential drawbacks. D.Its present situation.
45.What is the best title of the text
A.New Desalination Technology Changed the World
B.Extreme Weather Makes People Lack Drinking Water
C.Fossil Fuels will be Replaced by the Power of Waves
D.New Technology Uses the Power of Waves to Desalinate Water
46.(2022·广东模拟)在学校刚举办的科技创新设计大赛中,你设计的一款老人智能陪护机器人荣获一等奖。请以 "My
Robot for the Elderly"为题写一篇英语课堂前的一分钟汇报,内容包括:
1) 设计目的;
2) 功能介绍;
1) 写作词数应为 80 左右;
My Intelligent Robot for the Elderly Good
morning, everyone! Thank you for your listening!
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
1 科技对文化遗产保护的作用
2 微软正在将类似chatGPT的技术应用于其搜索引擎必应,将一项远远落后于谷歌的互联网服务转变为一种与人工智能交流的新方式
3 作者通过实验认识到科学教给我们环境中的多米诺效应,并决定成为科学家
4 现代科技的发展及其重要性,以及现代技术可以满足人类生产生活中的许多需求
5 疯狂的课外科学课程
6 历史上美索不达米亚人的科技成就及其影响来启示当今的科技发展及影响
7 一家加拿大初创公司Oneka采用新技术利用海浪的力量来淡化海水
8 你设计的一款老人智能陪护机器人荣获一等奖。请以 "My Intelligent
Robot for the Elderly"为题写一篇英语课堂前的一分钟汇报
(2022·南宁模拟)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Wherever we go, we are surrounded by history. Across the globe, cultural heritage (遗产)is passed down through the generations. Yet we fight a never ending and very expensive war to preserve it for the future. And today, it is under attack as never before. Technology is often seen as something that destroys the past.  1.  .
Creating copies via 2D images is extremely laborious and time-consuming. AI technologies are being used to do all the required sourcing, allowing lots of images to be cross-referenced and stored in a matter of hours.
 2.   . Al will also make restoration and preservation of existing cultural heritage far easier and vastly superior to previous methods.
Airborne technology (机载技术) is being increasingly used in the fight to preserve our cultural heritage.  3.  . LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) has already been used to reveal over 60, 000 Mayan structures that were lying undiscovered in the jungles of Guatamala, without needing a single boot on the ground. Drones( 无人机)are also being used to excellent effect, documenting and monitoring huge areas and removing the need for all that costly manpower.
Human interaction with the most important sites and architecture is doing a great deal of harm. Virtual reality (VR) technology will play a leading role in preserving our cultural heritage in the coming years.  4.  , VR technology will gradually become the way that people experience them We'll all eventually be able to walk through places, look at (and touch!) artifacts and works of art without ever seeing them with our own eyes.
 5.  . Efforts in research, data sharing and project work will need to be pooled internationally. Using the technical expertness of specialist organizations will become ever more important to sustainably promote and preserve the cultural heritage of countries all across the world.
A. It is being used to save and find it B. Technology has shaped conflict in several ways C. But it is now the most essential weapon in the battle D. Our cultural heritage will be protected via technology E. This will enable even more accurate and better copies to be created F. As more cultural heritage sites and objects are digitally mapped and recorded G. When it measures distances by hitting a target and analyzing the reflected light
1.根据空前“Yet we fight a never ending and very expensive war to preserve it for the future. And today, it is under attack as never before. Technology is often seen as something that destroys the past.”然而,为了保护它的未来,我们打了一场永不停息、代价高昂的战争。今天,它正遭受前所未有的攻击。科技通常被认为是破坏过去的东西。可知,前面说到了科技的不利方面。强调了科技在保护过去东西带来的破坏;而下文内容主要讲述科技对于文化遗产保护等方面的作用,所以此处与前文应该是转折关系,C项的but是表示转折的连词。 C. But it is now the most essential weapon in the battle “但它现在是(文化遗产保护)战斗中最重要的武器。”符合语境。故选C。
2.根据空前“Creating copies via 2D images is extremely laborious and time-consuming. AI technologies are being used to do all the required sourcing, allowing lots of images to be cross-referenced and stored in a matter of hours. ”通过2D图像创建副本是非常费力和耗时的。人工智能技术被用于完成所有必需的采购工作,允许在几小时内交叉引用并存储大量图像。)可知,这里强调了人工智能技术在创建副本的重要功能;以及空后“ AI will also make restoration and preservation of existing cultural heritage far easier and vastly superior to previous methods.”人工智能还将使现有文化遗产的修复和保护变得更容易,而且大大优于以往的方法。 E. This will enable even more accurate and better copies to be created “这将能够创建更准确和更好的副本”,符合语境。故选E。
3.根据空前“Airborne technology ( 机载技术) is being increasingly used in the fight to preserve our cultural heritage.” 在保护文化遗产的斗争中,越来越多地使用机载技术。可知,这里说到了技术正在被应用;以及空后“LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) has already been used to reveal over 60,000 Mayan structures that were lying undiscovered in the jungles of Guatamala, without needing a single boot on the ground. ”激光雷达(光探测和测距)已经被用于揭示在瓜塔马拉丛林中未被发现的6万多座玛雅建筑,而不需要在地面上踩一踩。这是应用科技保护文化遗产的例子。 A. It is being used to save and find it “它被用来保存和找到它。”符合语境。故选A。
4.根据空前“Human interaction with the most important sites and architecture is doing a great deal of harm. Virtual reality (VR) technology will play a leading role in preserving our cultural heritage in the coming years. ”人类与最重要的遗址和建筑的交互正在造成巨大的危害。未来几年,虚拟现实(VR)技术将在保护我们的文化遗产方面发挥主导作用。可知,VR技术可以帮助降低人类对文化遗址的交互危害;以及空后“VR technology will gradually become the way that people experience them. ”VR技术将逐渐成为人们体验它们的方式。后文的them和F选项中的sites对应, F. As more cultural heritage sites and objects are digitally mapped and recorded “随着越来越多的文化遗址和文物被数字化测绘和记录。”符合语境。故选F。
5.根据空后“Efforts in research, data sharing and project work will need to be pooled internationally.Using the technical expertness of specialist organizations will become ever more important to sustainably promote and preserve the cultural heritage of countries all across the world.”在研究、数据共享和项目工作方面的努力需要在国际上集中起来。利用专家组织的技术专长对可持续地促进和保护世界各国的文化遗产将变得越来越重要。可知,国际共同努力才能保护越来越多的文化遗产。 空后的Efforts指的是保护文化遗产。 D. Our cultural heritage will be protected via technology “我们的文化遗产将通过技术来保护。”符合语境。故选D。
(2024高三上·重庆市模拟) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Microsoft bakes ChatGPT-like tech into search engine Bing
Microsoft is baking ChatGPT-like technology into its search engine Bing,  6.   (transform) an Internet service that lags far behind Google into a new way of communicating with AI.
Though the new version is now limited to desktops and has no interface for smartphones,  7.   most people now access the Internet, Mehdi, a Microsoft executive, has said that the technology will scale to millions of users in coming weeks and come to the smartphone apps.
The improvement may give the software giant a cutting edge  8.   other tech companies in capitalizing on the worldwide excitement surrounding ChatGPT, a tool that  9.   (awaken) millions of people to the possibilities of the newest AI technology in the past few weeks.
Aside from it, Microsoft is also integrating the chatbot technology into its Edge browser. "Think of it as faster, more accurate, more powerful technology  10.   (tune) for search queries", said Mehdi.
The shift to making search engines more conversational — able to confidently answer questions  11.   offer links to other websites — could change the advertising-fueled search business, but also poses risks if the AI systems don't get their facts right. Their opaqueness (不透明性) also makes it hard to source back to the original human-made images and texts,  12.   the new Bing includes notes that reference the source data.
"Bing is powered by AI, so surprises and mistakes are possible. Make sure to check the facts." is a message that appears at the bottom of the preview version of Bing's new homepage. As an example of how it works, Mehdi  13.   (quiz) it on 1990s-era rap, showing its ability to distinguish between the song "Jump" and "Jump Around". He also used it to show how it could plan a vacation or help with shopping.
Google has been cautious about such moves. But in response to pressure due to ChatGPT's popularity, Google announced on Monday a new conversational service named Bard that will be available to a group of "trusted testers" before  14.   (release) globally this year.
Chinese tech giant Baidu also announced a similar search chatbot coming later this year. Other tech rivals such as Meta and Amazon have been researching similar technology, but Microsoft's latest moves aim to position  15.   at the center of the ChatGPT zeitgeist (时代潮流).
【答案】6.transforming;7.as;8.against;9.has awakened;10.tuned;11.rather than;12.though;13.quizzed;14.being released;15.it
8.句意:这一改进可能会让这家软件巨头在利用全球对ChatGPT的兴奋感方面比其他科技公司更具优势,ChatGPT是一种在过去的几周里,已经唤醒了数百万人,让他们认识到最新人工智能技术的可能性的工具。give sb a cutting edge against...固定短语,"使某人比……占优势",故填against。
9.句意:这一改进可能会让这家软件巨头在利用全球对ChatGPT的兴奋感方面比其他科技公司更具优势,ChatGPT是一种在过去的几周里,已经唤醒了数百万人,让他们认识到最新人工智能技术的可能性的工具。此处是谓语动词;根据时间状语in the past few weeks可知,应用现在完成时,表示过去几周已经完成的动作并对现在有所影响;主语是关系代词"that",代替先行词"a tool",故谓语动词应用单数形式。故填has awakened。
11.句意:转向让搜索引擎更具对话性——能够自信地回答问题,而不是提供指向其他网站的链接——可能会改变广告驱动的搜索业务,但如果人工智能系统不能正确获取事实,也会带来风险。根据空处后动词原形"offer"和句意,固定短语rather than表示"而不是",后可跟省略to的动词不定式,符合句意和语法结构。故填rather than。
13.句意:作为其工作原理的一个例子,Mehdi测试了20世纪90年代的说唱歌曲,展示了它区分歌曲"Jump"和"Jump Around"的能力。此处是谓语动词;根据下一句"He also used"和句意可知,本句应为一般过去时,表示过去发生的动作。故填quizzed。
14.句意:但为了应对ChatGPT受欢迎带来的压力,谷歌在周一宣布了一项名为Bard的新会话服务,该服务将在今年全球发布之前向一组"值得信赖的测试者"开放。根据介词"before"可知,空处应用动名词形式,作宾语;由句意,release与"a new conversational service"之间为被动关系,表示"一项新会话服务被发布",故应用被动形式。故填being released。
15.句意:其他科技竞争对手,如Meta和亚马逊也一直在研究类似的技术,但微软的最新举措旨在将其定位于ChatGPT时代精神的中心。分析句子可知,空处可用代词,作宾语,指代名词短语"similar technology",应用代词it。故填it。
(2023高三上·渝北模拟)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
When I studied in my high school, I did an experiment about how the temperature affected the growth of a plant. That experiment made me 16. that science teaches us the domino effect (多米诺效应) in the environment. It teaches people our 17. so we know where we are from. That day I 18. decided to be a scientist and that will be my greatest ambition in life. Ever since that day I have studied harder 19. in all my science-related subjects. After school I do much research on how I can become a 20. scientist in the future.
One of my 21. in becoming a scientist is Barbara McClintock. She has been awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. At 25 she already had her PhD in botany and after that she started her 22. as the leader in the development of maize cytogenetics (玉米细胞遗传学) and she was 23. to that research for the rest of her life.
If I am lucky and given the 24. to achieve my ambition as a scientist, I want to be like Doctor McClintock. She 25. something that helped the other scientists 26. the thing about genetics that did not just help her generation but also the future generation.
I know I will be able to achieve my 27. as long as I put my heart and perseverance into it. If I am lucky enough to achieve my goal, I will share my 28. with all the kids who also love science and want to become scientists. My future will be as 29. as the stars in the night sky. My future is still far but I will make the most of all in the 30. to achieve my greatest ambition of becoming a scientist.
16.A. doubt B. realize C. wonder D. value
17.A. school B. origin C. growth D. study
18.A. easily B. hardly C. partly D. firmly
19.A. especially B. possibly C. properly D. separately
20.A. happy B. popular C. careful D. real
21.A. experiences B. persuasions C. inspirations D. generations
22.A. career B. attempt C. praise D. science
23.A. devoted B. invited C. linked D. attached
24.A. reason B. freedom C. right D. opportunity
25.A. heard B. expected C. discovered D. awarded
26.A. set out B. figure out C. stick out D. take out
27.A. fame B. reward C. dream D. stage
28.A. information B. decision C. light D. fortune
29.A. bright B. capable C. proud D. brave
30.A. lesson B. mind C. present D. heart
16.句意:那个实验让我意识到科学教会了我们环境中的多米诺骨牌效应。A. doubt"怀疑";B. realize "意识到";C. wonder"想知道";D. value"重视"。根据空前"That experiment";以及空后"science teaches us the domino effect (多米诺效应) in the environment."可知,"实验让我意识到科学教会了我们环境中的多米诺骨牌效应"引发后文让作者决定成为科学家。故选B。
17.句意:它告诉人们我们的起源,这样我们就知道我们来自哪里。A. school"学校";B. origin"起源";C. growth"增长";D. study"学习"。根据空后"we know where we are from"可知,让我们知道我们来自哪里,所以是告诉我们起源。故选B。
18.句意:那天,我坚定地决定成为一名科学家,这将是我一生中最大的抱负。A. easily"容易地";B. hardly"几乎不";C. partly"部分地";D. firmly"坚定地"。根据下文"Ever since that day I have studied harder 4 in all my science-related subjects."可知,作者更加努力地学习,特别是在所有与科学相关的科目上,所以是坚定的想成为一名科学家。故选D。
19.句意:从那天起,我更加努力地学习,特别是在所有与科学相关的科目上。A. especially"特别";B. possibly"可能";C. properly"适当地";D. separately"分别地"。根据上文"That day I 3 decided to be a scientist and that will be my greatest ambition in life."可知,作者坚定的想成为一名科学家,所以他特别是在所有与科学相关的科目上会更努力地学习。故选A。
20.句意:放学后,我做了很多关于如何在未来成为一名真正的科学家的研究。A. happy"快乐的";B. popular"流行的";C. careful"小心的";D. real"真正的"。根据上文"That day I 3 decided to be a scientist and that will be my greatest ambition in life."可知,作者坚定地决定成为一名科学家,所以是做了很多关于如何在未来成为一名真正的科学家的研究。故选D。
21.句意:我成为科学家的灵感之一来自芭芭拉·麦克林托克。A. experiences"经历";B. persuasions "说服";C. inspirations"灵感";D. generations"代"。根据下文"achieve my ambition as a scientist, I want to be like Doctor McClintock"可知,作者想成为像芭芭拉·麦克林托克博士那样的人,所以是作者成为科学家的灵感之一。故选C。
22.句意:25岁时,她已经获得了植物学博士学位,之后,她开始了自己的职业生涯,成为玉米细胞遗传学发展的领导者,并将她的余生献给了这项研究。A. career"事业";B. attempt"企图";C. praise"赞扬";D. science"科学"。根据空后"as the leader in the development of maize cytogenetics"可知,成为玉米细胞遗传学发展的领导者应是她的事业。故选A。
23.句意:25岁时,她已经获得了植物学博士学位,之后,她开始了自己的职业生涯,成为玉米细胞遗传学发展的领导者,并将她的余生献给了这项研究。A. devoted"奉献";B. invited"邀请";C. linked"联系";D. attached"把…...附"。根据空后"the rest of her life"结合选项,应是"将她的余生献给了这项研究"。be devoted to固定短语,"献身于"。故选A。
24.句意:如果我很幸运,有机会实现我作为一名科学家的抱负,我想成为麦克林托克博士那样的人。A. reason"原因";B. freedom"自由";C. right"权利";D. opportunity"机会"。根据空前"If I am lucky and given";以及空后"to achieve my ambition as a scientist"可知,此处是作者在做假设,根据选项,应是"有机会实现我作为一名科学家的抱负"符合语境。故选D。
25.句意:她发现了一些东西,帮助其他科学家弄清楚了遗传学的事情,这不仅对她这一代人有帮助,而且对后代也有帮助。A. heard"听到";B. expected"预期";C. discovered"发现";D. awarded"奖励"。根据上文"She has been awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine."可知,麦克林托克获得若贝尔奖,而根据常识,获奖是因为发现了一些东西。故选C。
26.句意:她发现了一些东西,帮助其他科学家弄清楚了遗传学的事情,这不仅对她这一代人有帮助,而且对后代也有帮助。A set out"出发";B. figure out"理解,弄清楚";C. stick out"伸出";D. take out"取出"。根据上文"She has been awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine."可知,麦克林托克获得若贝尔奖,所以她发现的东西应是帮助其他科学家弄清楚了遗传学的事情,才能获奖。故选B。
27.句意:我知道只要我把我的心和毅力投入其中,我就能实现我的梦想。A. fame"名声";B. reward "奖励";C. dream"梦想";D. stage"阶段"。根据空后"I put my heart and perseverance into it."可知,作者把心和毅力投入其中,是为了实现成为科学家的梦想。故选C。
28.句意:如果我幸运地实现了我的目标,我将与所有同样热爱科学并想成为科学家的孩子们分享我的好运。A. information"信息";B. decision"决定";C. light"光线";D. fortune"好运"。根据空前"If I am lucky enough to achieve my goal"可知,此处是说作者如果好运成为了科学家,他也会愿意把自己的好运分享给所有同样热爱科学并想成为科学家的孩子们。故选D。
29.句意:我的未来会像夜空中的星星一样明亮。A. bright"明亮的";B. capable"有能力的";C. proud"自豪的";D. brave"勇敢的"。根据空后"the stars in the night sky"可知,像星星一样,应该是明亮的。故选A。
30.句意:我的未来还很遥远,但我会充分利用现在的一切来实现我成为一名科学家的最大抱负。A. lesson"课程";B. mind"大脑";C. present"现在";D. heart"心脏"。根据空前"My future is still far"可知,作者的未来还很遥远,所以作者应是利用现在的一切来实现她的梦想。故选C。
What exactly is technology There aren't any easy answers. Despite the fact that technology has re-mained one of the most controversial areas of modern science, especially when linked to human life or so-cial morals, much progress has been made in recent years, which has made the experts and common peo-ple think again.
Technology is the application of knowledge to production. Thanks to modern technology, we have been able to increase greatly the efficiency of our work force. New machines and new methods have helped cut down time and expense while increasing overall output. This has meant more production and a higher standard of living. For most of the ordinary people, modern technology is thought of as the reason why we can have cars, television sets, cell phones, robots and so on. However, technology has also increased the a-mount of food available to us, by means of modern farming machinery and animal breeding techniques, and has extended our life span through medical technology.
Will mankind continue to live longer and have a higher quality of life In large measure the answer depends on technology and our ability to use it widely. If we keep making progress as we have over the past fifty years, the answer may be yes. The advancement of technology depends upon research and devel-opment, and the latest statistics show that developed countries are continuing to pump billions of dollars every year into such efforts. So while we are running out of some scarce(稀少的)resources we may well find technological substitutes for many of them through our research programs.
Therefore, in the final analysis the three major factors of production(land, labor and capital)are all influenced by technology. When we need new skills or techniques in medicine, people will start developing new technology to meet those needs. As equipment proves to be slow or inefficient, new machines will be invented. Technology responds to our needs in helping us maintain our standard of living.
31.Which of the following statements best summarizes the author's main points
A.Science is the most important part of modern technology.
B.Technology has nothing to do with the major factors of production.
C.Modern technology is the key to the improvement of standard of living.
D.Technology leads to more needs in production and human life.
32.What's the author's attitude toward modern technology
A.Favorable. B.Indifferent. C.Negative. D.Doubtful.
33.What could be inferred from Paragraph 3
A.Technology has increased the amount of food.
B.Technology can definitely make people live long.
C.Technology can soon create non-renewable resources.
D.Technology progress depends on more expenses and efforts.
34.Where is this article probably from
A.A report to the government. B.A school textbook.
C.Latest news in a newspaper. D.A scientific magazine.
31.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Thanks to modern technology,we have been able to increase greatly the efficiency of our work force”由于现代技术,我们能够大大提高劳动力的效率;以及最后一段中的“Technology responds to our needs in helping us maintain our standard of living”技术满足我们的需求,帮助我们维持我们的生活水平。可知,此处表示现代科技是提高我们生活水平的关键。故选C。
32.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“Technology is the application of knowledge to production.Thanks to modern technology, we have been able to increase greatly the efficiency of our work force”技术是知识在生产中的应用。由于现代技术,我们能够大大提高劳动力的效率;第三段中的“Will mankind continue to live longer and have a higher quality of life In large measure the answer depends on technology and our ability to use it widely”人类会继续活得更长、生活质量更高吗?答案在很大程度上取决于技术和我们广泛使用它的能力;以及最后一段中的“Technology responds to our needs in helping us maintain our standard of living”技术满足我们的需求,帮助我们维持我们的生活水平。可知,作者描述的都是技术给我们带来的好处,所以,作者对于现代技术的态度是赞同的。故选A。
33.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“If we keep making progress as we have over the past fifty years,the answer may be yes”如果我们像过去50年那样不断取得进步,答案可能是肯定的;以及“and the latest statistics show that developed countries are continuing to pump billions of dollars every year into such efforts”最新的统计数据表明,发达国家正在继续发展每年都有数十亿美元投入到这些努力中。可知,此处表示技术的进步取决于人们的努力和费用。故选D。
34.考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“What exactly is technology?”技术到底是什么;以及第二段中的“Technology is the application of knowledge to production. Thanks to modern technology, we have been able to increase greatly the efficiency of our work force”技术是知识在生产中的应用。由于现代技术,我们能够大大提高劳动力的效率;以及全文大意可知,本文主要讲述的是关于科技方面的问题。所以文章来源于科学杂志。故选D。
Mad Science After-School
Learning doesn't have to stop
after the bell rings! Mad Science after-school pro-grams are both educational
and fun. Our hands-on science programs are themed around a particular area of
science and include such topics as electricity, magnet-ism, optics, biology, and
many more. The following are just a few of the many pro-grams that we offer:
Theme Description
Space Explorers Children in this program will go on a voyage of
discovery with unique hands-on activities, and amazing demonstrations(演示).that
explore the sun and stars ,space technology, rocket science,
the atmosphere, planets and moons, and more!
Chemworks Welcome to the world of chemistry! Children make
experiment with different reactions and learn to use the tools that chemists
use. Polymers(聚合物) and catalysts are only two of the fascinating concepts young
scientists explore in this thrilling trip through the chemistry lab!
Science What makes your hair stand up Is it a magnet or
magic And just what are carbs(汽化器), anyway Kids explore a variety of introductory topics about the
wonders of both the life and physical sciences.
STEM-tastic Ever wonder how bridges stand up over water Or
how gravity works Kids explore a variety of introductory topics in
engineering and physics,as they learn how science can impact our everyday lives.
Additional information:
Ages: Designed for kids ages5-12
Time: One 1-hour class per week, 8 weeks
Instructors: Well-trained instructors for
science explanations and classroom management.
Ready to sign your child up for
an after-school program Please contact us at(413)854-7243!
35.Which of the following is for children who are interested in astronomy
A.Future Space Explorers. B.Crazy Chemworks.
C.Super Science. D.STEM-tastic.
36.What can we know about Mad Science after-school programs
A.There are four programs in all.
B.They can be registered via e-mail.
C.There are eight classes in each program
D.They are for kids below 12 years old
37.Who is the text mainly intended for
A.Teenagers. B.Teachers. C.Parents. D.Scientists.
35.考查细节理解。根据 Future Space Explorers 一栏中的“Children in this program will go on a voyage of discovery with unique hands-on activities, and amazing demonstrations(演示).that explore the sun and stars ,space technology, rocket science, the atmosphere, planets and moons, and more!”参加该项目的孩子们将通过独特的动手活动和精彩的演示,踏上探索之旅。探索太阳和恒星、空间技术、火箭科学、大气层、行星和卫星等等!故选A。
36.考查推理判断。根据Additional information部分中的“Time: One 1-hour class per week, 8 weeks”时间:每周1小时,8周,可推知每个课程有八节课,故选C。
37.考查推理判断。根据最后一段“ Ready to sign your child up for an after-school program ”准备好让你的孩子参加课外活动了吗?可知本文是给家长看的,故选C。
Adapting to technological advances is a defining part of the 21s-century life. Just two months after being launched in November 2022, OpenAI's ChatGPT has already reached an audience of over 100 million people. While ChatGPT threatens to change writing and writing-related work, the Mesopotamians, who lived 4,000 years ago in a geographical area centered in modern-day Iraq, went through this kind of far-reaching change before us.
Ancient Mesopotamia was home to many of civilization's early developments. Its people were world leaders in adapting to technological and cultural changes. They invented the wheel and agriculture, and pioneered advances in mathematics and urbanization. These breakthroughs are reflected in cuneiform(楔形文字) literature, one of the oldest known forms of writing.
In its literature, Mesopotamians don't present cultural and technological advances as consistently beneficial. They often represent new technologies being controlled in the service of human conflict and mostly serving the interests of those with high social positions. In some ways, the representation of new technologies in its literature echoes(映现) contemporary concerns about AI: fears of increasing social inequalities and its potential use in information war.
In recent years, AI — the newest form of writing — has been used to decipher(破译) the oldest: cuneiform literature. In broader fields, the boundaries of how AI may be used haven't been clearly explained. In January, for example, a top international AI conference banned the use of AI tools for writing scientific papers.
Humans have been struggling to invent, use and adapt to technology since our earliest civilizations. But the technology and resulting knowledge are not always evenly distributed. Knowing how we adapted to changing technology in the past helps us more fully understand the human condition and may even help us prepare for the future.
38.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about concerning Mesopotamians
A.Their adaptation to threats. B.Their influences on writing.
C.Their contribution to literature. D.Their achievements in civilization.
39.What can be inferred about technological advances from paragraph 3
A.They prevent human conflict. B.They bring about hidden dangers.
C.They take away people's concerns. D.They lower people's social status.
40.What is the current situation of AI according to Paragraph 4
A.Its use in literature is popular.
B.It is not allowed to finish papers.
C.Its range of application is undefined.
D.It is not accepted in broader fields.
41.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A.How People Can Use the Latest Technology
B.How ChatGPT Will Threaten Writing and Work
C.What AI Will Do by Learning Cuneiform Literature
D.What History Can Teach Us About New Tech's Impact
38.考查段落大意。根据第二段"Ancient Mesopotamia was home to many of civilization's early developments. Its people were world leaders in adapting to technological and cultural changes. They invented the wheel and agriculture, and pioneered advances in mathematics and urbanization. These breakthroughs are reflected in cuneiform(楔形文字)literature,one of the oldest known forms of writing.”古代美索不达米亚是许多早期文明发展的发源地。它的人民在适应技术和文化变化方面处于世界领先地位。他们发明了车轮和农业,开创了数学和城市化的先河。这些突破反映在楔形文字文学中,这是已知最古老的书写形式之一。可知,关于美索不达米亚人,第二段主要讨论了"他们的文明成就”。故选D。
39.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的"They often represent new technologies being controlled in the service of human conflict and mostly serving the interests of those with high social positions.”它们通常代表着为人类冲突服务而被控制的新技术,主要为那些社会地位高的人的利益服务。可知,从第三段可以推断出技术进步的"它们带来了隐患。故选B。
40.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"In broader fields, the boundaries of how AI may be used haven't been clearly explained.”在更广泛的领域,人工智能如何使用的界限还没有得到明确的解释。可知,根据第四段,AI的现状是"它的应用范围是不明确的。故选C。
41.考查主旨大意。根据最后一段"Humans have been struggling to invent, use and adapt to technology since our earliest civilizations. But the technology and resulting knowledge are not always evenly distributed. Knowing how we adapted to changing technology in the past helps us more fully understand the human condition and may even help us prepare for the future.”自最早的文明以来,人类一直在努力发明、使用和适应技术。但是技术和由此产生的知识并不总是均匀分布的。了解我们如何适应过去不断变化的技术有助于我们更全面地了解人类的状况,甚至可能帮助我们为未来做好准备。可知本文主要通过讲述历史上美索不达米亚人的科技成就及其影响来启示今天的科技发展及影响。"关于新技术的影响,历史能告诉我们什么”适合做文章标题。故选D。
(2024高三下·凉山模拟) 阅读理解
There are a lot of potential sources of clean energy out there: solar energy, wind energy, hydrogen-based energy, and more. One of the less-known sources of clean energy is wave energy. Now Oneka, a Canadian startup that uses the power of waves to desalinate (脱盐) water, is turning seawater into drinking water.
More than half the world's inhabitants struggle to find drinking water at least one month a year. And with climate change bringing with it extreme weather and heat, that figure will likely rise. That is why it is estimated that the desalination sector will rise by nine percent by 2030.
In general, there are two kinds of desalination technology. The first is thermal (热能) . The second technology is membrane (薄膜) based. Whichever technology is used, however, most desalination plants run on non-renewable energy. And there is also the issue of the salt itself. The high salinity (盐分) of the water and salt that flows back into the ocean often create dead zones. The water in these zones is so salty that marine life dies off in those areas.
"Desalination facilities are conventionally powered by fossil fuels, " Hunt said. "But the world has certainly reached a pivot point. We want to move away from fossil fuel powered desalination. " This is where Oneka's unique desalination technology comes in. In fact, the city of Fort Bragg, California, has decided to use state funds to begin a new kind of desalination technology in partnership with the Canadian startup.
Oneka uses floating desalination machines, attached to buoys (浮标) . The buoys then absorb energy from the ocean waves, and convert it into mechanical forces, pumping the water through the membrane system. The fresh water is then pumped to land, also using the power of the waves.
The water that streams back into the ocean only contains a 30 percent increase in salinity, and is quickly dispersed (分散) by the waves, leaving no dead zones. This innovative technology shows is that sometimes the solutions to complicated problems don't have to be complicated at all. Sometimes all you need are the ocean waves.
42.Why will the desalination sector be expected to increase by 2030
A.Because desalination sector will increase by nine percent.
B.Because half people in the world can't find drinking water.
C.Because the situation of lacking water worsens with climate change.
D.Because people are short of drinking water as a result of climate change.
43.What does the underlined word "pivot" mean in Paragraph 4
A.Cautious. B.Crucial. C.Troublesome. D.Painful.
44.What does Paragraph 5 mainly tell us about desalination technology
A.Its production process. B.Its possible benefit.
C.Its potential drawbacks. D.Its present situation.
45.What is the best title of the text
A.New Desalination Technology Changed the World
B.Extreme Weather Makes People Lack Drinking Water
C.Fossil Fuels will be Replaced by the Power of Waves
D.New Technology Uses the Power of Waves to Desalinate Water
42.考查推理判断。根据第二段"More than half the world's inhabitants struggle to find drinking water at least one month a year. And with climate change bringing with it extreme weather and heat, that figure will likely rise. That is why it is estimated that the desalination sector will rise by nine percent by 2030."世界上一半以上的居民每年至少有一个月难以找到饮用水。随着气候变化带来极端天气和高温,这一数字可能会上升。这就是为什么据估计,到2030年,海水淡化行业将增长9%。可知,因为缺水的情况随着气候变化而恶化,海水淡化行业预计到2030年将会增长。故选C。
43.考查词义猜测。根据第四段中的"We want to move away from fossil fuel powered desalination"我们希望摆脱化石燃料驱动的海水淡化;以及"This is where Oneka's unique desalination technology comes in. "这就是Oneka独特的海水淡化技术的用武之地。可知,Oneka海水淡化技术是摆脱化石燃料驱动的海水淡化的关键点,即至关重要之处。故选B。
44.考查段落大意。根据第五段中的"Oneka uses floating desalination machines, attached to buoys (浮标) . The buoys then absorb energy from the ocean waves, and convert it into mechanical forces, pumping the water through the membrane system."Oneka使用浮动的附着在浮标上的海水淡化机。然后,浮标从海浪中吸收能量,并将其转化为机械力,通过膜系统抽水。可知,第五段主要说明海水淡化技术的生产过程。故选A。
45.考查标题归纳。根据第一段中的"Now Oneka, a Canadian startup that uses the power of waves to desalinate (脱盐) water, is turning seawater into drinking water."现在,一家加拿大初创公司Oneka利用海浪的力量来淡化海水,正在把海水变成饮用水。可知,本文介绍了Oneka采用新技术利用海浪的力量来淡化海水。"新技术利用海浪的力量来淡化海水"适合作本文标题。故选D。
46.(2022·广东模拟)在学校刚举办的科技创新设计大赛中,你设计的一款老人智能陪护机器人荣获一等奖。请以 "My Intelligent
Robot for the Elderly"为题写一篇英语课堂前的一分钟汇报,内容包括:
1) 设计目的;
2) 功能介绍;
1) 写作词数应为 80 左右;
My Intelligent Robot for the Elderly Good
morning, everyone! Thank you for your listening!
【答案】One Possible Version:
My Intelligent Robot for the Elderly
Good morning, everyone! Having participated in the Technological Innovation Design Competition, I am considerably privileged to introduce my design to you.
Aimed at promoting life quality for the elderly, the intelligent robot for the elderly can perform various functions. Not only can it keep them company and ease their loneliness by chatting in offspring's absence, but it is also able to provide timely feedback to children, thus ensuring the safety of the old people's life and relieving children's concern. Additionally, equipped with supportive aids, this robot is qualified to deal with emergencies the elderly may encounter and send alerts to relevant departments when necessary.
It is my fervent hope that the elderly could be better taken care of with the help of my robots and that more attention could be paid to the issues and challenges facing them.
Thank you for listening!
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生 以 "My Intelligent Robot for the Elderly"为题写一篇英语课堂前的一分钟汇报。写作背景:在学校刚举办的科技创新设计大赛中,你设计的一款老人智能陪护机器人荣获一等奖。 提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如: Having participated in the Technological Innovation Design Competition, I am considerably privileged to introduce my design to you.运用了现在分词的完成式作状语; Not only can it keep them company and ease their loneliness by chatting in offspring's absence, but it is also able to provide timely feedback to children, thus ensuring the safety of the old people's life and relieving children's concern.运用了并列句,倒装句; Additionally, equipped with supportive aids, this robot is qualified to deal with emergencies the elderly may encounter and send alerts to relevant departments when necessary.运用了限制性定语从句;It is my fervent hope that the elderly could be better taken care of with the help of my robots and that more attention could be paid to the issues and challenges facing them.运用了主语从句。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:Unit 2 I'm in Class One, Grade Three. 单元检测卷(含答案及听力音频 无听力原文)
