
三.31. During 32. plans 33. player 34. early 35. win 36. play 73. litter
38. fantastic 39. Nobody 40. to do
四.41.Mars 42.two or three days 43. food and air
44. robots will do the hard work 45. at home7.Ken and Daisuke both like____.
学 校 2023——2024 学年度下学期三月份阶段练习 A.sports B. music C.shopping D. travelling
8.Which of the following is TRUE 七年英语试卷
A. Susan can speak English very well. B. Betty is teaching Anna to play table tennis.
班 级
(本试卷共 45道题 满分 90分) C.Daisuke can play the piano very well. D. Lily is a cleaning monitor.
考生注意:所有试题必须在答题卡指定区域内作答,在本试卷上作答无效 C
姓 名 第一部分:选择题(共 50 分) Dear Frank,
一、阅读理解:(共 20小题,每小题 2分;满分 40分) Thank you for your postcard. I'm very glad you are having a good trip now. Ottawa is very beautiful
阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的 A.B.C.D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。 in May.I hope I will have a chance to go there one day.Our summer holiday will start next month. I enjoy
考 号 A my summer holiday,although(虽然)it's hot at that time in America. During the summer holiday, I can
Lisa is an Australian girl. She is a middle school student now.She can sing,dance and play the swim in the sea and go fishing. It's so cool.And I am going to our home town near Chicago with my sister
piano,but she can't play the guitar. She wants to learn it this summer holiday. And she wants to join the Linda,and my parents agree(同意).Our uncle lives there,so Linda and I can stay with him.
Music Club next term. We are not going to take a plane. We are going there by train. I am going to fish there. And Linda
Sam comes from the US. He can play basketball very well.He is in the Sports Club now. He can likes painting. She is going to do some painting there. I'm sure we'll have a good time.
dance and sing,too. He wants to join the Dancing Club next term. Sincerely,
Ann is from Canada, but now she is in Beijing,China with her parents and her little brother Jack
Jimmy.She can speak Chinese and cook very well. But she can't play table tennis. Her father plans to 9. Jack's summer holiday will start from____
teach her to play it.She wants to join the Table Tennis Club next term. A. March B. May C. June D. July
1. Lisa can't_____ 10. Frank is____ now.
A. dance B. sing C. play the piano D. play the guitar A. staying in a small town B. having a good time in Ottawa
2. What club does Sam want to join C. taking his summer holiday in Chicago D.swimming in the sea
A. The Sports Club. B. The Music Club. C. The Dancing Club. D. The Art Club. 11. On summer holiday, Jack can____
3. Who can speak Chinese well ①visit friends ②go fishing ③play games ④swim in the sea
A.Lisa. B. Sam. C.Ann. D. Jimmy. A.③④ B. ①② C.①③ D.②④
4. What does Ann's father plan to do 12. Jack and Linda are going to live in the home of____
A. To start a club. B. To learn to swim. A. their friend B. their teacher C. their uncle D. their grandparents
C. To learn to play volleyball. D.To teach Ann to play table tennis. D
B I'm going to have a great weekend because I plan to go across Canada with my parents. We are going
Four of my classmates are talking. What can you learn from them to drive seven or eight hours a day.On Friday evening we are going to stay in a big hotel in Toronto. The
·Susan: My best friend is Fanny. She is kind and often helps other students. I can't speak English food there is very delicious. There's a big swimming pool and a lot of game rooms. I think I will have a
very well. She practises speaking English with me every day. good time during my stay in the hotel. But nothing is perfect. The hotel has its disadvantages(缺点).
·Betty: Anna is an American. She is good at sports. She can play football and table tennis. She is our There'll be lots of people in the hotel, so I think we'll sleep in one room.And the price of the hotel room is
PE monitor. Now she is teaching me how to play table tennis. very high.On Saturday evening we are going to stay in a cabin(小屋)in the mountains. I really love it. The
·Ken: I love to spend time with Daisuke because we both like music. We enjoy listening to music cabin is clean and quiet. We'll have two rooms, so I can have a room myself. We will have to get up early
together. He can play the piano very well. because we want to go swimming.There is a beautiful small lake near the cabin. We can also go fishing
· Lily: Linda does a lot to make our classroom beautiful and clean.She is our cleaning monitor. She and cook food outside.
also helps her mother with the housework after school. 13.How will the writer travel across Canada
5. Who's Susan's best friend A.By ship. B.By bus. C.By car. D.By plane.
A.Fanny. B. Lily. C.Linda. D.Daisuke. 14.The writer tells us_____disadvantages of the big hotel.
6. Where is Anna from A.two B.three C.four D.five
A.China. B.The US. C.England. D. Japan.
七年英语(2024、3)第 1页 共 4页 七年英语(2024、3)第 2页 共 4页
15.What does the underlined word“perfect”mean in Chinese 23.A.see B. help C.cook D.read
A.糟糕的 B.完美的 C.极讨厌的 D.轻松的 24.A.with B.for C.from D.about
16.What do you think is the best title of the passage 25.A. give B.need C.take D.bring
A.Delicious Food in a Hotel B.A Beautiful Cabin 26.A. by B. have C.with D.and
C.Visiting Toronto D.A Pleasant Weekend Plan 27.A.wait B. leave C.start D.know
E 28. A.late B.really C.early D.hard
We want students for the school clubs. You can find your favourite here.Can you play any 29.A.take B.buy C.send D. wait
instruments Yes Then you may join the Music Club. But do you have time on the weekend Our club 30.A.heavy B.tidy C.long D.interesting
only opens on Saturday and Sunday. When you come, take your instrument. Mr Black can help you. 三、根据短文内容,用介词或括号内单词的适当形式填空将短文补充完整(10 分)
Please call him at 289- 4560.Can you tell stories Welcome to our Story-telling Club. There are many We all look forward to the May Day holiday. __31__the holiday, we will enjoy ourselves. Here are
other friends in the club. It's fun and relaxing(令人放松的).Good stories make us happy and know a lot. some_32__ (plan) for the May Day holiday.
I'm sure you will like the club. Please email Jane at stc@ . Li Jian wants to play basketball. He is a __33__(play) of the school basketball team. Every day,he
Are you good at sports Can you play football or basketball If you want to be healthy,it's best to gets up __34__(early) to play basketball. He hopes that his team will __35__(winner) all the matches.
join the Sports Club. Here you can do sports and make friends. And we also need you to help little Wang Min is going to __36__ (player) basketball. She is a fan of basketball. Basketball is her favourite.Li
children with sports. It's not difficult. Please go to Mrs Smith's office for more information. Ming is going to visit his grandfather in the countryside. He is going to take a walk with his grandfather
17. Who are the clubs for and collect __37__(litter) there.Zhang Jing likes making friends. He is going on a camp with his Australia
A. The teachers. B. The parents. C. The students D. The old people. friends. They are going to have a picnic on the beach. It will be __38__(fantastic).What about Chen Li
18.What does the underlined(画线的) word“instruments”mean in Chinese in the passage Her parents are going sightseeing in the city. __39__(nobody) looks after their dog.So she has to stay at
A.运动 B.器材 C.乐器 D.游戏 home with the dog. She has nothing __40__(do). Oh, She can go over her lessons and do housework.
19. If Jack wants to join the Story-telling Club, he can____ 四、任务型阅读(10分)
A. call Mr Black at 289-4560 Some people think that we will have no places to live in the future. Don't be afraid. Some scientists
B. email Jane at stc@ think that we will live on Mars by the year 2100. Here is what life will be like on Mars in 2100.
C. go to Mrs Smith's office Transport(交通)will be very fast. It takes months to get to Mars today. But in the year of 2100, it may
D. call Mrs Smith at 289-456024. take us two or three days to get to Mars by spaceship(宇宙飞船).Because no one can live without
20.Which of the following is NOT true food,water or air,scientists will develop(研制)plants that can be grown on Mars. These plants will
A. Mr Black is a music teacher. produce(制造)the food and air that we need.Life on Mars will be different in many ways. People will live
B. You can go to the Music Club every day. in a large building with 10 bedrooms.Robots will do the hard work, so we will have a lot of free time.
C. Good stories can make us happy and know alot. Maybe there won't be schools on Mars. Every student will study at home.
D. There are some little children in the Sports Club. It's really interesting,isn't it
二、完形填空(本题有 10小题,每小题 1分,共计 10分)阅读下面短文,然后从 A、B、C、D四 41. People may live on____by the year 2100.
个选项中选出最佳选项。 42. It may take us _____to get to Mars by spaceship in 2100.
My name is Tim. Do you know what I'm going to do__21__the weekends Here are my__22__.I'm 43. The plants will produce the_____that we need.
going to __23__ a new movie on Saturday morning. It's an English movie __24__ the life in Africa. Bill 44. We will have a lot of free time because_____.
tells that people there are very poor (贫穷的). They __25__ our help. In the afternoon I'm going to read 45. Students will study_____.
some books about Chinese culture (文化). It's a great country __26__a long history. I want to __27__ 五、书面表达(20 分)
more about Chinese culture. I hope I can study in China one day.So I study Chinese __28__ at school. 五一假期快要来了,作为一名中学生的你和你家里的每一名成员计划过一个愉快的假期,现
After supper I'm going to do my homework. On Sunday I'm going to see my grandparents. They live with 在以英文短文的形式向大家介绍一下吧。(70 词左右)
my uncle in a small village. I'll __29__ a bus there.I'll help my uncle do some farm work. That'll be very
__30__. I'll enjoy it.
21.A.at B.to C.in D.of
22.A.holiday B.plans C.questions D.players
七年英语(2024、3)第 3页 共 4页 七年英语(2024、3)第 4页 共 4页



上一篇:2.1.2直线与圆的位置关系 切线的性质 同步练习(无答案) 2023—2024浙教版数学九年级下册
