
10.(1分)—Someone is knocking at the door.Is it Anna?
—It ________ be her.She is on the plane to Kunming at the moment.(  )
A.can't B.wouldn't C.mustn't D.shouldn't
11.(1分) When I to Mr.Brown's office for the third time,I had no idea what I had done wrong.(  )
A.ask B.was asked C.am asked D.asked
12.(1分)I've never spending most of my time reading because reading makes a full man.(  )
A.considered B.suggested
C.imagined D.regretted
13.(1分) Before going shopping,Helen all the things she needed in a shopping list.(  )
A. cut down B. put down.
C. took down D. looked down
14.(1分) The lonely girl always sits in the classroom after class.Let's go and cheer her up.(  )
A. in person B. in silence
C. in trouble D. in public
15.(1分)— _______ nice weather it is!Let's have a picnic together!
— Sounds great!I'll prepare some food and drink right now.(  )
A.How a B.How C.What a D.What
16.(1分) The man was highly praised after risking life to save a girl from the cold river.(  )
A. her B. his C. when D. our
17.(1分)﹣﹣Could you please tell me they will have the party?
﹣﹣I'm not sure.It might be in a hotel.(  )
A. where B. how C. when D. whether
18.(1分)﹣﹣ What's your friend's________to your invitation?
﹣ He'll come to my birthday party on time.(  )
A.Excuse B.reply C.reason D.advice
19.(1分)—What do you want for your birthday?
—________.Anything is great as long as it's from you,dad.(  )
A.That depends B.Don't worry
C.No problem D.I don't mind
20.(10分)A strong wind blew by.Two seeds fell from a(1)   .After a short time,the first seed said that she wanted to drop onto the ground and see(2)   happened along the way.She was very excited.She (3)   her legs down into the earth and grew.And her arms grew up toward the sun.She had a colorful life.She might meet with problems now and then,but she was happy about her(4)   .
As for the other seed,unlike the first seed's strong wish for the future,she sat there(5)   .She was worried about what might happen when she left the flower.She was also worried about having too much sun.Because her brain was(6)   worries,she didn't go anywhere.She just kept thinking and worrying there.
One day,a hen came near the ground where the two seeds(7)   .Looking at the newly grown﹣up flower,the hen smiled.She loved it.Then she turned around and saw the seed.The hen(8)   the seed and ate it.
Some of us might be like the second seed.Although there's(9)   wrong with thinking twice,thinking too much can sometimes be dangerous.If you want a (10)   ,you need to try and get out there.
(1) A.flower B.wall C.hen D.ground
(2) A.who B.where C.what D.when
(3) A.took B.cut C.blew D.reached
(4) A.choice B.play C.problem D.game
(5) A.happily B.quietly C.luckily D.angrily
(6) A.proud of B.similar to C.different from D.full of
(7) A.grew B.played C.fell D.waited
(8) A.gave up B.picked up C.cheered up D.grew up
(9) A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything
(10) A.ground B.flower C.seed D.future
21.(10分)When talking about swimming,you may think about sharks(鲨鱼),fish and other animals that live in the sea.Swimming is a must(1)    for them.In fact,some land animals,such as pigs,even elephants can swim,too.
Swimming can(2)    land animals in lots of ways.It helps them keep(3)   .Many farmers force their pigs to swim for ten minutes a day.They find these pigs are more active and(4)    an illness less than those that don't swim.
The ability to swim can help land animals get more(5)   .Moose (驼鹿) are excellent swimmers.When the food is not(6)   ,they head into the water to eat certain green plants that grow there.Sometimes,elephants also(7)    across rivers to eat grass on the other side.
Swimming is one of the best ways to keep(8)   .If a predator (捕食者) comes,land animals that can swim can jump into water to(9)    it.They are less possible to become lunch than those that can't.
In hot summer days,swimming is also a good way for them to(10)    from flies (苍蝇).It can help them keep cool,too.
(1) A.ability B.tool C.activity D.exercise
(2) A.find B.help C.educate D.teach
(3) A.quiet B.happy C.healthy D.cool
(4) A.receive B.catch C.hit D.raise
(5) A.food B.sleep C.water D.rest
(6) A.fresh B.good C.delicious D.enough
(7) A.walk B.swim C.come D.ride
(8) A.safe B.friendly C.silent D.spare
(9) A.discuss B.decide C.avoid D.remain
(10) A.give away B.catch up C.come out D.stay away
七、补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。
22.(5分)A:Hi,John.You don't look well.Do you have a cold?
B:Yes,I do.
B:My sister had a cold.She gave it to me.
A:Do you have a fever?
A:How long have you been like this?
B:Just from this morning.
A:(3)   It can help you breathe smoothly.
B:Thanks.But I don't like to take medicine.
B:No,thank you.My mother will take me there after school.
B:Thank you.I'm sure I will.
A.Have a good time!B.How did you get it?C.Here is some medicine.D.I hope you'll get better soon.E.Lie down and have a good rest.F.Shall I take you to the hospital?G.But it's difficult for me to breathe through nose.
23.(6分)The Health Center opens at 9:45 a.m.on September 17,2022.
Make an Appointment(约定)
Appointments can be made by calling 541﹣346﹣2770.Students who do not book by phone may not be able to get a same﹣day appointment.The nurse is ready to answer any questions.Click here for parking information and more.
Cancel an Appointment
To cancel an appointment,call 541﹣346﹣2770.Students who fail to arrive within 2 hours of the check﹣in time,or fail to cancel their appointment
Services Offered
Our doctors and nurses are ready to meet general medical care needs and special care needs.Please click here for a total list of our services.
Medical Excuses
The Health Center does not provide any excuses for students who miss class due to illness or injury.Students are advised to tell their teachers if they are unable to attend class.
Monday—Friday:9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.
Saturday:10:00 a.m.﹣2:00 p.m.
(1)If you can't make it to meet the doctor at the appointed time,what should you do?    
A.Let somebody else keep the appointment for you.
B.Visit the health center anytime when it is convenient.
C.Call to cancel the appointment in advance as early as possible.
D.Go to the health center after the doctor's work ends.
(2)If students can't attend class,what can they do?    
A.Tell the teachers.
B.Turn to doctors for help.
C.Ask their parents for help.
D.Make excuses themselves.
(3)When can you visit the health center?    
A.At 8:40 a.m on Monday.
B.At 9:20 a.m.on Thursday.
C.At 3:30 p.m.on Saturday.
D.At 11:00 p.m.on Tuesday.
24.(8分)Seba Stephens is only 10 years old,but he's a talented musician.He plays the drums,bass,he got a professional certificate in music through the online programme at the famous Berklee College of Music.
Seba and his family live in Memphis,Tennessee—a place famous for music.He grew up with music all around,but he especially loved the drumming of Stewart Copeland from the band.Before he turned three
His parents weren't sure,but after seeing him play the drums at a local music store,they thought he was serious.So they bought him a professional drum kit and sent him for lessons.In just a few months
Seba's parents encouraged him to explore music in other ways.Seba learnt the bass,guitar and piano.Surprisingly,Seba started a band in the kindergarten.In the first grade
Seba did schoolwork in the morning.In the afternoon he worked on music.And at night,he usually worked on music some more.He studied with several well﹣known drummers,and learnt many drumming styles.When he's old enough,he's still practising and playing.He's also in a new band called SoundBox.
(1)Which instrument does Seba like best?    
A.The drums.
B.The bass.
C.The guitar.
D.The piano.
(2)How did Seba make money?    
A.By doing housework.
B.By doing schoolwork.
C.By starting a band and playing music.
D.By learning music.
(3)From the passage,we can know Berklee is a    college.
(4)What's the best title for the passage?    
A.Seba's Family
B.Seba Stephens—A Talented Musician
C.Music Is Very Important to Every Kid
D.Everyone Can Learn to Play the Drums Well
25.(6分)Let's face it—we all have bad habits.They will stop us from moving forward in some ways.So here are some tips to help break a bad habit.
Keep bad things far away.The environment will shape our choices.For example,what you eat depends far more on what you see than on what you look for.You can use this fact to help yourself change:put bad things far away and bring good things close,and your choices will change.
Choose your friends.Friends influence the way you think,feel,dress,study,or hate.So spend less time with those people with bad habits and choose some good friends.
Make a plan.Don't simply say,"I want to practice more before the exam.Instead,plan practice time on your calendar.You are more likely to spend the hours going over lessons if you make it a plan.
Train yourself.We often make mistakes because we don't get the knowledge or skills.We are less active when we feel less confident.Create more practice chances to improve your skills and you will be more confident to make a change.
(1)How many tips are there according to the text?    
(2)What will you do if you make it a plan?    
A.Put all good things far away.
B.Spend more time with bad friends.
C.Go over lessons before the exam.
D.Be less confident about yourself.
(3)What is the purpose of the text?    
A.To help you to make better plans.
B.To teach you how to break bad habits.
C.To help you to choose better friends.
D.To teach you how to avoid making mistakes.
26.(8分)It's lunchtime.You rush into the dining hall.You've only got 20 minutes to eat,but you also want time to relax with your friends before afternoon classes.So you quickly get some food,and eat half of it.And then run away with your friends.
Does this sound familiar?Even if you don't do this,you probably know someone who does.What happens to the leftover on your plates?It may go right into the trash.In fact,in the USA,nearly a third of the food served in school cafeterias(餐厅)
Food waste is really a problem,and many schools are finding ways to solve it.Some have simply changed the lunchtime.Students often rush to finish their food so that they can have time to play.But when the playtime is before lunch,students get a chance to burn off some energy first.Then they're hungry and ready to eat.Some schools are trying to get students to make decisions about the food in their cafeteria.For example,students make snacks for the whole school by using leftover fruit from the cafeteria and enjoy them together.
Even with all these great ideas,there is still some unwanted food.However,all the unwanted food doesn't have to go into the trash.Some organizations collect unwanted food from schools and use it to feed the hungry.
(1)The writer started the text by    .
A.describing a situation
B.raising a question
C.making a comparison
D.giving a suggestion
(2)How many ways of reducing the school cafeteria waste are mentioned in paragraph 3?    
(3)What does the underline word "It" in paragraph 2 refer to?    
(4)What is the text mainly about?    
A.Fantastic school lunches
B.Ways to help feed the hungry
C.Dealing with the school cafeteria waste
D.Making a difference to school cafeteria
27.(6分)After traveling around the earth six months,the three members of China's Shenzhou XIII returned to the earth on the morning of April 16,2022.They set a new record by finishing the nation's longest space flight.
At 10:03,the three astronauts were then carried out one by one and placed onto chairs to get used to the earth gravity(重力).The three﹣member team leader,"I'm feeling very good.I'm very proud to tell everyone we have successfully completed the Shenzhou XIII tasks.We wish to thank everyone who cares about,supports and encourages us a lot."Among them
They were the second to live in China's space station.During their space life,they have carried out two space walks for over 12 hours.They did many tests and had three science lessons for Chinese students.They showed how they lived and worked.It marked the start of the Tiangong Class.It can encourage the young to follow their space dreams.They were the first to spend and celebrate Spring Festival in space.And they recorded a video to answer many students' questions.
(1)Why did the astronauts need to sit on the chairs after getting to the earth?    
A.To have a good rest.
B.To get used to the earth gravity.
C.To get the fresh air.
D.To keep safe and healthy.
(2)How did Zhai feel when he got to the earth?    
A.He was very tired.
B.He was pretty proud.
C.He was quite sick.
D.He was very surprised.
(3)Which of the following about the three astronauts is TRUE?    
A.Wang is the first woman to live in space station and walk in space.
B.They stayed out of the space station for 12 hours a time.
C.They were the first to spend Mid﹣Autumn Festival in space.
D.They made a video in space to answer many students' questions.
28.(6分)Li Bai was a great poet in the Tang Dynasty of China.He did not like to go to school when he was young.So he was often absent from school.One day,on his way home after school,he walked by a river and saw an old woman grinding a very(铁杵).
He went to the old woman and asked:"Granny,what are you doing?"
The old woman replied:"I'm making a sewing needle(绣花针)."
"A needle for sewing?It's impossible!"Li Bai said in surprise.
The old woman smiled and said,"Well,constant dripping wears away a stone.So I can make a needle through my grinding
Hearing the old woman's words,Li Bai felt a deep sense of shame.Since then,Li Bai studied hard and made rapid progress.Finally he became a famous poet.
Constant grinding can turn an iron pestle into a needle.So everything is possible as long as we never give up.
(1)How did Li Bai behave at school before he met the old woman?(不超过10个词)    
(2)What did Li Bai think of the old woman's action at first?(不超过5个词)    
(3)What can we learn from the story?(不超过15个词)    
29.(1分)Mary has developed a new way of life by getting close to n   (自然).
30.(1分) Bob bought a red tie to m    (匹配) his new suit.
31.(1分) The first 64 pages of the book have been p    (印刷).
32.(1分) They are seen as b    (鲜明的) symbols of happiness and good wishes.
33.(1分) Bob got some c    (零钱) and used it to pay the taxi driver.
34.(20分)假如你是李华,你的好友 Jenny 经常容易在课堂上走神,向你求助。请你根据下列要点提示,给她写封邮件,提出你的建议。
Dear Jenny,
I'm sorry to hear that you are often distracted in class.Now let me give you some advice.
I hope my advice can help you a lot.Best wishes!
Li Hua
七、补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。
28.【答案】(1)He was often absent from school.(2)It was impossible.(3)Everything is possible as long as we never give up.
34.【答案】Dear Jenny,
I'm sorry to hear that you are often distracted in class.Now let me give you some advice.
First,you should listen carefully and think.In this way,you will understand the teacher's question better.Second,you must take notes and answer questions carefully.You can write down what you don't understand so that you can review it after class.Third,you should not only get enough sleep,but also take proper exercise.In addition,if you don't understand the teacher's question,you'd better ask the teacher or classmates for help after class.As long as you study hard,you will be better.
I hope my advice can help you a lot.Best wishes!
Li Hua




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