
10.(1分)The Fourteenth Five﹣Year Plan will show the_________of the new development of Chinese society.(  )
A.wealth B.direction C.pleasure D.decision
11.(1分)—Do you know the city of Zibo?It is known for its barbecue.
—It is reported that the city more than 4,800,000 visitors during May Day Holiday.(  )
A. spreads B. receives C. creates D. explains
12.(1分) The stand of Peter's bicycle is broken,so he has to rest his bicycle the wall.(  )
A. on B. from C. with D. against
13.(1分)﹣Mr.Lee said he teaching English because he loved children.
﹣Yes.And his love for children and teaching makes him a great teacher(  )
A.turned up B.gave up C.took up D.set up
14.(1分)China more pocket parks in the city to improve people's living environments in the next few years.(  )
A. built B. will build
C. builds D. has built
15.(1分)In my opinion,of all the books,this is the only one ____________is well worth reading.
A.who B.that C.whom D.what
16.(1分)—Cindy,can I look at your notebook?It looks special.
—Sorry.I usually write down something in it,(  )
A. perfect B. boring C. useful D. private
17.(1分)—I think young people should give more care to the old.
—I agree.___,everyone will grow old some day.(  )
A. After all B. At first
C. By mistake D. By chance
18.(1分)—It seems that you keep taking some exercise all the time.
—Yeah.I won't feel very well I play sports every day.(  )
A. when B. if C. unless D. because
19.(1分)﹣Do you know about rock music?
﹣ .Ask Robert.He is a fan of rock music.(  )
A.No idea B.No wonder
C.No way D.No problem
20.(10分)It is said that hanfu has a long history of more than 4000 years.Leizu first started to(1)   clothes with silk.Many supporters believe that(2)   hanfu brings them a strong feeling of nationality (民族).
During the 17th China International Cartoon&Animation Festival.A grandma dressed(3)   in hanfu .People liked her very much and called her "hanfu Grandma ".
"handful Grandma"is 78 years old.At first,she just made a video for her students in hanfu,but to her(4)   ,the video got many likes online.
"hanfu Grandma"used to be a Beijing Opera performer.She started to learn Beijing Opera at age 13 and(5)   most of her life on the stage(舞台).Now she(6)   wears the costume(戏装).However,hanfu not only(7)   the feeling of performing on the stage,but also gives her a new experience.
"I can't wear the costume off the stage,(8)   I can wear hanfu in my daily life.Every time I wear hanfu,I become very excited and(9)   ." said "hanfu Grandma".
"hanfu Grandma" thinks hanfu is an important part of traditional Chinese(10)   ."I hope more people will know about hanfu and fall in love with it."she said.
(1)A.sell B.buy C.create D.take
(2)A.wearing B.washing C.putting D.throwing
(3)A.herself B.himself C.itself D.themselves
(4)A.shame B.surprise C.regret D.sadness
(5)A.saved B.visited C.spent D.forgot
(6)A.often B.always C.hardly D.usually
(7)A.thinks about B.brings back C.looks for D.gives up
(8)A.or B.so C.and D.but
(9)A.busy B.free C.brave D.happy
(10)A.food B.culture C.language D.dream
21.(10分)Can you think about working with your eyes closed?This is the real experience for blind people.The safety of the blind is a big(1)   when they go out.There is a kind of smart shoes to help the blind to deal with it.They can help blind people walk(2)   .
The shoes can send information.If someone is in a(3)   situation,the shoes can warn him or her by making a warning sound.In this way,the blind can(4)   the danger and keep sure.
The shoes have a battery(电池),and it can be(5)   up in one week.What's more,it uses AI technology not only to find things on the road,but also(6)   people what they are.For example,the shoes might tell you whether there is a car(7)   a wall in front of you.
We believe that technology can(8)   people's life.If the shoes can be widely used for the blind people who can't(9)   things clearly,their life will be more convenient.In the future,with the development of technology(功能) and be more(10)   for people.Let's look forward to it together.
(1)A.problem B.reason C.difference D.answer
(2)A.happily B.slowly C.safely D.quickly
(3)A.good B.happy C.dangerous D.correct
(4)A.forget B.follow C.remember D.avoid
(5)A.used B.picked C.ended D.taken
(6)A.treat B.tell C.move D.ask
(7)A.and B.or C.so D.but
(8)A.choose B.change C.hurt D.check
(9)A.see B.hear C.reply D.understand
(10)A.difficult B.boring C.helpful D.harmful
七、补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。
22.(5分)A:There is a TV program about space travel tonight.
A:You know,I'm really interested in space.
A:Yes,I'd love to be an astronaut!Do you think I will make it?
B:(3)   I believe you will fly to the moon.
A:What about you?(4)   
B:Me?I will be a scientist about space.
A:You must be interested in looking at the stars,right?
B:Yes,I hope to find a new star or a planet one day.
B:That's great!I'll go with you!
A.Of course!B.I will watch it if I am free.C.I'm not interested in space.D.What will you do in the future?E.Do you want to be an astronaut one day?F.If you find a new planet,I will land on it.G.How are you going to make your dream come true?
23.(6分)Do you know Wei Dongyi,a celebrity(名人) on the Internet?While he's talking in an interview video(馒头) in it.He's kind of shy and not so good at talking.Some people made fun of his common look and clothes.But when they knew that he's called a "maths god"of Peking University,all of them were shocked.
When he was in senior high school in Shandong Province,he won the champions of the 49th and 50th IMO(国际数学奥林匹克竞赛) with both full marks.Because of his talent in maths.Harvard University invited him to join but he refused.In 2010(博士学位) there.He is now a teacher of Peking University.
Wei Dongyi does not pay attention to food or clothing.He's very casual about what he eats and wears.Usually he even wears his high school uniform.He eats very fast and seldom chats with others while eating.He thinks it's wrong to kill animals,so he doesn't eat meat.He spends his time and energy on his favorite maths research,and even forgets to eat and sleep.
(1)Why did some people make fun of Wei Dongyi first?    
A.Because he is an Internet celebrity.
B.Because he is so funny in the video.
C.Because his look is common and his clothes are simple.
D.Because he is a maths god of Peking University.
(2)When did Wei Dongyi enter Peking University?    
A.In 2009.
B.In 2021.
D.In 2011.
(3)What does Wei Dongyi think of his clothing?    
A.He doesn't really care so much about it.
B.No clothes can be better than his high school uniform.
C.Good clothes help him pay more attention to the math research.
D.It's right for him to wear good clothes while walking out.
The Colorful World
I can see a rainbow,glowing(发光) through the rain.I can see quite close up.I can see quite far.I can hear the wind blows,trying to get in.I can hear a whisper(低语者).I can hear a scream.I can smell the raindrops,falling on the grass.I can smell a bad smell,also something good.I can taste an ice cream,creamy and so sweet.I can taste a sour lime(酸橙),also bitter tea. I can see the people in a speeding train.I can see forever when I see a star.I can hear a hungry cat,climbing on our bin.I can hear supporters,cheering for their team.I can smell the paint and paper in my art class.I can smell my parents cooking lovely food.I can taste some strong cheese.I can taste the salty air when I'm near the sea.
(1)What does the article belong to?    
A.A news report.
B.An advertisement.
C.A novel.
D.A poem.
(2)When there is a game,the writer can    people cheering for their team.
(3)What can the writer smell in the art class?    
A.Something bad and good.
B.The raindrops.
C.The lovely food.
D.The paint and paper.
(4)What does the article mainly tell us?    
A.It mainly tells us the happy things in life.
B.It mainly tells us four kinds of feelings.
C.It mainly tells us the the colorful world.
D.It mainly tells us how to have a happy life.
25.(6分)Let's take a look at some unusual festivals around the world.
La Tomatina
La Tomatina is a festival that is held in Spain.The festival dates back to 1945.One day a man fell off suddenly during a parade.He became angry and picked up some tomatoes from a table and began throwing them.Soon more people joined him.The next year,a few people planned a fight again and brought their own tomatoes from home.Since then,it has become a tradition.Held on the last Wednesday of August
Cheung Chau Bun Festival.
This festival is held on the island of Cheung Chau in Hong Kong,China.The festival was first celebrated in the 18th century in fishing communities for safety on the seas.During the festival now,there are dragon and lion dances(人物).
Picnic Day.
Picnic Day is a public holiday held in Australia on the first Monday of August every year.It dates back to the 1800s.It is a day off for most shops and schools,and it encourages people to enjoy a long weekend.It was first declared (宣布) as a holiday so that railway workers could go to Adelaide River and enjoy a nice picnic.
(1)What is mentioned in the text about the three festivals?    
A.Why they are so important.
B.Who they are celebrated for.
C.When they were first celebrated.
D.What to eat during these festivals.
(2)What can we learn from the text?    
A.Picnic Day is a public holiday held in Spain.
B.La Tomatina was created in the 1940s by chance.
C.All the shops are open for 24 hours on Picnic Day.
D.Cheung Chau Bun Festival was first held in a village.
(3)In which part of a magazine can we read the text?    
26.(8分)More than 100 years ago,many people started to get sick in London.The illness was called "cholera"(霍乱).Lots of doctors tried to find ways to stop people from getting cholera.Most doctors thought that people got cholera because of taking in polluted air.
John Snow was a doctor and had a different idea.He thought that cholera might have been spreading through water.Maybe polluted water was making everyone sick.
At first,other doctors and scientists disagreed with Dr.Snow.They believed that the air was the problem.Dr.Snow made a plan to test his idea about polluted water causing cholera.Dr.Snow went to different neighborhoods in London and tested their water.He also counted the number of sick people in each neighborhood. It was just as he had thought!The neighborhoods with the cleanest water had the fewest sick people.The places with the dirtiest water had the largest number of sick people.
Dr.Snow showed the results of his study to other doctors.They realized that Dr .Snow was right.
All over London,people stopped drinking polluted water.Quickly,people stopped getting sick and the whole city was excited.
Thanks to Dr.Snow,we also know what to do to stop many other illnesses.And we wouldn't know about the risk of dirty water if it was not for Dr.John Snow's hard work.
(1)Which of the following best describes Dr.Snow?    
(2)Why did many people start to get very sick in London?    
A.Because of polluted air.
B.Because of dirty water.
C.Because of unhealthy diets.
D.Because they were short of water.
(3)What does the underlined word "It" refer to?    
A.The London government.
B.The plan Dr.Snow used to test his idea.
C.The reason why people got sick.
D.The cleanest water.
(4)What's the best title for this passage?    
A.A terrible illness called cholera.
B.Let's be doctors.
C.Saving our drinking water.
D.Dr.Snow saved London.
27.(6分)Every people(民族) uses its own special words to show its ideas and feelings.Some of these expressions are commonly used for many years.Others are popular for just a short time.One such American expression is "Where's the beef?"It is used when something is not as good as it is said to be.In the early 1980s "Where's the beef?"was one of the most popular expressions in the United States.It seemed as if everyone was using it at the time.
Beef,of course,is the meat from a cow
Other business people watched his success.Some of them opened their own .hamburger restaurants.One company called "Wendy's"said its hamburgers were bigger than those sold by McDonald's or anyone else.The Wendy's Company began to use the expression "Where's the beef?"to make people know that Wendy's hamburgers were the biggest.The Wendy's television advertisement showed three old women eating hamburgers.The bread that covered the meat was very big,but inside there was only a bit of meat.One of the women said she would not eat a hamburger with such a little piece of beef."Where's the beef?"she shouted in a funny way.The advertisement for Wendy's hamburger restaurants was a success.As we said,it seemed everyone began using the expression"Where's the beef?"
(1)The expression " Where's the beef?" is used when    .
A.someone can't find the beef at all.
B.someone isn't satisfied with the beef.
C.something is better than it is said to be
D.something is not as good as it is said to be
(2)The Wendy's Company used the expression " Where's the beef?" in order to    .
A.show Wendy's hamburgers were the biggest
B.make people know where they could find the beef
C.let people notice the bread that covered the meat was big
D.compare its hamburgers with those sold by McDonald's
(3)This passage mainly tells us    .
A.two famous companies
B.a rich businessman
C.a popular expression
D.a television advertisement
28.(6分)Lu Zhonglan,a street cleaner from Hefei,Anhui,more than 12,000 cleaners of the city got free breakfast every day that month.There was porridge,eggs and so on.
Lu often starts to work at 4:00 am.She usually brings some food from home.But sometimes she's too tired to prepare it and she doesn't buy any to save money.Most of the cleaners in Hefei get less than 3,000 yuan a month.When Lu got the free breakfast,she said she felt so warm because the government did care about them.
The price of the breakfast was from 6 to 8 yuan.The government paid for it .An official said,"We care about each street cleaner's health,so we invite them to have free breakfast.For those who don't need to work in the morning(薪水)."However,he believed giving free breakfast was better than adding money to their salaries,some of them would probably still not have breakfast.This could make them face health problems.
The "free breakfast"program is popular with street cleaners.The government hopes other cities can take part in the activity.
(1)How much do most street cleaners make every month in Hefei?
(2)How did Lu feel after getting the free breakfast?
(3)Why did the government start the program?
29.(1分)Come on! Suzhou Museum is only a few   (步) further.
30.(1分)I was very   ( 生气的 ) with myself for making so many mistakes.
31.(1分) Pardon?I didn't c     (领会) what you said.
32.(1分) Yuan Longping is a great scientist and he is the p    (骄傲) of our nation.
33.(1分) Lucy thinks it's important to spend time on study,so she s    (很少) plays computer games.
34.(20分)每个人都是独一无二的。都会发出自身特有的光芒。结合对自己的认知和经历,以"What I Like about Myself"为题,并根据写作要点和写作要求,用英语写一篇短文。
参考词汇:unique adj.独一无二的
七、补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。
28.【答案】(1)Less than 3,000 yuan.
(2)She felt so warm.
(3)Because they care about each street cleaner's health.
What I Like about Myself
I cherish my uniqueness,the qualities that make me stand out from the crowd.Among them,my perseverance and creativity stand out.I am proud of my habit of never giving up,even in the face of adversity.Moreover,my creativity allows me to see the world in a different light,finding beauty and inspiration in the ordinary.My unique personality traits,coupled with my perseverance and creativity,make me who I am a confident and fulfilled individual.
I embrace these qualities and am grateful for them,as they are what make my life rich and meaningful.




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