期中重点难点提优训练 2023-2024牛津译林版八年级英语下册(含答案)

一 选择填空。
1. In the novel, Quashimodo is ugly man, he is from European country, France.
A. a; a B.a; an C.an; an D.an; a
2They got married 2010. That means they have been married 2010.
A.since; in B.since; since C.in; since D.in; in
3 —To tell you the truth, we are planning to have a second baby recently.
— Think twice, for most children are ________ to deal with.
A .tired B. tiring C. interested D. interesting
4—Must I complete the composition today, sir —No, you _______. You may _______ tomorrow morning.
A. mustn’t; hand it in B. mustn’t; hand in it C. needn’t; hand in it D. don’t have to; hand it in
5. — Who called you just now — The phone stopped ringing _________ I could answer it.
A. after B. when C. before D. since
6 — It is said that Mr. Wang is strongly ________ keeping animals in the zoo.
— ________. Animals should enjoy freedom(自由).
A, on; So much for it B. against; Exactly C. for; It’s a pity D. against; Certainly not
7 It ________ more than fifteen years since I _________ an English teacher.
A. was; became B. has been; become C. is; became D. is; have been
8. He has ________ the Yellow Mountain twice. This time he _______ there for two weeks and enjoy the beautiful views.
A. been to; stay B. gone to; have been in C. been in; will stay D. been to; will stay
9 I really don’t know _______________ at the meeting.
A. what should I say B. how should I say C. what to say D. how to say
10 ______ good advice you offered us on how to improve our English just now!
A. What a B. How C. How a D. What
11. I’m sorry you’ve missed the rain. It ________ five minutes ago.
left B. has left C. has been away D. has been left
12.--Do you mind if I borrow your dictionary ---________.I’m using it now.
A. Yes, you may B. No, you can C. No, help yourself D. You’d better not
二 词汇。
1. She tried her best but did ____________(bad) among all the members in the team.
2. She___________(继续) working after a long holiday and found herself quite energetic.
3.----I’m afraid that’s all I can do for you.---____________(即使这样),thank you all the same.
4.We are going to hold a party to celebrate my grandpa’s ____________ (ninety) birthday.
5.Her eyes narrowed with ____________ (please) at the thought of him.
6Can we talk ___________ (far) on this tomorrow
三 动词填空。
1.— Has your cousin returned from the USA — No. She _________ (stay) there for another week.
2.Would you mind _________ (show) us how to start an online tour
3.— I called you last night, but no one answered.— Oh, I _________ (have) dinner outside then.
4.The computer _________ (bring) us great changes in our life over the past ten years.
5.The White family ______________(leave) for the airport in the early morning.
6.-Sorry, I _____________________(forget) your home address.-Don’t worry. I’ll give it to you on QQ.
四 完成句子。
1. 这儿以前有许多工厂,现在它们变成了一个电影院。
There________________________many factories, but now they have ______ ______a cinema.
2.我们在看《猫和老鼠》时忍不住一直大笑。We _______________________ when we watched Tom and Jerry.
3 这个过山车高速运行,真是有趣。The roller coast_______________________ and was really exciting.
4 从我上次收到他的来信,已经三周过去了。 It _____________________________________him last time.
5. 尽管火车高速行驶,我们也不觉得恶心。We didn’t feel sick though the train traveled
Has the writer ever _______________________________ foreign languages?
二 词汇。1worst 2 continued 3 Anyway4ninetieth 5 pleasure 6 further
三 动词填空。1will stay2showing 3was having 4 has brought 5 left 6 have forgotten
四 完成句子。1used to be changed into 2 couldn`t stop laughing 3 was moving at high speed 4is three weeks since 5 at high speed 6 translated the novel into




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