江苏省徐州市 四年级英语下学期期中考试真题重组卷(译林版三起)(含答案)

江苏省徐州市 四年级英语下学期期中考试真题重(译林版三起)
1.(22-23四年级下·江苏徐州·期中)—I _______ English. ( )
—But I like it. It’s fun.
A.like B.don’t like C.am not like
2.(22-23四年级下·江苏徐州·期中)Here’s _______ Art book and _______ Chinese book for you. ( )
A.an; a B.a; a C.an; an
3.(22-23四年级下·江苏徐州·期中)_______ is the fourth day of the week. ( )
A.Thursday B.Wednesday C.Tuesday
4.(22-23四年级下·江苏徐州·期中)It’s nine o’ clock in the evening. It’s time _______. ( )
A.for class B.to bed C.to go to bed
5.(22-23四年级下·江苏徐州·期中)We _______ have _______ lessons at weekends (周末). ( )
A.don’t; any B.don’t; some C./; any
6.(22-23四年级下·江苏徐州·期中)I have dinner _______ one thirty _______ the afternoon _______ Saturday. ( )
A.in; on; at B.at; in; on C.on; at; in
7.(22-23四年级下·江苏徐州·期中)Mike, please _______ dinner on time (按时). ( )
A.has B.have C.having
8.(22-23四年级下·江苏徐州·期中)My brother and I go _______ by car every day. ( )
A.home B.school C.bed
9.(22-23四年级下·江苏徐州·期中)—I can’t open the window. ( )
—Try _______.
A.either B.again C.too
10.(22-23四年级下·江苏徐州·期中)Here are three new books for your sister. Can she read _______ ( )
A.it B.they C.them
A.When do you have your first lesson
B.OK. What’s the time now
C. Wake up, Tom!
D.It’s seven. Time for breakfast.
E. Oh, I’m late. I must go to school now.
F. At eight o’clock.
A.have lunch B.a football match C. play table tennis D.How many E. on the hill
12.I at twelve o’clock.
13.A: lessons do we have on Monday
B: We have six.
14.A: What can you see over there
B: I can see some trees .
15.A: Let’s go to the park on Sunday, Su Hai
B: Sorry, I have .
16.A: What do you usually do after school
B: I usually after school.
A: Hello, Billy. 17
B: Sorry. Wang Bing and I want to play basketball.
A: What a pity! 18
B: Yes. I can play it well. 19
A: No. I like table tennis. 20
B: You’re great. Can you teach(教) me
A: Sure. It’s easy for me. 21
B: All right.
A.Do you like basketball
B.I play it with my father every day.
C.Do you usually play basketball on Sundays
D.What about this afternoon
E.Let’s go to the park this Sunday.
A.—Do you usually go swimming on Sundays —Yes, I do. I like swimming. B.—When do you go to bed —I go to bed at eight o’clock. C. —What can you see in the lake —I can see an elephant. D.—Hurry up! Liu Tao. It’s time for class. —Sorry, Miss Li. I’m late. E. —What lessons do you have in the afternoon, Su Hai —I have English and Music.
22. ( )
23. ( )
24. ( )
25. ( )
26. ( )
Han Han: How do you do Are you new here
Joe: Yes, I’m from the USA.I’m American.
Han Han: Welcome to China. Welcome to our class.
Joe: Thank you. Do you go to school from(从) Monday to Friday
Han Han: Yes. And we have five lessons every day.
Joe: What do you do at weekends(周末)
Han Han: I usually do my homework at home. Sometimes I play basketball with my friends.
Joe: I like playing basketball too. That’s my hobby(爱好).
Han Han: Good. I hope(希望) we can play basketball together.
Joe: By the way(顺便说一下), you speak English very well.
Han Han: Thank you. Let’s go to our classroom now.
27.Joe is a(n)________ boy. ( )
A.Chinese B.English C.American
28.How many lessons does Han Han have in a week ( )
A.7 B.30 C.25
29.What’s Joe’s hobby ( )
A.Playing football. B.Drawing pictures. C.Playing basketball.
30.Can Han Han speak English ( )
A.Yes, she can. B.No, she can’t. C.Yes, she is.
31.What is Han Han like(……怎么样) ( )
A.She’s new. B.She’s friendly(好的). C.She’s not good.
Miss Green is twenty -four years old. She is tall and thin. She has black and short hair. That makes her look tidy and clean. She likes her students and her teaching work. From Monday to Friday, she gives lessons to the students. There’s a lot of fun in her class. The students often talk about the funny things with her after school. On Friday evening, she goes home by train and stay s with her parents. She likes watching films. Sometimes she goes to the cinema for some new films. She comes back to school on Sunday afternoon. She’s a nice teacher. We all like her.
32.Miss Green is ________. ( )
A.tall and fat B.tall and thin C.short and fat
33.Which is right ( )
A.Miss Green gives lessons to the students after school.
B.The students talk about the funny things with Miss Green in class.
C.The black and short hair makes Miss Green look tidy and clean.
34.Miss Green comes back to school on ________. ( )
A.Saturday afternoon B.Sunday morning C.Sunday afternoon
35.Miss Green goes home ________. ( )
A.by train B.by taxi C.by bus
36.Miss Green isn’t ________. ( )
A.twenty - five B.humorous (幽默的) C.tall
It is Saturday. ______________________________________
I get up at eight in the morning. ______________________________________
I have an Art lesson. ______________________________________
I go to Grandpa’s farm. ______________________________________
I can see some ducks on the river. ______________________________________
【详解】句意:现在是晚上九点了。该_____了。A上课,B床,C去睡觉。本题考查其他固定搭配和动词短语。该做某事了It’s time to do/It’s time for+名词,根据句意排除A,bed是名词,前面不能用to,排除B,去睡觉go to bed,故选C。
【详解】句意:我哥哥/弟弟和我每天开车回家。本题考查动词短语。go home回家,go to school上学,go to bed去睡觉,故选A。
【详解】句意:—我打不开窗户。—再试试。A也;B再,又;C也。本题考查动词短语。Try again再试试,是固定短语,故选B。
11. B D E A F
A. 你什么时候上第一节课?
B. 好的。现在几点了?
C. 醒醒,汤姆!
D. 七点了。该吃早餐了。
E. 哦,我迟到了。我现在必须去上学了。
F. 八点钟。
【详解】第一句已给出,叫醒汤姆,C. Wake up, Tom!;
汤姆醒后询问几点了,B. OK. What’s the time now ;
回答几点,并说该吃早饭了,D. It’s seven. Time for breakfast.;
汤姆说自己迟到了,现在要去上学,E. Oh, I’m late. I must go to school now.;
询问几点上第一节课,A. When do you have your first lesson ;
回答上课时间,F. At eight o’clock.;
故答案为B D E A F。
12.A 13.D 14.E 15.B 16.C
【解析】12.句意:在十二点我_____。图中是吃午饭,have lunch吃午饭,符合句意,故选A。
13.句意:A:星期一我们有多少节课?B:我们有六节。根据答语可知问数量,How many多少,符合句意,故选D。
14.句意:A:你在那边能看到什么? B:我能看见一些树_____。图中是在山上,on the hill在山上,符合句意,故选E。
15.句意:A:苏海,我们星期天去公园吧?B: 对不起,我有_____。图中是足球比赛,a football match一场足球比赛,符合句意,故选B。
16.句意:A:放学后你通常做什么?B:我放学后通常_____。图中是打乒乓球,play table tennis打乒乓球,符合句意,故选C。
17.E 18.C 19.A 20.B 21.D
22.C 23.E 24.D 25.B 26.A
27.C 28.C 29.C 30.A 31.B
27.句意:乔伊是一个______男孩。A中国的,B英国的,C美国的,根据“Yes, I’m from the USA. I’m American.”可知乔伊来自美国,是美国人,故选C。
28.句意:韩韩一周有几节课?根据“-Do you go to school from Monday to Friday -Yes. And we have five lessons every day.”可知韩韩从周一到周五上课,每天上五节,一周上二十五节课,故选C。
29.句意:乔伊的爱好是什么?A踢足球。B画画。C打篮球。根据“I like playing basketball too. That’s my hobby.”可知乔伊的爱好是打篮球,故选C。
30.句意:韩韩会说英语吗?A是的,她会。B不,她不会。C是的,她是。根据“By the way, you speak English very well.”可知韩韩会说英语,故选A。
32.B 33.C 34.C 35.A 36.A
32.句意:格林小姐是_______。A又高又胖的,B又高又瘦的,C又矮又胖的。根据文中句子“She is tall and thin.”可知她又高又瘦,故选B。
33.句意:哪一个是正确的?A格林小姐放学后给学生们上课。B学生们在课堂上和格林小姐谈论有趣的事情。C黑色的短发使格林小姐看起来整洁干净。根据文中句子“She has black and short hair. That makes her look tidy and clean.”可知她的黑色短发使她看起来整洁干净。故选C。
34.句意:格林小姐在______回到学校。A星期六下午,B星期日早上,C星期日下午。根据文中句子“She comes back to school on Sunday afternoon.”可知她在星期日下午回到学校,故选C。
35.句意:格林小姐回家_______。A坐火车,B坐出租车,C坐公交车。根据文中句子“On Friday evening, she goes home by train and stay s with her parents.”可知她坐火车回家,故选A。
36.句意:格林小姐不是_______。A25,B幽默的,C高的。根据文中句子“Miss Green is twenty-four years old.”可知她是24岁,不是25岁,故选A。
It is Sunday. I get up at half past seven in the morning. I have a swimming lesson. I go to the park. I can see some trees in the park.
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求根据图片和例文,写一写周日做的事情。注意文章时态是一般现在时,并满足句数的要求。
2. 参考词汇与句型:
参考词汇:Sunday星期日,half past seven七点半, have a swimming lesson上游泳课,park公园,trees树
参考句型:It is…;I get up…;I can…
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