
同学你好! 答题前请认真阅读以下内容:
3. 选择题均为单项选择,多选不得分。
第一部分 听力(共五节,30个小题; 每小题1分,满分30分)
第一节 听对话,选择相应的图片。(读一遍)
第二节 听句子,选择最佳应答。 (读一遍)
7. A. For 8 years. B. Three times a week. C. More than 20 dollars.
8. A. Yes,I am. B. Yes,I do. C. Yes,I will.
9. A. She's tall. B. She's 10 years old. C. She's Cindy.
10. A. Not at all. B. Sure, I'd love to. C. I don't think so.
11. A. Sounds great. B. It's my pleasure. C. Sorry, I won't.
12. A. Don't worry. B. The same to you. C. It's up to you.
第三节 听对话,选择最佳选项完成句子。 (读两遍)
13. Emma likes best.
A. pop music B. country music C. classical music
14. The topic of this conversation is about .
A. history B. science C. travel
15. Alice went to school yesterday.
A. by subway B. by bike C. by bus
16. The girl should with Wang Hong when they meet for the first time.
A. shake hands B. bow C. kiss
17. The man thinks the ping-pong game was yesterday.
A. boring B. amazing C. special
18. Eric can for the sick children.
A. sing B. dance C. draw
第四节 听对话,根据对话内容及问题,选择最佳选项。 (读两遍)
19. When will the boy go to Rongjiang
A. May 13th. B. May 14th. C. May 15th.
20. How many tickets will the boy buy in total
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
21. What will Michael make for the food festival
A. Pizzas. B. Dumplings. C. Cookies.
22. Where will the food festival be held
A. In front of the dining room. B. Across from the teaching building.C. Next to the library.
23. What does the boy want to keep
A. The sports magazines. B. The soft toys. C. The black jacket.
24. What's the probable relationship between the two speakers
A. Sister and brother. B. Mother and son. C. Teacher and student.
第五节 听短文,完成表中所缺信息,每空仅填一词。(读三遍)
An Experience of Spring Outing
Time Last _25_.
Event I went to Donghu park with my _26_ .
Result Having a spring outing there made me feel _27_ .
Activities We did many interesting things like flying kites and _28_ snacks.
We also played some games and had _29_ in the warm sunshine.
We took some photos to _30_ this wonderful day.
第二部分 完形(共两节,满分20分)
第一节(共5个小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)
A. thankfully B. might C. so D. about E. volunteers F. if
Mushan Village is in the east of Guizhou Province. There are over 1,700 people living in the village. More than 90% of local houses are made of wood, 31 they can catch fire easily. In order to protect local people and their houses from fires, eight women 32 have worked together as a team since March. The women firefighters often check if there is any risk of fires in the village. They also work together with other people to teach villagers firefighting skills.
One day, they found the wiring (线路) of a villager's house was so old that it 33 cause fires. The members told the villager about the danger and advised him to change the wires. And the village r took their advice 34 .
So far, the women firefighters have given more than 40 presentations (讲座) 35 fire safety.Their work has won high praise from villagers. As for the work in the future, they said they would continue to improve their firefighting skills to protect the village better. And they also hoped more women would join them.
第二节 (共10个小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
Last Tuesday, Smith drove home after taking his five-year-old son Mike to see a dentist. When they stopped at a traffic light, they saw a 36 man in the middle of the street. Smith wanted to help the man, but he had no cash(现金). Mike also 37 the man. He wanted to give the man 30 cents he had in his pocket.
Smith was very 38 because his son could offer to help. But Smith was hesitant(犹豫的)because it was only 30 cents. He wanted to tell his son what he gave wasn't 39 . He wanted to tell his son giving so little money was shameful. He even wanted to 40 his son pride was more important than helping another man in need.
But he 41 realized it was wrong to think so. With the 42 about to change, he rolled down the window of the car and passed the man the 30 cents. He said,“I’m sorry, man. I have no cash on me, but my son here wants to give you everything he has.”
The man smiled and said to Mike,“Thank you so much, little man!”And then there was a bigger smile on the little boy's face.
Mike's action 43 many of the people behind them to do the same thing.
“My little boy reminded me by his 44 that it's always about the heart. It doesn't matter how much you give; giving full of love and care will 45 others 'hearts,”said Smith.
36. A. careless B. homeless C. useless
37. A. noticed B. helped C. greeted
38. A. tired B. patient C. happy
39. A. typical B. special C. enough
40. A. teach B. promise C. bring
41. A. simply B. hardly C. quickly
42. A. weather B. light C. condition
43. A. required B. allowed C. encouraged
44. A. action B. hope C. agreement
45. A. lose B. warm C. hear
第三部分 阅读(共三节,满分50分)
第一节 (共12个小题; 每小题2.5分,满分30分)
Obesity (肥胖症) is becoming a serious problem among people of all ages now. It is said that about 41.1% of Chinese men and 27.7% of Chinese women are overweight or obese.
How do I know whether I am overweight
Work out your Body Mass Index(BMI)(身体质量指数).
BMI=Weight(kg)/Height (m )
Ways to Control Your Weight
*Heart problems *Drink a lot of water.
*High blood pressure *Eat more fruit and vegetables.
*High blood sugar *Exercise a lot.
*Cancer(癌症) *Keep an eye on your weight.
Reasons for Obesity *Stay away from food with high sugar or fat.
*Some kinds of medicine
*Poor sleep
*Family history
*Too much pressure
46. If Nick is considered obese, his BMI may be .
A.23 B.28 C.32
47. Which of the following can be put in ▲
A. Results of Obesity
B. Ways of Losing Weight
C. An Introduction to Being Obese
48. What can we learn from the text
A. You may get obese because of enough sleep.
B, BMI is a number that can tell if you're obese.
C. Obesity is a serious problem only in teenagers.
49. We may read this text from the section of in a newspaper.
A. Health Care B. Eating Customs C. Science Window
The great Seine River in Paris has a big problem. It has been seriously polluted. Around 360 tons of plastic are found in it every year. So there are even laws that do not let people swim in the water.
11-year-old Raphael wants to clean up the river so that people are able to swim in the river by July2024. That is when the city will host the Olympic Games.
Cleaning the river is a big job. Raphael has done it nearly every weekend for the past two years. He fishes junk with his dad. They can catch a ton of rubbish in a single day and they have caught anything. The biggest thing Raphael found was a motorbike. It was so heavy that it took a team of people to pull it out.
Raphael learned about cleaning rivers from YouTube. In 2019, he found a video. It showed that people were fishing metal objects out of rivers. They used ropes tied to magnets(磁铁). That Christmas, Raphael asked his parents for help. He wanted some ropes, a hook(钩), and a powerful magnet. The magnet was very strong. It could attract(吸引) metal objects weighing more than a ton.
When he began, fishing for metal was just a lazy weekend activity. But Raphael soon saw just how much junk there was at the bottom of the river. He wanted to do more.“It became like a full-time job.”he said.
Last October, Raphael won an award for his efforts. He received the Medal of Paris. Raphael is confident about his progress in the last two years.
Cleaning the river is not easy for Raphael, but he won't give up. He hopes he can be one of the first to swim in the water once it is safe.
50. Why does Raphael clean the Seine River
A. To win the Medal of Paris.
B. To share videos on YouTube.
C. To let people swim in the river.
51. Which paragraph shows how hard the job of cleaning the river is
A. Paragraph 2. B. Paragraph 3. C. Paragraph4.
52. How does Raphael probably clean the river
53. What could be the best title for the text
A. Seeing is believing.
B. Think twice before you act.
C. Small actions can make a difference.
In China, many hundreds of dialects (方言) are spoken. But unluckily, some dialects are in danger of disappearing. To save them, the Chinese government started the Chinese Language Resources ProtectionProject(中国语言资源保护工程) a few years ago.
It's well-known that it is important to protect the dialects. According to British linguist Harold Palmer,dialects show the history and culture of an area, They are the keys to storing local cultures. But nowadays,they are easy to be forgotten.
Zhang Hongming, a Chinese expert, also expressed his worries about the disappearing of dialects.“In the Wu dialect areas such as Shanghai and Suzhou, children aged 6 to 15 can understand but hardly speak the dialect. At the same time, young people above 15 years old sometimes speak it, but not very well. If this keeps happening, the dialect might disappear. As a result, the cultures and customs behind it might
disappear, too.”he said.
This first stage of the project included making a survey about how people talk in 1,712 places. The researchers found 103 dialects are almost gone in these places. Then the project helped China build the largest online language resource library in the world, where people can learn dialects from over 5 million videos.
To build the biggest library, a big national effort has been put into the project. Over the last five years,more than 350 universities and research groups have joined in the project, along with over 4,500 experts and more than 6,000 dialect speakers.
The project is now entering into its second stage. This includes developing more creative tools like apps and mobile dictionaries to help people learn dialects.
54. What is the purpose of the Chinese Language Resources Protection Project
A. To build the largest library for Chinese literature.
B. To spread Mandarin as the primary language in China.
C. To protect local dialects that are at risk of disappearing.
55. What does the underlined word storing in Paragraph 2 refer to
A. Questioning. B. Keeping. C. Changing.
56. How does the writer show China has put a big effort into this Protection Project
A. By listing numbers. B. By asking questions. C. By comparing facts.
57. What can be inferred(推理) from the last paragraph
A. Fewer people will speak dialects.
B. There will be more ways to learn dialects.
C. People will learn dialects in an online library.
第二节 (共5个小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)
When you use an online map, the map will know where you are. When you watch a video online, the website will know what you like to watch. Using online tools can make your life easier. But sometimes,others can get your personal information and misuse it. 58 Here are some ways you can try to keep your information safe.
Stop apps from“following”you.
When you download an app, the app will ask if it can follow you. 59 Sometimes, ads pop up.Don't click on them, or the app may get more information about you.
Think before scanning(扫描) your face.
Facial scanning can be used to find out who you are. But it is not always necessary to use this technology when you get into a shopping mall, restaurant, or museum. 60 Some people may use it for marketing or telecommunication fraud(电信诈骗).
When someone sends you a friend request, take a look at his personal information first. Where does he live Does he have the same friends with you Don't show your position and phone number easily. Check your privacy settings(隐私设置). 62
A. Always choose“no”.
B. This can be dangerous.
C. Be careful when making friends online.
D. Do you often receive unwanted calls or text messages
E, So, a person can't see anything you don't want him to see.
F. If you're not careful enough, your facial information can be given out.
第三节 (共5个小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)
阅读下面短文,根据其内容填空和回答问题。 (63至 66题每题答案不超过3个单词,67 题须用完整句子回答。)
When someone makes mistakes that hurt your feelings, what will you do Forgive(原谅) them or stay angry Confucius (孔子), a great thinker in ancient China, showed his answer to this question in TheAnalects of Confucius《论语》.
Confucius said:“Don't mention what is past; don't undo what is cast; don't grasp what is blast.”What does it mean If a person made him feel uncomfortable, Confucius said, he would forgive him. Confucius didn't think people were perfect and they would make mistakes. If people just keep others' bad actions in mind, they will become unhappy. So, why not let the bad things of the past go and look to the future
The story of GuanZhong and Duke Huan of Qi(齐桓公) during the Spring and Autumn Period is a good example.
Guan Zhong once tried to kill Duke Huan of Qi. But when the Duke knew that Guan could help him look after his kingdom, he forgave what Guan did. So, Guan did his best to help Duke Huan of Qi. Together,they made the kingdom better.
We think forgiveness is what we do for others, but it's really about keeping ourselves from the bad feelings. Letting go of bad things in the past doesn't mean forgetting them. Instead, we should learn from them so that we don't make the same mistakes.
63. Confucius was a great thinker of China who died at the age of .
64. In Confucius's mind, people were , so they would do something wrong.
65. Guan tried his best Duke Huan of Qi after the Duke forgave him.
66. We should bad things in the past and avoid making the same mistakes.
67. What can you learn from Confucius's opinion about forgiveness
第四部分 语言运用(共两节,满分25分)
第一节(共5个小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)
根据中文意思,补全英语译文。 (每空限填一词,缩写算一词)
excellent scientist Yan Ning is!
If we continue to , we will solve difficulties.
China in protecting wild animals for many years.
Characters for recording and spreading information.
The opening of the 19th Asian Games is an event technology and culture.
第二节(共 10 小题; 每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
Do you like traveling Now, a new way of traveling called“Military-style travel”(特种兵旅游) has become one of the 73 (popular) ways among Chinese college students. They spend little money traveling to many places during the weekend, seldom taking 74 break or sleeping.
To save money, they usually take a normal-speed train 75 a Friday night. After arriving at their dream city on Saturday morning, they visit as many 76 (place) as they can. Sometimes, they 77 (possible) choose to sleep at a 24-hour restaurant for a few hours. Then the next day, they repeat the same busy schedule(日程安排) before 78 (return) to their university in time for classes on Monday morning.
Videos of them taking such trips have been shared on social media platforms (平台). With many people online praising them for 79 (they) energy and high ability to carry out their plans. 80 , others question whether such a busy schedule is healthy.
Hu Die, a student at Inner Mongolia University of Technology, is one of such travelers. She 81 (put) together a recent 10-day holiday and traveled to six cities.“We do not think we are doing something‘crazy’ or‘ unbelievable’. We are young and energetic enough 82 (experience) such a travel schedule,”she said.“Besides, when you travel with your friends, you are happy, and you do not feel tired.”
第五部分 写作(满分25分)
4月 23 日是世界阅读日,你的学校将举行以“阅见——最美四月天”为主题的英语征文活动,请结合下图内容及提示,以“Reading makes me ”为题, 根据写作要求, 写一篇不少于80词的短文。
写作要求:1. 结合实际,用适当的形容词或动词短语补全标题。
2. 短文须包含图中所有信息,并适当拓展。
3. 文中不能出现真实的人名和校名。
黔东南州 2024 年初中学业水平第一次模拟考试 英语参考答案
第一部分 听力(共五节,30 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 30 分)
1-6 BCAACC 7-12 AACBCB 13-18 BCAABA 19-24 ACBACB
25. Sunday 26. parents 27. relaxed 28. sharing 29. fun 30. remember
第二部分 完形(共两节,满分 20 分)
31-35 CEBAD 36-40 BACCA 41-45 CBCAB
第三部分 阅读(共三节,满分 50 分)
46-49 CABA 50-53 CBBC 54-57 CBAB 58-62 BAFCE
63. 72/seventy-two
64. not/never perfect
65. to help
66. let go of/learn from
67. We can learn how to treat bad things in our lives.
(答案不唯一,根据文本言之有理即可。语法正确可得 2 分; 表达有语法错误、拼写错误酌情扣
第四部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 25 分)
68. What an 69. pull/work together 70. has succeeded 71. are/were invented
72. that/which connects
73. most popular 74. a 75. on 76. places 77. possibly
78. returning 79. their 80. However 81. put 82. to experience
英语参考答案(第一次) 第 1 页(共 2 页)
第五部分 写作(满分 25 分)
档次 分值 评分标准
五 21-25 很好地完成了规定的写作任务。涵盖所有的内容要点,文章结构 完整,语句流畅,意思清楚,过渡自然。运用了较丰富的词汇、 语法和句式结构;错误较少,格式正确,书写规范。
四 16-20 较好地完成了规定的写作任务。基本上涵盖所有内容要点,文章 结构较为完整, 语句完整通顺,意思表达清楚,语法结构和词汇 错误较少,格式基本正确,书写较为规范。
三 11-15 基本上完成了规定的写作任务。涵盖主要内容要点, 结构欠完 整, 少数语句不通顺, 意思基本清楚, 语法结构和词汇错误较 多,格式基本正确,书写基本规范。
二 6-10 未能按要求完成规定的写作任务。只包含少数的内容要点,结构 不完整,多数语句欠完整, 意思不够清楚,语法结构和词汇错误 较多,影响理解,格式不够正确,书写欠规范。
一 0-5 未能按要求完成规定的写作任务。不写或抄写与话题无关的内容 不得分;只写出一些与话题有关的词、短语或者1-3个简单句, 书 写不规范。
英语参考答案(第一次) 第 2 页(共 2 页)



