七年级下学期单元综合测试(B卷)Unit 3 How do you get to school? Test B (含答案)

单元综合测试(B卷)Test B for Unit3 of 7B
(  )1. If you want to learn more about _______ Beijing opera, you can't miss ______ opera show at the theatre tonight.
A. the; an B. the; the C. /; an D. /; the
(  ) 2. --- Listen! Can you hear someone _______ in the next room --- Oh, it's Amy.
A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sings
(  )3. The new supermarket is not _____ the neighbourhood. Let's walk there.
A. far away B. far from C. away from D. far
(  ) 4. We all have our time machines, don't we Those that take us back are memories (记
忆). And those that carry us _____ are dreams.
A. behind B. forward C. away D. round
(  ) 5. It's the last minute in the football match, but Jacky ______ the ball. He looks at his teammates, unhappy.
A. catches B. gets C. misses D. passes
(  ) 6. The online shop sells (卖) _____ clothes at very good prices.
A. child and man's B. children and men’s C. children’s and men D. children's and men's
(  )7. Welcome to Suzhou! There are lots of interesting places _____ here.
A. visit B. visited C. visiting D. to visit
(  ) 8. --- You can't go out these days. What can I do for you
--- Thanks, but you need to do ________. The volunteers have helped us a lot.
A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything
(  )9. --- How do you usually come to Suzhou
--- By high-speed rail (高铁). It _____ me only 40 minutes to get here.
A. spends B. pays C. costs D. takes
(  )10. --- I can't go hiking with you tomorrow. Shall we make it another day
--- _______. What about Sunday
A. You're welcome B. Have a good time C. All right D. Good luck.
When I was twelve, I took part in a six-day hike(徒步) for 50 km through the mountain in autumn. With a 20-kg pack, we walked into the mountain. It didn't 1 me long to find that this hike was a difficult one. We couldn't even stop for a 2 because the mosquitoes(蚊子) were in our ears, eyes and even our noses! It was better to just keep walking to stay ahead of them.
When we reached the camp, I only wanted a warm meal. I cooked some noodles, but fell over the dinner. I ate 3 but some chocolate. The next day, I almost broke down(崩溃). With every step (一步), my 4 seemed to get a new blister (水泡). By the late afternoon, I tried to cook some dinner again. 5 all kinds of insects(昆虫)kept landing on it. I gave up (放弃). My feet hurt so much and my stomach groaned(呻吟) with hunger. Not wanting others to see me, I walked away alone, sat down and 6 . After some time, I cleaned away my tears (眼泪) and went back.
The next morning, we were hiking along a beautiful ridge (山脊). The nature (自然) I saw 7 me was amazing! It made me wonder why I paid attention to (注意到) the wrong things! I made up my mind that I would only think about what I wanted. As if by magic, the rest of the trip was 8 . When we finished our trip, I came home a bit less of a 9 and a bit more of a man.
All we need to do is to 10 ourselves and then life truly becomes colourful.
(  )1. A. take B. cost C. show D. spend
(  ) 2. A. work B. sleep C. rest D. study
(  ) 3. A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something
(  ) 4. A. hands B. mouth C. feet D. arms
(  ) 5. A. And B. So C. Because D. But
(  ) 8. A. difficult B. clean C. enjoyable D. sad
(  ) 9. A. boy B. girl C. woman D. student
(  )10. A. raise B. help C. miss D. change
Hello, boys and girls! Nice to see you again in our art club. Today we are going to learn about a new art form(形式). It was created by an American artist Haring. He is good at different kinds of scrawling (涂鸦). Now let's make some Haring sports scenes (场景). Please follow the instructions. If you have any questions, let me know.
(  )1. First of all, we should _____.
A. make different poses B. get everything ready
C. draw the head D. cut the cards
(  ) 2. There are _____ steps(步骤) to make a Haring sports figure before adding in more details.
A. five B. six C. seven D. eight
(  ) 3. We don't need _____ in the first four steps.
A. scissors B. tacks C. a ruler D. a pen
(  )4. In this period of the art club activities, you may make some _____ poses.
A. running B. thinking C. singing D. studying
The following morning Mother doesn't feel well. She stays in bed all day. In the evening she tells Peter to run to the village and ask the doctor to come.
"She has a bad cold," Doctor Forrest says. "She must stay in bed. Can you be her nurse "
"Yes, of course," says Bobbie.
"Well, make a nice big fire in her room to keep warm," the doctor says. "Here's some medicine for her. And this is a list (清单) of food you must buy for her."He gives Bobbie a piece of paper.
Later Bobbie shows the list to Peter and Phyllis.
"But how can we buy all these things " she says. "We don't have any money. What can we do "
For a long time they sit and think. Then they have an idea.
The next day there is only one child waiting for the 9:15 train to come out of the tunnel (隧道). It's Peter. He isn't sitting on the fence (栅栏) that morning. _____ Behind him there is a large white sheet(床单). There are some words on it. They say, "Look out at the station.
As the train passes, an old gentleman on the train sees it. So do the other passengers (乘客). They look out for something at the station, but they see nothing. Then the old gentleman sees Phyllis. She's running along the platform(站台). When she gets to his window, she pushes a letter into his hand.
The old gentleman sits down and opens the letter. He reads:
Dear Mr,
We do not know your name, …
--- Adapted (选自) from The Railway Children
(  ) 5. What does the doctor mean by saying "Can you be her nurse "
A. He hopes Bobbie can be a nurse in the future.
B. He hopes Bobbie can look after her mother well.
C. He would like Bobbie to help him in the hospital.
D. He would like Bobbie to ask a nurse for help.
(  ) 6. Which of the following should be in "_____"
A. His face starts to go red. B. He decides to go the next day.
C. He is walking to the shop. D. He's standing in front of it.
(  ) 7. Which of the following is the right order of the story
a. Phyllis pushes a letter to a passenger. b. Mother has to stay in bed.
c. The doctor gives Bobbie a food list. d. Peter puts up a sheet with some words on it.
A. b-c-d-a B. a-b-d-c C. c-b-d-a D. b-a-d-c
(  ) 8. What may the children's letter be about
A. The children hope to make friends with the old gentleman.
B. The children want to get some help from the old gentleman.
C. The children would like to take a train trip with the old gentleman.
D. The children want the old gentleman to visit their new house one day.
1. Thank you for ________(饲养) my dog when I'm away these days.
2. Many people like to read the ________ (作品) of Yu Hua.
3. This is not Lucy's bike. __________(她的) is the red one under the tree.
4. I often buy ________(明信片) for my old friends when I go travelling.
5. On Sundays, she likes singing songs at home and ________ (划) boats in the park.
6. This way, please! Our room is at the back of the _________ (旅馆).
7. The local people are very _______ (友好的) to us when we travel there.
8. After trying some _______ (当地的) food in Suzhou, Andy falls in love with it.
9. Suzhou is f________ for beautiful Chinese gardens.
10. A hundred years ago, it was not usual for people to o________ cars.
11. Most parents hope their children will g________ up to have a bright future.
12. Here is your k_________ to Room 212. You can take the stairs to the second floor.
west because friend take a walk look forward to
My name is Maria. I'm from Suzhou. Now I'm in Macao (澳门). I am having a good time here.
Now I'm having lunch with my classmates in a 1.__________ restaurant. They’re talking about the food here. Everyone loves it. And I'm writing a WeChat message to my parents, 2.__________ I want to tell them about my trip. After eating lunch, we 3.___________ in the city. Macao is small, and the people here are 4.__________ to us. We want to buy some specialities (特产) in the supermarkets and take some photos in the beautiful places.
I want to show my parents these photos after I go back to Suzhou. I miss (想念) my parents very much and I am 5.__________ seeing them. I like Macao but there's no place like home.
When spring 1.________ (come), students all over 2.________ world take school trips to get close to nature (大自然). 3.________ school trips are different from country to country.
Netherlands is the land of windmills (风车). 4.________ March and April, it is full of the sweet smell of flowers. This is the 5.________ (good) time of the year for students to take a trip. They always ride bikes to enjoy 6.________ (beauty) tulips (郁金香) and green fields. Sometimes they visit art museums with 7________ (they) friends.
The UK children can do many things when it comes to school trips. They can visit a seaside city or park. One special place to go is the wetlands. Wetlands are different kinds of 8.________(bird) home. The children spend time 9.________ (learn) about the birds there. The scientists (科学家) there can teach children something about nature. Children will also learn that some animals and birds today 10.________(be) in danger (危险).
How do you like to travel, by plane or by train Surely, planes are fast and easy. However, travelling by train has its own charms(迷人之处), especially(特别)in the busy times we live in.
These days, taking trains can be as comfortable as staying in a star hotel. China's new panda train is a good example (例子). There are giant panda pictures inside and outside the train. With a dining room, a bar, a dance hall, and a mahjong room, people can have fun together on the train. If they are hungry, they can try snacks in the shape (形状) of pandas and delicious Sichuan food. They can take showers and use the train's 5G network too.
Train travel is also full of surprises. You might meet new people and see unexpected(出乎意料的) things. Sheng Yawei, 26, works in Beijing now. In 2020, after taking a trip in Russia, he took the Trans-Siberian Railway(西伯利亚铁路), the longest one in the world. On the way, he met old people who were working on Sudoku (数独) games. He tasted ice cream at train stations. He became friends with a Russian girl who studied English. The trip covers (覆盖) eight time zones(时区), so taking it is like travelling through time. When it crosses (穿过)a time zone, your watch will go back one hour. Sheng found it so interesting. "Unlike taking a plane from one place to another, taking a train is like drawing a line. You don't know who you’ll meet or what you’ll see," Sheng said. "It's a window to see the world."
1. Why is Sheng's trip like travelling through time
2. How many railway lines (铁路线) are talked about in the passage
3. How would you like to travel, by plane or by train Why
1. What's your hometown like and how is the environment (环境)
2. What is your favourite place and what do you often do there
3. What do you think of the people in your hometown
4. What do you think of your hometown
Welcome to my hometown --- Suzhou. Let me tell you something about it!



