
第一部分选择题(共50分)一、阅读理解(共4小题,每小题8分;满分32分)第一节 阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
1.(8分)Singapore started to put labels (标签) on every drink recently.The labels are from A to D.A is the healthiest,and D is the least.The more sugar and saturated fat(饱和脂肪),the less healthy the drink is.
(1)From the text,the drink with the label"    "is the healthiest.
A.Grade A
B.Grade B
C.Grade C
D.Grade D
(2)What kind of drinks has the most saturated fat?    
(3)A bottle of unsweetened tea most probably has    sugar in it.
(4)In which part of a newspaper can you find the text?    
2.(8分)As a Brazilian,I think the Brazil Carnival(巴西狂欢节) is more than just a festival — it's a big party that shows how lively our country is.This year
Carnival holds different meanings for different people.When I was a little boy,it was a national holiday — a time to get off the school uniforms and enjoy ourselves in a world of unusual costumes(服饰).My mom made smart costumes for me
But as we grow older,carnival takes on new meanings,like a samba (桑巴),samba groups from all over the city have exciting parades(游行) in the streets.It's a time when everyone forgets their worries and enjoys themselves together.People who don't know each other become friends
And then there's Rio de Janeiro's famous Carnival—it makes all other parties seem like warm﹣ups.I once had the chance to see it firsthand.I saw the lively streets and people from all walks of life hug each other.The whole city danced into the night until the morning.But more than just the excitement,carnival shows how strong and united(团结的) Brazilians are.It's a time when people forget their differences and come together in a celebration of happiness.
(1)How long did Rio de Janeiro Carnival last this year?    
(2)What does the writer mainly tell us in Paragraph 2&3?    
A.People become friends in the exciting carnival parades.
B.His family dress up in unusual costumes during carnival.
C.Samba dancers learn difficult steps in the streets for carnival.
D.Carnival holds different meanings for him at different ages.
(3)Which is closest in meaning to"firsthand"in Paragraph 4?    
A.In person.
B.In general.
C.In public.
D.In surprise.
(4)What can be the best title for the text?    
A.Exciting Parties in Brazil
B.A Lively City — Rio de Janeiro
C.Strong and United Brazilians
D.A Big Festival — Brazil Carnival
3.(8分)Xuwen,a small town in the south of Guangdong,is called the"hometown of pineapples(菠萝),farmers produced nearly 700,000 tons of pineapples in 2021.But what makes Xuwen so successful?
In 2019,the Guangdong government introduced a marketing system(市场体系) for pineapples grown in Xuwen and set up a special working group to make it happen.They called it"12221",including the following five parts:"one"database of agricultural products(农产品数据库);"two"teams;"two"marketing areas,sales areas and production areas,helping buyers into the production area and agricultural products into the market;and"one"goal—rural vitalization(乡村振兴).
The project sent the fruit to bigger markets by finding buyers and improving the business sense of growers as well as using big data to guide production and sales methods."It changed people's opinions and helped farmers have a better understanding of marketing,"said Liu Yicun,who used to work at the Xuwen government.
A lot of people from around the country visit Xuwen because of pineapples,helping the development of the local tourism industry.The local food plays an important part when young tourists choose where to go.It's common for young travelers,especially those born in the 1990s and 2000s to go on journeys.At the same time
(1)What is Xuwen in Guangdong famous for?    
A.Its changeable weather.
B.Its colorful history.
C.Its hard﹣working farmers.
D.Its local products.
(2)What does the underlined word"It"refer to?    
A.The marketing system.
B.The Guangdong government.
C.The special working group.
D.The hometown of pineapples.
(3)What benefit can the local farmers get from Project 12221?    
A.They can grow different kinds of fruits.
B.They can buy local products more cheaply.
C.They can find more sale areas and buyers.
D.They can work at the government more freely.
(4)What can we infer from the text?    
A.All pineapples sold in the country come from Xuwen.
B.More tourists will visit Xuwen because of pineapples.
C.Project 12221 has been introduced to the whole country.
D.Tourism industry will take the place of pineapple industry.
4.(8分)In an unusual move,the wildlife workers in Florida,the US(海牛) to keep them from hunger.So far,they have already given out 25 tons of lettuce(生菜),manatees only eat sea grass and other sea plants.That's one reason why they're sometimes called"sea cows".They spend most of their time in warm water which is not deep looking for food.
But Florida's manatees have been on the US government's list of endangered animals since 1967.One of the biggest problems for manatees is boats.Manatees are curious,and quite slow.That has led to thousands of manatees being hurt or killed by boats!
With protection,manatees managed to pick themselves up.At one point,there were only about 2,there were about 8,800 manatees.
But now manatees are facing a new problem.Many of the beds of sea grass that manatees depend on have been killed by pollution.Polluted warm sea water and fertilizers(化肥) from farmlands have created huge growths of algae(海藻) on the ocean's surface.It prevents the sunlight that allows the sea grass to grow.The problem is especially serious in Indian River Lagoon.About 90% of the sea grass beds in the area have died off.
So last December,the wildlife experts came up with a plan to get emergency food for the manatees.They decided to feed them green vegetables like lettuce.It has been very successful .They're working hard to make a difference.
(1)The writer describes manatees by    .
A.telling stories
B.raising questions
C.listing numbers
D.giving examples
(2)What is the main purpose of Paragraph 2?    
A.To tell us what can cause manatees' illness.
B.To explain why manatees are in great danger.
C.To introduce several ways of protecting manatees.
D.To offer some information about the US government.
(3)Why is lettuce called"emergency food"for manatees?    
A.Because lettuce is easy to grow in the United States.
B.Because sea grass nearly dies off because of pollution.
C.Because manatees eat nothing but vegetables like lettuce.
D.Because wildlife experts create a new way to feed manatees.
(4)What is the subject discussed in the text?    
A.Let's save endangered manatees.
B.Manatees face serious problems.
C.What manatees' living habits are.
D.What we should feed manatees on.
第二节 阅读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个多余的选项。
5.(8分)What genes(基因) did your parents pass on to you?Was it their eye color or their height? (1)    Or it could be their anxiety(焦虑) about math.
A US study found that genes can decide children's math skills and anxiety over math.It studied over 500 sets of twins(双胞胎) .(2)    They found that fraternal twins(twins with different genes) had different skills and anxiety over math.Identical twins(twins with the same gene set) were similar.This shows genes can influence people's anxiety over math.
(3)    It could bring the same feeling as being hurt in the body.This anxiety means that children will not want to practice math as much as they should.Then,they become even worse at math.It only adds to their anxiety about it.
But if you're bad at math,don't just look at your parents.Math anxiety is rare(罕见的)— genetic reasons explained about 40%.(4)    So in life,it's important to know how to deal with math anxiety.
A.It could be their characters or their musical talent.
B.Math anxiety makes students feel better with math.
C.Math anxiety has a stronger influence on a child's abilities.
D.The environment,including school and family,is also a reason.
E.Scientists found that genes has something to do with math anxiety.
6.(10分)Gary and Gavin were brothers who worked in a store owned by their father.After the father had passed away,the two brothers (1)    the store together.Everything went well until the day a twenty﹣dollar (2)    disappeared.Gary had left the bill on the cash register(收银台).But when he returned,the money was gone.
Gary then asked his brother Gavin,"Did you see that twenty﹣dollar bill on the cash register?'Gavin said that he had not.But Gary did not let it go and kept (3)    ."Where is the bill?Twenty﹣dollar bills can't walk away by themselves!Surely you must have seen it.""I said I didn't see it!"Gavin replied with (4)    .
The argument divided the brothers and they couldn't work together any longer.Later on ,a (5)    was built in the center of the store.For twenty years,hostility(敌意) never ended.
One day,a strange man came to the store.He walked in and asked Gary,"How long have you been here?"Gary (6)    that he'd been there all his life."Then you are the person I'm (7)    ,"the man said."Twenty years ago,I was totally broke(穷困潦倒)(8)    from the back door and saw a twenty﹣dollar bill on the cash register.And I took it.All these years I haven't been able to forget that.I had to come back and say sorry for that.
The stranger felt (9)    when he saw the middle﹣aged .man cry in front of him."Would you please go next door and tell the (10)    story to the man in the store?"Gary asked.Then something surprised the stranger even more — after hearing his story,the two middle﹣aged men hugged each other and cried together in the front of the wall of the store.
After twenty years,the wall that separated them finally came down.
(1)A.ran B.sold C.bought D.built
(2)A.gift B.book C.bill D.coin
(3)A.chatting B.asking C.thinking D.laughing
(4)A.joy B.anger C.surprise D.regret
(5)A.wall B.kitchen C.flat D.toilet
(6)A.noticed B.believed C.answered D.promised
(7)A.hearing of B.caring about C.talking with D.looking for
(8)A.noisily B.secretly C.happily D.suddenly
(9)A.scared B.shocked C.pleased D.relaxed
(10)A.warm B.strange C.same D.familiar
第二部分非选择题(共40分) 三、语篇填空 阅读短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号内所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺,连贯。
7.(10分)When Wang Haiyan was young,her favorite toys weren't Barbie dolls.Instead,she started learning to make shadow puppets(皮影)(1)    the age of 13.Now 43,Wang has spent 30 years practicing and spreading the art.
Shadow puppetry is a form of theater that uses puppets made from leather(皮) or paper,accompanied(伴奏)(2)    (invent) during the Western Han Dynasty(206 BC—AD 24).It (3)    (usual) tells us about folk tales and historical stories,passing down culture over thousands of years.
Shadow puppetry is all about creating the puppets and performing with (4)    (they).Wang's hometown of Hua county,Shaanxi
Puppet﹣makers must follow 24 steps (5)    (make) the puppets including washing the leather,carving(雕刻),according to Wang.Carving is (6)    (hard) part.
"We have (7)    special carving skill—moving the leather under the knife," Wang said.After three (8)    (year) practice,she mastered this skill."The steps make it hard to hand down the folk art
But Wang has found a way to do so.In recent years,she has made shadow puppets based on some cartoons and given a live online performance .She used colors like blue (9)    purple that were hardly seen in shadow puppetry and added more (10)    (stick) to the puppets to make the performance more lively."I hope more and more young people enjoy shadow puppetry and pass it down," she said.
8.(10分)Do you often compare yourself to other people?Perhaps your best friend received something you really wanted for birthday,or you're not allowed to go to a concert but your brother or sister is.Even though comparisons are normal and sometimes helpful,focusing on your own progress is important for your happiness
Why is focusing on me important?"We prefer to compare ourselves to others who are doing better or not as well as ourselves,"says psychologist(心理学家) Nicola Abbott."But comparing your achievements to your past self and your future self can be more positive."This can make you feel proud and excited .
If you begin to feel quite low,Abbott suggests focusing on your own progress and what you're good at.You can ask yourself questions like" ______?", "What do I feel proud of?"and"What improvements can I notice?"These can help to improve your self﹣esteem(自尊心).
"Comparing with others is normal,"says Antrobus,a child psychologist,too.Besides,learning to celebrate your friend's achievements can help not only to
(1)What does the writer think of comparisons?    
(2)What can make you feel proud and excited according to Paragraph 2?    
(3)What might be the missing sentence in the ____?    
(4)Which do you think is more helpful to you,comparing with others or focusing on your own progress?Why?(30 words or more)    
9.(20分)九年级毕业生即将迎来新中考改革后的第一次英语听力、口语学业水平测试。为更好的迎接测试、帮助同学们取得好成绩,你的班级将举办一次主题为"How to improve my listening and speaking skills?"的交流会。请你结合所给要点写一篇发言稿。开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Hello,everyone!Listening and speaking are important parts in English studying._________
第一部分选择题(共50分)一、阅读理解(共4小题,每小题8分;满分32分)第一节 阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
第二节 阅读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个多余的选项。
第二部分非选择题(共40分) 三、语篇填空 阅读短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号内所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺,连贯。
7.【答案】(1)at (2)was invented (3)usually (4)them (5)to make (6)the hardest (7)a (8)years' (9)and (10)sticks
8.【答案】(1)The writer thinks comparisons are normal and sometimes helpful.
(2)Comparing your achievements to your past self and your future self.
(3)What am I good at?
(4)Focusing on my own progress.Because focusing on my own progress can make me feel proud of what I have achieved,which can also help me feel good about myself and inspire me to make greater progress in the future.
9.【答案】 Hello,everyone!Listening and speaking are important parts in English studying.But sometimes we can't listen to others or communicates with our classmates in English correctly .Here are my ways to improve them.
First of all,I love English songs.As I listened to some English songs,I would memorize some words and try to pronounce them correctly.And I often watched English movies online.Besides I always grasped every chance to talk with others in English ,such as my English teacher,my classmates and foreigners in the street.By doing these,my listening and speaking skills improved a lot,too.
I hope I can keep on doing that.And I'm sure I will get satisfying marks in the coming examination if I insist on it.




下一篇:外研版八年级下册Module 7 My past life 练习 (无答案)