
2022-2023 深圳大学附中七年级(下)期中英语试卷
一、完形填空(10 分)
(10 分)A man was walking in a forest.He was holding an axe(斧子)in his hand.A little tree
stopped him and said, "Please use your axe to(1) those tall trees,my friend.Because
of them the sunlight cannot fall on me,and I have no room at all to spread myself.Without
them,I'll be the tallest tree in the forest."
The man(2) to help the little tree.He used his(3) to cut down the trees.Then
the little tree had(4) room.The little tree felt happy and said(5) to the man.When
the Sun came out,the little tree lost water and it became very(6) .Later when a storm
came.the little tree(7) all its leaves and branches. " Oh,poor little tree!"a bird said(8)
"You shouldn't ask the man to cut down the trees.The tall trees protected you so that you didn't
worry about heat or wind or rain.Time went by and you would(9) .When you get tall and
(10) ,you can have enough strength to fight against the Sun and the storms.So I don't
think you should do that.After hearing the words of the bird,the little tree felt regretful(后悔的).
(1) A.throw away B.turn off C.look for D.cut down
(2) A.remembered B.decided C.preferred D.forgot
(3) A.knife B.hand C.axe D.towel
(4) A.small B.natural C.enough D.bright
(5) A.thanks B.sorry C.no D.hello
(6) A.tired B.thirsty C.happy D.surprised
(7) A. tool B.lost C.got D.threw
(8) A.happily B.angrily C.sadly D.luckily
(9) A.grow up B.give up C.get up D.wake up
(10)A.weak B.low C.short D.strong
二、阅读(共三节,满分 40 分)
(7.5分)A few good friends are talking about their last vacations.
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I went to Xi'an with my cousin.We visited the Terracotta Army
and had a great time.We ate delicious food,too.Xi'an is a big and
nice city.I like it a lot.
My parents took me to Hong Kong by plane.We went to
Disneyland.It's just like a fairy tale kingdom(童话王国) but the
ticket is very expensive ﹣ Adult ( 成 人 ): ¥ 280 a
person.Children aged 10﹣18:half price.Children aged below
10:free.During our stay there,we bought many special things.
Last summer,my family went to Hainan.The weather was sunny
and hot.We went swimming and boating.They were
exciting.Later,we ate some seafood.It was very delicious!
My uncle works in Tibet(西藏).Last summer,I took a train to
visit him.There I saw lots of tall and clean mountains.Many
people there are good at singing and dancing.
Click Here to see more information.
(11)What did Helen do during the vacation?
A.Eating food.
B.Going boating.
C.Going shopping.
D.Climbing mountains.
(12)If Mr.Smith wants to take his two children(an 8﹣year﹣old and a 13﹣year﹣old) to
Disneyland in Hong Kong,how much should he pay?
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(13)Who had a great time at the sea?
(14)Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Helen went to Xi'an by plane .
B.Jason liked boating on the sea.
C.Diana visited Disneyland.
D.Bruce visited his uncle in Tibet.
(15)Where can you probably find the passage?
A.In a magazine.
B.In a travel guide.
C.On the Internet.
D.In a storybook.
(7.5 分)Did you watch your dog bury(埋) his favorite bone but dig it up only a day or two
later?There is actually a reason behind this—it's simply in their nature.For thousands of years,
dogs have buried their bones.
When dogs lived in the wild,sometimes food was hard to find.If they were able to find meat
and bones,dogs had to protect them.In order to keep other dogs and animals from finding their
meat,dogs would bury it in the ground.Even though most dogs have lots of food to eat today,their
instincts(本能) still tell them to bury their bones.Some dogs hide(藏) more than one bone at
a time.
A dog cannot bury a bone just anywhere.He must first find the perfect place.Often it's near a
tree or a large rock.Once the dog finds the perfect place,he uses his front feet to dig the hole,
drops the bone and covers up the hole to protect it.Dogs don't always remember where a bone is
buried,but they have a wonderful sense of smell.A dog can smell a bone even if it has been buried
for years.Most of the time,dogs find bones they have buried by themselves,but they can also find
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bones buried by other dogs.
(16)Why did dogs in the wild bury their bones?
A.To protect their families.
B.To protect their food.
C.To have a little fun.
D.To make the bones grow up.
(17)What does the underlined word "them" in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.The dogs.
B.Other dogs and animals.
C.The meat and bones.
D.Their instincts.
(18)What's the first step a dog takes to bury a bone?
A.He digs a hole.
B.He drops the bone in a hole.
C.He finds the perfect place.
D.He covers up the hole.
(19)Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Dogs started burying bones 100 years ago.
B.Dogs do not bury bones to protect them now.
C.Dogs always bury the bones near a river.
D.Dogs may hide more than one bone once.
(20)What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Dogs' parents lived in the wild.
B.Dogs' instincts can help them.
C.Dogs' wonderful sense of smell.
D.Dogs bury their favorite bone.
(7.5 分)In December 2021,people in Shenzhen found that water ran more slowly from their
taps.The government (政府) said the city was facing its most serious water shortage (短
缺) ever.
第 4 页 共 9 页
Some other cities in the southern part of China, like Chengdu and Guangzhou,are also
becoming "thirsty",the Paper pared (相比) with northern areas,southern areas
have more rain and are close to more rivers and lakes.So why are they still short on water?
In big cities like Shenzhen and Guangzhou,populations are growing fast.As a result,people
and factories need more and more water.Each person in Shenzhen has less than 200 cubic meters
of water each year.It's 1/12 of the country's average(平均水平).According to the United Nations,
it is an "absolute water shortage" (极度缺水) when the number is below 500 cubic meters.
Climate change is making the water problem worse.For example,most cities in Guangdong
depend on (依赖于) the Dongjiang River as their main source (来源) of water.In 2021,the
river was reported to be drying up.Because of climate change, there's also less snow in the
mountains of Tibet.The snow has long been the source of water for many areas in China.Those
mountains might provide less water in the future.
There are other reasons for water shortages.For example,water pollution makes it harder to
get clean drinking water.Factories and farms don't use water efficiently (有效地).Some cities
have enough rainfall,but don't have big lakes or reservoirs (水库) to store water.The water just
goes into the sea.
(21)What does the underlined word "thirsty" in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.polluted cities
B.full of water
C.short of water
D.rainy cities
(22)According to the country's average,how much water should each person in Shenzhen
have every year?
A.Less than 200 cubic meters
B.About 1/12 cubic meters
C.Below 500 cubic metres
D.About 2400 cubic meters.
(23)What can we learn from Paragraph 4?
A.Climate change doesn't influence the water problem.
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B.Climate change provides more water for the Dongjiang River.
C.The snow in the mountains of Tibet has provided water for many areas.
D.The mountains of Tibet will provide more water in the future.
(24)According to the passage,which of the following is NOT the reason of water shortage?
A.The growing population in some big cities.
B.The climate change on the Earth.
C.The drying up of the Changjiang River.
D.The problem of water pollution.
(25)What's the main idea of this passage?
A.The water shortage in some southern cities.
B.People should fight against water pollution.
C.The climate change makes the water shortage worse.
D.The government calls on Shenzhen people to save water.
一.第二节 短文填空(共 5 题,每题 2 分,满分 10 分)
A.It is the largest Chinatown in the United States.
B.Eating in Chinatown.
C.On the north side of the Canal Street,there are many jewelry shops.
D.They are so beautiful that you can travel around in the city.
E.There are many things to do and many places to visit.
F.The foods come from all over China:Beijing,Shanghai,Suzhou,etc
President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden made two important additions to the White House
over New York City's Chinatown (唐人街) in the east of Manhattan.About 150,000 people
live there.(1)
Shopping in Chinatown
You can find all kinds of Chinese things there just like you are in China:food,clothes,
jewelry(珠宝),and so on.(2) While,on the south side of the Canal Street,there are
small present shops,handbag shops,watch shops and some big supermarkets.
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Chinatown has more than 200 different restaurants.You can find many Chinese foods in the
city.(4) Sightseeing in Chinatown
You should visit the Chinatown when you are traveling in New York City.
(5) It is famous for its restaurants,jewelry shops,food markets,and busy streets,
such as Canal,Mott,Pell and Doyers Streets.Among them,Canal Street is famous for its
第三节、信息匹配(共 5 题,每题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
27.(7.5 分)Choose the proper information for the 5 situations.Then fill in the blanks with the
correct options.
A.It is my birthday today.My good friends come to my house and they sing the birthday song
for me.My parents cook them nice dinner.
B.Welcome to join the chess and soccer clubs.We have classes on weekends.Let's meet in the
C.Jinn is from USA.He wants to find a new friend in China.
D.Rush Hour is an action movie and it is very exciting.Jackie Chan's acting is wonderful.
E.Welcome to Uncle Wang's store.There are all kinds of clothes in his store and they are at very
good prices.
F.I like playing computer games,and Jim likes playing basketball.We both like to make friends
(1)I decide to buy a sweater,but I don't know where to buy one.Do you know?
(2)I want to find a pen pal.I want to learn English well.Can you help me?
(3)Today is really unforgettable to me and I have great fun.Do you know why?
(4)I am a big fan of Jackie Chan.Do you know about his movies?
(5)I enjoy playing chess,and Robert likes playing soccer.But we have no time to play them
on school days.Can you give us some advice?
一.语法填空(共 10 题,每题 1 分,满分 10 分)
28.(10分)Winter has already come in America.It is cold and (1) (snow)
in many places.That means young people are enjoying making ( 2 )
(snowman),going skating and having snowball fights.
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But once in (3) small American town,Severance, snowball fights were
illegal (违法的).Kyle worked for the town of Severance.He said children couldn't believe that it
was illegal to have snowball fights in(4) (they) hometown.
Nine﹣year﹣old Dane lives in Severance(5) his parents and little
brother.After he found that it was illegal to throw snowballs,he began to look for a way(6)
(change) that. "I want to throw a snowball without (7) (get) in trouble,
" he said.
Dane and his classmates wrote letters in support of overturning(推翻)the ban(禁令).Later,
Dane(8) (talk) about the problem at a Severance town meeting.Town leaders
listened to Dane(9) (careful),and in the end,they all agreed to overturn
the ban.Dane felt happy(10) he said that the first person he hoped to have
snowball fights with was his four﹣year﹣old brother.
Now,children in the town of Severance can enjoy the exciting snowball fights in winter.
四、书面表达(15 分)
29.(15分)在一节分享个人旅游计划的英语课堂上,Mr.Li 让同学们就自己最喜欢的城市
城市简介 位于中国南部作为花 法国的首都;有很多名胜古迹,至少写一点
城而闻名 例如埃菲尔铁塔和卢浮宫
喜欢的原因 可以吃不同种类的点 最浪漫的城市之一 至少写一点

(2)词数:80 词左右(开头已经给出,不计入总词汇)。
点心:dim sum浪漫的:romantic
埃菲尔铁塔:the Eiffel Tower卢浮宫:the Louvre Museum
Our Favourite Cities
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We talked about our holiday plan in our English class yesterday.Mr.Li asked us to introduce
our favourite cities.Following are some of our reports.
Lucy's favourite city is_________.
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上一篇:人教版七年级下册Unit6 I'm watching TV.词汇扩展及重点知识练习(无答案)
