
五、补全对话下面是手机聊天的界面,请根据聊天内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空 白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。
A.Not really.B.You are right.C.What do you mean?D.You must have tried it.E.How was your trip to Huairen?F.What else do you know about it?G.Did you go there with your friend?
8.(8分)College students are often encouraged to share household chores like washing dishes and sweeping the floor during their vacations at home,but one student from Yunnan province has completed something (1)   ﹣cutting lots of firewood weighing over 350 kilograms for his grandparents.
Fu Tian,a 19﹣year﹣old college student,spent his winter vacation at his grandparents' home in Yanxi Village(负担),on the final days of his vacation,Fu (2)   for the woods one kilometer away from the home at around 8:00 am to cut and collect firewood and didn't return until 6:00 pm.
He recorded the hard work in a(n) (3)   ,which caused an online sensation(轰动) after he shared it on the Internet.The video also included a (4)   that reads:"I can do nothing but prepare the firewood enough for my grandparents to use (5)   summer comes."This video has received more than 200,000 likes and over 10,000 comments.
Many people (6)   Fu for his hard work and sense of responsibility,while some college students also showed their efforts for their elder relatives with photos (7)   .
"What's in the basket is more than firewood,but also my deep love for my grandparents,"said Fu,the (8)   time I will spend with them.Though I don't enjoy heavy labor work,I want to help my grandparents as much as I can,"said Fu.
(1) A.different B.relaxing C.successful
(2) A.put on B.set off C.lay out
(3) A.diary B.video C.interview
(4) A.letter B.saying C.sentence
(5) A.when B.until C.because
(6) A.praised B.expected C.celebrated
(7) A.wisely B.luckily C.happily
(8) A.harder B.less C.longer
阅读理解 请阅读下面图文内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。
(1)If you want to get aerobic exercise,you can    .
A.take a dance class
B.run a 50﹣meter race
C.try the high jump once
(2)Aerobic exercise is great exercise because    .
A.it is fit for everyone
B.it's good for your heart and brain
C.it takes you a short time to lose weight
(3)When there is enough O2 in your body,    .
A.you are more active
B.your heart beats slower
C.you need more energy
(4)Louise counts his beats for 15 seconds and the number is 20.His BPM is    .
(5)We can read the poster in the" ________"part of a magazine.    
10.(10分)Village Super League,or"Cun Chao",is a football game among different villages in Rongjiang
The game included 20 teams of villagers from all walks of life,such as drivers,businessmen,Dong,Shui and Yao
During the competitions,thousands of people assembled in Rongjiang and cheered for the players.Among the sea of people,ladders(梯子),villagers dressed in traditional ethnic clothing sang and danced,showing famous cultural heritage.Besides,like Rongjiang watermelons and Rongjiang barbecues(烧烤) were provided outside the gym.
Rongjiang football has a history of over 80 years,and the locals have a deep love for football.Today,every village there has at least one football team
Besides,the game is quite relaxing,so it is highly valued by people
Thankfully,"Cun Chao"did bring something important to us.It made more people see the simple joy brought by the sport and encouraged them to play football.
(1)How long did the football game in Rongjiang last in 2023?    
A.Less than one month.
B.About 70 days.
C.Over three months.
(2)Which can best explain the underlined word"assembled"?    
A.got together
B.worked hard
C.broke records
(3)What did villagers do after each competition?    
A.They climbed ladders.
B.They ate watermelons.
C.They gave cultural shows.
(4)What's the main idea of Paragraph 4?    
A.How"Cun Chao"was started.
B.What"Cun Chao"means to the locals.
C.Why"Cun Chao"enjoys great popularity.
(5)What can we learn from the passage?    
A.Only young people can play in the event.
B."Cun Chao"connects sports with culture well.
C More people from cities will move to Rongjiang.
11.(10分)Giving advice is not one of the easiest tasks.You can be under a lot of pressure.How can you give advice to others properly? (1)   
Give up your bias(偏见).
We all have our own opinions on what someone should do.But when you give advice,the idea is to give someone the tools to make their own decisions,not make decisions for them.Try to cut your own opinions from the conversation.(2)   
Listen to their stories.
When some people are talking and trying to get your advice,start by just listening.(3)   This gives them the chance to deal with problems for themselves and come to accept a situation in their own mind.Don't talk until they're done,unless they seem to need a direct response.
If you can have a day or even a few hours to think about their problems and possible solutions,take time to really think about every possible solution or way of solving the problems.You can also ask someone else for advice.
Give people help if they want it.
If people are dealing with a situation where another person can actually do something,such as many interpersonal situations.(5)   They will be pleased if you give a helping hand.
A.Spend time with them.B.We should offer to help them.C.Because they need to be heard.D.Here are some tips that can help you.E.Take time to think about the problems.F.Just help them to reach their own decisions.
12.(10分)Do you know Zhang Jinyuan?She is a nurse and she is 95 years old now.She won the 2023 International Achievement Award(奖).The award is quite famous in the world.It is offered every two years.If a nurse makes a really big difference,she can get this award.Zhang is the first Chinese nurse to receive it.
After Zhang graduated from a nursing college in Nanchang,Jiangxi,she started practicing nursing at a local hospital in 1951.She worked for over 40 years as a nurse(退休) in 1992,but she didn't stop thinking of those people in need of care.
During a visit to a patient's home,Zhang found that the patient often forgot to record his blood pressure."Many families don't have simple medical care knowledge,and this must be solved quickly,Zhang also set up a home﹣centered elderly care volunteer group in 2009.
Till now,nearly 20,000 volunteers have provided free care services for over 700,"she said.
95﹣year﹣old Chinese nurse Zhang Jinyuan won the 2023 International Achievement Award.She is the first Chinese nurse to win this (1)   award in the world.Zhang began working as a nurse at a hospital in Nanchang in 1951.As a nurse,Zhang never stopped (2)   new nursing care tools.After retired,she continued playing a role in nursing care.Once she found many families didn't have medical care knowledge.Then she solved the problem (3)   by bringing nursing care from hospitals to families.Later,she set up a volunteer nursing service center and a home﹣centered elderly care volunteer group.Over 700,000 people have got care (4)   from these volunteers for free.Zhang has no plans to stop and in the future she will (5)   as many people as possible.
13.(12分)There are a group of primary school students who are bringing joy,laughter and some wise words to thousands of strangers.They do that through their Peptoc art project.
PeptocThe free hotline called Peptoc is a public art project started by two teachers,Jessica Martin and Asherah Weiss at a primary school in Healdsburg,California.They work with some students to provide encouragement for callers.Callers can hear powerful words from those young students over the phone.
Chart I
You may wonder what you can do through Peptoc.Just experience it by simply phoning 707﹣998﹣8410 and you will get cheerful advice from kids.
Choices for encouraging messages
Feel angry,upset or nervous↓Press(按)① Need words for life advice↓Press(按)② Need a pep talk (激励的话)↓Press(按)③
Hear kids laugh with joy↓Press(按)④ Need encouragement inSpanish↓Press(按)⑤ Make a donation (捐赠) tosupport the project↓Press(按)⑥
Chart Ⅱ
Why is the hotline popular?
Martin has received messages from people from around the world since Peptoc was put into use."There's a pretty clear reason.We're in a very broken world right now and we need to hear this,from children especially,"Martin said.The project helps people see the bright side of things.That's necessary and important when people are facing challenges.We has been sharing students' creative work and posting the flyers (传单)
Chart Ⅲ
"One small and easy act of kindness can easily touch millions in just a few days.We are very proud of these students,"Martin said."We and the school want to keep Peptoc for months or years.And we'll try to raise money to keep it longer."
(1)Why did the two teachers start Peptoc?    
(2)What is the best subtitle of Paragraph 2?    
(3)If a person hopes to hear the laughter of happy kids,he can press Button(按键)    ;
If he wants to give away money to Peptoc,he can press Button    .
(4)Please complete the reasons for the popularity of Peptoc in Chart Ⅲ.    
(5)What will the two teachers do in the future?    
(6)What do you think of these teachers and students?In your daily life,how do you usually help others?    
14.(5分)I'm Mary and I just came to China three months ago.I would like to send my Chinese friends some (1)   .Who can give me some advice?
My name is Li Bin. (2)   my opinion,if possible,give gifts in person to show your respect for them.If you are not sure what to give your friends or relatives during the Spring Festival,you can also send a card (3)   is made by yourself.This makes the gift more meaningful.
I'm Bonnie.There (4)   certain things I think you shouldn't give your friends as gifts.Clocks or watches should be avoided because the phrase"give a clock as a gift"is about death in Chinese.Also,avoid anything in sets of four.Four is an unlucky number for Chinese people.Six,eight and nine are lucky numbers.You'd better not give knives (5)   scissors as they symbolize(象征) breaking up a relationship.Some flowers would be nice.
Seated at her desk and holding a brush in her right hand,Li Shaoyue is finishing a nice painting on the inside of a tiny glass bottle.
The 31﹣year﹣old from Zibo,Shandong Province,(1)   as an inner painter(内画师) since 2015.Inner painting is a traditional art in China and it has a history of over 140 years.Artists use special,fine (2)   that can enter tiny bottles to create their paintings.
Li Shaoyue learned the skill from her father,a master of traditional Chinese arts and crafts.As a shy child,Li Shaoyue (3)   how to draw.In college,she studied traditional Chinese painting.After graduation,she decided (4)   inner painting as her job after thinking twice.
"I (5)   my father doing this when I was a child.I knew it was not easy for (6)   because he couldn't hear,"she said."I also wanted to do the same because I knew that fewer young people were continuing to learn inner painting.It would be a pity if the(7)   art disappeared."
Compared with working on the paper,inner painting is much (8)   .Before starting to draw,one needs to plan (9)   .When drawing the lines,one must go slowly without bending(弯曲) them.It takes (10)   and patience and requires a lot of practice.
"I hope that more young people will join inner painting,such as starting it at school as an elective course,"she said.
(1)Who do you want to thank most?
(2)Share an unforgettable story between you.
(3)What do you want to say to him or her?
五、补全对话下面是手机聊天的界面,请根据聊天内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空 白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。
七、阅读理解(A) 请阅读下面图文内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项
13.【答案】(1)They work with some students to provide encouragement for callers.
(2)What can we do through the hotline/Peptoc?
(4)Peptoc helps people see the bright side of things.
(5)They will try their best to keep the Peptoc working.
(6)I think it's useful/great/wonderful...;I will tell him a funnystory/some jokes./...to cheer him up.
15.【答案】(1)has been working(2)brushes(3)was taught(4)to choose(5)saw(6)him(7)valuable(8)more difficult(9)carefully(10)time
16.【答案】 I think it's important for us to thank our parents.Since I was born,my parents have given me all their love and care,but never expect anything in return.They have brought me up and taken good care of me carefully and patiently.
Last year,I was chosen to take part in a speech competition.I felt very nervous.My parents tried hard to help me prepare for it.They encouraged me to be confident and told me not to care much about the result.They said the process of learning was more meaningful.With their help,I did very well that time.I felt happy and proud.
I'd like to say "Thanks a lot!You're great!I will love you forever!" to mum and dad.



