
第一部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Bentley was wandering through the trees. The air smelled of oranges all around him. He didn't
like that his family ate oranges all the time. Sometimes, he wanted to 1 them for weeks.
He wished his family could grow something for his favourite dip (调味酱). His mouth 2
just thinking about his favourite dip.
"Mom, why do we have to have oranges every day " Bentley asked.
"Well, 3 we grow them, there are plenty around," his mom replied.
"Does every kid eat as many oranges as we do " he asked.
"No, surely not. There are parts of the world that don’t have the 4 of weather that oranges grow in. We're actually very 5 !"
"So some kids don't eat oranges at all "
"We actually send oranges all over the world, so that if people can't 6 their own oranges, they can still buy and eat them," said Mom.
"So people transport food all over the world Is there food that I like but doesn't grow here "
"There is one thing in the dip you like, artichokes," replied Mom.
"I never knew!" cried out Bentley. "What 7 "
"Plenty of things! Food and products move the same 8 . People move themselves too."
"Wow! I never thought about where all our food comes from. It's amazing," Bentley said.
"I'm glad you asked. I'm sorry you are 9 of eating oranges all the time, but I hope now it
makes sense why we do."
"Yes, but I 10 might take a break from them every once in a while. Maybe I’ll try to grow my own artichokes!"Bentley replied.
Mom laughed and said, "Sure, honey. Now let's go and make dinner."
(  )1. A. enjoy B. avoid C. accept D. limit
(  )2. A. opened B. closed C. watered D. dropped
(  )3. A. though B. since C. if D. unless
(  )4. A. type B. level C. change D. resource
(  ) 5. A. successful B. serious C. special D. lucky
(  ) 6. A. sell B. create C. store D. produce
(  )7. A. wrong B. best C. strange D. else
(  )8. A. way B. time C. price D. season
(  )9. A. active B. tired C. satisfied D. relaxed(  )10. A. almost B. nearly C. still D. already
第二部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
(  )1. The ad is probably from the column (栏目) of _____ on a website.
A. Clothing B. Sports C. Toys & Games D. Home & Kitchen
(  )2. From the ad above, we can know that the shoes are _____.
A. at very good prices B. in many different sizes
C. in quite different styles D. only fit for the sportsmen
(  )3. Which of the following can be put in the "_____" in the ad above
A. Better city, better life! B. Run faster, run farther!
C. Good sports, good health! D. Time is what you make of it.
Material 1:
For many people, having a cup of coffee right out of bed is the best way to start a day. But a report from ASAP Science says otherwise.
It says the worst time for coffee is soon after we get up. When we wake up, our bodies start to make cortisol(皮质醇). Cortisol helps us think clearly and be quick to understand and act. The cortisol levels rise after we wake up and climb to the highest in about an hour. So there are two problems when we drink coffee during this time: Our bodies will make less cortisol, and the cortisol will make coffee less useful. And that's why some of us drink more and more coffee.
Then, when is the best time to have coffee When the cortisol levels are going down, the report says. Cortisol levels are usually highest between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., between noon and 1p.m,and between5:30p.m.and6:30p.m.So if you want to have coffee, enjoy it after these times, and this popular drink will help you the most.
Material 2:
Four people read the passage and wrote what they thought about it.
(  )4. What does it mean when someone thinks otherwise about something
A. They are serious about it. B. They have no idea about it.
C. They think differently about it. D. They do not think it is a problem.
(  )5. The picture below shows how the cortisol levels rise and fall during the day. From Material
1, which is a good time for coffee
(  )6. What did the four people think about Material 1
A. They wanted to try what it said. B. They were sad about what it said.
C. They did not agree with what it said. D. They were not surprised at what it said.
From the balcony of our tenth-floor flat, I searched the sky hoping to see a shooting star (流星).
"Stars are afraid of city lights, but a little song is always good for something."Grandma put her arms around me and sang softly. The common stars are for little wishes --- everyday wishes --- like getting more cream on your cupcake. But the shooting star is different.
"Shooting stars are lucky," Grandma said. So I kept a special wish ready --- ready for a shooting star to catch my wish in its tail and dance across the sky.
I rested deeper in her arms hoping for a few more minutes of her warmth as much as I hoped to see a shooting star.
"Tomorrow can't come if you don't dream tonight."She kissed my hair. I didn't remember my dreams when I woke up, but sure enough it was a new day. Grandma was singing softly in the kitchen. A little song was always good for something. I smelt buttermilk biscuits! Buttermilk biscuits were Saturday biscuits, but today was Wednesday. She gave me two. Then it was time for school.
On the third floor, the lift(电梯) suddenly stopped and went dark. My heart beat so hard that I felt the beating in my ears. Grandma rang the bell.
"Power is down," called Mr Simon from above us.
Grandma took my hands, and we sang together in the dark lift.
Before long, Mr Simon helped us out. Grandma took my hand, and we walked down the stairs to the street as if nothing happened.
The power was still off when I came home. After dinner and homework, we took biscuits and went to the balcony and watched day turn to evening. Lights came from far away, but it was dark here.
Flash! A light shot across the sky --- too sudden to seem real. Like magic, I felt my wish holding tight to the tail of that shooting star, dancing across the sky to our songs.
(  )7. What part of the story is Paragraph 1
A. The background. B. The development.
C. The climax (most exciting part). D. The ending.
(  ) 8. What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 5
A. It's the very time to go to bed. B. Dreams are important at night.
C. There will be shooting stars tomorrow. D. Remember the dream till tomorrow.
(  )9. What is Grandma like according to the passage
A. Strict and honest. B. Wise and proud.
C. Kind and smart. D. Careful and funny.
(  )10. What can we learn from the passage
A. We should enjoy everything we meet.
B. We can do nothing if we don't have power.
C. We can call shooting stars by singing songs.
D. We need to have hope even if life isn't smooth.
Every summer, about three billion birds migrate (迁徙) from North Africa to Europe and Asia. In winter, they return to Africa. As they travel from one place to another, they use the sun, stars, smells and landforms (地形) to find the way.
The migration is long and difficult, and some of the animals die during each trip. However, it is not this twice-a-year journey that poses the greatest risk for these animals. The main danger to the birds comes from hunters all over the Mediterranean(地中海地区). Millions of migratory birds are killed every year. As a result, the bird population is falling.
In countries along the Mediterranean, many migratory birds are illegally (非法地) trapped or killed. Besides traps, hunters also use electronic calls to catch birds. They make bird sounds to attract the birds. Some hunters also use nets to catch birds as they fly close to the sea. "There are no birds," saidone local man. "We walk for hours without seeing any. It's really scary."
Birds are in danger, and many countries are working to solve this problem. In the European Union, hunting migratory birds is illegal in some countries, while in others, it is strictly controlled --- the birds can only be hunted at a certain time of year. What's more, many nature-protection groups are making sure that laws are obeyed. This has been successful in many places. For example, Sicily, an island of Italy, was once a place where illegal bird hunting was common. Today, it has mostly eliminated (消除) bird hunting, and as a result, birdwatching is becoming popular there.
Wildlife organizations around the Mediterranean are helping to bring about change. "Hunting bans(禁令)are working," said Martin Schneider-Jacoby, a bird scientist."But there is still more to do. We hope to stop hunting and protect birds' living areas all over the Mediterranean. If this can be done, the number of birds will increase. There’s a long way to go, but there is hope."
(  )11. The underlined word "poses" probably means "_____" in Paragraph 2.
A. connects B. compares C. causes D. cures
(  )12. What are mentioned as tools for trapping and killing birds
① Traps. ② Guns. ③ Nets. ④ Electronic calls.
A.① ② ③ B.① ③ ④ C.① ② ④ D.② ③ ④
(  )13. What change has taken place in Sicily
A. Bird hunting is hardly seen in Sicily.
B. Some rare birds can be seen in Sicily.
C. Hunters try to attract more birds to the area.
D. The weather has become more pleasant in the area.
(  )14. Which of the following would Martin Schneider-Jacoby agree with the most
A. There should be more laws to protect baby birds.
B. It's possible that the bird population may continue to fall.
C. More countries need to stop hunting to increase the bird population.
D. The only way to increase the bird population is to allow limited hunting.
(  )15. The passage is mainly about _____.
A. several problems caused by migratory birds
B. why migratory birds are hunted in the world
C. how tourism causes a drop in migratory bird population
D. the situation of migratory birds and the efforts to protect them
第三部分 信息还原(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
How do people find their inner (内在的) talent British writer and speaker Sir Kenneth Robinson talked about this at TED. He told a story about Gillian Lynne, a great dancer and choreographer(编舞者)who has worked in famous musicals like Cats and Phantom of the Opera.
Gillian Lynne never did well in primary school as a child. 1. Her mother was quite worried about her. She took Lynne to see a doctor. 2. Then, the doctor said to Lynne, "I need to talk to your mother first. Wait here." As they left the room, the doctor turned on the radio. He then said to Lynne's mother, "Just stand and watch her."3. The doctor then turned to Lynne's mother and said, "Mrs Lynne, your daughter isn't sick. She's a dancer. Take her to a dance school."
So she did. Lynne's new dance school was full of people just like her - people who had to move in order to think. 4. Lynne later went to the Royal Ballet School, one of the world's greatest dance schools, and became a great dancer.
After leaving the school, she worked on some of the most successful musicals in history. It is hard to believe that years ago, somebody else would just put her on medication (药物治疗)and tell her to calm down.
Those who never do well in school needn't worry. 5.
A. Lynne had a lot of health problems during her early years.B. Find your inner talent like Lynne, and you can also succeed.C. She was strict with herself and studied hard in primary school.D. She loved the life in the dance school, and she showed her great talent soon.E. After they left the room, Lynne was on her feet, dancing to the music on the radio.F. For 20 minutes, she talked about the problems Lynne was having in school with the doctor.G. She couldn't think carefully when learning and often found herself unable to keep still.
第四部分 词汇运用(共13小题;每小题1分,满分13分)
第一节 根据下列句子所给汉语注释或首字母,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。
1. This summer I met some interesting people during the trip. To keep this friendship, we exchanged our ________(地址).
2. As AI is widely used in our daily life, some traditional jobs will go out _______(完全地).
3. It is said that parents are ________(严格的) with their children than before.
4.I have already checked the bag _________(两次),but there is no sign of my wallet.
5. Jane spends half of her pocket money on books. The rest is s__________ for future use.
6. Cooking is one of the most b_________ living skills that students have to learn.
7. An agreement seems to be impossible to reach because most of the members are a__________ it.
8. There are many people i____________ living a brighter future, but they do nothing to improve themselves in reality.
第二节 请认真阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,填入其正确形式。每个单词或短语仅用一次。
complete possible fill as a result wise
This is a story about two men with (9) --- Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu. The Chinese people have told the story for many years.
One day, Zhou Yu gave Zhuge Liang an (10) job - making 100 000 arrows (箭)within
ten days."No problem," Zhuge Liang said. "I'll bring you 100 000 arrows in three days."
After (11) 20 large boats with many straw men(稻草人), Zhuge Liang's soldiers (士兵) sailed the boats towards the camps of Cao Cao's army on the other side of the river on the third day. The soldiers shouted and beat their drums loudly.
When Cao Cao's soldiers heard the sounds, they were nervous and thought there were many soldiers on the river. However, they could not see through the thick fog on the river. Cao Cao ordered his soldiers to shoot arrows towards the sounds of the drums and the shouting. (12) , Zhuge Liang's boats were soon full of arrows.
Zhuge Liang took all these arrows to Zhou Yu. The task was (13) as a great success. There were more than 100 000 of them.
第五部分 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Recently, a short web series called Escape(逃跑)from the British Museum
has attracted great attention. It tells the story of a jade teapot(玉茶壶)coming
1. (live)and trying to escape from the British Museum in London.
It is reported that many artifacts (手工艺品) are not stored well and even stolen from the British Museum. The news breaks people’s heart, especially the 2. (country) from which the artifacts have been stolen or taken by force and later displayed or stored in the British Museum.
Getting those lost national treasures back is 3. dream of the Chinese people. Most of the artifacts were 4. (take)out of China at a time when the country was a plaything for the Western imperialist powers (帝国主义列强), who robbed whatever they could lay their hands on. Those artifacts represent the 5. (culture) and political identity(身份)of the people that created them.
However, the imperialist powers refuse to return the treasures they 6. (steal) and robbed because they don't want to admit the wrongs and crimes they committed 7. the past. China and most other countries to which those artifacts originally (原来) belonged(属于)face great difficulty in 8. (get)them back. But I believe the time of their return will 9. (final) come. Just as the saying goes, "Justice(正义)may be delayed (推迟), 10. it will not be denied(否定).
第六部分 阅读表达(共3小题;1题2分,2题2分,3题3分,满分7分)
April 2nd is the World Autism Day. This day reminds us to care about people who have autism, especially children.
What is autism It's a developmental disorder of the brain that influences a person's ability to communicate with others. As we can see on TV or in life, they live in their own world, playing by themselves and talking to themselves. II you have a child with autism, you have to watch him all the time.
However, there are some unusual facts about
autism. First, most of us think people with autism
don't want to communicate with others. In fact,
they want to make friends with others but find it
so difficult. Second, autism is considered to be the
result of bad parents. Then you are wrong. It's the brain that develops differently when the baby was born. At last, we think with the growth of the children, autism can be cured. That's not true. Even though they have grown up, the illness is still with them.
Over the past years, the number of the people with autism bas been on rise. It's high time that we should care about the people with autism. And as a teenager, we can volunteer our free time to help them. Singing songs, drawing pictures and playing games with them are all great ways. Are you ready to volunteer
1. What is autism
2. How many children may have autism among 952 of them
3. Please write another thing you can do for the children with autism and explain your reason.
第七部分 书面表达(共1题;满分25分)
假如你是李华,你校写作俱乐部本期的主题是"The rose's in her hand, the scent in mine (赠人玫瑰,手有余香)",请你以此写一篇英语短文,内容包括:



