
期中真题分类汇编 九 情景选择
人教PEP 三下
( )1.开学时你再次遇到老同学,你该怎样问候他:________
A.Hi, Mike. B.Nice to see you again. C.How are you
( )2.如果你想知道对方是从哪儿来的,你可以问:________
A.Who are you B.Where are you from C.What’s your name
( )3.当你把Mike介绍给你母亲认识时,Mike会对你妈妈说:________
A.Hello, mom. B.This is Mike, mum. C.Nice to meet you.
( )4.班里来了位新同学,大家表示欢迎,应该说:________
A.Welcome! B.Goodbye. C.How are you
( )1.向你的朋友介绍他是你的弟弟,这样说:________
A.He is a student. B.This is my brother.
( )2.让你的同学看你的小狗时,应该说:________
A.Look at my dog. B.I like monkeys.
( )3.想知道那个女人是谁,这样问:________
A.Who’s that woman B.Who’s that man
( )4.询问“她是不是你妹妹”,应该说:________
A.Is she your sister B.Is he your father
( )5.询问别人来自哪里,应该说:________
A.What are you from B.Where are you from
三、(2022-2023学年吉林省白城市通榆县育才学校)Read and choose. (给下列情景选择相应的内容。)
A.I’m a student. B.He’s so tall! C.This is my friend, John. D.It’s short and thin. E.Come here, children! F.She’s my grandma.
( )1.他很高,你可以说:________
( )2.想让孩子们到这里来,你可以说:________
( )3.它又矮又瘦,你可以说:________
( )4.向对方介绍你的朋友约翰时,你可以说:________
( )5.她是你的外祖母,你可以说:________
( )6.你是一名学生,你可以这样介绍自己:________
( )1.你想知道别人是来自哪个地方,该怎样问?
A.Where are you from B.Who are you C.How are you
( )2.新学期开始了,老师会对同学们说:________
A.Where are you from B.Who’s this C.Welcome back.
( )3.你想向爸爸介绍自己的朋友Zhang Peng,你应该说:________
A.This is my dad. B.Hi, Zhang Peng. C.This is Zhang Peng.
( )4.你想知道那个男人是谁,该怎样问?
A.Who’s that boy B.Who’s that man C.Who’s that woman
( )5.当你要告诉别人你是一个中国人时,应该说:________
A.I’m China. B.I’m from Canada. C.I’m from China.
( )1.当你想介绍Mr Jones是你的新老师时,你可以说:________
A.He’s my new teacher. B.This is Mr Jones.
( )2.当你看到一头大象时,你可以这样说:________
A.It’s short and thin. B.Wow! It’s so big!
( )3.当你想向妈妈介绍张鹏时,你可以这样说:________
A.Zhang Peng, this is my mum. B.Mum, this is Zhang Peng.
( )4.你想知道对方是哪里人,你可以这样问:________
A.Where are you from B.Who’s that man
( )5.你想让朋友们都过来,你可以这样说:________
A.Come here, friends. B.This is my friend.
( )6.当Amy向新朋友介绍自己时,她会说:________
A.Hi, Amy. B.Hi, I’m Amy.
( )1.你想告诉妈妈,这只猫太瘦了,你可以说:________
A.This monkey is so big. B.The cat is too thin.
( )2.你告诉老师,这是你的新朋友陈洁,你说:________
A.This is my teacher. B.This is my new friend, Chen Jie.
( )3.班上来了一位新同学,为了表示欢迎,你这样说:________
A.Oh, no! B.Welcome!
( )4.你想告诉同桌,那位男士是你的父亲,你说:________
A.That man is my father. B.This is my grandpa.
( )5.你想喊Amy过来告诉她一件事情,于是你说:________
A.Come here, Amy! B.Hi, I’m Amy.
( )1.你想告诉新认识的朋友你来自中国,可以这样说:________
A.I’m China. B.I’m from China.
( )2.你想问朋友远处的那个男人是谁,可以这样说:________
A.Who’s that woman B.Who’s that man
( )3.你想告诉朋友兔子有两只长耳朵,可以这样说:________
A.The rabbit has two long ears. B.The rabbit is long.
( )4.当你想介绍你的新同学Zhang Peng,你可以说:________
A.This is Zhang Peng. He is a new student.
B.This is Zhang Peng. She is a new teacher.
( )5.你想询问你的新朋友来自哪里,你应该说:________
A.How are you B.Where are you from
( )1.你养了一条小狗,很瘦,你可以向别人说:________
A.I have a dog. It’s thin. B.I have a pig. It’s fat.
( )2.你的同学Sarah 来自美国,你可以这样介绍她:________
A.Sarah is from the UK. B.Saran is from the USA.
( )3.让Amy到你身边来,你应该说:________
A.Come here, Amy. B.Come on, Amy.
( )4.当你和对方初次见面问好时,你可以说:________
A.How old are you B.Nice to meet you.
( )5.你喜欢运动,邀请同学去玩,你会说:________
A.I like sports. Let’s play. B.Let’s go to school.
( )1.你想向别人介绍你的妹妹,可以这样说:________
A.This is my brother. B.This is my sister.
( )2.你想知道照片中的小男孩是谁时,你可以这样问:________
A.Who is that girl B.Who is that boy
( )3.你和朋友逛动物园看到长颈鹿时,你可以这样说:________
A.Wow! It’s short and fat. B.Wow! It’s so tall.
( )4.当你向Amy介绍Mike时,你可以这样说:________
A.Hi, Amy. This is Mike. B.Hi, Amy. I’m Mike.
( )5.如果你想知道别人来自哪里时,你可以这样问:________
A.What’s this B.Where are you from
1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A
1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B
1.B 2.E 3.D 4.C 5.F 6.A
1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C
1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.B
1.B 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.A
1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B
1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A
1.B 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B




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