Unit 5 Why do you like pandas 单元知识梳理与检测 (含答案)2023-2024人教版七年级英语下册

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas
熊猫(n.)_________________________ zoo(n.)_________________________ 老虎(n.)_________________________ 大象(n.)_________________________ koala(n.)_________________________ 狮子(n.)_________________________ 长颈鹿(n.)_________________________ 动物(n.)_________________________ 可爱的;机灵的(adj.)________________ lazy(adj.)_________________________ 聪明的(adj.)____________________ 美丽的;美好的(adj.)_______________ scary(adj.)_______________ 种类(n.)_______________ Australia (n)_______________ 南方的;南方(adj./n.)_______________ 非洲(n.)_______________ 宠物(n.)_______________ 腿(n.)_______________ cat(n.)_______________ 睡觉(v./n.)_______________ friendly(adj.)_______________ 羞怯的;腼腆的(adj.)_______________ save(v.)_______________ 象征(n.)_______________ 旗;旗帜(n.)_______________ forget(v.)_______________ 地点;位置(n.)_______________ 水(n.)_______________ 危险(n.)_______________ cut(v.)_______________ 树(n.)_______________ 杀死;弄死(v.)_______________ 象牙(n.)_______________ over (prep.)_______________
Australia (n.)澳大利亚- _______________(n./adj)澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人 Africa(n.)非洲- _______________(n./adj)非洲人;非洲的 friend(n)朋友-_______________(adj)友好的 lose(v.)失去;丢失- _______________(v/adj.) 失去;丢失过去式;迷路的 danger(n.)危险-_______________(adj.)危险的 kind(n)种类-_______________(adj)亲切友好的 one(num.)一_______________ (num.)第一
让某人做某事._____________________ 先看熊猫_____________________ 我最喜欢的动物__________________ 有点有趣_____________________ 一种_____________________ 各种各样的_____________________ 对...友好_____________________ 来自于_____________________ really cute_____________________ most of them____________________ my new pet_____________________ walk on two legs_____________________ 整天睡觉_____________________ a good name for her__________________ like.. a lot_____________________ like...very much____________________ black and white_____________________ 一头大象_____________________ 什么动物_____________________ 远离_____________________ over there_____________________ 来到_____________________ save the elephants________________ 来自泰国的学生_____________________ 有水和食物的地方 ________________________ 想要做某事_____________________ ...之一_____________________ ...的象征_____________________ good luck_____________________ 画得好_____________________ 忘记去做某事_____________________ 忘记做过某事_____________________ get lost_____________________ lose their homes_____________________ 帮助某人做某事_____________________ 处在危险中_____________________ 走很长时间_____________________ cut down many trees________________ 砍倒它们_____________________ 为...杀死_____________________ there are/is_____________________ 禁止做某事_____________________ 象牙制品_____________________ 由...制成_____________________ importance in Thailand ________________________ 12岁_____________________ 住在_____________________ 南非_____________________ 超过1000_________________ 又大又漂亮___________________
你为什么喜欢熊猫?因为它们有点有趣。 ________________________________________________________________ 杰夫为什么不喜欢老虎?因为它们非常吓人。 ________________________________________________________________ 狮子来自哪里?它们来自南非。(2) ________________________________________________________________ 艾伦不是来自澳大利亚。(2) ____________________________________________________________ 那个男孩来自南非吗?(2) ________________________________________________________________ 西红柿是一种蔬菜。________________________________________ 我们要对他人友善。________________________________________ 让我们先看熊猫吧。________________________________________ 我非常喜欢老虎。________________________________________ 你说得对。________________________________________ 你喜欢什么动物?________________________________________ 它们总能记住有水和食物的地方。 ________________________________________________________________ 大象是泰国的象征之一。________________________________________ 大象是好运的象征。________________________________________ 大象能走很长时间并且不迷路。________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 大象正处在极大危险中。________________________________________ 我们要禁止砍树和购买象牙制品。 ________________________________________________________________ 如今仅有大约3000头大象。 ________________________________________________________________ 人们也为了象牙而杀死大象。________________________________________ 这是一只熊猫。难道它不可爱吗?_____________________________________
一 首字母填空 Let’s see g _______ in the zoo. They are tall and beautiful. There is still some w________ in the cup. You can drink it if you are thirsty. Clark likes s ________ in the class, which makes the teacher unhappy. My brother is afraid of t________. He thinks they are scary. There are many t________ in the forest. 二根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 Don’t buy things __________(make) of ivory. Alice has a dog. It often gets ___________ when playing outside. Don’t take ________(pet) to the library. Mrs. Miller is a ________(friend) woman. Joe often forgets ___________( take) his homework to school. 三 单项选择 —_______ do you like running in the morning —Because it’s good for my health. A. How B. When C. Why D. Where 2. —Grace is really kind . —_______. All the students in her class like her. A. I see B. Have a good day C. No problem D. Yes, you’re right 3. —Is that _______ elephant —Yes. And _______ elephant is from China. A. a; the B. an; an C. a; an D. an; the 4. -Helen, don’t _______ to call me when you arrive in Shanghai. -OK. I won’t. A. practice B. remember C. forget D. like 5. -John, can your dog walk _______ two legs - Yes, he is really smart. A. by B. on C. in D. at 6. You’re new here and it’s _______ of you to bring a map. A. smart B. strict C. beautiful D. true 7. This book is _________ boring. I don’t want to read it. A. kind to B. kind of C. kinds of D. a kind of 8. Dale is _______ and he is afraid to answer teachers’ questions in class. A. busy B. smart C. shy D. tidy 9. Let’s find a good _______ to have a good time. A. job B. habit C. life D. place 10. These trees are important to us. We can’t _____________. A. cut down them B. cut them down C. cut down it D.cut it down
熊猫(n.) panda zoo(n.)动物园 老虎(n.) tiger 大象(n.) elephant koala(n.)树袋熊;考拉 狮子(n.) lion 长颈鹿(n.)giraffe 动物(n.)animal 可爱的;机灵的(adj.)cute lazy(adj.)懒散的;懒惰的 聪明的(adj.)smart 美丽的;美好的(adj.)beautiful scary(adj.)吓人的 种类(n.)kind Australia (n)澳大利亚 南方的;南方(adj./n.)south 非洲(n.)Africa 宠物(n.) pet 腿(n.)leg cat(n.)猫 睡觉(v./n.)sleep friendly(adj.)友好的 羞怯的;腼腆的(adj.)shy save(v.)拯救 象征(n.)symbol 旗;旗帜(n.)flag forget(v.) 忘记 地点;位置(n.)place 水(n.)water 危险(n.)danger cut(v.)砍;切 树(n.)tree 杀死;弄死(v.)kill 象牙(n.)ivory over (prep.)在...上方;超过
Australia (n.)澳大利亚- Australian(n./adj)澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人 Africa(n.)非洲- African(n./adj)非洲人;非洲的 friend(n)朋友- friendly(adj)友好的 lose(v.)失去;丢失- lost(v/adj.) 失去;丢失过去式;迷路的 danger(n.)危险-dangerous(adj.)危险的 kind(n)种类-kind(adj)亲切友好的 one(num.)一first (num.)第一
让某人做某事.let sb do sth 先看熊猫 see the pandas first 我最喜欢的动物 my favorite animal 有点有趣 kind of interesting 一种 a kind of 各种各样的all kinds of 对...友好 be friendly to 来自于 be from/come from really cute 真的可爱 most of them 他们中大多数 my new pet 我的新宠物 walk on two legs 两条腿走路 整天睡觉 sleep all day a good name for her 对她来说是个好名字 like.. a lot 非常喜欢....... like...very much 非常喜欢...... black and white 黑白色 一头大象an elephant 什么动物 what animals 远离 be far from over there 在那边 来到 come to save the elephants 拯救大象 来自泰国的学生 students from Thailand 有水和食物的地方 places with food and water 想要做某事 want to do sth ...之一 one of...... ...的象征 a symbol of... good luck好运 画得好 draw well 忘记去做某事 forget to do sth 忘记做过某事 forget doing sth get lost 迷路 lose their homes失去他们的家园 帮助某人做某事help sb (to) do sth 处在危险中 be in danger 走很长时间 walk for a long time cut down many trees砍倒许多的树 砍倒它们 cut them down 为...杀死 kill... for there are/is 有 禁止做某事mustn’t do sth 象牙制品 things made of ivory 由...制成 be made of importance in Thailand 在泰国的重要性 12岁 twelve years old 住在 live in 南非South Africa 超过1000 over/more than 1000 又大又漂亮 big and beautiful
你为什么喜欢熊猫?因为它们有点有趣。 Why do you like pandas Because they are kind of interesting. 杰夫为什么不喜欢老虎?因为它们非常吓人。 Why doesn’t Jeff like tigers Because they are very scary. 狮子来自哪里?它们来自南非。(2) Where are lions from They’re from South Africa. Where do lions come from They come from South Africa. 艾伦不是来自澳大利亚。(2) Alan isn’t from Australia. Alan doesn’t come from Australia. 那个男孩来自南非吗?(2) Is that boy from South Africa Does that boy come from South Africa 西红柿是一种蔬菜。The tomato is a kind of vegetable. 我们要对他人友善。We should be kind to others. 让我们先看熊猫吧。Let’s see the pandas first. 我非常喜欢老虎。 I like tigers a lot/ very much. 你说得对。You are right. 你喜欢什么动物?What animals do you like 它们总能记住有水和食物的地方。 They can always remember places with food and water. 大象是泰国的象征之一。The elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols. 大象是好运的象征。The elephant is a symbol of good luck. 大象能走很长时间并且不迷路。Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. 大象正处在极大危险中。 Elephants are in great danger. 我们要禁止砍树和购买象牙制品。 We mustn’t cut down trees or buy things made of ivory. 如今仅有大约3000头大象。 There are only about 3000 elephants now. 人们也为了象牙而杀死大象。People also kill elephants for their ivory. 这是一只熊猫。难道它不可爱吗?This is a panda. Isn’t it cute
一 首字母填空 Let’s see giraffes in the zoo. They are tall and beautiful. There is still some water in the cup. You can drink it if you are thirsty. Clark likes sleeping in the class, which makes the teacher unhappy. My brother is afraid of tigers. He thinks they are scary. There are many trees in the forest. 二 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 Don’t buy things made (make) of ivory. Alice has a dog. It often gets lost when playing outside. Don’t take pets (pet) to the library. Mrs. Miller is a friendly (friend) woman. Joe often forgets to take ( take) his homework to school. 单项选择 —_______ do you like running in the morning —Because it’s good for my health. A. How B. When C. Why D. Where 2. —Grace is really kind . —_______. All the students in her class like her. A. I see B. Have a good day C. No problem D. Yes, you’re right 3. —Is that _______ elephant —Yes. And _______ elephant is from China. A. a; the B. an; an C. a; an D. an; the 4. -Helen, don’t _______ to call me when you arrive in Shanghai. -OK. I won’t. A. practice B. remember C. forget D. like 5. -John, can your dog walk _______ two legs - Yes, he is really smart. A. by B. on C. in D. at 6. You’re new here and it’s _______ of you to bring a map. A. smart B. strict C. beautiful D. true 7. This book is _________ boring. I don’t want to read it. A. kind to B. kind of C. kinds of D. a kind of 8. Dale is _______ and he is afraid to answer teachers’ questions in class. A. busy B. smart C. shy D. tidy 9. Let’s find a good _______ to have a good time. A. job B. habit C. life D. place 10. These trees are important to us. We can’t _____________. cut down them B. cut them down C. cut down it D.cut it down




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