
1.(1分)Where are the speakers?
2.(1分)How did the man get to work?
3.(1分)Who is Jack probably talking with?
A.His teacher.
B.His classmate.
C.His mother.
4.(1分)What does the boy often do in his free time?
A.Listen to music.
B.Watch movies.
C.Read news.
5.(1分)When is Tom's birthday?
A.August 8.
B.August 15.
C.August 22.
Ⅱ.长对话理解 你将听到两段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。
6.(2分)(1)Why does the girl buy a gift for her mother?
A.Because it is Women's Day.
B.Because her mother is not happy.
C.Because it is her mother's birthday.
(2)What does the girl's mother think of the gift?
A.It is sweet.
B.It is expensive.
C.It is beautiful.
7.(3分)(1)Where is Lingling going?
A.To the bookshop.
B.To the school.
C.To Dave's home.
(2)What will Dave do with the money?
A.Buy a school bag.
B.Help the poor children.
C.Give it to his parents.
(3)What may be the relationship between the speakers?
B.Mother and son.
C.Doctor and patient.
Ⅲ.短文理解 你将听到一篇短文。短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。
8.(5分)(1)What is the speaker's dream?
A.To hold a football match.
B.To be a good football coach.
C.To join the school football team.
(2)Who teaches the speaker to play football?
A.His brother.
B.His father.
C.His mother.
(3)When does the speaker practise playing football?
A.On Wednesdays.
B.On Saturdays.
C.On Sundays.
(4)How many students did the football team choose this year?
(5)How did the speaker feel when he saw the list?
IV.信息转换 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词。每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。
Food Banks
Collecting food Food banks collect food from(1)   or restaurants.Workers will store the food if it is good to (2)   .
Giving out food Workers visit(3)   people and give out food.Workers also(4)   and serve the food.
Joining us You will help about(5)   thousand people in need.
10.(1分) People all over the world love pandas,and the panda has become a of China.(  )
A. festival B. poem C. guest D. symbol
11.(1分)﹣ Two newspapers,please!
﹣ Sorry,there is the last one left here.Would you like to have___________?(  )
A. one B. it C. that D. them
12.(1分)If your friend borrows money from you on the Internet,you'd better call him___________first to make sure of that.(  )
A. recently B. finally C. clearly D. directly
13.(1分)﹣More and more people like group buying on WeChat.
﹣You said it. The prices are ______.(  )
A.much lower B.much cheaper
C.more expensive D.even higher
14.(1分)If you can___________what you have and do something to help others,you'll find your life is full of pleasure.(  )
A. value B. change C. make D. connect
15.(1分)Lucy hit her head __________ the wall when reading the message on the phone.Luckily,she wasn't hurt.(  )
A.against B.opposite C.on D.above
16.(1分)—My parents always like to listen to old songs.
—I think that can their feelings and experiences when they were young.(  )
A. call up B. come through
C. give out D. take on
17.(1分)﹣﹣﹣The local food may taste a bit strange.
﹣﹣﹣ Well, __________we are here, why not give it a try?(  )
A.though B.unless C.since D.because
18.(1分)Chris_______ 10 Chinese songs since he came to China.(  )
A.learns B.learned
C.has learned D.will learn
19.(1分)— Don't be angry with your kids when they make mistakes.
— I won't.___________,none of us are perfect.(  )
A. All in all B. Above all
C. After all D. First of all
20.(10分)If life can be compared to a meal,I think mistakes are like salt,and success is candy.
"Hey," said the boy,whose name I couldn't remember(1)   your time." And so I did.(2)   I still couldn't correctly pronounce my Chinese name that was given by the teacher.I was so nervous on my first day of learning(3)   !
I took Chinese classes during my(4)   vacation.Every morning,I walked for 25 minutes to the class while having a Chinese pancake on the way,Learning Spanish(西班牙语),which helped me with it.However,learning Chinese was (5)   at first.As a boy born and grew up in America,I knew(6)   about the language and had no experience of learning the language.I chose it mainly because my goal was to teach and work internationally.
As the classes went on,I slowly found that I was making(7)   .My 10 years of piano playing has allowed me to perform (表演) for others.My several years of writing has(8)   me to become a school reporter.I knew that my Chinese classes had led me to speak Chinese(9)   .As the teachers helped me build up my confidence,I soon began tasting the sweetness.
So what did my summer really(10)   like?It tasted like the Chinese food that,for the first time,I did not order in English
(1) A.Take B.Waste C.Save D.Kill
(2) A.But B.So C.Although D.And
(3) A.Spanish B.French C.Italian D.Chinese
(4) A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter
(5) A.boring B.exciting C.funny D.difficult
(6) A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything
(7) A.mistakes B.progress C.effort D.choices
(8) A.kept B.accepted C.made D.guided
(9) A.shorter B.worse C.better D.longer
(10) A.smell B.feel C.taste D.look
21.(10分)Over the last 20 years,technology has been used more and more in schools.These days,it's(1)   for students to use computers or pared to traditional books,students would like to(2)   information on the Internet.
Recently,UNESCO released (发布) a report.It says that using technology like computers and phones in class might not be as useful as we think.It suggests teachers should use technology(3)   in class and that smartphones should not be allowed in classrooms.The(4)   was trying to tell schools to use technology properly.
UNESCO thinks that technology can be helpful in many ways.It can allow students to learn in ways that are more(5)   ;it can help teachers explain difficult ideas;it can also help students who have special needs.
However,it should not be given too much(6)   .Instead,technology is just a way to help students(7)   . "Too much attention on technology in education can be expensive and not very necessary," the report says.What's more,UNESCO also says technology can also(8)   take away students' attention.When students use phones in class,it can disturb(打扰) their learning.One study that was carried out in 14 countries(9)   that even just having a phone nearby(附近的) can be distracting (使人分心的).
The report suggests that the best way to learn is still to work closely with(10)   at school.Working with other classmates also helps students learn.UNESCO says that most schools should spend more money on things like books,classrooms,and teachers.
(1) A.common B.strange C.special D.good
(2) A.care for B.search for C.pay for D.wait for
(3) A.less B.more C.worse D.better
(4) A.speech B.magazine C.news D.report
(5) A.boring B.interesting C.careful D.possible
(6) A.attention B.energy C.time D.interest
(7) A.chat B.write C.learn D.play
(8) A.exactly B.easily C.nearly D.generally
(9) A.left B.showed C.advised D.encouraged
(10) A.families B.friends C.teachers D.classmates
Ⅶ.补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。
22.(5分)A:Alex,can I throw your toy train away?
B: (1)    I have played with it for ten years.
A:But it is too old and it is broken.Why do you still want to keep it?
B: (2)   
A:All right.And many of your clothes are too small to wear.(3)   
B:We can sell them in a yard sale.
A:Then we will give the money to the children's home!
B:Sounds great! (4)   
A:Is tomorrow OK?
B:I'm sorry,Mum.I'll have to help my friend Ted with his lessons then.
A: (5)   
B:No problem.
A.What are you going to do with them?B.Please don't,Mum.C.These clothes belong to Ted.D.What about the day after tomorrow?E.Because it's like an old friend to me.F.When shall we have the yard sale?G.Is there going to be a yard sale tomorrow?
第三部分阅读(共两节,满分34分)VIII.阅读理解 第一节阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
23.(6分)Firefighters want everyone to be safe.They teach families how to prevent fires by following fire safety rules.You can also stay safe by knowing what to do if a fire starts around you.
How to stay safe from fire
●Never play with matches or lighters.●Do not touch lit candles.●Do not cook unless an adult is with you.●Be careful around fireplaces.●Never touch electric jacks(电插孔).
If your clothes catch fire,do these three things right away.
●Stop!Running and walking can make the fire worse.●Drop!Get down on the ground.Cover your face and eyes.●Roll (翻滚)!Roll over and over until flames (火焰) are out.
Make a Plan!
You and your family can learn how to stay safe if there is a fire in your home.Make a floor plan of your home.Mark the best ways to get out of the house.Make sure your plan has more than one choice in case one path gets blocked (堵塞).Pick a safe place to meet outside.Practice your plan if you can because practicing will help you stay calm and find a safe path to the outside.
After you are safely out of the house,call 119 for help.Wait for the firefighters to arrive.Never
go back into the house for anything!
(1)How many rules can we follow to stay safe from fire?    
(2)According to the text,what should you do first if your clothes catch fire?    
A.Run and walk at once.
B.Lie down on the floor.
C.Roll over and over.
D.Stop immediately.
(3)How can you make a floor plan for your home?    
①Make more than one choice to get out.
②Mark the best ways to get out of the house.
③Call 119 for help after you are safely out.
④Make sure where to meet outside the house.
24.(8分)In recent news,there's worry about a type of food called starch sausages (淀粉肠).These sausages are often snacks or cheap street food but very popular among kids and young people.But now
Some tests found bad stuff (东西) in these sausages.Things like special gelatin (明胶) that is not for eating and too many extra (额外的)
If you eat sausages with bad stuff inside,you might get sick.It could cause stomach problems or make you feel bad.Some people might even have allergies (过敏) or get sick for a long time.
The government is doing something about it.They're checking places where these sausages are made and sold.They want to make sure they're safe to eat.Also,they're telling people to be careful and not eat sausages that might not be safe.
To stay safe,be careful where you buy sausages from.It's best to buy from places you trust.And if a sausage looks or smells strange,it's better not to eat it.You can also tell the government if you see any sausages that might not be safe.
It's important to be careful with what we eat.By working together,we can make sure our food is safe and we stay healthy.
(1)What is the main worry in the news about starch sausages?    
A.People don't like them.
B.They might not be safe to eat.
C.They are too expensive.
D.They are difficult to buy.
(2)What is the government doing about the problem with starch sausages?    
A.The government is telling people not to eat starch sausages.
B.The government is asking people not to sell starch sausages.
C.The government is checking where starch sausages are made.
D.The government is making starch sausages more expensive.
(3)What's the purpose of the text?    
A.To teach how to cook starch sausages.
B.To tell people to stay away from street food.
C.To show how popular starch sausages are.
D.To make people careful with starch sausages.
(4)In which part of a magazine can you find the text?    
25.(6分)When teenage diver(跳水运动员)Quan Hongchan rose from the 10 m platform(跳台)into the air
On a school day,when Quan was playing games with her classmates on the playground,a coach noticed her.Chen Huaming,found she could jump higher and longer.
The coach's judgment was true.In the women's 10 m platform final of the Hangzhou Asian Games,the 16﹣year﹣old diver won the gold medal with an excellent performance(表现).Her nearly wonderful second dive got full marks from all seven judges.The competition (比赛),her teammate Chen Yuxi surpassed her in the fourth round.However,she managed to keep calm and win the victory.
Quan surely has a long way to go.For now,maybe her next goal is the Paris Olympics in 2024. "My dad told me to stay true to my dream," Quan said. "My dream is to win the gold medal again."
(1)What did Quan do at the age of 16?    
A.She was found by a diving coach.
B.She got full marks in the competition.
C.She won the hearts of all the judges.
D.She won the competition with stress.
(2)What does the underlined word "surpassed" mean in the text?    
(3)What lesson can we learn from Quan?    
A.Actions speak louder than words.
B.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
C.Where there is life,there is hope.
D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
26.(8分)"YOLO" is a really popular movie that came out during this year's Spring Festival.The movie is all about a woman who doesn't have a job but becomes a boxer (拳击手).Since it came out,lots of people in China have been talking about losing weight.Even though Jia Ling,the main actress (女演员),her big weight loss in just a year has made people want to lose weight too.
An expert called He Fang from Zhejiang University's School of Medicine says we should think about how determined (坚决的)Jia was to reach her goal instead of just copying her weight loss.He says we need to be careful when we try to lose weight.We should think about things like our weight and how much muscle (肌肉) we have.If we lose weight too quickly(荷尔蒙) and make us unhealthy.
In China,a lot of adults are overweight,and it's going to get worse in the future.The National Health Commission says it's important to live a healthy life and know that losing weight takes time.It warns us not to eat lots of snacks when we're worried about losing weight.And going up and down in weight a lot is as bad as being overweight.So
(1)What does "it" underlined in paragraph 1 refer to (指的是)?    
A.Spring Festival.
B.The job.
C.The movie.
D.The box.
(2)Why do many people in China want to lose weight recently?    
A.Because Jia Ling is the main actress.
B.Because they want to feel good.
C.Because they want to become a boxer.
D.Because Jia lost much weight in just a year.
(3)What's paragraph 2 mainly about?    
A.Advice for losing weight.
B.Ways to copy Jia's weight loss.
C.Steps of losing weight.
D.Tips for reaching our goal quickly.
(4)What can we learn from the last paragraph?    
A.Losing weight quickly is the best way.
B.Going up and down in weight is good.
C.Losing weight takes time and effort.
D.Eating lots of snacks makes people worried.
27.(6分)On October 31,2023,at exactly 8:11 Beijing time(宇宙飞船)that was launched on May 30,2023,landing at the Dongfeng landing site (着陆点).
When the spacecraft's capsule (航天舱) came down,everyone at the landing site was so excited.As soon as it touched the ground,Jing Haipeng,Zhu Yangzhu(任务) was.Everything went according to the plan,and the mission was a big success.
The Shenzhou﹣16 mission helped us learn more about living and working in space.The experiences and information from this mission will be useful for future space exploration.This success shows how far we've come in space technology and how strong people can be.
This isn't the end of our journey into space.It's just another step towards bigger and better things.As we celebrate this success,we're also looking forward to what's next and to the possibilities that lie ahead in the space.
(1)How long did the space journey of Shenzhou﹣16 take?    
A.About five months.
B.About eight months.
C.About ten months.
D.About eleven months.
(2)What can we learn from the passage?    
A.The spacecraft launched at the Dongfeng landing site.
B.Not all the astronauts were in good condition.
C.The Shenzhou﹣16 mission was a big success.
D.This is the end of our journey into space.
(3)What is the best title of the text?    
A.Great astronauts in space exploration.
B.The success of the Shenzhou﹣16 spacecraft.
C.The achievements in space technology.
D.The future of space exploration.
28.(6分)One day,an eagle (鹰) saw a bee busy on a flower.The eagle said to it,poor thing!You are hard﹣working and never get a rest!All through the summer,thousands of bees are building their houses and making honey.But who will see the results of your work?I must tell you that I don't see the pleasure of doing that.For your life,I will make others everywhere afraid.The birds are afraid to rise from the ground." But the bee answered, "You are great.Many people want an ability like yours.Although we are small,I feel that my work is worthy."
We common people are just like the bee:_______.
(1)Where was the bee when the eagle saw it? (不超过5个词)
(2)What does the bee think of its work? (不超过10个词)
(3)What will the writer probably say at the end of the story? (不超过15个词)
29.(1分) We discussed how to spend our s     (空余的) time.
30.(1分)When the sun goes down, the s   (星星) come out.
31.(1分) If you stick to the truth,you've nothing to f     (害怕).
32.(1分) All medicine should be kept away from h     (高温) and direct sunlight.
33.(1分)The parade has been    (结束) for half an hour.
34.(20分)假定你是李辉,你校将举办国潮文化节(China﹣Chic Cultural Festival)。请结合下面图示信息,邀请你的外国好友Jim参加。
参考词汇:paper cutting(n.剪纸)
Dear Jim,
Here is good news for you._______________
Li Hui
Ⅱ.长对话理解 你将听到两段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。
Ⅲ.短文理解 你将听到一篇短文。短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。
IV.信息转换 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词。每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。
【解答】one指同类不同物的一个;it它,指同类同物,指代前文中提到的事物,复数 is last left 。)可知;此处指剩下的最后一份报纸;再结合Would like have...(你想买......)可知,应该用it指代one。
【解答】recently最近;finally最终;directly径直地 your borrows from on Internet(如果你的朋友在网上向你借钱)可知,需直接打电话确认。
【解答】考查形容词比较级的判定及正确使用,形容词的选择,句中没有明确的比较级的关键词than,微信团购商品的价格比平时低,故应用比较级,而 low (低的)/high (高的)则是用来形容价格(price)、收入(income)、费用(fee) 等等实质金钱上的名目,不能用cheap. low的比较级形式为lower.在比较级 + than的结构前可以加上某些副词,如:far(远),much(许多),还),a little / bit(一点),表示比较级的程度.
【解答】A.call up唤起;B.come through 度过;D.take on承担 parents like listen old 。)可知老歌可以唤起他们年轻时候的感受和经历。
【解答】根据句意"自从克里斯来到中国以来,他已经学会了10首中文歌曲"和语法可知,其构成为have/ has done.
【解答】(1)考查动词。句意:慢慢来;B.浪费;D.杀害 worry.(别担心,是慢慢来,固定短语。
(2)考查连词。句意:但是我仍然不能正确读出老师给我起的中文名字;B.所以;D.并且 so I 。)可知。故选A。
(3)考查名词。句意:我第一天学中文的时候非常紧张;B.法语;D.中文 I took classes my vacation.(我在 假期间上了中文课。)可知。故选D。
(4)考查名词。句意:我在暑假期间上了中文课;B.夏天;D.冬天 So did summer like?(那么我的 到底尝起来是什么味道呢?)可知,summer vacation"暑假"。
(5)考查形容词。句意:然而。A.无聊的;C.有趣的。根据and no of the ,是困难的。
(6)考查不定代词。句意:作为一个在美国出生和长大的男孩,也没有学习这种语言的经验;B.某事物;D.任何事物 a boy and up America,)可知。故选A。
(7)考查名词。句意:随着课程的进行。A.错误;C.努力。根据My years piano has me perform for 。)可知。故选B。
(8)考查动词。句意:我几年的写作生涯使我成为了一名学校记者;B.接受;D.引导;accept sb to do sth"接受某人做某事";guide sb in doing 。故选A。
(9)考查副词比较级。句意:我知道我的中文课让我的中文说得更好了;B.更差的;D.更长的 the went ,I slowly that I making progress.(随着课程的进行。)可知。故选C。
(10)考查动词。句意:那么我的夏天到底尝起来是什么味道呢;B.感到;D.看起来 tasted the food ,for first ,I did order English mother ,第一次。)可知。故选C。
【解答】(1)考查形容词。句意:如今。A.常见的;C.特别的;根据Compared traditional ,students like for information the ,学生更喜欢在互联网上搜索信息,故选A。
(2)考查短语。句意:与传统书籍相比。A.关心;C.支付;根据on Internet(在互联网上),故选B。
(3)考查形容词比较级。句意:它建议教师在课堂上少用科技产品。A.更少的;C.更糟的;根据that should be in 。)可知空处应填:更少的。
(4)考查名词。句意:该报告试图告诉学校合理使用技术;B.杂志;D.报告,UNESCO (发布) a ,联合国教科文组织发布了一份报告,故选D。
(5)考查形容词。句意:它可以让学生以更有趣的方式学习;B.有趣的;D.可能的 thinks technology be in ways.(联合国教科文组织认为技术可以在许多方面发挥作用,故选B。
(6)考查名词。句意,它不应该被给予太多的关注;B.精力;D.兴趣,technology just a to students (相反。)可知空处应填:注意力。
(7)考查动词。句意:相反。A.聊天;C.学习;根据It allow to in that more ;(它可以让学生以更有趣的方式学习,故选C。
(8)考查副词。句意:更重要的是,技术也很容易夺走学生的注意力;B.容易地;D.通常地 even having a nearby(附近的) be (使人分心的).(即使附近有一部手机也会让人分心,故选B。
(9)考查动词。句意:一项在14个国家进行的研究表明。A.离开;C.建议;根据that just a phone can distracting 。)可知空处应填:表明。
(10)考查名词。句意:报告建议最好的学习方法仍然是在学校与老师密切合作;B.朋友;D.同学 with classmates helps learn.(与其他同学合作也有助于学生学习,故选C。
Ⅶ.补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。
第三部分阅读(共两节,满分34分)VIII.阅读理解 第一节阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据●Never play with matches or lighters.●Do not touch lit candles.●Do not cook unless an adult is with you.●Be careful around fireplaces.●Never touch electric jacks(电插孔).(●千万不要玩火柴或打火机。●除非有成年人和你在一起。●在壁炉周围要小心。)可知有5条规则。
(3)细节理解题。根据Mark the best ways to get out of the house.Make sure your plan has more than one choice in case one path gets blocked (堵塞).Pick a safe place to meet outside.Practice your plan if you can because practicing will help you stay calm and find a safe path to the outside.(标出离开房子的最佳方式,以防一条路径被阻塞。如果可以的话,因为练习可以帮助你保持冷静。)可知提到了①②④。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第1段In news worry a type food starch (淀粉肠).These are snacks cheap food very among and people.But ,they not safe eat.(在最近的新闻中。这些香肠通常是小吃或廉价的街头食品。但现在。)可知它们吃起来可能不安全。
(2)细节理解题。根据第4段The is something it.They're places these are and want make they're to ,they're people be and eat that not safe.(政府正在对此采取措施。他们想确保自己的饮食安全,他们还告诉人们要小心。)可知政府正在检查淀粉香肠的产地。
(3)主旨大意题。根据第7段 stay ,be where buy from.It's to from you if a looks smells ,it's not eat can tell government you any that not safe.(为了安全起见。最好从你信任的地方购买,最好不要吃,你也可以告诉政府,故选D。
(4)推理判断题。根据第1段In news worry a type food starch (淀粉肠).These are snacks cheap food very among and people.But ,they not safe eat.(在最近的新闻中。这些香肠通常是小吃或廉价的街头食品。但现在。)可知应该出自健康版块。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第三段In women's m platform of Hangzhou Games 16﹣year﹣old won gold with excellent nearly second got marks all judges.The (比赛) with led the three ,her Chen surpassed her in fourth ,she to calm win victory.(在杭州亚运会女子10米跳台决赛中。她近乎精彩的第二跳得到了所有七名裁判的满分。全在前三跳中领先,她的队友陈禹锡在第四轮比赛中超过了她,她设法保持冷静并赢得了胜利,她在压力下赢得了比赛。
(2)词义猜测题。根据第三段Quan in first dives.(全在前三跳中领先,she to calm win victory.(然而。)可知,所以surpassed是"超过"的意思。
(3)主旨大意题。根据最后一段Quan has a way go.For ,maybe next is Paris in "My told to true my ," Quan "My is win gold again."(全当然还有很长的路要走,也许她的下一个目标是2024年的巴黎奥运会,"全说。")可知。故选B。
【解答】(1)代词指代题。根据第1段"YOLO" a really movie came during year's Festival.The is about a who have a but a boxer it came out of in have talking losing 。这部电影讲述的是一个没有工作却成为拳击手的女人,中国很多人都在谈论减肥,故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据第1段Even Jia ,the actress ,said movie supposed make feel about ,her weight in a year made want lose too.(尽管主要演员贾玲说这部电影应该让你自我感觉良好。)可知是因为因为贾在短短一年内瘦了很多也让人们想要减肥。
(3)段落大意题。根据第4段 expert He from University's of says should about determined was reach goal of copying weight says need be when try lose should about like weight how muscle we we weight quickly could problems our and us ,我们应该想想贾是多么坚定地实现自己的目标。他说我们在减肥的时候需要小心。如果我们减肥过快,使我们不健康,故选A。
(4)推理判断题。根据第3段So important be and when to weight.(因此。)可知减肥需要时间和精力。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第1段On 31,at 8:11 time,a thing in travel.The spacecraft(宇宙飞船)that launched May ,2023 back Earth ,landing the landing (着陆点).(23年10月31日,太空旅行发生了一件大事,在东风着陆场着陆,故选A。
(2)推理判断题。根据第2段This the of journey space.It's another towards and things.As celebrate success also forward what's and the that ahead the 。这只是朝着更大更好的方向迈出的又一步,我们也期待着在太空中下一步的发展和未来的可能性,故选C。
(3)标题归纳题。根据第1段On 31,at 8:11 time,a thing in travel.The spacecraft(宇宙飞船)that launched May ,2023 back Earth ,landing the landing (着陆点).(23年10月31日,太空旅行发生了一件大事,在东风着陆场着陆。符合文章主题。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段One ,an (鹰) a bee on a ,一只老鹰看见一只蜜蜂在一朵花上忙碌,蜜蜂在一朵花上面
(2)细节理解题。根据第一段Although are ,when I sweet to ,I feel my is ,但当我为人们带来甜蜜蜜时。)可知。故填It thinks that its work is worthy.
(3)细节理解题。根据第一段Although are ,when I sweet to ,I feel my is ,但当我为人们带来甜蜜蜜时。)可知,他们的工作应该得到尊重



