2023-2024牛津译林版七年级下册期中考前复习卷 (无答案)

1. Beijing is ________ capital of China. It is also ________ old and beautiful city in the world.
A. a; an B. the; an C. an; a D. an; the
2. Shanghai is ________ the east of China and ________ the north of Guangzhou.
A. to; in B. on; to C. in; to D. in; /
3. —Shall we meet at the gate of the park at 8:30 tomorrow morning
—I won’t be free then. Let’s make it ________ day.
A. other B. the other C. another D. others
4. —It’s far from here to the museum. I’m afraid I can’t walk there.
—Well, you can ride on ________ bike. My mum’s bike is here. I can use ________.
A. mine; her B. mine; hers C. my; her D. my; hers
5. —______ is it from your house to the nearest hospital
—It’s two miles _________.
A. How long; away B. How far; far
C. How long; far away D. How far; away
6. We would like you ________ and we look forward ________ you.
A. to come, to see B. come, to seeing C. come, to see D. to come, to seeing
7. Why not _________ out with us now It’s sunny outside.
A. to stop going B. stop going
C. to stop to go D. stop to go
8. —You mustn’t swim here. Look at the sign. It ________ “No Swimming”.
— Oh, I ________ notice it. Thanks for telling me.
A. says; don’t B. writes; don’t C. says; didn’t D. writes; didn’t
9. The police are ________ the whole city ________ the lost child.
A. searching; for B. searching; / C. searching for; / D. searching for; for
10. —Can I use your dictionary ________ is left home.
—Sure. But don’t forget to give ________ back before the English class.
A. My; one B. Mine; one C. My; it D. Mine; it
11. —What kind of home do you _________
—A flat _________ three bedrooms.
A. live; has B. live; with C. live in; has D. live in; with
12. Look! There is a big bird ________ in the sky. It looks nice.
A. flies B. fly C. to fly D. flying
13. Now the boy, his parents, fast food at all.
A. likes; doesn’t like B. like; doesn’t like C. likes; isn’t like D. like; isn’t like
14. ________ volunteers take part in this activity to make our city more beautiful.
A. Two hundred of B. Two hundreds of C. Two hundreds D. Hundreds of
15. —This is Tara Patel from Cotton House in Kidder-minster. Could I speak to Mr. Smith
A. Hello. B. I’m Mr. Smith. C. Who are you D. Speaking, please.
A young girl was walking back home with her grandma.
“Could we have a ___16___ It’s too hot!” said the young girl. “Let’s ___17___ over there under the tree,” said Grandma.
Resting under the tree, they ___18___ a butterfly nearby. “Do butterflies get hot ” asked the young girl. Grandma thought for a while and said, “No, I think they keep very ___19___.”
“I wish I were a butterfly,” said the young girl. Then she began to flap (挥动) her ___20___.” “But that takes a lot of work!” “You wish for a lot of things, child,” said Grandma. “Yes,” said the girl, “I wish I had ___21___ I wanted.”
“Do you ___22___ all you wish for all the time ” asked Grandma. “No. I wish to get a lot ___23___ nothing happens,” she said, “How I wish that Johnny would stay home from school!”
“What happened to him ” asked Grandma. “Ah, his grandma died...” She stopped suddenly and ___24___ her grandma when her eyes were filled with tears. “Grandma,” she tried to finish, “I wish that you would never...” Grandma held her.
Grandma didn’t say a word ___25___ the young girl stopped. Then Grandma said with a beautiful smile, “My dear, sometimes wishes don’t ___26___ in our life, but it doesn’t mean life isn’t wonderful. If you want something, work for it and wish for it.”
“Then ___27___ do I work to keep you around forever ” asked the young girl, “ Keep ___28___ me, and don’t waste time wishing.” They hugged each other again and then continued on the road towards ___29___.
Life is a ___30___ that always leads home. Love it and work for it.
16. A. walk B. rest C. meal D. shower
17. A. lie B. sleep C. sit D. wait
18. A. heard B. felt C. smelt D. saw
19. A. cool B. warm C. cold D. hot
20 A. legs B. feet C. arms D. shoulders
21. A. everything B. something C. everyone D. someone
22. A. like B. remember C. get D. check
23. A. and B. but C. so D. because
24. A. looked for B. looked after C. looked around D. looked at
25. A. before B. after C. when D. if
26. A. come true B. come down C. come on D. come from
27. A. why B. where C. what D. how
28. A. leaving B. helping C. loving D. watching
29. A. tree B. home C. garden D. school
30. A. tree B. crossing C. corner D. road
Modern life is impossible without travelling. The fastest way of travelling is by plane. With a modern plane, it takes one day to travel places which took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago.
Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages(优点). You can see the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining-cars. They make even the longest journey enjoyable.
Some people prefer(更喜欢)to travel by sea when possible. There are large ships and river boats. You can visit many other countries and different parts of your country on them. Ships are not as fast as trains or planes, but travelling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.
Many people like to travel by car. You can make your own timetable. You can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day, just as you like. You can stop wherever you wish—where there is something interesting to see, at a good restaurant where you can enjoy a good meal, or at a hotel where you can spend the night. That is why travelling by car is a popular pleasure trip, while people usually take a train or a plane when they are travelling on business(做生意).
31. From the passage, we know the fastest way of travelling is ________.
A. by train B. by sea C. by plane D. by car
32 The underlined word “They” in the second paragraph refers to(指的是) ________.
A. modern trains in the country B. comfortable seats and dining-cars
C. the travelers on the modern trains D. the slower ways of travelling
33. When people travel on business, they usually take ________.
A. a plane or a car B. a car or a boat C. a boat or a train D. a train or a plane
34. How many ways of travelling are mentioned(被提到的)in the passage
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Six
1. Walk ________ on and you’ll find a bookshop on your left. (径直)
2. Mr. Li with his parents ____________ (饲养) over 800 sheep and about 200 cows.
3. We can see lots of ________ (来往车辆) on our way back home.
4. I see my teacher ________ (检查) the computer when I walk past the office.
5. The __________ (长颈鹿) necks are long enough to reach the leaves from the trees.
6. My sister bought my grandpa a cake to celebrate his ________ (ninety) birthday.
7. The first ____________ (police) from Yangzhou are going to help the people in Shanghai.
8. I need someone to fix my ________ (break) mobile phone.
9. My little white rabbit likes eating ________ (leaf) very much.
10. The day we looked forward to ________ (arrive) at last.
Many people do not like to stay at home on holiday. They want to do something exciting. So people from the country go to the city and people from the city go to the country for holidays. During the holidays, trains, buses and planes are all very busy. It’s very hard to buy train or air tickets. Many people take cars or buses for travelling.
Last May Day my family went to the country by car for our holiday. There was too much traffic on the road, so we had to move very slowly. It took us about an hour to get out of the town. After some time, we came to a farm. It’s clean and beautiful. The animals were very lovely, we thought it was a nice place for a picnic, so we stopped and took the food, fruit and drinks out of the car. We sat down under a big tree and began to eat. Suddenly, a strong wind blew and soon it started to rain. We had to run back to our car and had our picnic in the car. Then we drove back home. What a bad trip it was!
1. What do many people want to do on their holidays
2. How did the writer’s family go for traveling last May Day
3 How long did it take them to get out of the town
4 What’s the farm in the country like
5. Where did they have their picnic at last
The Fisherman and His Soul is a short story by Oscar Wilde. Once upon a time, there is a young Fisherman l____1__ by the sea. One day, he catches a mermaid and falls in love with her. However, the little mermaid tells him that she can’t love a man w____2____ a human soul. So he tries to send his soul away.
F___3___, the Fisherman asks the Priest for help. The Priest thinks it’s i_4____ for a man to have a soul, or he will have no place in heaven. After hearing that, he is s___5___. Then, he walks to the marketplace and wants to sell his soul. But the merchants just want to b___6___ him as a slave(奴隶). Finally, a witch helps him and tells him h____7___ to do it.
The following years, the soul travels to different places. Every year, the soul comes back to the sea and tells his s___8____ to the Fisherman because he wants to be in his heart again. The Fisherman’s heart is full of love for the little mermaid, there is no room for him. The soul doesn’t enter the Fisherman’s heart until (直到) his heart is b___9__. At last, the soul makes it. They are together again in l___10___. Do you think it is a happy ending
1 从我家骑车去学校只需 10分钟。
2. 为什么不在农场上养奶牛、种小麦呢?
3. 我非常想念我爷爷,我盼望不久就能见到他。
4. 公园在城市的南部。走过那个桥,你就会看到。
5. 我哥哥下周六会邀请他的朋友一起看电影。
. 五一劳动节快到了,假如你是Sandy,想要给你的朋友Amy写一封信,介绍你的家乡情况,并邀请对方到你的家乡来玩。根据下面提供的信息,用英语写一篇邀请信。
地理位置 在中国的东南部
环境 环境优美,空气清新,鸟语花香。
活动 很多好玩地方——瘦西湖公园(The Slender West Lake )、大明寺(The Daming Temple)等。 可以吃到各种美食。
交通 可以乘飞机到杨泰机场。 离上海不远,乘高铁(high-speed train)只要 1个多小时。
希望 …… …… (用两句话表达你的看法)
3)参考词汇:环境 environment
Dear Amy,
May Day is coming and I would like to invite you to visit my hometown. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



