2024年高考英语二轮复习增分必刷题 专题11 高考真题熟词生义 高阶单词短语100例(2月第3周)名校月考卷 (原卷版+解析版)

1. absorb熟义:vt.吸收 生义:vt.理解,消化
(2020 新高考I卷 七选五)In fact, most people only absorb about 20 percent of a speaker's message.
2. address 熟义:n.地址 生义:vt设法解决,处理
(2020 7月浙江卷 B)“Adaptive signals can make sure that the traffic demand that is there is being addressed,” says Alex Stevanovic.
3. age 熟义:n.年龄 生义:vi.变老
(2020 7月浙江卷 C)Challenging work that requires lots of analytical thinking, planning and other managerial skills might help your brain stay sharp as you age.随着年龄的增长,需要大量分析思维、计划和其他管理技能的具有挑战性的工作可能会帮助你的大脑保持敏锐。
4. battle 熟义:n.战斗,战役 生义: 争夺;竞标
(2020 全国Ⅱ卷 完形填空) Nicolo and another bidder battled until Nicolo finally won the paintings for $32.
5. beat熟义:vi.击打 生义: vt.快速搅拌
(2020 全国I卷 短文改错)Next I broke the eggs into a bowl and beat them quickly with chopsticks.
6. big 熟义:adj.大的 生义:adj.重要的,重大的
(2020 全国Ⅲ卷 C)We spoke more with Nick because I think it's a big thing for Nick to live with his mother-in-law.我们和尼克进行了更多的交谈,因为我认为对尼克来说和他的岳母住在一起是件大事。
7. bond 熟义:n.关系,联系 生义: vt.培养一种特殊的关系
(2020 全国Ⅱ卷 D)It was a special time to bond with my children and it filled them with the wonderment of books.这是一个特殊的时刻,我与我的孩子们培养了一种特殊的关系,这让他们对书充满了好奇。
8. bridge熟义:n.桥 生义:n.起桥梁,作用的东西,纽带
(2020 全国Ⅱ卷 D)I see libraries as a safe haven(避风港)for readers and writers, a bridge that helps put together a reader with a book.
9. broken熟义:adj.破损的 生义: adj.虚弱的
(2020 新高考I卷 C)He left after seven months, physically broken and having lost his mind.
10. case熟义:n.情况 生义:n.套;盒;箱;容器
(2020 全国I卷 听力材料)It has one of the new memory sticks, and a protective case for filming underwater, so you can take it when you go diving.
11. cold 熟义:adj.寒冷的 生义:adj. 冷酷的
(2020 全国Ⅱ卷 七选五)Even a formal email can seem cold and unfriendly.
12. cover熟义: v.覆盖生义: v.涵盖,包括,涉及;足以支付,够付
(2020 全国卷 听力材料)The language use is good and the main points are covered.
(2020 新高考I卷 B)Her husband worked two jobs to cover the bills.
13. curtain 熟义:n.窗帘 生义:n.幕,帷幕
(2020 7月浙江卷 A)The curtains are about to open, and in a few minutes the action and dialogue will tell you the story.
14. destroy 熟义:vt.破坏 生义: vt.杀死
(2020 新高考I卷 C)...millions of lives have been destroyed by the slow drying up of the sea.
15. difficult 熟义:adj.困难的 生义: adj.(人)难以讨好的
(2020 全国Ⅲ卷 完形填空)If a customer is rude or difficult, just think “Maybe she's had a row with her husband. Maybe her child's not well.”
16. draw熟义:vt.画画 生义:vt.引起
(2020 全国Ⅲ卷 B) Already,a number of films ... have drawn the anger of activists who say the creatures acting in them haven't been treated properly.
17. drive熟义:v.开车 生义: vt.迫使,逼迫
(2020 全国I卷 完形填空)It will drive us crazy.它会让我们发疯。
18. eye 熟义:n.眼睛 生义:n.视角
(2020 新高考I卷 C)Mr Bissell skillfully organizes historical insights and cultural references, making his tale a well-rounded picture of Uzbekistan, seen from Western eyes.
19. fair 熟义:adj.公平的生义:n.展销会
(2020 全国Ⅱ卷 D)Sponsor book fairs.
20. farm 熟义:n.农场;农舍 生义:vt. 饲养
(2020 7月浙江卷 完形填空)I’ve been farming sheep on a hillside for 54 years.
1. triple a.三倍的;三重的
2. undeniable a.不可否定的
3. episode n (电视剧) 一集
4. stylish a.时髦的,新潮的
5. capacity n.能力,才能;容积
6. distinct a截然不同的;明显的
7. elegance n.优雅
8. discipline n.纪律;自制力
9. dynamic a.动态的
10. obstacle n.障碍,阻碍
11. overwhelming a.难以抗拒的
12. illustrate v.加插图于;说明
13. entitle vt 给…取名;使有资格
14. edible a.可食的
15. crack v.破裂,裂开;砸裂
16. fossil n.化石
17. demonstrate v.证明;演示
18. interpret v.解释;口译
19. regulation n.规章制度,规则
20. transparent a透明的,清澈的
21. adaptability n.适应性;可变性
22. overestimate v.过高估计
23. squeeze v.挤压,捏;挤出
24. catch n.潜在问题;不利因素
25. discipline n纪律;自制力
26. cue n./v.提示,暗示
27. factual a.真实的
28. estate n 庄园;种植园;房地产
pile v.编纂
30. embody v.体现
31. core n.核心
32. essence n.本质
33. anticipate vt 期待;预期
34. domain n 领地;领域
35. capacity n容量;能力
36. cease vt 停止;终止
37. celebrity n名人;名流
38. client n 委托人;客户
39. collapse vi 倒塌;崩溃
ic n连环漫画
41. cite vt 引用
42. drought n 干旱;旱灾
43. contract n契约;合同
44. emerge vi 浮现;出现
45. corporate a 公司的;团体的
46. costume n 服装;戏装
47. council n委员会;理事会
48. domestic a家养的;国内的
49. current n 水流;电流;气流
50. decent a 正派的;得体的
1. keep off 不接近
2. cut in 插话 夹塞
3. step in 介入 插手干预
4. as far as I know 据我所知
5. other than 除了;不同于
6. in place of 代替
7. run into 偶遇
8. flood in 大量涌入
9. take steps to do 采取措施做某事
10. consult with sb 和某人商量
11. waste time doing浪费时间做某事
12. in person 当面 亲自
13. from behind the door 从门后面
e to life 活跃起来 振作起来
15. break down 车辆抛锚;谈判破裂;物质分解;精神崩溃
16. put forward 拨快;提议;推荐
17. in that 因为;在……方面
18. at hand 在手边,手头上
19. peaceful protests 和平抗议
20. have access to 接近,使用,可以利用
21. no bigger than并不比…大
22. at random 随机;任意
23. arrive on the scene到达现场
24. takeaway food 外卖食品
25. on a tight budget预算紧张
26. follow in the steps of跟随…的脚步
27. ring true 听起来真实
28. jump at 欣然接受
29. put forward 提前;提议;举荐
30. book in advance提前预定
31. dropped sb. off 让某人下车
32. for the sake of 为了
33. bring about 引起
34. in the long term/run 长期
35.be exposed to 暴露于,接触
36.tear down 拆毁,拆除
37. in collaboration with与...合作
38.hang on 抓紧不放;不要挂断
398.stick to 坚持;遵守
40.hit the road 走上大路
41.be at a loss 困惑
42.all at once 突然
43.in chaos 混乱
44.at any rate 无论如何
45. behave well 表现得体
pared to/with 和…相比
47. in vain 徒劳 白费功夫
48. agree on sth就…达成一致
50.breathe a sigh of relief 如释重负
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Much-loved 100-Word-Story Competition
Our much-loved 100-Word-Story Competition is back! Enter for the chance to win prizes of up to 1,000.
Rules and prizes
Please ensure that submissions are original, not previously published and exactly 100 words long(not including title). Don’t forget to include your full name, address, email and phone number when filling in the form. We may use entries in all print and electronic media.
Terms and conditions:
There are three categories—one for adults and two categories for schools (one for children aged12-18 and one for children under 12).
● In the adults category, the winner will receive 1,000 and one runner-up will receive 250.
● In the 12-18s category, the winner will receive a 200 book voucher (代金券) or a Kindle Paperwhite and a 100 book voucher for their school, and the runner-up will receive a 100 book voucher.
● In the under-12 category, the winner will receive a 100 book voucher or a Kindle Paperwhite and a 50 book voucher for their school, and the runner-up will receive a 50 book voucher.
Please submit your stories by 5 pm on January 5, 2024 either online or by post addressed to:
Reader’s Digest
00 Word Story Competition
Warmers Group Publications
West Street, Bourne
PE10 9PH
The editorial team will pick a shortlist of entries, and the three best stories in each category will be posted online at readersdigest.co.uk on February 1, 2024. You can vote you’re your favourite, and the one with the most votes will win the top prize. Voting will close on February 29,2024 and the winning entries will be published in our May 2024 issue, and posted online on April 16, 2024.
1. What do we know about the writing event from the text
A. It will pick out 6 best entries. B. Each entry is 100 words or fewer.
C. Only students over 12 can enter it. D. Entries can be in electronic version.
2. What will the runner-up get in the 12-18s category
A. A Kindle Paperwhite. B. A 100 book voucher.
C. 250 in prize money. D. An issue of Reader’s Digest.
3. When can we know who the winners are
A. On January 5, 2024. B. On February 1, 2024.
C. On April 16. 2024. D. On February 29,2024.
【答案】1. D2. B3. C
细节理解题。根据Terms and conditions部分“Please submit your stories by 5 pm on January 5,2024 either online or by post (请在2024年1月5日下午5点之前通过网络或邮寄方式提交您的故事)”可知,参赛作品可以是电子版的形式。故选D。
细节理解题。根据Terms and conditions部分“In the 12-18s category, the winner will receive a 200 book voucher or a Kindle Paperwhite and a 100 book voucher for their school, and the runner-up will receive a 100 books voucher. (在12-18岁组别中,获胜者将获得200英镑的图书代金券或Kindle Paperwhite和100
细节理解题。根据最后一段“The editorial team will pick a shortlist of entries, and the three best stories in each category will be posted online at readersdigest.co.uk on February 1, 2024. You can vote you’re your favourite, and the one with the most votes will win the top prize. Voting will close on February 29, 2024 and the winning entries will be published in our May 2024 issue, and posted online on April 16, 2024.(编辑团队将挑选入围作品,每个类别中的三篇最佳故事将于2024年2月1日发布在readersdigest.co.uk网站上。你可以投票选出你最喜欢的,得票最多的人将获得最高奖。投票将于2024年2月29日结束,获奖作品将发表在我们2024年5月刊上,并于2024年4月16日发布在网上。)”可知,到2024年4月16日,我们才能看到获胜者名单。故选C。
We just got back from a weeklong trip through New Mexico where we traveled through desert landscapes, hiked up mountains, and walked through dry creek beds. We experienced nature and wildlife that was vastly distinct from what I’ve seen before.
We’ve lived in Atlanta for 25 years so it was quite a change from our “city in a forest”. My husband and I were joined by our adult so n who now lives in San Diego and is a little more familiar with the west. We like to visit national parks and explore interesting ecosystems.
In New Mexico, everything seemed striking and amazing. Starting in Albuquerque, we took a tram up the Sandia Peak in the Sandia Mountains, where we had fantastic views as we watched parasailers float off into the unending sky. We then drove to Abiquiu, the town where artist Georgia O’Keeffe was so inspired. We stayed at a lovely home pretty much in the middle of nowhere. First, we noticed the breathtaking setting. Then we noticed the ants: billions of tiny ants were marching all over the outside of the property. They were carrying off a few of the native bees that had fallen to the ground near the house.
Once we were awakened in the middle of the night by howling (嚎叫) that was both strange and musical. We were told about the coyotes (郊狼) that share the area, so we weren’t surprised when we woke up the next morning to some pretty impressive pawprints right outside the back door. On our final morning hike before heading south in the state, we even spotted a large snake curled up on the path, enjoying the warm morning sun. We stayed far out of its way but certainly watched our steps a little more carefully.
We talked about sustainability throughout the trip. In the past several decades, there’s been so much noticeable change in our travel adventures. That will be great to keep the skies cleaner and save energy. And the coyotes and
snakes can be left to dance and enjoy in peace.
4. What was the family’s first impression of the trip to New Mexico
A. It was familiar to them in many aspects.
B. It was dangerous but totally fresh for them.
C. It was simple and plain with little to explore.
D. It was quite different from their previous experiences.
5. Which of the following best describes the author’s experience in New Mexico
A. Romantic. B. Eventful. C. Conventional. D. Regretful.
6. What message does the author want to convey in the last paragraph
A. It’s beneficial for us to take an adventure tour.
B. It’s threatening to live with wildlife around.
C. It’s necessary to boost sustainable tourism.
D. It’s difficult to keep the balance of ecosystem.
7. Where is the text most probably taken from
A. A reflection in a travel journal. B. An essay about the plans for traveling.
C. A guidebook to a new destination. D. An introduction of a new type of traveling.
【答案】4. D5. B6. C7. A
细节理解题。根据文章第一段中“We experienced nature and wildlife that was vastly distinct from what I’ve seen before.(我们体验了与我以前看到的截然不同的自然和野生动物)”可知,这家人对新墨西哥之行的第一印象是这与他们以前的经历大不相同。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第三段“Starting in Albuquerque, we took a tram up the Sandia Peak in the Sandia Mountains, where we had fantastic views as we watched parasailers float off into the unending sky.(从阿尔伯克基出发,我们乘坐有轨电车登上桑迪亚山脉的桑迪亚峰,在那里我们看到了奇妙的景色,我们看着滑翔伞漂浮在无边无际的天空中)”,“Then we noticed the ants: billions of tiny ants were marching all over the outside of the property.(然后,我们注意到了蚂蚁:数十亿只小蚂蚁在院子外面到处移动)”,第四段“Once we were awakened in the middle of the night by howling (嚎叫) that was both strange and musical. We were told about the coyotes (郊狼) that share the area, so we weren’t surprised when we woke up the next morning to
some pretty impressive pawprints right outside the back door.(有一次,我们在半夜被既奇怪又悦耳的嚎叫惊醒。我们被告知这片区域有郊狼,所以当我们第二天早上醒来时,发现后门外面有一些令人印象深刻的爪印时,我们并不感到惊讶)”和“On our final morning hike before heading south in the state, we even spotted a large snake curled up on the path, enjoying the warm morning sun.(在我们向南出发前的最后一次早晨徒步旅行中,我们甚至发现一条大蛇蜷缩在小路上,享受着早晨温暖的阳光)”可知,他们欣赏了美丽的风景,看到了蚂蚁结队,听到了郊狼的嚎叫还看到了蛇,这次旅行对他们来说那是经历很丰富的,eventful符合题意。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“We talked about sustainability throughout the trip. In the past several decades, there’s been so much noticeable change in our travel adventures. That will be great to keep the skies cleaner and save energy. And the coyotes and snakes can be left to dance and enjoy in peace.(我们在旅途中一直在谈论可持续发展。在过去的几十年里,我们的旅行经历发生了如此明显的变化。这将是伟大的保持天空清洁和节约能源。郊狼和蛇就可以自由自在地跳舞和享受了)”可推知,最后一段作者想要传达的信息是促进旅游业的可持续发展是必要的。故选C。
推理判断题。通读文章,文章第一句“We just got back from a weeklong trip through New Mexico where we traveled through desert landscapes, hiked up mountains, and walked through dry creek beds.(我们刚从新墨西哥州进行了为期一周的旅行回来,在那里我们穿越了沙漠,爬山,走过了干涸的河床)”写到自己刚从新墨西哥州旅游回来,中间写到了旅行经历,最后一段“We talked about sustainability throughout the trip. In the past several decades, there’s been so much noticeable change in our travel adventures. That will be great to keep the skies cleaner and save energy. And the coyotes and snakes can be left to dance and enjoy in peace.(我们在旅途中一直在谈论可持续发展。在过去的几十年里,我们的旅行经历发生了如此明显的变化。这将是伟大的保持天空清洁和节约能源。郊狼和蛇就可以自由自在地跳舞和享受了)”写到了旅行感悟。由此推知,文章最有可能来自旅游杂志的个人回忆和反思。故选A。
Imagine being able to use energy from the sun all the time, even when it’s night. That’s the idea that scientists at Caltech(California Institute of Technology)are exploring. They’re working on collecting sunlight in space and sending its energy to Earth.
Caltech’s scientists have created a special tool for this project. They call it MAPLE. MAPLE and two other devices are part of a project that was sent into space in January, 2023. MAPLE’s job is to test the idea of sending energy wirelessly from space to Earth. We’re used to using wires to move electrical energy from one place to another.
But sending energy without wires is a lot trickier.
The method used by Caltech’s scientists depends on the way waves act when they meet. Imagine two waves coming together as they travel in the same direction. If the tops of the waves line up, they combine to make a bigger wave. But if the top of one wave lines up with the low point of the other, the waves cancel each other out. The Caltech team has found a way to control the timing of lots of microwaves so that they can combine their power, and focus the energy in one direction. It’s a little like using a magnifying(放大的)glass to focus sunlight into a small, hot point of light.
To prove that the system could work, MAPLE sent energy to two devices just 30 centimeters away in space. This energy was then turned into electricity, which made two small lights light up. Next, MAPLE sent energy all the way down to a lab at Caltech. The scientists were able to detect the energy, proving that it’s possible to send solar energy to Earth from space.
Dr. Hajimiri, one of the project’s leaders, thinks that one day, the system could be extremely useful, bringing energy to places that need it, all over the world. He believes that in the future, we’ll be able to send energy to remote regions and areas destroyed by war or natural disaster.
8. What is the challenge in Caltech’s project with MAPLE
A. Solar energy detection.
B. Wireless energy delivery.
C. Sending devices into space.
D. Using wires to move electricity.
9. How does the Caltech team concentrate solar power
A. By changing the way microwaves act.
B. By magnifying waves coming together.
C. By controlling the timing of microwaves.
D. By lining up the waves in opposite directions.
10. What potential benefit could the system bring in the future according to Dr. Hajimiri
A. Warning people of natural disasters.
B. Turning solar energy into electricity.
C. Providing a solution to energy shortages.
D. Sending energy to regions in urgent need.
11. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. The Use of Solar Energy in Space Exploration
B. The Challenges of Generating Energy Without Wires
C. The Development of a New Tool for Collecting Electricity
D. The Possibility of Sending Energy Wirelessly from Space to Earth
【答案】8. B9. C10. D11. D
细节理解题。根据第二段“Caltech’s scientists have created a special tool for this project. They call it MAPLE. MAPLE and two other devices are part of a project that was sent into space in January, 2023. MAPLE’s job is to test the idea of sending energy wirelessly from space to Earth. We’re used to using wires to move electrical energy from one place to another. But sending energy without wires is a lot trickier.(加州理工学院的科学家们为这个项目创造了一个特殊的工具。他们称之为MAPLE。MAPLE和另外两个设备是2023年1月送入太空的一个项目的一部分。MAPLE的任务是测试从太空向地球无线发送能量的想法。我们习惯于用电线把电能从一个地方传输到另一个地方。但是在没有电线的情况下传输能量要棘手得多)”可知,MAPLE的挑战是无线能量传输。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第三段“The Caltech team has found a way to control the timing of lots of microwaves so that they can combine their power, and focus the energy in one direction. It’s a little like using a magnifying(放大的)glass to focus sunlight into a small, hot point of light.(加州理工学院的研究小组已经找到了一种方法来控制大量微波的时间,这样它们就可以结合它们的能量,并将能量集中在一个方向上。这有点像用放大镜把太阳光聚焦成一个小的热点)”可知,加州理工学院的团队通过控制微波的时间来集中太阳能。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“Dr. Hajimiri, one of the project’s leaders, thinks that one day, the system could be extremely useful, bringing energy to places that need it, all over the world. He believes that in the future, we’ll be able to send energy to remote regions and areas destroyed by war or natural disaster.(Hajimiri博士是该项目的领导者之一,他认为有一天,这个系统会非常有用,把能源带到世界各地需要它的地方。他相信,在未来,我们将能够向偏远地区和被战争或自然灾害摧毁的地区输送能源)”可知,根据Hajimiri博士的说法,这个系统在未来会向急需能源的地区输送能源。故选D项。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“Imagine being able to use energy from the sun all the time, even when it’s night. That’s the idea that scientists at Caltech(California Institute of Technology)are exploring. They’re working on collecting sunlight in space and sending its energy to Earth.(想象一下,可以一直使用太阳能,即使是在晚上。这就是加州理工学院(Caltech)的科学家们正在探索的想法。他们正致力于在太空中收集阳光并将其能量发送到地球)”以及纵观全文可知,主要讨论了使用Caltech科学家创造的特殊工具MAPLE从太空向地球无线传输能源的可能性,所以D项“The Possibility of Sending Energy Wirelessly from Space to Earth(从太空向地球无线传输能量的可能性)”是本文最好的标题。故选D项。
On the streets of Manhattan and Washington, D. C., in neighborhoods in Seoul and parks in Paris, ginkgo (银杏) trees are losing their leaves in reaction to the first gust of cold winter air. This leaf drop, gradual at first, and then sudden, carpets streets with golden, fan-shaped leaves. Scientists are documenting evidence of the event happening later and later, a possible indication of climate change. But the story of ginkgos is not the familiar one of human carelessness with nature.
Thanks to fossils found in North Dakota, scientists found a ginkgo has genetically similar ancestors dating back 170 million years to the Jurassic Period. “It almost went extinct. Then humans rescued it and spread it around the world. It’s such a great evolutionary (进化) and cultural story,” says Peter Crane, a ginkgo expert.
One theory for the decline of the ginkgo species began 130 million years ago, when flowering plants began spreading. They grew faster and attracted more pollinators (传粉者) than ginkgos. “It’s possible that ginkgos were elbowed out of the way,” says Crane. Already competing to survive, ginkgos began to disappear during a time of global cooling that began around 66 million years ago. By the time the last ice age ended 11,000 years ago, the remaining survivors were found in China.
Ginkgo trees are smelly. “My guess is that they were eaten by animals that liked smelly things. They then passed through their body and grew.” Crane says. Those same seeds may have helped ginkgo find favor with humans 1,000 years ago. Once cleaned of their outer layer, ginkgo seeds are safe to eat. It’s then, when the trees had long since disappeared elsewhere, that people in China may have begun planting them and eating their seeds. Then gradually ginkgos spread across the world. Now it’s seemingly naturally resistant to insects and high levels of air pollution.
Crane isn’t worried about its future, though: The popularity of the species will help it survive. “Though its status in the wild may be difficult to access, it’s a plant that’s unlikely to ever go extinct,” he says.
12. What may have caused the further delay of ginkgo’s leaf drop
A. The colder weather in winter.
B. The protection from city councils.
C. The global warming phenomenon.
D. The careless interaction with humans.
13. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about
A. The reasons why ginkgos almost died out.
B. The advantages of ginkgos over other plants.
C. The theories of experts for multiplying ginkgos.
D. The competition between various flowering plants.
14. What might have contributed to ginkgos’ survival
A. Their eatable seeds. B. Their unpleasant smell.
C. The natural evolution. D. The careful planting.
15. How does Crane feel about ginkgos’ future
A. Worried. B. Optimistic. C. Uncertain. D. Hopeless.
【答案】12. C13. A14. A15. B
推理判断题。根据第一段“Scientists are documenting evidence of the event happening later and later, a possible indication of climate change.(科学家们正在记录这一事件发生得越来越晚的证据,这可能是气候变化的一个迹象)”可推知,全球变暖现象可能是导致银杏落叶时间进一步推迟的原因。故选C项。
主旨大意题。根据第三段“One theory for the decline of the ginkgo species began 130 million years ago, when flowering plants began spreading. They grew faster and attracted more pollinators (传粉者) than ginkgos. “It’s possible that ginkgos were elbowed out of the way,” says Crane. Already competing to survive, ginkgos began to disappear during a time of global cooling that began around 66 million years ago. By the time the last ice age ended 11,000 years ago, the remaining survivors were found in China.(关于银杏物种衰落的一种理论始于1.3亿年前,当时开花植物开始传播。它们的生长速度比银杏快,吸引了更多的传粉者。“有可能银杏被挤出了生存的道路,”克雷恩说。已经在为生存而竞争的银杏,在全球变冷时期开始消失,这一时期大约始于6600万年前。到最后一个冰河时代结束前的11000年,剩下的幸存者在中国被发现)”可知,本段主要讲述了银杏树几乎灭绝的原因,包括与其他植物的竞争以及全球变冷等因素。因此,本段的主要内容是关
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Those same seeds may have helped ginkgo find favor with humans 1,000 years ago. Once cleaned of their outer layer, ginkgo seeds are safe to eat. It’s then, when the trees had long since disappeared elsewhere, that people in China may have begun planting them and eating their seeds. Then gradually ginkgos spread across the world. Now it’s seemingly naturally resistant to insects and high levels of air pollution.(同样的种子可能在1000年前帮助银杏赢得了人类的青睐。一旦去掉外层,银杏种子就可以安全食用。然后,当这些树在其他地方早已消失的时候,中国人可能已经开始种植它们并食用它们的种子。然后银杏逐渐传播到世界各地。现在它似乎对昆虫和高水平的空气污染具有天然的抵抗力)”可知,银杏树能够生存下来,部分原因是因为它们的种子可以被人类食用。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“Crane isn’t worried about its future, though: The popularity of the species will help it survive. “Though its status in the wild may be difficult to access, it’s a plant that’s unlikely to ever go extinct,” he says.(不过,克雷恩并不担心它的未来:这个物种的受欢迎程度将有助于它的生存。“尽管它在野外的地位可能难以评估,但它是一种不太可能灭绝的植物,”他说)”可知,专家Crane对银杏树的未来并不担心,认为这个物种的受欢迎程度将有助于它的生存。由此推知,Crane对银杏的未来是乐观的。故选B想。
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 12. 5 分)
Reading a new story alone is often a great way to relax. However, sometimes you just want to discuss what you’ve read with another person to bring those ideas off the page and into the world. ____16____
First, find members. When you begin searching for your book club members, look in the places in your life that feel most natural to you. ____17____ Then, maybe it’s posting a notice on the bulletin board of your local library or bookstore. If you’re looking to “get a range of perspectives” from your club, you may want to consider looking for a diverse range of ages and genders. They can bring their varied world views to discussions.
____18____ Will your time together be spent largely focusing on the novel at hand, or will refreshments ultimately be the most important There’s the typical friends gathering at someone’s apartment and having cheese and wine approach. But oftentimes, people will be frustrated because they just turn into a social event rather than focusing on the book. In order to make sure your new group is all on the same page, take the time to discuss what you want to get out of regular club gatherings before your first official meeting.
Picking books may seem like the trickiest part. Books that work really well are ones that allow you to reflect on self. They have a lot of entry points for people so they probably have a good setting. The pacing is solid. There’s great
character development and the language doesn’t get in the way of the story. ____19____
Before your meetings, list some discussion questions. Remember to come up with questions depending on your book’s genre: romance, mystery, thriller and so on. ____20____ For example, you may ask which scene has stuck with them the most or whether there are any standout sentences.
A. It is necessary to set some group guidelines.
B. Here’s a look of four of our favorites below.
C. To start, reach out to your friends who love to read.
D. There are also general questions you can start out with.
E You can never go wrong with the bestseller list to get the ball rolling.
F. Choose something with that criteria and you can please all kinds of readers.
G. If you’ve ever had the urge to start a book club, it’s easier than you might think.
【答案】16. G17. C18. A19. F20. D
根据上文“Reading a new story alone is often a great way to relax. However, sometimes you just want to discuss what you’ve read with another person to bring those ideas off the page and into the world. (独自读一个新故事通常是一种很好的放松方式。然而,有时候你只是想和另一个人讨论一下你读到的东西,把这些想法从书页上带到现实生活中。)”以及下文“First, find members. When you begin searching for your book club members, look in the places in your life that feel most natural to you. (首先,寻找成员。当你开始寻找你的读书俱乐部成员时,看看你生活中感觉最自然的地方。)”可推知设空处应该是关于组建读书俱乐部和其他人分享想法,所以G选项“如果你曾经有过创办读书俱乐部的冲动,这比你想象的要容易得多。”符合题意,承上启下,故选G。
根据小标题“First, find members. (首先,寻找成员。)”可知本段主要关于如何寻找成员的,再根据上文“When you begin searching for your book club members, look in the places in your life that feel most natural to you. (当你开始寻找你的读书俱乐部成员时,看看你生活中感觉最自然的地方。)”可知寻找俱乐部成员可以从身边入手,C选项“首先,和你喜欢阅读的朋友们联系。”符合本段主旨,承接上文,故选C。
设空处为本段小标题。根据下文“Will your time together be spent largely focusing on the novel at hand, or will refreshments ultimately be the most important There’s the typical friends gathering at someone’s apartment
and having cheese and wine approach. But oftentimes, people will be frustrated because they just turn into a social event rather than focusing on the book. In order to make sure your new group is all on the same page, take the time to discuss what you want to get out of regular club gatherings before your first official meeting. (你们在一起的时间会主要集中在手头的小说上,还是茶点最终是最重要的 有一种典型的朋友聚会在某人的公寓,吃奶酪和葡萄酒的方式。但通常情况下,人们会感到沮丧,因为他们只是把注意力放在社交活动上,而不是集中在书上。为了确保你的新团队都在同一条线上,在你的第一次正式会议之前,花点时间讨论一下你想从常规的俱乐部聚会中得到什么。)”可知本段主要讲述要给团队制定计划,A选项“有必要制定一些团体指导方针。”符合本段主旨,故选A。
根据上文“Picking books may seem like the trickiest part. Books that work really well are ones that allow you to reflect on self. They have a lot of entry points for people so they probably have a good setting. The pacing is solid. There’s great character development and the language doesn’t get in the way of the story. (选书似乎是最棘手的部分。真正有效的书是那些让你反思自我的书。他们有很多入口,所以他们可能有一个很好的设置。节奏很稳定。角色发展很好,语言也没有妨碍故事的发展。)”可知本段讲述了如何选书,所以设空处应是对上文的总结,讲述这样选书的好处,选项F“选择符合这些标准的东西,你可以取悦各种各样的读者。”符合题意,故选F。
根据上文“Before your meetings, list some discussion questions. Remember to come up with questions depending on your book’s genre: romance, mystery, thriller and so on. (在开会之前,列出一些讨论问题。记得根据你的书的类型提出问题:浪漫、神秘、惊悚等等。)”可知是关于提出什么类型的问题的,D选项“你也可以从一些一般性的问题开始。”符合题意,并且下文“For example, you may ask which scene has stuck with them the most or whether there are any standout sentences. (例如,你可能会问哪个场景让他们印象最深刻,或者是否有什么突出的句子。)”是对选项的举例说明,故选D。
第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
For many young Canadians, planting trees is more than just a job. It’s a way of ___21___ and it could be catching on, thanks to a popular ___22___ by Leslie. While working for a logging company, the 29-year-old filmed herself using the ___23___ method that allowed her to plant 4,545 trees in a single day. She said that the work is incredibly ___24___.
Planting trees is not easy work, according to Leslie. Not only is it ___25___ tiring, but it also exposes laborers to the bad weather. “It could start the day off ___26___ and then minutes later, it will just be raining or snowing. You never know what to ___27___,” she described. “There were some days that we were planting through a heat ___28___, so we had like 37 to 40 degree weather for several days straight and that was really ___29___.”
So far, Leslie has planted a total of 372,290 trees in the past few years. ___30___, she’s still nowhere near beating the Guinness World record. That honor ___31___ Kenny Chaplin, who once planted 15,170 trees in 19 hours. After 35 years on the job, he says he’d ___32___ it to anyone.
“I think every parent in Canada should ___33___ their kid out tree planting because it will turn them into a worker,” he ___34___ . “They’ll learn how to work, they’ll have ___35___ and they’ll have money in their pockets.”
21. A. appointment B. impression C. recreation D. life
22 A. investment B. liberation C. video D. story
23. A. negative B. speedy C. respective D. influential
24. A. rewarding B. massive C. original D. diverse
25. A. barely B. permanently C. gradually D. physically
26. A. heavy B. sunny C. severe D. obvious
27. A. expect B. organize C. prefer D. recover
28. A. scream B. action C. push D. wave
29. A. potential B. sudden C. tough D. flexible
30. A. Moreover B. However C. Besides D. Therefore
31. A. turns to B. relates to C. belongs to D. subscribes to
32. A. admit B. warn C. whisper D. recommend
33. A. send B. celebrate C. understand D. decide
34. A. imagined B. argued C. explained D. responded
35. A. version B. concept C. responsibility D. qualification
【答案】21. D22. C23. B24. A25. D26. B27. A28. D29. C30. B31. C32. D33. A34. C35. C
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一种生活方式,而且由于莱斯利的一个受欢迎的视频,它可能会流行起来。A. appointment约定;B. impression印象;C. recreation娱乐;D. life生活。根据上文“planting trees is more than just a job”可知,对很多加拿大人来说,种树不仅仅是工作,还是一种生活方式。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一种生活方式,而且由于莱斯利的一个流行视频,它可能会流行起来。A. investment投资;B. liberation解放;C. video视频;D. story故事。根据下文“the 29-year-old filmed herself”可知,Leslie拍摄自己是,所以是拍了一个视频。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在一家伐木公司工作期间,29岁的她拍摄自己使用让她在一天内种下了4545棵树的快速的方法。A. negative否定的;B. speedy快速的;C. respective各自的;D. influential有影响力的。根据下文“plant 4,545 trees in a single day”可知,一天内种下了4545棵树,说明这种方法很快。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她说这份工作非常值得。A. rewarding值得的;B. massive大量的;C. original起初的,原先的;D. diverse多样化的。根据最后一段“They’ll learn how to work, they’ll have __15__ and they’ll have money in their pockets”可知,植树这个工作是值得的。故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:它不仅使人身体上疲劳,而且还使工人暴露在恶劣的天气中。A. barely几乎不;B. permanently永久地;C. gradually逐渐;D. physically身体上。根据上文“Planting trees is not easy work”和常识可知,种树会使人身体上疲劳。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一开始可能是晴天,几分钟后就会下雨或下雪。A. heavy重的;B. sunny晴朗的;C. severe严重的;D. obvious明显的。根据下文“then minutes later, it will just be raining or snowing”可知,此处表示“一开始可能是晴天,几分钟后就会下雨或下雪”。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:你永远不知道会发生什么。A. expect期望;B. organize组织:C. prefer更喜欢;D. recover恢复。根据上文“It could start the day off __6___and then minutes later, it will just be raining or snowing”可知,一会儿晴天,一会儿可能会下雨或下雪,所以你永远不知道会发生什么,what to expect意为“预期会发生什么”。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:有几天我们在热浪中种植,所以我们连续几天都有37到40度的天气,这真的很艰难。A. scream尖叫;B. action行为;C. push鼓励,敦促;D. wave海浪。根据下文“so we had like 37 to 40 degree weather for several days straight”可知,气温很高,所以是有热浪,heat wave意为“热浪”。故选D。
很艰难。A. potential潜在的;B. sudden突然的;C. tough困难的;D. flexible灵活的。根据上文“we had like 37 to 40 degree weather for several days straight”可知,在那么热的温度下种树是困难的。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,她离打破吉尼斯世界纪录还差得远。A. Moreover另外;B. However然而;C. Besides另外;D. Therefore因此。根据下文“she’s still nowhere near beating the Guinness World record”可知,前后是转折关系,空格处用However表转折。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:这一荣誉属于肯尼·卓别林,他曾在19小时内种植了15170棵树。A. turns to求助于;B. relates to与……有关;C. belongs to属于;D. subscribes to订阅。根据下文“Kenny Chaplin, who once planted 15,170 trees in 19 hours”可知,Kenny Chaplin植树的速度更快,所以吉尼斯世界纪录是属于Kenny Chaplin的。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在工作了35年之后,他说他会把它推荐给任何人。A. admit承认;B. warn警告;C. whisper低语;D. recommend推荐。根据下文“to anyone”可知,他会把这个工作推荐给任何人。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他解释说:“我认为加拿大的每一位父母都应该让他们的孩子去植树,因为这将把他们培养成一名工人。”A. send送;B. celebrate庆祝;C. understand明白;D. decide决定。根据下文“their kid out tree planting”可知,父母应该送孩子出去植树,空格处用send。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他解释说:“我认为加拿大的每一位父母都应该让他们的孩子去植树,因为这将把他们培养成一名工人。”A. imagined想象;B. argued争论;C. explained解释;D. responded回答。根据上文“I think every parent in Canada should __13___ their kid out tree planting because it will turn them into a worker”可知,空前的内容是他解释的内容。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们将学会如何工作,他们将有责任心,他们将在他们的口袋里有钱。A. version版本;B. concept概念;C. responsibility责任心;D. qualification资格。根据上文“it will turn them into a worker”和“They’ll learn how to work”可知,送孩子去植树会把孩子们转变成工人,他们会学会如何工作,也会有责任心。故选C。
As one of the three major drinks in the world, tea is also the most consumed drink after water on earth. Since tea
trees ___36___ (discover) thousands of years ago, the drink has become closely integrated with daily life and has developed into ___37___ unique culture.
How could such a little leaf from nature generate such great power An ongoing exhibition ___38___(focus) on tea culture manages ___39___ (explorer) the answer by offering visitors a comprehensive view of the drink.
The World of Tea: Special Exhilition of Tea Culture takes place at the Wu Men Exhibition Hall of the Palace Museum from September 2 to November 30 in Beijing. It displays 555 items ___40___(attach) to tea culture many of ___41___ are representative collections of 30 cultural institutions and museums at home and abroad.
Furthermore, it also provides insights into a cultural phenomenon’s origins, evolution and ___42___(remark) achievements while emphasizing how it has acted as a unifying thread connecting diverse regions and fostering the integration of various ethnic groups. Using tea as a medium, it displays the essence of Chinese tea culture, and also embodies the Chinese philosophical ___43___ (pursue) of unity between heaven and humanity.
Wang Guangyao, director of the show and also a researcher at the Palace Museum, says, “We want our audience to ___44___(complete) lose themselves in the show by setting ___45___ interaction spaces.”
【答案】36. were discovered37. a38. focusing39. to explore40. attached41. which42. remarkable43. pletely45. up
考查时态,语态和主谓一致。句意:自从茶树在几千年前被发现以来,这种饮料已经与日常生活紧密结合,并发展成为一种独特的文化。茶树是被发现,由thousands of years ago可知,时态是一般过去时,因此空格处是一般过去时的被动语态,主语trees是复数,因此空格处是were discovered。故填were discovered。
考查不定式。句意:一个正在进行的以茶文化为主题的展览试图通过为游客提供一个全面的饮料视图来探索答案。manage to do sth.意为“设法做某事”,因此空格处是不定式to explore。故填to explore。
考查固定短语。句意:我们希望通过设置互动空间,让观众完全沉浸在展览中。根据语境可知,句子表示“我们希望通过设置互动空间,让观众完全沉浸在展览中”,set up是固定短语,意为“设置”,因此空格处是up,故填up。
假定你是李华,你校英文报正在为2024年8月15日第二个“全国生态日(National Ecology Day)”征集环保口号(slogan)。请你给口号征集负责人Alan写一封邮件,内容包括:
1. 你提出的口号;
2. 口号的含义及优点。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Alan,
I will consider it a great honor if my slogan is selected.
Best regards!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【答案】One possible version:
Dear Alan,
Having learned that our newspaper is collecting slogans for the second National Ecology Day, which falls on 15 August, 2024, I’m writing to introduce my own version: One Earth, One Family.
I think my slogan is very persuasive. Although we live in different countries or different parts of a country, we have only one Earth. So it is our shared responsibility to protect our home planet and safeguard the biodiversity on Earth. My slogan also shows that only with joint efforts from all over the world can we protect our home planet.
I will consider it a great honor if my slogan is selected.
Best regards!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。假定你是学生会主席李华。校英文报正在为2024年8月15日第二个“全国生态日(National Ecology Day)”征文。请你代表学生会给该报投稿。
原句:I think my slogan is very persuasive.
拓展句:The reason why I put forward the slogan is that I think it is very persuasive.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Having learned that our newspaper is collecting slogans for the second National Ecology Day, which falls on 15 August, 2024, I’m writing to introduce my own version: One Earth, One Family.(运用了现在分词做原因状语和which引导的定语从句)
【高分句型2】Although we live in different countries or different parts of a country, we have only one Earth. (运用了although引导的让步状语从句)
【高分句型3】My slogan also shows that only with joint efforts from all over the world can we protect our home planet.(运用了that引导的宾语从句和only+状语位于句首,主句部分倒装)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Mike was a big fan of football. When he was ten years old, he was admitted to join his first football team. As soon as he got home that day, he put on his uniform and admired himself in front of the mirror.
“I’m a real football player!” He said to himself and pretended to practise football.
“What are you doing, silly boy ” asked his older sister.
“I’m practising football,” said Mike.
“When people practise football, they usually use a ball,” his sister laughed.
Mike then found a football in the basement and hurried back to his room, posing with the ball in front of the mirror, again.
The next day, Mike met his teammates on the playground. The coach taught them how to kick and run after the ball. He taught them how to throw the ball in from the sidelines, using two hands while keeping both feet on the ground. Finally, they had a practice game.
It turned out that playing football was a lot harder than it looked. Every time Mike was about to kick the ball, someone else kicked it away from him. When Mike threw the ball in from the sideline, he forgot to keep both feet on the ground. The only thing that Mike was good at was cheering. Whoever scored, he would jump up and cheer for them.
On the weekend, Mike’s team was invited to take part in its first real competition with the Sun. Mike’s family all came to watch. Mike chased the ball up and down, with excitement. It came as no surprise that their team lost the match. Even so, he kept cheering for anyone who scored.
After the game, his sister came over and reminded Mike that he needed to be a real football player, not just a cheerleader. Meanwhile, his coach told Mike that if he tried to do more practice and cooperate with his teammates, he could be a better football player, too.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Motivated by their words, Mike started to take the training more seriously.
Finally, the day for the match between his team and the Sun came.
【答案】One possible version:
Motivated by their words, Mike started to take the training more seriously. Day after day, he spared no effort to practice, regardless of wind or rain. Every time he felt too tired to continue, their words lifted his spirits and pushed him to rise to his feet again. With the coach’s guidance and his dedicated training, Mike found himself making steady progress. The whole team also became more confident and was looking forward to the next match against the Sun.
Finally, the day for the match between his team and the Sun came. Thinking of all the effort he had made for the game, Mike, fully-prepared and confident, took a deep breath and stepped onto the football field. Instead of chasing the ball up and down aimlessly, he kept passing the ball right to his teammates who were better at scoring. At length, his team won the game and all the teammates ran to him and threw him into the air with deafening cheers.
①.努力: try one’s best/spare no effort /make great efforts
②.期待:expect /look forward to/anticipate
③.追逐:chase/run after
①.心力交瘁的: tired/stressed/exhausted
②.自信的:confident/ self-confident/assured
【点睛】[高分句型1].Every time he felt too tired to continue, their words lifted his spirits and pushed him to rise to his feet again. (运用了Every time引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型2].Thinking of all the effort he had made for the game, Mike, fully-prepared and confident, took a deep breath and stepped onto the football field.(运用了现在分词作状语)
[高分句型3]. Instead of chasing the ball up and down aimlessly, he kept passing the ball right to his teammates who were better at scoring. (运用动名词和who引导的定语从句)《2024年高考英语二轮复习增分必刷题》
1. absorb熟义:vt.___________ 生义:vt. ___________
(2020 新高考I卷 七选五)In fact, most people only absorb about 20 percent of a speaker's message.
2. address 熟义:n. ___________ 生义:vt___________
(2020 7月浙江卷 B)“Adaptive signals can make sure that the traffic demand that is there is being addressed,” says Alex Stevanovic.
3. age 熟义:n. ___________ 生义:vi. ___________
(2020 7月浙江卷 C)Challenging work that requires lots of analytical thinking, planning and other managerial skills might help your brain stay sharp as you age.随着年龄的增长,需要大量分析思维、计划和其他管理技能的具有挑战性的工作可能会帮助你的大脑保持敏锐。
4. battle 熟义:n. ___________ 生义: ___________
(2020 全国Ⅱ卷 完形填空) Nicolo and another bidder battled until Nicolo finally won the paintings for $32.
5. beat熟义:vi. ___________ 生义: vt. ___________
(2020 全国I卷 短文改错)Next I broke the eggs into a bowl and beat them quickly with chopsticks.
6. big 熟义:adj. ___________ 生义:adj. ___________
(2020 全国Ⅲ卷 C)We spoke more with Nick because I think it's a big thing for Nick to live with his mother-in-law.我们和尼克进行了更多的交谈,因为我认为对尼克来说和他的岳母住在一起是件大事。
7. bond 熟义:n. ___________ 生义: vt. ___________
(2020 全国Ⅱ卷 D)It was a special time to bond with my children and it filled them with the wonderment of books.这是一个特殊的时刻,我与我的孩子们培养了一种特殊的关系,这让他们对书充满了好奇。
8. bridge熟义:n. ___________ 生义:n. ___________
(2020 全国Ⅱ卷 D)I see libraries as a safe haven(避风港)for readers and writers, a bridge that helps put together a reader with a book.
9. broken熟义:adj. ___________生义: adj. ___________
(2020 新高考I卷 C)He left after seven months, physically broken and having lost his mind.
10. case熟义:n. ___________ 生义:n. ___________
(2020 全国I卷 听力材料)It has one of the new memory sticks, and a protective case for filming underwater, so you can take it when you go diving.
11. cold 熟义:adj. ___________生义:adj. ___________
(2020 全国Ⅱ卷 七选五)Even a formal email can seem cold and unfriendly.
12. cover熟义: v. ___________生义: v. ___________
(2020 全国卷 听力材料)The language use is good and the main points are covered.
(2020 新高考I卷 B)Her husband worked two jobs to cover the bills.
13. curtain 熟义:n. ___________ 生义:n. ___________
(2020 7月浙江卷 A)The curtains are about to open, and in a few minutes the action and dialogue will tell you the story.
14. destroy 熟义:vt. ___________ 生义: vt. ___________
(2020 新高考I卷 C)...millions of lives have been destroyed by the slow drying up of the sea.
15. difficult 熟义:adj. ___________ 生义: adj. ___________
(2020 全国Ⅲ卷 完形填空)If a customer is rude or difficult, just think “Maybe she's had a row with her husband. Maybe her child's not well.”
16. draw熟义:vt. ___________ 生义:vt. ___________
(2020 全国Ⅲ卷 B) Already,a number of films ... have drawn the anger of activists who say the creatures acting in them haven't been treated properly.
17. drive熟义:v. ___________ 生义: vt. ___________
(2020 全国I卷 完形填空)It will drive us crazy.它会让我们发疯。
18. eye 熟义:n. ___________ 生义:n. ___________
(2020 新高考I卷 C)Mr Bissell skillfully organizes historical insights and cultural references, making his tale a well-rounded picture of Uzbekistan, seen from Western eyes.
19. fair 熟义:adj. ___________生义:n. ___________
(2020 全国Ⅱ卷 D)Sponsor book fairs.
20. farm 熟义:n. ___________ 生义:vt. ___________
(2020 7月浙江卷 完形填空)I’ve been farming sheep on a hillside for 54 years.
1. triple a.
2. undeniable a.
3. episode n
4. stylish a.
5. capacity n.
6. distinct a
7. elegance n.
8. discipline n.
9. dynamic a.
10. obstacle n.
11. overwhelming a.
12. illustrate v.
13. entitle vt
14. edible a.
15. crack v.
16. fossil n.
17. demonstrate v.
18. interpret v.
19. regulation n.
20. transparent a
21. adaptability n.
22. overestimate v.
23. squeeze v.
24. catch n.
25. discipline n
26. cue n./v.
27. factual a.
28. estate n
pile v.
30. embody v.
31. core n.
32. essence n.
33. anticipate vt
34. domain n
35. capacity n
36. cease vt
37. celebrity n
38. client n
39. collapse vi
ic n
41. cite vt
42. drought n
43. contract n
44. emerge vi
45. corporate a
46. costume n
47. council n
48. domestic a
49. current n
50. decent a
1. keep off
2. cut in
3. step in
4. as far as I know
5. other than
6. in place of
7. run into
8. flood in
9. take steps to do
10. consult with sb
11. waste time doing
12. in person
13. from behind the door
e to life
15. break down
16. put forward
17. in that
18. at hand
19. peaceful protests
20. have access to
21. no bigger than
22. at random
23. arrive on the scene
24. takeaway food
25. on a tight budget
26. follow in the steps of
27. ring true
28. jump at
29. put forward
30. book in advance
31. dropped sb. off
32. for the sake of
33. bring about
34. in the long term/run
35.be exposed to
36.tear down
37. in collaboration with
38.hang on
398.stick to
40.hit the road
41.be at a loss
42.all at once
43.in chaos
44.at any rate
45. behave well
pared to/with
47. in vain
48. agree on sth
50.breathe a sigh of relief
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Much-loved 100-Word-Story Competition
Our much-loved 100-Word-Story Competition is back! Enter for the chance to win prizes of up to 1,000.
Rules and prizes
Please ensure that submissions are original, not previously published and exactly 100 words long(not including title). Don’t forget to include your full name, address, email and phone number when filling in the form. We may use entries in all print and electronic media.
Terms and conditions:
There are three categories—one for adults and two categories for schools (one for children aged12-18 and one for children under 12).
● In the adults category, the winner will receive 1,000 and one runner-up will receive 250.
● In the 12-18s category, the winner will receive a 200 book voucher (代金券) or a Kindle Paperwhite and a 100 book voucher for their school, and the runner-up will receive a 100 book voucher.
● In the under-12 category, the winner will receive a 100 book voucher or a Kindle Paperwhite and a 50 book voucher for their school, and the runner-up will receive a 50 book voucher.
Please submit your stories by 5 pm on January 5, 2024 either online or by post addressed to:
Reader’s Digest
00 Word Story Competition
Warmers Group Publications
West Street, Bourne
PE10 9PH
The editorial team will pick a shortlist of entries, and the three best stories in each category will be posted online at readersdigest.co.uk on February 1, 2024. You can vote you’re your favourite, and the one with the most votes will win the top prize. Voting will close on February 29,2024 and the winning entries will be published in our May 2024 issue, and posted online on April 16, 2024.
1. What do we know about the writing event from the text
A. It will pick out 6 best entries. B. Each entry is 100 words or fewer.
C. Only students over 12 can enter it. D. Entries can be in electronic version.
2. What will the runner-up get in the 12-18s category
A. A Kindle Paperwhite. B. A 100 book voucher.
C. 250 in prize money. D. An issue of Reader’s Digest.
3. When can we know who the winners are
A. On January 5, 2024. B. On February 1, 2024.
C. On April 16. 2024. D. On February 29,2024.
We just got back from a weeklong trip through New Mexico where we traveled through desert landscapes, hiked up mountains, and walked through dry creek beds. We experienced nature and wildlife that was vastly distinct from what I’ve seen before.
We’ve lived in Atlanta for 25 years so it was quite a change from our “city in a forest”. My husband and I were joined by our adult so n who now lives in San Diego and is a little more familiar with the west. We like to visit national parks and explore interesting ecosystems.
In New Mexico, everything seemed striking and amazing. Starting in Albuquerque, we took a tram up the Sandia Peak in the Sandia Mountains, where we had fantastic views as we watched parasailers float off into the unending sky. We then drove to Abiquiu, the town where artist Georgia O’Keeffe was so inspired. We stayed at a lovely home pretty much in the middle of nowhere. First, we noticed the breathtaking setting. Then we noticed the ants: billions of tiny ants were marching all over the outside of the property. They were carrying off a few of the native bees that had fallen
to the ground near the house.
Once we were awakened in the middle of the night by howling (嚎叫) that was both strange and musical. We were told about the coyotes (郊狼) that share the area, so we weren’t surprised when we woke up the next morning to some pretty impressive pawprints right outside the back door. On our final morning hike before heading south in the state, we even spotted a large snake curled up on the path, enjoying the warm morning sun. We stayed far out of its way but certainly watched our steps a little more carefully.
We talked about sustainability throughout the trip. In the past several decades, there’s been so much noticeable change in our travel adventures. That will be great to keep the skies cleaner and save energy. And the coyotes and snakes can be left to dance and enjoy in peace.
4. What was the family’s first impression of the trip to New Mexico
A. It was familiar to them in many aspects.
B. It was dangerous but totally fresh for them.
C. It was simple and plain with little to explore.
D. It was quite different from their previous experiences.
5. Which of the following best describes the author’s experience in New Mexico
A. Romantic. B. Eventful. C. Conventional. D. Regretful.
6. What message does the author want to convey in the last paragraph
A. It’s beneficial for us to take an adventure tour.
B. It’s threatening to live with wildlife around.
C. It’s necessary to boost sustainable tourism.
D. It’s difficult to keep the balance of ecosystem.
7. Where is the text most probably taken from
A. A reflection in a travel journal. B. An essay about the plans for traveling.
C. A guidebook to a new destination. D. An introduction of a new type of traveling.
Imagine being able to use energy from the sun all the time, even when it’s night. That’s the idea that scientists at Caltech(California Institute of Technology)are exploring. They’re working on collecting sunlight in space and sending its energy to Earth.
Caltech’s scientists have created a special tool for this project. They call it MAPLE. MAPLE and two other devices are part of a project that was sent into space in January, 2023. MAPLE’s job is to test the idea of sending energy wirelessly from space to Earth. We’re used to using wires to move electrical energy from one place to another.
But sending energy without wires is a lot trickier.
The method used by Caltech’s scientists depends on the way waves act when they meet. Imagine two waves coming together as they travel in the same direction. If the tops of the waves line up, they combine to make a bigger wave. But if the top of one wave lines up with the low point of the other, the waves cancel each other out. The Caltech team has found a way to control the timing of lots of microwaves so that they can combine their power, and focus the energy in one direction. It’s a little like using a magnifying(放大的)glass to focus sunlight into a small, hot point of light.
To prove that the system could work, MAPLE sent energy to two devices just 30 centimeters away in space. This energy was then turned into electricity, which made two small lights light up. Next, MAPLE sent energy all the way down to a lab at Caltech. The scientists were able to detect the energy, proving that it’s possible to send solar energy to Earth from space.
Dr. Hajimiri, one of the project’s leaders, thinks that one day, the system could be extremely useful, bringing energy to places that need it, all over the world. He believes that in the future, we’ll be able to send energy to remote regions and areas destroyed by war or natural disaster.
8. What is the challenge in Caltech’s project with MAPLE
A. Solar energy detection.
B. Wireless energy delivery.
C. Sending devices into space.
D. Using wires to move electricity.
9. How does the Caltech team concentrate solar power
A. By changing the way microwaves act.
B. By magnifying waves coming together.
C. By controlling the timing of microwaves.
D. By lining up the waves in opposite directions.
10. What potential benefit could the system bring in the future according to Dr. Hajimiri
A. Warning people of natural disasters.
B. Turning solar energy into electricity.
C. Providing a solution to energy shortages.
D. Sending energy to regions in urgent need.
11. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. The Use of Solar Energy in Space Exploration
B. The Challenges of Generating Energy Without Wires
C. The Development of a New Tool for Collecting Electricity
D. The Possibility of Sending Energy Wirelessly from Space to Earth
On the streets of Manhattan and Washington, D. C., in neighborhoods in Seoul and parks in Paris, ginkgo (银杏) trees are losing their leaves in reaction to the first gust of cold winter air. This leaf drop, gradual at first, and then sudden, carpets streets with golden, fan-shaped leaves. Scientists are documenting evidence of the event happening later and later, a possible indication of climate change. But the story of ginkgos is not the familiar one of human carelessness with nature.
Thanks to fossils found in North Dakota, scientists found a ginkgo has genetically similar ancestors dating back 170 million years to the Jurassic Period. “It almost went extinct. Then humans rescued it and spread it around the world. It’s such a great evolutionary (进化) and cultural story,” says Peter Crane, a ginkgo expert.
One theory for the decline of the ginkgo species began 130 million years ago, when flowering plants began spreading. They grew faster and attracted more pollinators (传粉者) than ginkgos. “It’s possible that ginkgos were elbowed out of the way,” says Crane. Already competing to survive, ginkgos began to disappear during a time of global cooling that began around 66 million years ago. By the time the last ice age ended 11,000 years ago, the remaining survivors were found in China.
Ginkgo trees are smelly. “My guess is that they were eaten by animals that liked smelly things. They then passed through their body and grew.” Crane says. Those same seeds may have helped ginkgo find favor with humans 1,000 years ago. Once cleaned of their outer layer, ginkgo seeds are safe to eat. It’s then, when the trees had long since disappeared elsewhere, that people in China may have begun planting them and eating their seeds. Then gradually ginkgos spread across the world. Now it’s seemingly naturally resistant to insects and high levels of air pollution.
Crane isn’t worried about its future, though: The popularity of the species will help it survive. “Though its status in the wild may be difficult to access, it’s a plant that’s unlikely to ever go extinct,” he says.
12. What may have caused the further delay of ginkgo’s leaf drop
A. The colder weather in winter.
B. The protection from city councils.
C. The global warming phenomenon.
D. The careless interaction with humans.
13. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about
A. The reasons why ginkgos almost died out.
B. The advantages of ginkgos over other plants.
C. The theories of experts for multiplying ginkgos.
D. The competition between various flowering plants.
14. What might have contributed to ginkgos’ survival
A. Their eatable seeds. B. Their unpleasant smell.
C. The natural evolution. D. The careful planting.
15. How does Crane feel about ginkgos’ future
A. Worried. B. Optimistic. C. Uncertain. D. Hopeless.
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 12. 5 分)
Reading a new story alone is often a great way to relax. However, sometimes you just want to discuss what you’ve read with another person to bring those ideas off the page and into the world. ____16____
First, find members. When you begin searching for your book club members, look in the places in your life that feel most natural to you. ____17____ Then, maybe it’s posting a notice on the bulletin board of your local library or bookstore. If you’re looking to “get a range of perspectives” from your club, you may want to consider looking for a diverse range of ages and genders. They can bring their varied world views to discussions.
____18____ Will your time together be spent largely focusing on the novel at hand, or will refreshments ultimately be the most important There’s the typical friends gathering at someone’s apartment and having cheese and wine approach. But oftentimes, people will be frustrated because they just turn into a social event rather than focusing on the book. In order to make sure your new group is all on the same page, take the time to discuss what you want to get out of regular club gatherings before your first official meeting.
Picking books may seem like the trickiest part. Books that work really well are ones that allow you to reflect on self. They have a lot of entry points for people so they probably have a good setting. The pacing is solid. There’s great character development and the language doesn’t get in the way of the story. ____19____
Before your meetings, list some discussion questions. Remember to come up with questions depending on your book’s genre: romance, mystery, thriller and so on. ____20____ For example, you may ask which scene has stuck with them the most or whether there are any standout sentences.
A. It is necessary to set some group guidelines.
B. Here’s a look of four of our favorites below.
C. To start, reach out to your friends who love to read.
D. There are also general questions you can start out with.
E You can never go wrong with the bestseller list to get the ball rolling.
F. Choose something with that criteria and you can please all kinds of readers.
G. If you’ve ever had the urge to start a book club, it’s easier than you might think.
第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
For many young Canadians, planting trees is more than just a job. It’s a way of ___21___ and it could be catching on, thanks to a popular ___22___ by Leslie. While working for a logging company, the 29-year-old filmed herself using the ___23___ method that allowed her to plant 4,545 trees in a single day. She said that the work is incredibly ___24___.
Planting trees is not easy work, according to Leslie. Not only is it ___25___ tiring, but it also exposes laborers to the bad weather. “It could start the day off ___26___ and then minutes later, it will just be raining or snowing. You never know what to ___27___,” she described. “There were some days that we were planting through a heat ___28___, so we had like 37 to 40 degree weather for several days straight and that was really ___29___.”
So far, Leslie has planted a total of 372,290 trees in the past few years. ___30___, she’s still nowhere near beating the Guinness World record. That honor ___31___ Kenny Chaplin, who once planted 15,170 trees in 19 hours. After 35 years on the job, he says he’d ___32___ it to anyone.
“I think every parent in Canada should ___33___ their kid out tree planting because it will turn them into a worker,” he ___34___ . “They’ll learn how to work, they’ll have ___35___ and they’ll have money in their pockets.”
21. A. appointment B. impression C. recreation D. life
22 A. investment B. liberation C. video D. story
23. A. negative B. speedy C. respective D. influential
24. A. rewarding B. massive C. original D. diverse
25. A. barely B. permanently C. gradually D. physically
26. A. heavy B. sunny C. severe D. obvious
27. A. expect B. organize C. prefer D. recover
28. A. scream B. action C. push D. wave
29. A. potential B. sudden C. tough D. flexible
30. A. Moreover B. However C. Besides D. Therefore
31. A. turns to B. relates to C. belongs to D. subscribes to
32. A. admit B. warn C. whisper D. recommend
33. A. send B. celebrate C. understand D. decide
34. A. imagined B. argued C. explained D. responded
35. A. version B. concept C. responsibility D. qualification
As one of the three major drinks in the world, tea is also the most consumed drink after water on earth. Since tea trees ___36___ (discover) thousands of years ago, the drink has become closely integrated with daily life and has developed into ___37___ unique culture.
How could such a little leaf from nature generate such great power An ongoing exhibition ___38___(focus) on tea culture manages ___39___ (explorer) the answer by offering visitors a comprehensive view of the drink.
The World of Tea: Special Exhilition of Tea Culture takes place at the Wu Men Exhibition Hall of the Palace Museum from September 2 to November 30 in Beijing. It displays 555 items ___40___(attach) to tea culture many of ___41___ are representative collections of 30 cultural institutions and museums at home and abroad.
Furthermore, it also provides insights into a cultural phenomenon’s origins, evolution and ___42___(remark) achievements while emphasizing how it has acted as a unifying thread connecting diverse regions and fostering the integration of various ethnic groups. Using tea as a medium, it displays the essence of Chinese tea culture, and also embodies the Chinese philosophical ___43___ (pursue) of unity between heaven and humanity.
Wang Guangyao, director of the show and also a researcher at the Palace Museum, says, “We want our audience to ___44___(complete) lose themselves in the show by setting ___45___ interaction spaces.”
假定你是李华,你校英文报正在为2024年8月15日第二个“全国生态日(National Ecology Day)”征集环保口号(slogan)。请你给口号征集负责人Alan写一封邮件,内容包括:
1. 你提出的口号;
2. 口号的含义及优点。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Alan,
I will consider it a great honor if my slogan is selected.
Best regards!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Mike was a big fan of football. When he was ten years old, he was admitted to join his first football team. As soon as he got home that day, he put on his uniform and admired himself in front of the mirror.
“I’m a real football player!” He said to himself and pretended to practise football.
“What are you doing, silly boy ” asked his older sister.
“I’m practising football,” said Mike.
“When people practise football, they usually use a ball,” his sister laughed.
Mike then found a football in the basement and hurried back to his room, posing with the ball in front of the mirror, again.
The next day, Mike met his teammates on the playground. The coach taught them how to kick and run after the ball. He taught them how to throw the ball in from the sidelines, using two hands while keeping both feet on the ground. Finally, they had a practice game.
It turned out that playing football was a lot harder than it looked. Every time Mike was about to kick the ball, someone else kicked it away from him. When Mike threw the ball in from the sideline, he forgot to keep both feet on the ground. The only thing that Mike was good at was cheering. Whoever scored, he would jump up and cheer for them.
On the weekend, Mike’s team was invited to take part in its first real competition with the Sun. Mike’s family all came to watch. Mike chased the ball up and down, with excitement. It came as no surprise that their team lost the match. Even so, he kept cheering for anyone who scored.
After the game, his sister came over and reminded Mike that he needed to be a real football player, not just a cheerleader. Meanwhile, his coach told Mike that if he tried to do more practice and cooperate with his teammates, he could be a better football player, too.
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Motivated by their words, Mike started to take the training more seriously.
Finally, the day for the match between his team and the Sun came.



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