
1. 全卷共8页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。
2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号填写在试卷及答题卡上的规定位置。
3. 答题时,必须在答题卡上的指定位置作答。在其它位置作答一律无效。
4. 考试结束后,请将本试题和答题卡一并交回。
一. 情景反应(每小题1分,共5分)
( )1. A. B. C.
( )2. A. B. C.
( )3. A. B. C.
( )4. A. B. C.
( )5. A. B. C.
二. 对话理解(每小题1分,共5分)
( )6. A. A skirt. B. A dress. C. A suit.
( )7. A. Mike’s. B. Ted's. C. David's.
( )8. A. In the museum. B. In the library. C. In the hospital.
( )9. A. An engineer. B. A teacher. C. A dancer.
( )10. A. He didn't have a computer. B. He couldn't get the computer today.
C. He will use the computer this afternoon.
三. 语篇理解(每小题1分,共5分)
( )11. When did Jason first compete in the model plane competition
A. On May 8th. B. On May 10th. C. On May 12th.
( )12. What did Jason think of the other competitors
A. They are nervous. B. They have much experience. C. Most of them are beginners.
( )13. How did Jason feel when he tried to fly his plane
A. Worried. B. Calm. C. Happy.
( )14. What did the teacher encourage Jason to do
A. To fix up his model plane. B. To compete with Marcus.
C. To continue the competition.
( )15. What does the story mainly tell us
A. It's never too late to fight for our dream.
B. You are the winner as long as you never give up.
C. A good teacher is always happy to help us improve.
四. 听力填空(每小题1分,共5分)
A Music Talent
Name: Lang Lang Age: 42 years old
Experiences: ●When he was two and a half years old,he liked the cartoon Tom and Jerry. While he was watching Tom playing the piano on TV 16. ______,he showed great interest in it. ●He began to play his father's old piano and could play a 17. ______ music piece by himself a few days later. ●When he was 18. ______,Lang Lang learned the piano from Zhu Yafen. ●He won the first place in his first competition two years later. After the competition, he gave the first 19.______ during his life. ●He got many prizes and became famous. In January,2011,he was 20. ______ to play the piano at the White House.
五. 补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)
(Three friends are talking about their winter holiday. )
Friends(3 persons)
Hi,Li Ze. 21
I went to Datong. It's fantastic.
Yeah. It's a city with a long history.
You're right. 22
That sounds great. 23
Yes,I did! Datong is famous for Yungang Grottoes.
24 And they show colorful Chinese culture.
So they are! I really want to go there again.
Could you visit them with me next time
25 Then I can learn more about history.
Datong is my hometown. I'm always proud of it. I can go there with you,too.
Perfect! Let's make a plan then.
A. Of course.
B. I don't think so.
C. They are great treasures in China!
D. Did you visit Yungang Grottoes
E. I knew a lot of tourists there.
F. Where did you have fun during the winter holiday
G. It was built in the North Wei Dynasty,about 1500 years ago.
21. ______ 22. ______ 23. ______ 24. ______ 25. ______
六. 完形填空(每小题1分,共8分)
It seems there is always housework at home,from sweeping the floor to doing the dishes. Nearly every family found it not 26 to teach the children to be responsible for the housework. There are always parents complaining(抱怨) that their children are not so willing to do it.
Actually,it 27 whether you can really get your children to help at home. If you make your children have the idea that they can never do anything 28 ,then they will think they are unable persons. Unless children believe they are able to succeed,they will never become totally independent.
My daughter's head teacher made every child in her class feel special. She is such an intelligent teacher that she always 29 properly while teaching in different situations. For example,when the 30 got less than a perfect test score,she would praise them for what they did well in to make them feel less stressed out. Meanwhile,she told them to improve by working harder to learn what they 31 before. You can use the same way when you show ideas about your child's work at home. Don't always scold(责备) and you should give lots of good words instead. Talk about what he did right,not about what he didn't do. If your child finishes a difficult task,he should be allowed to go to a trip or a ball game to make him 32 of his achievement.
Learning is a process of trying and failing and trying and succeeding. If you teach your children not to fear a 33 of failure,they will learn in a quicker way. They will surely become successful at last.
( )26. A. basic B. easy C. useful
( )27. A. believes in B. depends on C. works out
( )28. A. completely B. quickly C. successfully
( )29. A. records B. leads C. prints
( )30. A. teachers B. students C. parents
( )31. A. provided B. moved C. missed
( )32. A. tired B. proud C. afraid
( )33. A. mistake B. knock C. level
Do you love to travel and meet new people Yes Have you ever lived and studied in another country No Well,join our educational exchange now! Our educational exchange is fantastic. You can experience a different culture and learn a new language. You can improve your ability to communicate with others and make lots of friends. There are two parts in our educational exchange. In the first part,an exchange student will travel to your home country and stay with your family. In the second part, you will travel to your exchange partner's home and stay with his or her family. You will go to school with him or her. You will also take part in local activities. You can apply for our educational exchange if you: ·are aged between 14 and 17. ______ ·would like to learn about the language,culture,history,geography and way of life of another country. ·have a reference(推荐人) from your head teacher. It will be the adventure of a lifetime. So what are you waiting for Apply today!
( )34. You will live in a(n)______country if you join the educational exchange.
A. different B. educational C. fantastic
( )35. The educational exchange offers you a chance to ______.
A. teach a new language B. improve communication ability
C. meet more old friends
( )36. In the educational exchange,you can ______.
A. stay with your family B. go to school with your classmates
C. take part in the activities in another school
( )37. The educational exchange is for ______.
A. the students who are between14 and 17 years old
B. the teachers who are interested in history and geography
C. the parents who offer a reference of their children
( )38. The writer thinks students should ______ in their life.
A. learn different languages well B. experience something new
C. travel somewhere special
My father woke me up early one summer morning when I was fourteen and announced, “Get up,you're going with me to cut the grass in the garden.”
The idea that my father thought I was old enough to help him in his business made me feel proud and excited. From sunup to sundown,my father,my younger brother and I worked in the large garden. By the end of the day,I was too tired to say a word but I felt good. This was my first time to help my father in his business. I got $ 6 for my work that day.
One day,my father found some leaves I had missed and pulled me aside. “Take away these leaves!” he said,“ and don’t make me have to tell you to do it again.” The message was clear. Today I value the importance of doing a job well the first time. It will never fail to impress (给……留下印象) the person you are working for.
Two years later,my father told me and my brother that we were old enough to cut the grass by ourselves. Every Saturday,we set off early in the morning and wished to get some money from our father.
Looking after the garden was neither exciting nor high paying,but that didn’t matter. It taught me that any job was a good job and that whatever I was paid was more than I had before.
A newspaper reporter once asked me how someone could possibly live with hard work and low pay. “If you’re only thinking about hard work and money,you probably don’t want to do any better than you are doing.” I answered. In every job,from cutting the grass to washing the dishes,I've learned much.
If you work hard enough,you can learn from any job you do.
( )39. What did the writer's father ask him to do in the garden
A. He asked him to cut the grass. B. He asked him to look after his brother.
C. He asked him to make some money.
( )40. Why was the writer told to clean the leaves again
A. Because his brother was too young to take them away.
B. Because his father didn't like him at all.
C. Because his father wanted to give him a lesson.
( )41. What happened when the writer was sixteen
A. His brother had to go to the garden with his father every day.
B. He went to the garden early once a week with his brother.
C. He could get more money from his father than his brother.
( )42. How did the writer feel about his work in the garden
A. It made his father happy. B. It made the flowers grow better.
C. It made him be a better person.
( )43. What does the writer want to remind us
A. It's important to start learning at a young age.
B. Hard work leads us to learn from anything.
C. A father's love is like a mountain.
请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺 ,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有一项为多余项。
Earthquakes usually come without warning. 44 Although it’s dangerous in an earthquake,we can still do many things to protect ourselves.
We should try to stay calm as the earth begins to shake. 45 Then how can we make the chances of survival(逃生) go up
If we are inside when the earthquake starts,it's a good idea to get under a table or a bed. 46 We are not supposed to stand near the windows. It is dangerous because of lots of glass on them.
If we are outside,we should stay in an open area. We should stay away from buildings and trees. 47 The parking place should be a place where there are no trees or tall buildings. If we are close to the sea,it's wise to get as far away from the water as possible. Earthquakes can cause huge waves.
48 Then we can have more chances to survive.
A. Staying calm is not easy but it can save our lives. B. If we are in a car,we'd better park the car and stay in it. C. All in all,it's important to learn about earthquakes. D. There is plenty of danger when an earthquake happens. E. What we should do is to call the police as soon as possible. F. And the strong table or bed can protect us from falling objects.
44. ______ 45. __________ 46. ______ 47. ______ 48. ______
Technology plays an important part in our life. In the future,3D technology will make food healthier and more delicious. Most scientists believe that we can use 3D printers to print some basic materials(材料). We just need to turn on a printer in the kitchen and then we can enjoy our favorite food in our apartment.
5G network will cover many other places like small villages in the future. Even the people in the countryside or in the villages will be able to get information as soon as they need it. And it will be also possible for them to download a movie more easily,within just 1 second,and it makes them have a more convenient life. What's more,it will be a big help for the students there to learn better through online classes from city teachers.
Space tours will be much easier for common people. The dream of travelling inside the spaceship will come true. Spaceships will be as many as buses,trains and planes. We can leave our home and enter space to take a trip whenever we like one.
Although robots already appear in many places around us. But they will be used in many other areas in the future. They will be in more people's homes and help them in different ways.
In a word,just as famous words mean,“Anything one man can imagine,other men can make real.”
Technology makes a big difference to our life. In the future,we will eat healthier and more delicious food. Most scientists 49 3D printing will help us enjoy better food. 5G network will help the people in rural areas get 50 sooner. And they can download movies 51 and quickly. The students there will be able to take 52 classes from city teachers. Touring space inside a spaceship will be common. Much more 53 will appear though there are already robots in some people's homes now.
49. ______ 50. ______ 51. ______ 52. ______ 53. ______
The digital(数字化) age has changed our life in many ways. Nowadays,it's much easier to do reading. Staying at home,you can use your smartphone to order your favorite books from the library and the books will be sent to your home in just a few hours.
Love to Read at Home Welcome to the city library. Log on(登陆) to a mini program,and you can borrow books for free. Service: send the borrowed books(up to eight books a time) Price: books(free); delivery(快递) fee(six yuan for one to three books) How long: the books can be kept for no more than 30 days Number of the books in total: more than 20,000
“ The new online-to-offline reading service reduces time costs for readers,” said Xu Shuming,a sociologist. It has turned out to be a success,said Xu. The main reason is that China has strong delivery and e-commerce(电商) industries. Besides,studies show people's interest in reading has been growing.
Ways of Developing Reading Habits ◆_________ Make a quiet and comfortable reading corner in your room or a quiet corner of the house. ◆Explore genres(体裁) Try reading books from different genres such as adventure,fantasy,mystery,science fiction,non-fiction and more. ◆Set a reading goal Challenge yourself by achieving the reading goal like reading a certain number of books or pages each week or month. ◆Read aloud Practice reading aloud to improve your fluency and expression. You can read something interesting to your younger sisters or brothers,pets or even animals.
Luckily,there are more than 3,300 public libraries in China. We can borrow books from them or read books in them. We can also find many libraries providing the same online-to-offline service as the city library. Reading will be sure to have a brighter future in China.
54. How can you order your favorite books at home
55. How much should you pay if you borrow eight books in the mini program
56. Why is the online-to-offline reading service popular in China (One reason is OK)
57. What can people read when they practice reading aloud Why do they develop the habit of reading aloud
58. What's the best subtitle in the first way of developing reading habits
59. What do you think of reading What's the advantage of online-to-offline reading service
八. 词语运用(这一部分共两篇短文,A篇有五个小题,每小题2分,B篇有十个小题,每小题1分,共20分)
Strawberries look nice,but a light pressure can make them out of shape. Nowadays,there are many young people 60 are just like strawberries. They easily break down when they face difficulties. They don't know what to do when they are in trouble. They have a common name—strawberry kids.
Why do they act like this Parents and schools are the main reason. Their 61 o almost everything for them in their daily life,while schools care more about their grades instead of developing their personality(个性).
Liu Yue,13,is from Fujian. His mom always praises him and he always feels good about himself. 62 his teacher pointed out his mistakes,he felt surprised and sad. He began to doubt his ability.
Students should do something to make themselves mentally strong. An expert said,“When you are in trouble,don’t ask for help too quickly. You should try to deal with the problems first 63 yourself. I also advise you to take an active part in sports and social activities. They can make you mentally strong.”
Growing up 64 not just a happy process. Pains also go along with it. The most important is to face the pains bravely and learn from them.
60. ______ 61. ______ 62. ______ 63. ______ 64. ______
I nature win choose support leg he appear chance hard make successful
Different experiences in our life bring us different chances to sense the feeling of luck,anger, sadness and happiness. During the long journey in my life,it is my mom who 65 me and inspires me a lot. I'll never forget her words—be a true 66 in your own heart. The words have encouraged me many times.
I didn’t talk much. I had difficulty dealing with my shyness,especially when I tried something new. At the sports meeting one year,I 67 to be a runner in a game. Watching the runners challenge themselves was exciting,but it made me nervous. I couldn't control my 68 when it was my turn to take part in the race. They were trembling(发抖). My only goal was to finish it soon. I remember I chose a goal and decided to go for it. But soon I realized it was 69 than I imagined.
When a heavy boy ran past me,I thought I failed. At that moment,my mom's words 70 in my mind. I understood that the man was running 71 race and I was running mine. As I passed the finishing line,I cheered for myself because I finished it 72 . It became one of the proudest moments in my life.
How often in life do we compare ourselves to others and still keep happy though we knew we really can't win It's 73 to compare sometimes. But we should allow those moments 74 us stronger rather than weak. If we don't win the race,at least we get the lesson and grow. We're truly the winner.
65. ______ 66. ______ 67. ______ 68. ______ 69. ______
70. ______ 71. ______ 72. ______ 73. ______ 74. ______
要求:1. 词数不少于80词,首句已给出,不计入总词数;2. 文中不能出现真实的人名、校名。
The school did a survey among 1,000 students about different students’ favorite ways to relax. Here are the results. _______________________________________________________________________________________
一. 情景反应(每小题1分,共5分)1-5 BBCAC
二. 对话理解(每小题1分,共5分)6-10CCACB
三. 语篇理解(每小题1分,共5分)11-15 BBBCB
四. 听力填空(每小题1分,共5分)16. carefully 17. short 18.3/three 19. concert 20. invited
五. 补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)21-25 FGDCA
六. 完形填空(每小题1分,共8分)26-33 BBCB BCBA
七. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共52分)
34-38 ABCAB 39-43 ACBCB 44-48 DAFBC
49. believe 50. information 51. easily 52. online 53. robots
54. I can order my favorite books by using the use my/the smartphone.
/I can order them by using the use my / the smartphone.
/ By using the use my/the smartphone.
55.18 yuan./ I should pay 18 yuan(if I borrow eight books in the mini program).
56. Because it reduces time costs for readers./them.
/Because China has strong delivery and e-commerce industries.
/Because Chinese people's interest in reading has been growing./...
57. They can read something interesting (to their younger sisters or brothers. pets or animals). Because they want to improve their fluency and expression.
/ Something interesting. Because they want to improve their fluency and expression.
58. Make a reading corner./Find a reading corner.
59. I think it's important/ useful/... /It's important/useful/.../ It helps us save time./It helps people save time./It makes it more convenient to borrow books from the library./...
60. who/that 61. parents 62. When/As 63. by 64. is
65. supports 66. winner 67. was chosen 68. legs 69. harder
70. appeared 71. his 72. successfully 73. natural 74. to make
One possible version:
The school did a survey among 1,000 students about different students’ favorite ways to relax. Here are the results.41% of the students like doing exercise.28% of the students think it's relaxing to have trips. And the percentage of the students who prefer to spend time with their friends is 22%. The other 9% choose other ways to relax. As for me,I am interested in doing exercise. It helps me reduce stress and keep active.
Last month,when the teacher told us we would have a math test. I felt so worried that I couldn't fall asleep until midnight. As a result,I was tired in class and I couldn't follow my math teacher. To be less stressed out,I played basketball with my friend. We talked and played,sharing our problems and happiness. It was basketball that brought me courage to speak out my problems. I felt relaxed and active. In the following days,my friend often led me to think about some math problems when we practiced basketball on the playground. Gradually,I could do better in math.
To relax myself,I will keep developing good habits. I will travel,have a party with my friend or go to the movies. I will also learn to communicate more with others while doing these things. Only in this way can I be better.
第1题 情景反应 这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话,请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中,选出与你所听到信息相关联的一项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。读两遍。(读速要求:每个对话之间停顿00'02")
1. W: Can you teach me to make some traditional Chinese food
M: Of course. I'm good at making zongzi and I'm happy to spread Chinese culture.
2. W: It's not far from here to the theater.
M: Well,we can ride the public bike.
3. W: Please close the window. The strong wind is coming.
M: OK. The weather is really changeable these days.
4. W: Look! Qizai is over there. It's brown and white.
M: What a special panda it is!
5. W: It's a nice day. Let's fly a kite.
M: Good idea. I can't wait to go out.
第Ⅱ题 对话理解 这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话和一个问题,请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。读两遍。(读速要求:每个对话之间停顿00'03")
6. W: Jack,is it OK to wear a skirt or a dress for the meeting
M: Neither. You'd better wear a suit.
Q: What does Jack advise the woman to wear
7. W: Mike,is the coat yours I remember you took it off while playing basketball with Ted.
M: Well,mine is in my bag. It must belong to our friend David. We have the same coat.
Q: Whose coat is it
8. W: Paul,long time no see. I remember you volunteered in the museum last year.
M: Yes,but I plan to do something new like working as a volunteer in the library or in the hospital this year.
Q: Where did Paul work as a volunteer last year
9. W: Are you going to be an engineer or a teacher after graduation
M: I am not sure yet. I want to be a dancer.
Q: What does the boy want to be
10. W: Can I use your computer this afternoon
M: I'm afraid not. I got it repaired in my friend's home.
Q: What does the man mean
第Ⅲ题 语篇理解 这一大题你将听到一篇短文,请你根据短文内容和所提出的五个问题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。读两遍。(读速要求:第一遍读完后停顿
I am Jason. I miss the time when I competed in my first model plane competition. On a cool day after the two-day rain on May 10th,I walked into No.4 Middle School,with my heart beating really fast. My hands were shaking,holding my model plane. I was quite nervous. The other competitors were all experienced. Some of them had won prizes. I was just a beginner.
My teacher Mr. Jiang came over and told me not to be worried. I calmed down and tried to fly my plane. But things didn't go as smoothly as I hoped. My plane fell to the ground and broke.
I told Mr. Jiang that I didn't want to continue the competition. I wanted to give up. He asked me whether I would give up if he was the person who was competing. “No,” I said. Mr. Jiang asked me again,“ What if the competitor was Marcus ” I was confused because I didn't know who Marcus was. So I told my teacher I didn't know such a person. Mr. Jiang laughed and said,“ You don't know him because he gave up.”
I suddenly understood what he meant. I went back to the field and continued the competition. I finished fifth. What my teacher told me has inspired me for a long time. No one can stop you if you don't give up.
第Ⅳ题 听力填空 这一大题你将听到一篇短文,请你根据短文内容,完成下面表格,并将获取的信息填写到答题卡相应的位置上,每空一词。读两遍。(读速要求:第一遍读完后停顿00'10"再读第二遍)
Lang Lang was born in 1982 in Shenyang. Liaoning. His father is a folk musician. When he was two and a half years old,he liked a famous cartoon. Tom and Jerry. One day. while he was watching Tom playing the piano on TV carefully,he showed great interest in it. From then on,he liked playing his father's old piano. His parents thought he was just having fun making some sounds. However,he could play a short music piece by himself a few days later. His father was surprised and began to take him to piano lessons. When he was three. Lang Lang learned the piano from Zhu Yafen,a famous music teacher. Two years later,he took part in a competition for the first time and won the first place. After the competition,he gave the first concert during his life. In the following years,he got lots of prizes and became famous. In January,2011,he was invited to play the piano at the White House. One of the music pieces was the song My Motherland. When the concert was over,he said to the reporter. “I choose this song because I love China.”
Now,millions of people enjoy his beautiful music. He is really a music talent! We all love him.



上一篇:新疆伊犁哈萨克自治州特克斯县2024年中考素养调研第一次模拟考试 数学试卷(无答案)

下一篇:新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市米东区2023-2024九年级下学期一模物理试题( 无答案)