
1. What does the woman want to be now
A. A model.
B. An engineer.
C. A teacher.
2. What does the man ask the woman to do
A. Open the window.
B. Have a drink with him.
C. Get him a cup of orange juice.
3. Where are the speakers probably talking now
A. At home.
B In the hospital.
C. In the restaurant.
4.What will the boy do
A. Watch TV.
B. Wash the dishes.
C. Go on with his homework.
5. Why can’t the woman reach Kevin
A. He is having lunch.
B. He is out of the office.
C. He is talking on the phone.
6.How does the boy like the first area
A. Exciting. B. Boring. C. Strange.
7. How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the conversation
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
8. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Two ways of shopping.
B. The plans to do shopping.
C. The advantages of shopping online.
9. Why does the woman prefer the traditional shopping
A. She likes going out.
B. She can save money.
C. She can see real things.
10. What will the speakers do next
A. Shop online.
B. Do some window-shopping.
C. Go out for a walk.
11.How many years is the speaker’s brother older than his sister
A.2. B.3. C.4.
12. Who looked after the speaker when his parents were busy
A. His grandparents.
B. His brother and sister.
C. His uncle and aunt.
13. What did the speaker buy for his sister
A. A pen.
B. A recorder.
C. Sports shoes.
14. What does the speaker say about his sister
A. She is a mother now.
B. She loves shopping.
C. She lives in a big house.
15. What is most probably the speaker’s brother
A. A driver.
B. A writer.
C. A doctor.
What Chinese Products Do Foreigners Like
Nowadays, more and more foreigners become interested in our Chinese products. What do they like Zhang Lei, a Chinese reporter, made a survey and asked several foreigners on Wangfujing Street. Let’s have a look!
Products Descriptions & Comments
Chinese Sauce, especially chili sauce (辣椒) taste, is one of the best sauces ( 酱 ), I think. There’s a picture of a middle-aged woman on the bottle. Actually, when my friends see me eating three pieces of bread with a bottle of it, they will not be surprised because they know I get used to the chili sauce taste and fall in love with it. —By Hamlus Goodwin, 24, the USA
I would surely have to say that I love my Chinese Phone III. This phone is cheap, acts as if it costs twice. In fact, it’s a little less than $300 but it has the newest system of this brand, and its battery capacity (电池容量) has 41000mAh, which lasts at least 24 hours for playing videos. I often watch short videos on the phone. — By Aiden Sampson, 36, Canada
I really love this drink. It is a Chinese herbal (中草药) tea, and one of the most popular tea drinks in China today. I remembered the first time to drink it in London. It was a little bitter. But now I will never get enough of it. Every day, I put this drink into my bag. Honestly, I will feel energetic after drinking it. —By Ashiq Iqbal, 40, the UK
1. Who likes having bread with the chili sauce
A. Zhang Lei. B. Ashiq Iqbal. C. Aiden Sampson. D. Hamlus Goodwin.
2. How much does a Chinese Phone III possibly cost
A. $290. B. $300. C. $310. D. $390.
3. What kind of writing is the passage
A. A product ad. B. A thanks note. C. A survey report. D. A street story.
Emerson once said, “You can never do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”
How many times have we said, “Oh, I’ll do that tomorrow” Sometimes tomorrow never comes, and we find ourselves saying, “Boy, I wish I hadn’t put that off.”
Our family has been friends with Betty for many years. Over the years, we shared phone calls and birthday cards. Betty sent our youngest son Brandon a birthday card with five dollars in it every year until he graduated from high school.
Last November, I called Betty to see how she was and what she had done on her birthday. I was pretty surprised when Betty didn’t answer the phone; instead, her daughter Carol did. Carol told me that her mom had gone downhill fast, and that she was now in hospice care (临终关怀). Carol handed the phone to Betty. I talked briefly (简略地) to her and let her know we loved her.
As soon as I got off the phone, I sent a message to Brandon to let him know Betty wasn’t doing well. Brandon stopped what he was doing and immediately sent flowers to Betty.
You can imagine how proud I was of Brandon when Carol called the next day, letting me know how much Betty loved the flowers Brandon had sent. A few days later, Betty died.
So, my friends, remember next time, try to do what you want to do as soon as possible because you never know how soon it will be too late.
4. What’s the purpose of the first paragraph
A. To tell us a famous person. B. To show the importance of being kind.
C. To introduce the theme of the passage. D. To ask people to remember this saying.
5. What’s the main idea of the third paragraph
A. When the writer met Betty for the first time. B. How the writer’s family kept in touch with Betty.
C. Where the writer’s family and Betty lived. D. Why the writer’s son liked Betty.
6. What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence
A. Her mom was hurt when she was climbing a hill. B. Her mom had trouble climbing a hill.
C. Her mom didn’t want to answer the phone call. D. Her mom’s health was getting worse and worse.
7. Why was the writer proud of Brandon
A. Because Brandon showed his care for Betty as soon as he knew the situation.
B. Because Brandon sent presents in return for the birthday cards he received.
C. Because Brandon was kind and helpful to everyone.
D Because Brandon was good at planting flowers.
Who says kids can’t make a difference In Missouri, a group of students is helping change the world by buying farm animals!
Millions of people live with little food and money, so the gifts of animals can actually save lives. Ten years ago, the second-graders at Forsyth School learned about Heifer International and they decided to join it.
Heifer International is an organization that has been “turning hunger into hope” for 77 years. It was set up by a farmer named Dan West. He developed the idea in the 1930s. In 1944, the first Heifer animals were sent and Heifer International was born. The organization gives farm animals to poor people and teaches them how to use the animals to improve their lives. Of all the farm animals, heifers (小母牛) are the most popular, and they have become a symbol of Heifer’s work. That is because families with a cow can produce milk that they can drink and trade milk for other things that they need. Heifer International also gives animals such as sheep, camels (骆驼) and even bees to poor families.
Each second-grade class at Forsyth School decides which animals to buy and how many to give. The students’ favorite part of working with Heifer International is that they can offer help to others. They raise money by recycling cans and making jewelry. Although the jewelry is simple, it is beautiful to wear. Some even give their birthday or holiday gifts to Heifer International!
Kids can do many things to help others Are you ready to do your part Why not just take action now
8. What can we know about Heifer International
A. It was set up on a farm in the 1930s.
B. It raises money by selling animal products.
C. It gives poor families animals.
D. It gives birthday gifts to kids in poor families.
9. What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A. The poor people.
B. The second-graders at Forsyth School.
C. All volunteers in Heifer International.
D. Dan West and other farm workers.
10. Which is the correct structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
11. What is the purpose of the writer in writing the passage
A To ask more kids to help others.
B. To introduce the history of Heifer International.
C. To praise the students of Forsyth School.
D. To talk about some special projects of Forsyth School.
Recently, many people think it’s risky to use credit (信用) card numbers online. However, from time to time, we all use passwords and ID numbers on the Internet. We think we are safe, but that may not be true! A new kind of attack (攻击) is being used by dishonest people to steal IDs and credit card numbers from web surfers. This new kind of attack is called “phishing”.
Phishing sounds the same as the word “fishing”, and it means that a thief is trying to trick people into giving away valuable information. Like real fishermen, phishers use bait (诱饵) in the form of great online deals or services. For example, phishers might use false emails and websites to trick people into revealing (透露) credit card numbers, account usernames, and passwords. They imitate (模仿) well-known banks, online sellers, and credit card companies. Successful phishers may make as many as 5% of the people believe and give away their personal information.
It’s really a big problem! Actually, tricking 5% of the online population is huge. Now more than 4.6 billion people have access (进入权) to the Internet, and 75% of those Internet users live in the wealthiest countries on Earth. It has been reported that phishers send more than 40 billion false messages each year. Even by tricking only 5% of the people, phishers can make a lot of money.
Amy, 18, from California, received an email. A man told Amy that she could get a million dollars in her account as a reward if she sent a thousand dollars to him. Amy did as the man said at once. The “thief” used Amy’s Social Security number to get credit cards in her name and transferred her money.
How can people avoid being cheated online Above all, they have to learn to recognize the email that has been sent by a phisher. Always be careful with any email with urgent (紧急的) requests for personal information. Phishers typically write upsetting or exciting, but false, statements in their emails so that people will reply right away. Never give out personal information to phishers. And if an offer sounds too good to be true, it is.
12. Phishing is compared to ________ according to the passage.
A. making money B. playing games C. catching fish D. writing emails
13. Which writing skill is used in Para. 3
A. Giving examples. B. Listing numbers. C. Raising questions. D. Using sayings.
14. Which of the following in the dictionary best explains the underlined word “transfer” in Para. 4
transfer v. (transferred, transferring)
①to move from one place, school, job etc to another
②to connect the call of someone to someone else’s
③to move money from one account to another
④to change from one bus, plane etc to another
A. ① B. ② C. ③ D. ④
15. Besides introducing what phishing is, the writer also tells us how to ________.
A. help to catch phishers B. reply to urgent emails
C. pay by credit card D. protect ourselves online
交流是一门艺术,有效的交流需要一定的技巧。以下图片中的男士在交流中存在不当之处,请你将图片与相关描述 (A-F) 进行匹配。选项中有一项为多余选项。
____16____ ____17____ ____18____
____19____ ____20____
A. Do you make eye contact (交流) When you make eye contact; you’ re telling someone that you’re interested in him or her, that you think the person is important, and that you want to hear what he or she has to say. B. Do you talk with toys Do you play with pens, tap your fingers, or clear your throat when you’re talking with someone These manners might make others uncomfortable, who may take you less seriously. C. Do you speak too fast This is one of the most common communication problems. A slow speed of speech shows the importance of the message you’re expressing. Talking to people in an unhurried manner also gives the listener time to get what you have said. D. Do you interrupt People who cut others off in mid-sentence not only send an unkind message, but also they cut themselves out of the communication process. Remember that we can learn more from listening than from talking. E. Do you avoid over speak Aristotle (亚里士多德) said, “Think as the wise do, but speak as the common do.” Don’t use big or difficult words. If others can’t understand every time you open your mouth, and you may feel sorry for using “overspeak” F. Do you eat while you’re talking The next time you have a conversation with someone, never talk with your mouth full of food. Such behavior makes people awful.
“Where could Michael be ” I wondered aloud.
Michael was my classmate. He liked playing pranks on others.
He once put a sign that said “Sing to Me!” on ___21___ back. It was terrible. Everywhere I went, people I didn’t even know started singing to me. When I realized what was happening, I got really ___22___.
Another time, he embarrassed Nicole during sharing time. Nicole was shy. She ___23___ shared; she always said, “Pass.” But what did Michael do when it was his turn to share He asked, “Did everybody ___24___ how Nicole’s new blue dress matches her eyes ” Nicole’s face turned bright red. Poor Nicole!
It was Valentine’s Day that day. I was sure Michael was up to something somewhere, ___25___ he always was. No way was I going to let him pull a prank — ruining someone’s Valentine’s Day.
I ___26___ him everywhere. Lunch break was almost over. I must find him and stop him. When I got to the classroom, there was Michael Peterson, at Michael Rogers’s desk, digging in his ___27___ of valentines!
“Hurry and help me,” said Michael as soon as he ___28___ me.
At first I thought he was stealing valentines from Michael Rogers’s box. However, the more I watched, the more puzzled I became. He was putting valentines ___29___.
Seeing my expressions, he told me that he found Michael Rogers’s box was ____30____ when he was passing out his valentines. Michael Rogers was new and Mrs. Karcher must have forgotten to put his name on the list, so ____31____ made him a card.
I suddenly realized I had also ____32____ to prepare a valentine for Michael Rogers.
“But everyone made one for me,” Michael continued. “So I’m giving him my ____33____, since we’ve got the same name — Michael.”
I stood there, not quite believing ____34____ I was hearing. “Is Michael Peterson the one who always pulled pranks on us ” I asked myself. Maybe he was kind of ____35____ … in a hidden sort of way.
21. A. my B. his C. her D. its
22. A. tired B. bored C. angry D. nervous
23. A. often B. never C. always D. sometimes
24. A. mind B. record C. notice D. decide
25. A. or B. but C. unless D. because
26. A. stayed with B. talked about C. shouted at D. looked for
27. A. box B. pocket C. wallet D. school bag
28. A. saw B. met C. found D. caught
29. A. up B. in C. away D. back
30. A. old B. pretty C. empty D. special
31 A. nobody B. anybody C. somebody D. everybody
32. A. refused B. forgotten C. expected D. remembered
33. A. list B. desk C. signs D. cards
34. A. how B. why C. what D. where
35 A. polite B. sweet C. honest D. patient
she send except December successful
36. I won’t forget the sudden snow in Wenzhou last ________.
37. Every dancer was in white ________ Jane, the lead dancer, who wore red.
38. Betty doubted if the watch was ________ when she saw the Lost and Found notice.
39. John thinks The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is ________ novel among Mark Twain’s works.
40. Mr. Smith called his wife, “Honey, a package ________ to you in an hour. Happy birthday!”
Much of the music we listen to today is a mixture of styles from different countries and time periods. Traditional, or folk music has been collected for years. Younger generations are often ____41____ (praise) by elders for collecting traditional music when they learn these songs from them in their spare time.
Researchers see music as ____42____ important part of history. They are expecting that traditional and older kinds of music won’t ____43____ (gradual) disappear. Also the younger generations may not find such music much ____44____ (smooth), so once older generations die, the music may die out with them.
Some researchers create “field recordings” to catch live ____45____ (show). Researchers also transcribe old music by ____46____ (listen) to old recordings. They go out of their way ____47____ (write) out the music so that it can be studied and played by modern musicians.
Collecting music is another form of music preservation. Some collectors prefer to spend much time and money looking for some things that have not been produced or sold for many years. They put ____48____ (they) efforts into recording music of different cultures and places.
Now, modern technology makes it much easier to collect music ____49____ people get used to using smart phones to record music. And the Internet lets us share these recordings and find people ____50____ similar interests.
51. Please speak a________ or I can’t hear you.
52. I r________ a warm welcome when I came to our village last year.
53. A t________ earthquake happened in the country and caused a number of deaths.
54. I’m going to write a________ and send them to magazines and newspapers.
55. U________ you work hard, you'll certainly fail the exam.
56. Have you ________ (叫醒) your son up It’s 10 a.m. now. Plenty of work is waiting for him.
57. Paul exercises a lot, so he is getting much ________ (强壮) than before.
58. In the United States, Thanksgiving is always on the fourth ________ (周四) in November.
59. My sister is beautiful and she is of medium ________ (身高).
60. I need to check the ________ (日历) to see what day of the week it is.
61. 为弘扬中华民族“劳动最光荣”的传统美德,这学年你校组织了一系列劳动实践活动(a series of labor activities),假如你是李华,请根据表格中的信息并结合自身经历,写一篇英语短文向学校英语报投稿。
Time Things I learned My feelings
September grow vegetables and plant trees ...
November repair things like electric fans...
March ...
Let’s Enjoy Working
1. What does the woman want to be now
A. A model.
B. An engineer.
C. A teacher.
2. What does the man ask the woman to do
A. Open the window.
B. Have a drink with him.
C. Get him a cup of orange juice.
3. Where are the speakers probably talking now
A. At home.
B In the hospital.
C. In the restaurant.
4.What will the boy do
A. Watch TV.
B. Wash the dishes.
C. Go on with his homework.
5. Why can’t the woman reach Kevin
A. He is having lunch.
B. He is out of the office.
C. He is talking on the phone.
6.How does the boy like the first area
A. Exciting. B. Boring. C. Strange.
7. How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the conversation
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
8. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Two ways of shopping.
B. The plans to do shopping.
C. The advantages of shopping online.
9. Why does the woman prefer the traditional shopping
A. She likes going out.
B. She can save money.
C. She can see real things.
10. What will the speakers do next
A. Shop online.
B. Do some window-shopping.
C. Go out for a walk.
11.How many years is the speaker’s brother older than his sister
A.2. B.3. C.4.
12. Who looked after the speaker when his parents were busy
A. His grandparents.
B. His brother and sister.
C. His uncle and aunt.
13. What did the speaker buy for his sister
A. A pen.
B. A recorder.
C. Sports shoes.
14. What does the speaker say about his sister
A. She is a mother now.
B. She loves shopping.
C. She lives in a big house.
15. What is most probably the speaker’s brother
A. A driver.
B. A writer.
C. A doctor.
What Chinese Products Do Foreigners Like
Nowadays, more and more foreigners become interested in our Chinese products. What do they like Zhang Lei, a Chinese reporter, made a survey and asked several foreigners on Wangfujing Street. Let’s have a look!
Products Descriptions & Comments
Chinese Sauce, especially chili sauce (辣椒) taste, is one of the best sauces ( 酱 ), I think. There’s a picture of a middle-aged woman on the bottle. Actually, when my friends see me eating three pieces of bread with a bottle of it, they will not be surprised because they know I get used to the chili sauce taste and fall in love with it. —By Hamlus Goodwin, 24, the USA
I would surely have to say that I love my Chinese Phone III. This phone is cheap, acts as if it costs twice. In fact, it’s a little less than $300 but it has the newest system of this brand, and its battery capacity (电池容量) has 41000mAh, which lasts at least 24 hours for playing videos. I often watch short videos on the phone. — By Aiden Sampson, 36, Canada
I really love this drink. It is a Chinese herbal (中草药) tea, and one of the most popular tea drinks in China today. I remembered the first time to drink it in London. It was a little bitter. But now I will never get enough of it. Every day, I put this drink into my bag. Honestly, I will feel energetic after drinking it. —By Ashiq Iqbal, 40, the UK
1. Who likes having bread with the chili sauce
A. Zhang Lei. B. Ashiq Iqbal. C. Aiden Sampson. D. Hamlus Goodwin.
2. How much does a Chinese Phone III possibly cost
A. $290. B. $300. C. $310. D. $390.
3. What kind of writing is the passage
A. A product ad. B. A thanks note. C. A survey report. D. A street story.
【答案】1. D 2. A 3. C
细节理解题。根据第一个表格“By Hamlus Goodwin”,“Chinese Sauce, especially chili sauce (辣椒) taste, is one of the best sauces”可知中式酱料,尤其是辣椒酱的味道,是最好的酱料之一,可推测出是Hamlus Goodwin,故选D。
细节理解题。根据第二幅图“In fact, it’s a little less than $300”可知事实上,还不到300美元,故选A。
推理判断题。根据“Zhang Lei, a Chinese reporter, made a survey and asked several foreigners on Wangfujing Street”可知中国记者张磊在王府井大街上做了一个调查,问了几位外国人,可推测出是调查,故选C。
Emerson once said, “You can never do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”
How many times have we said, “Oh, I’ll do that tomorrow” Sometimes tomorrow never comes, and we find ourselves saying, “Boy, I wish I hadn’t put that off.”
Our family has been friends with Betty for many years. Over the years, we shared phone calls and birthday cards. Betty sent our youngest son Brandon a birthday card with five dollars in it every year until he graduated from high school.
Last November, I called Betty to see how she was and what she had done on her birthday. I was pretty surprised when Betty didn’t answer the phone; instead, her daughter Carol did. Carol told me that her mom had gone downhill fast, and that she was now in hospice care (临终关怀). Carol handed the phone to Betty. I talked briefly (简略地) to her and let her know we loved her.
As soon as I got off the phone, I sent a message to Brandon to let him know Betty wasn’t doing well. Brandon stopped what he was doing and immediately sent flowers to Betty.
You can imagine how proud I was of Brandon when Carol called the next day, letting me know how much Betty loved the flowers Brandon had sent. A few days later, Betty died.
So, my friends, remember next time, try to do what you want to do as soon as possible because you never know how soon it will be too late.
4. What’s the purpose of the first paragraph
A. To tell us a famous person. B. To show the importance of being kind.
C. To introduce the theme of the passage. D. To ask people to remember this saying.
5. What’s the main idea of the third paragraph
A. When the writer met Betty for the first time. B. How the writer’s family kept in touch with Betty.
C. Where the writer’s family and Betty lived. D. Why the writer’s son liked Betty.
6. What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence
A. Her mom was hurt when she was climbing a hill. B. Her mom had trouble climbing a hill.
C. Her mom didn’t want to answer the phone call. D. Her mom’s health was getting worse and worse.
7. Why was the writer proud of Brandon
A. Because Brandon showed his care for Betty as soon as he knew the situation.
B. Because Brandon sent presents in return for the birthday cards he received.
C. Because Brandon was kind and helpful to everyone.
D. Because Brandon was good at planting flowers.
【答案】4. C 5. B 6. D 7. A
推理判断题。根据“You can never do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”及后文作者与Betty的故事可知,第一段的目的是为了引出文章的主题思想。故选C。
段落大意题。根据“Over the years, we shared phone calls and birthday cards. Betty sent our youngest son Brandon a birthday card with five dollars in it every year until he graduated from high school.”可知,本段主要讲述了作者是如何与Betty保持联系的。故选B。
词句猜测题。根据“and that she was now in hospice care (临终关怀).”可知,她的妈妈身体状况越来越糟。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“As soon as I got off the phone, I sent a message to Brandon to let him know Betty wasn’t doing well. Brandon stopped what he was doing and immediately sent flowers to Betty.”可知,当作者告知Brandon,Betty的情况时,他立即停下手中的工作给她送去了鲜花,表达了对她的关爱,因此作者感到骄傲。故选A。
Who says kids can’t make a difference In Missouri, a group of students is helping change the world by buying farm animals!
Millions of people live with little food and money, so the gifts of animals can actually save lives. Ten years ago, the second-graders at Forsyth School learned about Heifer International and they decided to join it.
Heifer International is an organization that has been “turning hunger into hope” for 77 years. It was set up by a farmer named Dan West. He developed the idea in the 1930s. In 1944, the first Heifer animals were sent and Heifer International was born. The organization gives farm animals to poor people and teaches them how to use the animals to improve their lives. Of all the farm animals, heifers (小母牛) are the most popular, and they have become a symbol of Heifer’s work. That is because families with a cow can produce milk that they can drink and trade milk for other things that they need. Heifer International also gives animals such as sheep, camels (骆驼) and even bees to poor families.
Each second-grade class at Forsyth School decides which animals to buy and how many to give. The students’ favorite part of working with Heifer International is that they can offer help to others. They raise money by recycling cans and making jewelry. Although the jewelry is simple, it is beautiful to wear. Some even give their birthday or holiday gifts to Heifer International!
Kids can do many things to help others. Are you ready to do your part Why not just take action now
8. What can we know about Heifer International
A. It was set up on a farm in the 1930s.
B. It raises money by selling animal products.
C. It gives poor families animals.
D. It gives birthday gifts to kids in poor families.
9. What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A. The poor people.
B. The second-graders at Forsyth School.
C. All volunteers in Heifer International.
D. Dan West and other farm workers.
10. Which is the correct structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
11. What is the purpose of the writer in writing the passage
A. To ask more kids to help others.
B. To introduce the history of Heifer International.
C. To praise the students of Forsyth School.
D. To talk about some special projects of Forsyth School.
【答案】8. C 9. A 10. A 11. A
细节理解题。根据“The organization gives farm animals to poor people and teaches them how to use the animals to improve their lives.”可知,国际小母牛组织把动物给贫穷的家庭。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据“The organization gives farm animals to poor people and teaches them how to use the animals to improve their lives.”可知,该组织向穷人提供农场动物,并教他们如何利用动物来改善他们的生活;“them”在此指的是“穷人”。故选A。
推理判断题。根据“Kids can do many things to help others. Are you ready to do your part Why not just take action now ”可推知,作者写本文的目的是让更多的孩子去帮助别人。故选A。
Recently, many people think it’s risky to use credit (信用) card numbers online. However, from time to time, we all use passwords and ID numbers on the Internet. We think we are safe, but that may not be true! A new kind of attack (攻击) is being used by dishonest people to steal IDs and credit card numbers from web surfers. This new kind of attack is called “phishing”.
Phishing sounds the same as the word “fishing”, and it means that a thief is trying to trick people into giving away valuable information. Like real fishermen, phishers use bait (诱饵) in the form of great online deals or services. For example, phishers might use false emails and websites to trick people into revealing (透露) credit card numbers, account usernames, and passwords. They imitate (模仿) well-known banks, online sellers, and credit card companies. Successful phishers may make as many as 5% of the people believe and give away their personal information.
It’s really a big problem! Actually, tricking 5% of the online population is huge. Now more than 4.6 billion people have access (进入权) to the Internet, and 75% of those Internet users live in the wealthiest countries on Earth. It has been reported that phishers send more than 40 billion false messages each year. Even by tricking only 5% of the people, phishers can make a lot of money.
Amy, 18, from California, received an email. A man told Amy that she could get a million dollars in her account as a reward if she sent a thousand dollars to him. Amy did as the man said at once. The “thief” used Amy’s Social Security number to get credit cards in her name and transferred her money.
How can people avoid being cheated online Above all, they have to learn to recognize the email that has been sent by a phisher. Always be careful with any email with urgent (紧急的) requests for personal information. Phishers typically write upsetting or exciting, but false, statements in their emails so that people will reply right away. Never give out personal information to phishers. And if an offer sounds too good to be true, it is.
12. Phishing is compared to ________ according to the passage.
A. making money B. playing games C. catching fish D. writing emails
13. Which writing skill is used in Para. 3
A. Giving examples. B. Listing numbers. C. Raising questions. D. Using sayings.
14. Which of the following in the dictionary best explains the underlined word “transfer” in Para. 4
transfer v. (transferred, transferring)
①to move from one place, school, job etc to another
②to connect the call of someone to someone else’s
③to move money from one account to another
④to change from one bus, plane etc to another
A. ① B. ② C. ③ D. ④
15. Besides introducing what phishing is, the writer also tells us how to ________.
A. help to catch phishers B. reply to urgent emails
C. pay by credit card D. protect ourselves online
【答案】12. C 13. B 14. C 15. D
细节理解题。根据“Like real fishermen, phishers use bait in the form of great online deals or services.”可知,就像真正的渔夫一样,网络钓鱼者以在线交易或服务的形式使用诱饵;将“Phishing”比作“catching fish”。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据“The ‘thief’ used Amy’s Social Security number to get credit cards in her name and transferred her money.”可知,这名“小偷”使用艾米的社会安全号码获得了以她名字命名的信用卡,并转移了她的钱,因此“transfer”意为“to move money from one account to another”。故选C。
推理判断题。根据“How can people avoid being cheated online ”可知,最后一段作者还告诉我们如何避免在网上被欺骗。故选D。
交流是一门艺术,有效的交流需要一定的技巧。以下图片中的男士在交流中存在不当之处,请你将图片与相关描述 (A-F) 进行匹配。选项中有一项为多余选项。
____16____ ____17____ ____18____
____19____ ____20____
A. Do you make eye contact (交流) When you make eye contact; you’ re telling someone that you’re interested in him or her, that you think the person is important, and that you want to hear what he or she has to say. B. Do you talk with toys Do you play with pens, tap your fingers, or clear your throat when you’re talking with someone These manners might make others uncomfortable, who may take you less seriously. C. Do you speak too fast This is one of the most common communication problems. A slow speed of speech shows the importance of the message you’re expressing. Talking to people in an unhurried manner also gives the listener time to get what you have said. D. Do you interrupt People who cut others off in mid-sentence not only send an unkind message, but also they cut themselves out of the communication process. Remember that we can learn more from listening than from talking. E. Do you avoid over speak Aristotle (亚里士多德) said, “Think as the wise do, but speak as the common do.” Don’t use big or difficult words. If others can’t understand every time you open your mouth, and you may feel sorry for using “overspeak” F. Do you eat while you’re talking The next time you have a conversation with someone, never talk with your mouth full of food. Such behavior makes people awful.
【答案】16. A 17. B
18. E 19. D
20. C
根据“How are you ”和图片可知,图片的男士在说话时没有抬头与人交流,没有眼神的接触;选项A“你们有眼神交流吗?当你进行眼神交流时;你在告诉某人你对他或她感兴趣,你认为这个人很重要,你想听他或她说什么。”符合语境;故选A。
根据“soporific and unfathomable”和图片可知,所用词汇太难了,不理解;选项E“你会避免说话过多吗?亚里士多德说:“要像智者那样思考,但要像普通人那样说话。”不要使用大的或困难的单词。如果你每次开口别人都听不懂,你可能会为说错话而感到抱歉。”符合语境;故选E。
根据“Should we have a meeting”和图片可知,男士打断了女士的话;选项D“你会打断别人吗?那些说话到一半就打断别人的话的人,不仅是在传递不友好的信息,而且他们也把自己排除在交流过程之外。记住,听比说能让我们学到更多。”符合语境;故选D。
根据“Could you please slow down”和图片可知,男士说话太快了;选项C“你说得太快了吗?这是最常见的沟通问题之一。语速慢表明你所表达的信息的重要性。不慌不忙地与人交谈也给听众时间来理解你所说的。”符合语境;故选C。
“Where could Michael be ” I wondered aloud.
Michael was my classmate. He liked playing pranks on others.
He once put a sign that said “Sing to Me!” on ___21___ back. It was terrible. Everywhere I went, people I didn’t even know started singing to me. When I realized what was happening, I got really ___22___.
Another time, he embarrassed Nicole during sharing time. Nicole was shy. She ___23___ shared; she always said, “Pass.” But what did Michael do when it was his turn to share He asked, “Did everybody ___24___ how Nicole’s new blue dress matches her eyes ” Nicole’s face turned bright red. Poor Nicole!
It was Valentine’s Day that day. I was sure Michael was up to something somewhere, ___25___ he always was. No way was I going to let him pull a prank — ruining someone’s Valentine’s Day.
I ___26___ him everywhere. Lunch break was almost over. I must find him and stop him. When I got to the classroom, there was Michael Peterson, at Michael Rogers’s desk, digging in his ___27___ of valentines!
“Hurry and help me,” said Michael as soon as he ___28___ me.
At first I thought he was stealing valentines from Michael Rogers’s box. However, the more I watched, the more puzzled I became. He was putting valentines ___29___.
Seeing my expressions, he told me that he found Michael Rogers’s box was ____30____ when he was passing out his valentines. Michael Rogers was new and Mrs. Karcher must have forgotten to put his name on the list, so ____31____ made him a card.
I suddenly realized I had also ____32____ to prepare a valentine for Michael Rogers.
“But everyone made one for me,” Michael continued. “So I’m giving him my ____33____, since we’ve got the same name — Michael.”
I stood there, not quite believing ____34____ I was hearing. “Is Michael Peterson the one who always pulled pranks on us ” I asked myself. Maybe he was kind of ____35____ … in a hidden sort of way.
21. A. my B. his C. her D. its
22. A. tired B. bored C. angry D. nervous
23. A. often B. never C. always D. sometimes
24. A. mind B. record C. notice D. decide
25. A. or B. but C. unless D. because
26. A. stayed with B. talked about C. shouted at D. looked for
27. A. box B. pocket C. wallet D. school bag
28. A. saw B. met C. found D. caught
29. A. up B. in C. away D. back
30. A. old B. pretty C. empty D. special
31. A. nobody B. anybody C. somebody D. everybody
32. A. refused B. forgotten C. expected D. remembered
33. A. list B. desk C. signs D. cards
34. A. how B. why C. what D. where
35. A. polite B. sweet C. honest D. patient
【答案】21. A 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. D 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. B
my我的;his他的;her她的;its它的。根据“Everywhere I went, people I didn’t even know started singing to me.”可知是放在我的背上。故选A。
tired疲劳的;bored无聊的;angry生气的;nervous紧张的。上次Michael在作者背上放了个牌子,结合“It was terrible.”可知这感觉很糟糕,知道真相作者应是生气的。故选C。
often经常;never从未;always总是;sometimes有时。根据“she always said, ‘Pass.’ ”可知Nicole总是让把自己跳过去,应是从来不分享。故选B。
mind介意;record记录;notice注意到;decide决定。根据“how Nicole’s new blue dress matches her eyes”可知此处询问大家有没有注意到这个事实。故选C。
or或者;but但是;unless除非;because因为。根据“I was sure Michael was up to something somewhere”可知“他总是”是在解释确信Michael有所企图的原因,用because引导原因状语从句。故选D。
stayed with和……待在一起;talked about谈论;shouted at冲……嚷嚷;looked for寻找。根据“I must find him and stop him.”可知是在找Michael。故选D。
句意:我到教室时,Michael Peterson已经在Michael Rogers的课桌旁,正在翻他的情人节礼物盒子!
box盒子;pocket口袋;wallet钱包;school bag书包。根据“At first I thought he was stealing valentines from Michael Rogers’s box.”可知是在翻Michael Rogers的情人节盒子。故选A。
saw看到;met遇见;found发现;caught抓住。根据“Hurry and help me”可知Michael看到了作者。故选A。
put up张贴;put in放入;put away收起来;put back放回原处。根据“when he was passing out his valentines”可知Michael往盒子里放礼物。故选B。
句意:看到我表情,他告诉我,他在给Michael Rogers发情人节礼物时发现他的盒子是空的。
old老的;pretty漂亮的;empty空的;special特殊的。根据“Michael Rogers was new and Mrs. Karcher must have forgotten to put his name on the list”可知老师忘记了把Michael Rogers的名字放在名单上,由此推出他的礼物盒是空的。故选C。
句意:Michael Rogers是新来的,Mrs. Karcher一定忘了把他的名字写在名单上,所以没有人给他制作卡片。
nobody没有人;anybody任何人;somebody某人;everybody每个人。根据“Michael Rogers was new and Mrs. Karcher must have forgotten to put his name on the list”可知老师忘记了把Michael Rogers名字放在名单上,由此推出没人给他制作卡片。故选A。
句意:我突然意识到我也忘了给Michael Rogers准备情人节礼物。
refused拒绝;forgotten忘记;expected期待;remembered记住。根据“Michael Rogers was new and Mrs. Karcher must have forgotten to put his name on the list, so nobody made him a card.”及“also”可知作者也忘记了给Michael Rogers准备情人节礼物。故选B。
list名单;desk书桌;signs标记;cards卡片。根据“so nobody made him a card”可知Michael Peterson把自己收到的卡片给了Michael Rogers。故选D。
polite礼貌的;sweet可爱的;honest诚实的;patient有耐心的。作者一直认为Michael很爱恶作剧,结果情人节这天他暖心地把自己的礼物给了同名的Michael Rogers,他其实是很可爱的。故选B。
she send except December successful
36. I won’t forget the sudden snow in Wenzhou last ________.
37. Every dancer was in white ________ Jane, the lead dancer, who wore red.
38. Betty doubted if the watch was ________ when she saw the Lost and Found notice.
39. John thinks The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is ________ novel among Mark Twain’s works.
40. Mr. Smith called his wife, “Honey, a package ________ to you in an hour. Happy birthday!”
【答案】36 December
37. except 38. hers
39. the most successful
40. will be sent
句意:所有的舞者都穿白色,除了领舞的简穿红色。根据“Every dancer was in white”及“the lead dancer, who wore red”可知,除了领舞穿红色,其他舞者都穿白色,用except表示“除了……之外”,故填except。
句意:当贝蒂看到失物招领单时,她怀疑这块表是不是她的。根据“Betty doubted if the watch was…”及备选词可知,怀疑是不是她的手表,空格后无名词,用名词所有格形式hers表示“她的手表”,故填hers。
句意:约翰认为《汤姆·索亚历险记》是马克·吐温最成功的小说。比较范围“among Mark Twain’s works”是三者以上的比较,要用形容词比较级,此空应用备选词successful的最高级most successful,形容词最高级前要加冠词the,故填the most successful。
句意:史密斯先生给他的妻子打电话:“亲爱的,一个小时后有个包裹会寄给你。”生日快乐!”根据“a package… to you in an hour”可知,此处表示寄包裹给你,主语package与动词send之间是被动关系,“in an hour”是一般将来时提示词,故此处应用一般将来时被动语态will be done的结构,故填will be sent。
Much of the music we listen to today is a mixture of styles from different countries and time periods. Traditional, or folk music has been collected for years. Younger generations are often ____41____ (praise) by elders for collecting traditional music when they learn these songs from them in their spare time.
Researchers see music as ____42____ important part of history. They are expecting that traditional and older kinds of music won’t ____43____ (gradual) disappear. Also the younger generations may not find such music much ____44____ (smooth), so once older generations die, the music may die out with them.
Some researchers create “field recordings” to catch live ____45____ (show). Researchers also transcribe old music by ____46____ (listen) to old recordings. They go out of their way ____47____ (write) out the music so that it can be studied and played by modern musicians.
Collecting music is another form of music preservation. Some collectors prefer to spend much time and money looking for some things that have not been produced or sold for many years. They put ____48____ (they) efforts into recording music of different cultures and places.
Now, modern technology makes it much easier to collect music ____49____ people get used to using smart phones to record music. And the Internet lets us share these recordings and find people ____50____ similar interests.
【答案】41. praised
42. an 43. gradually
44. smoother
45. shows 46. listening
47. to write
48. their 49. because
50. with
句意:当年轻一代在业余时间向他们学习传统音乐时,他们经常被长辈称赞收集这些歌曲。主语“Younger generations”与动词praise之间是动宾关系,用一般现在时的被动语态are done,praise的过去分词形式praised。故填praised。
句意:一些研究人员创造了“现场录音”来捕捉现场表演。live show“现场表演”,前无限定词,此处用复数。故填shows。
句意:他们不厌其烦地把音乐写出来,以便现代音乐家研究和演奏。go out of one’s way to do sth.“不厌其烦地做某事”。故填to write。
句意:互联网让我们可以分享这些录音,并找到有相似兴趣的人。根据“find people ... similar interests”可推出是找到有相似兴趣的人,用with表示“有”。故填with。
51. Please speak a________ or I can’t hear you.
【详解】句意:请大声说,否则我听不见。根据下文“or I can’t hear you.”可知,此处是大声说,此处是副词修饰动词,aloud是副词,大声地,speak aloud“大声说”。故填aloud。
52. I r________ a warm welcome when I came to our village last year.
【详解】句意:去年我来到我们村时受到了热烈的欢迎。根据“a warm welcome”可知,此句是说受到了热烈欢迎。receive“收到”,根据“when I came to our village last year”可知,此处用一般过去时,故填(r)eceived。
53. A t________ earthquake happened in the country and caused a number of deaths.
【详解】句意:这个国家发生了一场可怕的地震,造成许多人死亡。根据“caused a number of deaths.”可知,这场地震很可怕。terrible“可怕的”,形容词,作定语修饰名词“earthquake”。故填(t)errible。
54. I’m going to write a________ and send them to magazines and newspapers.
【详解】句意:我要写文章并把它们寄送到杂志和报纸上。根据“I’m going to write”可知是我打算写……,结合首字母应用article表示“文章”,由them可知是复数。故填(a)rticles。
55. U________ you work hard, you'll certainly fail the exam.
【详解】句意:除非你努力学习,否则你考试肯定会不及格。根据“U... you work hard, you'll certainly fail the exam.”可知努力学习是通过考试的条件,结合首字母U可知用Unless表示“除非”,引导条件状语从句。故填Unless。
56. Have you ________ (叫醒) your son up It’s 10 a.m. now. Plenty of work is waiting for him.
【详解】句意:你把你儿子叫醒了吗?现在是上午10点。有许多工作等着他去做。“叫醒”wake up,have后接过去分词woken,构成现在完成时。故填woken。
57. Paul exercises a lot, so he is getting much ________ (强壮) than before.
【详解】句意:保罗经常锻炼,所以他比以前强壮多了。strong“强壮”,形容词,根据“than before”可知,此处用比较级。故填stronger。
58. In the United States, Thanksgiving is always on the fourth ________ (周四) in November.
59. My sister is beautiful and she is of medium ________ (身高).
【详解】句意:我妹妹很漂亮,她中等身材。“身高”height,be of medium height“中等身高”。故填height。
60. I need to check the ________ (日历) to see what day of the week it is.
61. 为弘扬中华民族“劳动最光荣”的传统美德,这学年你校组织了一系列劳动实践活动(a series of labor activities),假如你是李华,请根据表格中的信息并结合自身经历,写一篇英语短文向学校英语报投稿。
Time Things I learned My feelings
September grow vegetables and plant trees ...
November repair things like electric fans...
March ...
Let’s Enjoy Working
Let’s Enjoy Working
This year, I took part in a series of labor activities in our school. I was happy that I learned a lot.
In September, I learned to grow vegetables and plant trees on our school farm. In November, I learned to repair things like electric fans and bicycles with the help of our teachers. In March, I learned to do much housework, such as making the bed, sweeping the floor and folding clothes.
I think the labour activities are not only educational but also useful. I’m sure the more life skills I have, the more independent I will be.
①took part in参加
②with the help of在……的帮助下
③such as例如
①In March, I learned to do much housework, such as making the bed, sweeping the floor and folding clothes.(动名词作宾语)
②I think the labour activities are not only educational but also useful.(省略that的宾语从句)



