
Do you know who ______________________________________the class.
Maybe you have a fever and you _______________________________.
You had better not let him come here.I _____________________________.
The climber says __________________________________________.
I can’t ___________________________________________.
  We need to ___________________________________ to help them.
  ____________________________________________on the wall.
They __________________________________for these children here.
I think ______________________________for the school basketball team.
I think _________________________________________.
Could you please _____________________________.
I_______________________________when I left home this morning.
He thinks __________________________________________________.
We should _____________________________________________at home.
Linda can ________________________________________________.
I _________________________________________________last night.
Keep practicing English, I will _____________________________.
__________________________________________________on Tuesday
My friends don’t _____________________________________________.
21.当这个人走进房间时,我正在向学校走去 。
When the man went into the room, I ____________________________________.
I ___________________________________________________with my friends.
You could ask the teacher for help when you ______________________________.
She ______________________________________ when it began to rain heavily.
Please _____________________________________________when you leave.
26. 莉莉刚刚在医院量了体温, 还拍了X光片。
Lily __________ _________ _________________ and ________ _______ _______ in the hospital just now.
27. 昨天我感冒了, 医生告诉我要躺下休息。
I ___________ ___________ ___________ yesterday and the doctor told me to ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________.
28. 我割伤了自己,妈妈帮我把药涂在伤口上。
I cut myself. My mother helped me_________ ___________ ___________ ___________ the cut.
29. 如果你喉咙痛, 你可以喝一些热水。
If you ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________, you can drink some hot water.
30. 昨晚他发烧了。他的母亲整晚在照顾他。
He ___________ ___________ ___________ last night. His mother took care of him all night.
31. 这位医生没有考虑他自己,他只想着挽救那个病人。
The doctor didn't think about himself. He only__________ _______ ___________ that patient.
32. 当我路过时,我看见她正躺在床上。
I ___________ ___________ ___________ in bed when I passed by.
33. 多亏了互联网,我可以在特殊的日子里为妈妈订购漂亮的礼物。
_______________ ___________ the Internet, I can order nice gifts for my mom on special days.
34. 让我们吃惊的是,他一言不发就下车了。
___________ ___________ _______________, he ___________ ___________ the bus without a word.
35. 我要浏览一下报纸,看看昨天发生了什么事。
I will look through the newspaper to see ___________ ______________ yesterday.
36. 简在音乐方面很有天赋,她4岁就会弹钢琴了。
Jane has talent in music and she could play the piano ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ four.
37 如果我们齐心协力, 中国梦就会实现。
If we work hard together, the Chinese Dream will ____________ ____________.
38. 许多孩子独自留在农村。让我们尽力帮助他们吧。
Many children are left alone in the countryside. Let's ____________ ____________ ____________ to help them.
39. 鲍勃是一个热心肠的人。他想参加一项志愿者项目的选拔。
Bob is a warm-hearted man. He wants to ____________ ____________ ____________ a volunteer program.
40. 妈妈, 我完成作业了。你可以告诉我接下来要做什么吗?
Mom, I finished my homework. Could you tell me _______ ________ ____________ next
41. 汤姆跟他的妈妈长得很像。
Tom ____________ ____________ his mother a lot.
42. 玛丽是个读书爱好者, 她对在图书馆看书这个主意感到很兴奋。
Mary is a book lover and she ____________ ____________ ____________ the idea of reading in the library.
43. 一件小事能对孩子们产生影响。
A little thing can ____________ ____________ ____________ to children.
44. 他们需要钱为盲童建立一所特殊的学校。
They need money ____________ ____________ ____________ a special school for blind children.
45. 既然你不再穿这些衣服了,你可以把它们送给贫困地区的人。
Since you don't wear the clothes anymore, you could ____________ ____________ ____________ to the people in poor areas.
46. 最初我不想去,但我很快就改变了主意。
____________ ____________ I didn't want to go, but soon I changed my mind.
47. 天气预报说这个周末将会有一场暴风雨。
The weather report says that ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ this weekend.
48. 今天早上,通往学校的路被倒下的树拦住了。
The road to the school was blocked by a ____________ ____________ this morning.
49. 爷爷看报纸时睡着了。
Grandpa ____________ ____________ while he was reading a newspaper.
50. 明天暴风雨将逐渐减弱。
The rainstorm ____________ ____________ ____________ tomorrow.
1. is in control of the soccer team
2. has a fever and coughs
3. don’t want to get into trouble
4. he is used to taking a risk / risks
5. get out of the classroom until I finish my homework
6. come up with a plan
7. How /What about putting on a notice
8. will help set up a new school
9. I am strong enough to try out
10. it is a good way to give away the old books to poor students
/giving away the old book to poor students is a good way
11. will write to me as soon as he arrives in Beijing
2. help me do the dishes
13. forgot to take the rubbish/trash
14. it is a waste of time to do housework/ chores
15. provide a clean and comfortable environment for children
16. get on well with her students
17. didn’t go to bed until I finished reading the book
18. feel good about leaning English
19. Why not/ don’t you return the book to me
20. allow me to hang out with my friends
21. was making my way to school
22. have / had fun playing football / soccer
23. have trouble (in) learning English
24. was waiting for Lucy to go to the movies / see a film
25. make sure to turn off the light(s)
26. took her temperature; got an X-ray 
27. had a cold; lie down and rest
28. put some medicine on 
29 have a sore throat 
30. had a fever
31. thought about saving 
32. saw her lying
33. Thanks to 
34. To our surprise; got off
35. what happened
36. at the age of 
e true 
38. try our best
39. try out for 
40. what to do
41. takes after 
42. is excited about 
43. make a difference 
44. to set up 
45. give them away
46. was swimming 
47. didn't go
48. What were; doing
49. Did; beat 
50 pick up
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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