专题02 短文填空-八年级英语下学期期中考试真题分类汇编(浙江杭州专版)(含解析)

专题02 短文填空
Wang Yani was born in 1975. Even as a baby she loved to draw. Her father was 1 artist. Yani wanted to be like him. So she tried 2 (stand) like her father as he painted, which made him laugh.
One day, Yani 3 (paint) lines on her father’s painting when her father came home. He got angry. At that time, she was only two and a half years old. She cried and said, “I want to paint like you!” Her father looked at her 4 saying anything. He 5 (clear) remembered his childhood. He also wanted to draw and paint. But his parents didn’t understand. They just got angry. He didn’t want to see the same thing happen to his daughter. So he decided to help her. With her 6 (father) help, Yani soon made progress. Her 7 (line) became flowers, trees, and animals.
Her father 8 (take) her to parks and zoos to get ideas for her paintings. Her paintings were so special that people loved 9 she painted. When she was eight, one of her paintings was made into a Chinese stamp.
Her works were shown in different countries in Asia, Europe and North America, 10 her parents never sold her paintings. She is well-known to the world, and art is still a great joy in her life.
Dear Auntie Em,
Great news! Mrs. Smith just told me I would be one of the school 11 (student) to visit the University of Cape Towu in South Africa this summer! She said the program was designed (设计) for some of the brighter teenagers to experience a different 12 (文化). 13 a good chance!
The only problem is: Mom and Dad 14 (simple) won’t let me go. They said it was dangerous for me, a girl, 15 (旅行) alone. But my guess is that they think it too expensive. I 16 (keep) telling them I had been on a plane on my own before. They needn’t worry about 17 (我) because this trip would be almost the same as that time when I visited you in Texas. 18 they just won’t listen!
Will you help, Auntie Em It will be 19 very important experience to my personal growth.
Love. ( and love you even 20 (much) if you manage to make Mom and Dad agree with me.)
Let me tell you a story. One day, when Bill 21 (walk) home from school, he heard a noise coming from the bushes. He went over to see 22 it was. Behind a bush, he found a black dog. Bill went back home as 23 (fast) as he could with the dog and showed her to his parents. Bill’s dad found that the dog had a 24 (break) leg, so they brought the dog to a doctor for animals 25 car. On the way, Bill’s parents decided that Bill could keep the dog if they couldn’t find the 26 (own).
When they arrived, the doctor checked the dog. He told Bill that she was going to have babies! The next day, Bill put 27 signs like “FOUND A BLACK DOG” around his neighborhood. He also wrote his family’s phone number on the signs.
Two days later, Bill got a call 28 the owner of the dog. The owner thanked Bill. When he came to pick up his dog, he said Bill could have one of the 29 (baby). Bill was very happy. 30 (final), Bill got a baby dog from the owner. He named him Rosco and liked him very much.
The Power of Play
For many years, scientists have known that laughter is good for the health of our minds and bodies. Now we are 31 (learn) it’s not just laughter. Having fun and playing are also good for us! Dr. Stuart Brown has studied the effects on children and adults since 1966. He and other researchers have finally found that play is good for people of all 32 (age). Play actually leads to the growth of more nerve connections in the brain and 33 (give) us more brain power.
For Dr. Brown, play is 34 necessary part of childhood. As children play, they learn 35 to make friends and communicate with others. They develop their imaginations and get 36 (many) ideas than before. The spirit of playfulness continues through the teenage years into adulthood. The company Google is famous for 37 (it) playful work environment. Their motto is “Work hard. Play hard” Google keeps a lot of toys and games in their offices and encourages people 38 (use) them. They know that people often get the best ideas when they are just “playing around” and let their imaginations go wild.
So the next time, you have to solve a difficult math problem 39 can’t think of a topic for an essay, take a short play break. Maybe you’ll be 40 (surprise) at what your brain can do.
A person has two ears but only one mouth. That’s because we should 41 (listen), not just speak. People talk too much. Everybody wants other people to listen to them but forgets to listen to 42 (other). That’s why we don’t really understand each other as much 43 we think.
I didn’t know why nobody wanted to listen to what I said. I wanted to tell them something. I wanted 44 (they) to know that I had some feelings. But nobody actually listened to me and this really made me 45 (feel) sad. But I found that I kept doing 46 same thing. I kept talking and never really listened to anyone. So I tried 47 (make) myself a listener. And I gradually found I really don’t know much about these people around me. Now I listen to them. I know 48 they said. I know why they said that. And I become a 49 (good) person myself.
50 (be) a listener, and you will know the world better.
When Angel Thomas was young, she liked to play shopping games. Now the 13-year-old little girl is playing the game for real. After 51 (open) her pet clothing shop in Liverpool, Angel has become Britain’s 52 (young) shopkeeper.
Angel is studying in a school now, 53 she always wants to be successful and run her business. The school girl told her mother Anita about her dream and asked her 54 (give) her money for her pet business. Last year, Angel’s shop—Pawabella opened in Liverpool. The shop sells popular clothes 55 pets. “I love being a boss because I really enjoy going to work,” said Angel.
It 56 (seem) that the little girl is good at finding a balance 57 work and study. She spends her free time, holidays and weekends running her shop and she enjoys the work so much. “I hope Pawabella can make enough money for 58 (I) to pay for school,” said Angel. She wants to be 59 animal doctor in the future. Anita is very proud of her daughter. “She is full of 60 (idea) and works so hard to make her dream come true,” said Anita.
Nowadays WeChat(微信) is more and more popular. I often talk to my English friends on WeChat. It helps me speak English 61 (good) than before. And I can read much information 62 WeChat that can make me know more around. Some also makes me become more careful. Sometimes I feel WeChat is like 63 mirror that helps me see something clearly. 64 , WeChat brings me some trouble as well. Some friends put photos of the real things on WeChat to tell what they sell is really good. I am angry about 65 (that) advertisements(广告). 66 some of them may be not true. As a 67 (say) goes, “Seeing is believing.” I know people are cheated(被欺骗) by some messages 68 (easy). What’s worse, some news always asks us 69 (send) it to others. This often 70 (make) me uncomfortable, so I am thinking about using WeChat wisely on my phone again.
If you don’t keep yourself warm enough, winter can be a time to have an illness. During the winter months, people 71 (easy) get colds and flu. Many people think they are the same, 72 they are different.
Colds can stay with you for up to a week. You will have a running nose, a sore throat, a headache, a cough and a fever. While flu is 73 (serious) than colds. You will feel sick very quickly. You will have a fever and a headache. Your body 74 (hurt) and become weak. This could last for up to four 75 (week).
Is there any way to keep 76 (you) away from colds or flu Staying away from people 77 colds or flu may work. Try not 78 (touch) your nose or eyes if you have been close to someone who has a cold. Wash your hands, especially after 79 (clean) your nose. Going out with wet hair can also give you a cold!
If you catch a cold or flu, go to bed and rest. Doing this will help you get well. Drink lots of water. Stay in 80 warm, well aired room. If you have a headache, or your muscles (肌肉) hurt, don’t forget to take some medicine.
1.an 2.to stand 3.was painting 4.without 5.clearly 6.father’s 7.lines 8.took 9.what 10.but
2.句意:所以她努力像父亲站立一样去画画,这让他笑起来。try to do sth.“努力做某事”。故填to stand。
3.句意:有一天,当她的父亲回家时,王亚妮正在他的画作上画线。根据“when her father came home”可知是她爸爸回家时,她正在画,时态用过去进行时“was/were doing”,主语是Yani,be动词用was。故填was painting。
4.句意:父亲看着她,一句话也没说。根据“looked at her...saying anything”可知是什么都没说,介词without符合语境。故填without。
11.students 12.culture 13.What 14.simply 15.to travel 16.kept 17.me 18.But 19.a 20.more
11.句意:史密斯夫人刚刚告诉我,我被选为今年夏天访问南非开普敦大学的学生之一!“one of+名词复数”表示“……中之一”,所以填名词复数students。故填students。
12.句意:她说,这个项目是为一些聪明的青少年设计的,让他们体验不同的文化。根据“a different”可知,此处填名词单数,culture“文化”。故填culture。
13.句意:多好的机会啊!根据空后“a good chance”可知,这里感叹的是可数名词单数,应用感叹词what,注意句首字母大写,故填What。
15.句意:他们说我是个女孩,独自旅行很危险。这里用了it’s+adj.+for sb.+to do sth.“对某人来说做某事怎么样”,所以此空填动词不定式,故填to travel。
16.句意:我一直告诉他们我以前独自坐过飞机。根据下文“I had been on a plane on my own before.”可知,句子用的是过去完成时,根据前后时态一致原则,可知此处应用一般过去时,动词填过去式kept。故填kept。
18.句意:但他们就是不听!根据下文“They just won’t listen!”可知,下文与前文“They needn’t worry about me”前后之间是转折关系,应用连词but,注意首字母大写,故填But。
21.was walking 22.what 23.fast 24.broken 25.by 26.owner 27.up 28.from 29.babies 30.Finally
21. 句意:一天,当比尔放学回家时,他听到了来自灌木丛中的声音。根据“...home from school, he heard a noise coming from the bushes”可知此处是When引导的从句,从句用过去进行时,主句用一般过去时。主语是Bill,be动词用was。故填was walking。
22.句意: 他走过去看看那是什么。空处所在的句子是宾语从句,空处应填宾语从句引导词。结合句意可知是凑近去看是什么,用what引导宾语从句。故填what。
25.句意:比尔的爸爸发现狗的腿受了伤,所以他们开车带着狗去看兽医。by car“乘坐车”,故填by。
26.句意:在路上,比尔的父母决定如果他们找不到主人,比尔可以养这只狗。根据“if they couldn’t find the...”可知是找不到主人,故填owner。
27.句意:第二天,比尔就在社区附近张贴寻找狗主人的启事。put up“张贴”,故填up。
28.句意:两天后比尔接到了狗的主人打来的电话。根据“Bill got a call...the owner of the dog.”可知空处缺少“来自”from,介词,故填from。
29.句意:他们来接他的狗时,他说比尔可以拥有一只狗宝宝。one of后接名词复数形式。故填babies。
31.learning 32.ages 33.gives 34.a 35.how 36.more 37.its 38.to use 39.or 40.surprised
31.句意:现在我们知道这不仅仅是笑。根据“Now we are...”可知,本句时态是现在进行时,动词用现在分词形式,故填learning。
35.句意:当孩子们玩耍时,他们学会了如何交朋友和与他人交流。根据“they learn...to make friends and communicate with others”可知,是学习如何交朋友和与他人交流,how“如何”符合语境。故填how。
36.句意:他们发展自己的想象力,得到比以前更多的想法。根据“than before”可知,此处用比较级形式。故填more。
38.句意:谷歌在他们的办公室里放了很多玩具和游戏,并鼓励人们玩。encourage sb to do sth“鼓励某人做某事”,故填to use。
39.句意:所以下次,当你必须解决一个困难的数学问题,或者想不出文章的主题时,休息一会儿。根据“you have to solve a difficult math problem...can’t think of a topic for an essay”可知,此处表示一种选择关系,or“或者”符合语境。故填or。
41.listen 42.others 43.as 44.them 45.feel 46.the 47.to make 48.what 49.better 50.Be
42.句意:每个人都希望别人听他们的,但却忘记了听别人的。根据“listen to...”可知是倾听他人,用代词others“其他人”。故填others。
43.句意:这就是为什么我们并没有像想象中那样真正理解对方。as much as“和……一样多”。故填as。
45.句意:但实际上没有人听我说话,这真的让我感到难过。feel“感觉”,make sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”。故填feel。
46.句意:但我发现我一直在做同样的事情。the same“同样的”。故填the。
47.句意:所以我努力让自己成为一个倾听者。make“使”,try to do sth.“努力做某事”。故填to make。
50.句意:做一个倾听者,你会更好地了解这个世界。根据“...and you will know...”可知此处句子是祈使句,以动词原形开头,放句首首字母大写。故填Be。
51.opening 52.youngest 53.but 54.to give 55.for 56.seems 57.between 58.me 59.an 60.ideas
【导语】本文介绍了英国最年轻的店主——Angel Thomas。她是一名学生,现在已经拥有一家宠物服装店,长大后她想成为一名兽医。
51.句意:在利物浦开了宠物服装店之后,Angel成了英国最年轻的店主。根据“After...(open) her pet clothing shop in Liverpool”可知,此处指开宠物服装店,open作动词,after后接动词的-ing形式。故填opening。
52.句意:在利物浦开了宠物服装店之后,Angel成了英国最年轻的店主。根据“Angel has become Britain’s...(young) shopkeeper”可知,此处指Angel是英国最年轻的店主,应用形容词的最高级形式。故填youngest。
53.句意:Angel现在在一所学校学习,但是她总想成功并经营自己的生意。根据“Angel is studying in a school now”和“she always wants to be successful and run her business”可知,前后为转折关系,应用连词but连接。故填but。
54.句意:这个女学生把自己的梦想告诉了她的妈妈Anita,并请求她出钱支持自己的宠物事业。ask sb. to do sth.“请求某人做某事”,此处应用动词的不定式。故填to give。
55.句意:这家店铺出售流行的宠物服装。根据“The shop sells popular clothes ...pets”可知,店铺出售的衣服是给宠物穿的,应用介词for,表示“为了,给”。故填for。
56.句意:这个小女孩好像能很好地在工作和学习之间找到平衡点。根据“ the little girl is good at finding a balance...”可知,本句为一般现在时,主语为it,谓语用第三人称单数形式,it seems that...“看起来……”。故填seems。
57.句意:这个小女孩好像能很好地在工作和学习之间找到平衡点。根据“work and study”可知,此处是between...and...结构,表示“在……和……之间”。故填between。
60.句意:“她有很多想法,并为实现梦想而努力工作,”Anita说道。be full of“充满”,后接可数名词的复数形式。故填ideas。
61.better 62.on 63.a 64.However 65.those 66.Because 67.saying 68.easily 69.to send 70.makes
62.句意:我可以在微信上阅读很多信息,这些信息可以让我了解更多。根据“I can read much information…WeChat”可知,此处指在微信上读到信息,应用介词on。故填on。
66.句意:因为其中有些可能不是真的。根据“I am angry about…advertisements(广告). …some of them may be not true.”可知,此处是解释“我”对广告生气的原因,故用because表原因,句首首字母大写。故填Because。
68.句意:我知道人们很容易被一些信息欺骗。easy“容易的”,形容词,此处用其副词形式easily,修饰are cheated。故填easily。
69.句意:更糟糕的是,有些消息总是要求我们把它发给其他人。send“发送”,动词,ask sb. to do sth.“让某人做某事”,不定式作宾补。故填to send。
71.easily 72.but 73.more serious 74.will hurt 75.weeks 76.yourself 77.with 78.to touch 79.cleaning 80.a
73.句意:流感更严重。根据“than”可知此缺少形容词比较级,more serious“更严重”,故填more serious。
74.句意:你的身体会受伤并且变得虚弱。根据“You will feel sick very quickly. You will have a fever and a headache.”可知,此处指感染流感后的后果,应用一般将来时will do,故填will hurt。
76.句意:有什么办法使你自己远离感冒或流感吗?keep oneself away from“让某人自己远离某事”,空处缺少反身代词,故填yourself。
77.句意:远离感冒或流感患者可能会奏效。根据“people … colds or flu”可知,这里应该是介词短语作后置定语修饰people,with“带有,附有”,故填with。
78.句意:如果你和感冒的人亲近过,尽量不要碰你的鼻子或眼睛。try to do sth“努力做某事”,故填to touch。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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