2024年河南人教版中考英语热点话题 假期打算(含解析)

2024年河南中考英语热点话题 假期打算
写 作 任 务
思 路 点 拨
第三步:选词组句可能用到的词语及中文解释:Final exams(期末考试)Apologies(道歉)Delayed response(延迟回复)Summer plans(暑假计划)Part-time job(兼职)Volunteer work(志愿者工作)满 分 作 文
满分作文一:Dear Tom,
I hope this email finds you well. First of all, I would like to apologize for not responding to your email sooner. The reason for my delayed response is that I was busy preparing for my final exams, which were a crucial part of my academic year.
Now that the exams are over, I am excited to share with you my summer plans. One of my main goals is to find a part-time job related to my field of study. I believe this will provide me with valuable work experience and help me develop new skills. Additionally, I plan to volunteer at a local community center, assisting with various activities and events. I am looking forward to making a positive impact and meeting new people.
What are your summer plans, Tom I would love to hear about them and perhaps we can even share some ideas.
Once again, I apologize for the delay in my response. I hope to stay in touch and look forward to hearing from you soon.Best regards,Li Hua亲爱的汤姆,我希望你一切都好。首先,我要为没有及时回复你的邮件向你道歉。我之所以回复晚了,是因为我忙于准备期末考试,这是我学年的重要组成部分。现在考试已经结束,我很兴奋地想和你分享我的暑假计划。我主要的目标之一是找到一份与我所学领域相关的兼职工作。我相信这将为我提供宝贵的工作经验,并帮助我发展新的技能。此外,我计划在当地的社区中心做志愿者,协助各种活动和事件。我期待着对社区产生积极影响并结识新朋友。汤姆,你的暑假计划是什么?我很想听听你的计划,也许我们可以分享一些想法。再次对回复延迟表示歉意。我希望我们能保持联系,期待尽快收到你的回复。最好的祝福,李华
满分作文二:Dear Tom,I hope you're doing well. I'm sorry for not getting back to you sooner about my summer plans. The reason I wasn't able to reply earlier is that I was fully immersed in preparing for my final exams.Now that the dust has settled, I'm eager to fill you in on what I have planned for the upcoming summer break. Primarily, I intend to explore the world of part-time work, hoping to gain some hands-on experience in a field related to my studies. Not only will this help me financially, but it will also provide me with an opportunity to learn new skills and broaden my horizons.Furthermore, I have a strong desire to contribute to my community, and thus, I plan to engage in volunteer work. Whether it's assisting at a local charity event or helping out at a nearby senior center, I believe that every little bit counts and can make a difference.I'm curious to know what your summer plans entail, Tom. Please do share, as I always enjoy hearing about your adventures and aspirations.Once again, I apologize for the delayed response and look forward to staying in touch over the summer.Warm regards,Li Hua亲爱的汤姆,我希望你一切都好。首先,我要为没有及时回复你的邮件向你道歉。我之所以回复晚了,是因为我忙于准备期末考试,这是我学年的重要组成部分。现在考试已经结束,我急于向你介绍我在即将到来的暑假中的计划。首先,我打算探索兼职工作的领域,以期获得与我的学习领域相关的实际经验。这不仅能帮我解决一些经济问题,还能让我学习新的技能和拓宽眼界。此外,我有强烈的愿望为社区做出贡献,因此计划参与志愿服务。无论是在当地的慈善活动中协助,还是在附近的老年中心帮助,我相信每一点微小的贡献都能产生积极的影响。汤姆,你的暑假计划是什么?请分享一下你的计划,我很期待听到,并且或许我们可以互相分享一些想法。再次对回复延迟表示歉意,期待保持联系,并期待尽快收到你的回复。最好的祝福,李华
好 句 背 诵
I hope this email finds you well.(我希望这封邮件能够找到你身体健康。)这是一句常见的问候语,表达了写信人对收信人的祝福和关心。在正式的邮件或信函中,这是一个很好的开场白。
I would like to apologize for not responding to your email sooner.(对于未能及时回复你的邮件,我想向你道歉。)这句话表达了写信人对于未能及时回复邮件的道歉之情,展现了礼貌和诚意。在商务或正式的场合中,道歉是维护良好人际关系的重要方面。
Now that the exams are over, I am excited to share with you my summer plans.(现在考试结束了,我很兴奋地想与你分享我的暑假计划。)这句话引导了一个转折,表明考试已经结束,下文将谈及暑假计划,并且表达了写信人对于与收信人分享计划的兴奋之情。在写信中,表达个人情感和兴奋可以增加信件的亲近感。
One of my main goals is to find a part-time job related to my field of study.(我的主要目标之一是找到一份与我的学习领域相关的兼职工作。)这句话表达了写信人对于寻找与自己所学领域相关的兼职工作的目标和愿望。在写作中,明确表达个人目标和追求可以增强写信人的决心和动机。
I plan to volunteer at a local community center, assisting with various activities and events.(我计划在当地社区中心做志愿者,协助各种活动和事件。)这句话表达了写信人对于在当地社区中心做志愿者的计划和愿望,展现了对社区服务和参与的积极态度。在写信中提及志愿服务可以展示写信人的社会责任感和乐于助人的品质。
I am looking forward to making a positive impact and meeting new people.(我期待着产生积极影响并结识新朋友。)这句话表达了写信人对于对社区产生积极影响和结识新朋友的期待和愿望。这种积极的态度和渴望与他人建立联系可以给收信人留下积极的印象,展示写信人的社交能力和开放心态。



