专题04 完形填空-人教英语七下期中考试真题分类汇编(含答案+解析)【浙江专版】

专题04 完形填空
On my thirteenth birthday, my father gives me a special present. It is a little bird, cute and colorful. She is not that 1 at first, but she then becomes a sweet part of my life. I look forward every day to playing with her. She means a lot to me, 2 a family member.
One day, she seems not quite herself and struggles to fly. Dad tells me the vet can surely make 3 better. So I bring the bird there, hoping she will be healthy soon. 4 she is more badly ill than we can think.
A few days later, comes the bad news and there is 5 we can do for her. At that moment, I know I 6 her and I can’t stop crying. I cry all the way to collect her little body. When I walk into the vet, I see a woman with a little girl. After a short talk, it is clear why they are here. They lose their lovely dog.
Then the vet brings my little bird and places it on the desk. I 7 the body of my love with much sadness. When I turn around to leave, I am surprised to see that there is the 8 standing in front of me. She looks at me in the eyes 9 and asks me:
“Do you want a hug ”
“Yes, that’s what I need now.”
So, little girl, thank you for bringing the 10 to me which warms my heart. Just remember, we are never “little” to anyone.
1.A.lucky B.strong C.beautiful D.important
2.A.for B.like C.with D.about
3.A.me B.her C.him D.them
4.A.Or B.So C.But D.And
5.A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything
6.A.help B.lose C.catch D.save
7.A.take away B.clean up C.look for D.worry about
8.A.woman B.doctor C.bird D.girl
9.A.secretly B.happily C.carefully D.differently
10.A.way B.time C.light D.dream
It is not always easy to know oneself. When I was young, I didn’t know what I wanted to be, 11 an accident made me know myself.
To me, skating is important, and I skate every day. I don’t have time to go shopping or see movies but only to skate. I am the No. 1 in every 12 because of my hard work. I love skating. 13 in this world can make me so happy.
14 , one day, I fell down and hurt myself badly. In the hospital, the doctor told me that I can’t do my sport any more and I can’t even do 15 things in my everyday life.
The accident takes away my hope for skating. I don’t know what I am going to be. After eight months of sadness, I get to know something has to 16 . Not spending my days sitting around, I begin to 17 other interesting jobs, for example, working as a swimming teacher and summer reading helper 18 kids. After a few months, I spend time on my interest in the arts. Little by little, I get an idea of 19 I want to be. Finally, I walk out of the sadness and become confident again.
Sometimes, some large rocks stop our 20 . We can choose to stay behind or try to climb over. My accident doesn’t stop me from being successful. Today I’m a very confident person.
11.A.and B.but C.or D.so
12.A.club B.party C.team D.match
13.A.Everything B.Something C.Nothing D.Anything
14.A.Sadly B.Differently C.Safely D.Surely
15.A.quick B.easy C.funny D.special
16.A.collect B.leave C.change D.share
17.A.look out B.look at C.look after D.look for
18.A.with B.for C.as D.opposite
19.A.which B.what C.when D.where
20.A.way B.term C.game D.time
(22-23七年级下·浙江温州·期中)Neha wants a new study table, but her parents don’t have much money to buy a new table. They can 21 buy her a second-hand one.
They take Neha to a second-hand shop. Neha sees a/an 22 black table there. She opens its drawer and finds a small bag with some 23 in it. “My birthday is coming. I can buy a bicycle or beautiful dresses 24 the money,” Neha thinks. So she tells her parents to buy the old black one.
When they get home, Neha closes the door of 25 room and takes out the bag from the drawer. There are 300 dollars! Suddenly, Neha finds a letter in the bag. It is from an old lady. She 26 the money for her family. But she leaves it in the drawer and then passes away. 27 knows about the money in the drawer.
Neha thinks, “I should not take the money.” She tells her parents about the money. “I want to give it back to its owner,” Neha says. 28 they take the money back to the shop.
They finally find the family. The son of the old lady 29 Neha and her parents again and again.
Neha thinks, “No new bicycle or clothes can make me feel so great. I have an important test of my life—the 30 test of my honesty.”
21.A.only B.even C.certainly D.really
22.A.new B.beautiful C.old D.free
23.A.cards B.money C.photos D.biscuits
24.A.With B.For C.By D.As
25.A.their B.his C.its D.her
26.A.loses B.saves C.collects D.uses
27.A.Somebody B.Nobody C.Anybody D.Everybody
28.A.Because B.But C.Or D.So
29.A.thanks B.teaches C.finds D.asks
30.A.early and late B.long and short C.lost and found D.online and offline
(22-23七年级下·浙江金华·期中)It’s a Friday afternoon. School is over. Joey’s father is still at work 31 he can’t drive Joey home from school. Then Joey plans to walk home with Chris. When the two boys walk and talk, they find an envelope (信封) on the street. “ 32 is it ” Joey says. “Oh, there is a 33 on it, Mary Hill. It can be hers.” Then he 34 the envelope.
“There is $3,000 in it!” says Joey. “It’s so 35 ! Mary must be very worried (着急的) now. What can we do for 36 , Chris ”
“We can 37 her here. She will come back to look for it,” Chris 38 for a moment and says. “It’s a 39 idea. Let’s sit down and wait,” Joey says.
Thirty minutes later, but 40 comes.
“What can we do now ” Joey asks again. “We can go to the police station and tell the 41 that we found the money. They can 42 the woman,” says Chris. When they are ready to 43 , a woman comes. She searches the street around the boys. “Hey, boys. Do you see an envelope ” she asks. “Yes. But can you tell us your name ” Joey asks. “I’m Mary Hill,” says the woman. Joey takes out the envelope and says “I think it is 44 .” “Yes, it is. Thank you very much. You two are so 45 ,” says she. “You are welcome,” Joey and Chris say.
31.A.or B.but C.so D.because
32.A.How B.What C.Whose D.Where
33.A.place B.number C.photo D.name
34.A.sends B.opens C.reads D.draws
35.A.much B.hard C.nice D.small
36.A.her B.him C.you D.them
37.A.look for B.wait for C.care for D.ask for
38.A.plays B.learns C.thinks D.works
39.A.great B.special C.difficult D.dangerous
40.A.somebody B.everybody C.anybody D.nobody
41.A.drivers B.managers C.doctors D.policemen
42.A.check B.catch C.find D.join
43.A.talk B.help C.leave D.sleep
44.A.hers B.yours C.his D.ours
45.A.kind B.busy C.lucky D.funny
There is an old man in a small town. He often sits in front of a 46 , because lots of people go there to see movies. What does he do there He is a(n) 47 and he draws pictures of people.
The old man draws very well and 48 picture only needs ten dollars. So there are 49 many people around him. He is very busy, 50 he likes his job.
One day, some people were waiting in line (排队等候). At this time, a(n) 51 man comes. He is about twenty years old and 52 medium height. The man 53 ten dollars on the desk and then stands in front of the other people. The artist 54 nothing and starts to draw for him. When the man sees his picture, he asks, “ 55 do you draw a pair of glasses for me You see, I don’t 56 glasses.” The artist says, “I think 57 eyesight (视力) isn’t good at all. The glasses can help you see 58 —there are some people in front of you, not 59 you.”
The young man is ashamed (羞愧的) and his face turns 60 . “I’m sorry, sir.” he says to the old man. Then he walks to the back of the line and waits for the old man to draw for him again.
46.A.park B.store C.school D.cinema
47.A.actor B.artist C.teacher D.musician
48.A.each B.other C.another D.the other
49.A.never B.only C.always D.also
50.A.or B.before C.but D.because
51.A.old B.tall C.short D.young
52.A.in B.of C.by D.for
53.A.loses B.makes C.puts D.spends
54.A.says B.sees C.finds D.leaves
55.A.What B.When C.Where D.Why
56.A.sell B.wear C.miss D.describe
57.A.his B.her C.my D.your
58.A.hard B.well C.luckily D.quickly
59.A.near B.around C.behind D.next to
60.A.black B.yellow C.white D.red
The sun is shining and the birds are singing around, On such a 61 morning, a UFO lands in a forest. A boy called Bill is just watching it behind a tree.
Suddenly, a tall alien comes out of the UFO. He wears a silver suit and starts picking up 62 . One by one, he takes photos of them with a camera. When he finishes, he puts the flowers into a large box.
The alien thinks he sees something move and asks, “Is anybody there ” Bill doesn’t answer.
The alien 63 the looker and sees the boy behind the trees. “Oh, there is someone. Hello!” the alien says, “It’s all right. You can come closer.”
“What are you doing ” Bill asks.
“I’m 64 flowers,” the alien says.
“Flowers For what ” asks Bill.
“I’m going to take them back to my planet,” says the alien.
“Aren’t there any flowers on 65 ” asks Bill.
“No, our planet doesn’t have flowers for a long time.” The alien says 66 , ” We have too much litter, and we cut down too many trees, 67 now it’s like a desert. There is almost no water any more. All of the flowers and trees that lived on our planet are gone.”
“That’s terrible,” says Jim “Is anyone doing 68 about it ”
“Yes... That’s 69 I’m here and we want to find plants from other planets. We use them to learn about water. I believe someday water will come back to our planet.”
“Wow,” Bill said, “What’s the name of your planet ”
“It’s called Rozul,” the alien says, “Long ago, it was very beautiful. If we work hard, someday Rozul will be 70 again.” And then the alien goes back to the UFO. Bill says goodbye as the UFO slowly goes up into the air and flies away.
61.A.clear B.rainy C.cloudy D.snowy
62.A.trees B.flowers C.birds D.ants
63.A.looks after B.looks at C.looks like D.looks for
64.A.drawing B.collecting C.watering D.planting
65.A.yours B.mine C.his D.hers
66.A.happily B.quickly C.sadly D.easily
67.A.but B.or C.so D.because
68.A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything
69.A.what B.why C.when D.how
70.A.safe B.difficult C.strange D.fantastic
(22-23七年级下·浙江宁波·期中)I’m Julie, a middle school student. I’m sixteen years old. I like all kinds of 71 animals, such as pandas, giraffes, tigers ... So I find a part-time (兼职) 72 in the city zoo in my free time. The zoo is 73 to my apartment. It is only about 2 kilometers 74 where I live. So I often ride a bike to work. After I 75 the zoo, I start to do my work, like cleaning the animals’ cages and making food for them.
On weekends, more people come to the zoo to 76 animals than (比) those on weekdays. So sometimes I am a little busy. And I need to tell 77 what they can do and what they can’t do. There are also some strict 78 that they need to follow in the zoo. I like my work 79 I can play with those lovely animals.
Of all the animals in the zoo, I like the cute koala best, although (尽管) it is kind of 80 . It can sleep for 20 81 a day. This kind of animal 82 Australia. It is one of the 83 of Australia, but I don’t think it is a good idea for animals to 84 in the cages. They are from nature (大自然). So I think they will be happy and free if they 85 live in nature. Do you agree with me
71.A.scary B.gentle C.small D.wild
72.A.work B.job C.hobby D.love
73.A.next B.close C.open D.opposite
74.A.from B.to C.at D.near
75.A.arrive in B.go on C.get to D.walk to
76.A.look B.watch C.wash D.eat
77.A.her B.him C.them D.us
78.A.rules B.ways C.stories D.kinds
79.A.but B.and C.so D.because
80.A.smart B.lazy C.interesting D.boring
81.A.hours B.minutes C.seconds D.times
82.A.comes from B.comes out C.comes back D.comes into
83.A.friends B.flags C.symbols D.homes
84.A.dance B.sleep C.live D.sing
85.A.must B.mustn’t C.can D.can’t
(22-23七年级下·浙江湖州·期中)Tom is a middle school student. He is studying in Grade 7. He usually 86 at 7:00 o’clock in the morning. 87 today he gets up at 6:30 and goes to buy a big cake. After that he helps his grandparents clean their room, because it is his 88 birthday. His grandpa is going to be 78 years old.
Tom buys two CDs about Beijing Opera (京剧) 89 his grandpa. He is sure his grandpa would like 90 very much, because his grandpa likes listening to Beijing Opera.
When Tom 91 home at noon, his mother is making noodles with grandma. They are laughing and talking about something 92 . His grandpa is drinking tea 93 listening to Beijing Opera.
Tom says, “Happy birthday to you, grandpa.” Then he cuts the big cake and gives grandpa a 94 piece. Grandpa is very happy and eats it.
In the evening, Tom watches TV with his grandparents together. He is a little 95 but very happy, because he can make his grandparents happy.
86.A.goes to school B.gets up C.watches TV D.goes to bed
87.A.But B.Because C.So D.Or
88.A.mother’s B.father’s C.grandpa’s D.grandma’s
89.A.to B.for C.with D.at
90.A.it B.her C.them D.him
91.A.arrives B.buys C.leaves D.goes to
92.A.slowly B.quickly C.quietly D.happily
93.A.or B.but C.and D.so
94.A.light B.bad C.small D.big
95.A.sad B.busy C.relaxing D.fun
1.D 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.C
for为了;like像;with和;about关于。根据空前的“She means a lot to me”可知,此处指她就像一个家庭成员。故选B。
me我;her她;him他;them她/他/它们。根据上文“One day, she seems not quite herself and struggles to fly.”可知,此处指代小鸟。故选B。
nothing 没有什么;something某物;anything任何事;everything每件事。根据空前的“A few days later, comes the bad news”及下文“I cry all the way to collect her little body.”可知,此处指我们对她无能为力。故选A。
help帮助;lose失去;catch赶上;save保存。根据下文“I cry all the way to collect her little body.”可知,此处指失去了她。故选B。
take away带走;clean up清理;look for寻找;worry about担心。根据上文“Then the vet brings my little bird and places it on the desk.”及下文“When I turn around to leave”可知,此处指带走小鸟的躯体。故选A。
woman女人;doctor医生;bird鸟;girl女孩。根据下文“So, little girl, thank you for…”可知,此处指小女孩。故选D。
secretly秘密地;happily快乐地;carefully仔细地;differently不同地。根据“She looks at me in the eyes…and asks me”的句意可知,此处指她仔细地看着我的眼睛。故选C。
way方式;time时间;light光;dream梦想。根据“So, little girl, thank you for bringing the…to me which warms my heart.”的句意可知,此处指小女孩给作者带来了温暖心灵的光。故选C。
11.B 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.B 20.A
and并且,表顺承;but但是,表转折;or或者,表选择;so所以,表结果。根据“When I was young, I didn’t know what I wanted to be,...an accident made me know myself.”可知,“我不知道自己想成为什么样的人”与“一次意外让我认识了自己”之间为转折关系,可推测此处是但是一次意外让我认识了自己。故选B。
club俱乐部;party聚会;team团队;match比赛。根据“To me, skating is important, and I skate every day.”可知,对我来说,滑冰很重要,我每天都在滑冰,可推测此处是通过努力,我每场比赛都是第一名。故选D。
Everything一切事物;Something某事;Nothing没有什么;Anything(用于疑问句/否定句)任何事物。根据“To me, skating is important, and I skate every day. I don’t have time to go shopping or see movies but only to skate.”可知,对我来说,滑冰很重要,我每天都在滑冰,我没有时间去购物或看电影,只有滑冰,可推测此处是这个世界上没有什么能让我如此快乐。故选C。
Sadly不幸地;Differently不同地;Safely安全地;Surely当然。根据“...one day, I fell down and hurt myself badly. In the hospital, the doctor told me that I can’t do my sport any more...”可知,有一天,我摔倒了,伤得很重,在医院里,医生告诉我,我不能再做运动了,可推测此处是不幸的。故选A。
quick快的;easy容易的;funny有趣的;special特别的。根据“...one day, I fell down and hurt myself badly. In the hospital, the doctor told me that I can’t do my sport any more...”可知,有一天,我摔倒了,伤得很重,在医院里,医生告诉我,我不能再做运动了,可推测此处是甚至不能在日常生活中做简单的事情。故选B。
collect收集;leave离开;change 改变;share分享。根据“Not spending my days sitting around,...After a few months, I spend time on my interest in the arts.”可知,我不再整天无所事事,几个月后,我把时间花在对艺术的兴趣上,可推测此处是我知道有些事情必须改变。故选C。
look out留神;look at看;look after照顾;look for寻找。根据“Not spending my days sitting around, I begin to...other interesting jobs,...”可知,我不再整天无所事事,可推测此处是开始寻找其他有趣的工作。故选D。
with和;for为了;as作为;opposite与……相对。根据“...working as a swimming teacher and summer reading helper...kids.”可知,我开始寻找新的工作,可推测此处是孩子们的游泳老师和暑期阅读助手,即为孩子们工作,介词for“为了”符合语境。故选B。
which哪个;what什么;when什么时候;where哪里。根据“After a few months, I spend time on my interest in the arts.”可知,几个月后,我把时间花在对艺术的兴趣上,可推测此处是我明白了自己想成为什么样的人。故选B。
way道路;term学期;game游戏;time时间。根据“We can choose to stay behind or try to climb over.”可知,我们可以选择留在后面,也可以试着爬过去,可推测此处是一些大石头阻挡了我们的道路。故选A。
21.A 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.D 26.B 27.B 28.D 29.A 30.C
only仅仅;even甚至;certainly当然地;really真地。根据“but her parents don’t have much money to buy a new table”可知,他们只能给她买一张二手的桌子。故选A。
new新的;beautiful美丽的;old旧的;free自由的。根据“So she tells her parents to buy the old black one.”可知,有一张黑色的旧桌子。故选C。
cards卡片;money钱;photos照片;biscuits饼干。根据“the money”可知,抽屉里面有一些钱。故选B。
With用;For为了;By通过;As作为。根据“I can buy a bicycle or beautiful dresses”可知,用这些钱买一辆自行车或漂亮的连衣裙。故选A。
their他们的;his他的;its它的;her她的。根据“When they get home, Neha closes the door of...”可知,尼哈关上自己房间的门,故选D。
loses丢失;saves储存;collects收集;uses使用。根据“for her family”可知,她把钱存起来给家人。故选B。
Somebody某人;Nobody没有人;Anybody任何人;Everybody每人。根据“But she leaves it in the drawer and then passes away.”可知,没有人知道抽屉里的钱。故选B。
Because因为;But但是;Or或者;So因此。根据“I want to give it back to its owner”可知,前后两句是因果关系,后句是结果,故选D。
thanks谢谢;teaches教;finds发现;asks询问。根据“They finally find the family”可知,老太太的儿子一次又一次地感谢尼哈和她的父母。故选A。
early and late从早到晚;long and short长和短;lost and found失物招领;online and offline线上线下。根据全文可知,此处表示尼哈在买的旧的桌子里发现了钱,并归还失主的故事,故选C。
31.C 32.C 33.D 34.B 35.A 36.A 37.B 38.C 39.A 40.D 41.D 42.C 43.C 44.B 45.A
or或者;but但是;so所以;because因为。根据“Joey’s father is still at work...he can’t drive Joey home from school”可知,空格前后为因果关系,前因后果,故此处应用so。故选C。
How如何;What什么;Whose谁的;Where哪里。结合语境和“It can be hers”可知,此处在问这个信封是谁的。故选C。
place地方;number数字;photo照片;name名字。根据“Mary Hill”可知,上面是有一个名字。故选D。
sends寄,送;opens打开;reads阅读;draws画画。根据“There is $3,000 in it”可知,是打开了信封。故选B。
much许多,修饰不可数名词;hard困难的,努力的;nice漂亮的,友好的;small小的。根据“There is $3,000 in it”可知,信封里有3000美元,故应是很多钱。故选A。
her她;him他;you你;them他们。根据“Mary Hill. It can be hers”可知,失主是一位女士,故应用her。故选A。
look for寻找;wait for等待;care for照顾;ask for要求,请求。根据“Let’s sit down and wait”可知,两人是决定在原地等待失主。故选B。
plays玩耍;learns学习;thinks思考;works工作。根据“‘We can...her here. She will come back to look for it,’ Chris...for a moment and says”可知,应是思考了一会儿说的话。故选C。
great好的;special特别的;difficult困难的;dangerous危险的。根据“Let’s sit down and wait”可知,此处认为对方提的是一个好主意。故选A。
somebody某人;everybody每人;anybody任何人;nobody没有人。根据“Thirty minutes later, but...”可知,but前后为转折关系,故是他们等了30分钟,但没有人来。故选D。
drivers司机;managers经理;doctors医生;policemen警察。根据“We can go to the police station”可知,去警察局是找警察。故选D。
check检查;catch抓住;find找;join参加。根据“We can go to the police station and tell the...that we found the money.”可知,警察可以找到失主。故选C。
talk说话,谈话;help帮助;leave离开;sleep睡觉。根据“We can go to the police station”可知,两人准备去警察局找警察,故应是准备离开。故选C。
hers她的;yours你的;his他的;ours我们的。根据“I’m Mary Hill”和“I think it is”可知,信封应该是这名女士的,此处为直接引语,故应说,我认为它是你的。故选B。
kind善良的;busy忙碌的;lucky幸运的;funny滑稽的,搞笑的。结合语境和“Thank you very much”可知,两位小男孩拾金不昧,将捡到的巨额现金归还给失主,故是太善良了。故选A。
46.D 47.B 48.A 49.C 50.C 51.D 52.B 53.C 54.A 55.D 56.B 57.D 58.B 59.C 60.D
park公园;store商店;school学校;cinema电影院。根据“because lots of people go there to see movies”可知,很多人去看电影的地方应该是电影院。故选D。
actor演员;artist画家;teacher老师;musician音乐家。根据“he draws pictures of people”可知,他是一位画家。故选B。
each每个;other其他的;another另一;the other两者中的另一个。根据“picture only needs ten dollars”可知,每幅画只需要10美元。故选A。
never从不;only仅仅;always总是;also而且。根据“The old man draws very well and... picture only needs ten dollars.”可知,老人画得好且画的价格不高,所以他周围总是有很多人。故选C。
or或者;before在……之前;but但是;because因为。根据“He is very busy”和“he likes his job”可知,前后句为转折关系,应用连词but连接。故选C。
old年老的;tall高的;short短的;young年轻的。根据“He is about twenty years old”可知是一个年轻人。故选D。
in在……里;of……的;by通过;for为了。be of medium height“中等身高”,固定短语。故选B。
loses失去;makes制作;puts放;spends花费。根据“ten dollars on the desk”可知,应是把钱放到了桌子上。故选C。
says说;sees看见;finds发现;leaves离开。根据“The artist...nothing and starts to draw for him”可知,他应该是什么也没说开始作画了。故选A。
What什么;When什么时候;Where在哪里;Why为什么。根据“You see, I don’t...glasses”可知,年轻人问画家为什么给他画了眼镜。故选D。
hard努力地;well好;luckily幸运地;quickly快速地。根据“eyesight (视力) isn’t good at all”可知,眼镜是帮助年轻人看清东西的,故选B。
near靠近;around围绕;behind在……后面;next to在……近旁。根据上文可知,年轻人插队了,此处是画家告诉他有些人在他前面,而不是在他后面。故选C。
black黑色的;yellow黄色的;white白色的;red红色的。根据“The young man is ashamed”可知,年轻人对自己的行为感到羞愧,所以脸红了。故选D。
61.A 62.B 63.D 64.B 65.A 66.C 67.C 68.D 69.B 70.D
clear晴朗的;rainy下雨的;cloudy多风的;snowy下雪的。根据“The sun is shining and the birds are singing around”可知天气晴朗,应用clear,故选A。
trees树;flowers花;birds鸟;ants蚂蚁。根据“When he finishes, he puts the flowers into a large box.”可知外星人在采花,故选B。
looks after照顾;looks at看;looks like看起来像;looks for寻找。根据“The alien...the looker and sees the boy behind the trees”可知外星人在寻找什么东西在动,故选D。
drawing画画;collecting收集;watering浇水;planting种植。根据“I’m going to take them back to my planet”可知外星人在收集鲜花,故选B。
happily开心地;quickly快速地;sadly伤心地;easily容易地。根据“No, our planet doesn’t have flowers for a long time”可知外星人的星球上很久没有鲜花了,所以他很悲伤,故选C。
but但是;or或者;so所以;because因为。根据“we have too much litter, and we cut down too many trees...now it’s like a deser”可知因为星球上垃圾太多,砍伐了太多的树木,所以星球就像一个沙漠,前后是因果关系。故选C。
what什么;why为什么;when什么时候;how如何。根据“That’s...I’m here and we want to find plants from other planets.”结合上文介绍外星人星球上就像一个沙漠,几乎没有水了,星球上所有的花草树木都消失了,所以这就是为什么外星人出现在地球上的原因,应用why,故选B。
safe安全的;difficult困难的;strange奇怪的;fantastic极好的。根据“Long ago, it was very beautiful. If we work hard, someday Rozul will be...again”可知如果努力拯救星球,总有一天Rozul会再次变得很美好。故选D。
71.D 72.B 73.B 74.A 75.C 76.B 77.C 78.A 79.D 80.B 81.A 82.A 83.C 84.C 85.C
scary吓人的;gentle温柔的;small小的;wild野生的。根据“such as pandas, giraffes, tigers...”可知喜欢的是野生动物。故选D。
work工作,不可数名词;job工作,可数名词;hobby爱好;love爱。a part-time job“兼职”,是固定搭配。故选B。
next下一个的;close接近的;open打开的;opposite相反的。根据“It is only about 2 kilometers ”可知离的很近。故选B。
from从;to到;at在;near在附近。句型“it is+距离+from+地点”,表示“离……多远距离”,是固定表达。故选A。
arrive in到达(大地方);go on相处;get to到达;walk to步行到。根据“So I often ride a bike to work”和“the zoo”可知是骑车到动物园,应用get to。故选C。
look看,后接介词at;watch看;wash洗;eat吃。根据“people come to the zoo to…animals”可知去动物园看动物。故选B。
her她;him他;them他们;us我们。根据“what they can do and what they can’t do”可知是告诉他们。故选C。
rules规则;ways方法;stories故事;kinds种类。根据“that they need to follow in the zoo”及备选词汇可知,在动物园有一些严格的规则。故选A。
but但是;and而且;so因此;because因为。根据“I like my work…I can play with those lovely animals.”可知因为我可以和动物玩,所以喜欢我的工作,两句之间是因果关系,用because引导原因状语从句。故选D。
smart聪明的;lazy懒惰的;interesting有趣的;boring无聊的。根据“It can sleep for 20…a day.”可知考拉一天要睡20个小时,说明它有一点儿懒,故选B。
hours小时;minutes分钟;seconds秒;times次数。根据“It can sleep for 20…a day.”结合常识可知是一天睡20小时。故选A。
comes from来自;comes out出来;comes back回来;comes into进来。根据“This kind of animal…Australia.”可知考拉来自澳大利亚。故选A。
friends朋友;flags旗帜;symbols象征;homes家。根据“It is one of the…of Australia”和常识可知,考拉是澳大利亚的象征之一。故选C。
dance跳舞;sleep睡觉;live居住;sing唱歌。根据“for animals to…in the cages. They are from nature.”可知动物住在笼子里不好,故选C。
must一定;mustn’t禁止;can可以;can’t不可以。根据“They are from nature. So I think they will be happy and free if they…live in nature.”可知动物来自大自然,如果它们生活在大自然里,会是幸福和自由的。故选C。
86.B 87.A 88.C 89.B 90.C 91.A 92.D 93.C 94.D 95.B
goes to school上学;gets up起床;watches TV看电视;goes to bed睡觉。根据“at 7: 00 in the morning”和“he gets up at 6: 30”可知,早上7点是起床。故选B。
mother’s妈妈的;father’s爸爸的;grandpa’s爷爷的;grandma’s奶奶的。根据“His grandpa will be 78 years old.”可知,今天是他爷爷的生日。故选C。
to到;for为了;with有;at在。buy sth. for sb.“给某人买某物”,介词for符合。故选B。
it它;her她;them它们;him他。根据上文“two CDs about Beijing Opera”可知,用代词复数形式代替CDs。故选C。
arrives到达;buys买;leaves离开;goes to去。根据上文“he gets up at 6: 30 and goes to buy a big cake”可知,早上出门,中午到家,地点副词home前不加介词。故选A。
or或者;but但是;and和;so所以。根据上文可知,他爷爷喜欢听京剧,这里“drinking tea”和“listening to Beijing Opera.”是并列关系。故选C。
sad伤心的;busy忙碌;relaxing放松;fun有趣。根据“but very happy”以及Tom的一天可知,Tom这天很忙碌。故选B。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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