2023-2024八年级英语下册(牛津译林版)Unit 4 A good read 单元测试(含解析)

Unit 4 A good read单元测试
1.全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
2.请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将 自己的姓名、考试证号用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。
3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。
1.John isn’t fond of swimming. Evans isn’t, ________.
A.also B.too C.either D.as well
2.Unluckily, Gulliver’s ship crashed ________ the rocks.
A.on B.against C.in D.from
3.—Must I stay here with you, Mum
—No, you ________.You may go home now, but you________go to the net-bar.
A.mustn't; needn't B.needn't; mustn't
C.must; need D.need; must
4.The girl sat ______ me, so I could see the sadness on her face directly.
A.behind B.between C.outside D.opposite
5.Mary is never late for class. She always arrives there .
A.in time B.on time
C.at a time D.from time to time
6.—What do you want to eat for lunch 1 will prepare earlier today,
—Honey, you____________. Let's go out to have something different.
A.mustn't B.can't C.shouldn't D.don't have to
7.I didn’t know why he refused ________ me the truth.
A.tell B.to tell C.telling D.to telling
8.—Can you give me some ________ on how to speak Chinese ________
—Yes. You should practise more.
A.advice; good B.suggestions; good C.advice; well D.suggestion; well
9.— Which dress do you want, madam
—Sorry, I can’t decide ________ now.
A.to buy which one B.buy which one C.which one to buy D.which I should buy it
10.— Must I return the book this week
—No, you ________. You can ________ it for 20 days.
A.mustn’t; keep B.needn’t; borrow C.needn’t; keep D.mustn’t; borrow
11.I haven’t decided when ________ a holiday yet.
A.took B.taking C.to take D.take
12.—We can’t be successful unless we continue ________.
—I agree with you. So we should work harder.
A.work B.to be working C.to working D.working
13.—The Internet can ________ our eyes to the outside world.
—Yes, I think so.
A.turn up B.put up C.catch up D.open up
14.In our school library, there are many books about English, Chinese, PE ________.
A.for example B.and so on C.such as D.also
15.—The beef in this restaurant tastes nice.
—________ You can’t find better beef in any other restaurant.
A.Why B.I can’t agree. C.Are you sure D.Exactly.
Once there was a little tree. He 16 dreamed of being a Christmas (圣诞节) tree for a family. Some older trees knew more about 17 , and they told him that being a Christmas tree wasn’t as good as he thought. But he didn’t believe them.
One day before Christmas a family came to choose a tree for the 18 . The little tree was so happy 19 he was the one they wanted.
The little tree spent a(n) 20 Christmas with the family. He thought the older trees were wrong. But soon the Christmas was over. Now no one 21 him or touched him anymore. Then the whole family 22 to put him into the cellar (地窖). The tree started to feel very sad.
Several days later, the little tree was replanted. He was so happy to be back in the soil (土壤)! Suddenly he 23 that the family left him in the cold cellar to keep him healthy.
Each year, the family dug him up again to put him back into the living room. He was very 24 with the family every Christmas. And yes, the older trees were 25 about something—some humans are kind and loving.
16.A.hardly B.always C.sometimes D.never
17.A.feeling B.future C.development D.life
18.A.festival B.interest C.party D.opinion
19.A.until B.while C.because D.although
20.A.meaningless B.boring C.unhappy D.exciting
21.A.looked at B.looked for C.looked up D.looked after
22.A.started B.decided C.stopped D.forgot
23.A.understood B.guessed C.imagined D.discussed
24.A.lucky B.sad C.happy D.shy
25.A.important B.enjoyable C.strict D.wrong
三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
请认真阅读下列材料, 从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Writer: Helen Beatrix Potter Helen was born on 28 July 1866. She was a British writer and illustrator (插画家).
The story:Once upon a time there were four little rabbits, Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter. They lived happily with their mother under a very big tree. “Now, my dears,” said Mrs Rabbit one morning, “you may go into the field or down the road, but don’ t go into Mr McGregor’ s garden. Your father had an accident there. He was put in a pie (馅饼) by Mr McGregor. Now run along and have fun.” Did Peter listen to his mother Of course not! He ran to Mr McGregor’ s garden and started his adventure (冒 险)!
At first, no publisher (出版商) agreed to publish the story, so Potter decided to publish the book by herself in 1901. With 42 black-and-white pictures, the small book was popular, and Frederick Warne & Co. agreed to publish it in 1902.
26.The writer Helen Beatrix was from ________.
A.Britain B.Australia C.America D.France
27.What did Mrs Rabbit think of Mr McGregor’s garden
A.Beautiful. B.Interesting. C.Dangerous. D.Large.
28.The story of the book may be about ________.
A.Peter’s happy life with his family B.Mr Rabbit’s accident in the garden
C.Peter’s adventure in Mr McGregor’s garden D.Peter’s adventure with his brothers and sisters
An old carpenter(木匠)was ready to leave his job. He told his boss about his plans to leave the house-building business. He wanted to live a more comfortable life with his wife. The boss was sorry to see his good worker go. He asked the carpenter to build one last house for him.
The carpenter said yes, but it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. Soon the carpenter finished his work. The boss came to check the house, then he handed the front door key to the carpenter. “This is your house,” he said, “my gift to you.” What a shock! The carpenter couldn’t believe his ears. Also, what a shame(羞愧)!
If he could build the house one more time, he would do it all so differently. Now he had to live in the house he built carelessly.
So it is with us. We build our lives in a careless way. Sometimes we do not give the job our best work. Then we look at the situation and find that we are now living in the house we built. If we knew that, we would do it differently.
Think of yourself as the carpenter. Think about your house. Build it carefully. It is the only life you will ever build.
Someone says, “Life is a do-it-yourself job.” That is to say, the choices(选择)you made in the past decide your life today and the choices you make today decide your life tomorrow.
29.Why did the carpenter want to leave the house-building business
A.Because he made a lot of money.
B.Because his wife wanted him to do so.
C.Because his boss didn’t give him enough money.
D.Because he wanted to live a more comfortable life.
30.What does the underlined sentence “What a shock!” in paragraph 2 means
A.The carpenter was very sad. B.The carpenter was very surprised.
C.The carpenter was very happy. D.The carpenter was very worried.
31.Who did the carpenter really build the last house for
A.His wife. B.His boss. C.Himself. D.Others.
32.Which of the following is TRUE
A.We should be a carpenter in the future.
B.The carpenter built the last house very carefully.
C.The boss asked the carpenter to leave the business.
D.The choices you make today decide your life tomorrow.
Crow’s Decision
One day a crow came and perched on the branch of the lovely tree where Blue Bird lived. Crow had been sitting on the branch for a while when Blue Bird asked him to fly away.
“This nice tree near the garden is my home,” Blue Bird said. “Oh no,” replied Crow. “I’d like to live in this tree. From here I can see when Mrs. Brown plants her seeds in the garden. Then I can fly down and eat them.”
“Let’s ask if any of our friends have an opinion about who should live in this tree,” said Blue Bird. “Then we will decide whose home it will be.” First they saw Rabbit hop by. “Who should live in this tree ” Crow asked.
Rabbit said, “I like Blue Bird’s songs. I also like to eat the carrots from Mrs. Brown’s garden. Last year you ate all the seeds, so there were no carrots. I like you, Crow, but I think Blue Bird should live in this tree. ” Next Bee buzzed by. “Who should live in this tree ” Crow asked. “I hate to say it, Crow, but I think Blue Bird should.” Bee replied. “Last year you ate all the flower seeds. I can’t make honey without flowers.” Crow thought for a moment. Then he said, “I understand, and this is what I will do. ________I will eat only seeds from the field. We will wait for Mrs. Brown’s garden to grow. Then we can all enjoy some carrots and honey together.” Everyone liked Crow’s idea, especially Blue Bird.
33.Why did Crow want to live in Blue Bird’s tree
A.He liked to sing there. B.He wanted to be near Blue Bird.
C.He could see Mrs. Brown’s garden. D.He could see his friends.
34.What happened after Crow ate the flower seeds
A.Blue Bird could not sing. B.Bee could not make honey.
C.Rabbit did not have carrots. D.Mrs. Brown had to move.
35.Which of the following can be put in ________
A.I will ask Blue Bird to fly away. B.Let’s be good friends.
C.I will find another tree near the field. D.I will move to another place and never come back.
36.This story is mostly about
A.How Crow decided where to live. B.What Mrs. Brown planted in her garden.
C.Foods animals like to eat. D.The bird with his friends.
One day, while our cab (出租马车) was waiting outside a park, a dirty old cab drove up beside us. The horse was an old chestnut (栗色马). Suddenly, she looked at me and said, “Black Beauty, is that you I was Ginger!”
But how different she was! She was thin and tired from too much hard work. She looked miserable (悲惨的) and she had a bad cough. She told me her sad story. She had a year’s rest and then a gentleman bought her. For a while, she got on very well. Then one day after a long gallop (疾驰), her old problem returned, and her back hurt again. They bought and sold her several times after that.
“Then at last,” she said, “a man who has a lot of cabs and horses bought me. I work hard, all week, with no rest on Sundays. I wish I was dead.” I was very sad to hear this. I put my nose up to Ginger’s, but I didn’t know what to say to her. She said, “Black Beauty, you are my only friend.” Just then, her driver came back, and they drove off. I felt very sad indeed to see Ginger like this.
A short time after this, I saw a cart (二轮运货马车) with a dead horse in it. It was a chestnut horse with a long, thin neck. I think it was Ginger. I hope so, for then all her problems were over.
One day, a lady got into the cab. “Jerry Barker,” she said, “is that you How are Polly and the children ” I listened to Jerry’s answer and found Mrs. Fowler was a lady Polly once worked for. She asked Jerry: “How do you find the cab work in winter I know Polly was worried about you last year.”
“Yes, ma’am. It was a hard winter and I had a bad cough,” he replied.
“Well, Barker,” Mrs. Fowler continued. “I know people who want good drivers or grooms. If you stop working on the cabs one day, let me know.”
“Certainly, ma’am,” smiled Jerry. “Thank you,” he said, and he seemed very pleased.
37.The underlined word “her old problem” in Paragraph 2 refers to (所指) ________.
A.her cough B.her fatness C.her laziness D.her backache
38.Why did Black Beauty hope it was Ginger when he saw the dead horse
A.Because he wasn’t Ginger’s true friend.
B.Because the master didn’t need Ginger any more.
C.Because only death could free Ginger of all hard work.
D.Because Ginger told him that she wished she was dead.
39.What can you know about the lady
A.Jerry used to work for her. B.She was kind and helpful.
C.She was Ginger’s master. D.She found a job for Jerry before.
40.What can you infer (推断) from the passage
A.Poor Ginger died of her old problem at last.
B.Black Beauty would be glad to work for the lady.
C.Polly was never worried about Jerry.
D.It was possible for Jerry to change his job in the future.
41.He used to be a manager who ran a hotel. But now he worked as a (作家).
42.You look sick. You can’t (继续) working any more.
43.He didn’t have (多余的) wheels so he got into trouble.
44.Finally, he (设法完成) to pass the exams, but he didn’t get good grades.
45.He put a ladder (紧靠) the tree and picked apples on the tree for me.
46.—Is there a (Germany) in your class
—No, there isn’t.
47.I have much (knowledge) about China’s past.
48.Tom likes reading English (novel) very much.
49.— What’s Amy doing
— She is reading a book (call) Gone with the Wind.
50.They were tired out after (work) for more than twelve hours.
opposite search for memories used to how
Some people still live in their hometown. However, others may only see it once or twice a year. Now millions of Chinese leave the countryside to 51 work in the cities. Among these is Zhong Wei, a 46-year-old husband and father. He has lived in Beijing for the last 13 years. With a hard job in a factory, he doesn’t find much time to visit his hometown. “I 52 return home at least once a year, but I haven’t been back for three years now,” he says. Many people like Zhong Wei are interested in 53 their hometown have changed. Besides large hospitals and new roads, the government has also built new schools and sent teachers from the cities to help. Zhong Wei thinks such changes are good, and he also knows that his hometown cannot stay the same. However, some things will never change. “In my hometown, there was a big old tree 54 the school. It is still there and has become a symbol(象征)of the place. Most of the children in my time liked to play together under that big tree, especially during the summer holiday. It was such a happy childhood. Our hometown has left many soft and sweet 55 in our hearts.”
五、阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)
You love reading, and you’re dying to get your hands on a book. With the right knowledge, it’s easy to choose a good book!
Go to the library first. Answer these questions. What writers do you like What are your interests See if the library has computers. If it does, you can use it to find a certain book by a certain writer, or keywords of your interests. If you like a certain book, search the computer for the book and read its summary(概要). That will help you decide if the book is right for you.
Search your house next. Often good books are quietly collecting dust(灰尘) in your own house. Maybe you forget about one. Probably, you will find some books that you can read, and they won’t even cost you any money.
Then, ask someone to recommend a good book. You can ask your older brothers or sisters, your mum, your dad, your best friend, or even your English teacher. They have something in common with you and can often make excellent book recommendations. You should ask people that like the same type of books, so that you can get books that match your need.
Join a book club, please. It helps you know who else likes the same books as you, and you can read books that other members have read and have a good discussion(讨论) about them.
Finally, read the first part of each book. If that holds your attention(注意), read a few more pages. If it still holds your attention, then it’s probably a book for you. If you have many books, it can take much time to choose. Keep doing this until you have a few good books.
How to 56 a good book
Go to the library Use the computer to search for books by 57 or interests. Search for a book that you like, read its summary and 58 whether to read on.
Search your house Look through the good books that lie 59 in your house for long. You will probably find a good one that has been forgotten.
Ask someone for recommendations Turn to your 60 , best friend or teachers for excellent book recommendations. Ask those who share the same 61 in certain types of books with you.
Join a book club It gets you to 62 those who like the same books as you. You and other members read the same books and 63 them together.
Read the first part of each book If the first part attracts you, keep 64 to see if it is suitable for you. 65 a few good books from many will take much time.
Psammead (沙漠精灵) looked very unhappy, and Jane said, “Well, I didn’t know that you were a Psammead, but I can feel that you are something wonderful. Please talk more to us.”
The Psammead looked a little h 66 when it heard that, and it said, “Well, you can talk to me. Perhaps I’ll answer you and perhaps I won’t. Now say something.”
At first, the children could not think of a 67 to say, but then Jane asked, “How long have you lived here ”
“Oh, a very long t 68 , about thousands of years,” the Psammead answered.
The children waited, but the Psammead was silent. “Please tell us more,” Jane said.
“Well, all right, then,” the Psammead said. “There were lots of us then. People sent their children out to look for Psammeads, and when they f 69 us, we gave them a wish.”
“What happened to all the Psammeads, then ” Jane asked.
“Well, most of us died. And I’m not going to tell you anything.”
“Oh, just one m 70 question, please,” said Jane. “Do you give wishes now ”
“You’ve had one,” said the Psammead. “You w 71 to see me just now, and here I am.”
“Oh, please. Just another wish,” Anthea cried.
“Well, all right, but be quick! I’m tired of you!”
It’s usual that people can’t think of a really good wish, in j 72 a second or two. Then, about some time later, Anthea remembered a wish of hers and Jane’s. “I wish b 73 of us become very, very beautiful,” she said.
The girls stood there for a second, and then Anthea turned to speak to Jane, b 74 Jane was not there! Anthea was looking at a stranger—a girl with beautiful red hair and big blue eyes. Suddenly she u 75 they had their wish. The stranger was Jane—now they were beautiful.
(Adapted from Five Children and It)
76.腹有诗书气自华,良好的阅读习惯能让人终生受益。假如你是李明,将参加学校阅读社团的英文演讲比赛,请根据要点提示,以“Read yourself better”为题写一篇演讲稿,阐述读书的重要性,介绍自己的阅读经历并分享如何养成良好的阅读习惯。

1. 短文中应包含所要求的信息,可以适当发挥。
2. 词数80词左右,开头已经写好,不计入总词数。
3. 短文中请勿提及真实校名及姓名。
Read yourself better
Hello, everybody! My name is Li Ming. It’s my honor to be here to share my opinions of reading.
That’s all! Thanks for listening.
考查副词辨析。also也,比较正式,用于肯定句,位置在句中,一般紧靠动词;too也,多用于口语,用于肯定句,通常位于句末,之前加逗号;either也,用于否定句,放在句末;as well也,一般不用否定句,放在句末。空处所在的句子是否定句,故应用either。故选C。
考查介词辨析。on在……上;against倚,碰,撞;in在……里面;from从。根据“Gulliver’s ship crashed...the rocks.”可知船撞上了岩石,用介词against符合语境。故选B。
考查情态动词。第一个设空处根据答语中的No.可知为否定回答,意思是"不,没必要",以must开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答还用must,而否定回答一般借助于needn't或don't have to,表示"没必要",第二个设空处表示禁止孩子去网吧用mustn't,表示强烈禁止。故选B。
A. behind在…后面;B. between在…之间;C. outside在外面; D. opposite对面的。从I could see the sadness on her face directly,可知,这个小女孩应该是坐在我的对面,这里用opposite。故选D。
考查介词短语。in time及时;on time按时;at a time每次;from time to time有时、不时。根据Mary is never late for class. 玛丽上课从不迟到,可知她总是按时到达那里,所以on time按时,符合题意,故答案选B。
【详解】句意:——你午餐想吃什么?我今天早些时候会准备。 ——亲爱的,你不必。我们出去吃点别的吧。
A. mustn't一定不要,表示禁止;B. can't不能;C. shouldn't不应该; D. don't have to不需要。结合答语中“咱们出去吃点别的东西”可知,你不必准备午饭,由此可知选D。
考查非谓语动词。refuse to do sth“拒绝做某事”,动词不定式作宾语。故选B。
考查一般疑问句的回答和延续性动词。must引导的一般疑问句,否定回答用“No,主语+needn’t”或“No,主语+don't have to”,排除A、D;borrow借,短暂性动词;keep保留,延续性动词。由“for 20 days”可知,第二空用延续性动词。故选C。
考查非谓语动词。continue doing sth“继续做某事”,固定短语,空处用动名词作宾语,故选D。
考查动词短语。turn up出现;put up提供;catch up赶上;open up打开。根据“...our eyes to the outside world”及语境可知,此处指“开阔视野”,用open up,故选D。
考查副词短语。for example例举;and so on等等;诸如此类;such as比如;also也,用在句中。根据“there are many books about English, Chinese, PE ...”及设空所在位置可知,此处指英语、语文、体育等方面的书,用在举例的末尾,表示举例未完,用and so on,故选B。
【详解】句意: ——这个饭店的牛肉尝起来不错。——确实,你不可能在另一家饭店找到更好的了。
考查交际用语。Why 为什么;I can’t agree.我不同意;Are you sure 你确定吗;Exactly.确实如此。根据“You can’t find better beef in any other restaurant.”可知,是同样认为餐馆的牛肉好吃,因此应填表示肯定的回答。故选D。
16.B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.D 21.A 22.B 23.A 24.C 25.D
hardly几乎不;always总是;sometimes有时;never从不。根据“dreamed of being a Christmas (圣诞节) tree for a family”可知他总是梦想成为一个家庭的圣诞树。故选B。
feeling感觉;future未来;development发展;life生活。根据“they told him that being a Christmas tree wasn’t as good as he thought”可知做圣诞树并不像他想象的那么好,所以这些大树了解生活。故选D。
festival节日;interest兴趣;party聚会;opinion观点。根据“One day before Christmas”可知为圣诞节挑选圣诞树。故选A。
meaningless无意义的;boring无聊的;unhappy不开心的;exciting令人激动的。根据“Christmas with the family”可知是度过一个令人激动的圣诞节。故选D。
looked at看;looked for寻找;looked up查阅;looked after照顾。根据“him or touched him anymore.”可知是没有人来看他。故选A。
started开始;decided决定;stopped停止;forgot忘记。根据“to put him into the cellar”可知是决定把他放在地窖里。故选B。
understood理解;guessed猜测;imagined想象;discussed讨论。根据“that the family left him in the cold cellar to keep him healthy.”可知他理解了家人的做法。故选A。
lucky幸运的;sad伤心的;happy开心的;shy害羞的。根据“with the family every Christmas.”可知过圣诞节他应该很开心。故选C。
important重要的;enjoyable令人愉快的;strict严格的;wrong错误的。根据“being a Christmas tree wasn’t as good as he thought”以及“some humans are kind and loving.”可知老树是错误的,有一些人是善良的。故选D。
26.A 27.C 28.C
【分析】本篇文章主要以表格的形式展示了Helen Beatrix Potter写的一个彼得兔的故事,展示了故事梗概和出版故事的背景。
26.推理判断题。根据“She was a British writer and illustrator(插画家).”可知,她是一位英国作家和插画家,因此可以推断她来自英国。故选A。
27.推理判断题。根据“but don’ t go into Mr McGregor’ s garden. Your father had an accident there.”可知兔子们的父亲在Mr McGregor的花园里出了事故,因此可以推断兔子太太觉得花园很危险。故选C。
28.推理判断题。根据故事第三段“Did Peter listen to his mother Of course not! He ran to Mr McGregor’ s garden and started his adventure(冒险)!”可知Peter跑到Mr McGregor的花园开始了他的冒险之旅,因此可以推断故事会讲述Peter在Mr McGregor的花园中冒险的事。故选C。
29.D 30.B 31.C 32.D
29.细节理解题。根据“He wanted to live a more comfortable life with his wife.”可知因为他想和妻子过更舒适的生活。故选D。
30.词句猜测题。根据“The carpenter couldn’t believe his ears.”可知,木匠不敢相信自己的耳朵,可推知此处意为木匠非常惊讶。故选B。
31.细节理解题。根据“The boss came to check the house, then he handed the front door key to the carpenter. ‘This is your house,’ he said, ‘my gift to you.’”可知是给木匠自己的。故选C。
32.推理判断题。根据“That is to say, the choices(选择)you made in the past decide your life today and the choices you make today decide your life tomorrow.”可知,你过去做出的选择决定了你今天的生活,你今天做出的选择决定了你明天的生活。故选D。
33.C 34.B 35.C 36.A
33.细节理解题。根据第二段“I’d like to live in this tree. From here I can see when Mrs. Brown plants her seeds in the garden. ”可知,乌鸦想要住在蓝鸟的树上是因为从这里能够看到布朗先生种在地里的种子。故选C。
34.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Last year you ate all the flower seeds. I can’t make honey without flowers.”可知,去年乌鸦吃掉了所有的花的种子,蜜蜂没有办法制造蜂蜜。故选B。
35.推理判断题。根据下文“I will eat only seeds from the field.”可知,乌鸦将只会吃掉田地里的种子,选项C中出现field,且句意为“我会在田地附近找另一棵树”,符合语境。故选C。
37.D 38.C 39.B 40.D
37.推理判断题。根据第二段“and her old problem returned, her back hurt again.”它的背又疼了,可推测此处是指它的老毛病是背疼。故选D。
38.推理判断题。根据第四段“It was a chestnut horse with a long, thin neck. I think it was Ginger. I hope so, for then all her problems were over.”黑骏马认为那就是Ginger,那样它的苦难就结束了,可推测她希望Ginger死了,因为那样可以摆脱苦难了。故选C。
39.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“I know people who want good drivers or grooms. If you stop working on the cabs one day, let me know.”可推测,这位女士是一位乐于助人的人。故选B。
40.推理判断题。根据最后一段“he said, and he seemed very pleased.”杰瑞很高兴地答应了,可推测日后换工作是可能的。故选D。
【详解】句意:最后,他设法通过了考试,但是他没有取得好成绩。manage to do sth“设法做某事”,根据“didn’t”可知,句子时态为一般过去时,因此谓语用过去式。故填managed。
【详解】句意:他把梯子靠在树上,为我摘树上的苹果。against“紧靠”,介词,against the tree作状语。故填against。
【详解】句意:——你的班级里有一个德国人吗?——不,没有。根据“Is there a ... in your class ”及所给单词可知,此处表示德国人,用German,a后跟名词单数。故填German。
【详解】句意:我对中国的历史有很多了解。knowledge“知识”,不可数名词;由空前的“much”可知,此处不作任何形式变化;have knowledge about sth.“对……有了解”。故填knowledge。
51.search for 52.used to 53.how 54.opposite 55.memories
51.句意:现在,数以百万计的中国人离开农村到城市找工作。根据“Now millions of Chinese leave the countryside to...work in the cities.”可知,是去城市找工作,search for“找”符合语境,用于不定式结构中,使用动词原形。故填search for。
52.句意:我过去每年至少回家一次,但现在已经三年没回去了。根据“I...return home at least once a year, but I haven’t been back for three years now”可知,过去至少每年回一次,但是现在三年没回去了,used to“过去常常”符合语境,故填used to。
53.句意:许多像钟伟一样的人对他们的家乡发生了怎样的变化很感兴趣。根据“Many people like Zhong Wei are interested in...their hometown have changed.”可知,对家乡如何改变很感兴趣,how“如何,怎样”符合语境,故填how。
54.句意:在我的家乡,学校对面有一棵很大的老树。根据“In my hometown, there was a big old tree...the school.”可知,描述树和学校的位置关系,opposite“在……对面”符合语境,故填opposite。
55.句意:我们的家乡在我们心中留下了许多温馨的回忆。根据“Our hometown has left many soft and sweet...in our hearts.”可知,家乡留下了许多温馨的回忆,memories“回忆”符合语境,故填memories。
56.choose 57.writers 58.decide 59.quietly 60.family/families 61.interest 62.know 63.discuss 64.reading 65.Choosing
56.根据“With the right knowledge, it’s easy to choose a good book!”可知,文章介绍的是如何挑选一本好书的方法。故填choose。
57.根据“If it does, you can use it to find a certain book by a certain writer, or keywords of your interests.”可知,可以使用电脑,通过作家或你的兴趣的关键词去寻找书本。此处应用writer的复数形式writers。故填writers。
58.根据“If you like a certain book, search the computer for the book and read its summary(概要). That will help you decide if the book is right for you.”可知,找到你喜欢的书,阅读它的概要,再决定这本书是否适合你,要不要继续阅读。连词and连接并列的动词。因此此处应用动词decide的原形。故填decide。
59.根据“Often good books are quietly collecting dust(灰尘) in your own house.”可知,好书时常安安静静地躺在房子里积灰。此处应用副词quietly修饰动词lie。故填quietly。
60.根据“Then, ask someone to recommend a good book. You can ask your older brothers or sisters, your mum, your dad, your best friend, or even your English teacher.”可知,要找人推荐好书,你可以向你的哥哥姐姐、爸爸妈妈、你最好的朋友,甚至你的英语老师询问。根据“your older brothers or sisters, your mum, your dad”可知这些都是你的家人,应用名词family或families来表示。故填family/families。
61.根据“You should ask people that like the same type of books, so that you can get books that match your need.”可知,你应该问那些喜欢同一类型书的人,这样你就可以得到符合你需要的书。说明你可以问问那些跟你一样对某些类型的书有相同兴趣的人。the same interest意为“相同的兴趣”。故填interest。
62.根据“It helps you know who else likes the same books as you”可知,它可以帮助你知道还有谁喜欢和你一样的书。根据“gets you to”可知后接动词know的原形。故填know。
63.根据“you can read books that other members have read and have a good discussion(讨论) about them.”可知,你可以阅读成员们看过的书,并跟他们好好讨论一下。也就是说,你和成员们阅读同一本书,并讨论他们。根据“read”和“and”可知此处应填入discussion的动词原形discuss。故填discuss。
64.根据“If that holds your attention(注意), read a few more pages. If it still holds your attention, then it’s probably a book for you.”可知,如果那本书的第一部分能吸引你的注意,就多看几页,如果它还能继续吸引你的注意力,那边这本书可能就适合你,说明如果一本书的第一部分能吸引你,就继续阅读下去,看看它是否适合你。keep reading意为“继续阅读”。故填reading。
65.根据“If you have many books, it can take much time to choose.”可知,如果你有很多书,要选择也是要花很多时间的。此处应用动词choose的动名词choosing作主语,位于句首,首字母要大写。故填Choosing。
66.(h)appier/(h)appy 67.(a)nything 68.(t)ime 69.(f)ound 70.(m)ore 71.(w)anted/(w)ished 72.(j)ust 73.(b)oth 74.(b)ut 75.(u)nderstood
66.句意:赛米德听了这话显得有点高兴/更高兴了。根据“but I can feel that you are something wonderful. Please talk more to us”可知,听到Jane这么说,赛米德很开心,happy“开心的”,此空可以填形容词原级,a little修饰比较级,也可以填比较级,故填(h)appier/(h)appy。
67.句意:起初,孩子们想不出要说什么。根据“Now say something”以及“the children could not think of … to say”可知,想不到要说什么,否定句应填anything,anything to say表示“要说的东西”,故填(a)nything。
68.句意:哦,很长一段时间,大约几千年。根据“about thousands of years”可知,几千年了,所以此处指很长一段时间,time“时间”,故填(t)ime。
69.句意:当他们找到我们时,我们给了他们一个愿望。根据“People sent their children out to look for Psammeads, and when they…us, we gave them a wish”可知,让孩子们出去找赛米德,找到了会给孩子们一个愿望,find“找到”,根据gave可知,此句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填(f)ound。
71.句意:你刚才要见我,我就来了。根据“Do you give wishes now”以及“You’ve had one”可知,已经实现一个愿望了,所以此处指想要见我,我就来了,want“想要”,wish“希望”,根据“just now”可知,此句是一般过去时,故填(w)anted/(w)ished。
72.句意:人们通常无法在一两秒钟内想出一个真正好的愿望。根据“in … a second or two.”及首字母可知,此处指仅仅在一两秒钟内,强调短时间内无法想出一个好的愿望,just“仅仅”,故填(j)ust。
73.句意:我希望我们俩都变得非常非常漂亮。根据“Anthea remembered a wish of hers and Jane’s”可知,这个愿望是关于Anthea和Jane的,两者用both表示“都”,故填(b)oth。
75.句意:突然,她明白他们的愿望实现了。根据“Anthea was looking at a stranger—a girl with beautiful red hair and big blue eyes”可知,看到一个陌生的漂亮女孩,明白她们想要变美的愿望实现了,understand“明白”,根据had可知,主句的谓语用动词过去式,故填(u)nderstood。
Read yourself better
Hello, everybody! My name is Li Ming. It’s my honor to be here to share my opinions of reading. Reading can not only help us get a lot of knowledge, but also help us open up our eyes. I am fond of reading and it has become part of my life.
I go to a reading club twice a week to share the book review with friends. It’s the best moment to get knowledge and pleasure in life. I have already read Journey to the West. The Monkey King uses a magic stick to fight against the bad people to help the weak and never gives up.
How to develop a good reading habit To begin with, create a reading list of books you’re interested in and keep reading for at least half an hour every day. While reading books, you need to develop a good habit of taking notes and thinking. Then you’ll fall in love with reading. Let’s take action right now!
That’s all! Thanks for listening.
①not only…but also 不仅,而且;
②be fond of 喜欢;
③To begin with 首先;
④fall in love with sth. 爱上某物。
①It’s the best moment to get knowledge and pleasure in life. (it作形式主语)
②To begin with, create a reading list of books you’re interested in and keep reading for at least half an hour every day. (祈使句;并列句)



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