2024年高考英语复习冲刺过关(新高考专用)专题03 介词、冠词、代词 -【查漏补缺】(原卷版+解析版)

专题03 介词、冠词、代词
目 录
01 挑战真题·查知识漏洞
02 回顾教材·补知识漏洞
03 知识通关演练
1. (2023年新高考I卷)There you will find them prepared differently—more dumpling and less soup, and the wrappers are pressed _______ hand rather than rolled.
2. (2023年新高考I卷)Nanxiang aside, the best Xiao long bao have a fine skin, allowing them to be lifted out of the steamer basket without tearing or spilling any of ________ (they) contents.
3.(2023年新高考II卷)And who do they speak English ________
4.(2023年浙江卷1月) Thanks to Beijing’s long history capital of China, almost every hutong has its stories, and some are even associated with historic events.
5.(2023年新高考I卷) The meat should be fresh with ______ touch of sweetness and the soup hot, clear and delicious.
6.(2023年新高考II卷)Not the pandas, even though ________ language used for the medical training instructions is actually English.
7.(2023年浙江卷1月) In contrast to the court life and upper-class culture represented by the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, and the Temple of Heaven, the hutongs reflect culture of grassroots Beijingers.
考点1 介词
表示时间的in,on,at at表示片刻的时间;in表示一段时间;on总是与具体日子有关
表示时间的since,from,through since指从过去到现在的一段时间,和完成时连用;from指从时间的某一点开始;through“整个……”(表时间)
表示时间的in,after in与一般将来时连用指在一段时间之后;after表示某一具体时间点之后或用在过去时的一段时间之后
表示地理位置的in,on,to in表示在某范围内;on指与某地毗邻;to指在某范围之外
表示“在……上”的on,in on只表示在某物的表面上;in表示占去某物一部分,即在某物之内
表示“穿过”的through,across,over through表示从内部通过,与in有关;across表示在表面上通过,与on有关;over表示在其正上方越过,并且有表示时间的用法,意为“在……期间”
表示“关于”的about,on about指涉及;on指专门论述
between与among的区别 between表示在两者之间;among用于三者或三者以上的之间
besides, except,except for, but for的区别 besides指“除了……还有,再加上”,其宾语包括在内;except指“除了”,其宾语不包括在内;except for强调整体中的细节,意思是“只是”,前后的事物不属于同类;but for意思是“要不是”,往往用在虚拟语气的含蓄条件句中
表示“用”的with,in with表示具体的工具;in表示材料、方式、方法、度量、单位、语言、声音等
as与like的区别 as意为“作为……,以……地位或身份”;like意为“像……一样”
in与into的区别 in通常表示位置(静态);into表示动向,不表示目的地或位置
①My father had longed to play music since childhood, but his family was poor and couldn't afford lessons.
②Can we talk about this over dinner
③Her parents always talk to her in German.
①At the boy's remark, the bookseller looked at him curiously.
②On his arrival he went straight to the counter and spoke to the clerk in uniform behind it.
(3)to与情感名词连用,表示“令某人……的是”。如:to one's delight/surprise/horror/sorrow/joy/regret等。
③With time passing, they have grown into big boys.
④The small child trembled with fear.
⑤This one is shorter than that one by three inches.
⑥Milk is sold by the pint, butter by the pound, and eggs by the dozen.
⑦By my watch, the time is half past eleven.
⑧It is of great/much value.→It is very valuable.
(7)near, by, beside, at表示“在……附近/旁边”
⑨Wendy came up and sat beside me.
⑩We are sitting at the desks listening to our teacher.
含义 例句
反对;违背;与……相反 They got married against her parents' wishes. 他们违背她父母的意愿结婚了。
触;碰;撞;紧靠;倚靠 Tired, Jim was fast asleep with his back against a big tree. 吉姆累了,背靠着一棵大树很快便睡着了。
与……竞争 We will be competing against the best companies in Europe. 我们将会和欧洲的顶级公司竞争。
防备,抵御 They took measures against the fire. 他们采取了防火措施。
以……为背景,衬托 The hill looks more beautiful against the blue sky. 在蓝天的映衬下,小山更显美丽。
(9)because of, due to, thanks to的用法
because of通常作状语,位于句首或句尾,表示直接的原因;due to通常作表语,表示“由于,因为”;thanks to表示“多亏,幸亏”,既可用于褒义,也可用于贬义,多位于句首。
The streets were flooded because of all the rain.
His illness was due to smoking and drinking.
Thanks to modern medicine, the disease can now be cured.
at the same time 同时;然而
at dawn 在黎明
at the cost of 以……的代价
at the mercy of 任凭……的摆布
at the sight of 一看到……
at the age of 在……岁时
above all 最重要的是
apart from 除此以外……
in the face of 面对,面临
in addition to 除……以外
in case of 万一
in charge of 负责,主管
in the charge of 在……的管理之下
in control of 控制,掌握,管理
in search of 寻找
in honor of 为了纪念……
in exchange for 作为交换
in memory of作为对……的纪念
in favor of 赞成,支持
in fear of 害怕
in need of 需要
in no time 立刻
in a hurry 匆忙
in the way 碍事,挡路
in the meanwhile 与此同时
in the hope of 抱着……的希望
in no way 决不
in preparation for 为……作准备
in response to 作为回应
in turn 依次;转而
in return (for) 作为(对……的)回报
in sight 看得见;在视野之内
in spite of 尽管,虽然
in possession of 拥有
in the possession of 被……拥有
be of help 有帮助的
be of importance 重要的
be of significance 有重大意义的
on the contrary 相反
on account of 因为;由于
on behalf of 代表
on condition that (=only if) 在……的条件下
on the basis of 以……为基础
on the point of ... 正要……
with regard to 关于
at a loss 不知所措 at dinner 在吃晚餐
at peace 处于和平状态 at rest 静止
at war 在战争中 at work 在工作
in anger 生气 in bed 在床上
in danger 处于危险中 in debt 负债
in despair 失望 in difficulty 处于困难中
in doubt 不确定,拿不准 in fear 在恐惧中
in high spirits 情绪高昂 in need 在危难中,在穷困中
in order 秩序井然 in print 发表
in rags 穿着破旧 in surprise 吃惊
in trouble 在困境中 in use 使用中
on a trip 在旅行 on business 因公出差
on display 在展出 on duty 在值班
on holiday/vacation 在度假
on sale 在出售;低价出售 on show 在展出
on strike 在罢工 on the go 非常忙碌
on the way 在途中 out of balance 失去平衡
out of control 失去控制 out of danger 脱离危险
out of date 过期 out of order 出故障
out of work 失业
by accident 偶然地 by means of 借助于
by chance 偶然地 by force 用暴力
by hand 手工地 by mistake 错误地
by nature 天生地 by the month 按月
by turns 轮流
by weight/volume 按重量/体积算
in cash 用现金支付 in detail 详细地
in size 在大小上 with delight 高兴地
with ease 轻易地 with joy 高兴地
with pleasure 愉快地
under attack 遭到袭击
under consideration 在考虑中
under construction 在建造中
under control 在控制之下
under discussion 在讨论中
under pressure 在压力下
under repair 在修理中
under test 在测试中
考点2 冠词
不定冠词有a和an,他们都用于可数名词单数前,泛指人和物。表示可数事物中的一个。但两者用法有区别:(1)若随后的单词以辅音音素开头,用a。如:a lot of ,a good idea ,a pear。
若随后的单词以元音音素开头,用an。如:an example , an orange , an apple。
而某些以字母h开头的单词用an,因为这些单词的“h”不发音。如:an honest boy,an hour ago。也需要特殊记忆。不定冠词多表示泛指。
1.泛指某类人或物(或其中的任何一个)、初次谈到或见到的人或物。这个用法是不定冠词考查的重点。eg:-I knocked over my coffee cup. It went right over the keyboard.
-You shouldn' t put drinks near a computer.
eg : I earn 10 dollars an hour as a supermarket cashier on Saturdays.
eg : My sister sometimes has only an apple for dinner because she wants to be thin.
4.用于专有名词前表示“某一个.....”,相当于a certain;或属于某人的物品。
eg:-Hello,could I speak to Mr.Smith
-Sorry,wrong number. There isn' ta Mr.Smith here.
eg:She didn' t like the color of the two bags and asked for a third one.
eg:Let' s go and have a look.
7.用于一些固定搭配或固定短语中。这一点也是冠词常考的方面,考生应加强记忆。a lot (of) a few in a hurry a little
have a cold 感冒
make a face 做鬼脸
a number of 大量的
a pair of 一双,一对
have a good time玩得高兴
have a swim=swim 游泳
have a walk=walk 散步
have a look=look 看一看
as a result 因此
This is the house where Luxun once lived.这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。
Open the door, please.请把门打开。
(3)用以复述上文提过的人或事物(第一次提到用“a或an”,以后再次提到用“the")Once there lived a lion in the forest. Every day the lion asked small animals to look for food for him.从前森林里住着一只狮子。每天这只狮子要小动物们为他寻找食物。
January is the first month of the year.一月份是一年当中的第一个月。
the sun太阳the earth 地球the sky 天空the world 世界
the West Lake西湖the Great Wall长城the United States美国the United Nations 联合国
in the east 在东方in the front在前面in the bottom 在底部on the right 在右边
(8)在海洋、江河、湖泊、山脉、海峡、海湾等地理名词前the Pacific Ocean太平洋the Yellow River 黄河tthe Taiwan Straits台湾海峡
The Bakers came to see me yesterday.
The Greens are having dinner at home.
the poor穷人 the rich富人 the sick病人
the wounded伤员 the good 好人 the beautiful 美丽的事物
the working class 工人阶级 the Chinese Communist Party 中国共产党
(12)用在the very强调句中This is the very book I want.这就是我想要的那本书。
play the piano弹钢琴
play the violin 拉小提琴
in the morning 在早上 in the afternoon 在下午
in the evening 在晚上 go to the cinema 去看电影
go to the theatre 去看戏 all the year round 一年到头
on the way to 前往..去的路上
The horse is a useful animal.马是一种有用的动物。
A horse is a useful animal.
Horses are useful animals.
take sb.by the arm 抓住某人的手臂
hit sb.in the face打某人的脸
be red in the face 脸红
be lame in the right leg右腿瘸
(1)特指双方都明白的人或物:Take the medicine.把药吃了。
(2)与复数名词连用,指整个群体:They are the teachers of this school.指全体教师)They are teachers of this school.(指部分教师)
(3)表示所有,相当于物主代词,用在表示身体部位的名词前:She caught me by the arm.她抓住了我的手臂。
(4)用在某些由普通名词构成的国家名称、机关团体、阶级、等专有名词前:the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国the United States 美国
at the same time 同时
by the way 顺便问一句
for the present暂时
go to the cinema看电影
in the end 最后
in the dark在黑暗中,不知道
in the least 一点,丝毫
in the open 在野外
in the past在过去
in the long run从长远来看
in the event of万一
in the morning 在上午
in the way 挡道,碍事
on the whole总体上
on the other hand另一方面
on the contrary相反地
out of the question不可能的
The Spring Festival春节
The Dragon Boat Festival龙舟节(端午节)
The Mid-autumn Festival中秋节
考点3 代词
数、格 人称 单数 复数
主格 宾格 主格 宾格
第一人称 I me we us
第二人称 you you you your
第三人称 he him they them
she her
it it
l 人称代词的用法:
1、 人称代词主格在句中作主语、宾格在句中作宾语。
如: They are playing football on the playground.
When he arrived, John went straight to the bank.约翰一到就直接去银行了。
① 代替小孩和婴儿
如:Look at that poor little child. It has just fallen down.
② 作形式主语或形式宾语
如:It is necessary to buy that dictionary.
I consider it important to ask him for advice.
③ 打电话时用于指人
如:Hello. It is Mary.
④ 用作主语指时间、距离、天气等
如:It is five o’clock.
It is fine today.
⑤ 用在强调句型中
如:It is Mary who helped you yesterday.
It is a dictionary that I received yesterday.
意义 类别 我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他们的
形容词性 my your his her its our your their
名词性 mine yours his hers ours yours theirs
说明:名词性物主代词 = 形容词性物主代词 + 名词
如:The watch is mine(= my watch).
如:That is a good idea.  那是个好主意。
 (对)That is my teacher. 那是我的老师。( that作主语,指人)
 (对)He is going to marry thisgirl. 他要和这个姑娘结婚。(this作限定词)
 (错)He is going to marry this. (this作宾语时不能指人)
 (对)I bought this. 我买这个。 (this指物,可作宾语)
说明2:That和those可作定语从句的先行词,但this和 these不能,同时,在作先行词时,只有those可指人,试比较:
 (对) He admired that which looked beautiful. 
 (对) He admired those who looked beautiful.
 (错) He admired that who danced well. 
 (对) He admired those who danced well. 
 (对) He admired those which looked beautiful.

四、 反身代词。
如:She was talking to herself.  她自言自语。
1.反身代词可以在句中作同位语,起强调作用,置于名词、代词的后面或句末,表示“自己”、 “亲自”的意思。
如:I myself did all the work.
如:(all) by oneself 独自地;一人地
of oneself 自动地,自然而然地
each other(指两者之间) 和one another(指三者或三者以上之间)两组,但在运用中,这两组词没什么区别。
如:They love each other. 他们彼此相爱。
The three men distrusted one another.这三个人互不信任。
如:Tell me who he is.  告诉我他是谁。
如:He is the man whom you havebeen looking for. 
all, any, another,both, each, every, either, every, few, little, many, much, no, none, neither,one, other, some以及由 some, any, no, every 和 body,one, thing 构成的复合词。
1、 some和any的用法
some, any(一些)可与复数可数名词或不可数名词连用。some一般用于肯定句,any一般用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。
You will be sorry for this some day.
Would you like some bananas
Could you lend me some money
You may take any of them.
Any child can do that.
some, any在句中还可作状语,此时它们为副词。some意为"大约",相当于“about”,而any则表示程度,意为"稍微"、"丝毫"。
There are some 3,000 workers working in the factory.
Do you feel any better today
2、many, much
  many,much都意为"许多", many + 可数名词,much + 不 可数名词可数名词。
3、few, little, a few, a little
(a) few + 可数名词, (a) little + 不可数名词
a few / a little 为肯定含义,还有一点
few / little 为否定含义,没有多少了。
4、both,either, neither, all, any, none
1) both (两者都),either (两者中任何一个),neither (两 者都者都不)。以上词使用范围为两个人或物。
2) all (所有的,全部的人或物),any (任何一个), none (都不 不)。以上词使用范围为三者以上。
  All the flowers are gone. 所有的花都谢了。
  I don't like any of the flowers. 这些花我都不喜欢。
  I like none of the flowers. 这些花我都不喜欢。
   All/ None of the students are there.所有的学生都在那。
   All (of) the milk is there. 所有的牛奶都在那。
三个词都表示“没有”,no = not a/any,用来修饰可数名词或不可数名词,通常作定语。nothing表示“没有什么(东西)”,前后没有任何范围限定。none能代表人和物,它总是用在一定范围内,代替上下文已经出现过的名词,经常与of连用。代替不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数;代替可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数。
I have no(=not any) sisters.
Nothing can stop me doing that.
--What have you bought
--Have you bought any clothes
None of the girls in our class like football.
1.(广东省六校2023-2024学年高三第一次联考试题)Like many undergraduate biology students, Wang Fang was taught that pandas are a prime example of umbrella species—a well-known and usually endangered animal.
2.(湖南省岳阳第一中学2023-2024学年高三开学试题)New customers preferred Chinese styles, says______ painter in Dafen. He learnt the art of Shan Shui which involves representing natural landscapes.
3.(广东省2023-2024学年普通高三调研试题)The second phase, Zhongfu, is traditionally _______time for consuming noodles because it helps people sweat and relieve inner heat.
4.(广东省深圳市红岭中学2023-2024学年高三统考试题)It also provides evidence the researchers about the development of local pharmacies(制药), Wang said.
5.(湘豫名校联考2023-2024学年高三试题)This deep understanding formed strong bond between’ them, and they became close friends.
(湖南省永州一中2023-2024学年高三试题)Growing up in a different environment from______ (they) elders, they have witnessed China’s rise as a global economic powerhouse and formed a brand-new consumption concept.
1.(2024·安徽淮北·一模)The Grand Canal reached a new peak in the Yuan Dynasty (13th century), providing a unified inland navigation network consisting 7 more than 2,000 km of artificial waterways, linking five of the most important river basins in China, 8 (include) the Yellow River and the Yangtze.
2.(2024·安徽淮北·一模)As 9 major means of internal communication today, it has played an important role in ensuring the prosperity and stability (stable) of China over the ages.
3.(2024·辽宁鞍山·二模)A new film featuring an overweight woman who/that regains her self-esteem after taking up boxing has sparked 12 wave of interest in the sport all over the country, especially among women. Boxing stands out as the fastest (fast) calorie-burning exercise among all sports.
4.(2024·辽宁鞍山·二模)Her unexpected encounter with Hao Kun, a boxing coach, brings a ray of hope 18 her existence.
5.(2024·安徽合肥·一模)There is a Chinese story of an old man in his 90s working with his family to remove mountains to connect the outside world 21 others’ doubts.6.(2024·安徽合肥·一模)Initially, finding drinking water was 24 headache for residents: People had to fetch water from five kilometers away every day.
7.(2024·福建泉州·三模)A month after practising (practise) taijiquan, however, the pains that had been bothering her were slowly relieved. Song, 29, a Shanghai-based fitness vlogger (视频博主), has been sharing her changes after learning taijiquan 32 lifestyle-sharing platform Xiaohongshu.
8.(2024·福建泉州·三模)Master Li Guangjin, who created his own style of taijiquan, emphasizes 36 importance of maintaining health, combat (格斗), and relaxation through taijiquan practice.
9.(2024·湖南衡阳·二模)A woodblock print art exhibition kicked off in Guangzhou-based Ji’nan University in the provincial capital on November 16, providing (provide) young students in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with an opportunity to understand 42 great traditional Chinese art of woodblock watermarks.
10.(2024·湖南衡阳·二模)More than 220 precious woodblock print artworks and dozens of historical documents (document) from the national intangible cultural heritage inheritance base of Shizhuzhai, Zhejiang Province, will be 44 display during the one-year-long show titled “Woodblock Print: The Scenery of Spring and Autumn, Watermark Heavenly Fragrance”, demonstrating Chinese history and culture.
11.(2024·辽宁盘锦·一模)As 51 unique art form in China, it is said to go back around 600 years ago to the Ming Dynasty.
12.(2024·湖北·二模) 62 68-year-old, a self-taught architect from the US, made the most important decision of his life to move to China in 1986, a year before the Great Wall was listed (list) as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Today, Spear calls Mutianyu village home.
13.(2024·湖北·二模)In this quiet place, located (locate) at the foot of the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall, he lives with his dog in a home with a courtyard garden he tended 65 (he).
14.(2024·湖北·二模) Over the years, the architect has helped (help) renovate around 20 households in Mutianyu, most of which now operate 8 hotels or restaurants, while doing (do) his best to preserve the original structures as much as possible.
15. (2024·河南周口·一模) Eating out is a good choice and it has nothing to do 9 loss of traditions. 16.(2024·湖南·一模)It’s a race against time, as generations of cultural heritage conservators at the Dunhuang Academy make a great effort to protect the artistic charm of the Mogao Caves, 1 UNESCO World Heritage Site.
17.(2024·湖南·一模)They must also select proper materials and tools, and conduct experiments, 8 formally carrying out the restoration and evaluating the effect afterward.
18. (2024·广东梅州·一模)Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang province. Harbin is now a large and open city, influenced (influence) deeply by Russia, Europe, and Japan in 2 (it) culture, architecture, and lifestyle. 19.(2024·广东梅州·一模)The opening ceremony is held 5 January 5 every year. Lasting for more than two months, Harbin Ice and Snow international festival is also 6 longest snow festival in the world.
20.(2024·辽宁沈阳·一模)A total of 250 million people watched the live streaming of the show via 3 (they) mobile phones with the total views reaching 420 million, up by 37.97 percent and 57.58 percent, respectively (respective), compared with 2023.
21.(2024·辽宁沈阳·一模) The China Global Television Network (CGTN) worked with over 2,100 media organizations in about 200 countries and regions to live broadcast or report the show in 68 languages, resulting (result) in over 1.5 billion instances of viewing, 6 increase of 12.69 percent year on year.
22.(2024·辽宁沈阳·一模)This year, the gala, in addition 7 Beijing, had four branch venues. Audience enjoyed a diversity of local cultural elements from those places, such as folk musical (music) instruments and folk dances.专题03 介词、冠词、代词
目 录
01 挑战真题·查知识漏洞
02 回顾教材·补知识漏洞
03 知识通关演练
1. (2023年新高考I卷)There you will find them prepared differently—more dumpling and less soup, and the wrappers are pressed _______ hand rather than rolled.
【详解】考查介词。固定搭配,by hand“用手”。句意:在那里,你会发现是不一样准备的——多饺子,少汤,包装是用手压的而不是卷的。
2. (2023年新高考I卷)Nanxiang aside, the best Xiao long bao have a fine skin, allowing them to be lifted out of the steamer basket without tearing or spilling any of ________ (they) contents.
【详解】考查代词。修饰后面的名词 contents(东西)需用形容词性物主代词their 。
3.(2023年新高考II卷)And who do they speak English ________
【详解】考查介词。句意:他们和谁说英语?分析句子结构可知,根据句意此处强调双向交流,应用固定搭配:speak with sb.意“与某人交谈”。故填with。
4.(2023年浙江卷1月) Thanks to Beijing’s long history capital of China, almost every hutong has its stories, and some are even associated with historic events.
5.(2023年新高考I卷) The meat should be fresh with ______ touch of sweetness and the soup hot, clear and delicious.
【详解】考查冠词。a touch of sweetness 一点点甜;一丝甜。句意:肉应该新鲜,带着一丝甜味,汤汁热、清澈且美味。
6.(2023年新高考II卷)Not the pandas, even though ________ language used for the medical training instructions is actually English.
7.(2023年浙江卷1月) In contrast to the court life and upper-class culture represented by the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, and the Temple of Heaven, the hutongs reflect culture of grassroots Beijingers.
【详解】考查冠词。句意:与紫禁城颐和园和天坛所代表的宫廷生活和上流社会文化相比,胡同所反映出的是草根北京人的文化。根据名词culture后面的介词短语of grassroots Beijingers可知,此处culture表示特指概念,应用定冠词the修饰。故填the。
考点1 介词
表示时间的in,on,at at表示片刻的时间;in表示一段时间;on总是与具体日子有关
表示时间的since,from,through since指从过去到现在的一段时间,和完成时连用;from指从时间的某一点开始;through“整个……”(表时间)
表示时间的in,after in与一般将来时连用指在一段时间之后;after表示某一具体时间点之后或用在过去时的一段时间之后
表示地理位置的in,on,to in表示在某范围内;on指与某地毗邻;to指在某范围之外
表示“在……上”的on,in on只表示在某物的表面上;in表示占去某物一部分,即在某物之内
表示“穿过”的through,across,over through表示从内部通过,与in有关;across表示在表面上通过,与on有关;over表示在其正上方越过,并且有表示时间的用法,意为“在……期间”
表示“关于”的about,on about指涉及;on指专门论述
between与among的区别 between表示在两者之间;among用于三者或三者以上的之间
besides, except,except for, but for的区别 besides指“除了……还有,再加上”,其宾语包括在内;except指“除了”,其宾语不包括在内;except for强调整体中的细节,意思是“只是”,前后的事物不属于同类;but for意思是“要不是”,往往用在虚拟语气的含蓄条件句中
表示“用”的with,in with表示具体的工具;in表示材料、方式、方法、度量、单位、语言、声音等
as与like的区别 as意为“作为……,以……地位或身份”;like意为“像……一样”
in与into的区别 in通常表示位置(静态);into表示动向,不表示目的地或位置
①My father had longed to play music since childhood, but his family was poor and couldn't afford lessons.
②Can we talk about this over dinner
③Her parents always talk to her in German.
①At the boy's remark, the bookseller looked at him curiously.
②On his arrival he went straight to the counter and spoke to the clerk in uniform behind it.
(3)to与情感名词连用,表示“令某人……的是”。如:to one's delight/surprise/horror/sorrow/joy/regret等。
③With time passing, they have grown into big boys.
④The small child trembled with fear.
⑤This one is shorter than that one by three inches.
⑥Milk is sold by the pint, butter by the pound, and eggs by the dozen.
⑦By my watch, the time is half past eleven.
⑧It is of great/much value.→It is very valuable.
(7)near, by, beside, at表示“在……附近/旁边”
⑨Wendy came up and sat beside me.
⑩We are sitting at the desks listening to our teacher.
含义 例句
反对;违背;与……相反 They got married against her parents' wishes. 他们违背她父母的意愿结婚了。
触;碰;撞;紧靠;倚靠 Tired, Jim was fast asleep with his back against a big tree. 吉姆累了,背靠着一棵大树很快便睡着了。
与……竞争 We will be competing against the best companies in Europe. 我们将会和欧洲的顶级公司竞争。
防备,抵御 They took measures against the fire. 他们采取了防火措施。
以……为背景,衬托 The hill looks more beautiful against the blue sky. 在蓝天的映衬下,小山更显美丽。
(9)because of, due to, thanks to的用法
because of通常作状语,位于句首或句尾,表示直接的原因;due to通常作表语,表示“由于,因为”;thanks to表示“多亏,幸亏”,既可用于褒义,也可用于贬义,多位于句首。
The streets were flooded because of all the rain.
His illness was due to smoking and drinking.
Thanks to modern medicine, the disease can now be cured.
at the same time 同时;然而
at dawn 在黎明
at the cost of 以……的代价
at the mercy of 任凭……的摆布
at the sight of 一看到……
at the age of 在……岁时
above all 最重要的是
apart from 除此以外……
in the face of 面对,面临
in addition to 除……以外
in case of 万一
in charge of 负责,主管
in the charge of 在……的管理之下
in control of 控制,掌握,管理
in search of 寻找
in honor of 为了纪念……
in exchange for 作为交换
in memory of作为对……的纪念
in favor of 赞成,支持
in fear of 害怕
in need of 需要
in no time 立刻
in a hurry 匆忙
in the way 碍事,挡路
in the meanwhile 与此同时
in the hope of 抱着……的希望
in no way 决不
in preparation for 为……作准备
in response to 作为回应
in turn 依次;转而
in return (for) 作为(对……的)回报
in sight 看得见;在视野之内
in spite of 尽管,虽然
in possession of 拥有
in the possession of 被……拥有
be of help 有帮助的
be of importance 重要的
be of significance 有重大意义的
on the contrary 相反
on account of 因为;由于
on behalf of 代表
on condition that (=only if) 在……的条件下
on the basis of 以……为基础
on the point of ... 正要……
with regard to 关于
at a loss 不知所措 at dinner 在吃晚餐
at peace 处于和平状态 at rest 静止
at war 在战争中 at work 在工作
in anger 生气 in bed 在床上
in danger 处于危险中 in debt 负债
in despair 失望 in difficulty 处于困难中
in doubt 不确定,拿不准 in fear 在恐惧中
in high spirits 情绪高昂 in need 在危难中,在穷困中
in order 秩序井然 in print 发表
in rags 穿着破旧 in surprise 吃惊
in trouble 在困境中 in use 使用中
on a trip 在旅行 on business 因公出差
on display 在展出 on duty 在值班
on holiday/vacation 在度假
on sale 在出售;低价出售 on show 在展出
on strike 在罢工 on the go 非常忙碌
on the way 在途中 out of balance 失去平衡
out of control 失去控制 out of danger 脱离危险
out of date 过期 out of order 出故障
out of work 失业
by accident 偶然地 by means of 借助于
by chance 偶然地 by force 用暴力
by hand 手工地 by mistake 错误地
by nature 天生地 by the month 按月
by turns 轮流
by weight/volume 按重量/体积算
in cash 用现金支付 in detail 详细地
in size 在大小上 with delight 高兴地
with ease 轻易地 with joy 高兴地
with pleasure 愉快地
under attack 遭到袭击
under consideration 在考虑中
under construction 在建造中
under control 在控制之下
under discussion 在讨论中
under pressure 在压力下
under repair 在修理中
under test 在测试中
考点2 冠词
不定冠词有a和an,他们都用于可数名词单数前,泛指人和物。表示可数事物中的一个。但两者用法有区别:(1)若随后的单词以辅音音素开头,用a。如:a lot of ,a good idea ,a pear。
若随后的单词以元音音素开头,用an。如:an example , an orange , an apple。
而某些以字母h开头的单词用an,因为这些单词的“h”不发音。如:an honest boy,an hour ago。也需要特殊记忆。不定冠词多表示泛指。
1.泛指某类人或物(或其中的任何一个)、初次谈到或见到的人或物。这个用法是不定冠词考查的重点。eg:-I knocked over my coffee cup. It went right over the keyboard.
-You shouldn' t put drinks near a computer.
eg : I earn 10 dollars an hour as a supermarket cashier on Saturdays.
eg : My sister sometimes has only an apple for dinner because she wants to be thin.
4.用于专有名词前表示“某一个.....”,相当于a certain;或属于某人的物品。
eg:-Hello,could I speak to Mr.Smith
-Sorry,wrong number. There isn' ta Mr.Smith here.
eg:She didn' t like the color of the two bags and asked for a third one.
eg:Let' s go and have a look.
7.用于一些固定搭配或固定短语中。这一点也是冠词常考的方面,考生应加强记忆。a lot (of) a few in a hurry a little
have a cold 感冒
make a face 做鬼脸
a number of 大量的
a pair of 一双,一对
have a good time玩得高兴
have a swim=swim 游泳
have a walk=walk 散步
have a look=look 看一看
as a result 因此
This is the house where Luxun once lived.这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。
Open the door, please.请把门打开。
(3)用以复述上文提过的人或事物(第一次提到用“a或an”,以后再次提到用“the")Once there lived a lion in the forest. Every day the lion asked small animals to look for food for him.从前森林里住着一只狮子。每天这只狮子要小动物们为他寻找食物。
January is the first month of the year.一月份是一年当中的第一个月。
the sun太阳the earth 地球the sky 天空the world 世界
the West Lake西湖the Great Wall长城the United States美国the United Nations 联合国
in the east 在东方in the front在前面in the bottom 在底部on the right 在右边
(8)在海洋、江河、湖泊、山脉、海峡、海湾等地理名词前the Pacific Ocean太平洋the Yellow River 黄河tthe Taiwan Straits台湾海峡
The Bakers came to see me yesterday.
The Greens are having dinner at home.
the poor穷人 the rich富人 the sick病人
the wounded伤员 the good 好人 the beautiful 美丽的事物
the working class 工人阶级 the Chinese Communist Party 中国共产党
(12)用在the very强调句中This is the very book I want.这就是我想要的那本书。
play the piano弹钢琴
play the violin 拉小提琴
in the morning 在早上 in the afternoon 在下午
in the evening 在晚上 go to the cinema 去看电影
go to the theatre 去看戏 all the year round 一年到头
on the way to 前往..去的路上
The horse is a useful animal.马是一种有用的动物。
A horse is a useful animal.
Horses are useful animals.
take sb.by the arm 抓住某人的手臂
hit sb.in the face打某人的脸
be red in the face 脸红
be lame in the right leg右腿瘸
(1)特指双方都明白的人或物:Take the medicine.把药吃了。
(2)与复数名词连用,指整个群体:They are the teachers of this school.指全体教师)They are teachers of this school.(指部分教师)
(3)表示所有,相当于物主代词,用在表示身体部位的名词前:She caught me by the arm.她抓住了我的手臂。
(4)用在某些由普通名词构成的国家名称、机关团体、阶级、等专有名词前:the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国the United States 美国
at the same time 同时
by the way 顺便问一句
for the present暂时
go to the cinema看电影
in the end 最后
in the dark在黑暗中,不知道
in the least 一点,丝毫
in the open 在野外
in the past在过去
in the long run从长远来看
in the event of万一
in the morning 在上午
in the way 挡道,碍事
on the whole总体上
on the other hand另一方面
on the contrary相反地
out of the question不可能的
The Spring Festival春节
The Dragon Boat Festival龙舟节(端午节)
The Mid-autumn Festival中秋节
考点3 代词
数、格 人称 单数 复数
主格 宾格 主格 宾格
第一人称 I me we us
第二人称 you you you your
第三人称 he him they them
she her
it it
l 人称代词的用法:
1、 人称代词主格在句中作主语、宾格在句中作宾语。
如: They are playing football on the playground.
When he arrived, John went straight to the bank.约翰一到就直接去银行了。
① 代替小孩和婴儿
如:Look at that poor little child. It has just fallen down.
② 作形式主语或形式宾语
如:It is necessary to buy that dictionary.
I consider it important to ask him for advice.
③ 打电话时用于指人
如:Hello. It is Mary.
④ 用作主语指时间、距离、天气等
如:It is five o’clock.
It is fine today.
⑤ 用在强调句型中
如:It is Mary who helped you yesterday.
It is a dictionary that I received yesterday.
意义 类别 我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他们的
形容词性 my your his her its our your their
名词性 mine yours his hers ours yours theirs
说明:名词性物主代词 = 形容词性物主代词 + 名词
如:The watch is mine(= my watch).
如:That is a good idea.  那是个好主意。
 (对)That is my teacher. 那是我的老师。( that作主语,指人)
 (对)He is going to marry thisgirl. 他要和这个姑娘结婚。(this作限定词)
 (错)He is going to marry this. (this作宾语时不能指人)
 (对)I bought this. 我买这个。 (this指物,可作宾语)
说明2:That和those可作定语从句的先行词,但this和 these不能,同时,在作先行词时,只有those可指人,试比较:
 (对) He admired that which looked beautiful. 
 (对) He admired those who looked beautiful.
 (错) He admired that who danced well. 
 (对) He admired those who danced well. 
 (对) He admired those which looked beautiful.

四、 反身代词。
如:She was talking to herself.  她自言自语。
1.反身代词可以在句中作同位语,起强调作用,置于名词、代词的后面或句末,表示“自己”、 “亲自”的意思。
如:I myself did all the work.
如:(all) by oneself 独自地;一人地
of oneself 自动地,自然而然地
each other(指两者之间) 和one another(指三者或三者以上之间)两组,但在运用中,这两组词没什么区别。
如:They love each other. 他们彼此相爱。
The three men distrusted one another.这三个人互不信任。
如:Tell me who he is.  告诉我他是谁。
如:He is the man whom you havebeen looking for. 
all, any, another,both, each, every, either, every, few, little, many, much, no, none, neither,one, other, some以及由 some, any, no, every 和 body,one, thing 构成的复合词。
1、 some和any的用法
some, any(一些)可与复数可数名词或不可数名词连用。some一般用于肯定句,any一般用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。
You will be sorry for this some day.
Would you like some bananas
Could you lend me some money
You may take any of them.
Any child can do that.
some, any在句中还可作状语,此时它们为副词。some意为"大约",相当于“about”,而any则表示程度,意为"稍微"、"丝毫"。
There are some 3,000 workers working in the factory.
Do you feel any better today
2、many, much
  many,much都意为"许多", many + 可数名词,much + 不 可数名词可数名词。
3、few, little, a few, a little
(a) few + 可数名词, (a) little + 不可数名词
a few / a little 为肯定含义,还有一点
few / little 为否定含义,没有多少了。
4、both,either, neither, all, any, none
1) both (两者都),either (两者中任何一个),neither (两 者都者都不)。以上词使用范围为两个人或物。
2) all (所有的,全部的人或物),any (任何一个), none (都不 不)。以上词使用范围为三者以上。
  All the flowers are gone. 所有的花都谢了。
  I don't like any of the flowers. 这些花我都不喜欢。
  I like none of the flowers. 这些花我都不喜欢。
   All/ None of the students are there.所有的学生都在那。
   All (of) the milk is there. 所有的牛奶都在那。
三个词都表示“没有”,no = not a/any,用来修饰可数名词或不可数名词,通常作定语。nothing表示“没有什么(东西)”,前后没有任何范围限定。none能代表人和物,它总是用在一定范围内,代替上下文已经出现过的名词,经常与of连用。代替不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数;代替可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数。
I have no(=not any) sisters.
Nothing can stop me doing that.
--What have you bought
--Have you bought any clothes
None of the girls in our class like football.
1.(广东省六校2023-2024学年高三第一次联考试题)Like many undergraduate biology students, Wang Fang was taught that pandas are a prime example of umbrella species—a well-known and usually endangered animal.
2.(湖南省岳阳第一中学2023-2024学年高三开学试题)New customers preferred Chinese styles, says______ painter in Dafen. He learnt the art of Shan Shui which involves representing natural landscapes.
【答案】 a
3.(广东省2023-2024学年普通高三调研试题)The second phase, Zhongfu, is traditionally _______time for consuming noodles because it helps people sweat and relieve inner heat.
4.(广东省深圳市红岭中学2023-2024学年高三统考试题)It also provides evidence the researchers about the development of local pharmacies(制药), Wang said.
【解析】考查介词。句意:王说,这也为研究人员提供了当地药店发展的证据。provide sth. for sb. 意为“为某人提供……”。故填for。
5.(湘豫名校联考2023-2024学年高三试题)This deep understanding formed strong bond between’ them, and they became close friends.
(湖南省永州一中2023-2024学年高三试题)Growing up in a different environment from______ (they) elders, they have witnessed China’s rise as a global economic powerhouse and formed a brand-new consumption concept.
1.(2024·安徽淮北·一模)The Grand Canal reached a new peak in the Yuan Dynasty (13th century), providing a unified inland navigation network consisting 7 more than 2,000 km of artificial waterways, linking five of the most important river basins in China, 8 (include) the Yellow River and the Yangtze.
7.考查介词。句意:大运河在元朝(13世纪)达到了一个新的高峰,提供了一个由2000多公里人工水道组成的统一的内陆航行网络,连接了中国五个最重要的河流流域,包括黄河和长江。consist of“由……组成”固定短语,故填of。
2.(2024·安徽淮北·一模)As 9 major means of internal communication today, it has played an important role in ensuring the prosperity and stability (stable) of China over the ages.
3.(2024·辽宁鞍山·二模)A new film featuring an overweight woman who/that regains her self-esteem after taking up boxing has sparked 12 wave of interest in the sport all over the country, especially among women. Boxing stands out as the fastest (fast) calorie-burning exercise among all sports.
12.考查冠词。句意:一部新电影讲述了一个超重的女人在练习拳击后重拾自尊的故事,这部电影在全国引发了一股对这项运动的兴趣,尤其是在女性中。wave意为“浪潮”,为可数名词,此处为第一次出现,所以应用不定冠词表示泛指。a wave of意为“一阵”。故填a。
4.(2024·辽宁鞍山·二模)Her unexpected encounter with Hao Kun, a boxing coach, brings a ray of hope 18 her existence.
考查介词。句意:她与拳击教练昊坤的意外相遇给她的生活带来了一线希望。根据“Her unexpected encounter with Hao Kun”可知,此处是指给她的生活带来了一线希望,所以应用介词into表示“进入”。故填into。
5.(2024·安徽合肥·一模)There is a Chinese story of an old man in his 90s working with his family to remove mountains to connect the outside world 21 others’ doubts.
6.(2024·安徽合肥·一模)Initially, finding drinking water was 24 headache for residents: People had to fetch water from five kilometers away every day.
7.(2024·福建泉州·三模)A month after practising (practise) taijiquan, however, the pains that had been bothering her were slowly relieved. Song, 29, a Shanghai-based fitness vlogger (视频博主), has been sharing her changes after learning taijiquan 32 lifestyle-sharing platform Xiaohongshu.
8.(2024·福建泉州·三模)Master Li Guangjin, who created his own style of taijiquan, emphasizes 36 importance of maintaining health, combat (格斗), and relaxation through taijiquan practice.
考查冠词。句意:李广进大师创立了自己的太极拳风格,强调通过太极拳练习保持健康,格斗和放松的重要性。分析句意可知,此处用定冠词the构成固定搭配the importance of表示“……的重要性”。故填the。
9.(2024·湖南衡阳·二模)A woodblock print art exhibition kicked off in Guangzhou-based Ji’nan University in the provincial capital on November 16, providing (provide) young students in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with an opportunity to understand 42 great traditional Chinese art of woodblock watermarks.
10.(2024·湖南衡阳·二模)More than 220 precious woodblock print artworks and dozens of historical documents (document) from the national intangible cultural heritage inheritance base of Shizhuzhai, Zhejiang Province, will be 44 display during the one-year-long show titled “Woodblock Print: The Scenery of Spring and Autumn, Watermark Heavenly Fragrance”, demonstrating Chinese history and culture.
44.考查介词。句意:在为期一年的“木刻版画:春秋风景,水印天香”展览期间,来自浙江省石竹寨国家非物质文化遗产传承基地的220多件珍贵木版版画艺术品和数十件历史文献将展出,展示中国的历史文化。on display是固定短语,意为“展出”,因此空格处是介词on,故填on。
11.(2024·辽宁盘锦·一模)As 51 unique art form in China, it is said to go back around 600 years ago to the Ming Dynasty.
12.(2024·湖北·二模) 62 68-year-old, a self-taught architect from the US, made the most important decision of his life to move to China in 1986, a year before the Great Wall was listed (list) as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Today, Spear calls Mutianyu village home.
考查定冠词。句意:这位68岁的美国建筑师自学成才,1986年,也就是长城被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的前一年,他做出了人生中最重要的决定——移居中国。这里特指上文中的Jim Spear,因此使用定冠词。故填The。
13.(2024·湖北·二模)In this quiet place, located (locate) at the foot of the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall, he lives with his dog in a home with a courtyard garden he tended 65 (he).
考查反身代词。句意:在这个位于慕田峪长城脚下的安静的地方,他和他的狗住在一个他自己打理的院子里。此处意为Jim Spear本人亲自打理庭院,因此使用反身代词himself。故填himself。
14.(2024·湖北·二模) Over the years, the architect has helped (help) renovate around 20 households in Mutianyu, most of which now operate 8 hotels or restaurants, while doing (do) his best to preserve the original structures as much as possible.
68.考查介词。句意:多年来,这位建筑师帮助改造了慕田峪的大约20户人家,其中大多数现在都是酒店或餐馆,同时尽可能地保留了原有的结构。短语operate as意为“充当、用作”。故填as。
15. (2024·河南周口·一模) Eating out is a good choice and it has nothing to do 9 loss of traditions.
考查介词。句意:外出就餐是一个不错的选择,它与传统的丧失无关。固定短语:have nothing to do with,意为“和……无关”,符合句意。故填with。
16.(2024·湖南·一模)It’s a race against time, as generations of cultural heritage conservators at the Dunhuang Academy make a great effort to protect the artistic charm of the Mogao Caves, 1 UNESCO World Heritage Site.
考查冠词。句意:这是一场与时间的赛跑,因为敦煌研究院的几代文化遗产保护人员努力保护莫高窟的艺术魅力,莫高窟被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。World Heritage Site意为“世界遗产”,为可数名词,此处做莫高窟同位语,表示“一处世界遗产”,前应用不定冠词修饰,UNESCO为辅音音素开头,用a修饰。故填a。
17.(2024·湖南·一模)They must also select proper materials and tools, and conduct experiments, 8 formally carrying out the restoration and evaluating the effect afterward.
18. (2024·广东梅州·一模)Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang province. Harbin is now a large and open city, influenced (influence) deeply by Russia, Europe, and Japan in 2 (it) culture, architecture, and lifestyle.
考查代词。句意:同上。分析句子,设空处使用it的形容词性物主代词its作定语,修饰culture。故填culture。19.(2024·广东梅州·一模)The opening ceremony is held 5 January 5 every year. Lasting for more than two months, Harbin Ice and Snow international festival is also 6 longest snow festival in the world.
20.(2024·辽宁沈阳·一模)A total of 250 million people watched the live streaming of the show via 3 (they) mobile phones with the total views reaching 420 million, up by 37.97 percent and 57.58 percent, respectively (respective), compared with 2023.
考查形容词性物主代词。句意:共有2.5亿人通过他们的手机观看了直播,总观看次数达到4.2亿次,同比增长37.97%和57.58%。根据句意及空后的“mobile phones”可知,该处填所给词“they”的形容性物主代词形式。故填their。
21.(2024·辽宁沈阳·一模) The China Global Television Network (CGTN) worked with over 2,100 media organizations in about 200 countries and regions to live broadcast or report the show in 68 languages, resulting (result) in over 1.5 billion instances of viewing, 6 increase of 12.69 percent year on year.
考查冠词。句意:中国环球电视网(CGTN)与约200个国家和地区的2100多家媒体合作,用68种语言对该节目进行了直播或报道,观看次数超过15亿次,同比增长12.69%。根据句意及句子成分可知,空处为1.5 billion instances of viewing的同位语,“an increase of”为固定短语,意为“同比增长”。故填an。
22.(2024·辽宁沈阳·一模)This year, the gala, in addition 7 Beijing, had four branch venues. Audience enjoyed a diversity of local cultural elements from those places, such as folk musical (music) instruments and folk dances.
考查介词。句意:今年,春晚除了北京,还有四个分会场。根据句意及句子结构可知,此处为固定搭配“in addition to”,意为“除了”,to是介词。故填to。



