
1. What will the weather be like tomorrow
A. Cool . B. Hot. C. Cold.
2. How long has the man been in China
A. For one year. B. For two years. C. For three years.
3. What are the speakers talking about
A. How to invite others to dinner. B. Some rules in China. C. Some Chinese table manners.
4. What's the probable relationship between the two speakers '
A. Teacher and student. B. Classmates. C. Father and daughter.
5. What was the girl like in the past
A. Shy B. Outgoing. C. Serious.
6. What will the boy do on Friday
A. Hand in a book report. B. Have a math test. C. Finish a chemistry project.
7. What subject is the boy weak in
A. Math. B. Chemistry. C. Physics
8. How does the boy like his school life
A. Boring. B. Busy. C. Relaxing.
9. When did Mike have a car accident
A. A month ago. B. Three months ago. C. Five months ago.
10. What is Mike's elder brother
A. A cook. B. A teacher. C. A doctor.
11. Who guided Mike around
A. His mother. B. His father. C. His younger brother.
12. When did the woman come to this town
A. Last Tuesday. B. Last Friday. C. Last Saturday.
13. How can the woman get to the hospital
A. Go along Center Street and turn left at the first crossing.
B. Go along Bridge Street and turn right at the second crossing.
C. Go along New Street and turn left at the second crossing.
14. How long will it take the woman to walk there
A. Fifteen minutes. B. Twenty minutes. C. Thirty minutes.
15. What can we learn from the conversation
A. The man will take the subway to the hospital.
B. The hospital is behind the post office.
C. The pay phone is next to the bus station.
16. Where did Catherine go when she finished her university study
A. To a big city. B. To a small town. C. To a university.
17. What is Catherine now
A. A university student. B. An English teacher. C. A volunteer in a middle school.
()18. Why does Catherine often go to work late
A. She works very hard. B. She likes talking to others.
C. She spends too much time in dancing and singing.
19. What did Catherine do yesterday
A. Went to school early. B. Had dinner with her students. C. Went to a friend's birthday party.
20. What did Mr. Read mean by saying the last words
A. He told the girl to buy a better watch. B. He told the girl to work hard.
C. The girl would be fired(解雇) if she is late again.
21.-Sam, what did you learn in today's science class
-The earth and seven other planets go around the sun but _______of them has an environment
like that of the earth.
A. all B. each C. none D. neither
22. -Do you know March 2 1st is World Sleep Day Sleep is important to us.
-Yes. A good sleep gives us _______and makes us happy.
A. truth B. fame C. energy D. culture
23.-I can't find my keys. Do you know where they are -Maybe you __them at home this morning.
A. left B. forgot C. lost D. missed
24.-Luckily, Tom helped us solve the problem.
-Great! He is so smart that he can always come up with ______ideas.
A. similar B. comfortable C. friendly D. bright
25.-Hey, Harry. You are making noise. You should be polite_______ -Sorry, Mom. I've got it.
A. upside down B. in public C. on time D. by chance
26.-Do you know the Chinese spacewoman, Wang Yaping
-Sure. She is called the mother who______ the stars.
A. gave out B. put away C. looked after D. reached for
27.-Do you think yesterday's math problem was very difficult -Yes. I could______ work it out,
A. finally B. easily C. hardly D. nearly
28.-Learning to love is like learning to walk.
-Yes,_______ we step out bravely, we'll find it's not so difficult.
A. as long as B. even though C. as if D. as far as
29.-What did you say just now, Tom -I asked you______.
A. if was there a bookstore around here
B. why you wanted to become an inventor
C. how long you will be on the volleyball team
D. that you were talking about the important invention
30.-The English speech competition will be on this afternoon. I'm afraid I can't do it well.
-_______!If you have got ready for it, you must be successful.
A. Good idea B. Don't worry C. Congratulations D. What a pity
I'm a foreign English teacher at a school in Japan. I have a weekly English music broadcast(广播) where I _31_ different English songs. I try to get the students to recommend(推荐) _32_ to me for the broadcast. At the broadcast, I usually announce(宜布) who recommended it and then play it for everyone to 33 during lunchtime. I encourage everyone to share 34 through their music including one troublesome student of mine. This student often 35 the other students and doesn't study. Most teachers push him away. I knew that he just needed a friend, or 36someone he can talk with.
I could tell he was friendly to me over the last year. I told him to think of a song he likes and
that I would play it on the broadcast for him. 37 he recommended a song. So I put it in on the
broadcast and announced his name. Everyone knew that he recommended such a great song. The boy was 38 and he's been much happier and worked harder at English ever since. 39 everyone else pushed him away, I gave him a chance.
He recently walked by me and gave me the truest smile that I've ever seen. His math teacher
turned to me and said, "I've never seen him smile 40 that before.""I gave him a chance," I said, "through just one song."
31. A. prefer B. play C. praise D. process
32. A. teachers B. students C. songs D. textbooks
33.A. produce B. trade C. enjoy D. spread
34.A.themselves B. myself C. yourself D. itself
35. A. communicates with B. agrees with C. helps with D. fights with
36. A. by accident B. at least C. at most D. by mistake
37.A. However B. Suddenly C. Finally D. Instead
38.A.afraid B. careless C. direct D. excited
39. A. While B. If C. Unless D. As soon as
40. A. like B. to C. with D. about
He was a poet known for the nostalgia(乡愁) he describes in his poems. On Dec.14, 2017, that
famous Chinese poet passed away in Taiwan. He spent his whole life writing. "The reason why I
stick to writing till today comes down to my passion(热爱) for the Chinese language, " he once
said in a 2015 interview with People's Daily. He then added that this passion was strengthened by his love for his mother and his motherland.
Now, let's appreciate the poem "Nostalgia".
NostalgiaWhen I was young,Nostalgia was a tiny, tiny stamp,Me on this side,Mother on the other side.When I grew up,Nostalgia was a narrow boat ticket,Me on this side,Bride() on the other side.But later on,Nostalgia was a low grave,Me on the outside,Mother on the (1) ▲And at present,Nostalgia becomes a shallow strait,Me on this side,Mainland on the other side.
41. What's the best word for the▲ in the poem
A. indoors B. inside C. outdoors D. outside
42. The poem is mainly developed by the change of ________.
A. time B. activities C. places D. characters
43. What can we learn from the poem "Nostalgia"
A. His mother moved to Taiwan. B. He made a lot of money from writing.
C. He lived with his mother on the riverside. D. He missed his family and homeland a lot.
Spring is the season when plants start to grow freely from the ground. In China, wild spring
greens are traditionally popular as a healthy food. They are still common in many dishes today.
Chinese toon shoots(香椿芽) are normally the best just before guyu (the grain rain) the sixth of the 24 solar terms. Guyu means that spring is about to end. This is when the leaves are most tender(嫩的) Its often fried with eggs to balance the sometimes strong taste of the leaves. It can also be prepared with tofu.
Indian aster(马拦头) means to make a horse turn its head. It is said that its tender taste could
make a horse stop moving on. Perhaps because of the name, the green vegetable has become a
in water, cut and mixed with tofu and oil.
Shepherd's purse(荠菜) grows early in spring and can be eaten both cooked and uncooked. It
can be used in dumplings or cooked in soup. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is used to improve
eyesight and deal with high blood pressure.
Taken as a symbol of spring, luhao was thought highly of by the famous poet Su Shi in River
Scenes on a Spring Evening《惠崇春江晚景》. He said that when the land is green and luhao is
everywhere, spring has truly arrived. Before or during the solar term of guyu, luhao is very tender
and is usually fried with meat. It tastes light.
44. Why are Chinese toon shoots often fried with eggs
A. To deal with some illness. B. To make the eggs taste more delicious.
C. To balance the strong taste of the leaves. D. To make the leaves become the more tender.
45. Which vegetable can be a goodbye gift to wish a friend a safe journey
A. Chinese toon shoots B. Indian aster C. Shepherd's purse D. luhao
46. What can we know about shepherd's purse
A. It grows in late spring. B. It is good for our eyes.
C. It can be cooked with tofu. D. It can' t be eaten uncooked.
47. Which dynasty was the poet of River Scenes ona Spring Evening
B. The Song dynasty. A. The Tang dynasty. C. The Ming dynasty. D. The Qing dynasty.
OpenAl, a smart group working on making artificial intelligence(人工智能) in a responsible
and safe manner, has created anew language model named ChatGPT. It can help with a lot of things, like answering general questions, telling about events in the past, even telling stories and having a conversation like a real person.
This makes it a very helpful tool for people, companies and groups. Since its appearance, ChatGPT has got much popularity around the world and has a big effect on different types of jobs.
For example, it can help customer service workers answer a lot of questions, making it easier for
translators to do their jobs, and it can give decision-makers important information to make their
products even better. According to recent reports, ChatGPT has been utilized by millions of users,
making it one of the most widely used language models in the world.
However, there are many concerns about it. A recent Forbes survey showed about 89 percent of students said they had turned to OpenAl's platform (平台) for help to complete their tasks which should be done by themselves. Besides, huge amounts of personal information, including addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers and financial(财政的) information may be collected or used illegally(不合法地). What's more, it can be difficult to tell who should be responsible for mistakes it makes and the coming influences.
ChatGPT is a big step forward in the world of artificial intelligence and its importance and
value are sure to continue to grow in the years to come. However, it is important to consider the risks related to their use.
48. Which jobs will be influenced greatly according to the passage
①Customer service workers. ②Translators. ③Decision-makers. ④Sportsman.
A. ①②③ B. ①①④ C. ②③④ D. ①③④
49. What does the underlined word "utilized" mean in the second paragraph
A.制作 B.创造 C.使用 D.改变
50. What can we learn from the passage
A. ChatGPT will be of great help if used correctly.
B. OpenAI has nothing to do with the safe use of ChatGPT.
C. It's safe if personal information has been collected online.
D. There is no harm for students to turn to OpenAI's platform.
51. Which can be the best title for this passage
A. OpenAI, a Responsible Smart Group. B. ChatGPT, a Big Step Forward in Al.
C. ChatGPT, a Double-edged Sword(). D. ChatGPT, a Big Influence on Jobs.
Every tiny part is treated with care, and sugar has its own life. Fondant() cakes made by
Zhou Yi look like paintings. People can't tell whether they are admiring a beautiful work of art or a sweet cake.
As a dough figurine (面塑) artist, Zhou's father wanted him to master the craft(技艺) because
he was born with creative talent. Zhou Yi's dough sculptures looked lively. To learn the professional knowledge, Zhou entered a food college for more training.
Zhou Yi got more experience about making the dough figurines after graduation. However, he
found that they were not popular among young people. Zhou decided to improve the traditional craft. Then he learned about fondant while studying abroad. This is a material to make art cakes from England. Both crafts have a lot in common. but fondant cakes have more colors and shapes. Zhou Yi did a lot of research in order to invent a completely new material-fondant paste. After that, his inspiration was no longer limited(限制) by material. More young people spoke highly of him.
Zhou Yi's hands seemed magical. Many fondant creations of characters in Chinese operas were made. He studied makeup and costume making. Sometimes he had to fail a hundred times to make the perfect works.
Everyone can be good at something. We should try to find what we really love and put effort
into it. Just like Zhou Yi's dream. he hopes to show Chinese crafts to the world. We all believe that his dream will come true one day.
52. Why did Zhou Yi's father want him to master the dough figurine
A. Because of his quick learning ability. B. Because of its popularity.
C. Because of his love for art. D. Because of his creative talent.
53. What does the underlined word "they" refer to
A. The colors and shapes. B. The dough figurines. C. The fondant cakes. D. The traditional craft.
54. What can we know from the passage
A. Zhou Yi taught himself dough figurine.
B. Zhou Yi's inspiration was limited by material.
C. Fondant is a material to make art cakes from France.
D. Zhou Yi made great improvement on the traditional craft.
55. What does the passage talk about
A. A Creator of Cakes. B. A Dough Figurine.
C. A Traditional Artist. D. A Master of Fondant Cakes.
Does talking in front of people make you shy If so, you are not alone.56______However,it takes time and effort to solve the problem. Here are some tips for you.
Find out the cause of your shyness. Do you become shy in front of new listeners Please try to
find out the thoughts that go through your head before the shyness comes out. You're okay being
around your family, right 57______ Of course not. You just know them better and what's more, they know you as well.
58_______ For most of us, when we think we will feel nervous if we speak up or stand out, we
become shy. That's why you should notice others instead. When you stop paying attention to yourself, you stop worrying about your performance.
Practice speaking loudly to yourself. You have got used to hearing your own voice. Record your voice pretending to have conversations with others. At the beginning, you will feel like an actor, but soon it will become a habit. 59________ Stop comparing yourself to others. The more you compare yourself to others, the more you will feel shy because you may think you are not good enough. 60________ Everyone else must have his own confidence problems, too.
A. Place your attention on others.
B. Try not to think about your own disadvantages.
C. Are they different from the strangers around you
D. After doing it for some time, you will be able to express your opinions bravely.
E. Many people in the world suffer from shyness and want to change this situation.
VII.短文填空。(共10分,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或根据括号内单词的正 确形式填空(1-3个单词)或根据音标填词。
Emily and I are twins. We love cooking healthy food together! Our parents have always cooked at home. They really influence 61 _______(we)a lot.
Working as sisters is interesting, as we have been through a large number of 62________ [ nf ɡet bl] experiences. However, sometimes we'd like more space of our own in the kitchen. We try to be fair. If one person manages to create a dish, the other person 63________ (write)the process and take photos. Then we'll change jobs next time.
Our dishes are so popular 64_______ we have been invited to be responsible for the Food and
Health section in our school newspaper.
Sometimes not everything works out perfectly and that's OK. For example, we don't know
65_______(exact) what the readers want, so it's quite hard 66 (choose) a widely accepted picture
of the food. But we try our best to meet their needs. We discuss the work and help each other to
improve. That's the 67_______ (good) part about working together. We have been awarded "Best
Campus Cook" several times 68_______ our efforts.
We love making new dishes, taking pictures, and then posting them on our school newspaper.
It's always good to try new 69_______ (thing)-especially with food! When you eat healthily, it makes you feel better, and it can be 70________ (two)as delicious.
71.Why don' t we do something __________ (cheer)
72.Alan studies very well. He is good at math and __________by our teacher.(praise)
73.It is almost impossible for Americans to avoid _______ made in China.(buy)
74.I_____________about where to take a vacation yet. (decision)
75. He thought _______________________in the program.(be)
4月23日是世界图书日(World Book Day),学校英文校刊开展了以“Good Books, Great
Companions(读好书·共成长)”为题的征文活动。请写一篇短文,推荐一本好书并谈谈你对阅读 的看法。内容包括:
Good Books, Great Companions
April 23rd is World Book Day and we all know that reading is very important to everyone.
W:It's so hot, Bill.I can't stand it.
M:Yes,the radio says that the temperature is above 30 ℃ today.
W:How about tomorrow We will go to plant trees. I hope it's not so hot
M:It will be quite cool. The radio says it will be about 20 ℃.
W:Have you ever been invited to a Chinese dinner
M:Sure.It’s different from that in my country. I have to use chopsticks.
W:But you are good at using them now.
M:After all, I've been here for two years. But I still make mistakes at a Chinese dinner table.
W:There are lots of rules. For example, you should not stick your chopsticks into your food!
M:Oh,yes! I've been told about this rule once before.
W:Junior high school days will be over, Mike.
M:Yes. Do you have any special memories
W:Sure.I remember meeting you in Grade7. You were lovely and kind then.
M:You,too.But you were a little shy when I first saw you.
W:Yes,my face would turn red if I talked with a stranger.
M:But you are not shy anymore. What a big change!
W:Right. Thank you for making friends with me.
M:You're welcome. Hope you can have a good life in senior high school.
W:Thank you.
M: I have so much schoolwork to do! There is a math test on Wednesday and I need to finish a chemistry project on Friday.
W: Well, you're in the ninth grade now.
M: I know. I just didn't know there would be so much schoolwork!
W: Can I help you with any of it
M: Math is difficult for me. I actually need some help. But I can do it tomorrow.
W:I can help you with it tomorrow.
M: Thank you!
W: Hi, Mike. Are you OK with your eyes
M: Yes. Much better now.
W: I still felt very sad when I thought of the car accident you had five months ago. Your family must help you a lot during this time.
M: You are right. My mom cooked delicious food for me. My elder brother helped me with my schoolwork because he is a teacher.
W: What about your younger brother
M: And my younger brother guided me around and took me to different places.
W: You have a great family!
W: Excuse me.
M: What can I do for you
W: Well, I came to this town last Friday. Is there a hospital near here
M: Yes, there is. It's on Bridge Street. It's across from the post office.
W: How can I get to Bridge Street
M: You can walk there. Go along New Street, turn left at the second crossing and the hospital is on your right. It will take you fifteen minutes.
W: Can I take a bus to get there
M: Yes. You can take bus No.302. Look! The bus station is next to the pay phone.
W: Thank you very much.
M: You're welcome.
Catherine is a beautiful girl. She studied in a university in Sydney 3 years ago. Then she returned to the town where she was born and worked in a middle school. She teaches English there. Catherine likes her work and sings and dances well. So she makes friends quickly and most people in the town know her. She often takes part in all kinds of meetings and parties and spends lots of time doing this. Sometimes she goes to bed late and can’t get up on time. Of course she's often late for work. Mr. Read, the headmaster is strict with everybody. He always stands by the school gate when the first bell rings. Catherine has to tell him that her watch is slow.
Yesterday she went to a birthday party of her friend. They all sang and danced and forgot the time. She got home late at night. And this morning she got up late. She hurried to school without breakfast, but Mr. Read was waiting for her at the gate“I’m sorry, Mr. Read,”said Catherine.“ My watch….”
“Your watch is slow again, isn’t it ” the old man said angrily.“I have to say: Change your watch or I'll change you!”
I. 对话理解1-5ABCBA 6-10 CABCB 11-15 CBCAC Ⅱ.短文理解16-20 BBCCC
III. 选择填空21-25 CCADB 26-30 DCABB
IV. 完形填空 31-35 BCCAD 36-40BCDAA
V. 阅读选择:41-43 BAD 44-47 CBBB 48-51 ACAC 52-55 DBDD
VI. 阅读还原:ECADB
VII. 短文填空61. us 62.unforgettable 63.will write 64.that 65.exactly 66.to choose
67.best 68.for 69.things 70. twice
VIII.完成句子 71.to cheer him up 72. is always praised 73.buying products
74.haven’t made my own decision 75.there was nothing interesting
IX. 书面表达。
Good Books, Great Companions
April 23rd is World Book Day and we all know that reading is very important to everyone. Among all the books I've read, I'd like to share The Old Man and the Sea with you. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. The fisherman’s spirit encourages me most. We can do almost anything if we never give up. I like reading paper books, because they do little harm to my eyes.
Reading can not only open our minds, but also make us clever and happy. In order to encourage students to read more books, we can carry out a wide variety of activities on campus to attract students’ attention. It's also a good idea to ask them to write a report about their favorite books.
Let’s start reading now and let it become a part of our life!



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