期中英语专项训练 语法填空&满分写作(含解析) 仁爱版 八年级英语下学期

期中英语专项训练 语法填空&满分写作-2023-2024学年 仁爱版 八年级英语下学期
Hello! I’m Alan. My birthday is on December 30th.Tomorrow is my 1 (twelve) birthday. I will have a birthday party and invite some friends to my home. So my mother and I are busy 2 (get) ready for it now.
I need to buy some new clothes for my birthday. Now my mother and I go into 3 clothes store. 4 (it) name is Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store. There are many clothes on sale. Look! Here are some green 5 (sweater) for only $15 each. They are so nice. And here are some black trousers for us boys for only $12. Oh, here’s a jacket 6 only $30. At last, my mother buys a jacket, a sweater and a pair of trousers for me. She 7 (pay) $57 for them. We buy them at really good prices.
Then, my mother goes to a fruit shop with me. She buys some strawberries, pears, bananas and apples. I’m so happy 8 they are my favorite fruit.
Finally, we buy some flour (面粉), eggs and milk. My mother will make a big cake for my birthday tomorrow morning. I think it’s much 9 (good) than to buy one in the cake shops.
On my birthday we will have some 10 (health) food. Will you come to my party
A few days ago, 11 young man who failed in his exams 12 (send) a message to his deceased father. To his 13 (surprise), he received a “reply”, which encouraged him to keep on trying. His father died three years ago, but he found out that the message was 14 someone who is using his 15 (father) old phone number now.
In the message, the young man said to his father, “Dad, I miss you so much. Would you come into my dream I 16 (real) want to meet you.”
He was amazed when he received a message, saying “Never mind, boy. You will grow up through setbacks. Don’t give up and keep trying. I know my boy is 17 (good) in my heart. I miss you, too.”
“At first, I thought someone had sent a wrong message,” the new phone owner said. “But after reading it, I thought the sender 18 be in trouble and need some help. So I decided 19 (reply) in his father’s name.”
The story was so moving 20 many people couldn’t help crying when they saw the news. It showed the care and support between people in Chinese society.
Hi Meimei, How are you Last week, I spent the whole day at Orlando Disneyland, 21 (big) Disneyland in the world. Under the sea, we were amazed at the Litle Mermaid while we 22 (watch) her singing. We couldn’t stop 23 (dance) with the characters in the parade of “Move it! Shake it! Celebrate it!” During Peter Pans Flight, we were screaming and laughing 24 (excite). After the flight, we didn’t miss enjoying the musical The Lion King. It 25 (be) popular since it came out. To watch Wishes Nighttime Spectacular at a better place, we managed 26 (get) through the crowds and took lots of 27 (photo). Though we were 28 (tire) out we still felt joyful. At the end of the day, Tony Town Restaurant was a great place for us 29 (relax) . I know you’ve gone to Singapore. Hope we 30 (meet) next month in Beijing. Yours, Lili
People all over the world eat rice. 31 (lot) of people in Asia, Africa and South America eat it every day 32 their daily lives. Some people almost eat 33 (something) except rice. Rice is 34 kind of plant. There are more than 7,000 35 (kind) of rice. Most of them are water plants. Farmers 36 (grow) rice in many countries even in the 37 (south) part of Russia.
No one 38 (real) knows where rice comes from. Someone in China 39 (write) about it almost 5,000 years ago. Some scientists think that rice grew in West Africa. 40 others think it came from India and then was taken into other parts of the world.
Sonia is 14 years old. At first, she thought Beijing Opera was too 41 (bore) and she couldn’t stand it. Ten months ago, Sonia’s father found a job in Beijing, 42 she also went to Beijing.
Now Sonia and her classmates listen to Beijing Opera and sing along with the actors in music classes every week. Little by little she is interested 43 Beijing Opera. Now she likes to see Beijing Opera on TV. And she joins the Beijing Opera club at school. Sonia said, “I can learn a lot about Chinese history from Beijing Opera.” It’s necessary for all people 44 (learn) about Beijing Opera. If everyone studies it, the old art won’t disappear.
Last Sunday, I watched 45 interesting cartoon movie, Bolt. It is about a dog 46 (call) Bolt. Bolt is a dog star. He always thinks he is very strong. He often plays in different TV 47 (program). Many people love him, 48 he is a little proud(骄傲的).
One day, people took him to New York, but the little dog was 49 (lose) there. The place is not close 50 his hometown. It’s about 2,000 miles away. Bolt wanted 51 (return) to his world. He had to face all the danger by 52 (he). He began to go across the USA.
On his way, he met Mittens, a lonely cat. Then they met a mouse, Rhino, who enjoyed 53 (watch) TV very much. They became good friends. They met many strange animals and people on their way. At last, Bolt felt that he could be a hero both in TV programs and in real life.
I think the movie Bolt is 54 (educational) than the movies that I have ever watched before.
Life is not wonderful enough if there are no good teachers in your life. 55 (luck), I have some. One of them is Blance Caffiere, 56 kind librarian and teacher. My love 57 books started after I met her. She played an important role in my life. When I had problems and felt sad, Mrs. Caffiere said to me that it was important for me 58 myself. She asked questions about what I loved. Then she gave me some books that were 59 (education)than those I was reading at the time. 60 she was busy, she would take the time to have a 61 (discuss)about it with me when I finished one. And she never got 62 (tiring)of answering my questions. She made 63 easier for me to face the problems. Later, we 64 (become)good friends. It’s been a long time since I last saw her. If I see her again, I will say “thank you”.
Now traveling is becoming more and more popular. My family are very 65 (interest) in traveling. Last summer my parents and I 66 (spend) a few weeks in England. We think it’s a good time to visit London. The weather there was not very hot because 67 the rain. So there 68 (be) a lot of visitors. We stayed in a small village close 69 London. We had most of our sightseeing on foot. While traveling, we met lots of 70 (friend) people. Quite a few people think English food was terrible. But we didn’t think 71 . In fact, we 72 (enjoy) our vacation very much. So we decide 73 (go) there next year. This time we are going to take some umbrellas, 74 the weather there is really bad.
75.过去的几个月,因防控在家的人形成了些许疫情心情,如何调试个人心情,你肯定有个人的观点,毕竟好心情有助于身体健康,好心情让我们享受工作和生活,请你根据表格提示及要求,以“Keep a Good Mood”为题写一篇英语短文。
Keep a Good Mood COVID-19 several months ago, so now: get angry
What to do: smile, helpful…
Advantages: keep healthy, enjoy our life
Feeling: …
2、词数 80 左右。短文第一段已给出,不计入总词数;
Keep a Good Mood
Nowadays, many of us often get angry. Especially when we stayed at home several months ago because of the COVID-19. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
When Last Saturday
Who My parents and I
Where Brother Farm
How By car
What 1. Enjoy the flowers and birds 2. Cook food by ourselves 3. Pick apples and strawberries 4. …
1. 要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥;
2. 词数 70个左右(开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
3. 文中不可出现真实学校名称及个人姓名。
Good morning, everyone!
Today I would like to tell you about my trip to________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thank you for your listening!
旅行不仅会带你见证书中的美景,而且会让你遇见不同的人和事,开阔你的视眼。5月19日是中国旅游日(National Tourism Day),Teens正在征集有关“Travel”的稿件,请结合流程图谈谈你难忘的(unforgettable)旅行经历和你对旅行的看法。
1. 稿件须根据流程图自拟,要求语句通顺、意思连贯、符合题意;
2. 词数在90个左右,稿件的开头已经给出,不计入总词数;
3. 稿件中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息;
4. 稿件必须写在答题卡指定的位置上。
May 19th is National Tourism Day. We students should always improve ourselves. Besides reading, travelling is also a good way. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A Trip to Pingtan 出发时间 早上10点
出行方式 乘火车
活动 中午,野餐 下午,在沙滩上放风筝、弹吉他、唱歌 晚餐:吃美食 晚饭后:在海边散步,欣赏蓝眼泪 (blue tears) 并拍了许多照片
感受 ……
要求: 1. 必须包含所有的提示信息,可适当发挥;
2. 意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范;
3. 请勿在文中使用真实的姓名和校名。
要点:learn to relax, have healthy eating habits, get enough sports, get on well with classmates, volunteer activities…
(1) 短文应包括所给要点,可以适当发挥;
(2) 语句通顺、行文连贯、书写工整;
(3) 文中不得出现真实的人名和地名;
(4) 不少于70词(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
Dear Linda,
I heard you were in a bad mood. How is it going recently As we know, keeping a good mood is good for our health and study.
I wish you good health. Hope everything goes well!
Li Hua
1. 火车站到你家(2号房屋)的路线。
2. 你将带他去社区里两个你最喜欢的地方。并说明理由。
1. 路线须按图中箭头指示方向;
2. 内容须包括所有要点,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;
3. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名等信息;
4. 词数70左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Li hua,
I’m very glad to know that you will come to my home next weekend.
I can’t wait to see you!
Zhang Ming
81.去年暑假,你去参观了眉山三苏祠,在那里你也认识了你的好友Tina。请以“A Trip to SanSu Temple”为题,写篇90词左右的短文。内容要点如下:
2. 90词左右(可适当发挥,语言精炼,不超过120词);卷面整洁。
A Trip to SanSu Temple
1.twelfth 2.getting 3.a 4.Its 5.sweaters 6.for 7.pays 8.because 9.better 10.healthy
2.句意:所以我妈妈和我现在正忙着准备。be busy doing sth“忙于做某事”,是固定搭配。故填getting。
6.句意:哦,这件夹克只要30美元。根据前文的“for only $15 each...for only $12.”可知,应用介词for+价格,故填for。
11.a 12.sent 13.surprise 14.from 15.father’s 16.really 17.the best 18.must 19.to reply 20.that
12.句意:几天前,一位考试不及格的年轻人给他已故的父亲发了一条信息。根据“A few days ago”可知,句子用一般过去时,谓语用send的过去式。故填sent。
13.句意:令他惊讶的是,他收到了“回复”,鼓励他继续努力。to one’s surprise“令某人惊讶的是”。故填surprise。
14.句意:他的父亲三年前去世了,但他发现这条信息是用他父亲的旧电话号码发来的。根据“the message was…someone”可知此处用be from表示“来自”。故填from。
17.句意:我知道我的儿子是我心中最好的。根据“in my heart”可知此处应用good的最高级the best作表语。故填the best。
18.句意:但读了这则信息之后,我想发件人肯定是遇到了麻烦,需要帮助。根据“I thought”和空格后的be可知此处是有把握的猜测,用情态动词must表示“肯定,准是”。故填must。
19.句意:所以我决定用他父亲的名义来回复。decide to do sth“决定做某事”。故填to reply。
20.句意:这个故事太感人了,很多人看到这条新闻都忍不住落泪。根据“so moving”和“many people couldn’t help crying when they saw the news”可知此处用so…that引导结果状语从句。故填that。
21.the biggest 22.were watching 23.dancing 24.excitedly 25.has been 26.to get 27.photos 28.tired 29.to relax 30.will meet
21.句意:上周,我在世界上最大的迪斯尼乐园——奥兰多迪斯尼乐园度过了一整天。根据“in the world”可知,此处用big的最高级biggest,形容词最高级常与定冠词the连用,故填the biggest。
22.句意:在海底,当我们看着小美人鱼唱歌时,我们对她感到惊讶。本句是while引导的时间状语从句,结合“we were amazed at the Litle Mermaid”可知,从句用过去进行时(was/were doing),主语是we,be动词用were,后跟现在分词watching,故填were watching。
23.句意:我们情不自禁地跟着“Move it! Shake it! Celebrate it!”表演中的人物跳舞。couldn’t stop doing sth“情不自禁做某事”,固定短语,所以空处用动名词,故填dancing。
24.句意:在彼得潘飞行期间,我们兴奋地尖叫着,大笑着。空处修饰动词短语“screaming and laughing”,所以用副词,且主语是人,所以用excitedly“兴奋地”。故填excitedly。
25.句意:它问世以来一直很受欢迎。根据“since it came out”可知,空处用现在完成时,主语是It,助动词用has,后跟过去分词been,故填has been。
26.句意:为了在一个更好的地方观看“祝愿之夜”,我们设法穿过人群,拍了很多照片。manage to do sth“设法做成某事”,固定短语,所以空处用不定式,故填to get。
27.句意:为了在一个更好的地方观看“祝愿之夜”,我们设法穿过人群,拍了很多照片。photo“照片”,被lots of修饰,用名词复数形式,故填photos。
28.句意:虽然我们很累,但我们仍然感到很高兴。be tired out“筋疲力尽”,固定短语,故填tired。
29.句意:在一天结束的时候,东尼镇餐厅是我们放松的好地方。空处作后置定语修饰名词place,所以用动词不定式,故填to relax。
30.句意:希望下个月我们能在北京见面。根据“next month”可知,时态是一般将来时(will do),故填will meet。
31.Lots 32.in 33.nothing 34.a 35.kinds 36.grow 37.southern 38.really 39.wrote 40.But
31.句意:亚洲、非洲和南美洲的许多人在日常生活中每天都吃它。lots of“很多”,固定短语。故填Lots。
32.句意:亚洲、非洲和南美洲的许多人在日常生活中每天都吃它。in one’s daily lives“在某人的日常生活中”,固定短语。故填in。
33.句意:一些人除了米几乎什么也不吃。根据“Some people almost eat…except rice.”可知,此处指几乎只吃米,其他什么也不吃,nothing“没有什么”。故填nothing。
37.句意:很多国家的农民种植水稻,甚至在俄罗斯的南部。根据“in the…part of Russia.”可知,此处应填形容词southern“南方的”修饰名词part。故填southern。
39.句意:大约5000年前,中国有人写过。根据“5,000 years ago.”可知,时态是一般过去时,动词填过去式wrote。故填wrote。
41.boring 42.so 43.in 44.to learn
41.句意:起初,她认为京剧太无聊了,她无法忍受。根据“Beijing Opera was too ...”可知,此处要用形容词作表语;结合所给词,修饰事物应用-ing结尾的形容词,即boring“无聊的”。故填boring。
43.句意:渐渐地,她对京剧产生了兴趣。be interested in“对……感兴趣”,形容词短语。故填in。
44.句意:所有的人都有必要了解京剧。根据“It’s necessary for all people ... about Beijing Opera.”可知,该句为“it is+形容词+for sb.+to do sth.”,意为“做某事对某人而言是……的”,不定式作主语。故填to learn。
45.an 46.called 47.programs 48.so 49.lost 50.to 51.to return 52.himself 53.watching 54.more educational
48.句意:很多人喜欢他,所以他有点骄傲。“Many people love him”与“he is a little proud”是因果关系,遵循“前因后果”,故填so。
50.句意:这个地方离他的家乡不近。be close to“离……近”,固定搭配,故填to。
51.句意:Bolt想回到他的世界。want to do sth“想要做某事”,动词不定式作宾语,故填to return。
52.句意:他不得不独自面对所有的危险。by oneself“独自”,此空应填反身代词himself,故填himself。
53.句意:然后他们遇到了一只老鼠,Rhino,他非常喜欢看电视。enjoy doing sth“喜欢做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填watching。
54.句意:我认为电影《Bolt 》比我以前看过的电影更有教育意义。is后接形容词作表语,根据than可知,此空应填形容词比较级,故填more educational。
55.Luckily 56.a 57.for 58.to be 59.more educational 60.Although/Though 61.discussion 62.tired 63.it 64.became
57.句意:我对书的热爱是从遇见她之后开始的。根据“My love...books”可知,指的是对书的热爱,应用介词for。故填for。
58.句意:当我遇到问题,感到悲伤时,卡菲埃太太对我说,对我来说,做我自己很重要。根据“Mrs. Caffiere said to me that it was important for me...myself. ”可知,此处应用动词不定式结构作主语,结合语境和空后是反身代词可知,应用to be,表示做自己。故填to be。
59.句意:然后她给了我一些比我当时读的书更有教育意义的书。根据“than”可知,应用形容词educational的比较级,故填more educational。
62.句意:她从不厌倦回答我的问题。get tired of“厌倦”,是固定表达。故填tired。
63.句意:她让我更容易面对问题。make it+形容词+to do sth“让做某事……”,it作形式宾语,故填it。
65.interested 66.spent 67.of 68.were 69.to 70.friendly 71.so 72.enjoyed 73.to go 74.because
65.句意:我的家人对旅行很感兴趣。根据“My family are very...in traveling.”可知,此处指对旅行感兴趣。be interested in“对……感兴趣”,固定搭配。故填interested。
66.句意:去年夏天,我和父母在英国待了几个星期。根据“Last summer my parents and I...a few weeks in England.”可知,句子时态为一般过去时,动词应使用过去式。故填spent。
67.句意:因为下雨,那里的天气不是很热。根据“The weather there was not very hot because...the rain.”可知,此处指因为下雨,所以天气不热。because of“因为”符合语境。故填of。
68.句意:所以有很多访客。根据“So there...a lot of visitors.”可知,visitors为复数名词,be动词应使用复数形式,句子时态为一般过去时,be动词应使用were。故填were。
69.句意:我们住在靠近伦敦的一个小村庄里。根据“We stayed in a small village close...London.”可知,此处指靠近伦敦。be close to“靠近”符合语境。故填to。
70.句意:在旅行中,我们遇到了许多友好的人。根据“While traveling, we met lots of...people.”可知,此处指遇到了很多友好的人。此处应使用形容词作定语。故填friendly。
71.句意:但我们并不这么认为。根据“But we didn’t think...”可知,此处指我们不这样认为。so“如此,这样”符合语境。故填so。
72.句意:事实上,我们非常享受假期。根据“In fact, we...our vacation very much.”可知,句子时态为一般过去时,动词应使用过去式。故填enjoyed。
73.句意:所以我们决定明年去那里。根据“So we decide...there next year.”可知,此处指“决定做某事”decide to do,此处应使用不定式作宾语。故填to go。
74.句意:这次我们要带一些雨伞,因为那里的天气真的很糟糕。根据“This time we are going to take some umbrellas,...the weather there is really bad.”可知,前后句为因果关系,此处指因为天气很糟糕,所以要带伞,应使用because引导原因状语从句。故填because。
Keep a Good Mood
Nowadays, many of us often get angry. Especially when we stayed at home several months ago because of the COVID-19.
Then what can we do to keep a good mood First, we can smile often because it’s helpful for us to keep healthy and enjoy our life. Second, try our best to do something for other people in need. It can help us feel good. Third, if we take part in some outdoor activities, we can make new friends and we’ll feel happy, too. Last, we can tell others our bad moods, they may give us some good advice.
In short, keeping a good mood can help us learn and live more happily.
①take part in参加
②make friends交朋友
①First, we can smile often because it’s helpful for us to keep healthy and enjoy our life.(it作形式主语)
②In short, keeping a good mood can help us learn and live more happily.(动名词短语作主语)
Good morning, everyone!
Today I would like to tell you about my trip to Brother Farm with my parents last Saturday. We went there by car. When we got there, we were surprised at the green trees and beautiful flowers. It’s so great. We also saw some birds. They were flying and singing happily. In the morning, we picked some apples and strawberries. It was very interesting. We cooked the lunch by ourselves. I think it’s full of fun. After lunch, we caught some fish in the river. During our trip, we also took many photos.
We all had a good time on that day. I hope to go there again.
①be surprised at 对……感到惊喜
②by oneself 依靠某人自己
③be full of 充满
④have a good time 玩得开心
①When we got there, we were surprised at the green trees and beautiful flowers. (when引导时间状语从句)
May 19th is National Tourism Day. We students should always improve ourselves. Besides reading, travelling is also a good way. I like travelling very much.
So far, I have travelled to Beijing, Hong Kong, New York and many other places. But my favourite place is Hong Kong. It is an international modern city with many beautiful places of interest. We can enjoy delicious food there. Last summer we visited Hong Kong Disneyland. We watched a parade of Disney characters there and I couldn’t stop taking photos with them. I had a good time there. It is an unforgettable experience for me.
Travelling is really a good way to open our mind and learn more about the world.
②places of interest风景名胜
①Travelling is really a good way to open our mind and learn more about the world.(动名词作主语)
Friday, April 14th
Today I went on a spring field trip to Pingtan with my classmates. We started out at 10: 00 in the morning, and we took a train there. As soon as we arrived there, we couldn’t wait to have a picnic. In the afternoon, we had fun flying kites, playing the guitar and singing songs on the beach. Later, we had a lot of delicious food for dinner. And we went to the seaside and enjoyed the beautiful blue tears. We also took many photos. We all had a good time!
①go on a spring field trip去春游
②start out动身,出发
③can’t wait to do等不及做某事
①As soon as we arrived there, we couldn’t wait to have a picnic.(as soon as引导的时间状语从句)
②In the afternoon, we had fun flying kites, playing the guitar and singing songs on the beach.(动名词作宾语)
Dear Linda,
I heard you were in a bad mood. How is it going recently As we know, keeping a good mood is good for our health and study. Here are some suggestions for you.
First, you should learn to relax and get enough sports. You can take an active part in sports. For example, you can go swimming or running. When the vacation comes, you can take part in all kinds of activities, such as dancing, singing and so on. Next, you should develop healthy eating habits. You can eat fruit and vegetables instead of too much meat. When you have problems, you can communicate with your parents and teacher. And then you should get on well with your classmates. Finally, you can do some volunteer activities. You can help the old clean their rooms and sing some songs to cheer them up.
I wish you good health. Hope everything goes well!
Li Hua
①take an active part in 积极参加
②such as 例如
③and so on 等等,诸如此类
④instead of 代替
⑤communicate with sb 与某人交流
⑥get on well with sb 与某人相处融洽
⑦cheer sb up 使某人振奋
①When you have problems, you can communicate with your parents and teacher.(when引导的时间状语从句)
Dear Li hua,
I’m very glad to know that you will come to my home next weekend. Now let me tell you the way to my house. Take a taxi from the train station. Turn right into the Grand Street and then turn right at the second turning, you will see a post office. Across from the post office is my home. My home is Number Two, at the East Country Road.
After you arrive at my home, I will take you to the biggest supermarket in my community where you can buy anything that you want. Then, we will go to the park in my community. Because it is filled with beautiful sights and laughter. I think you will like them as well.
I can’t wait to see you!
Zhang Ming
① 题材:本文是一篇电子邮件;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”和“一般将来时”;
③ 提示:根据所给提示完成写作,注意标点符号及大小写等问题,不要犯语法错误。注意上下文之间的逻辑关系,语意连贯。
① as well也;
②across from在……对面
③be filled with充满
①Across from the post office is my home.(倒装句)
②After you arrive at my home, I will take you to the biggest supermarket in my community where you can buy anything that you want.(定语从句)
A Trip to SanSu Temple
Last summer, I had a trip to SanSu Temple in Meishan. I went there with my parents. My father drove us there. I learned a lot about San Su. What’s more, we ate delicious Dongpo Pork for lunch.
I was happy to meet a new friend, Tina. She is as tall as me. And we both like reading. She is much more outgoing than me. But I am more hard-working. She is better at tennis than me, although we both like sports. So, I don’t really care if my friend is the same or different from me.
I truly like my trip to Meishan very much.
①What’s more而且
②as tall as和……一样高
③be better at更擅长
④(be) different from与……不同
①She is better at tennis than me, although we both like sports.(although引导的让步状语从句)
②I don’t really care if my friend is the same or different from me.(if引导的宾语从句)



