Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 检测2023-2024人教版英语八年级下册(含答案)

Unit 5 检测
1.—Did Mike ________ the match —No, he didn t. Tom ________ him.
A. win; beat B. win; won C. beat; won D. beat; beat
2.I have trouble ______ English, and I’m so worried.
A. in learning B. to learn C. learn D. of learning
3.There aren't many tickets left for the concert, you'd better ______ that you get one today.
A. make sure of B. make a decision C. make sure D. make plans
4.At this time yesterday, I ________ a science exam here.
A. take B. was taking C. am taking D. will take
5.You must be careful when you swim ______ the lake.
A. across B. below C. over D. through
6.When the teacher got into the classroom, Xiaoming ________ a novel.
A. read B. reads C. is reading D. was reading
7.—Look! The fire is ________. —Let s put more wood on it.
A. dying down B. going off C. picking up D. cutting out
8.Love your parents _________ they are alive. Don t wait until it is too late.
A. while B. though C. because D. unless
9.—What do you remember about Grade 7 —I remember __________ a prize.
A. to win B. winning C. win D. wining
10.—When is Jay's concert —It's ______ three o'clock ______ the afternoon of July 18th.
A. at; in B. at; on C. on; in D. in; on
Cathy is a 14-year-old girl. There is an empty land(空地) in her neighborhood. Over time, the (11) was full of rubbish. People around often complained (抱怨) that. it was too terrible in summer.
One day, Cathy looked down at the empty land. Then she saw the. flowers on the roadside. (12) , an idea came into her mind. Later, she (13) her friend a drawing of a garden(花园). David said, “What a beautiful drawing! But how can we make your thought come true It's hard work.”“ Let's ask (14) for help,” Cathy said. Then they (15) to share their ideas with their neighbors. After hearing the idea, most of the neighbors were (16) and they decided to help Cathy.
On a clear day, to clean away the (17) on the land, many of them came to help. And they also brought some little trees and seeds(种子) of different flowers. Cathy and her friends planted and watered the trees and the seeds.
Finally, the terrible land (18) a beautiful garden. (19) the neighbors came to the garden, they were all surprised and even couldn't believe that a garden could look so great! Cathy (20) that one small idea could make a big difference if people worked hard together. It was a wonderful experience for Cathy.
11.A. station B. area C. hall D. pool
12.A. Certainly B. Luckily C. Suddenly D. Seriously
13.A. showed B. sold C. taught D. lent
14.A. other B. others C. another D. the other
15.A. meant B. stopped C. continued D. began
16.A. excited B. angry C. sad D. afraid
17.A. flowers B. animals C. water D. rubbish
18.A. changed B. provided C. became D. covered
19.A. Unless B. When C. Because D. Although
20.A. explained B. understood C. heard D. expected
According to a report, about 60% of American families have working parents. Mothers spend about 18 hours doing the housework every week, and fathers spend about 10 hours doing the housework. What about the kids Children aged between six and twelve spend less than three hours doing the housework every week, but almost 14 hours watching TV. How about teenagers They spend nearly 31 hours on the Internet, but only three hours helping with the housework every week. However, some parents think children should spend more time on chores. Knowing how to do the housework is an important life skill.
Doing chores sends the children messages that they are part of the family and that they should do things for others. Every morning children care for the family pets by feeding them or walking them. It can also help the children keep healthy.
Children should take part in almost all the chores. They will feel happier when they make a contribution (贡献) to the family. And it may help them understand the idea of working hard better. At the same time, they can learn a lot from doing the housework. It can help them live a better life in the future.
21. American mothers spend about ________ hours doing the housework each week.
A. 18 B. 16 C. 14 D. 10
22. ________ spend nearly 31 hours on the Internet every week.
A. Old people B. Parents C. Teenagers D. Only children
23. The underlined word "skill" means "________" in Chinese.
A. 过程 B. 趣味 C. 练习 D. 技能
24. Which of the following is NOT true
A. Doing chores can help children keep healthy.
B. Young children do not need to do any chores.
C. Children can learn a lot from doing chores.
D. Mothers do more chores at home.
25. The best title for the passage may be "________".
A. Doing chores is good for children B. Parents should do the housework
C. How much housework there is D. Doing chores is different
Recently, our school organized an interesting activity. It was called “Take the Long March Again(重走长征路)”. It was about ten kilometers long. We had to climb up. mountains and walk through the forest. It felt like we were going on the Long March--just like the Red Army did.
When we were walking through the forest, I cut my hand. My finger started to bleed and I was afraid. Our teacher said, “The Red Army faced much greater difficulties in the past, but they still got them over. You should learn from them.” During this activity, my friend Wang Ziqi dropped one of his shoes from a rope bridge. He wasn't scared, and got his shoes back later.
After an hour and a half of walking, we finally went back to school. Most of my classmates said it was very tiring. However, I think the experience is useful. I learned a lot about how difficult the Long March was. I also knew that we should be happy about how easy our lives are now. We should try harder.
26.How long is the way
A. About ten kilometers. B. About one kilometer.
C. About eight kilometers. D. About nine kilometers.
27.Where did the writer cut his hand
A. On the bridge. B. In the mountain.
C. In the forest. D. In the school.
28.Who dropped one of shoes from a rope bridge
A. The writer. B. The waiter's friend.
C. The writer's teacher. D. The writer's brother.
29.How long did the writer finish this activity
A. For an hour. B. For two hours.
C. For half an hour. D. For an hour and a half.
30.The writer thinks the “Long March” is ________.
A. a bad experience B. a good experience
C. an interesting experience D. a boring experience
(1) A man was walking along a road when he was s shot in the stomach
(2) Scientists say the r temperatures have created more droughts (干旱).
(3) It is r that five people were hurt in the fire last night.
(4) The police had to make sure the witness (目击者) was telling the t .
(5) Carpenters (木匠) make things out of w , such as bookcases and tables.
(6) Sometimes when you fall a on a bus, you may bump (撞) your head on the window.
(7) S sometimes is more powerful than using your voice.
(8) Everyone in China is doing their part in the fight a the disease.
(9)In my o , you should say sorry to your friend.
(10)I b two books from the library last week and I have to return them tomorrow.
light silent what begin possible with before get sudden storm
Everything went black! All the lights in our fiat were off as well as the TV. Mom took out the candles and Dad went to see (1) was going on. One advantage of living in a tall building is that you always have help nearby. So I went to our next-door neighbor, Mr. Smith. (2) a candle in his hand, Mr. Smith answered the door. Uh-oh! He didn't have (3) , either. I discovered that all the buildings in our neighborhood were dark. Our neighbors went downstairs and (4) chatting outside. They were not worried at all.
Then we heard a frightening sound after a bright flash of lightning. It broke the (5) of the night. It started to rain heavily in no time. (6) some information, Mr. Smith turned on the battery-powered radio. The weatherman said that the (7) was the cause of all the problems. It hit a tower at the power station (8) the first flash of lightning. That was the reason why the lights (9) went out before the rain came. Finally, the lights came back. We cheered loudly. The event made it (10) for the neighbors to talk together.
My name is Lucas and I live in Sheffield. Now I work full-time as a nurse at a hospital here. I am interested in art and history of the city. I enjoy (1) (visit) art museums and historic places. I also like to show myself through artworks and photos. As a young child, my dream was to work in (2) art museum.
To make the dream (3) (come) true, I thought about doing some volunteer work at the Sheffield Museum. Last summer, I decided to go for it. I got the telephone number of the museum through the Internet. A few days later, the museum called me when I was (4) ( prepare ) for the interview (面试). On July 10, I started doing some two-hour shifts (轮班) twice a week. I helped the Visitor Experience team to welcome visitors and do some surveys (调查). In November, I (5) (join) the "Talking Tables". There were some selected items (选定的物品). Visitors could touch them and ask questions w (6) they were going around the museum. My job is to look after these items.
I found people working at the museum and the volunteers very friendly. It is enjoyable (7) (feel) useful in a different role and working environment. I will never forget the experience that helped me grow.
上周日,你班同学集体参加了志愿者活动,去养老院(nursing home)帮助老人。同学们分头行动,为老人们做了很多事情。请你写一篇90词左右的短文,再现当时热闹、温馨的情景。
1-5 A A C B A 6-10 D A A B B
11~20. B、C、A、B、D、A、D、C、B、B
21~25. A、C、D、B、A 26~30. A、C、B、D、B
1. suddenly 2. rising 3. reported 4. truth 5. wood
6. asleep 7. Silence 8. against 9. opinion 10. borrowed
1. what 2. With 3. lights 4. began 5. silence
6. To get 7. storm 8. before 9. suddenly 10. possible
1. visiting 2. an 3. come 4. preparing 5. joined 6. when 7. to feel
Last Sunday, all the students in our class went to the nursing home to help the old.When I got there at 8, some of my classmates were waiting at the gate. We soon decided to work in groups. Some did stone washing for them. And some cleaned their rooms and swept the floor. At the same time, some of us were singing for the old. We did many things for the old people the whole morning.
We were tired but happy on that day, because the activity brought every one of us much closer.



上一篇:Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?测试 2023-2024人教版八年级英语下册(无答案)
