Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?测试 2023-2024人教版八年级英语下册(无答案)

Unit 5 测试
1.Our team ____________ their team by 5:4 yesterday. We ____________ the match.
A. beat; won B. wins; beats C. beats; wins D. won; beat
2.My little sister __________ Tom and Jerry at this time yesterday. It s her favorite cartoon.
A. watched B. was watching C. watches D. will watch
3.When he saw a wallet on the ground, he ______ at once.
A. picked it up B. gave it up C. picked up it D. gave up it
4.Lisa looked out of the window to see what______.
A. happen B. was happening C. is happening D. was happen
5.—I called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer.
—Oh, I am sorry. I ______ dinner at my friend's home.
A. have B. had C. was having D. have had
6.He did all this ________ silence, and very rapidly.
A. at B. in C. with D. of
7.The rain beat _________ the window heavily and the little girl was very afraid.
A. from B. with C. through D. against
8.We have lived in Shanghai ______ we came to China.
A. so that B. even though C. ever since D. sooner or later
9.—I dislike shopping online, I prefer to actually see and touch what I`m buying before I pay for it, especially for clothes and shoes —That’s right.___________.
A. Seeing is believing B. Clothes do not make the man
C. The first step is always the hardest D. You are never too old to learn
10.— How old is your son — Five. —We will have a special party for his birthday .
A. five B. fifth C. fifteen D. fifteenth
The word "cartoon" came from Italian. It first referred to the picture before an actual (真实的) (11) on the wall. In the mid-19th century, it came into English. (12) the 1840s, it has also come to mean any drawing (13) is humorous, satirical or showing an opinion. It usually appears in a newspaper or a magazine, with or without a short text.
Today (14) are a part of the daily lives of most people. People of all ages, especially young children (15) all kinds of cartoons in newspapers and magazines, on television and at the movies. Cartoons not only show their life, (16) help form it. They have set the style for clothing, food, manner and many (17) things. They have supplied ideas to plays, movies, television series and so on. Names or words from cartoon (18) have also come into modern languages.
Many (19) draw with special pens. Some use the (20) . Surely, computers are especially effective for making animated cartoons. This helps us to enjoy more lively cartoons.
11.A. draw B. paint C. drawing D. book
12.A. Since B. Before C. After D. When
13.A. who B. whom C. / D. that
14.A. films B. cartoons C. books D. movies
15.A. enjoy B. hate C. want D. need
16.A. and B. when C. but D. also
17.A. else B. other C. all D. the other
18.A. series B. movies C. books D. pictures
19.A. people B. artists C. singers D. cartoonists
20.A. pencils B. ball pens C. fountains D. computers
Is your family interested in buying a dog A dog can be a pleasant companion to your family, but if you choose the wrong kind of dog, you will have a lot of troubles.
Families should sit down and discuss the possible problems before buying a dog. Even if the children in your family are the ones who want the dog, the parents are the ones who are really responsible for seeing that the animal is properly cared for. If you don't know much about dogs, it is a good idea to go to the library for books about different kinds of dogs, and books about how to train a young dog. In reading about the different breeds (种类) you should know that a dog described (描述) as very alert (机敏灵活的) may be too active. When a book describes a dog as an excellent hunting dog, it probably means that the dog won't be happy living in a small house. Dog breeds vary (变化) in popularity as the years go by. One of the most popular dogs these days is the German shepherd. This is because it provides protection as well as companionship. The family should be warned that these dogs grow up to be very big, and may be too powerful for children to control. If space is limited, a toy dog may be a good choice. These dogs are very small and easy to train. They don't need to be walked daily, since they can exercise in the home.
21.According to the passage, one can get information about different kinds of dogs ________.
A. by going to the library
B. by asking someone who has enough experience about keeping different kinds of dogs
C. by buying a dog and training it
D. by reading books about dogs
22.The German shepherd is a popular dog ________.
A. because it is easy to train B. because it is big and strong
C. because it is powerful and friendly D. because it is alert and active
23.Which of the following statements is NOT true
A. Don't buy a hunting dog if your house is not big enough.
B. A dog may not be so good as it is described in books.
C. The German shepherd never loses its popularity for it provides not only companionship but also protection.
D. You should have a discussion with your family before buying a dog in case it causes you a lot of troubles.
24.If space is limited, what kind of dog shall we buy
A. A toy dog. B. A big dangerous dog.
C. A dangerous dog. D. All of the above.
25.Which of the following is the best topic of the passage
A. The care and proper selection of dogs for families.
B. Different breeds of dogs.
C. Responsibility for seeing that dogs are properly cared for.
D. Different kinds of books about dogs.
Lately, people have entered forests where chimpanzees (黑猩猩) live. The chimpanzees have been getting sick by catching diseases from people. In addition, people are hunting chimpanzees. Their number is decreasing.
Chimpanzees live on the plains and in the forests of Africa. They eat many kinds of food from plant leaves and seeds to insects and even other small animals. Chimpanzees' favourite food is fruit.
They are very clever, and can use tools well. They can catch ants using sticks, and break nuts using rocks.
The world's forests are much smaller than they were before. Roads have been built through deep forests, and people have started to enter forests where chimpanzees live. There are many problems. One problem for chimpanzees is that they can easily be infected (感染) by people's diseases and die.
As it's easier for people to enter forests, hunting increases. Young chimpanzees are caught to be pets or for scientific research. The young ones are taken away from the forests, and the adults are killed. If this continues, chimpanzees are likely to disappear in the future.
26.Chimpanzees live on the plains and in the forests of ________.
A. Africa B. Asia C. Europe D. America
27.Chimpanzees' favourite food is ________.
A. insects B. bugs C. seeds D. fruit
28.Chimpanzees can break nuts using ________.
A. sticks B. teeth C. rocks D. glass
29.According to the article, which of the following is NOT true
A. Young chimpanzees are caught to be pets or for scientific research.
B. The young chimpanzees are taken away from the forests.
C. The adult chimpanzees are killed.
D. Chimpanzees have already disappeared.
30.There are some problems for chimpanzees mentioned in the article except that ________.
A. the chimpanzees have been getting sick by catching diseases from people
B. people are hunting the chimpanzees
C. their number is becoming smaller
D. people pollute the forests where they live
1. The teacher told us a story to make us r (认识到) the importance of caring for animals.
2. She was going to sleep when something broke the (寂静) of the night.
3. Bruce (开始) to learn English when he was 10 years old.
4. Please don’t close all the ___________(窗户), it’s too hot.
5. The shape of the rocks on Mount Huang is very s (奇特的).
6. My father soon fell a (睡着) after he worked hard all day.
7. These r (报告) show enough sleep can make us study better.
8. The kids are looking for (木头) for the fire.
9. The sound of his breathing told her he was (睡着).
10. Jim was waiting for the bus at the bus stop when the rainstorm (突然) came.
give, drop, make, visit, almost, sudden, which, that, what, accident, in, feel
It happened on the National Day last year. I went to a small town (1) my best friend in the late afternoon. There was a(n) (2) on the way. So when I got to the town, it was (3) midnight. The last bus had already left. I (4) terrible and I had no idea of what to do, because I didn t tell my friend that I would go there. I wanted (5) her a surprise.
I walked along the street alone. (6) , I realized that there was a man following me. I felt so afraid (7) I ran into a small store. There was a woman in the store. She looked at me and asked (8) happened. I told her the truth. She asked me if I d like to stay (9) her store and sleep with her for one night. I agreed. Then she asked me to sit down to watch TV while she (10) a bowl of noodles for me. The next day, we said goodbye to each other.
That evening taught me that we should help people who are in need. The small things we do may make a great difference to others.
Sam is a middle school student. I think he is a quiet boy (1) he hardly speaks. We became good friends last November.
One day when I went out of the classroom, I saw Sam (2) (walk) home with his books in his hands. (3) that time, two little boys ran up and knocked him down. Then they ran away as (4) (quick) as possible. Sam's glasses went flying. I ran to pick up the glasses and (5) (give) them to him. He (6) (thank) me. And then I helped him pick up his books and asked him (7) he lived. I found we lived near each other. We talked about our (8) (hobby) on our way home. He liked reading and playing basketball. I also enjoyed (9) (play) basketball. After that we often went to school (10) played basketball together. The more I get to know him, the more I like him.
People Things
Grandmother 看报纸
Father 在电视上看排球比赛
Mother 洗碗
Brother 和朋友在锻炼
Mike 听音乐
1-5 A B A B C 6-10 B D C A B
11~20. C、A、D、B、A、C、B、A、D、D
21~25. D、C、C、A、A 26~30. A、D、C、D、D
realize 2. silence 3. began 4. windows 5. strange
6.asleep 7. reports 8. wood 9. asleep 10. suddenly
1. to visit 2. accident 3. almost 4. felt 5. to give
6. Suddenly 7. that 8. what 9. in 10. was making
1. because 2. walking 3. At 4. quickly 5. gave
6. thanked 7. where 8. hobbies 9. playing 10. and
Hello, I am Mike. Last Sunday, all my family were at home except my brother. At 8:00 p.m., we were doing different things. My grandmother was reading a newspaper. This is what she usually does at this time of a day. My father was watching women s volleyball game on TV. My mother was doing the dishes in the kitchen. What was my brother doing Oh, he was exercising in the gym with friends. What about me I was listening to music at that time.



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