人教版八年级下册Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?知识要点及配套练习题(无答案)

Unit 5知识要点
标志词:过去的某一时刻;at this/the time of...在......的这个时候 at that time在那时 等
rainstorm n. 暴风雨=storm
Alarm n. 闹钟 an alarm 一个闹钟
go off 发出响声 The alarm went off. 闹铃响了
Begin v. 开始 beginning n. 开始;开端 同义词:start n./v.
Begin to do sth. 开始干某事
Heavy adj. 重的;胖的 heavily adv. 在很大程度上;大量地;严重地
Rain heavily = heavy rain 下大雨
Sudden adj. 突然的 suddenly adv. 突然;忽然
Pick up (动副短语)接;捡起;拾起 pick up the phone=answer the phone 接电话
Strange adj. 奇怪的;奇特的 stranger n. 陌生人
Wind n. 风 windy adj. 有风的
Light n. 光;光线;光亮;灯 v. 点燃
Flashlight n. 手电筒
Report n,/v. 报道;公布 reporter n. 记者 It’s reported that +句子 据报道......
Area n. 地域;地区 in the area 在那个地区
Wood n. 木头 wooden adj. 木质的 a piece of wood一块儿木头
Window n. 窗户
Match n. 火柴; 比赛
Beat v.(过去式为:beat) beat sb打败某人
Against prep. 倚;碰;撞 play against... 和......对抗 beat against the door 敲打着门
At first 起初 first 第一;首先
Sleep v./n. 睡觉;睡眠 sleepy 瞌睡的 asleep 睡着的;熟睡的 sleeping 睡觉的
Fall asleep 睡着;进入梦乡 wake up 叫醒;醒来
Die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失
Rise v. (过去式:rose) 升起;提高 The sun rises from the east. 太阳从东方升起。
Fall v. 倒下;跌倒 fallen adj. 倒下的;落下的
Apart adv. 分离;分开 break apart (动副短语)使......分离
bring sb closer together使某人更紧密的团结在一起
Each other彼此;互相
in times of difficulty在困难的时刻
Have a look (at) 看一看...... look at... 看......
Ice n. 冰 icy adj. 冰冷的;覆盖着冰的
Kid n. 孩子 v.开玩笑;欺骗 You are kidding. 你在开玩笑吧。
Realize v. 理解;领会;认识到(后可以加句子)
Make one’s way (to...)前往;费力地前进
Passage n. 章节;段落 Passage 2=the second passage 第二段
Pupil n. 学生(指小学生)
Complete adj. 彻底的;完全的 completely adv. 彻底地;完全地
Shocked adj. 惊愕的;使震惊的
Silence n. 沉默;缄默;无声 silent adj. 沉默的;无声的
In silence 沉默地;无声地=silently
Recent adj. 最近的 recently adv.最近;不久前
Take down 拆除;往下拽;记录
Terrorist n. 恐怖主义者;恐怖分子
Date n. 日期;日子 What’s the date today 今天是几月几号?
Tower n. 塔;塔楼
True adj. 真的;真实的 truly adv. 真正地;真实地 truth n. 实情;事实
to tell the truth 说实话
Be killed 被杀
as well 也 (用于肯定句句末,不用逗号隔开)
go away走开
feel like感觉像...
on TV在电视上
walk by 经过;路过
By the side of......在......旁边
the rest of……剩下的;剩余的
58.remember doing sth 记得干过某事 remember to do sth记得要干某事
59.stop doing sth 停止干某事 stop to do sth停下来干某事
60.at this/the time of...在......的这个时候
61.help each other彼此帮助
62.in the neighborhood 在附近;在居民区
63.other adj. 别的;其他的(后跟名词复数/不可数名词) (有范围时,前加the)
Another adj. 另一个的;再一个的(后跟名词单数)
Others n. 其他的人/物(后不能跟名词)(有范围时,前加the)
one..., (the) other.... 一个......,另一个......。(有指定范围时,用the)
Some...,( the) others... 一些......, 另一些......(有指定范围时,用the)
Unit 5知识要点(满分100分)
姓名: 得分:
When you called me yesterday, I ____________(watch) TV.
While Tom____________(read) a newspaper, his mom ___________(do)the dishes.
We_____________(have)an English class at the time of yesterday.
He began _____________(study) hard yesterday.
He ____________(come) here yesterday.
My father bought a lot of ______________(手电筒)last week.
___________(光)runs faster than sound.
People in this ____________(地区)are friendly.
The sun _____________(升起)from the east.
He has three _______________(闹钟).
The _____________(暴风雨)is surprising.
You are ______________(开玩笑).
_______________(最近),many students have a lot of problems.
Leifeng _____________(塔)is very famous in the world.
I _________________(意识到)that I need someone to help.
There are three ______________(段落)in this article.
He __________________ cried, this is too ______________.(sudden).
He is a _______________. He _________________ lots of news every day.(report)
When it rain______________, the ___________ man got wet.(heavy)
The _______________ is very _______________.(strange)
It’s _____________ today. The ______________ is very strong.(wind)
This desk is ______________. the _____________ must be very expensive.(wood)
He _______________(beat) me in the game yesterday.
He was _________,he found a ________ place to ________, now he is ________.(sleep)
The ____________(fall) tree is very tall.
Nothing can break us _______________(分离).
The ground is __________________, the____________ is very thick.(ice)
He _______________(complete) beat me.
The thing he did is very ______________(震惊的).
He is a ________________(小学生).
He is a _______________ person. He _____________ sits there all day.(silent)
He ____________ comes from the UK. He is a _____________ man.(true)
I heard he ________________(kill)last year.
When the teacher comes into the classroom, we should stop ____________(talk).
When you leave the room, please remember ______________(turn) off the light.
___________________________ , you still need to study hard.
I _________________ I was a bird.
He _________________________quickly.
______________________, I didn’t understand him.
At midnight, the sound ___________________________.
It ______________________________ in the sky.
While I _______________________, he ____________________________.
When the alarm ______________________, I have woken up.
In tomorrow basketball game, we _______________________ Class Six.
I’m sad that all of them left ________________________.
We should _______________________________.
Please ____________________________ the big screen.
We should ___________________________ our dream.
I ________________________ a store yesterday.
I was sleeping ________________________________.




下一篇:7.3 重力 课时作业(答案) 2023-2024物理人教版八年级下册