Unit 1 -Unit 4 任务型阅读 每日一练-第二周 2023-2024牛津译林版八年级英语下册(含答案)

八年级下学期 Unit 1 -Unit 4 任务型阅读 第二周
姓名:_________ 日期:___________
Many students think about how to make the best use of their time while studying. But what comes before study can be important too—especially if you want to improve your memory of what you have learned.
Doing aerobic(有氧的)exercise before you study may help you better remember what you learn. Other studies suggest the importance of different kinds of exercise.
A study shows that a group of young people who did 15 minutes of high-intensity(高强度的)training remembered more words. Some studies have also shown high-intensity exercise can help improve the memory of old people. High-intensity exercise may be so helpful. Both long, slow exercise and high-intensity exercise may have good influences on memory.
Location is also important for improving your learning. While it is good to have a desk or a special study area, someone suggests that changing the place where you study could help you remember more of what you study. The reason is that our memories sometimes depend on things in our environment. For example, a book might make you think of something interesting or strange when you read it. You do not have to change locations every day, but try to at least sometimes.
A third way you can improve your study is taking a pre-study test. It is one of the best ways if it’s difficult for you to remember new information. In 2018, research workers found that those who took a pre-study test before they learn a new material did much better than after studying the material. The students failed on the tests. But they were better able to remember the material than those who were only asked to read the information.
Title:Ways to 1 your memory of what you have learned
Exercise ● Aerobic exercise may help you remember what you learn 2 . ● High-intensity exercise can help improve the old people’s 3 . ● 4 both long,slow exercise and high-intensity exercise have a good influence on memory.
Location ● 5 the place where you study could help you remember more of what you study. ●Things in your environment influence our memories 6 time to time. You’ll find that a book might make you think of something interesting or strange when 7 it. ●You 8 change locations every day.
Pre-study ●Pre-study tests are the best way because they can help you remember new information 9 . ●Students who had a pre-study test remember the material better than those who teachers 10 to read the information.
improve 2.better 3.memory 4.Maybe 5.Changing 6.from 7.reading 8.needn’t
9.easily 10.asked
姓名:_________ 日期:___________
You may have been in the situation that you knew someone had trouble but didn’t know what to say or do. There is one solution that is always correct. Listen, listen, and listen.
Listening is the greatest gift you can give someone —especially who is having a difficult time. Listening is more important than any words of comfort. Don’t provide with advice or stories of your own. You can choose to listen. It could be 5 or 10 minutes, an hour, or even all the night.
I have done this for many people in trouble. What I notice is that when they talk with no interruption(打断), they often think more and more clearly.
My mother had been ill in hospital for eight years when a volunteer encouraged her to talk. At first, she didn’t like it, and the volunteer continued encouraging and supporting her. She talked and talked, not at once, but in many different ways. Later, the doctor noticed she was not sad any longer, she smiled and smiled. When she left hospital at the age of 45, she enjoyed herself in our family.
Finally, she got a job as a volunteer in the community center. She even set up a support group so that others could talk and listen. She was much loved and well respected. She lived until she was 82 years old. And she got all this life because someone took the time to listen.
True listening is not only a gift to people around you but also the medicine to help them get out of trouble. It seems like a simple way to change the mood of others and let them express themselves.
1 —a Great Gift
Introduction ●It is a correct way when you don’t know how to help the people in 2 . ●It’s more important than giving some 3 or telling your own story. ●You can listen for five minutes, an hour, or even a 4 night. ●The speaker will be much 5 in thinking while talking.
The 6 of my mother At first ●She was not 7 to talk. ●A volunteer encouraged her and gave her some support.
Later ●She talked in many different ways and became 8 . ●She left hospital and had a great rime at home.
Finally ●She worked as a volunteer in the community center. ●She set up a support group to help people listen and talk. ●She got much 9 and respect from many people.
Conclusion True listening is both a 10 to people around you and the medicine to them.
Listening 2.trouble 3.advice/suggestions 4.whole 5.clearer 6.example
7.willing 8.happy 9.love 10.gift/present
姓名:_________ 日期:___________
Since the novel coronavirus broke out, many families have been told to stay safe inside their homes. This may have been nice at first, but now you are probably in boredom. Here we’ve got some suggestions for you to beat it.
One important thing, of course, is to keep exercising. While it can be tempting(诱人的)to sit down all day, make sure you get up to get your blood flowing. Stretching(拉伸), sit-ups or push-ups are all easy exercises to do at home. You’d better keep up a daily exercise routine. You can even find live-streaming workout(锻炼)classes on the Internet. Remember that you aren’t alone in exercising.
Now it is also the perfect time for you to learn new skills. Coding(编程), drawing, playing new instruments – the options are endless. You can browse(浏览)thousands of videos online to learn anything. Once you master these skills by watching videos without paying for them, you needn’t spend money taking extra classes.
If you don’t trust food delivery during this time, you can try cooking your own food. Don’t ignore(忽视)the happiness of making food for your family alone–it’s a great time to practice preparing a meal for your parents. You can try your hand at folding the perfect dumplings, preparing a variety of meat and vegetables for homemade hot pot, or making use of your oven and baking yourself a pizza or some cookies.
Though the virus outbreak is a serious matter, it’s important to have a sense of humor and stay positive. Some young Internet users even make up something interesting about the special time online. For example, the lack of surgical masks has also produced some interesting innovations(创新)with ways to cover your mouth and nose: fruit, plastic containers and bags have all been used as mask replacements. Some young people even airbrush(修图)masks on WeChat avatars(头像).Seeing pictures of these unique masks is sure to make you laugh and in a good mood.
It’s true that staying at home will lead to boredom sometimes, but it’s also a chance to try new things. You now have more time to do what you were too busy to get started before. What are you waiting for Get to it !
Topic: How to 1 boredom at home
2 Activities you can do
Keep exercising Keep up 3 exercise routines like stretching, sit-ups or push-ups, or taking live-streaming workout classes 4 .
Learn new 5 Learn about coding, drawing, playing new instruments by watching 6 videos on the Internet .
Cook food 7 the happiness of making food for your family such as making dumplings, hot pot, pizza, or cookies.
Stay 8 and positive 9 more, for example, by looking at something funny online.
You can take the special period as a 10 to try something new or do what you didn’t have time to do.
beat 2.Advice/Suggestions/Tips/Ways 3.daily 4.online 5.skills 6.free
7.Enjoy/Experience/Share 8.humorous 9.Laugh 10.chance
姓名:_________ 日期:___________
Giving up studying in China’s top universities is truly surprising. It’s reported that two young people dropped out of Tsinghua University after they found they had no interest in their majors (专业). They took the CEE (college entrance examinations) again. Luckily, they passed the exams and studied new majors in Peking University. Their actions have come under hot discussion among the public.
Supporters praise the two students for being brave enough to chase (追逐) their goals.
1 We shouldn’t blame (责怪) those who are willing to take a risk and take the CEE again. It’s OK for everyone to choose their favourite major for a better career in the future.
2 The two students prove that life is full of changes and possibilities. They set up an example of the power of courage in changing lives.
However, those who are against their actions criticize them for being capricious (任性的).
1 By dropping out after studying for a period of time, the two students have wasted educational resources, which could have been provided for others.
2 The two students were not wise enough to choose their majors when they first applied to go to college. Their actions should be a warning to other young people instead of being followed.
A case leading to 1 Dropping out of China’s top universities is really uncommon. Two young people 2 to give up studying at Tsinghua University simply because their majors weren’t their 3 . They retook the CEE and luckily they got the chance to 4 Peking University to study new majors.
Different 5 .We shouldn’t blame those who are willing to take a risk and retake the exams. Everyone has the 6 to choose their favourite major. . The two students prove that our life is 7 with many changes and possibilities . Their actions can encourage young people to 8 their lives.
. If the two students haven’t dropped out after studying for a period of time, others could have got the educational resources. . The two students didn’t choose their majors 9 enough for the first application. Young people shouldn’t 10 their actions
【答案】1.discussion 2.chose/decided 3.favourite 4.enter 5.ideas
6.right 7.filled 8.change 9.wisely 10.follow
姓名:_________ 日期:___________
World Book Day was set up by the UNESCO in 1995. It is held on 23rd April every year to encourage people of all ages, especially teenagers to enjoy the pleasure of reading.
World Book Day calls on people to turn off the TV, log off the net, put away the video games and enjoy reading.
World Book Day encourages people everywhere to organize their own activities to promote(促进) reading. In a school, students read a page from their favourite book. In a workplace, an after-work book club is held. Old people are encouraged to reread the book that help them in their lives.
Many countries celebrate World Book Day. On that day, millions of school children in the UK can buy books of special price, a much lower price than usual, in any bookstore. It has been done every year since 1998. In China, some libraries provide some special shelves. There the book-lovers can exchange their books and joy by taking others’ books home while offering some of their own. Students are organized to exchange their ideas about reading.
Through the activities on World Book Day, people can see more clearly the importance of reading. Books give us knowledge and help us know more and better about the world around us. Books provide us with inspiration (灵感) so we can have ideas for making or designing things that we didn’t have before.
Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of reading materials can help us to perfect ourselves. So we need to spend time reading not only on World Book Day but every day.
World Book Day
Introduction It is 1 on April 23rd every year and was first set up by UNESCO in 1995. It encourages people of all ages to enjoy the 2 of reading. It also calls on people to read books 3 of watching TV or playing video games.
4 to promote reading Students choose their favourite books to read in a school while workers join book clubs 5 work. Old people can reread the book that help them in their lives. School children buy books at a 6 price than usual on World Book Day in the UK. Book-lovers take others’ books and offer their 7 books to exchange books and joy in some libraries in China. Moreover, students exchange ideas about reading on that day.
Importance of reading Books 8 knowledge for us and help us understand the world better. They give us inspirations to help us make and 9 new things. Different kinds of reading materials can help make us perfect.
Conclusion We need to read on World Book Day. And it is also necessary for us to get into the 10 reading habit.
held 2.pleasure 3.instead 4.Activities 5.after 6.lower 7.own
8.provide 9.design 10.daily/everyday
姓名:_________ 日期:___________
In common with many countries, Britain has serious environmental problems. In 1952, more than 4,000 people died in London because of the smog. The government introduced new laws to stop smog from coal fires and factories and the situation improved a lot.
Today, London is much cleaner but there is a new problem: smog from cars. In December, 1991, there was very little wind in London and pollution increased a lot. As a result, about 160 people died from pollution in just four days.
Part of the problem is the new“out of town” shopping centres. In the past, people often walked to shops near their homes or went by bus. Now many people drive to the new shopping centres. As a result, the small shops have disappeared and more people have to travel to do their shopping. Critics say that Britain needs better and cheaper public transport.
Transport in Britain is very expensive. An early morning train trip from Glasgow to London(about 600 km)can cost about £100, for example. A short 15-minute bus trip can cost over £1. 00.
Many people are trying to reduce the use of cars in Britain. Some cities now have special bicycle paths and many people cycle to work. Some people also travel to work together in one car to reduce the pollution and the cost.
Environmental 1 in Britain
Time Causes 2 Solutions
In the 3 Smog 4 coal fires and factories 5 4,000 people died in 1952 New laws were 6
Today Smog caused by 7 About 160 people 8 in a few days in 1991 *Provide better and 9 public transport. *Build special paths for bicycles. *Travel to work 10 in one car.
problems 2.Results 3.past 4.from 5.over 6.introduced 7.cars
8.died 9.cheaper 10.together
姓名:_________ 日期:___________
Why do children need to read at least 20 minutes a day Read it and you’ll know.
Reading is “brain(大脑)food”. Reading will improve many of the areas of the brain. Your eyes look at the words on the page. Your memory connects the words with what you already know about the story. Reading provides one of the most complex(复杂的)brain activities in life.
Reading improves listening skills. The experience of reading helps children develop good listening skills. Through reading they can know how to pronounce(发音)and learn new words to add to their vocabularies and connect written words to the things in their real world.
Reading prepares children for school. In this way, children are expected to come into school with high scores. There is a strong relationship(关系)between a child’s ability to read and his scores. Because so much of our studying depends on(取决于)our abilities to read, children must have strong reading skills to get good grades in school.
Reading improves relationships in our family. Because we are busy, it is difficult to have one-to-one time with our family member. Spending 20 minutes reading together each day provides this important time. There is nothing more wonderful than having the whole family together while reading wonderful books.
根据短文内容, 完成下面的表格。
The 1 for reading books
Reading is “brain 2 ” Reading will make many of the areas of the brain 3 . Reading provides one of the most complex brain activities in 4 ·
Reading improves 5 skills You can learn pronunciation and vocabulary.
Reading gets children 6 for school Your score also depends on your 7 ability. Reading can help children study 8 at school.
Reading improves relationships in our family Getting together is not 9 for family members because we are busy. So it’s important to 0 20 minutes reading with family members every day.
reasons 2.food 3.better/improved 4.life 5.listening 6.ready
7.reading 8.well 9.easy 10.spend




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